
bkerensavalorie: Ubuntu Oregon is teaming up with Debian for a event on the weekend of Dec 3/4 if anyone in WA is interested.... It will be a Debian/Ubuntu Local Jam01:03
bkerensajust have anyone interested in coming ping me directly until we do our coordinated announcement early next week :D01:03
valoriethat sounds awesome01:04
valorieI'll see what's on the calendar -- I know I have to take my dad to a couple of doctor's appts01:04
valoriebut I would so LOVE to come down01:04
valorieand get away from here!01:04
bkerensavalorie: Yeah I'm stoked to learn about packaging not that I want to ever be a Ubuntu Dev but I would like to package some stuff up :D01:05
valoriepackagers rock -- they give us our distro, basically01:05
valorieI love our kubuntu team 01:05
valorieok, off to dinner01:07
dougpistonto funny, hello androidbruce 02:47

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