
=== HazRPG1 is now known as HazRPG
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
MooDoohello all08:44
dwatkinshi MooDoo08:44
dwatkinsHooray! I finally have a rooted Android phone :D09:01
MartijnVdSor should I say09:04
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
SuprEngr"Stephen Fry (2 minutes ago from Twitter for Mac) Ooh - a new Ubuntu distro. 11.10 - what larks."09:28
SuprEngr[Good on ya, Mr. Fry]09:29
gordonjcpSuprEngr: it is entirely possible that he has been working in some remote part of the world and has not had time to check Ubuntu-y things for a month09:44
SuprEngr[he's probably looking for something "quite interesting" ;)09:47
* MartijnVdS usually likes stackoverflow.. but for some reason it's being overrun by people who can't read09:49
Myrttiwell that was anticlimactic10:18
MyrttiI just unplugged my router from the phoneline and made it into a dumb access point just so I can use my old modem as a modem10:19
Myrttiall the connection problems are gone.10:19
Myrttihow disappointing.10:19
MartijnVdSYou like connection problems?10:19
Myrttino, I like saving money10:19
MyrttiI paid for that router that ended up being crappy10:19
Myrttithe old one I didn't pay for10:20
MartijnVdSthat's annoying10:20
MartijnVdSHowever.. it's good that it works now!10:20
MyrttiI suppose I should be happy for my n-connectivity on wifi now10:20
MyrttiI just have a feeling I could've gotten that cheaper10:20
MartijnVdSMyrtti: my DSL modem has gigabit ports.. but if I connect my gigabit switch I get >50% packet loss10:21
MartijnVdSdo now I have DSL modem -> 100mbit switch -> gigabit switch -> rest of network10:21
MartijnVdSpopey: \o10:21
czajkowskichrisjrob: welcome10:22
AlanBellmorning all10:28
popey minecraft 1.0 is finally here10:37
MartijnVdSoh noes10:37
AlanBellwhat platform would you use to build a simple like button or +1 service10:40
AlanBellso a button you could put on any website page that anyone could press to say "I like this"10:40
MartijnVdSAlanBell: what do you mean? your own g+/fb competitor?10:40
AlanBellwhich would report back to a central server which might do a leaderboard of most liked stuff or something10:41
AlanBellMartijnVdS: yes, but just the +1 button10:41
AlanBellit will actually be the "hug" button10:41
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:41
MartijnVdSAlanBell: that would be a small web app.. simple database.. spam protection would be the hardest part10:42
MartijnVdSAlanBell: you could run that on any web host you like10:42
AlanBellI can host it easily enough10:42
MartijnVdSI'd go for django then10:42
MartijnVdSit's python, which is +110:42
MartijnVdSit's easy to learn, also +110:43
MartijnVdSand it comes with built-in database viewing tools, +110:43
AlanBelldjango is good, yes10:43
* AlanBell has the givehugs.net domain10:43
popeyyou should have got givehu.gs10:44
* SuprEngr frantically registers takehugsback.net ;)10:44
* popey registers stabbystabbystabstab.net10:45
MartijnVdSpopey: you want to make a -1 service, "stabs"?10:45
popeyyeah, its totally the opposite of hugs isnt it?10:45
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: akismet10:45
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: yes, but still. Spam--10:46
AlanBellsomeone has squatted givehu.gs10:46
* AlanBell checks variations10:46
AlanBellbighu.gs is available for $34.9910:47
AlanBelllots of variations available great-big-hu.gs10:48
mattthaha, nice10:51
ali1234hey azelphur, do you want an easy 300 rep on askubuntu?10:52
Pr0ph3thi all10:52
AlanBellcuddl/huggl/snuggl .es are all taken10:52
AlanBellanyhow, I have a starting domain, can add a .gs later10:53
Pr0ph3tdo you have a link to a good guide I could use to connect through ssh to my ubuntu from Android?10:53
Pr0ph3tsomething which you've used perhaps?10:54
AlanBellPr0ph3t: irssi connectbot10:56
AlanBellin the marketplace10:56
AlanBellyou can set up key based authentication with it too10:57
AlanBellI wonder if I can do something rather fun with the etherpad lite libraries and givehugs10:59
chrisjrobmorning czajkowski11:00
Pr0ph3tthank you AlanBell11:02
MooDooyou should be thanking him tomorrow ;)11:04
Pr0ph3tis there also a guide on how to setup the ssh server on my ubuntu machine11:05
AlanBellsudo apt-get install ssh11:05
MooDooAlanBell: ubuntu community appreciation day :)11:05
AlanBelloh that!11:05
MartijnVdS"U CAD"?11:05
MooDooor https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UCADay11:06
MartijnVdSMooDoo: CAD? "an ill-bred man, especially one who behaves in a dishonorable or irresponsible way toward women."11:06
ali1234i would just like to say that, as a contributor, a pat on the head is not what i am looking for11:06
* AlanBell pats ali1234 on the head11:07
MooDooali1234: stuff you then ;)11:07
AlanBellali1234: yeah, I don't get it either11:07
MooDoooh it's just nice, come on11:07
AlanBelldon't worry, I am not going to get all bah humbug and argue against it11:08
ali1234did anyone actually read that post by arjan on g+?11:09
MartijnVdSMooDoo: it's just that lots of people don't need to be told they're doing good work all the time11:10
MartijnVdSMooDoo: and some people are even put off by it11:10
* mattt has a very strong dislike for estate agents11:10
MartijnVdSwhich Arjan?11:10
ali1234what i want to hear right now is not "thanks for all your contributions" it is "this is how we are going to improve ubuntu for people with for than 5 seconds experience using a compouter"11:11
AlanBellArjan van de Ven's profile photo11:11
AlanBellArjan van de Ven11:11
ali1234MartijnVdS: arjan van de ven from intel and meego/probably tizen now11:11
MooDoook ok then, you all suck. :)11:12
matttoh cool, opsview are based in reading11:12
czajkowskimeh every day should be appreciation not just one day11:12
MooDoowow is this negative day today?11:13
matttczajkowski: we're not parents11:13
czajkowskimattt: what has that got to do with it ?11:13
ali1234i dunno about any one else but i'm like this all the time11:13
matttali1234: me too11:13
* mattt blames the economy11:13
matttczajkowski: relax, it was a joke11:13
czajkowskimattt: no it made no sense hence I was asking what it had to do with it11:14
czajkowskiam nice and relaxed with a cuppa tea on the couch11:14
* AlanBell is a parent11:14
* MooDoo is at work, so you lot suck11:14
* AlanBell wonders who the sucker is really11:15
matttczajkowski: it was a silly comment, had no depth to it :)11:15
MooDooali1234: :p11:15
MooDooAlanBell: :p11:15
* AlanBell heads out to pick up http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190601857479&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:GB:112311:19
AlanBellgot it for eldest daughter11:19
AlanBellshe doesn't like justin beiber so can have a loud one11:21
matttAlanBell: you say that now, until she discovers techno11:23
matttor even worse, dubstep :(11:24
* mattt sheds a tear for AlanBell11:24
MartijnVdSheh I have a similar system :)11:25
brobostigon:( bbc have ditched click again, on bbc news.11:39
Pr0ph3tbody crisis! *shakes his fist angrily*11:43
MooDoobrobostigon: again?  why this time?12:09
MooDoobrobostigon: it's still available to watch on the bbc site12:09
brobostigonMooDoo: yes, i know, but i had it bookmarker and wanted to watch it, then, so alittle dissappointed as i have shopping etc to do this afternoon after lunch.12:11
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
dwatkinsstupid BBC, they're turning into Fox12:38
dwatkinsThey'll be canning Doctor Who and turning it into an awful film next :(12:38
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
BigRedSPeople who use several different Firefox themes: how do you tell which is which?13:06
BigRedSI'm just poking around for themes/extensions to help with this, but I'd rather not need to install them in each profile13:06
ali1234... they look different?13:06
BigRedSer, s/themes/profiles/ in the first line :)13:06
* AlanBell has a noisier house now13:15
AlanBellstill a place or two left for the christmas meal13:15
BigRedSAh! Using 'Firefox', 'Nightly' and 'Iceweasel' sort-of works13:16
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
SuprEngroops, need help here: 3 mobile dongle will *not* allow conxn with 11.10 - all other Ubuntus fine except 11.1014:35
SuprEngr[and confusingly, it's ok on Acer netbook's 11.10!]14:36
SuprEngr...don't know where to start to diagnose &/orget info to report bug14:36
BigRedSSuprEngr: it'd be worth seeing what it's seen as in lsusb14:38
BigRedSdoes it show up at all when plugged in?14:38
SuprEngrBigRedS, pastebin was ready to go... will do14:39
BigRedSso you can see that it's there and should be able to connect, but it can't, or you plug it in and it's as if it's not plugged in?14:39
BigRedSI'll probably not be much use, though, I'm afraid14:40
SuprEngrBigRedS, and yes it does... starts with "you are now reigstered on the home network"... and then follows with "modem connection disconnected"14:40
SuprEngr[now doing lsusb]14:40
SuprEngrBigRedS, http://paste.ubuntu.com/743260/14:42
BigRedSAh, so it sees it properly, just can't use it14:45
SuprEngrBigRedS, yup -spot on... I would put it down to a kernel bug in this release *if* the netbook had probs as well -it doesn't14:47
BigRedSall I can think of is to check you're using the same modules for it, and any relevant config14:48
BigRedSbut I;ve no idea where/what that config is14:48
SuprEngr[first thought was "ah... banshee again [11.04 Banshee used to kill the connection as soon as Banshee started] so I removed Banshee & put Rythymbox on instead -no difference14:49
SuprEngrBigRedS, thanks for the thoughts anyway14:51
elz89SuprEngr: take a look at blacklisted hardware, it could be a simple case of removing the offending black mark.14:55
elz89I seem to remember this being the case for a few 'broadcom' devices I have set up recently.14:56
SuprEngrelz89, thanks... now doing15:00
riaz123hi, greetings to all15:01
jacobwhey riaz123 :)15:02
riaz123dear jacobw: I have a problem can you please help me to solve that15:02
lubotu3`Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:03
MartijnVdScool: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=95697723279315:04
riaz123actually i was inslatting ubuntu 11.10 and the files were fully downloaded from the internt but, after that my system suddenly shut down due to power problem then after that when I started the system, my previous version was also not running. Now what should i do?15:05
SuprEngrelz89, nope, nothing found [that lookks relevant] in any modprobe file15:08
jacobwMartijnVdS: why does chrome do that?!15:08
elz89SuprEngr: google is your friend, I can't remember off hand where the files are for blacklisted hardware.15:09
SuprEngrelz89, me go hunt ;)15:10
jacobwriaz123: without knowing exactly how far the installer got, its hard to know where to start with recovering the install15:10
jacobwriaz123: a new install would take much less time15:10
riaz123jacobw: actually some packages were probably installed because when I start the system I get a welcome (Login) screen but it does not provide TEXT FIELD to enter password15:11
jacobwriaz123: are you aware than you can't see your password as *s as you type it?15:13
riaz123jacobw can I update the previous install, because actually I had some data in previous version and I want to recover that (dont want to loose that) and for new install I dont have that much free hard disk space15:14
jacobwriaz123: also, the install may well have not created a sudoer with a set password15:14
jacobwriaz123: was the previous install all on one partition?15:15
riaz123yes jacobw15:15
jacobwriaz123: the installer won't have destroyed anything in /home15:16
riaz123ok jacobw: then can I recover from there?15:16
jacobwriaz123: yes15:17
riaz123how? what to do?15:17
jacobwriaz123: when you tried to reinstall, did you choose upgrade?15:17
riaz123yes jacobwan:15:18
riaz123jacobwan: I can still use the terminal15:18
riaz123and can login from terminal15:18
jacobwriaz123: ok, do `cat /etc/issue`15:19
riaz123jacobwan: from root?15:19
jacobwfrom anywhere15:20
riaz123Yes jacobwan: when I entered this command I got "Ubuntu 11.04 \n\l"15:21
jacobwok, and 11.04 is what you were upgrading from?15:21
riaz123yes jacobw:15:21
jacobwok, boot the installer and choose upgrade again15:24
riaz123jacobw: can you please explain15:25
jacobwdid you use the installer to upgrade or di you upgrade from the installation?15:25
jacobwi.e. did you use a live cd or usb, or did you use update manager?15:26
riaz123jacobw: I upraded from UPDATE MANAGER15:26
jacobwok, does `ping gb.archive.ubuntu.com` work?15:27
riaz123jacobw: yes15:29
jacobwexcellent :)15:29
jacobwdo `do-release-upgrade` and follow its prompts15:29
jacobwit will upgrade you to the current release15:29
riaz123yes jacobw: it is getting files15:30
jacobwit'll ask a lot of questions, accept the default answers15:31
SuprEngrto those who offered help BigRedS, elz89 ;)  solved - not from google or modprobe - any SuprEngr Rule 1 - "what's the difference between what does work and what doesn't work"?15:32
SuprEngrnetbook has inbuilt wifi - main pooter uses a doinle15:32
SuprEngrpull the dongle - eh voila, £ dongle is what I'm now talking to yawlz with15:33
jacobwthat doesn't sound like a solution :p15:33
SuprEngr...if it stops a boat sinking - it's a solution, if it stops a car crashing - that's also a solution... idf darn 3 dongle is in conflicyt with wifi dongle & only 1 is needed at a time - *that works*15:35
SuprEngr...now I can do diagnosise and report as bug as & whwn needed -  smug grin ;)15:36
SuprEngr&damn these injured fingers - sorry about spelling15:37
MartijnVdSSuprEngr: injured fingers?15:38
SuprEngrjacobw, joys of being a SuperEngineer! - see.. spelling ok when typed slowly ;)15:38
MartijnVdShe's an engineer, probably some bridge fell on his fingers or something ;)15:40
SuprEngr...end result of all this is: I can connect when wifi dies. It now makes 11.10 [and therefore 12.04] a viable option - smiles all round15:40
jacobwMartijnVdS: i hate it when that happens :p15:40
SuprEngrMartijnVdS, not a bridge - an ATM15:41
SuprEngr[felt like a bridge tho :D15:41
MartijnVdSSuprEngr: ah, you're one of those people that take ATMs out of walls using heavy equipment ;)15:41
MartijnVdSSuprEngr: at night?15:41
MartijnVdSSuprEngr: when nobody's watching15:42
SuprEngrI soplve the probs after some nasty has done just that!15:42
SuprEngr...or tried ;)15:42
MartijnVdS"ram raiding"15:42
SuprEngrhey no beastiality involved15:43
SuprEngrbut hmmm15:43
* MartijnVdS decides it's time for some cleaning15:43
SuprEngrMartijnVdS, what - do the sheep make a mess then?15:45
MartijnVdSSuprEngr: I'm Dutch not Welsh15:46
SuprEngrMartijnVdS, ;)15:46
* SuprEngr logs off to switch back to wlan15:48
jutnuxWow Linux Mint is loking nice.16:55
dwatkinsI can see why people are switching, what with its slick interface and not having Unity.16:57
jutnuxI might stay on the Mint bandwagon, will have to try out 12.04 though.16:57
jutnuxUbuntu 12.04 that is.16:57
jutnuxAnyone ever used an Archos 101 tablet?17:00
monsterwizardlol mint17:04
Myrttiarchos 101?17:08
* Myrtti googles17:08
jutnuxMyrtti: An Android tablet ;)17:08
jutnuxCheap, but will do the job.17:09
* popey is getting impatient, want my asus transformer to arrive17:14
MartijnVdSpopey: maybe it already has, but it's in disguise17:14
MartijnVdSpopey: Is there a car you don't know parked nearby?17:15
dwatkins"more than eats the pie"17:16
popeyalso impatient waiting for my ac100!17:16
* popey is going all arm17:16
MartijnVdSpopey: BUY ALL THE ARMS17:17
MartijnVdSpopey: so.. arms dealer?17:17
jutnuxIs the AC100 a smartbook?17:17
popeydefine smartbook ☺17:19
popeyits a laptop with an arm based cpu17:19
popeycomes with android but can be made to run Ubuntu17:19
jutnuxI guess you're going to be doing that/ :P17:19
* MartijnVdS waits for a Galaxy Nexus from clove.co.uk17:19
MartijnVdSthey say they'll ship the 23rd17:20
MartijnVdSspeaking of arm devices :)17:20
* jutnux more importantly waits for tea.17:20
* MartijnVdS has green tea17:20
* jutnux meant the food tea, but has the usual tea tea also.17:20
* MooDoo waits for 5:30 so he can go home17:20
MartijnVdSMooDoo: you were thrown out for the day?17:21
dwatkinsWorking at weekends sucks.17:21
MooDooMartijnVdS: what dwatkins said, working weekend17:22
BigRedSAre IDE drives /dev/sd? in newer kernels?18:12
BigRedSbah. People keep making my job harder.18:13
* BigRedS wanders off down /sys for a bit18:14
MartijnVdSwhat's the problem?18:14
BigRedSI need to replace a drive and I'm not sure whethere I want an IDE or a sata one18:15
MartijnVdSyou want sata18:15
BigRedSbut there's nothing oin /sys/bus/ide/devices and there are things in /dev/sys/bus/scsi, so I think it's sata18:15
BigRedSyeah, I don't know if the motherboard does18:15
BigRedSwell, didn't18:15
popeysmart will tell you18:15
MartijnVdSBigRedS: lspci :)18:15
MartijnVdSpopey: hdparm will as well right?18:15
popeysmartctl in fact will give you the model number18:15
popeydisk utility18:16
popeythat ☺18:16
BigRedShaha, ok, so there's millions of ways :)18:16
MartijnVdSBigRedS: BAJILLIONS18:16
popey\o/ bajillions18:16
BigRedSbut I *liked* just lsing in /dev18:16
penguin42BigRedS: I suggest a screwdriver18:16
popeyjust go to /dev/disk/by-id18:16
popeyor by-uuid or whatever18:16
popeythe model number is in the folder name18:16
BigRedSpenguin42: but I need to get up to do that18:17
daubersJust been to the first official kinda hack stuff meet at the Reading hackspace18:27
daubersCnC mills rock18:27
* penguin42 gave a talk on ssh at ManLUG18:29
funkyHatpenguin42: did you mention awesome things like agent forwarding?18:30
penguin42funkyHat: No, I skipped agent forwarding; I did mention use of the agent, and various bits of port forwarding, key setup and the like18:31
funkyHatWhat I would like actually is a way to reattach a forwarded agent to stuff running in screen after reconnecting to a remote host. I think that might be wishful thinking though18:32
penguin42you've got to be pretty careful with agent forwarding though18:33
funkyHatOf course, I have it disabled by default and enabled for hosts that I own18:33
shaunocould be interesting for a few in here - the next round of stanford online courses have added a crypto one - http://www.crypto-class.org/18:45
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
* daubers sticks on some star trek and does some codeing19:13
jutnuxStar Trek? :P19:17
jutnuxTHe movie was good, don't know about the TV shows though.19:17
* brobostigon keeps his moth shut, he is a memory alpha editor.19:18
daubersjutnux: This is one of the movies19:20
daubersStar Trek VI19:20
brobostigon :)19:21
brobostigonthe last ST film.19:22
daubersAh, I'm watching the Undiscovered Country. Been slowly going through them recently19:23
AlanBellthink I am going to try some music stuff19:28
daubersmusic stuff?19:29
AlanBellyes, I have a cupboard of CDs that I used to listen to19:29
* Seeker` loves the irony of simon pegg being in the 11th ST film19:30
AlanBellso I stick CDs in, import them to banshee and I can play them on all the computers in the house somehow right?19:30
dauberssomehow :)19:33
GreenDanceEvening All19:34
AlanBellI have only used banshee a couple of times, both when I clicked an ogg file of a podcast or UDS session and a minute later it started, then chewed up all processor cores and sent my laptop into thermal overload19:34
GreenDancedoes anyone know the name of the package that contains the ubuntu wallpaper19:34
AlanBellit has some making up to do19:35
GreenDancei can't seem to find the right package that has the current default wallpaper in19:35
AlanBelldpkg --search warty-final-ubuntu.png19:36
AlanBellubuntu-wallpapers: /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png19:36
AlanBelland it isn't a png it is a jpg19:36
AlanBellthe exension is a lie19:36
AlanBellas is the warty bit really19:37
* AlanBell listens to pulp19:37
GreenDanceAlanBell: I'm trying to find the package though Alan, please19:38
GreenDance@ http://packages.ubuntu.com/19:38
AlanBellas I did point out :)19:38
AlanBell!info ubuntu-wallpapers19:38
lubotu3`ubuntu-wallpapers (source: ubuntu-wallpapers): Ubuntu Wallpapers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.31.10 (natty), package size 3028 kB, installed size 3472 kB19:39
AlanBelldpkg --search will go find what package a file on your system came from19:39
GreenDanceAlanBell: I installed that package, but the wallpaper looks a bit different from the one that's on the default cd-rom19:39
AlanBellum, back up a bit, why wasn't that already installed?19:40
GreenDanceBecause I'm running a minimal install19:40
GreenDanceThe wallpaper I can see is purple, but like a different design from the one on the ubuntu cd-rom19:41
AlanBell11.04 and 11.10 were only slightly different19:42
GreenDanceyou know what it is19:43
GreenDanceit's because i'm running the 10.0419:43
GreenDanceand as you say the wallpaper in 11.04 is different19:43
GreenDanceby bad19:43
GreenDanceThanks AlanBell19:43
AlanBellStalking_Ocelot_by_Sayantan_Chaudhuri.jpg is better than the 11.10 default19:44
AlanBellin fact the default ones have not been as good as the optional ones since Hardy19:45
AlanBellso what is a DAAP server? (in banshee)19:49
GreenDanceI have no idea, sorry19:49
mgdmAlanBell: it's the network music sharing thing used by iTunes19:49
AlanBellso do I need to set up a DAAP server?19:51
AlanBellor can one banshee be a daap server to another?19:51
GreenDanceAlanBell: I've found a bug, it might be in Ubuntu, but I'm not sure, for people who have a host machine of Windows 7, install the latest Virtual Box, and Install Ubuntu 11.10 Minimal, Ubuntu 11.10 Minimal Installs fine, but won't boot, just hangs with a blue or black screen inside Virtual Box.19:51
mgdmAlanBell: Rhythmbox serves and receives DAAP, I presume Banshee will be similar19:52
mgdmAlanBell: just switch on two Banshees and each should see the other19:52
Seeker`:O I spy a mgdm19:52
mgdmello :)19:52
GreenDanceHi mgdm19:52
AlanBellmgdm: they don't appear to be seeing each other19:53
mgdmAlanBell: are they on the same network subnet?19:53
GreenDance@AlanBell: I contacted the Virtual Box team, and they said it's not Virtual Box at fault.19:53
AlanBellyes, I do have some problems with .local resolving though19:53
AlanBellGreenDance: what is the link to the minimal install you are doing?19:54
AlanBellI don't have windows, but I can try it in virtualbox on Ubuntu19:54
AlanBelldownload complete19:55
AlanBellI love my broadband19:55
AlanBellGreenDance: you set up the VM as ubuntu 64 bit right?19:56
AlanBellinstalling now19:57
AlanBellmgdm: do I have to set any preference somewhere to make the sharing magic turn on?20:00
AlanBellGreenDance: I have a debootstrap warning about libselinux1 which is not good20:02
AlanBellfailing all over the place20:02
GreenDanceAlanBell: I've not had that problem20:03
GreenDanceAlanBell: It installs for me, but won't boot20:03
AlanBellmd5sum matches20:04
GreenDanceAlanBell: so for you it won't even install?20:04
* AlanBell tries again20:04
* GreenDance wishes AlanBell good luck.20:05
mgdmAlanBell: I don't use Banshee so I've no idea20:05
mgdmAlanBell: I would, however, presume so20:05
* AlanBell wonders if it is a Laney or directhex question20:05
AlanBellotherwise my Katie Melua will be trapped on one computer20:06
mgdmit's a plugin in RB which you have to enable20:06
AlanBellhttp://www.sehofstede.nl/banshee-14-with-daap-music-sharing they removed the daap server20:08
AlanBellthat is sub optimal20:09
AlanBellGreenDance: same errors20:10
AlanBellcan't install it20:11
GreenDanceso there's another bug somewhere by the sounds of it20:12
GreenDanceI don't know what would be causing that20:13
AlanBellno, it is very odd20:13
bigcalmAlanBell: hello!20:15
bigcalmAlanBell: who do I give my allergy information to?20:15
AlanBelloh crikey!20:21
AlanBellI will pass it on20:21
bigcalmThank you :)20:22
bigcalmI'd rather not have anaphylactic shock in the dark ;)20:22
bigcalmSpinach is a BIG no no20:23
AlanBellsabdfl was telling me how he went there and they mistook "allergic to shellfish" for "extra shrimp please"20:23
bigcalmWhich is a bugger20:23
bigcalmOh no :(20:23
bigcalmYeah, muscles will make me heave as well20:23
bigcalmAye, them ones20:24
bigcalmI likes cooked muscle20:24
* Myrtti makes a tick in her calendar20:24
bigcalmMyrtti: correcting people's typos?20:24
Myrttibigcalm: I do confess I do smile every time I correct a native20:25
MyrttiIt may be a telling sign of how much amusement I've got in my life at times20:26
bigcalmMyrtti: it's usual for non-natives to have a better knowledge of the language. At least a technical knowledge20:27
Myrttibigcalm: in this case I just wondered why muscles would make you heave20:28
Myrttiother than them being your own20:28
bigcalmEnglish is a minefield of different spellings having the same sound but meaning different things. As well as same spellings meaning different things depending upon context20:29
bigcalmTake the lead20:29
bigcalmAm I inviting you to some Pb or to show me the way?20:29
Myrttitalking of allergies and other food ... disabilities20:30
MyrttiI cooked celery today20:30
bigcalmGood in veggy soup20:30
MyrttiI get a headache from smelling fresh celery and migraine from eating it20:31
Myrttithe lentil stew I used it in for mirepoix was nice tho20:31
bigcalmCannabis does that to me :(20:31
GreenDanceAlanBell: I've tried it again on my setup, it installs for me, but will not boot.20:37
GreenDanceAlanBell: I wonder what would have changed from 10.04 to 11.1020:40
AlanBelltangerine isn't opening a daap TCP port on 3689 for me20:41
GreenDanceyikes, looking at wikipedia, theres 53 third-party distro's based on ubuntu20:45
* BigRedS wonders if that genuinely is solving 53 different problems20:48
* BigRedS should probably be less cynical20:48
AlanBellwell tangerine does not appear to work20:51
directhexthe file plugin ought to work20:53
AlanBellis that something to install? I can't see it in banshee preferences20:54
AlanBellor do you mean pointing tangerine at the Music folder?20:55
AlanBellthat does not appear to work either20:55
AlanBellah, got something working locally now20:59
daubersI do enjoy star trek :)21:03
AlanBellit can't connect to itself over localhost, but it does locally discover itself21:03
AlanBelland telling it to stop sharing just doesn't21:05
directhexit's not listening on localhost, it's listening on your mdns IP21:05
AlanBellsurely people who listen to music get this stuff set up?21:05
* daubers just keeps his music on shared storage21:06
* BigRedS paid to make it somebody else's problem21:07
directhexconnecting to a daap share that isn't autodiscovered is a fool's errand. it's pretty much designed not to work like that21:07
directhexbecause teh apples want it to be super easy21:07
directhexand it's their spec21:07
AlanBellooh, something has happened21:08
Myrttimpd ♥21:09
AlanBellgreat, I now have the ability to stream UDS session recordings from my laptop to the one I want to use as a media server21:09
daubersI have considered just feeding all of my suff to a dnla server and letting that sort it out21:10
AlanBellyay, it works \o/21:11
AlanBellthat was weird21:11
MyrttiI just realised I can free up space from my phone's memory card for more audiobooks now that I'm halfway uploading my music to Google Music by deleting music21:13
Myrttialthough I suppose I could have done that earlier with using Spotify and all21:14
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
GreenDanceI'm watching PickTV (formally Sky3) there's a police programme on, some police force is still using Windows 2000, that's shocking.21:17
brobostigon!info rar21:18
lubotu3`rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:4.0.b3-1 (natty), package size 554 kB, installed size 1188 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)21:18
AlanBelljpds needs to tweak the lubotus into oneiric mode21:19
brobostigoni was looking for debian sid package. :)21:20
GreenDanceHi brobostigon  :)21:21
brobostigonhi GreenDance21:21
brobostigon! rar unstable21:21
brobostigon!info rar unstable21:21
lubotu3`rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component non-free, is optional. Version 2:4.0.b3-1 (unstable), package size 555 kB, installed size 1180 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)21:22
GreenDance!info schools21:22
lubotu3`Package schools does not exist in natty21:22
brobostigonwin 1921:22
AlanBellfail 2021:22
GreenDance!info edubuntu21:22
lubotu3`Package edubuntu does not exist in natty21:22
AlanBell!info edubuntu-desktop21:23
lubotu3`edubuntu-desktop (source: edubuntu-meta): educational desktop for Ubuntu. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.90 (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 48 kB21:23
AlanBellit is a metapackage21:23
brobostigonquestion, why is rar under non-free in debian? i thought it was an open algorithem.21:24
MartijnVdSyes but the rar tool itself is non-free21:25
MartijnVdSthere's unrar-free - Unarchiver for .rar files21:25
brobostigonah, i see.21:25
MartijnVdS\oi/ .tar.xz btw ;)21:26
brobostigonso it is a dfsg version of that non-free rar tool.21:26
MartijnVdSjust the unrar bits21:26
GreenDancequestion, the default display drivers in ubuntu, are they "free software"?21:27
brobostigon!info unrar-free unstable21:27
lubotu3`unrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (unstable), package size 20 kB, installed size 104 kB21:27
AlanBellthere are things that make it easy to install the non-free drivers21:27
AlanBelldirecthex: any idea if there is a way to get tangerine to scan for new tracks without killing the daemon and restarting?21:29
GreenDancedoes the linux kernel contain non-free things in?21:29
MartijnVdSonly if you put them there (nvidia, ati drivers, some bits of firmware from all kinds of hardware)21:29
BigRedSthat depends a little bit on your definitions of 'free' and 'kernel', but generally no21:29
* GreenDance learns :)21:30
BigRedSI've seen definitions bent out of the norm to argue that it does, but by all definitions that don't exist entirely to argue that it's non-free, it's completely free.21:30
AlanBellif you add non-free stuff it taints the kernel (sets a taint flag in it)21:31
penguin42GreenDance: There are interesting questions about firmware blobs, but they are now pretty seprate from the kernel21:32
AlanBelllistening to two things at once makes a surprising amount of sense to me21:38
BigRedSis there a dotdeb equivalent for ubuntu? I want php 5.3 on Lucid22:00
AlanBellppa is I guess the equivalent22:00
BigRedSoh yeah22:00
* BigRedS is having a simple day today22:00
AlanBelldunno if there is one for that22:01
* AlanBell is enjoying the open source procurement thread on the list22:01
BigRedSAh, I'm tempted to just see if the php5.3-on-lenny dotdeb repo breaks things on lucid. I'd image it'd be fine22:01
BigRedSAh yeah. Handy distraction from work :)22:05
DJonesBigRedS: Does this help https://launchpad.net/~zulcss/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid22:08
BigRedSDJones: yeah, ta. Just trying to find one by someone with an @canonical.com address - customer distrusts things which aren't companies22:10
BigRedS(except debian, but I suspect that's because nobody has told him)22:10
DJonesI think that one was a canonical address22:10
BigRedSyeah, it does :)22:11
DJonesJust found this as well22:11
AlanBellBigRedS: that is Chuck22:11
BigRedSDJones: oh!22:11
BigRedShm, I'll clean up this apt configuration a bit first and see what's what22:11
DJonesThat packages.ubuntu version would suggestthat 5.3 is in the security repo22:12
BigRedSThere's a bunch of pinning to karmic, and all that's failing now. I'd not thought to recheck the lucid repos22:12
AlanBellBigRedS: http://planet.ubuntu.com/ see all those odd pictures with the bloke in a blue tshirt gimped onto various locations?22:15
AlanBellthat is zulcss22:15
AlanBellhope your customer likes that22:15
mgdmwhut le eff22:16
BigRedSAh. I might not show him that22:16
AlanBellI have no comprehension of the meaning of the meme22:16
BigRedSyeah, once I removed all the pinning bodges, suddenly I can have 5.3 straight outta the repos. Ta DJones !22:18
* mgdm is poking at a PHP library22:20
AlanBelldoesn't appear to be any parental controls or age restriction stuff in the daap protocol22:22
* mgdm watches PECL 'upgrade' a PHP extension22:23
mgdmexcept I know for a fact taht the version it's installing is older, because I wrote the ext, and it's just blatted the compiled-from-git one :)22:23
GreenDanceAlanBell: is there a command line command to set backgrouns?22:25
BigRedSmgdm: I'm not sure you've really got cause for complaint there :)22:25
AlanBellGreenDance: probably, but I don't know what it is22:26
BigRedSGreenDance: I'd imagine gconftool can do it22:28
BigRedSThat seems to be the tool to turn to if you want to interfere with Gnome's settings from the command line22:28
shaunoit appears to be gsettings for things which are gnome3-based22:29
shaunoeg, gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:///path/to/mybackground.jpg22:29
GreenDanceThank You22:30
shauno(can't promise that works, I haven't tried lately)22:30
GreenDanceit's gconftool :)22:38
GreenDanceHey, I've installed network-manager-gnome but it didn't appear in the gnome panel, does anyone know why please?23:09
AlanBellare you using gnome panel or the unity indicator bar23:10
brobostigon!info nm-applet23:11
lubotu3`Package nm-applet does not exist in natty23:11
GreenDanceAlanBell: gnome-panel23:11
AlanBellnm-applet is in network-manager-gnome23:12
AlanBellhave you run nm-applet?23:12
GreenDancehow do i run that please?23:12
AlanBellnm-applet &23:12
brobostigonalt + f323:13
brobostigonalt + f223:13
brobostigonthe latter.23:13
GreenDancenothing happens :(23:14
brobostigonrun nm-applet from terminal see what happens.23:14
GreenDancenm-applet is already running, warning constructor couldnt initalize the d-bus manager23:16
AlanBellsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:17
AlanBellthat will fix it :)23:17
brobostigonAlanBell: may i ask, under what presumption? how will that metapackage fix it? ie, will it simply think somthing is missing and replace it? which is what it would dpo.23:18
AlanBellbrobostigon: GreenDance is starting from the minimal iso and appears to be putting a desktop together bit by bit23:19
brobostigonAlanBell: ah, so yes, things would be missing, i must have missed that, sorry.23:19
AlanBellGreenDance: I would try killing the running nm-applet and running it again, if you just want that running23:20
BigRedSHm. OO.o forum move, 200K posts and 45K users23:48
BigRedS4 posts per user?23:48
AlanBelllots of lurkers23:49
AlanBelllots and lots of single posters23:49
BigRedSyeah, I suppose. Just seems really low23:50
BigRedSand, probably, they've taken all the users but only the last N years of posts23:50
AlanBellit does, not sure how it compares to other forums23:50
brobostigonit is certainly weird the result you get if you google my nick.23:51
BigRedSthe only forum I'm a member of has 955 posts per member over four years or so. But it's probably an unusually small community23:51
* GreenDance loves linux :)23:53
* brobostigon loves BeOS and haiku :)23:54
GreenDancebrobostigon: a metapackage forces another package to install, can i break the link, as when i try to uninstall the other package it wants to also remove the first metapackage23:56
brobostigonGreenDance: in theory yes, if you try to remove something that is wihtin said metapackage it will try and remove the whole thing.23:57
AlanBellerr, no23:58
AlanBellit will remove the metapackage23:58
AlanBellbut not all the other bits of it23:58
brobostigonthat was my understanding, i have never tried.23:58
brobostigoni was partly right.23:58

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