[00:06] nigelb: https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki/How-to-migrate-the-database-from-Etherpad-to-Etherpad-Lite [00:37] AlanBell: \o/ [00:39] I have an etherpad-lite server running now [00:39] *really* like the read only static url with QR code thing [00:39] Nice. [00:40] AlanBell: ask Daviey to migrate and we can show IS a successful migration :D [00:41] yeah, I want to do it before the linaro summit in feb [00:44] nigelb: I might just do that. [00:44] \o/ [00:45] I guess saving RAM is a good thing :) [00:46] and CPU cycles. [00:46] think of the planet [00:47] * AlanBell wonders how it would run on ARM [00:47] AlanBell: remind me next week, i'll try it [00:47] I am running it on node.js 0.6 nigelb, someone checked in support for that last week [00:48] AlanBell: ah [00:48] AlanBell: Depending how well it runs, i might try to push for pad.ubuntu.com to switch to arm :) [00:49] wow [00:49] it does get a bit of a kicking at UDS [00:49] maybe stick it on arm and monitor performance over linaro connect [00:50] Although, the hardware we currently have access to doesn't have great disk io. [00:51] how much memory can it take? [00:53] the calxeda boards look like they do 4GB per node [00:54] it should scale I think [00:54] if you have one database server I don't see why you couldn't have multiple front ends [00:55] AlanBell: Trying buying one of those :) [00:55] Getting a damn pandaboard is hard enough right now. [00:55] can martin bogo not sort you out a dev board? [00:56] Martin Bogomolni [00:56] I don't think even they have enough right now. :/ [00:56] ah! [00:56] I can understand that, one of those trays is an immense amount of stuff in it [00:57] wonder if it will run on a raspberry pi [00:58] Ubuntu doesn't really work on those. [00:58] I know all about that! [00:59] I got them to stop saying it would run Ubuntu [01:01] night all o/ [01:01] nn AlanBell [12:39] knome: ping [12:43] cjohnston, dong [12:44] knome: in your plymoth BP.. the other persons name is wrong and now your spamming me [12:44] ;-) [12:46] ah! [12:47] i think it's wrong in several other places too [12:47] im only getting the one for now.. the other BPs may not be being imported? [12:48] might be. btw, should they be imported recursively? [12:48] we have a BP that depends on another BP [12:49] the wrong nicks are taken care of [12:57] what are all the BPs that should be imported? [12:58] ty [13:00] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-precise-flavor-xubuntu [13:00] 2,3,4 from left [13:01] (see the recursive BP's, and the one right to them) [13:01] but i see they only had work items for [madnick] [13:01] err, not true actually [13:01] but they haven't been imported anyway [13:10] which ones havent been imported that should be [13:12] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-new-lightdm-theme [13:12] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-lightdm-greeter-engine [13:12] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-lightdm-settings-gui [13:14] * cjohnston points knome to the about page on status [13:14] actually [13:14] * cjohnston points knome to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto#Work_items_in_the_whiteboard [13:15] oh, right [13:15] didn't catch that one as i didn't write the pages myself [13:15] good call :) [13:15] if you fix the BPs, then they will be imported [13:15] all of them, even the dep of dep ? [13:16] the work items area all needs to start with Work Items: in order to wokr [13:16] work [13:16] yeah. [13:17] sorry as i didn't notice that before, i knew that requirement though :) [14:44] knome: did you by chance just get an email [14:44] i did, but not regarding status.u.c ;) [14:44] uggh [14:45] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-lightdm-greeter-engine [ERROR] invalid state "in progress" for work item "Implement an interface for all functionallity of liblightdm" [14:45] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-lightdm-greeter-engine [ERROR] invalid state "in progress" for work item "Implement a library for interfacing with the interface from the theme" [14:45] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-new-plymouth-theme [WARNING] assignee "madnick" is not a valid Launchpad account [14:45] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-new-plymouth-theme [WARNING] assignee "madnick" is not a valid Launchpad account [14:45] more work for knome ^ [14:45] hahah [14:45] okay [14:45] thanks [14:46] i'll beat madnick a bit [14:46] oops ;) [14:47] that should be fixed now [14:47] ty [14:47] no, thank YOU :P [14:53] knome: the team didnt show up yet, its possible that i made a mistake, or that i made the change after the config had already been pulled [14:53] :) [15:03] ok, so etherpad lite and single sign on, should we use login.ubuntu.com or openID with launchpad integration? [15:04] etherpad <3 [15:09] think we probably need to write another project in this project https://launchpad.net/canonical-identity [15:13] lots of proprietary stuff in there [15:13] personally I am leaning towards saying meh to login.ubuntu.com and writing a plain openID integration [15:14] which would work for launchpad openID and if they want to open up login.ubuntu.com one day it will work with that too [16:44] pong Ronnie1 [17:01] daker: do you have your loco designs somewhere. i want to copy some ideas for our loco website [17:01] if thats ok ofc [17:12] Ronnie1, images ? or psd ? [17:56] AlanBell: use login.ubuntu.com instead of login.launchpad.net [18:03] somebody knows how the dependency tree in LP is created? [18:03] and it expand vertically much? [18:11] daker: img's plz [18:14] mhall119: that means it needs to be set as a trusted site on login.ubuntu.com somehow [18:15] and I can't find any documentation on how to use it, though I suspect it is standard openid [18:21] AlanBell: login.ubuntu.com is standard openid, you'll have to ask IS or launchpad-ops to add the etherpad server as a trusted relaying party [18:22] ok, so I can write the code and test against any old openID and do that bit last then [18:22] old openid? [18:22] oh, any openid, yeah [18:23] you'll want to restrict it to using only login.ubuntu.com though, if you want to get LP team membership data [18:23] ok [18:24] I know that UCADay is tomorrow, but I'm going to be spending most of it packing for vacation, and I certainly don't want to forget [18:25] so, thanks to cjohnston and nigelb for their leadership and drive in keeping Summit and LTP running and improving [18:25] I feel bad for having slowed down my contributions to those projects, but I'm glad they are in such capable hands [18:26] thanks to daker and Ronnie (who isn't here) for their work on LTP, it looks so much better now because of the design work you two have put into it [18:27] thanks to czajkowski for being our advocate in the LoCo Council and helping us work with all of the LoCo teams in fixing and improving LTP [18:28] and of course, thanks to everybody who's contributed in any way to these projects, AlanBell, danilos, doctormon, james_w, Pendulum, and more that aren't here [18:29] all of you rock! [18:31] * AlanBell declares mhall119 to rock [18:31] indeed, mhall119 is rock. [18:32] mhall119: Going anywhere nice? [18:33] :P [18:33] doctormon: Tennessee [18:33] A special place! Pick me up some spirits. ;-) [18:34] heh [18:35] we'll have the kids, going on the Polar Express [18:36] I didn't know the pole went that far into the desert. But it sounds great, is that paramount? [18:40] desert? [18:40] the train ride is through the Smokey Mountains [19:00] mhall119: *hugs* [19:05] anybody knows about the LP dependency tree creation? [19:30] mhall119: America is two things, it's either green like England or a desert. ;-) [19:44] doctormon: I'm staying in the green part [19:45] though hopefully it'll be orange and red this time of year, but I may be too late for that [20:16] mhall119, you rock too ツ === Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie [23:15] * nigelb hugs mhall119