
pleia2summarized Jane's session from Saturday and sent it off to her for review, once it's done I'll put it on the blog :)03:03
akgranerthanks pleia2!03:04
akgranerI think that is summing up my Friday's these days - "Thanks pleia2" is going to be my new Friday hashtag03:05
akgraneror rather #thankspleia2  I should type03:05
pleia2it's finally the end of my work week, so I can get stuff done! :)03:06
akgranerI bummed - I follow Bobby Flay on Twitter  and he just posted he got and iphone /me is bummed03:06
akgranernigelb, seeing some of your tweets being retweeted - how 's the mozilla event going03:07
nigelbakgraner: It is *EPIC*03:08
nigelbAmazing event. Meeting lots of new people :)03:08
akgranernigelb, awesome!! \o/- delighted to hear it that..:-)03:09
nigelbakgraner: Its an amazing venue as well.03:09
nigelbWe are 10 minutes from Malaysia's Petronas twin towers03:09
akgranerhave you posted pics yet if so I've missed them03:09
nigelbNo pics yet.03:10
akgranerDude - that's got to be incredible03:10
nigelbIt is!03:10
nigelbThe view from your hotel room is also pretty amazing03:10
* pleia2 works on wiki themestuffs03:10
pleia2https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+bug/809754 is sneaky03:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 809754 in ubuntu-women.org "navigation is float right which looks odd in some contexts (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Undecided,In progress]03:10
nigelbakgraner: http://twitpic.com/7g3cxd03:11
pleia2chrome's built in dev tool is nice though03:11
akgranerpleia2, thanks for working on that03:11
akgranernigelb, have fun! enjoy all the talks when do you give your talk(s)03:14
nigelbakgraner: I'm scared to death, but I've just merged my talk with another developer since we're covering the same talk. Its going to be nice03:14
akgranernigelb, cool!  Will it be recorded?03:15
nigelbakgraner: Yep, also broadcasted live I think.03:16
akgranerI'm liking Okular...just learned about it  - great for commenting on pdf versions of things...03:16
akgranernigelb, what's the link to the schedule?03:17
nigelbakgraner: https://wiki.mozilla.org/AsiaCamp2011/Schedule03:17
pleia2fix committed for final two wiki bugs \o/ and marked the rest as released03:49
pleia2emailed IS to update the theme03:49
* nigelb hugs pleia2 03:49
* pleia2 hugs03:53
akgranerpleia2, rockin' the wiki pages!03:54
akgranerclearly  - I need to step away from the computer  - I'm way to punchy tonight #notagoodthing  :-)03:55
akgranerI think it was Rebecca Black's Friday that just did me in...o.O03:55
pleia2black friday isn't until next week!03:57
ElohimSatan, El diablo, Shaytan, Sofia Rosengren 32 years, World Class city Göteborg, she lives in protekted adress,11:54
Elohimher father name is Johansson, adress Westmarksgränd 21, 44435 Nödinge. blond hair, Satan, El diablo, Shaytan,11:54
ElohimJesus is Lord, Tsidkenu the lord of rightoutness11:54
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin

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