
BlazeixI don't really see a problem with introducing a second element for sizing, it'd be dynamically generated by the plugin.01:16
Blazeixif you really don't like that i suppose you could also estimate character width and try to calculate # of lines based on textarea width01:17
Blazeixadjusting for newlines01:17
Blazeixbut i'm not sure that's any better than just shrinking the textarea and then readjusting01:18
rick_h_Blazeix: yea, it's because I'm strapping on top of existing ui01:39
rick_h_so doing a lot of dom stuff to build that up isn't practical01:40
rick_h_right now I'm not breaking any other css, js, etc hook points on there01:40
rick_h_though you do point out one other issue and that's if you remove few characters, but lots of newlines, it'll jump. So you'd want to count both character diffs and new lines in the diff I suppose to be accurate01:41
rick_h_hmm, maybe I could just create a sizing box off the page and not need to wrap it within the textarea container01:45
Blazeixthe bookie superbly tag field does something like that01:49
rick_h_http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/jquery-plugin-autoresize/ is really nice01:56
rick_h_I think I can steal this idea, clone the node, shove it off screen, calc there and then the animation is a nice touch01:57
rick_h_only thing will be dealing with really large blocks of content, but deal with that when I hit that much content01:57
rick_h_anyway, time to hang it up for the night. Thanks Blazeix01:59
rick_h_lol, doh! I ordered the tom bihn backback one day too late01:59
rick_h_ETA is the monday after I fly out02:00
rick_h_stupid holiday, 11 day ups ground trip02:00
_stink_might be a long shot, but does anyone here have experience with a java decompiler?14:21
snap-l_stink_: only in passing.14:38
snap-lHaven't used one since 2003-200414:39
_stink_aight, np14:39
_stink_seems like there isn't an obvious modern choice.14:39
snap-l_stink_: Question is why? :)14:39
_stink_snap-l: at work we have a juniper web-based VPN, and i want to take apart the .jar file used in linux and see how it works.14:39
snap-lWell, the jar file is just a zip file14:39
_stink_mostly because i want to know if i can write an android client for it.14:40
_stink_oh... see, i don't know much about java.14:40
_stink_i can unpack it and see source?14:40
_stink_or will it be bytecode?14:40
snap-lYeah, it has a META-INF file that acts like a manifest14:40
snap-lGenerally speaking they're just .class files in a directory.14:40
_stink_ok, sweet.14:40
snap-ldepends on what they did with those .class files, though14:41
_stink_maybe i'll take a look then ask you again :P14:42
_stink_since you are now my first choice for java questions.14:42
snap-lI just ran JD-GUI against some java code I had laying around14:44
snap-lit did a decen't job14:45
snap-lHopefully they didn't run it through some obfuscation14:48
jrwrenColonelPanic001: is that you in #mono asking about F#?16:21
snap-lDone with the dentist for now16:57
snap-lone side of my face is numb16:57
jrwrenget nitrous ?17:00
snap-lNo, I went without today.17:00
snap-lI usually do, but decided I'm a big boy now. :)17:01
jrwreni'd say yes, just because its fun.17:05
snap-lYeah, it can be17:05
snap-lis it just me, or is a lot of the Internet broken today?17:06
snap-lStuff is just not resolving.17:07
snap-lIs there some CDN that's offline?17:07
brouschyou guys need to go occupy john conyer's yard. he is a supporter of the SOPA17:31
snap-lJohn Conyers is an ass.18:13
greg-g+1 to that18:24
greg-ghe's deep in the big media's pockets18:24
snap-lHe's deep into anyone that plays the bullshit politics games18:27
snap-lhe's not afraid to follow the money, and is about as corrupt as they come18:27
brouschisn't he your rep?18:36
snap-lbrousch: No, Gary Peters is18:41
snap-lConyers represents Wayne County folk18:41
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Blazeixneat, stanford crypto class: http://www.crypto-class.org/20:40
snap-lhello from gdfish tea20:42
snap-li cant type20:51
rick_h_Blazeix: snap-l what do you guys think of yui theater viewing ofr CHC this week?20:52
snap-lid be for it20:53
snap-lwhich knes did you have i mind?20:53
rick_h_maybe the crockf and class inheritance/composition patterns?20:54
rick_h_might be more coming up this week20:54
rick_h_but figured it'll probably be a bit low attendance and would be cool to set aside some time20:55
rick_h_I know even not doing YUI I've liked a lot of their videos/talks20:55
snap-lyeah, that would be near20:55
Blazeixi won't be able to make chc this week20:56
rick_h_booo :LP20:56
rick_h_err :P20:56
Blazeixwill you be able to stream those videos over your mifi?20:56
rick_h_I have an excuse, I'm rsyning email up atm20:56
rick_h_Blazeix: yea, that's the plan20:56
rick_h_and project on the wall20:57
rick_h_bring an external speaker20:57
jrwrenhow do you guys do CHC theatre?20:59
jrwrenwhere do you meet?20:59
rick_h_there's a room we went at the caribou20:59
jrwrenprivate room sounds nice21:00
rick_h_yea, we don't get it every week21:00
rick_h_fierce scheduling competition21:00
rick_h_but nice to block out some coffee house noises21:00
rick_h_and do stuff like this hopefully21:00
snap-lits in royal oam on woodward21:06
snap-lreading javascript thr good parts21:07
snap-li think more books should be written like this21:07
snap-lhave to  . editate on each sentence21:07
greg-grick_h_: haha, LP on the brain, eh? (re: ":LP")21:32
rick_h_greg-g: I guess21:37
rick_h_hmm, this might actually work...22:25
rick_h_now how to figure outgoing mail hmmm22:27

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