
=== Teh_RiX is now known as RiXtEr
xruudslucidi: No such luck :(00:00
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xruudslucidi: We have been trying for an hour now. It is getting late over here (1am)...00:01
slucidixruud: drat =/  I still think it's related to LightDM, but I'm out of ideas short of removing it and going back to GDM.  I'm rather unwilling to suggest you actually do that though, unless you're desperate.  Here's a link to the bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/85105500:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 851055 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[Oneiric] 'Not Authorized' error given when mounting device" [Critical,Fix released]00:01
slucidi:xruud ahh yeah =/ sorry about that friend.00:01
xruudslucidi: Thanks for your help00:01
slucidi:xruud you might try following that thread and just waiting for an update to come through00:02
xruudslucidi: I have another option: reinstall. But how does that guarantee anything...00:02
slucidi:xruud yeah, that doesn't necessarily promise you anything.00:02
xruudslucidi: everything I have is backed up, So I can mindelssly reinstall00:02
slucidiI seem to have started swapping my colons at some point...00:03
slucidixruud: might not be a completely awful choice then. (I've during the last hour and a half reinstalled about 6 times trying to get xorg and various other issues to cooperate with my multiple gpu setup...)00:03
xruudslucidi: Well, it worked in the beginning, but I get your point. Noticed your colons :P00:03
xruudslucidi: I'm having a breagleboard that won't start 11.10 with keyboard and mouse00:04
trihedronI wouldn't start 11.10 on any HW00:05
goo6yhow do I use http rapper00:05
xruudslucidi: It boots ubuntu just fine, but gets stuck at config because I cannot enter any info00:05
xruudtrihedron: Is it that bad? It is the first ever ubuntu I found good enough to not erase after a few hours :P00:06
xruudtrihedron: or linux for that matter00:06
slucidixruud: heh, that's baffling.  I don't know a thing about getting stuff running on an arm board though00:06
slucidias an old ubuntu hat... I'm perfectly happy with 11.10 ;)00:06
* trihedron won't update from 11.04 till unity gets a whole lot better00:06
tensorpuddingyou could use gnome-shell instead of unity00:07
xruudslucidi: I'm still learning. Must get the keys or anything working to advance though. Right now I'm staring at a language choice window00:07
tensorpuddingunity isn't likely to change00:07
tensorpuddingtoo much00:07
trihedronwell easy enough on 11.0400:07
goo6yIt's an Ubuntu world00:07
trihedron on 11.10 i'd have to install it first00:07
sluciditrihedron: I think it's base in 11.10 unless I installed it in my sleep00:08
trihedronnope it isn't00:08
trihedronor i was asleep00:08
slucidiwell, at any rate since 11.10 is based on gnome 3 it's much less painful to get it running00:08
xruudtrihedron: since I started ubuntu with 11.10 I can tell you I know no others then Unity00:08
slucidiit doesn't break everything when installed like it does in 11.0400:08
EldaI am curious, is Unity a different gui from gnome or what? :x  Today was my first time really dealing with unity00:10
trihedronI like 11.04 as it is and I don't see any reason to upgrade00:10
xruudtrihedron: I will try 11.04 for beagleboard though. Going down in versions until I find a working one!00:10
ratcunity suck, go mint!00:10
trihedronhow old is that board ?00:10
trihedronno mint isn't as compatible00:10
xruudtrihedron: beagleboard-mx rev c00:10
ActionParsniptrihedron: install xfce4 and use that instead00:10
trihedronin years ?00:11
ratccompatible with unity?00:11
Resistance!mint | ratc00:11
ubotturatc: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:11
trihedronActionParsnip, that might be an idea00:11
ActionParsniptrihedron: there are more desktops than gnome00:11
xruudtrihedron: production date unknown, I got it a week ago00:11
ActionParsniptrihedron: could also try gnome-shell instead of Unity00:11
ActionParsnipratc: changing to a smaller community for the sake of something as easily changable as a desktop shell makes no sense at all00:12
trihedronI plaed with most gnome versions including mate but I still thinkg gnome3 is pretty cool00:12
droidDev32does ubuntu work well on ssd? Does it use TRIM?00:12
slucidixruud: my reading suggests that the arm version of 11.04 works well on the beagle00:12
ratci'm just throwing out bate :P00:12
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ActionParsnipdroidDev32: not sure of trim but it can be installed to SSDs00:13
xruudslucidi: Thanks! Do you have a source? I tried several versions before trying 11.10 which was the first to actually boot past expanding00:14
slucidixruud: yep! one sec while I get you a link00:14
ActionParsnipdroidDev32: according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIM   ext4 supports TRIM00:14
submanI need some help here with really slow performance with my nVidia card and OpenGL drivers00:14
ActionParsnipdroidDev32: http://sites.google.com/site/lightrush/random-1/howtoconfigureext4toenabletrimforssdsonubuntu00:15
slucidixruud: you've probably already seen this, but this is what I was reading: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu00:15
lapiondroidDev32, 11.10 can handle trim however it's better to setup batched trim.. instead of mounting with trim00:15
lapionapparently the kernel sends too much commands if trim is a mount option00:16
droidDev32Do you think i could dual boot a 60gb ssd with Windows 7 and ubuntu or would it be betterto just install ubuntu on my hdd?00:16
trihedron60gb is going to be tight in about a year00:17
lapionI used to run my laptop with a CompactFlash-SSD so to say..00:17
xruudslucidi: Actually no... I have seen several pages on elinux, but noen of those refer to this one, but to external sources which I all followed00:18
lapionand it worked fine with ubuntu.. however I would not advice under any circumstance to forcefully turn off the laptop..00:18
xruudGoing to try this one tomorrow morning!00:18
lapiondo not put your home filesystem on the ssd.. and make sure the var is not on the ssd00:18
xruuddroidDev32: that will not work well. What would the system be used for?00:19
slucidixruud: cool =] have fun with it and good luck00:19
xruudslucidi: Thanks again, thanks a bunch and thank you ;)00:19
ActionParsnipalso put your browser cache in tempfs :)00:20
slucidinot a problem, glad to be a help ;) sorry we couldn't get your login issues sorted00:20
droidDev32just android coding and other random stuff00:20
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xruudslucidi: I'm going to reinstall...00:20
xruudslucidi: and make an image of the installation!00:21
lapionif you have to run the whole system with only one device, mount a tmpfs where the .mozilla folder is and backup/restore it's contents before shutting down/rebooting or any other mischief00:21
submanHow to update my nVidia drivers?  What is the latest version?00:21
trihedronas long as you keep you /home in a safe place ..00:21
slucidixruud: good idea, hehe. that's probably what I'd do at this point00:21
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wolfman3k5how am I supposed to start services in Ubuntu 11.10?00:22
xruudtrihedron: All backed up00:22
slucidiwolfman3k5: does 'sudo service <servicename> start' do the trick for you?00:22
droidDev32how should i partition a 2tb hdd to shate data between windows 7 and ubuntu? Should I just use NTFS?00:22
ActionParsnipcould get an iRAM00:22
ActionParsnipdroidDev32: yes, both OSes can access NTFS just dandy00:23
wolfman3k5<slucidi> for example "service apache2 restart" doesn't work in 11.1900:23
wolfman3k5<slucidi> for example "service apache2 restart" doesn't work in 11.1000:23
droidDev32Do you have to setup automounting of NTFS in 11.10?00:23
trihedronor /etc/init.d/apache2 restart00:23
xruudtrihedron: In fact, yesterday a salesmen was trying to sell me more expensive micro sd cards because they where safer to keep your data on. I felt the urge to argue no single storage device on the market will be safe anyway so I'd take the cheaper please00:24
wolfman3k5trihedron obviously you haven't used 11.10...00:24
lapiondroidDev32, NTFS is slowwwwww00:24
slucidiwolfman3k5: I don00:24
trihedronxruud, whatever you use can poptentially lose the date00:24
slucidierr. I don't have that problem00:24
lapiondroidDev32, NTFS can bring a quadcore to it's knees00:24
slucidiyou did actually install apache2, yes?00:25
trihedronwolfman3k5, for 10 minutes and then i downgraded00:25
Chees_BHWhi. where to find the postfix log? its not in /var/log00:25
wolfman3k5trihedron to what? 10.04?00:25
xruudtrihedron: exactly the point. But I went with the easier "no thank you, I'll take the cheaper please" Didn't want to be the wiseguy, or emberrass him because the store was filled with customers :P00:25
wolfman3k5trihedron why?00:25
droidDev32lapion, what do you recommend for a data partition for widows and ubuntu to access?00:25
lapiondroidDev32, use fat, and create 2 partitions00:25
McWineyhey, whats the bar thing called that holds open windows?00:25
trihedronwolfman3k5, i hate unity00:26
ActionParsnipfat is not robust00:26
Chees_BHWhi. where to find the postfix log? its not in /var/log ?00:26
trihedronand 11.04 gived me what i need00:26
slucididroidDev32: ntfs. don't use fat, please.00:26
xruudAnyway; 1:30am over here, going to zzzzzzzzzz00:26
xruudThanks all00:26
McWineyeg; there's a menu bar and a <blank> bar. Whats the name I'm looking for where minimized applications go?00:26
ActionParsniptrihedron: you don't have to use unity in Oneiric, KDE doesn't use it (for example)00:26
lapiondroidDev32, I would suggest either getting rid of windows, or just sharing the hdd over the network from the ubuntu system and creating ext4fs00:26
Jordan_U!notunity | trihedron00:26
ubottutrihedron: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:26
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Chees_BHWhi. where to find the postfix log? its not in /var/log ??00:27
wolfman3k5trihedron why?00:27
slucidiwolfman3k5: I don't think you actually apt-get installed apache2... 'service apache2 start' works for me. can you show me a pastebin of its output?00:27
trihedronthanks Jordan_U00:27
Jordan_Utrihedron: You're welcome.00:28
smwI have the following sudoers line: tomcat ALL = (apache) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/apachectl. How can I specify that apachectl may only be called with certain flags?00:28
wolfman3k5slucidi I just rebuilt my distro on Linode, so it's a fresh install00:28
muhomor2Hi everyone, I'm trying to launch etherape using sudo etherape but it gives me: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.000:28
trihedronslucidi, i'm pretty sure /etc/init.d/apache2 restart will also work on 111.1000:29
slucidiwolfman3k5: then you'll need to 'sudo apt-get install apache2' if you want to run it from a fresh install. ;)00:29
lapionActionParsnip, yeah at least fat doesn't bring a ubuntu quadcore system to it00:29
Resistancetrihedron:  it does.  wolfman3k5:  make sure you installed apache2, as slucidi just stated.00:29
lapionActionParsnip, 's knees like ntfs does00:29
wolfman3k5slucidi you're right, I just did a SSH restart00:29
wolfman3k5slucidi my bad00:29
slucidino problem =]00:29
wolfman3k5slucidi I won't install Apache 2 anymore. I will go NGINX this time00:30
ActionParsniplapion: yes but a sudden power off will possibly destroy data, which is more important00:30
wolfman3k5slucidi root@tek:~# service ssh restart00:30
wolfman3k5ssh start/running, process 239100:30
lapionActionParsnip, only data that was being written to.. usually tha hapens to all fs..00:30
wolfman3k5slucidi does that look familiar ?:)00:30
ActionParsniplapion: i've had to hard power off MANY windows servers and had no issues00:31
slucidiwolfman3k5: hehe yep, your install is working fine, you just need to install the packages you want to use to run your webserver via apt ;)00:31
slucidi(or other chosen installation method)00:31
lapionActionParsnip, never had a windows system that would allways go bsod ?00:32
wolfman3k5slucidi I will go with NGINX - MYSQL - PFM-PHP and POSTFIX + DOVECOT for mail00:32
lapionsometimes the problem get's solved by fsck the ntfs from linux00:32
lapionActionParsnip, if the file is being written to  the file is suspect...00:33
ActionParsniplapion: we have a number of known annoying servers, they get hard booted a few times but managment wont get new00:33
ActionParsniplapion: usually after a scheduled reboot (Citrix box)00:33
trihedroncitrix was yesterday00:33
wolfman3k5slucidi I want to install Ubuntu on my desktop as well, but I got dual Radeon 6950 XFire cards, and I need to Kill X the first time it boots so that I can install AMD proprietary drivers. How do I do that? I haven't plaid with X in years, so my memory is kinda funny00:33
spacebug-should not firefox 8 be out by now?00:34
ActionParsnipspacebug-: it is00:34
ActionParsniptrihedron: loads of companies use it00:34
wolfman3k5spacebug- it is... looks and performs like 7, which looked and performed like 6, which was more like 5, which was a rename of 4...00:34
ActionParsnipspacebug-: http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/07/firefox-8-is-20-faster-than-firefox-5.html00:34
spacebug-ActionParsnip: apt-get update dont seem to find it00:34
trihedronActionParsnip, well there is still plenty shops out there on novell 3.2200:34
Richie086wolfman3k5: boot into a recovery console from the grub boot menu.00:34
ActionParsnipspacebug-: its in a ppa, not the official repos00:35
spacebug-ah ok00:35
wolfman3k5Richie086 I did that, and started the system as root, and then it keeps telling me that everything is read-only00:35
ActionParsniptrihedron: contact nvidia and ask how they manager thier HR00:35
lapionnn ActionParsnip00:35
slucidiwolfman3k5: you shouldn't need to outright kill xorg to install the drivers. but at any rate you can do ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a virtual terminal, log in, and then use kill to end the process. or just install the drivers from the command line that way00:35
Richie086wolfman3k5: yeah what slucidi just said,00:36
machiolatehow do I move every file in the current directory with a particular string into a certain folder using the terminal?00:36
bastidrazorwolfman3k5: sudo service lightdm stop  will safely stop X00:36
usr13_wolfman3k5: To kill X, Ctrl-Alt-F6, login and do  service gdm stop00:36
wolfman3k5slucidi I need to because I got a CrossFire setup, so after a fresh install I get black screens on my dual monitor setups ... with blinking lights, which means that the monitors are not getting a signal00:36
wolfman3k5usr13_ 10x allot:)00:36
spacebug-ActionParsnip: do you know which ppa? =)00:36
usr13_sudo service gdm stop00:36
office3how do I get the gnome traditional desktop on 11.10?00:37
Jordan_Uwolfman3k5: Stop. Before you continue installing proprietary drivers this way, why aren't you using the recommended "Additional Drivers" utility?00:37
ActionParsnipmachiolate: fine /path/to/folder | grep -i string -exec mv {} /path/to/desk \;00:37
ActionParsnipspacebug-: read the link I gave you....00:37
wolfman3k5office3 I actually like Unitity... then again, I've been using Mac OS X for years00:37
ikoniaoffice3: gnome 2 is dead, the sooner you start using a current desktop the easier you'll find it in the long run00:37
robin0800office3, install gnome-panel00:37
ActionParsnipspacebug-: that's why I gave you it00:37
usr13_wolfman3k5: But as Jordan_U states, it is best to use the package management system.00:37
office3sudo apt-get install gnome-panel thanks!00:38
ActionParsnipoffice3: xfce4 smells and feels like Gnome200:38
usr13_wolfman3k5: And it will be easier too.00:38
wolfman3k5Jordan_U because I didn't know about it :) I have just recently switched from Debian to Ubuntu, and in Debian I was constantly hacking stuff because everything was always old or outdated00:38
slucidihe just said he can't actually see anything when the machine comes up... he just needed guidance to get to a virtual terminal methinks00:38
ActionParsnipmachiolate: duplicated names will overwrite the old one. Could alos use cp instead of mv00:38
wolfman3k5slucidi that's right00:39
psychx-Anyone know any really good games for ubuntu/linux? Something with an awesome storyline or some kind of adventure game? magic, medievil, shooter, etc... all are cool with me.00:39
usr13_office3: ActionParsnip is correct, it sure does.  You can easily make it look and feel like 10.0400:39
wolfman3k5usr13_ Jordan_U slucidi > How do I get the Additional Drivers Utility?00:39
usr13_... old school gnome200:39
ActionParsnipuses fewer resources too00:39
usr13_sure does00:39
=== Veil is now known as Nath
=== Nath is now known as Nath-
machiolatewhat does the find path/to/folder do Action? is that necessary if i'm already in an adjacent directory?00:40
wolfman3k5ActionParsnip I don't know if there is anything heavier on resources than Windows00:40
Jordan_Uwolfman3k5: Search for "drivers" in the unity dashboard.00:40
Nath-where are the repositories for karmic ?00:40
machiolatei can see the folder i want if i do "ls"00:40
usr13_wolfman3k5: My horse is.00:40
ActionParsnipmachiolate: then you can omit the path, I just added it for completeness00:40
wolfman3k5Jordan_U I can't get any king of GUI working00:40
wolfman3k5Jordan_U so I can't get to a dashboard00:41
psychx-usr13: you have a horse?00:41
spacebug-ActionParsnip: well I got version 11 with that hehe00:41
wolfman3k5psychx- usr13 was joking00:41
wolfman3k5Windows Vista and 7 are resource pigs00:41
Jordan_Uwolfman3k5: How long have you not been able to get any GUI? Did you need to use the alternate installer to install Ubuntu or did X work from the Ubuntu LiveCD/USB?00:41
usr13_sure do00:41
psychx-wolfman3k5: oh :( i wanted to ask a few questions about horses... thinking about buying a lot of property and building a home... was thinking of getting a horse or two.. lol00:41
Nath-any one know what i'm meant to use in sources.list in 9.10 ? since the locations seem to have just dissapeared.00:41
machiolateaction what is path to desk? you mean the path to the target folder?00:42
ActionParsnipwolfman3k5: Depends on config, install KDE and add all the widgets you can find and it'll blow up nicely00:42
spacebug-sorry my misstake00:42
ikoniaNath-: they have moved to oldreleases.ubuntu.com00:42
ActionParsnipspacebug-: thats the nightly, there is a stable ppa which should have 800:42
slucidiwolfman3k5: 7's not so bad. it's a big improvement over Vista at least. and 8's shaping up to be even less resource heavy if the dev preview is any indication.00:42
Jordan_U!eol | Nath-00:42
ubottuNath-: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:42
wolfman3k5Jordan_U the LiveCD works for some strandge reason (no special FX and stuff do)00:42
ikoniaNath-: as 9.10 is EOL, they get moved to the eOL site00:42
ActionParsnipspacebug-: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc00:43
jstarcherwhy would iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE say  No chain/target/match by that name?00:43
Jordan_Uwolfman3k5: So you were able to install from the liveCD but on the first boot after installing X failed to start?00:43
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machiolatedidn't work, nm00:43
slucidiI have that same issue with my multigpu (nonsli) nvidia setup.. liveCD works great, actual install segfaults xorg00:43
spacebug-ActionParsnip: I'm sunning oneiric, just choosed the wring ppa from that site. Sorry00:43
wolfman3k5Jordan_U yep, you nailed it00:43
ikoniaJordan_U: you have no input rule00:43
ikoniajstarcher: you have no input rule probably00:43
usr13jstarcher: Not sure....00:43
jstarcherikonia: ah I think you're right00:44
jstarcherwhat should I add for an input rule?00:44
submanIs there a fix for really low framerates in OpenGL?00:44
Jordan_Uwolfman3k5: Very odd. What did happen the first time you tried to boot after installing?00:44
ikoniadepends on your setup and what you want to do, there are some good iptables guides and the channel #netfilter00:44
jstarcherikonia: thanks00:44
ActionParsnipspacebug-: according to http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/firefox-8-officially-released/   it will be added to the official repos soon00:45
machiolateman, i cooked bacon in the oven this morning and the darn grease nearly caught fire, still smells smokey in here00:45
spacebug-ActionParsnip: ok00:45
usr13machiolate: Trun the fire down next time.00:45
jstarcherikonia: if my input ruleset is empty, does that mean everything is wide open?00:46
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spacebug-tnx ActionParsnip00:46
ikoniajstarcher: no, but it means there is nothing to pass through the tables00:46
inashdeenhi, i need some help. how do i open .deb automatically by gdebi on my ubuntu 11.10. note: i have installed gdebi, i only need to make the deb open automatically on ubuntu00:48
ActionParsnipinashdeen: right click file, open with, then select the app00:50
ActionParsnipinashdeen: could just use:  sudo dpkg -i filename.deb00:50
inashdeenActionParsnip: thanx00:51
inashdeenhow do i edit keyboard shortcuts on ubuntu 11.10??00:51
krimson_HI all anyone here familiar with JACKD I am having a heck of a time.. getting it to run?00:52
submanMaybe I'm missing a setting in the nVidia driver that would improve the OpenGL performance?00:55
wolfman3k5Jordan_U same thing happened. I have been using Linux since the 90's (1996), and X always did this when it couldn't get allong with a pice of GFX hardware00:55
wolfman3k5Jordan_U I just forgot how to kill X00:55
Jordan_Uwolfman3k5: Same thing being what? You can use the terminal based front end, "sudo jockey-text" to enable the proprietary drivers.00:57
m1ck3yHello, I just updated to ubuntu 11.10 and now it won't start. I'm wondering where I should start looking for answers.01:05
EldaDo you get any messages concerning it's trying to start?01:05
EldaI suppose from this, you could then search about on the forums01:06
usr13m1ck3y: What does it do?  Do you get a grub error?01:06
UnconventionalTQuestion: Does anybody else get a performance drop when they have the ati graphics drivers installed?01:06
m1ck3yElda: I have a dual-booted machine. I start it, GRUB starts and I pick Ubuntu and then it goes to the purple Ubuntu loading screen. That's where it hangs and I can hear my hard drive stop spinning.01:06
OerHeksUnconventionalT, what ati card do you use ?01:07
usr13m1ck3y: Does the other OS boot?01:07
m1ck3yusr13: yep01:07
UnconventionalTOerHeks: HD 6870.01:07
submanCan you disable compositing in ubuntu 11.10?01:07
usr13m1ck3y:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub01:07
usr13m1ck3y: On second thougt, looks like grub has probably done it's job.  Right>?01:08
robin0800subman, yes if you don't want unity01:08
|Shay|Trying to get Ubuntu to mount an NTFS Sata drive at boot. I have it mounting by UUID in fstab. If I remove the drive fstab the drive won't mount period. When i boot the computer Ubuntu stands at an error screen stating there are "serious errors" with my drive. I've pulled it out and ran chkdsk on win7 to clean it with the same issue occuring at boot. This wouldn't be a problem if I could always be in front of the PC when I reboot it. Any sugges01:08
Jordan_Urobin0800: Unity2D doesn't require compositing.01:09
submanrobin0800, hmmm, it seems to be really slowing down my opengl performance01:09
m1ck3yusr13: yeah, grub works fine. Also I tried going into recovery mode( a bit beyond me) but I can get into the terminal with recovery mode and see my files and everything. I just can't get X to start or anything to happen from the default start ubuntu option.01:09
usr13|Shay|: pastebinit /etc/fstab   &   fdisk -l | pastebinit01:10
robin0800!nounity | subman01:10
ubottusubman: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:10
usr13m1ck3y: aaahhhh, that gives us a bit more to go on.01:10
|Shay|usr13: Doing so now01:11
m1ck3yusr13: sorry I forgot to mention that before :) I'm a bit flustered.01:11
inashdeenhi, how do i add new user to ubuntu oneiric01:11
submanrobin0800, thanks01:12
ActionParsnipinashdeen: sudo adduser name01:12
rj175hello, is there any way that I can change my desktop depending on what im doing? for example if im working have a diffrent set of workspaces or if im coding to have another set? I get fed up having 12 workspaces all at once would like to hide some of them01:12
UnconventionalTAlso, how am I expected to change my icon theme in a default ubuntu install?01:12
|Shay|usr13: fstab PB here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/742830/01:12
|Shay|usr13: fdisk -l won't list anything01:13
ActionParsnipUnconventionalT: gnome-tweak-tool can do it01:13
UnconventionalTActionParsnip: Is that so? Thank you.01:13
usr13|Shay|: Change ext4 to auto01:13
usr13in fstab01:14
|Shay|usr13: The drive I'm working with is labled BackupDrive. The one labled as "Drive" is mounting without a problem01:14
UnconventionalTActionParsnip: Will it break Unity?01:14
joeyeyehow do I start troubleshooting a 11.10 system that occasionally freezes - I have checked syslog but don't see anything01:14
usr13|Shay|: and  "errors=remount-ro     0     001:14
usr13What is that all about?01:14
ActionParsnipUnconventionalT: no, its just an icon theme01:14
ubuntunoobhey i am having a problem installing stuff with get01:14
ubuntunoobapt-get *01:14
usr13"errors=remount-ro"    No01:14
ActionParsnipubuntunoob: what errors do you get?01:15
usr13maybe change that part to:    auto,users,rw01:15
|Shay|usr13: May I pm instead?01:15
ubuntunoobevery time i try to install something, even if i say yes it still aborts01:15
usr13maybe change that part to:    auto,users,ro01:15
konamdoes anyone knows where can i get a repository with eclipse 3.701:15
ActionParsnipubuntunoob: can you pastebin the command and all outpuuted text, thanks01:16
ActionParsnip!ppa | konam01:16
ubottukonam: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa01:16
ubuntunoobyes i can01:16
ubuntunoobparsnip: http://pastebin.com/n4Uc9FAn01:17
chroothi, does quem support arm cpu?01:17
konamActionParsnip i know about ppa but i don't know a specific ppa for those packages01:18
itaylor57konam, look at this link , it gives you options on how to install eclipse https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseIDE01:18
itaylor57konam, I am runing 3.7.101:18
ActionParsnipkonam: the link lets you search the ppas, you may find one. thats why i triggered ubottu01:18
tompais this the channel to be in if u are searching for help? Linux Mint had a pre-set channel for helping in  xchat01:19
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:19
Jordan_Utompa: This is the place to be for Ubuntu support (*not* for Mint support though).01:19
jstarcherwhy would  iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE say No chain/target/match by that name?01:20
bromichaelhenryhello, does the ubuntu kernel support linux-abi?01:20
tompayea im using Ubuntu ,just came from Mint :)01:20
tompaJordan_u thx01:20
ubuntunoobits working now for some reason01:20
joeyeyehow do I start troubleshooting a 11.10 system that occasionally freezes - I have checked syslog but don't see anything01:20
Jordan_Utompa: You're welcome.01:21
ubuntunoobthanks anyway :D01:21
konamitaylor57 it says that 3.7 is available on 10.10 and yet i don't see it on synaptic, even tho i have all the repositories in universe available :S01:22
ActionParsnipjoeyeye: is ram healthy?01:24
joeyeyeActionParsnip, AFAIK ram is OK - it is a new system. Would I run memtest ? I have 16GB RAM.01:24
tompaIm having a problem with youtube. My youtube video-window is smaller than it should be, I do not have a "maximize screen" button and its not working to watch the video 9/10 times. It looks like my computer think that the actual youtube page is a link as in facebook, with smaller layout. How do I fix this?01:26
tompalink: http://imageshack.us/f/28/screenshotat20111119015.png/01:26
itaylor57konam, did you run sudo apt-get update after making universe available?01:26
ActionParsnipjoeyeye: when its convenient (overnight) I would01:26
ActionParsniptompa: does it happen in all browsers?01:27
konamitaylor57 yea, of course01:27
tompaActionParsnip yes, atleast firefox and chrome01:27
keltusI installed ubuntu server on my computer, but to access the internet I need to log in via a web form (due to our school's network policy). but I don't have lynx-cur or links installed on it, so can't authenticate. is there a way I can install those from the ubuntu cd instead?01:28
ActionParsniptompa: can you give a pastebin of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'       thanks01:28
Elda!unity Elda01:29
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity01:30
itaylor57konam, don't know then I am on 11.10 and 3.7 shows in the repo for me01:30
tompaactionparsnip what is a pastebin? :P never heard of, sry01:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:30
konamitaylor57 ok, thanks for the help, i will go with the 3.5.2 then, there really won't be much difference for me :)01:30
ActionParsniptompa: run the command I gave and go to the site, paste the text there and hit paste, when the page changes, copy the address bar and paste here01:31
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bromichaelhenryhello guys, I'm trying to run an older sco unix program under linux. my question is does the ubuntu kernel support linux-abi compatibility mode?01:33
tensorpuddingyou'd have to check the linux kernel package configuration01:33
tompaactionparsnip okey i think i made it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/742844/01:34
Guest87318anyone know how to get rid of the unity taskbar and put a more classic one in? or should I look at getting an earlier distro? I like the aspect of being able to hit the tab key to get an instant program search; but i can't seem to make it work with compiz desktop cube; which i really like alot... any advice out there?01:34
itaylor57!eclipse maverick > itaylor5701:34
Guest87318(windows key, not tab key :)01:35
robin0800!nounity | Guest8731801:35
ubottuGuest87318: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:35
tompaactionparsnip did u get the text?01:35
GridCubei was using a program that changed my samba shares password, but it changed my sudo password somehow, and now i can't change it back because i don't know what it is!!! D:01:36
Guest87318thanks robin080001:36
kenalexwhat is a good laptop brand that supports ubuntu01:36
GridCubehow can i reset it? :(01:36
bromichaelhenry@tensorpudding, how would I go about checking the linux kernel package configuration?01:36
tensorpuddingbromichaelhenry, you can download the source package01:36
bromichaelhenrybasically recompilt the kernel?01:37
tensorpuddingbrodolph, http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/linux-image01:37
tensorpuddingbromichaelhenry, ^01:37
tensorpuddingpick the one you use01:38
urlin2ukenalex, hard to say system 76 has laptops with ubuntu installed.01:38
tensorpuddingthen you'll have to trudge around to see what make config it uses, i suppose01:39
urlin2ukenalex, ubuntu and linux is in general will run on just about any most of the time, you would really look for the boards and cards not covered really.01:40
UnconventionalTI accidentally pressed crtl-alt-f2. Now what?01:42
tompaaight, I think ActionParsnip left :(01:42
tompaIm having a problem with youtube. My youtube video-window is smaller than it should be, I do not have a "maximize screen" button and its not working to watch the video 9/10 times. It looks like my computer think that the actual youtube page is a link as in facebook, with smaller layout. How do I fix this?01:42
tompascreenshot: http://imageshack.us/f/28/screenshotat20111119015.png/01:43
tompaits the same problem in all browsers01:43
UnconventionalTOr in other words, how do I restart my xserver?01:43
usr13tompa: Do they all look that way?01:44
usr13tompa: How about in FF?01:44
tompauser13 it looks the same in all browsers, and all videos01:44
nathansuchy_i learned a few new tricks01:45
UnconventionalTNevermind, startx won't work, since it's still there01:45
nathansuchy_my computer got hacked a few days ago01:46
usr13tompa: Is your system fully updated?01:47
usr13tompa: I think it is a function of youtube.01:47
tompausr13 yes :S01:47
usr13tompa: I do not think there is anything wrong with your system.01:48
machiolatewhere are most program files usually kept in linux?01:49
usr13tompa: YOu could download the video and see what size it really is if you want, but other than that, I don't think there is anything to fix.  Probably just showing the videos in their actual sizes.01:49
usr13machiolate: /usr/  or /var/lib/  or /opt  just depends.01:49
tensorpuddingmachiolate, binaries (the part you run) go in /usr/bin01:49
usr13machiolate: What do you need?01:50
tensorpuddingmachiolate, /usr/share contains a lot of extra files related to programs01:50
machiolateim looking for xchat .conf files actually01:50
roxdragonhi all i can use espeak with input microphone?01:50
usr13machiolate: Most config files are in /etc/01:50
tompausr13 okey... i can change quality but then it freezes01:51
tensorpuddingmachiolate, configuration files end up in /etc, but user-specific configuration is in ~/.config/01:51
machiolateahh, so in linux not all of a programs files would go to one place, got it01:51
tensorpuddingfor xchat ,maybe in ~/.xchat2/01:51
tensorpuddingyou should configure xchat using the configuration stuff that xchat provides01:51
usr13tompa: That is an issue between youtube and adobe flashplayer, (or which ever streaming source and which ever flashplayer)01:51
tensorpuddingediting files could leave the config in an unusable state01:52
tompausr13 i do u think it could work - reinstalling flash?01:52
usr13machiolate: What do you need to do?01:52
usr13tompa: I doubt it.01:52
usr13tompa: Which flash player do you have installed now?01:52
machiolateI've found it thanks, was just trying to mess with xchat .conf files to change my colors/settings01:53
tompausr13 10,3,181,3401:53
usr13tompa: adobe?01:53
tompausr13 i think so, i looked it up from a google hit. It said i had that version01:54
tompausr13 i installed the plugins for flash today as i installed ubuntu a moment before01:55
usr13that is probably new enough.  Again, the flash player you have is prolly just viewing the videos in the size they are sent.  I do not think there is anything wrong with your system.01:55
worrowneed some direction to speedup xubuntu performance01:56
usr13worrow: turn off X01:56
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity01:56
worrowremoving start-ups and unnecessary services01:56
worrowhow do I turn off X?01:56
usr13worrow: sudo gdm stop01:56
felipe_Brzthe default terminal in ubuntu is alittle bit transparent (= not opaque) I think that messes a little bit with the vim colour themes I want to use, is that possible? if so, is there a way to remove all transparency from the terminal?01:57
worrowwhere do I even find terminal in xubuntu?01:58
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:58
ActionParsnipworrow: press CTRL+ALT+T01:58
usr13worrow: There is an icon for it at bottom of screen if memory serves.01:59
urlin2ufelipe_, yes the prefernecs is in the top window bar.01:59
worrowsudo gdm does not exist01:59
worrowi removed 2nd taskbar01:59
usr13worrow: But you already have a lean system.  That is what xubuntu is all about.01:59
worrowI need it to be speedy like peppermint was02:00
worrowI have low resources02:00
usr13_worrow: service --status-all02:00
urlin2uworrow, if you need a ubuntu platform lubuntu is lighter still02:00
worrowlubuntu install failed so I came to xubuntu02:01
worrowWas using peppermint but suffered graphic issues rebooting all the time02:01
ActionParsnipworrow: Lubuntu is even lower :)02:01
usr13_urlin2u: xubuntu uses xfce and that is pretty darn light weight.02:01
askhaderActionParsnip: sexubuntu for all your pornoraphic needs02:01
askhaderpornographic too02:01
worrowLubuntu install failed. read previous02:02
ActionParsnipor even just openbox, no DE02:02
usr13_Yea, openbox02:02
urlin2uusr13, just stating the facts.02:02
worrowi only have xfce or ubuntu for sessions.02:02
usr13_urlin2u: I understand....02:02
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:02
tompashould i choose downloading adobe flashplayer 11 for : ubuntu (.apt), linux (rpm) 64bit, linux (.tar.gz) 64bit, linux (YUM) 64bit? Im using ubuntu 11.10 64bit02:02
usr13_tompa: Sure.  Go for it.02:03
tompawhich one?02:03
tompa4 different :)02:03
ActionParsniptompa: enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin02:03
usr13_YOur OS is Ubuntu.  Right?02:03
ActionParsniptompa: it will even install 64bit flash if you have 64bit OS02:04
usr13_tompa: ubuntu (.apt)02:04
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ActionParsnipusing the repo gets you updates when the repo gets updated02:04
tompaactionparsnip, sounds good where can i enable "repo"?02:05
usr13_tompa: Yes, as ActionParsnip states, if you use the package management system, you will get auto-updates.02:05
ActionParsniptompa: in software centre02:05
* ErisMonk wishes gnome-shell would work on his laptop :'(02:05
poopiI am trying to uncheck "Allow EXECUTING FILE SYSTEM" but when I uncheck it it automatically unchecks itself and prevents me from checking the box02:09
supanyone available to reach out a helping hand?02:10
Jordan_Upoopi: We need more context than that. Where are you seeing this option?02:11
poopiright clicking the exe file02:11
poopiseelcting properties02:11
usr13_poopi: Do you have wine installed?02:11
usr13_poopi: Well, you should be good to go then.  But just depends on what type of file it is and what it does or is supposed to do.02:12
Jordan_Upoopi: Are you sure that the option isn't "Allow executing file as program"?02:12
tompaI think it works as it should now, i did first try search for adobe flash in software manage but could find it (must have spelled wrong or something) ... thank you!02:12
usr13_poopi: Someone once told me that coupters will do exactly what you tell them to, but just not always what you want them to do.02:12
poopiJordan_U: your right02:13
tompanow i found it and installed it*02:13
poopimy mistake :)02:13
Jordan_Upoopi: What filesystem is this file on? (ext4, ntfs, fat32)02:14
=== sup is now known as sup02
ActionParsniptompa: try:  sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin02:15
usr13tompa: You should see it in the software centre02:16
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poopiwhen I open with wine it says02:17
=== _needHelp is now known as _needhelp
poopi is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.02:17
Jordan_Upoopi: The problem is that ntfs has no concept of an execute bit. It's impossible to set an individual file as executable on an ntfs filesystem.02:17
usr13tompa: In the search box, type:  adobe02:17
Jordan_Upoopi: Easiest thing to do is to copy it to your Ubuntu partition, set it as executable, and run it from there.02:18
zykotick9poopi, if you use wine from cli -- "wine /path/tontfs/foo.exe" it won't bother with permissions02:19
poopiok I iwll try that02:19
fosburgI have been playing with 'Linux' and 'Ubuntu' on an old pc for a few months.  Now I want to buy a workstation to do video and 3d modeling. Any suggestions?02:19
_needhelpInstallation of  libfreetype6-dev failed! Depends: libfreetype6 (= 2.3.11-1ubuntu2) but 2.3.11-1ubuntu2.4 is to be installed02:20
josefighello, why when I try to open with the ubuntu search the gvim is not working? and when I try on console works02:21
josefigthe dash home, I mean02:21
mvv_fosburg: well, make your own.02:21
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fosburgI would or have one built.  I'm looking for suggestions of what to put into the box.02:23
leo2007How to fix this error while starting rhino "Error occurred during initialization of VM java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle"?02:24
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|Slacker|any ideas when firefox will be upgraded to 8?02:29
FlynsarmyI insatlled 11.10 on a dell xps 15z (nvidia optimus) by setting acpi=off however after installation, the machine rebooted and I get the black screen again. I assume I need to add acpi=off into the grub boot loader but am not sure how. any ideas?02:30
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: hold shift at boot and you can hit E to edit the kernel for one boot02:31
tntcFlynsarmy: edit /etc/default/grub, add it to the options (after quiet and the other stuff), and then run update-grub for a permanant solution02:31
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: yea i'm in there now. I wasn't sure which line I needed to add acpi=off to02:31
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: the end of the linux /boot/vmlinuz- line? the initrd /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-12-generic line? its own line?02:33
FlynsarmyOK, seems it goes at the end of the linux /boot line02:39
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: however the: quiet splash   is, copy that style, could put it in that line too :)02:41
micromhow should I go about installing the latest boost libraries (1.48)? I only see 1.42 being offered in the package manager.02:42
micromcruss4der023: was that for me?02:46
donmecca10Can anyone help me install java on my alternative flavour of ubuntu02:47
tensorpuddingdonmecca10, this channel is for support of ubuntu, not ubuntu derivatives02:49
donmecca10tensorpudding: where should i go to install java on my ubuntu system02:49
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.02:50
tensorpuddingyou want a JDK if you want to compile and run java programs02:50
tensorpuddingOpenJDK is the default02:50
aruncn1problem with smplayer. trying to reinstall freshly,but not working,although i have installed,can some one help me02:50
tensorpuddingit's nice and free, and supported by Oracle02:50
=== lukas is now known as Guest64392
donmecca10tensorpudding: thank you!02:52
tensorpuddingthat site lies02:54
tensorpuddingOpenJDK 7 will be the reference implementation of Java 702:54
tensorpuddingsays Oracle02:54
buntuHey all, how do i install grub if there is no /boot/grub/stage1 file to begin with?02:59
Flynsarmybuntu: you might have grub 2. use grub-install -v to find out02:59
Flynsarmybuntu: if so, th efile youre after is /etc/default/grub02:59
buntuyes i have those files03:00
buntulol how do install grub2 to on dmraid03:00
aussie_mattHi guys, I currently have XP and mandriva dual booting, I wish to install ubuntu alongside these two, will it be hard to configure so that I can triple boot?03:01
buntuaussie_matt, i would say pretty easy if you have a free partiotn to install it to03:02
fritolayIt should be just as hard as setting up a dual boot03:02
ActionParsniptensorpudding: can I PM you please dude?03:03
tensorpuddinguh, why03:03
Swianhe likes you03:03
ActionParsniptensorpudding: just want you to test something if I may impose on you03:03
aussie_mattubuntu: i have several partitions, took a while to get a mandy install that read my raid array properly, but the live ubuntu did no problems, i just wanna make sure the boot loader is easily configured, although i cant see it being a problem, just wanted to be sure03:04
buntutell you the truth i'm having problems with grub and my dmraid array03:06
aussie_mattbuntu: oh dear...my problem was i bought the latest motherboard and had to wait for drivers :(03:07
buntujust amd 800 onboard for me03:08
l1tWhats the best way to install Ubuntu(on the entire drive preferably) if you do not have access to CD, USB Floppy?03:09
aussie_mattbuntu: i haven't kept pace with that stuff sorry, mines a p5q so quite old now :( only some e2200 i think03:10
DarrowDumb question, how do I add/change workspaces on Unity now?03:10
arkaniadl1t: PXE install, if you have a spare linux computer.03:10
buntuo it works cant get grub into the MBR03:11
arkaniadl1t: And a supporting network card... guess it's a little more complex.03:11
DarrowI can't find the equivalent of workspace switcher in GNOME.03:11
arkaniadl1t: You could always stick the drive in another computer and write the ISO to the drive then use the rest of the disk.03:11
tarvid"Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: only root can mount /dev/sr0 on /media/cdrom"03:12
tarvidis it a bug?03:12
ActionParsniptarvid: you need to prefix with sudo03:12
tarvidIt fails on automount03:13
tarvidThat wom't work03:13
elite_how do you create your own irc channel03:13
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
kermitelite_: type: /join #name03:14
tarvidelite_,  /join #yourownircchannel03:14
elite_ok let me try  it03:15
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tarvidwhich package contains "automount"03:15
=== The is now known as Guest62530
cattuneg'day....i set thunderbird up on the previous boot,changed preferences,but upon rebooting all has returned to scratch - is there a global save button i should have used or is this a user account issue?.....my understanding of the whole user account theme is deficient i fear....03:16
l1tarkaniad: K Yeah I have a laptop running ubuntu. Ok Ill look into it thanks. And yeah I tried popping the harddrive into another compb but nobody I know has a computer that has hardware compatible with this oldschool drive03:17
cablopi have a server and we want for its disk to be encrypted03:17
marsfligthI'd like to change the defaut name 'Desktop' to 'desktop' but i'm afraid to make a disaster. Do you know what consegences this change should have to the system?03:17
cablopbut we want to be able to boot it via network, because it is headless03:17
cablopany idea?03:17
l1tarkaniad: Can't I just technicaly install ubuntu as a live cd onto the ahrddrive with unetbootin then just click the little install icon and install it to the whol drive ? lol03:18
The_RegurgitatorThe regurgitator has come again.03:18
donmecca10can anyone help me hook up a television as my monitor03:18
jeffserverdoes it have a vga inputt?03:18
donmecca10yeah im going from vga (my comp) to hdmi1 jeffserver03:19
acore_27algun latino03:19
donmecca10acore_27 que tal?03:20
jeffserveryour computer needs a vga input or if your computer has an hdmi output you can do that as well03:20
Doodiehi, I am using Radeon HD 6470M on my lenovo. I cannot change the screen resolution. I installed the driver but it seems not working. help please?l. Any03:20
cablopDoodie: use the ati radeon driver from the repos and not the one it is suggesting you03:21
cablopthe gflrx or whatever, don't use it,03:21
donmecca10jeffserver: i have vga output and the tv has hdmi103:21
Doodiecablop, ya i was using the gflrx. I will try with the repos now. thanks03:21
donmecca10acore_27 hay un canal espanol03:21
acore_27pasame el lik03:22
cablopDoodie: the repos auto detect and use a radeon driver, this is the best03:22
The_Regurgitatordonmecca10: do you have an adapter03:22
jeffserverdonmecca10: you wont be able to connect it03:22
donmecca10the_regurgitator yes03:22
jeffservervga to hdmi?03:23
acore_27<donmecca18> cual es el canal español03:23
donmecca10acore_27 no se como es algo asi como ubuntu_es03:23
itaylor57!es | acore_2703:23
ubottuacore_27: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:23
donmecca10jeffserver why not my comp detects it03:24
donmecca10does anyone know the spanish chanel?03:24
acore_27esta vacio   #ubuntu .es03:24
donmecca10The_regurgitator yes i do03:26
Artemis3acore_27, #ubuntu-es03:26
The_Regurgitatordonmecca10: what kind03:26
The_Regurgitatorvga to hdmi03:26
acore_27ok gracias03:27
acore_27ya entre03:27
donmecca10vga to hdmi03:27
donmecca10The_regurgitator vga to hdmi03:27
The_Regurgitatordonmecca10: what is not working03:28
almoxarifedonmecca10: the problem will not be ubuntu, ubuntu>vga>mystery???>hdmi>tv03:29
The_Regurgitatorwith the adaptor03:29
donmecca10The_regurgitator when I "fn" "F8" it does not show up on my tv03:29
donmecca10almoxarife i dont understand what is the issue then03:30
The_Regurgitatordonmecca10: did you try the monitor settings in the menu03:30
almoxarifedonmecca10: does the vga work on a typical monitor?03:30
donmecca10The_regurgitator yes and the computer detects the tv screen03:31
donmecca10almoxarife on the laptop monitor yes03:31
almoxarifedonmecca10: may I suggest getting a 'hdmi card'03:31
donmecca10almoxarife ok03:32
mafiaboytesting :P03:32
almoxarifedonmecca10: that proves you have vga going out to the mystery device03:32
The_Regurgitatordonmecca10: can you turn on the screen separately from the laptop03:33
almoxarifedonmecca10: I had the same issue you have, don't waste money on gadgets, get a 'card'03:33
gemunuwhat is temp 1 in Gnome sensors applet?03:33
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almoxarifegemunu: cpu? check the settings?03:34
wolfman3k5I want to install rkroothunter, but apt-get wants to install postfix as well with it. Why?03:35
gemunuthere is a  separate one for CPU in acpi.03:35
almoxarifewolfman3k5: because it's a dependancy?03:35
The_RegurgitatorIl est dix heures trente-six03:36
gemunualmoxarife: there is a  separate one for CPU in acpi. How can I check the settings?03:36
wolfman3k5almoxarife and you just always install blindly what apt wants you to install without questioning the logic of it? do you even know what rkhunter is?03:36
donmecca10the_regurgitator yes the tv works independently but it will not display what is on my computer03:37
almoxarifegemunu: the applet should have a settings menu03:37
MythGuyHello. Could I get some help with setting up multiple displays on my ubuntu 11.10 install? I'm trying to run a 1920x1080 on HDMI and a 1600x900 on DVI. It keeps telling me that there's a maximum size of 1920x1920 though.03:37
almoxarifewolfman3k5: no, I just don't install when I don't know03:37
The_Regurgitatorcheck the monitors in gnomenu03:38
The_Regurgitator*gnome menu03:38
almoxarifewolfman3k5: yes, looks for rootkits, there are a few of them, played with them, got bored03:38
wolfman3k5almoxarife rkhunter is "RootKit Hunter". I am installing a server right now. I can't figure out for the life of me why it wants postfix installed03:38
almoxarifewolfman3k5: I wouldn't normally suggest this, google it?03:39
wolfman3k5almoxarife I did google it, couldn't find anything decent on the subject, just a bunch of other people wondering the same thing03:40
MythGuythe_regurgitator: How do I do that?03:40
almoxarifehttp://www.postfix.org/ <-- wolfman3k5, I am guessing it wants to email you?03:41
OerHeksah postfix for report03:41
almoxarifewolfman3k5: I wonder if rkhunter sends email when it finds something worthwhile?03:42
The_Regurgitatormythguy: System>Preferences>Monitors03:42
linuxuz3rwhen i shutdown ubuntu and poweron my computer my bios settings fails to boot on post03:42
wolfman3k5<almoxarife> that's kind of .... stupid? what are logfiles for?03:42
linuxuz3rcan someone help me03:42
elite499yea what you nned03:42
The_RegurgitatorIMA FIRIN MAH LAZAR ........BAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH (signal lost)03:43
almoxarifewolfman3k5: logfiles are for logging?03:43
wolfman3k5linuxuz3r GOD can help you for sure03:43
r0gueI am clicking on a "Uninstall Wine Software" in the wine menu but the window just does not seem to open, any clues?03:43
wolfman3k5almoxarife I see your point... so rkhunter will send out an email saying: hey sucker, you have just been rooted...! best of luck!03:43
elite499have you reboot?03:44
wolfman3k5r0gue Yes! Use Windows for Windows Software!03:44
elite499or uninstall through terminal03:44
wolfman3k5r0gue VMware Player for Linux is Free, just run an instance of Windows in a virtual machine03:45
r0guefunny but i want to use ubuntu03:45
wolfman3k5r0gue VMware Player for Linux is Free, just run an instance of Windows in a virtual machine03:45
elite499install it on another partition03:45
wolfman3k5r0gue and you will run Windows under Ubuntu03:45
r0guewolfman3k5 i use windows on a seperate partiton lol03:45
wolfman3k5r0gue Wine for Linux has always sucked, it can never keep up with the Microsoft API because Microsoft doesn't want, it's a loosing cause03:45
seawookie BILL GATES03:46
elite499STEVE JOBS03:46
elite499screw apple03:46
wolfman3k5r0gue first time I used Wine was 1997, last time it was 2003, I gave up on it a long time ago and just use Windows for Windows Software03:46
seawookiewine is a very finicky software03:46
elite499why are you trying to use wine anyway03:46
seawookiewhat are you trying to run with it?03:47
wolfman3k5elite499 he's probably trying to play World of Warcraft03:47
tensorpuddingwine will run many things fine03:47
tensorpuddingand run more things badly, and some not at all03:47
seawookieyea its really up to chance sometimes03:47
psychx-Is there any kind of software that I can use to record my desktop to show someone how to do something? like to make it a video to post to youtube?03:47
r0guebut the uninstall wine window is not opening even after clicking on it several times03:47
tensorpuddingalways check the wine appdb for compatibility and expect the worst03:47
FloodBot1elite499: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:47
OerHeksrecordmydesktop in synaptic ?03:48
tensorpuddingelite499, don't spam links03:48
almoxarifepsychx-: vlc03:48
elite499ima rape u03:48
psychx-vlc will record?03:48
tensorpuddingnot funny03:48
elite499you dont like?03:48
almoxarifepsychx-: yes03:48
wolfman3k5any of you Remember Transgaming? They used to charge like $20/month for their shitty service, I had a subscription there to. I even purchased Wine Pro or what ever it was called. You add all of that up and you realize that Windows is cheaper03:48
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:48
psychx-i did not know that, thank you almoxarife03:48
elite499fudge pudding?03:48
tensorpuddingplease read the guidelines03:48
tensorpuddingand act according to them03:48
elite499please excuse my friend seawookie03:49
seawookieplease excuse my dear aunt sally03:49
ddilingernvidia binary + unity + dualscreen + one rotated monitor: anyone know of issues?  If i load metacity+xterm as my X session the second screen is perfect, but if i load unity 2d (because i'm using xinerama) the second screen gets the same output as the first(although the mouse still goes off the edge onto second screen)03:49
wolfman3k5please excuse my cat Lamb Chop03:49
elite499lamb chop is excused03:49
linuxuz3rhow do you fix bios resets after ubuntu shutsdown03:49
seawookielisten guys03:49
wolfman3k5elite499 I really have a cat named Lamb Chop, 12 weeks old03:49
seawookiewe're no strangers to love03:49
elite499lol i have a cat name slicky bear03:50
seawookieyou know the rules and so do oi03:50
seawookiefull commitment is what im looking for03:50
almoxarifehow does one call in a op to clean house?03:50
seawookieyou wont get this from any other guy03:50
tensorpuddingseawookie, stop that03:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:51
seawookiebut...im never gonna give you up...03:51
almoxarifeaeon-ltd: thnks03:51
elite499hey michael moorman03:51
Pilif12pseawookie: knock it off03:51
OerHeks!ot | seawookie elite49903:51
ubottuseawookie elite499: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:51
elite499i have a question03:52
Pilif12pelite49: What is your question?03:52
r0guebut the uninstall wine window is not opening even after clicking on it several times03:52
elite499how do i install ubuntu03:52
ddilingeranyone use unity 2d dualscreen xinerama with one rotated monitor?  My X config works perfect with metacity, but when loading unity 2d the first screen gets displayed on the second(but only when the second is rotated)03:52
jademonkeyDo you have the media elite?03:52
elite499yeah just downloaded it03:53
r0gueelite499 you can install ubuntu from flash drive or cd03:53
wolfman3k5elite499 are you serious about the cat?03:53
elite499i know i was just seeing how knowledgeable you guys were03:53
jademonkeyHave you burned the iso to a CD?03:53
elite499but your a bunch of help03:53
elite499yeah im actually thinking of installing on another machine03:53
elite499maybe 11.04 instead of lts03:53
seawookiewhat is the best firewall service to use?03:54
wolfman3k5Ubuntu and Debian are the best distros. Debian is like Mr. Miagy and Ubuntu is like the young Karate Kid03:54
elite499do you prefer the LTS or newer version03:54
seawookieLTS for sure03:54
wolfman3k5elite499 are you installing on a server?03:54
elite499i agree with wolfman03:54
HackNewtonanyone knows similar software to SunBird for Ubuntu?03:54
linuxuz3rhow do you fix bios resets after ubuntu shutsdown???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????03:54
elite499yeah i have a server running ubuntu server lts03:54
linuxuz3rgot stuck03:54
abeHackNewton: do u mean that calandar thingy from mozilla?03:55
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: how do you mean BIOS resets?03:55
wolfman3k5elite499 I'm installing 11.10 on a brand new server right now on Linode. I need decent NGINX suppor badly, and 11.10 has it03:55
r0gueelite499 chill but ask genuine questions lol03:55
fhtagnlinuxuz3r: i also have that, sometimes. Asus Netbook 1201N03:55
seawookieanybody? good firewall?03:55
elite499lol <303:55
ActionParsnipwolfman3k5: they have thier place, other distros will excel in other situations :)03:55
wolfman3k5elite499 right out of the box03:55
abeHackNewton: I found that the lightning addon for thunderbird v similar03:55
ActionParsnip!firewall | seawookie03:55
ubottuseawookie: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.03:55
wolfman3k5seawookie ufw03:55
elite499oh very nice wolfman03:55
r0guelinuxuz3r just remove the battery or short the pins lol03:55
elite499ive been setting mine up for a while now03:55
wolfman3k5seawookie ufw firewall - just apt-get install ufw03:56
elite499i installed ubuntu desktop as well03:56
seawookiei have ufw03:56
elite499ufw ftw03:56
seawookiei was just wondering if there are any other better ones?03:56
linuxuz3rActionParsnip, when i shutdown ubuntu and turn on my computer again it failes to boot on post so now the settings on my bios is screwed up03:56
ActionParsnipits all just a gui for iptables....03:56
wolfman3k5elite499 for desktop Bleeding Edge all the way:)03:56
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: is the motherboard old(ish)03:56
elite499wooo hooo :)03:56
wolfman3k5ActionParsnip ufw is actually a complete firewall solution03:56
elite499i like it03:56
r0guelinuxuz3r do you get cmos error?03:57
ActionParsnipwolfman3k5: I see, I've always let my router do it :)03:57
linuxuz3rbut i cant get past post the system reboots so now the bios is reset03:57
r0gueyou should load fail safe default and what about time? is it in sync?03:57
linuxuz3rActionParsnip, i got it around 200803:57
wolfman3k5ActionParsnip well, I agree, but if your server is out there in a data center God knows where, then you need to configure your firewall by hand to get best results03:58
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: is the BIOS reset jumper set to clear?03:58
ActionParsnipwolfman3k5: of for sure :)03:58
OerHekslinuxuz3r, sonds like battery dead, does not hold your bootselections ?03:58
jademonkeyIn actuality the Linux default firewall is call Netfilter and it is managed by iptables via terminal. If you insist of a GUI Ubuntu has a default one but I know people that have had great success with Firestarter03:58
elite499wolf i added u to friends03:58
wolfman3k5ActionParsnip even then you can get rooted if there is a vulnerability in one of the common services that are open to the internet like the Web Server (apache or what ever), smtp, imap, pop3, etc.03:59
jademonkeyBut all those GUIs are front ends for iptables.03:59
wolfman3k5yes they are03:59
wolfman3k5but I wouldn't configure iptables by hand03:59
linuxuz3rActionParsnip, i did not play with the bios jumper03:59
seawookieis uf iptables?03:59
linuxuz3rso i dont know03:59
wolfman3k5seawookie just install it... here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW04:00
linuxuz3rActionParsnip, can i pass no acpi in there so it would work?04:00
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linuxuz3rActionParsnip, it does not reset the bios per se but instead it fails to boot to post because on the post page it reboots which screws up my bios settings04:01
bullgard4For most commands I can use the prefix »LANG=C« to obtain output not in my native language but in English. How can I obtain output in English for manpages, for example for 'man update-alternatives'?04:03
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: could try the noacpi, it can't hurt04:03
ankurI have HP Deskjet F2235, a MFD. The printing and scanning functionality were both working fine when I was using Ubuntu 11.04. Then I switched to lubuntu 11.10. And now 'Simple Scan' doesn't detect my scanner anymore. Please help!04:04
psychx-I am trying to use VLC to record my desktop... but I can't figure out how. The whole past 5 minutes I thought I was recording, but I don't think it was.04:05
psychx-Can someone help me?04:05
elite499sorry psychx ive never used it04:06
DoodieI am unalble to change my screen resolution. it shows only 1024x768. Xrandr shows my min and max is only that value. how can I change my resolution?04:06
psychx-do you know of a certain software to use that is easy?04:06
elite499to record your desktop?04:06
elite499i use camtasia studios04:07
psychx-is it free?04:07
elite499try camstudio04:07
elite499its an opensource04:07
QuikNikhey guys, anybody know a way or utility thaat I can use to image my old 5400rpm sata drive to an external drive .. so that I can then image it back to my newer SSD? it's a laptop and I don't have the utilities to have them both in at once04:08
elite499your trying to do what?04:08
Doodieany help  for my unchangble screen resolution ?04:08
elite499use an old hdd as external?04:08
elite499doodie what graphics card you running?04:09
QuikNikno sorry, store an image of my current 5400rpm drive on an external drive? so that I can then image it to a new drive04:09
QuikNikkeeping the same install/data04:09
psychx-elite499: it looks like it's for windows04:09
elite499sounds like youll need a ide/sata to usb to transfer files over04:09
Doodieelite499, it's Radeon 6470M04:09
elite499is it still in the laptop?04:09
elite499one sec psychx04:10
elite499doodie have you recently updated your driver?04:10
ActionParsnipQuikNik: dd or partimage or rsync04:11
seawookietried editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf? doodie04:11
Doodieelite499, yes i installed for my new laptop. it's ATI/AMD FGLRX graphics card.04:12
Doodieseawookie, I want to but have no idea how to proceed.04:12
QuikNikActionParsnip: I can put the dd or partimage image on an external drive.. and then bring it back onto the new drive with those utilities?04:12
elite499doodie have you installed the ati software for the card?04:12
abeQuikNik: have a look at Clonezilla.  I found this LiveCD pretty handy and easy to use if you need to clone your system04:13
Doodieelite499, yes the FGLRX Graphics card is the driver that's available. but it seems not to work.04:13
QuikNikabe:  Okay I will look into it? thanks04:13
ActionParsnipQuikNik: you will need both drives attaches then boot to live CD and use the tools04:14
skyballhow do i get my USB joy stick noticed ?04:14
elite499Doodie, try looking online for a supported driver04:15
QuikNikQuikNik: which one would you recommend between them?04:15
abeQuikNik: for clonezilla, you could save the partition/drive as image file. Options include save to external hard disk, or network (ftp/samba) if I remember04:15
QuikNikdough, I mean ActionParsnip04:15
elite499sounds like its not compatiable with the default driver04:15
abeQuikNik: of cos u could just clone it to the target disk straight away.... or restore the image files on another machine04:15
Doodieelite499, yup04:16
QuikNikabe, ActionParsnip:  Thanks for your help a lot04:17
abeQuikNik: np :)04:17
elite499did you find one Doodie?04:18
r0guehello sam____04:18
abeQuikNik: and FYI, clonezilla is built upon dd/partimage etc  ;)04:19
QuikNikI like ubuntu 10.10? I never want to upgrade04:19
Doodieelite499, i tried but the Radeon website has only that. Also, a few of the tutorials were using that file, but older version.04:19
QuikNikabe: ah, I figured it might be looking at it04:19
QuikNikuntli now i've been using an acronis utility.. but it let me down just now.. giving me a weird error message04:20
sam___who is mother of ubuntu04:20
seawookieLINUS TORVALDS04:20
abeQuikNik: just that it just makes it easier to use esp when cloning disk.  partimage doesn't support disk clone AFAIK04:20
_6iseawookie: linus torvalds is the father of linux (kernel), not ubuntu (distribution)04:21
elite499Doodie try google your card and see if you can find a driver via that04:21
seawookielol it was just a joke sry04:21
elite499if the site doesnt have one04:22
_6iseawookie: ..maybe grandfather?... :D04:22
abeI wonder if anyone has experience with bluez NAP profile. I was trying to set it up based on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1632825  but "sdptool browse local" never show NAP being an announced service.  Any insight?04:22
Doodieseawookie, could you please check my xorf.conf . http://codepad.org/7gEGRp6v04:22
seawookiehaha on its stepmothers side04:22
seawookielata yall04:22
seawookiepcing out04:22
_6iseawookie: then lets settle for a definite ancestor..of sorts :D04:23
_schism_question for those of you smarter than me. has anyone had a problem getting the google music app to auth?04:24
usr13_schism_: I didn't even know there WAS a google music app04:25
_schism_usr13, its a .deb from google forgot to put that in sorry04:25
Geoffrey2I'm trying to log into Ubuntu One, but the client keeps reporting an exception that represents an authentication failure..any ideas how to fix this one?04:28
psychx-Does anyone know what codec I have to use in order to properly upload a video to YouTube?04:30
ShaxsHey guys, I am trying to install emitapp.com which is a tar.gz file. According to the readme in the directory after I unzipped, I am supposed to do "Install to default /usr/local then sudo ./install04:30
ShaxsHowever ./install is not working04:30
bullgard4For most commands I can use the prefix »LANG=C« to obtain output not in my native language but in English. How can I obtain output in English for manpages, for example for 'man update-alternatives'?04:33
_schism_psychx-, I think most of the major ones work.  I have done oggtheora and 3gp with no problems04:33
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_6ihey guys, anyone having any idea why alsa lost mic control or how could i gave it back to it? or maybe it just got way too quite (if i start hitting the mic against the desk with mic volume maxed out (over 100%), i get 1 bar in the volume settings window); aslamixer seams not to help, but interestingly amixer does..in a way: if i turn the playback on for the mic input, i hear that its working, volume control  works too (in amixer), but sound sett04:34
_6iings and alsamixer is still the same (very quite); in audacity i can record when choosing the hardware as input, but not the "default" input sources, also if a program cannot choose an input but uses the default system setting than it can't record04:34
gogetapsychx-: you tube accepts alot of formats.04:34
gogetapsychx-: but mp4 h264 is what it uses04:35
Darkhackerhello people04:35
Darkhackerim new to ubuntu 11.10 can i change the way it looks04:36
gogetaDarkhacker: nope04:36
Darkhackeri dont like the bar on the left04:36
gogetaDarkhacker: unity = fail04:36
Darkhackeri like the way the old 10.10 worked04:36
gogetaDarkhacker: xubuntu is abought as close as you can get to the old style04:37
bullgard4_6i: Please check first the settings in alsamixer.04:37
Darkhackerso lame T.T04:37
_6iDarkhacker: ooor, you install gnome2..04:37
gogetaDarkhacker: untill mint releses there mate version with the gnome 2 forke04:37
robin0800!notunity | Darkhacker04:37
ubottuDarkhacker: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:37
ShaxsAny idea why sudo ./install as in the readme of an app would not work?04:38
gogetaDarkhacker: yea gnome 3 can be custom big time but its still wanky04:38
_schism_Darkhacker, install lxde or xfce maybe04:38
gogetaDarkhacker: bascily ubntu and gnome lost there minds and have dedcided to sucide there softwhere04:39
dr_willisi did see some hacks to put the unity panel at the bottom04:39
robin0800gogeta: what's wanky?04:39
gogetarobin0800: gnome 304:39
Darkhackergogeta so should i use gnome 3 and is there a simple apt-get i can use ?04:39
Darkhackeri been looking all day to change this desktop T.T04:39
robin0800gogeta: I know what's wanky about it?04:39
bullgard4Darkhacker: You can install the package gnome-shell. Then log out and before logging in select in the login screen image "GNOME Classic (No effects)".04:40
gogetaDarkhacker: you can give it a shot04:40
gogetabullgard4: gnome classic narly works04:40
dr_willisDarkhacker:  depends on exactly what you want04:40
gogetabullgard4: even they say so04:40
Darkhackerlike 10.10 x64 desktop version use to bre04:40
tensorpuddingmint has assumed maintenance of mate?04:40
silenihello everyone04:40
gogetaDarkhacker: yur gonna have to wait for mate to get working04:41
robin0800gogeta: its configurable and compiz works04:41
tensorpuddingi assumed that mate was going to rapidly bitrot since no one was willing to devote the time to take care of it04:41
bullgard4gogeta: '~$ dict narly; No definitions found for "narly", perhaps you mean: what?'04:41
gogetatensorpudding: yes mint is helping big time getting mate working04:41
pnormanI have an ATI 4250 onboard video. I want to make sure that it is lowering the GPU clockspeed when idle. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver tells me there is an option in xorg.conf called DynamicClocks. I do not have x11 installed, where would I look for the same option?04:41
dr_willisDarkhacker:  try lubuntu or xubyntu for an old school desdktop04:41
gogetamate is a gnome 2 forke04:41
gogetamaking gnome 2 work with gtk 304:41
silenisuddenly my very old ipod is not being mounted in ubuntu, it was able to mount before. I have attached this output from dmesg http://pastebin.com/GBq5B6fk04:41
Darkhackerill hack this one around and see what i can do :)04:41
silenihow would i go about bringing it online manually, i don't think there is disk failure04:42
tensorpuddingit's hard to believe they have to resources to keep them updated04:42
tensorpuddingbackporting new features would be next to impossible04:42
gogetatensorpudding: well the first rc is out of course many things are not working yet04:42
tensorpuddinggnome 2 or not, people are going to get tired of old 2.x apps missing features from 3.x04:42
Darkhackerdr_willis i code in c but i can in c++ also so i love adding custom stuff to applications and my os04:42
_6ibullgard4: what settings do you mean? -- i already tried to set the mic input to capture, also turned on the separate "capture" button/column/input/field maxed out rec volume (all in the recording section (after F4)), and nothing changed, just like when i tried playing with the comboboxes and sliders in the sound settings window04:43
dr_willistensorpudding:  yep. one of the big reasons for the change to g304:43
gogetatensorpudding: its more abought backporting all the old stuff04:43
tensorpuddingthey probably already are, 3.x brought some app changes04:43
gogetatensorpudding: naa i was sick when i saw the first screen and saif wtf is this garbage then the same for unity04:44
dr_williswith the various indicator-applets, lenses, and quicklists info at askubntu.com i got unity working very well..04:44
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:44
Darkhackersimple terms and im only going to say it once ubuntu is now trash ):04:44
gogetatensorpudding: whatever happond to if its not broke dont fix it gnome2 was a stons throw away from being the standerd ui04:44
dr_willisDarkhacker:  so you actually usecd unity for 5 min?04:45
Darkhackermore like 9 hours04:45
dr_willisgnome2 was also lacking in many ways04:45
tensorpuddingcomplaining about unity and gnome-shell is offtopic here04:45
Doodieelite499, http://codepad.org/7gEGRp6v04:45
Darkhackersorry new to this room04:45
dr_willisbut its dead.. so if you want to tweak ot unity or gnome shell therrws lots of guides for that04:45
gogetadr_willis: lol lacking in stuff it didnt need04:45
bullgard4_6i: I mean the settings that alsamixer allows. They are a finite set. This set depends on the hardware of your computer. --  If you did do all that then there exists another misconfiguration of your audio beyond alsamixer. This sometimes happens and is often difficult to find.04:46
dr_willisgogeta:  lacking in many things it did need04:46
tensorpuddingpeople complained about gnome "having stuff that it doesn't need" for a while04:46
gogetadr_willis: what 3d wavy windows04:46
dr_willisbut g2 is dead.. so im moving on04:46
gogetadr_willis: naa mate :)04:46
Darkhackercan i change the login screen background to a lot of naked ladys :D ?04:46
GeneralcamoGNOME shell 3 does not work in my ubuntu onieric04:46
tensorpuddinggnome 2 is dead, mate is a rebrand fork that will probably not amount to anything04:47
tensorpuddingGeneralcamo, what is the exact issue04:47
bullgard4!sound | _6i04:47
dr_willisi imagine in a year mate will be up there with  metisse...04:47
ubottu_6i: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:47
gogetatensorpudding: tell that to mint 1204:47
GeneralcamoWhen I log on with the shell, it shows nothing except my mouse and my desktop background04:47
GeneralcamoI can CTRL-ALT-DELETE to log off though04:47
dr_willisGeneralcamo:  new install or upgrade?04:47
GeneralcamoTried both04:48
gogetadr_willis: mint is aruldy close to beating ubuntu mate will push them past04:48
Darkhackerno answer ):04:48
GeneralcamoBoth say it is up to date04:48
dr_willisgogeta:  i dont really care what mint is doing..04:48
GeneralcamoThe Gnome Classic is running fine though, I have it open now04:48
tensorpuddingDarkhacker, you can change the login screen background, but i warn you, it's a pain04:48
tensorpuddingDarkhacker, well, i think it is easier if you use lightdm04:48
Darkhackertensorpudding, link to a guide or anything04:48
dr_willisGeneralcamo:  whats yor video chipset?04:48
tensorpuddingdo you use gdm or lightdm04:49
Killamanceram i able to get linux help in the channel?04:49
GeneralcamoATI Radeon 26004:49
GeneralcamoFor Laptops04:49
GeneralcamoI think...04:49
dr_willisKillamancer:  yes. thats why we aer here04:49
tensorpuddingKillamancer, ubuntu is linux, if you're using ubuntu then ask04:49
tensorpuddingif it's a linux question that doesn't have to do with ubuntu you should ask in ##linux04:49
dr_willisGeneralcamo:  the live cd desktop works fine?04:49
GeneralcamoUnity works as well04:50
GeneralcamoOnly GNOME 304:50
Generalcamohas problems04:50
Killamancermy friend who has 0 linux experience is trying to install starcraft2 on ubuntu, he got wine and installed the game but when he starts it, the screen is black, the game is running though04:50
tensorpuddingDarkhacker, do you use gdm or lightdm? my experience is only with gdm04:50
dr_willisGeneralcamo:  now.. thats interesting....04:50
_6ibullgard4: also, sound settings and alsamixer does not have a mic boost option, but amixer does -- however it is not needed to record (simply turning up mic vol does the trick with amixer); also, mic and alsa work well from a live boot, and they worked well before, but recently i played with using jack for a couple of apps at the same time, and probably my actions misconfigured something unintentionally; i already checked the the help links excep04:50
_6it the last (alsa), but thanks for it anyway04:50
tensorpuddingKillamancer, issues with running games in wine would be better asked elsewhere04:51
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:51
dr_willis!appdb | Killamancer04:51
ubottuKillamancer: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:51
tensorpuddingyeah, #winehq04:51
Killamancerok thanks04:51
gogetawine has been pretty fail as of late04:51
gogetaKillamancer: but try playonlinux it helps set wine for games04:52
Flynsarmyhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops/Dell/XPS/15z this page says to use the line modprobe acpi_call but when i do i get 'module acpi_call not found'. would tha thave anything to do with having acpi=noirq in grub?04:57
DarkhackerGNome Classic is what i wanted :D04:58
Darkhacker<3 it04:58
robin0800Darkhacker: you have to hack it if you want compiz04:59
Darkhackercompiz ?04:59
tensorpuddingDarkhacker, do you use lightdm or gdm05:00
robin0800Darkhacker: the compositing manager desk top cube etc.05:01
Darkhackernot sure tensorpudding im new to linux05:01
Darkhackerand im fine the way the system is i got my background as big titty's so im good :D05:01
Darkhacker2tb ubuntu install :D im ready for some fun05:02
dr_willisgnome classic is lacking in many ways.. often it jst looks like what people want.. ntill they start using it...05:04
Darkhackerany good games that will run on 3.2ghz dual core 6gb ram with no graphics card ?05:05
dr_willisyo are sshing into a headless pc Darkhacker ?05:05
szalno gfx card?  are you kidding?05:05
tensorpuddinghe means integrated graphics, probably05:05
brjanncnethack? ;)05:06
tensorpuddingyou probably can't run doom 305:06
dr_willis!info bsdgames05:06
ubottubsdgames (source: bsdgames): collection of classic textual unix games. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.17-19 (oneiric), package size 953 kB, installed size 2488 kB05:06
tensorpuddingyou could run quadrapassel though05:06
Darkhackerszal im planning on getting one05:06
dr_willisasciiinvaders  ;)05:06
Darkhackeri ran WOW on windows fine with this O.o05:07
dr_willissaw an ascii  tetris05:07
DarkhackerArmagetron Advanced O.o ?05:08
Darkhackerseems fun05:08
dr_willisso... you do have a video card. ;)05:08
Darkhackerdr willis no O.o ?05:08
Darkhackerjust a basic out of the box pc05:08
Darkhacker2tb hd05:08
Darkhacker6gb ram05:08
Darkhacker3.2ghz dual core cpu05:08
dr_willisyou just said you were running wow on windows...05:08
Darkhackerya it runs ok05:09
Darkhackerit was before i install ubuntu today05:09
dr_willisthe fact its a onboard video... does not mean you have no video card.. ;)05:09
* szal doesn't think Windows even runs w/o a gfx card05:09
tensorpuddingarmegatron probably can run fine on your system05:09
szalDarkhacker: lspci | grep -i vga05:09
dr_williswow and lotro work in wine i hear05:09
dr_willisif you want mmorpg05:10
szalArmagetron is a fine game, only I never managed to figure it out ;)05:10
Darkhackerzooom :D05:10
Darkhackerkilled someone lol05:10
szalDarkhacker: please execute the above command and paste the output, thanks05:11
Darkhackerszal 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:11
szalDarkhacker: as expected, on-board gfx05:12
Darkhackerszal bad ?05:12
szalDarkhacker: thing is, it's not "no gfx card"05:13
Darkhackeri should still be able to pick a normal graphics card up and install it ?05:13
szalif you have a card slot for one, yes05:13
Darkhackeri got 8 :D05:13
tensorpuddingis it a laptop05:14
tensorpuddingit depends on if you have a slot05:14
tensorpuddingyou probably do05:14
jiltdilI want to use kde desktop environment . Please tell me the package name.05:15
szaljiltdil: kubuntu-desktop05:15
Darkhackeris there any good graphics cards under a $100 ?05:16
jiltdilDarkhacker, get the nvidia05:18
Darkhackerjiltdil cost?05:18
dr_willisnvidia has a wide range of decent cards for every budget05:18
Darkhackerbut will it run mkv O.o05:18
jiltdilDarkhacker,  96** version i think it is very good in range of $10005:19
dr_willisyo play mkv videos.. and even my low end netbook can play them05:19
szalDarkhacker: GT240, €70 (unless it's made in Thailand & now more expensive)05:20
dr_willischeck the various video czard review sites for whats a good value $100 card these days.05:20
Darkhackerbut will the card play black ops or mw3 ok ?05:20
lng_hi! how to resolve it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/742940/05:20
* szal has no friggin' idea about gaming stuff05:20
dr_willisif you want the best gameing experience.. dual boot with windows for games05:20
lng_libncurses5-dev doesn't help05:20
Darkhackeri paid for some cross over thing dr willis05:21
Darkhackerit will let me run windows games05:21
dr_willisif you want the best gameing experience.. dual boot with windows for games  ------ still applies05:21
* Darkhacker slides $50 to dr_willis for some meds xD05:22
jiltdilDarkhacker,  Ypu can also use Gamedrift linux for your gaming experience, it's paid one05:22
dr_willisespecially with newe0r high end games05:22
dr_williseven games that do run well in wine, i find often work better in windows - less qirks in the games.05:23
Prodegoor just use windows :)05:23
Darkhackerwindows = shit05:23
Darkhackersorry no offence05:23
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.05:23
=== APERSON is now known as aperson
Darkhacker): Sorry everyone05:24
Darkhackerand sorry ubottu05:24
dr_willisfor real work i got my linux box's for games i got a windows box ;)05:24
Darkhackerdr_willis that game i told you i was installings ran at 55 fps most the time05:25
Darkhackerwith irc05:25
Darkhackercommand prompt05:25
dr_williswith xming, and ssh,winscp.. i can do both on same machine i got upstairs. linux box is headless in the basement05:25
office3which is more popular, lubuntu or xubuntu05:25
Darkhackerthey should have a subuntu :D05:26
dr_willisoffice3:  id say xubuntu.  because lubuntu i dont think is an offical variant yet.05:26
dr_willisbut i perfer lubntu for low end machines05:26
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.05:26
jiltdilWhy ubuntu is widely used over other ubuntu variants???05:27
Darkhackerdr_willis im using ubuntu  because im more of a homebrew dev i love coding open source application and games and so on and i thought a open source os would be best in the long run :D05:27
Darkhackergoogle DarkhackerPS305:28
dr_willisjiltdil:  its the first, the most popular, and the manuals/docs all refer to bntu05:28
jiltdildr_willis, hm :) good one05:28
dr_willisfor low end hardware lubuntu is gaining a following05:28
dr_willisxubntu is sort of in the middle... its heavier then lbntu.05:29
Darkhackerdr_willis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crvLWHmF154&feature=channel_video_title   what do you think ?05:29
dr_willisand of course kubuntu for kde lovers05:29
dr_willisDarkhacker:  im on my android phone - so i dont youtube from it. ;)05:30
Darkhackernice i just got my first android last week05:30
Darkhackerjust got it rooted today05:30
cattunehello....can anyone point a complete newb to some grassroots ubuntu information?05:31
og01hi there i've got a little stuck, i tried out the xbmc unstable PPA and now want to revert to their stable, I removed the source and did aptitude update, but when i try and install xbmc it sats that xbmc-data is BROKEN, because it is newer than what xbmc depends05:31
dr_williscattune:  ask away05:31
og01how can I make it forget about the newer packageS?05:31
dr_willisog01:  try the ppa-purge tool/05:31
cattunethanks dr-willis......at the moment i have an error msg that appears as i suspend the machine - error edid checksum is invalid05:32
dr_willis!info ppa-purge05:32
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB05:32
Darkhackerhow do i install xbmc or showtime T.T ?05:32
dr_williscattune: i never use sspend or hibernate so no idea.. my ubntu box has like 4 weeks+ uptime05:33
bullgard4In gnome-terminal pressing Ctrl+Shift+T will open another Tab within the gnome-terminal program window. What is the analogous command for urxvt?05:33
dr_willisDarkhacker:  via the xbmc ppa  normally05:33
cattuneah,ok....but i have many others too!..:)05:34
tensorpuddingurxvt, to my knowledge, doesn't support tabs05:34
DarkhackerE: Unable to locate package xbmc05:34
dr_willisbeen ages since i used urxvt ;)05:34
rootofjessei am looking for some help with a dual boot xp ubuntu 11.10 problem05:34
dr_willis!ppa | Darkhacker05:35
ubottuDarkhacker: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa05:35
Darkhackeri did this sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc05:35
dr_willisxbmc is not in the default repos.05:35
Darkhackerthen sudo apt-get update05:35
cattunei set preferences in thunderbird on last boot,but this boot has discarded those preferences,i didn't see a save button at the time,but i may have accidentally logged in as a different user??05:35
dr_willistheres some how to install xbmc on 11.10 gides out there05:36
og01Darkhacker: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO:Install_XBMC_on_Ubuntu05:36
cattunewhat would be the best setup proceedure to set user profiles?05:36
dr_williscattune:  each user has their own settings.. so im  not clear on what you mean05:37
cattunei have searched for some info,but it is mainly cmd line based and i'm spoon fed windows user..:)05:37
cattuneas i understand it each user has thier own priviledges for security,at the moment i'm logged in as a guest05:38
dr_williscattune:  guest user settings are not saved..05:38
dr_willisthats why they are  guest05:39
cattunea ubuntu for dummies guide seems appropriate for me..05:39
dr_willisadd new users if you want a new user05:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:39
dr_willisthat manual is a little out of date but the fundamentals still apply05:39
Darkhackerguess ill try to compile showtime05:40
Darkhackeranyone else use it ?05:40
dr_willisnever heard of it.05:40
dr_willisi use boxee or xbmc for my video playback needs05:40
Darkhackerdr_willis google showtime media player :D05:40
=== Vyas is now known as VyasKadkol
Darkhackerit the F****** bomb05:40
Darkhackeri did some work on the port to ps305:41
jtr__Darkhacker: seriously ?05:41
jtr__Darkhacker: i'm gonna try rightnow!05:41
cattuneah,thank you dr-willis,just found your msg re guest users05:41
dr_willis!tab | cattune05:42
ubottucattune: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:42
jtr__ Darkhacker did u mean a "google" showtime media player05:42
Darkhackerjtf__ git clone git://github.com/andoma/showtime.git05:43
jtr__Darkhacker: woaky :)05:43
jtr__Darkhacker: my distorted nick jtf_ :(05:43
tmusDoes anyone have a clue why we haven't seen Firefox8 on Oneiric yet? When FF8 was released, speculation was "in a few days", but that's way overdue now... Serious issues with it or something?05:44
dr_willisyou would use a ppa to get ff8 i thought05:45
lnghi! how to fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/742940/05:45
dr_willisnormal repos wont be pdated to include it.05:45
tensorpuddinglng, install ncurses05:45
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins05:45
Darkhackerjtr_ if you install you need this page https://github.com/andoma/showtime/blob/master/README.markdown05:45
jtr__this channel is the most useful invention of man :D05:45
jtr__Darkhacker: ok, i'll read :)05:46
lngtensorpudding: what is package name?05:47
tensorpuddinglibncurses5-dev should do it05:47
tmusdr_willis, thanks :-)05:48
lngtensorpudding: I already have it05:48
dr_willistmus: funny thing.. i use opera  :-)05:49
Darkhackerjtr__ there many media players out there but showtime has many options in it for use and play many formats and even does subtitles from internet and hell of plugins and you can even rent mp3's on it05:49
Darkhackerand rent adult movies if your over 18+05:49
tmusdr_willis, heh :-)05:50
jtr__Darkhacker: sounds really cool, why is it still on git, why not a .deb ?05:50
rootofjessei decided to redo xp and oneiric installations and rearrange the partitions of the ubuntu, did gparted from live, committed, did not touch ntfs, rebooted and installed xp from cd with full format of the ntfs, and found it had rebooted to "disk read error" "press ctrl + alt +del"05:50
tensorpuddinglng, it could be an issue with the thing you're building05:50
tensorpuddingask the people who wrote it05:50
tmusdr_willis, ff8 is now in the ppas for oneiric though - it was worth a shot ;-)05:51
lngtensorpudding: I have that compiled on the other machine05:51
Darkhackerjtr__ because of the process of getting it setup i think but it worth it05:54
Darkhackerit on osx linux and ps305:54
gulzarhow to use my GPRS connection with QEMU?05:54
jtr__Darkhacker: oh, okay05:55
packritpas sûr que qq'un soit là un samedi matin...06:01
packritJ'intalle xubuntu 11.10 hier soir...06:01
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:02
ubottufrench: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:02
lightasalut packrit , et sisi ya tjr du monde =)06:02
packritBien sûr.. jtr06:03
jtr__packrit: ca va?06:03
jtr__packrit: :)06:03
mcsteveAnyone know how to disable plymouth on 11.04, or at least get it to leave ttyS0 alone?06:03
packritSur #ununtu6fr, ils dorment tous /o\06:03
katsrchey everyone06:04
katsrci'm having some issues with this "update-apt-xapi" process that keeps on consuming as much as 50 to 60% CPU resources06:04
packritnouvelle install hier soir sur tout le disque est ce matin, le disque est plein ?06:04
katsrcdoes anyone have an idea on what it is06:04
jtr__packrit: je n'ait pas beaucoup de francais, j'ai anglais, et je ne puex pas comprenez que tu dit06:04
=== maverickpi is now known as pi[afk]
packrit40 Go06:04
packritmy hard disq is full after a new install (hier)06:05
blarggUsing Ubuntu 10.04 and Disk Utility, I formatted a 60GB volume on an MBR'd disk as FAT. I tried to mount on OS X, but no go. I notice that the parition type is still 0x83 (Linux). I want to set this correctly. Two most viable ones seem 0x0B (FAT32) and 0x0C (FAT32 LBA). Would this one be using LBA?06:06
ActionParsnipkatsrc: let me search06:07
mcsteveI can't figure out what's going on here, but on this server, plymouthd is interfering with the serial console06:08
packritLighta ?06:08
=== virusuy is now known as virusuy-away
packrittu speakes bien le français.06:09
ActionParsnipkatsrc: http://sapnwnewbie.blogspot.com/2010/11/high-cpu-usage-by-update-apt-xapi.html06:09
brjanncblargg: yes; without LBA, FAT32 only supports up to 2 GB I think. so you want type C06:10
ActionParsnip!away > virusuy-away06:10
ubottuvirusuy-away, please see my private message06:10
blarggYay, trying to change partition ID in MBR has hung something. I'll just use sfdisk, ugh.06:10
ActionParsnip!fr | packrit06:11
ubottupackrit: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:11
katsrcActionParsnip: i've done that it still is an issue06:11
l1nuxmanhow can I run apache2 binary without getting error: "apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}" ??06:12
katsrcit suppose to be fixed, but i'm still having this issue06:12
l1nuxmanAlso without running my init script apache2ctl06:12
ActionParsnipkatsrc: did you reboot after making the change?06:12
katsrcActionParsnip: yup06:13
katsrci'm going to look into a bug report06:13
katsrcseems more people are having this06:13
packritIt is possible for a french speaker to go to #ubuntu-fr ? please.06:13
packritMy english is too bad to speak.06:14
brjanncpackrit: have you tried #ubuntu-qc ? there may be some quebecois still awake there06:14
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
katsrcActionParsnip: i guess it's an unfixed bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-xapian-index/+bug/83033306:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 830333 in apt-xapian-index (Ubuntu) "randomly, update-apt-xapi will take 100% cpu for an extended period of time" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:15
packritbrjannc, I go see the quebecois...06:16
brjanncpackrit: bonne chance :)06:16
cattunedoes anyone know where i can download ubuntu for dummies?06:17
ActionParsnipkatsrc: indeed, you could always modify the cron to not run it but I'm not sure what it does06:17
katsrcActionParsnip: thanks for your help, i think i'll try that06:18
supercoderkatsrc: hello06:18
katsrchi supercoder06:18
ActionParsnipkatsrc: http://examplenow.com/package/apt-xapian-index/06:18
packritYou are very "courtois" here.06:19
l1nuxmanI'm getting: apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} however in my /etc/apache2/envars file I have user and group set to www-data. What gives?06:19
l1nuxmanbecause I'm trying to run the apache2 binary06:20
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
packritNo body for me. I'm hugry "triste"06:26
ImTheDudemy screen lets disapeared after my screen saver came on why did they dissapeared06:27
ActionParsnipImTheDude: if you kill the screenlet service then rerun it, do they come back?06:28
ImTheDudethey came back i just dont know how they dissapeared06:29
ActionParsnipImTheDude: maybe its just slow to come back06:29
ImTheDudecan i speed it up06:32
dennis__guys how do i run without compiz on ubuntu 11?06:38
dr_willisuse a different wm, or select unity2d, or other ways06:39
xanguadennis__: use unity-2d ot gnome fallback mode06:39
dennis__dr_willis, how do i select unity2d?06:39
dr_willisyou want to use unity without compiz?06:39
dennis__second question: how do i run without unity?06:39
dr_willisinstall unity-2d package and select it at login screen06:39
mrcode[eclipse-ecf data:"package com.andrewmatt.luncher;06:40
dennis__i did not see different options for different desktop environments at the login screen06:40
dr_willisinstall a different desktop/wm - select it at login screen06:40
dennis__i did see some things in the corner that looked like i should be able to click them but they did nothing06:40
dr_willisinstall them, restart the lighdm service06:40
dennis__also when i switch users, or go to the login screen without logging out of this x session, the resolution is very very small06:40
dennis__unity-2s is already at newest version06:41
dr_willisthe gear next to the name/pass on lightdm is the menu06:41
dennis__dr_willis, thanks doing that now06:41
dr_willisi think that gear icon shold be an arrow or so mthing more obvious06:41
dr_willisnot like lightdm is lacking in free space on the screen06:42
dr_willisthey got room for a big list/description on the right even with screen shots06:42
llutz_dr_willis: design flaw, hide all options to the user :(06:44
dr_willisdesign decision = user friendly = dumb things down06:44
dr_willisim still not im pressed with the defalt theme/look of lightdm06:45
llutz_surprise-DM = "surprise, i found an option"06:45
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
dennis__hi guys :) i was able to get out of compiz. *much* faster already as my CPU is no longer being pegged constantly by X any time i do anything06:46
dennis__how do i get out of unity now? i didn't see an option for another desktop environment. what package(s) should i install for gnome desktop?06:46
dr_willisinstall a different desktop/wm - select it at login screen06:46
dennis__also i think i prefer gdm to lightdm06:46
xangua!nounity | dennis__06:46
ubottudennis__: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:46
dr_willisgnome 3 = install gnome-shell06:46
dennis__xangua, thank you :)06:47
dennis__dr_willis, thanks :)06:47
dennis__also here is a side question:06:47
nusecan somone help me disable the gnome-keyring? i edited the .desktop files in /etc/xdg/autostart to no avail06:47
dennis__Dash Home before could find terminal, and once i installed it, xchat06:47
dr_willisthe gnome fallback/classic modes are annoying and lacking in many ways06:47
dennis__now it can't find either, wtf?06:47
dennis__dr_willis, which ways?06:47
dennis__should i just switch them to ubuntu 10?06:47
dr_willisi noticecd xchat not showing up also.06:47
dr_willisran it by hand, and pined it to the panel06:48
dennis__dr_willis, how did you run it by hand?06:48
dr_willisgnome-termial showed o06:48
dennis__is there a run shortcut?06:48
dr_willisdennis__:  typed it in a term/alt-f206:48
dennis__the applications tab in dash home reappeared06:48
dennis__i hadn't realized it was gone or existed06:48
dennis__but now it's back06:48
dennis__dr_willis, i could have sworn that when i tried alt+f2 earlier it didn't work :|06:49
dr_willisthere are classic type menu indicator applets also06:49
nusegnome-keyring bugs me06:49
dr_willisnuse:  so set it to use a blank password. and it never asks again06:49
dr_willisno need to remove it06:50
nusewhaaat? sweet, i've already set the password though06:50
dennis__dash home observation: nice that you can hold shift when you're holding Meta to launch a new instance of an app06:50
dr_willisif you had just hit enter = never asks again06:50
dr_willisrun seahorse, right click on login, change password06:50
nusewell bummer, there has gotta be a way to fix it even after setting the pass06:50
dr_willisdocumented all over the forms and askubuntu.com06:51
dr_willisit will ask 'use unsafe storeage?'  ;)06:51
dennis__lol, run ps ax, find /bin/cat chilling with a low pid :|06:51
nusethanks alot06:52
dennis__what's zeitgeist-datahub?06:52
dr_williszeitgeist is that monitoring tool that keeps track of last used files and so forth06:53
dr_willisneat tool if you do a lot of real work06:53
l1nuxmancan someone help me, I don't know how to fix this? "(2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /etc/apache2/${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log."06:53
dennis__dr_willis, how does it accomplish its monitoring? i infer it is more sophisticated than simply the shell recording which programs/documents you launch from it06:54
dr_willisdennis__:  check its home page.. i belive the apps it monitors need to support its features06:54
dennis__dr_willis, ah ok06:54
dennis__dr_willis, what did you mean by "real work?"06:55
dr_willisi rarely use/need it06:55
dr_willisword processing/coding06:55
jiltdilWhich is better kdm or lightdm?06:55
dr_willisnot just po^h^h   web surfing06:55
llutz_LinuxRants: check /etc/apache2/envvars06:55
dr_willisjiltdil:  you rnning kde?06:55
dennis__l1nuxman, grep -R APACHE_LOG_DIR /etc/apache # and pastebin the results06:56
jiltdildr_willis,  no i am in process for installing it06:56
jiltdildr_willis: i am using unity right now06:56
dr_willisif you use kde.. you can try kdm. ;)06:56
dr_willisany *dm should work fine06:56
dennis__dr_willis, would you recommend kde over gnome desktop environment for ubuntu 11?06:56
FloodBot1aoiyuki: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:57
jiltdildr_willis, thanks , what is for lightdm?06:57
dr_willisdennis__:  depends on your needs.06:57
dr_willislightdm has replaced gdm06:57
jiltdildr_willis, hm thanks alot06:57
dennis__ok gonna try gnome brb06:57
* jiltdil currently have two desktop environment gnome3 and unity , now testing kde06:58
dr_willisdont forget lxde and xfce06:58
jiltdildr_willis,  tested already but i have removed06:59
dr_willisthen theres the old skool window managers like icewm, fluxbox, sawfish, olvwm06:59
jiltdildr_willis,  i found xfce nice06:59
dr_williskde will take some learning/reading of its gides to fully gain fll use of its coolness07:00
jiltdildr_willis,  have experience on woring on kde on BT, first time gonaa use it on ubuntu07:00
ActionParsnipjiltdil: unity isnt a DE07:01
dr_williskde is still weird in many ways. ;)07:01
jiltdilActionParsnip,  i never said that :)07:01
ActionParsnipjiltdil: could look like it :D07:01
office3can one run edubuntu on xubuntu or lubuntu?07:02
jiltdilActionParsnip,  :)07:02
llutz_dr_willis: gnome is, not kde! (says a kde-user) ;)07:02
ActionParsnipjiltdil: glad you are exploring other options on the desktop too.Very commendable07:02
dr_willis!info jwm07:02
ubottujwm (source: jwm): Very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-3 (oneiric), package size 95 kB, installed size 296 kB07:02
dr_willismy fave07:03
jiltdilActionParsnip, :)07:03
ActionParsnipdr_willis: seems to be what puppy uses07:04
office3or perhaps better phrased, can one install the edubuntu components on xubuntu or lubuntu?07:04
dr_willisoffice3:  yes07:04
dr_willis!info edubuntu-desktop07:05
ubottuedubuntu-desktop (source: edubuntu-meta): educational desktop for Ubuntu. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.95 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 48 kB07:05
ActionParsnipoffice3: absolutely, provided you have space07:05
office3what's required space for edubuntu running on lubuntu, for example?07:06
llutz_office3: sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop -s      gives you info (space needed after installation)07:06
ActionParsnipoffice3: depends what packages you have installed. If you use apt-get it will tell you how much space it will use and you can say NO if it is too much07:07
ActionParsnipoffice3: shouldn't be a lot07:07
office3well, space is one thing, RAM is another. how much RAM is required for the bulkier edubuntu programs, if you know?07:07
ActionParsnipoffice3: depends how many you run at the same time07:08
office3just probably one at a time.07:08
ActionParsnipshouldn't be a lot then07:09
office3anyways, I need to do more research, obviously, but thank you all for your help and support, this forum is quite a blessing to us lost souls.07:09
office3Dr. Willis, forgive me, for I have Microsofted...07:10
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office3I'll do 5 Hail Stallmans and 4 Our Torvalds...07:11
ubottuChocolate! And Strawberries! And ICE CREAM! Ooo! and 60 minutes +m!07:12
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kanhiya1hello, everybody07:17
kanhiya1I want to have a apllication that can sync my Nokia phone contacts with UBuntu 11.10 PC07:18
kanhiya1i ma having nokia C2-0107:18
kanhiya1i am able to use same phone as MODEM but not able to sync phone with PC  that i was able to do with Nokia pc suite in Windows07:20
llutz_!info syncevolution | kanhiya107:20
ubottukanhiya1: syncevolution (source: syncevolution): Evolution data synchronization program using SyncML (CLI). In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 139 kB, installed size 340 kB07:20
demonwaynokia and ubuntu...sync contacts?07:20
xgt001hello i need some help regards to xfce in ubuntu07:21
kanhiya1demonway: Yes07:23
kanhiya1ubottu: This is CLI, i am looking for GUI07:24
Stanley00kanhiya1: did you try wammu?07:27
xgt001i installed xfce4 package in oneiric,i changed the panel settings to random sh*t, later i installed xubuntu-desktop, i just got the same settings which i did to xfce4 when i logged into xubuntu session, but when i tried guest session i got a very beautiful interface, how to get it in my profile without getting a new one?07:27
brjannckanhiya1: here's a graphical frontend for syncevolution that's under development; they've got stable packages in their PPA. https://launchpad.net/genesis-sync/07:27
kanhiya1Stanley00: No07:29
Stanley00xgt001: if you know where the config files saved, delete them, if not, make new account, then copy some config you want to keep to new account, that how I usually do.07:29
pumkinhed_hello #ubuntu, hopefully quick q, my ubuntu installation running off USB 1.1 is kind of slow, any tweaks to improve performance?07:30
Stanley00kanhiya1: then you should look at it, it can read contacts on my phone.07:30
xgt001Stanley00, umm where are the config files located ?? i tried dpkg-reconfigure and apt-get purge  and later reinstall they dint work :(07:30
Stanley00xgt001: many places, like .config, .gconf and .dconf or .local (maybe) or some where else07:31
kanhiya1Stanley00: I am installing it, let's see whether it works for me or not07:32
llutz_pumkinhed_: usb1 IS slow. Best tweak is to get USB2/307:32
Stanley00kanhiya1: good luck ;)07:32
Stanley00xgt001: and the .<appname> sometimes07:32
pumkinhed_llutz, i should google usb 2 pcmcia07:33
xgt001Stanley00, ok i saw this xfce4 folder in .config folder, shall i delete it?07:33
pumkinhed_llutz think it would help to move to a spinning disk?  i am just on a 8gb flash drive07:33
yagoopumkinhed_, some usb cords are daisy chain.. (some usb hd's come with these cables 2[usbplug]<->1[deviceport])07:33
dr_willisa pci usbcard is about $20 last i looked07:33
Stanley00xgt001: hmm, maybe, not sure, but that wont hurt ;)07:33
yagoopumkinhed_, make sure all "legacy" usb options is selected in the bios..07:33
dr_willisnot sure you can boot from a usb pci card07:34
xgt001Stanley00, will try it and logout brb07:34
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Stanley00xgt001: yep, goood luck07:34
ActionParsnipdr_willis: should be ok :-)07:34
pumkinhed_dr_willis, i am running on a compaq nc8000 laptop, drivers work beautifully out of the box, the only complaint i have is that its a little slow07:34
dr_willisa real hd would be faster then usb 107:34
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yagoopumkinhed_, what laptop compaq model is it07:35
pumkinhed_yagoo, nc800007:35
ActionParsnippumkinhed_: try unity2d. It won't use effects and should make it smoother07:35
pumkinhed_ActionParsnip, thanks, how do i force 2d?07:36
yagoopumkinhed_, check your bios.. make sure all "legacy" support is supported for usb (your laptop is usb2)07:36
ActionParsnippumkinhed_: its an option at login07:36
pumkinhed_yagoo, ah, maybe i just picked a bad port07:36
yagoopumkinhed_, also see everything i wrote in this channel.. maybe you bought ur drive with that special cable but aren't using it07:36
pumkinhed_brb boot07:36
pumkinhed_yagoo, no i am using an 8gb memory stick07:37
williamchanwhat channel should i use for PSPICE?07:37
pumkinhed_yagoo, think it would be faster to use a portable HD?07:37
Stanley00!alis | williamchan07:37
ubottuwilliamchan: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*07:37
yagoopumkinhed_, did u check the bios? make sure legacy usb is on07:37
FlynsarmyMy laptop runs far hotter under linux than windows and its fan is constantly going. is there anything I can do about this?07:38
pumkinhed_yagoo, yeah it is, otherwise i couldnt boot from usb07:38
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ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: which laptop?07:39
xgt001Stanley00, it worked :D thanks a  ton :D07:39
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: dell inspiron 1520 and dell xps 15z (latter preferrably)07:39
Stanley00xgt001: glad it did, you are welcome :)07:39
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: are you on the latest bios a07:40
brjanncFlynsarmy: does the xps have nvidia nautilus?07:40
yagoopumkinhed_, the only other thing i can guess is to use setpci and increase the latency timer a bit.. maybe..07:40
brjanncFlynsarmy: bah, not nautilus. nvidia optimus. *tired*07:40
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: and are there bugs reported already?07:40
pumkinhed_yagoo, thanks i am going to try the unity and maybe moving to a diff usb port07:41
xgt001Stanley00, ah a little glitch, i am getting ubuntu's window decorator, how to get xubuntu's window decorator without losing compiz?07:41
Flynsarmybrjannc: xps has nvidia optimus, yes. I've got ahci set to noirq so the screen is working. also performed all things from here https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops/Dell/XPS/15z except the heat/noise section under 'graphics cards' which didn't appear to have any affect last time i attempted it07:41
brjanncFlynsarmy: did you install bumblebee or ironhide?07:42
FlynsarmyActionParsnip: i'll check if i'm on latest GPU. also seeing as this happened on both laptops I just figured it was a linux thing that was inevitable. finally figured i'd ask someone about it :)07:42
ActionParsnipOptimus is a real headache07:42
Flynsarmybrjannc: I installed bumblebee from the PPA however this resulted in no more 3d unity so I just reformatted07:42
Flynsarmybrjannc: i'd like to simply disable the nvidia gpu completely07:42
yagoopumkinhed_, i was also reading a couple of days, that there's a "feature" some usb drives report but their hardware isn't really there and this causes problems..07:43
brjanncFlynsarmy: linux has scant support for optimus -- my xps ran hot and had short battery life until i got the ACPI shutdown configured properly with bumblebee07:43
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yagoopumkinhed_, or some hd-head controller report07:43
Stanley00xgt001: the compiz config setting manager program has an option to set window decorator, but I dont know what's xfce decorator, you have to search the web for it07:43
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warmany one using amule + firefox?  how to associate them both?07:44
brjanncFlynsarmy: gotcha. there's a procedure on the page you just linked for that, by blacklisting the nouveau driver (and obviously not installing the nvidia binary driver)07:44
almoxarifeFlynsarmy: force it in the bios setup07:44
brjanncalmoxarife: can't on the new xps laptops; no hardware switch07:45
pumkinhed_yagoo, thanks for the tips i will check them out! :-)07:45
Flynsarmybrjannc: last time I blacklisted nouveau then attempted to install bumblebee. nvidia drivers installed along with bumblebee - this resulted in no more 3d unity even after I uninstalled bumblebee and any nvidia drivers i could find07:45
Flynsarmybrjannc: i guess it installed the proprietry ones along with bumblebee07:46
brjanncFlynsarmy: right -- bumblebee pulls in the drivers itself. if you want to disable the nvidia card completely in linux, follow that procedure (blacklist, update-initramfs, reboot) and then don't do anything else07:46
bullgard4What is the successor of /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-power-manager.desktop under GNOME Shell 3.2.1?07:47
brjanncFlynsarmy: at that point, ubuntu should fall back solely on the intel card, and the nvidia card will (hopefully?) remain unpowered07:47
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: does nouveau work with bumblebee?07:47
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brjanncActionParsnip: it does, but i think it's bleeding edge still07:48
Flynsarmybrjannc: at which point lspci should only show 1 VGA driver?07:48
brjanncFlynsarmy: lspci will still show both cards regardless; it's looking at the hardware itself, not the OS07:48
ActionParsnipWhomever invented hybrid graphics needs torturing07:49
brjanncActionParsnip: it was a great idea, right up until they said they had no plans to support anything but windows :\07:49
brjanncActionParsnip: it's nice to have a laptop that can run, say, modern warfare 3, and still have 5 hour life with the standard battery :)07:50
Flynsarmybrjannc: ok, i've blacklisted them. I'll shut the laptop down, wait for it to be cool, fire it back up and see how hot it gets while idling. thanks for your help07:51
ActionParsnipThe nvidia gpu could just clock up and down as needed like the cpu does and save power that way.07:51
brjanncFlynsarmy: sure thing, hope it helps; if not, you *may* need to issue an ACPI shutdown command at boot to power down the card07:51
Flynsarmybrjannc: you did also say that installing nvidia proprietry with bumblebee resutled in all heat issues being fixed? would blacklisting nouveau and not installing bumblebee have the same affect?07:52
brjanncFlynsarmy: essentially, yes, because as it is right now, my nvidia card is off; it only powers on when i run something with bumblebee's optirun utility07:52
brjanncActionParsnip: they do have variable clock speeds, but i guess they still suck up a lot of power even at idle? not sure07:53
Flynsarmybrjannc: do you happen to know if optimus will be supported out of the box in 12.04 or is this thing in such early stages atm that that's not likely to happen?07:53
brjanncFlynsarmy: remains to be seen. development's continuing on bumblebee (which is supposed to be a slow-and-steady, multi-distribution solution) and ironhide (which is more rapidly developed and focused on *buntus)07:54
Flynsarmybrjannc: ok, and (hopefully) last question: even with nouveau drivers blacklisted, wouldn't the card itself still be powered up and therefore cauisng as much heat as it is atm?07:55
yagooFlynsarmy, powermanagement in linux is still premature..07:55
brjanncFlynsarmy: not necessarily. it depends on what its default behavior is; if it doesn't power up unless the driver asks it to when it's loaded, it should solve the problem. otherwise (cont)07:56
brjanncFlynsarmy: like I said you may need to use acpi-utils to issue a power-off command from a boot script, which isn't hard, just a little bit of magic07:56
yagooFlynsarmy, your best bet with getting apm or acpi power management working is imitate any solutions posted on your laptop model.. otherwise you're in for lots of experimentation07:58
* yagoo favors googling "ubuntu wiki <keywords>"07:58
brjanncyagoo: this is a very special case because of nvidia optimus -- there aren't really "solutions" yet, just hacks and workarounds :)07:58
Flynsarmyyahoo way too noobish to pull off anything spectacular unfortunately :(07:59
yagooFlynsarmy, what model is it?07:59
Flynsarmyyahoo xps 15z07:59
brjanncyagoo: for reference, i am giving this advice as i type on the exact same laptop ;)08:00
yagooFlynsarmy, google "xps 15z laptop ubuntu wiki" .. the top link :)08:00
bullgard4What is the successor of /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-power-manager.desktop under GNOME Shell 3.2.1?08:01
ghostnik11hi i am running a dell optiplex gx240 and for  some reason lubuntu doesn't see that my cd rom drive is on, I wish to burn a puppy linux disc but when i go to the burner software it says my cd rom drive is not there but in the bios its shown to be on and not disabled08:01
Flynsarmyyagoo: that's the page I've been working off :) done everything except the graphics card section. i'm on 11.10. Attempting to disable nouveau without installing bumblebee as per brjannc's advice. hopefully it should take care of my heat issues. I have a feeling i'll need a bit more than this htough heh08:01
ghostnik11how do you mount cd rom drive08:02
yagooFlynsarmy, did you also do the update-initramfs -c -k all ?08:02
yagooghostnik11, what type of cd?08:03
bekksghostnik11: If the burning software tells you your cdrom is missing, you cannot mount it.08:03
bekksSince it doesnt need to be mounted for burning something onto it.08:04
ghostnik11bekks: uh, is there a way i can manually force mount it08:04
Flynsarmyyagoo: yup. Just disabled nouveau using the link provided there. I've currently got hte laptop off to let it cool to room temp. I'll then fire it up and let it idle and see how hot it gets08:04
llutz_ghostnik11: you don't mount anything to burn a cd. "wodim -prcap" in a terminal, does it recognize a cd-burner?08:04
bekksghostnik11: Please read again what I wrote.08:04
axisyshow do I install handbrake on ubuntu? ppa is failing08:04
axisysW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/stebbins/handbrake-releases/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found08:04
Flynsarmyyagoo: the code provided there I hsould say08:04
yagooFlynsarmy, do you have something like cpufrequtils installed?08:05
ghostnik11bekks: i don't get it though, if the bios shows it enabled then how come it doesn't become automatically loaded?08:06
bekksghostnik11: Because it maybe broken.08:07
VirtueHi guys ! Please don't bash me for what I will say, please. I am just trying to get help for a quite common sound/video problem with ATI graphics card over HDMI but I can't seem to get help anywhere. I copied one of the past IRC channels I went to and put it here http://pastebin.com/SmszUQZU It's not long.. Please do consider reading it ! (PS. there is a video of the problem)08:07
Flynsarmyyagoo: I don't. I've been using gnome-system-monitor to check how much cpu is being used. i'll install once i fire up teh machine08:07
ghostnik11bekks: but i installed lubuntu onto it using a cd08:07
bekksghostnik11: What is the output of the command you were suggested to run?08:08
yagooFlynsarmy, gnome-system-monitor uses dbus i think .. not sure it would be acpi-utils08:08
ghostnik11bekks: The program 'wodim' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:08:09
ghostnik11sudo apt-get install wodim08:09
bekksghostnik11: Why dont you install it then?08:09
brjanncyagoo: the apci-utils suggestion was if Flynsarmy needed to send a raw ACPI command to his nvidia card to power it down.08:10
gemunuI ve installed a KDE app called Basket note on ubuntu. But the fonts are really small. Any idea ?08:10
brjannc(though it appears you can do it through /proc, too -- that's handy)08:10
ghostnik11bekks: wait just installed it will do a pastebin to show output its weird what it says i can and can't do with this cd rom drive on this old computer08:11
bekksghostnik11: a cdrom drive isnt a cdrom burning device necessarily.08:11
axisysno wonder .. there is no oneric version08:11
* yagoo notices the gnome-power-manager package..08:12
ghostnik11bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743018/08:12
Rav3nSw0rdI'm using ubuntu 11.10 and I installed indicator-network on accident. After removing it, my Network Settings (in System Settings) has stopped working (Error message saying "The system network services are not compatible with this version" ). Any ideas how I can fix this issue?08:13
llutz_ghostnik11: does not write CD-R media..... its not a burner you have08:14
bekksllutz_: ??08:14
brjanncand Flynsarmy, yagoo: the ubuntu kernel has CPU governors enabled by default; cpufrequtils is only necessary if you want to use the userspace governor. the ondemand one is usually sufficient, and can be switched to powersave with e.g. gnome's cpu frequency applet08:14
bekksllutz_: Ah, now I got you :) You are perfectly right :)08:14
bekksghostnik11: No chance to burn anything with that device.08:15
Flynsarmyahh damn. screens going black on boot again...even with acpi=noirq *grumbles*08:15
ghostnik11llutz and bekks; thanks for the help and pointing out the obvious, should have just ran the command earlier instead of getting a headache on an old dell computer08:16
yagooFlynsarmy, there's sentinella and gnome-power-manager, did u try these two packages? (dpkg -L <packagename>|grep bin)08:16
TK5791morning all. can anyone help with Evernote for Linux?08:16
yagooTK5791, uhh.. that's closed source evernote.com08:17
yagooTK5791, i used to use the web-edition only..08:17
TK5791yep... they don't have an official piece of software08:17
TK5791web edition?08:17
Flynsarmyaha, got it working by removing vthandoff=7 or similar from the grub mneu08:17
bekksTK5791: Ask your real question.08:17
llutz_ghostnik11: you might boot the puppy iso from grub2, so no need to burn it08:17
TK5791can someone suggest an evernote for linux, that will allow me to connect and use evernote?08:18
bekksTK5791: Use your webbrowser.08:19
bekksTK5791: Go to their website, login to your notes, done.08:19
yagooFlynsarmy, it's not worth the experimentation.. you really have to dwelve into the documentation about ACPI and power save management works.. the good thing is that suspend2 is being worked on and will be a standard part of linux.. I hope suspend2 can resolve everything about powermanagement for linux..08:19
TK5791bekks: didn't know they did a web browser version08:19
Rav3nSw0rdTK5791, have you tried nevernote?08:19
bekksTK5791: That is their key feature...08:20
ghostnik11llutz; yeah but i want to install the puppy linux as this dell optiplex is so old that lubuntu is too much for it to handle, so decided to go with puppy linux lucid edition which has support for ubuntu repositories08:20
bekksghostnik11: You will loose the entire ubuntu support doing so.08:20
TK5791Nevernote? no, but I'd be interested in trying... anyone know the terminal command to install?08:20
ghostnik11bekks: how so?08:20
llutz_ghostnik11: use a usb thumb-drive then08:20
Flynsarmybrjannc: the mini display port work out the box for you? I haven't tested mine yet - have a mini dp -> dvi adapter ready to go though. i hear the HDMI isn't working08:21
TK5791bekks: I'll have a look at their web feature08:21
bekksghostnik11: Because Puppy Linux isnt Ubuntu.08:21
TK5791bekks: thank you08:21
yagooFlynsarmy, if you try to put the video off or down.. does the machine hibernate rather than going into standby?08:21
yagooTK5791, dunno if they still have your account via web.. i used it long time ago08:21
Rav3nSw0rdTK5791, here's their current version: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nevernote/files/Current/08:21
ghostnik11llutz_: its so old that even though i have updated the bios to its latest version, the bios vendor never supported booting from usb drive, which would have made this process easier08:22
Flynsarmyyagoo: was that meant for me?08:22
brjanncFlynsarmy: haven't tried mine, either08:22
yagooFlynsarmy, you said you were trying boot options08:22
llutz_ghostnik11: ok, then you'll have to find a cd-burner somewhere as a last resort. good luck08:22
Rav3nSw0rdwhat package should I reinstall in ubuntu to fix/repair network settings in system settings? (oneiric)08:23
Flynsarmyyagoo: I haven't tried hibernate/standby yet. i'm not even sure waht that option i rmeoved did other than stopping me from booting properly08:23
Flynsarmybrjannc: ahh damn, the mini display port would be connected to the nvidia right? so unless i get bumblebee working correctly, I have no external monitor support08:23
ghostnik11bekks: yeah i know its not ubuntu but there puppy linux lucid edition is supposedly linked with the ubuntu repositories, so even though i might lose the support i will still be able to get into the repositories and get the things that i need from ubuntu or that come pre installed with ubuntu08:23
psychognitesir kismet is not working with my rtl8192se wifi driver please help me out...!!08:23
bekksRav3nSw0rd: Thats not windows. A reinstallation will not fix a broken configuration.08:23
Rav3nSw0rdalso, is it a known bug for aptitude to display duplicates of everything?08:23
brjanncFlynsarmy: I believe that's correct, yes08:24
Rav3nSw0rdbekks, I accidentally installed a package which had conflicts and autoresolved and removed the default package, would like to know what package was removed that I don't have right now that I should have08:24
TK5791Rav3nSw0rd: thanks08:25
bekksRav3nSw0rd: Then take a look at the package manager logs under /var/log/08:25
Rav3nSw0rdTK5791, np08:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 655311 in silc-client (Ubuntu) "Loading silc plugin crashes with error "undefined symbol: server_setup_find_port"" [Medium,Fix released]08:25
ErenI have this problem, using 10.0 maverick08:25
Erenalthough I've upgraded all the packages, I get the same error08:26
Erenany ideas?08:26
psychognitemy kismet is not working with wifi driver08:26
psychognitenot detecting08:26
psychognitehelp me out08:26
psychognitekk thnx fr nothin guys08:28
bekks!patience | psychognite08:29
ubottupsychognite: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:29
almoxarifepsychognite: how did you install it and on what version?08:30
psychognitei'll try in searchin first thnx fr ur advice08:30
georgetsohello guys08:30
georgetsoneed help here08:31
bekks!details | georgetso08:31
ubottugeorgetso: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:31
georgetsohow can I fill all my free disk on ext4 with 0 without damage my existing data?08:31
Flynsarmybrjannc: do you use unity/shell/fallback?08:31
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georgetsobekks: ubottu: I'm trying :-)08:31
bekksby creating a file containing just 0, and removing it afterwards.08:31
brjanncFlynsarmy: I don't. (shh -- I'm actually using mint right now)08:32
georgetsobekks: i mean all my free space08:32
bekksgeorgetso: I just told you :)08:32
georgetsobekks: ok, i'll try, thanks. I guess that file need to be really large08:32
brjanncFlynsarmy: so I'm still using gnome 2 :)08:32
georgetsosince my hdd is quite large08:32
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bekksgeorgetso: Yes. Do you know how to create such a big file?08:32
yagoobrjannc, doesnt matter what distro it is.. the power management on any linux is poooooorr..08:32
georgetsobekks: not yet, could you help?08:33
yagoobrjannc, because of this, people tend to use hdparm on their harddrives in their laptops08:33
almoxarifeyagoo: not true, mine works swell08:33
brjanncyagoo: ... I don't remember saying anything about mint's power management...08:33
bekksgeorgetso: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/delete.me bs=16384; sudo rm /root/delete.me08:34
yagoobrjannc, there's no such thing a distro's power management.. it's either all generic linux or something i doubt can be tailored to just 1 distro08:34
brjanncyagoo: I know this, I'm confused as to why this is even a topic of conversation? He just asked if I used unity, and I said no, because I'm using mint.08:35
georgetsobekks: how can I specify the bs for my disk?08:36
Flynsarmybrjannc: sorry laptop froze. lucky, 11.10 has an issue on fallback where metacity is always loaded by default08:36
Flynsarmybrjannc: no 3d affects as a result. the 'fix' i was given was to copy metacity to metacity.bak and softlink compiz as metacity08:36
georgetsobekks: may I ask, is this tool help? http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/08:36
bekksgeorgetso: It is far better to use an even greater block size than your physical blocksize. And I never cared about bleachbit.08:37
yagooFlynsarmy, is your laptop the same xps ?08:37
brjanncFlynsarmy: ah, yeah. metacity can do compositing, but that's about it08:37
georgetsobekks: thanks, I will try.08:37
Flynsarmyyagoo: i doubt it. mines a JB Hi-Fi model that isn't sold on the dell website. it's pretty much identical to one of the ones on there that is though. probably is identical in fact08:37
bekksgeorgetso: Things like sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/delete.me bs=16384M; sudo rm /root/delete.me; should be ok, too.08:38
georgetsobekks: cool, I'll go with that08:38
yagoogeorgetso, dont do that.08:39
Rav3nSw0rdsorry, apparently I forgot to kill my NetworkManager; was there a response to "could you try running "sudo apt-get install indicator-network" and tell me what package that it requests that you remove? my log file quite frankly isn't helping me"?08:39
georgetsoyagoo: what?08:39
yagoogeorgetso, bs= shouldnt' ever be that big..08:39
bekksyagoo: Why not? He is going to create a big file filling all free space, then delete it again.08:39
FlynsarmyAnyone know how ot make compiz load by default in gnome-session-fallback instead of metacity short of softlinking compiz as metacity?08:39
bekksyagoo: Why not. Explain it technically, why the bs shouldnt be set to value corresponding to the drive cache?08:39
yagooyou can use bs=1M then use the count=08:40
pnormanbs=1M and a high count may give meaningless results due to caching08:40
llutz_yagoo: using count in this case is senseless08:40
bekkspnorman: ack.08:40
yagoopnorman, caching? lol.. he's using /dev/zero .. gimme a break08:40
pnormanwell, not meaningless, they show you how fast the cache is, but they don't tell you the sequential read speed of the drive08:40
Flynsarmybrjannc: btw - definate heat improvement by blacklisting nouveau. still far hotter and louder than It should be but i'll probably never be able to fix that08:41
pnormanoh, write speed, misread those for read speed08:41
yagoopff caching for /dev/zero.. lol08:41
sasoriin "rm -rf *.txt" ..what does -rf stands for ?08:41
bekkssasori: "man rm"08:41
pnormansasori: recursive and force. neither which are typically needed for *.txt files08:41
sasoriso rm *.txt is good enough to use without that -rf thing ?08:42
bekkssasori: What does "recursive" mean?08:42
sasorirecursive = in programing it means repetitive looping or something that repeatedly calling itself08:43
auronandacebekks: basically, all folders underneath08:43
mvv_recursive != repetitive looping08:43
bekksauronandace: I know that, sasori doesnt :)08:43
sasoriok sorry..am no good in english XD08:44
peepsalotdefinition of recursive:  see recursive08:44
llutz_bekks: see"recursive"08:44
yagooFlyingFoX, does your video driver support acceleration?08:44
yagooFlynsarmy, ^ you've been toying around with the  video driver.. did you verfiy that glxgears work? (mesa-utils package)08:45
almoxarifebekks: I think you are seeing it in ubuntu, it also means to dig into a dir/folder within the folder you are in08:45
peepsalottry googling "recursion" too08:45
bekksalmoxarife: I know recursion means - sasori doesnt.08:46
yagoobekks, they're just showing off.. -r simply means down subdirectories08:46
yagoobekks, you don't need -r << it's dangerous and is rarely**** used08:46
bekksyagoo: Which part of "I know it" is unclear to you? *sigh*08:46
almoxarifesasori: I think you are seeing it in ubuntu, it also means to dig into a dir/folder within the folder you are in08:46
sasorii see, so it's safe to use after all , thanks :)08:47
yagoobekks, it's a dangerous option.. you should know 100% what it does.. just trying to help ya.. relax08:47
bekkssasori: NO.08:47
bekkssasori: DONT use -rf UNLESS you EXACTLY know what you are doing there, and what will be deleted.08:47
yagoobekks, you can just ignore him.. he's annoying08:47
auronandacebekks: perhaps a better way to re-phrase your question to sasori : "Do you know what recursive means?"08:48
llutz_auronandace: would cause the same reactions08:48
pnormanyou should only use -r if you know you need it.08:49
madooi need hellp08:49
auronandacemadoo: then you need to tell us how to help you08:50
sasoripnorman: now "that" made me confuse, you mean to see, if i wanna delete all txt files except for one particular txt file, imma use "-r" ?08:50
StarminnI'm trying to Check for Updates (using Update Manager), and it gives me this message in an error dialog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743040/08:50
bekkssasori: NO.08:50
pnormansasori: no.08:50
madoocan eny one hear me08:51
madooi need hellp08:51
Starminnmadoo, It would appear auronandace can08:51
bekks!details | madoo08:51
ubottumadoo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:51
pnormanHonestly, the best answer is, don't remove files with rm unless you need to or know exactly what you're doing. Something with a GUI is much easier to use and tends to be more forgiving.08:51
auronandacesasori: if you use -r it will rm the files in the directory your in AND all subdirectories from there08:51
Flynsarmyoh brjannc - have you noticed low audio volume? Mines at 100% and youtube vids are still pretty quiet. it was fine on windows08:52
Rav3nSw0rdyay, resolved my issue. NetworkManager stopped after I installed indicator-network, so after uninstalling indicator-network, I simply had to restart the NetworkManager service.08:52
sasoriok, that's clearer now...thanks guys :D08:52
StarminnFlynsarmy, Have you checked the YouTube volume in the window?08:52
FlynsarmyStarminn: yea it's at 100%08:53
StarminnFlynsarmy, Check the volume output settings. If this is also at 100%, there is a program called GNOME ALSA Mixer that offers much more fine-tuning08:53
StarminnI'm trying to Check for Updates (using Update Manager), and it gives me this message in an error dialog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743040/ Any assistance is appreciated.08:54
FlynsarmyStarminn: output voluem is at 100% there too :(08:54
Rav3nSw0rdFlyingFoX, I've noticed that linux/ubuntu has issues in some computers with audio. Open up a terminal and try messing with alsamixer. I generally find some channels muted, and after unmuting, increases the volume. Googling showed that the different channels contributed power to the headphones/speakers, so by unmuting, more power is generated, equating to greater volume.08:54
bekksStarminn: 404 means "File not found" - you can ignore those error messages -or- the repository is defective.08:55
Starminnbekks, Can't ignore them since it doesn't even load the updates with that message, unfortunately.08:55
pnormanStarminn: Looks like those PPAs don't have anything for 11.10. Not sure about the GPG error08:55
bekksStarminn: It loads all other updates, except from that PPA.08:56
madoohello evry one08:57
madooi need help08:57
madoocan eny one hellp me08:57
pnorman!ask | madoo08:57
bekks!details | madoo08:57
ubottumadoo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:57
ubottumadoo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:57
Starminnbekks pnorman: Okay. Howeverm the GPG error is what really gets me. I know the 404s (just hadn't felt like fixing them), it's the GPGs that are causing a problem. I can "sudo apt-get upgrade" via Terminal just fine. But GUI breaks08:57
auronandacemadoo: stop asking for help and tell us your problem08:57
pnormanStarminn: Can you sudo apt-get update?08:57
bekksStarminn: The GPGs are NOT causing any problem.08:57
g465how to fix all error using ubuntu 11.1008:58
madoomy laptop get so freez when i listen to music and open enter net can eny one hellp me  to fix this brupleam08:58
bekksg465: "all error"?08:58
Rav3nSw0rdStaRetji, bekks for the gpg error, try this : http://en.kioskea.net/faq/809-debian-apt-get-no-pubkey-gpg-error . Please make sure that you trust it first though, I'm not sure if the steps in that article bypass/create fake authentication or gets real authentication.08:58
bekksg465: Define "all error".08:59
Calinouany way to disable mouse accel on 11.10?08:59
CalinouI mean, TOTALLY disable it08:59
hot2trotdoes anyone know how I can edit the mplayer config file to make mplayer automatically start in fullscreen?08:59
bekksRav3nSw0rd: I am not interested in fixing a warning which doesnt even prevent updates ;)09:00
madoocan i find hellp please09:00
Gangrelis there a way to make gnome-shell theme compatible with gnome 3.2?09:01
Rav3nSw0rdbekks, eh, to each their own, I get rid of the errors because I have to push enter to get rid of the message in aptitude. That and it clutters up my errors with apt-get update. Getting rid of errors that I can get rid of means that I can see the errors that I still need to get rid of lol.09:01
madooi need .... i need hellp09:01
Starminnbekks, pnorman, Yes. I took care of the PPAs and now it's updating fine, but via Terminal ("sudo apt-get update") I still receive this output at the end: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743046/09:01
Starminn!patience | madoo09:01
ubottumadoo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:01
StarminnGangrel, What are you talking about?09:02
madooyes please can you hellp09:02
g465_how can i uninstall apt that i cannot used it09:03
bekksRav3nSw0rd: Then double check the keys, since you havent verified them, obviously.09:03
pnormanStarminn: if it works I'd personally leave it alone. If I was wanting to debug it, I'd start by removing PPAs from the list of repositories09:03
bekksg465: DONT uninstall apt. You will break your system.09:03
madooevry time i try to listen to music and open enter net i get my laptop freez09:03
Starminnpnorman, This has happened since the first time I remember updating via Terminal on 11.10. This is a fresh reinstall so I don't understand the problem.09:03
pnormanStarminn: My guess is it's something to do with trying to fetch stuff from repos that have nothing for 11.1109:04
GangrelStarmin my gnome-shell theme is not compatible with gnome 3.209:04
sasoriis shell scripting similar to programming using popular programming languages such as e.g java,c,c++,php and etc. ?09:04
Gangrelis there a way to make it compatible?09:04
madoocan eny one fix this brupleam09:05
g465_you mean uninstall whole system of ubuntu09:05
Rav3nSw0rdCalinou, I'd check xorg.conf ... hmm, unless if 11.10 deprecated that too, I miss init.d lol . I also miss grub 1.x XD09:05
CalinouI'll never touch a protected file, ever09:06
Calinoubroke my system 1 month ago by doing that09:06
Calinouso NO09:06
g465_you say on me break the system09:06
Calinoubut, before I changed my mouse09:06
Calinouit didn't had mouse accel09:06
Starminnpnorman, I found the solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1174127 --- it was "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key number>"09:07
Starminnpnorman, I ran that command on each of the keys, sudo apt-get update'd and no more key errors. :)09:08
auronandaceCalinou: i know you can change the speed at which the mouse accelerates in xfce09:08
bekksStarminn: "W" indicated a _W_arning, not an _E_rror.09:08
Starminnsasori: Similar in what way?09:08
sasoricontrol structures, looping ?09:09
sasorivariables, costants and, classes, object..etc..09:09
Starminnbekks, Aha! Well, I never thought of it that way! I just saw, "something wrong happened," and classified it as an error lol.09:09
Starminnsasori, As Ubuntu uses Bash by default, you should go to #bash -- they're the gurus. ;)09:09
sasoriok, tnx09:10
auronandace!dash | Starminn09:11
ubottuStarminn: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash09:11
Starminnauronandace, So... Ubuntu uses Dash by default, as opposed to Bash..?09:11
auronandaceStarminn: yes09:11
bekksStarminn: Yes.09:12
StarminnWell then. Heh, thanks for that. :)09:12
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llutz_Starminn: user-shell is bash, system-shell dash09:12
garden92how do you open bz2 files?09:12
bekksStarminn: Open a terminal, and run this: export | grep SHELL09:12
bekksgarden92: You have to unpack it, using bunzip209:12
StarminnSo... If I execute a script in Terminal as my user, I'm running Bash. But as sudo it's Dash?09:12
llutz_echo $SHELL09:12
bekksllutz_: ack.09:13
Starminnbekks, It output /bin/bash for both my user and sudo09:13
llutz_Starminn: /bin/sh (which points to dash) is used by default to run scripts, unless you specify your own shebang09:13
skilz2011-09-25 13:13:32 socket bind() to port 25 for address ::1 failed: Cannot assign requested address: daemon abandoned09:14
skilzWhats that mean?09:14
Starminnllutz_, So, which am I running as my user, and which am I running as root?09:15
glitchdi dont want to have to manually type it in..09:15
bekksskilz: What are you trying to do?09:15
llutz_Starminn: echo $SHELL09:16
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] Is there a graphical program available wirh a similar functionality as the command-line command '~$ gsettings'?09:16
llutz_Starminn: users default shell has nothing to do with the "system-shell" /bin/sh09:16
glitchddoes anyone know of a way to assign a shortcut to my root password?09:17
bullgard4glitchd: What for do you need that?09:17
glitchdbullgard4, just for conveinence basically, its just in a virtual machine so im not worried about security09:18
garden92how do i install firefox update?09:18
llutz_glitchd: 1st there shouldn't be any root-password at all. 2nd what should a "shortcut" to a  passwd be?09:18
bullgard4glitchd: I cannot help you. Sorry.09:19
Starminnllutz_, Yes, I ran the command, and it output bash for both of those. So who uses Dash? Or is that just the non-user/autonomous system-level tasks?09:19
llutz_Starminn: dash /bin/sh is used whenever no other shell is defined09:19
Starminnllutz_, Ah, gotcha09:19
glitchdllee, how do u figure there shouldnt be a password at all? what if i want to install something? i have to do it as root, and to do that i have to enter a root password. and i would like the shortcut to be something like crtl+alt+z09:19
llutz_!root | glitchd09:20
ubottuglitchd: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:20
glitchdllutz, , how do u figure there shouldnt be a password at all? what if i want to install something? i have to do it as root, and to do that i have to enter a root password. and i would like the shortcut to be something like crtl+alt+z09:20
rostayobhow can i reverse this incredibly dumb behaviour: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11395419#post11395419 that makes impossible to compile most of the stuff out there?09:20
llutz_glitchd: you use sudo and your user-password. root has no password09:20
glitchdllutz, ok then excuse my terminology, but i wondering the same thing about my user password then09:20
llutz_glitchd: still my 2nd question aplies09:21
glitchdllutz, just for conveinence is all09:21
glitchdllutz, im tired of having to enter it manually..09:22
llutz_glitchd: you mean something like "press ctrl-alt-p" to input password?09:22
glitchdllutz, exactly.09:22
glitchdllutz, any ideas?09:23
llutz_glitchd: systemsetting keyboard.... no idea09:23
glitchdllutz, i can assign shortcuts in the keyboard settings but not one to just input preset text into the selected field.09:25
glitchdllutz, unless i just dont know how.09:25
Flynsarmyanyone online with a dell xps 15z? you experiencing low volume? any fix?09:26
_ceephax1__hey, i have a usb stick that im trying to connect to my ubuntu server.  The problem is that i think it was ejected incorrectly from a mac pc at work and i cannot use it at all now.  I have ran "fdisk -l" and it cannot pick it up there but when i do a tail on /var/log/messages i can see the disk being plugged in/removed.  I have tried copying the image by using "dd" but it says no medium found  I have tried formatting it with no l09:30
bekks_ceephax1__: then show us the ouput of lsb_release and dmesg please - in a nopaste.09:32
bekks!paste | _ceephax1__09:32
ubottu_ceephax1__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:32
_ceephax1__bekks: cool hang on09:32
mcbaineDoes anyone knpw the #channel for "The Big Bang Programme" ???? PMessage Me !!!!09:35
_ceephax1__bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743068/09:36
bekks_ceephax1__: And the output of sudo fdisk -l ?09:37
_ceephax1__bekks: well it doesnt appear in there, ill make a paste anyway09:37
_ceephax1__bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743069/09:38
bekks_ceephax1__: and the device is still plugged in?09:39
_ceephax1__bekks: yes, its plugged in now09:39
_ceephax1__bekks: mouting attempts result in "no medium found"09:39
bekks_ceephax1__: whats the output of ls -lha /dev/sdd*09:39
_ceephax1__bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743071/09:40
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] Is there a graphical program available wirh a similar functionality as the command-line command '~$ gsettings'?09:40
gemunuMy ubuntu application fonts changed in to very ugly rendering in applications. In desktop its ok. I just installed Sysytem settings :(09:41
bekks_ceephax1__: What does sudo fdisk /dev/sdd tell you?09:41
_ceephax1__bekks: it says "unable to open /dev/sdd"09:42
bekks_ceephax1__: Then unplug the device, wait about 20s, plug it back in, and try again.09:42
_ceephax1__bekks: ok09:43
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mmvdmesg probably has the answer to your problem, _ceephax1__09:43
_ceephax1__mmv: its a funny on http://paste.ubuntu.com/743068/09:44
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bekks_ceephax1__: thats the old output. we need the new, after unplugging, etc.09:44
_ceephax1__bekks: ok so plugged it back in, unfortunately same result09:44
enchilado@stephenfry: ‘So the deal is that Oneiric Ocelot has dropped Gnome in favour of Unity? Is this a Bad Thing or a Step Forward that seems to be the question’09:45
enchiladoEven Stephen Fry doesn’t like Unity.09:45
mmvnmy bad :)09:45
_ceephax1__bekks: true, here is the latest http://paste.ubuntu.com/743074/09:45
bekksenchilado: gnome wasnt dropped. gnome-shell was replaced by unity, thats all.09:45
Flynsarmyis it possible to change a users home directory? rename /home/foo to /home/bar ?09:45
llutz_Flynsarmy: man usermod09:46
tito_anyone please help!! I accidentally deleted a file. How do I recover it? I'll be broke without the file. It's got years of work in it!!09:46
bekkstito_: Use your backup.09:46
bekkstito_: Which filesystem?09:46
noVarSquidUnity is definitely different but I'm getting used to it and have no real problems with it. Just another UI to me09:46
llutz_tito_: there's extundelete, but restoring from backup should be faster09:47
enchiladobekks: regardless, Stephen Fry doesn’t like Unity. :p09:48
tito_how do I restore from backup? I'm a beginner :(09:48
llutz_tito_: get your backup copy and copy it back to the system. you made backup, haven't you?09:49
sasoriif sudo apt-get update has the same contents inside the update manager, how come the update manager windows just pops out,when i already updated my ubuntu box ? :S09:49
bullgard4tito_: By copying the needed files from your backup medium back to your computer hard disk.09:49
tito_sigh. no. :(09:49
llutz_tito_: "years of work" and no backup...  you learned it the hard way09:49
_ceephax1__llutz_: your mean dude09:49
_ceephax1__llutz_: he has no backup, dont tease him now haha09:49
nikolamAnyone using xubuntu installed on kernel module ZFS file system? (available from PPA during install)09:50
tito_oh man! how do I use extundelete?09:50
_ceephax1__tito_: back up with version control next time https://github.com/ :)09:50
Flynsarmyllutz_ the user i'm trying to change hte dir on is the admin user (foo). i can't seem to log in as root - says incorrect password. foo can use sudo fine with that password though09:51
tito__ceephax1__: thanx man. would surely do it! :)09:51
_ceephax1__tito_: http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/scroll down to documentation09:51
_ceephax1__tito_: http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/09:51
_ceephax1__bekks: any ideas on the usb stick?09:52
tito__ceephax1__:thanx. trying it now.09:52
nikolamZFS has snapshots , Btrfs, too :) Ext4 have them in development.09:52
llutz_nikolam: there are tons of ways to backup stuff, but users have to use them. no backup = data not valuable09:53
nikolambut those regular automatic snapshots are very nice, not using more space if cleared regularly, etc09:55
brjanncFlynsarmy: sorry, had to run out for a bit. no, i haven't had any problems with volume; mine gets quite loud at 100%09:55
_ceephax1__tito_: google docs is mega simple/good for backing up09:55
_ceephax1__tito_: you can even ftp into it09:55
nikolamI got used to it on Opensolaris/Openindiana and now I am thinking of putting (X)Ubuntu on ZFS09:56
Flynsarmybrjannc: i guess i'm going to need to install bumblebee because i need external monitor :( did you install from PPA or git?09:56
Flynsarmybrjannc: mind if i PM? don't want to spam the channel :)09:56
brjanncFlynsarmy: I installed from the PPA; I prefer debs when I can get them :) And, I've got to get going; sorry!09:58
Flynsarmybrjannc: no probs. will you be around tomorrow?09:58
tito__ceephax1__: extundelete says "failed to read-only open device "/dev/sdb": Error code 2133571347"09:59
_ceephax1__tito_: are you as su or "sudo"09:59
brjanncFlynsarmy: probably!09:59
tito_I'm as su09:59
Flynsarmybrjannc: k, talk to you then. thanks for your help :)09:59
fronkenstonHello, can anybody tell me if Intel Smart Response Technology is available on ubuntu or will be at some time?10:00
_ceephax1__tito_: did you do  --restore-all ??10:00
brjanncFlynsarmy: sure thing :)10:00
_ceephax1__tito_: do that10:00
gar_onnWhen I start-up virtualBox, I see the 'nVidea' logo and I'm logged out (nVidia is my graphics driver)10:01
tito__ceephax1__:dude, same error! :(10:01
phil00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)10:02
phil01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GF106 [GeForce GT 555M] (rev a1)10:02
phili have trouble with this nvidia card10:02
philcan someone help to get it enabled10:02
bekksgar_onn: did you install the nvidia drivers in you virtualbox guest vm?10:02
fronkenstonNo ideas about SRT?10:03
gar_onnbekks, I've got the drivers installed on my computer10:03
gar_onnshould I intall them somewhere else too ?10:04
bekksgar_onn: No.10:04
callmetimHi. I need help getting my gnome-shell top panelto work as it is meant to. Currently it has "Applications" and "Places" instead of the gnome 3 "Activities".10:04
tito__ceephax1__:can I use debugfs to recover a file? do you know how?10:05
philanybody got a  GeForce GT 555M to work or know how10:06
enigma456Microphone problem in Skype on Ubuntu 11.10    it doesn't work10:07
maoAnyone has ever compiled gentoo's sandbox in ubuntu?10:08
enigma456Microphone problem in Skype on Ubuntu 11.10  anyone have idea? how to fix that10:09
bekks!patience | enigma45610:10
ubottuenigma456: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:10
Atlantic777Hi! There are sites where I must upload some images but when I open the dialog for selecting images I can see only *.jpg and not *.JPG10:16
Atlantic777Is there something I could do to change this?10:16
bekksContact the author of the site, to implement support for more image formats.10:17
bekksAnd you can type in *.*, that will show you the .JPG too, select it and you are done.10:17
Atlantic777Hm, some gconf tweaking, grease monkey script which will open custom dialog? :D10:17
Atlantic777Uhm, I can't chose the *.*10:17
Atlantic777Not on that site.10:17
bekksThen type *.* as the name you want to select.10:18
Atlantic777I'll try that.10:18
jacob11 can someone tell me how can I check what ports are certain applications trying to reach?10:20
lesshastewhy do you sometimes get The following packages have been kept back:10:20
lesshastejacob11: are these applications running locally or ones trying to connect to your system?10:20
jacob11running locally and trying to hit remote port, i wanna see those hits10:21
lesshastejacob11: an interesting question... I am really not sure how to do that. Does a web search give nothing?10:21
llutz_lesshaste: updates in progress and dependencies of those packages not ready yet, coculd be one reason to keep them back10:21
lesshastellutz: I get quite a long list...  blender gettext git-core libmlt++3 linux-generic linux-headers-generic10:22
lesshaste  linux-image-generic melt vlc vlc-data vlc-nox vlc-plugin-pulse10:22
jacob11lesshaste, no it doesn't.. or I'm searching wrong terms :)10:22
lesshastejacob11: try #linux too10:22
llutz_jacob11: iptraf, wireshark10:22
jacob11llutz i only have ssh10:22
jacob11no gui10:22
jacob11so wireshark is off10:22
jacob11iptraf is cli application?10:22
lesshastejacob11: http://linuxers.org/howto/how-find-out-active-connections-or-which-ports-are-openlistening-linux ?10:23
llutz_jacob11: tcpdump, yes cli.10:23
jacob11thanks lesshaste i'll read this now10:24
llutz_jacob11: but those usually won't list apps, so you'll need additional tools to track that down i guess10:24
lesshastejacob11: netstat -a is the simple answer10:24
jacob11in the meantime can you help me with tcpdump args llee10:24
lesshastellutz: good point10:24
jacob11llutz, can iptraf do the job ?10:25
jacob11oh and it is udp port10:26
jacob11not tcp10:26
llutz_jacob11: it actually shows connections and traffic, but i'm not sure if it really is the right tool. try netstat, tcpdump first10:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:27
QualiaMy nose is bleeding, what should I write in terminal?10:28
ikoniaQualia: please don't mess around10:28
QualiaI forgot for a second that "Arbeit macht frei"10:29
jacob11Qualia, service nose-bleeding stop10:29
lesshastejacob11: try netstat -ptuna10:29
jacob11lesshaste, i already tried that10:29
lesshastejacob11: from a nice person on #linux :)10:29
jacob11it seems it only shows tcp ports10:29
jacob11how about udp10:29
lesshastejacob11: I see udp ones listed10:30
lesshastewhen I try it10:30
lesshasteudp        0      0 *                           1216/dropbox10:30
lesshastefor example10:30
llutz_jacob11: -u shows udp aswell10:30
jacob11ok thanks!10:30
lesshasteon a similar...is there a nice graphical app that says how much is going in  and out?10:31
lesshastehow much data10:31
ElohimSatan, El diablo, Shaytan, Sofia Rosengren 32 years, World Class city Göteborg, she lives in protekted adress,10:31
Elohimher father name is Johansson, adress Westmarksgränd 21, 44435 Nödinge. blond hair, Satan, El diablo, Shaytan,10:31
=== EyesIsAsleep is now known as EyesIsServer
jacob11lesshaste, there are widgets that do that try them :)10:32
lesshastecan you name a good one?10:32
jacob11i cant remember now, i used something on kde 3 karamba long time ago10:33
amirwebdev2hello all! hey, how do i move files that older than 30 days from folder /storage/current/dbdumps/ to /storage/archive/dbdumps ? ... thanks!10:34
bekkskde4 has a buil in widget.10:34
jacob11guys i have proprietary sip enryption-decryption service. now it encrypts sip packet on client end, decrypts it on my server and forwards in to sip server10:35
jacob11it is supposed to work on 9090port10:36
jacob11so how can I check if it is properly up and running10:36
jacob11can I use strace on init daemon?10:36
llutz_amirwebdev2: use ".. find path/ -type f -mtime +30 -exec mv ..."    "man find" for more info10:36
amirwebdev2i tried10:36
amirwebdev2but its wont work my syntax is bad10:36
llutz_amirwebdev2: untested: find /storage/current/dbdumps/ -type f -mtime +30 -exec mv '{}' /storage/archive/dbdumps \;10:39
chroothi, dose ubuntu support ARM processor?10:40
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amirwebdev2thanks ill test it now10:40
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sstachroot: yes, but it's beta at the moment I think10:42
chrootssta, i checked the ubuntu homepage , but it is a .tgz file , not a iso file? it seems wired!10:43
sasoriif on windows commmand prompt, i can change the title of the current opened prompt via "TITLE blahblah" ..how bout on ubuntu terminal ?10:43
chrootand want to install a OS for ARM in qemu, that is what i want to do10:43
sstachroot: I'm not sure.  I think it's a disk image10:44
chrootssta, haha, it should be , but it is not10:44
ubuntu-lover32hi all10:45
sstathat's a .img.gz#10:45
sstagunzip it and write it to an sdcard I guess...not sure how to persuade qemu to use it10:45
sleeping_chldhi, I have a question regarding ubuntu 11.1010:46
kanhiyahello all10:46
sstalooks like only a very restricted number of arm boards are supported10:46
kanhiyatake a look at here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/79592010:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795920 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Can't disable touchpad" [Wishlist,Triaged]10:46
ubuntu-lover32I am wanting to generate public awareness of free software and UBUNTU in my community. Is there any known resources for this (presentation slides, notes, free videos, etc...)?10:46
kanhiyaI am having same problem, how to solve that, i am not a pro in LInux10:47
sleeping_chldcan anyone please tell me how to minimize all the windows in ubuntu 11.10? I tried windows+D and even ctrl+alt+D. It's not working10:47
g0tchahey guys, can anyone help me out on how to run a script on bootin ubuntu server?10:47
llutz_g0tcha: add it to /etc/rc.local10:47
chrootssta, what you said are the same to what the ubuntu page said, that sounds complicated, i just want to test if qemu supports ARM?10:48
ubuntu-lover32Try switching desktop using CTRL+arrow key(laft, right, etc...) and go back to the first later10:48
g0tchallutz_, do i just create a file and put the commands inside and put it there, thats it?10:48
kanhiyasleeping_chld: Install avant windows decorator & add app show desktop10:48
llutz_g0tcha: yes, use full pathes in the script to be on the safe side10:48
sleeping_chldthanks kanhiya.10:49
kanhiyasorry window navigator10:49
ubuntu-lover32hi amirwebdev2, I am web developer as well10:49
g0tchallutz_, thanks, ill try that now10:49
llutz_g0tcha: that won't work with any script needing a xsession10:49
sleeping_chldubuntu-lover. the point of minimizing the windows is to access the files saved on the desktop. if i go to a different desktop then that might defeat the purpose10:49
ubuntu-lover32ok, let me think (using google...)10:50
g0tchallutz_, im just trying to automaticly add some IP's on boot instead of adding them manually every time after a reboot10:50
dr_willissaving files on desktop..so old skool.  :-)10:50
sstag0tcha: alternatively, you can use cron to run stuff at boot.  More useful that rc.local if you want to do it as a user rather than as root10:51
llutz_g0tcha: consider using /etc/network/interfaces  for that10:51
ubuntu-lover32which ubuntu sleeping_chld?10:52
sleeping_chldi think unity10:52
ubuntu-lover32ctrl+alt+d works for me...10:52
luca_biserv identify LucaBiolcati fili198210:52
sleeping_chldstrange. does not work for me10:53
kanhiyasleeping_chld: It also didn't work for me,10:53
ubuntu-lover32noted. I'm not sure but I'll try to help. I am also using unity o 11.1010:53
kanhiyasleeping_chld: may be because of compiz10:53
g0tchassta, unfortunatly, i do need root10:53
g0tchallutz_, how do i use /etc/network/interfaces with ipv6?10:54
sleeping_chldcompiz? what's that?10:54
sleeping_chldi'm sorry very new to linux. just installed ubuntu last night :)10:54
kanhiyasleeping_chld: Thing that worked for me is avant Window Naviagtor & app show desktop worked well for me10:54
ubuntu-lover32you could try to alt+SPACEBAR to pull the window menu and minimize from there10:54
llutz_g0tcha: same way you do with ipv4, man 5 interfaces10:55
luca_bijoin #php10:55
sleeping_chldubuntu-lover, that is to minimize the current window, what if you have 5 windows open? each will have to be minimized seperately10:55
kanhiyasleeping_chld: IT is a good windows navigator, i hope you will love it10:55
luca_bihow can I enter in another channel?10:56
ubuntu-lover32do this with each window10:56
sleeping_chldok. thanks kanhiya. i'm not sure what a windows navigator is. i'll search for it. but thanks anyways10:56
llutz_g0tcha: like "iface ethX inet6 static \n address 2002::whatever"10:56
sstag0tcha: see: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-ipv6-networking-configuration/ for example10:56
kanhiyasleeping_chld: Go to software center> search for avant> that's it10:56
sleeping_chldsure. i'll do it10:57
ubuntu-lover32is there any irc channel that is particular to building awareness about linux?10:57
sleeping_chldone more question. would you have an idea about wine?10:57
kanhiyasleeping_chld: install both settings & navigator10:57
g0tchathanks guys10:57
luca_biwhich is the command for going into another channel?10:58
kanhiyasleeping_chld: It is a windows emulator, it can run windows game, but not every game & need improvement10:58
VENdixHi, where can i find the full themes for ubuntu 11.10?10:58
ubuntu-lover32example: "/join #ubuntu"10:58
kanhiyasleeping_chld: Install stable version of wine or install Play on LInux it is frontend for WIne10:59
sleeping_chldi was wondering if Internet Explorer 8 would run on it. There's a site I need to access regularly that runs on IE only. unfortunately10:59
ubottuFreedesktop bug 39055 in Input/synaptics "Can't disable touchpad" [Normal,New: ]10:59
mike-wwhi folks10:59
mike-wwi have a question11:00
ubuntu-lover32hi mike-ww11:00
mike-wwwhat do we call $[expression]11:00
kanhiyaubottu: When it is going to be solved ? :(11:00
sstasleeping_chld: I doubt it will run reliably.  IE uses a lot of undocumented API stuff.  You might be better eith a proper windows install in an emulator (virtualbox perhaps)11:00
ubuntu-lover32try "alias"11:00
mike-wwin bash, we can use $[2**10] to compute 2^1011:01
mike-wwwhat other calculations can we do via $[]11:01
kanhiyasleeping_chld: If u want to run IE efficiently than i suggest you to switch to Windows  when you need to do specific task11:01
Beefcakeshello, can anyone help me get my webcam working with Ubuntu?11:01
ubuntu-lover32man bc11:01
sleeping_chldvirtualbox is the name of the emulator?11:02
oCean!who | ubuntu-lover3211:02
sstasleeping_chld: yes.  It's a virtual machine11:02
sleeping_chldis it easy to install windows in it?11:02
kanhiyasleeping_chld: Also virtualbox will take more processing power & RAM also11:02
ubottuubuntu-lover32: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:02
oCeanubuntu-lover32: the bot is a little slow, please start lines with the nick of the person you are talking to11:02
mike-wwubuntu-lover32, i mean through $[], not using bc11:02
ubuntu-lover32oCean:  i see... thank you11:02
mike-wwubuntu-lover32, you know, i am learning bash11:03
kanhiyasleeping_chld: YOu will only LOAD your computer with these stuffs :)11:03
oCeanmike-ww: try ##bash channel11:03
sstamike-ww: see the part of the bash manpage headed ARITHMETIC EVALUATION11:03
ubuntu-lover32mike-ww:  I am very excited for you. Bash is great.11:03
oCeanmike-ww: actually, the channel's name is #bash (single #)11:03
ubuntu-lover32mike-ww:  How long have you been learning..... or ..... how far are you?11:04
sleeping_chldok. thanks ssta.11:04
mike-wwubuntu-lover32, not long11:04
oCeanubuntu-lover32: please keep this channel on tech support, use #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat11:04
Da_Wihi, short question (for a cautious guy). I want to put a new ubuntu on my machine and i made the full backup. However, I'm concered about gpg (because if I loose my keys, I'm busted). I did an "gpg -export a > file1" ;  "gpg -export $adress > file2" (with two adress) and the same for "gpg --export-secret-key -a > file3" and  "gpg -exprt-secret-key -a $adress > file4". This is enough, right? (this is my first mikration of gpg, thus this means panic for me :/)11:04
sleeping_chldkanhiya, i'll try virtualbox. hope it doesn't make it too slow11:04
mike-wwubuntu-lover32, i merely picked up some in my spare time11:04
sleeping_chldi dnt understand why ppl make these websites which r IE dependent. lazy ppl.11:04
sstaDa_Wi: take a copy of secring and pubring too11:05
Da_Wissta, okay. in my home I asume?11:05
ubuntu-lover32sleeping_chld: i can think of more meaningful term to be used here11:05
sstasleeping_chld: it's because they don't know better.  But a real discussion of that belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic :)11:05
madooi need hellp11:06
madoocan eny one hellp me11:06
kanhiyasleeping_chld: Sure you can try, i also tried that and installed Windows xp but didn't get performance , by the way virtual is virtual :)11:06
sstaDa_Wi: ~/.gnupg IIRC11:06
madooi need hellp plz11:06
ubuntu-lover32madoo: i can11:06
oCean!ask | madoo11:06
ubottumadoo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:06
Da_Wissta, yeah. Just found it. *copying* thx. Am I now safe?11:06
sstaDa_Wi: well, you can just restore those files and your keys are safe11:07
kanhiyahow to stop Zeidiest or name like that, logging my private folders11:07
madooi need program like imsh or kaza or bareshare11:07
Da_Wissta, okay. Thx. I think so too (but I'm parnoid if it comes to pgp :/)11:07
madooto download song and move11:07
sstaDa_Wi: as you should be :)11:07
coz_madoo,   is a torrent application on the system?11:08
=== ubuntu-lover32 is now known as operator1designs
ssta!p2p | madoo11:08
ubottumadoo: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information11:08
Da_Wimadoo, ktorrent (but this sounds illegal ... You mean a progam for torrent to download Images of linux distributions, right?)11:08
madoocan u tell me plz11:08
coz_madoo,   are you on kde or gnome?11:08
kanhiyamadoo: You can download songs & movies using torrents or many site like mediafire , megaupload etc11:09
Da_Wissta, thx. Bye and much thanks for help11:09
coz_madoo,   there is a default application named  Transmission for downloading  these things  if you are on gnome11:09
madoono i am gnome11:10
theadminPlease avoid discussing internet piracy, i.e. acquiring paid content in an illegal way. Thank you.11:10
madooi have anuther  brupleam11:10
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
madoomy pc get so slow when i listen to song with open net11:11
kanhiyai want that ubuntu don't include my private folders in logging or history, how to do that?11:11
MultbrelchQuestion: I have Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop and no other OS. Is it easy to install a second 11.10 on some empty partition? What about grub? has somebody some experiences11:11
sstaMultbrelch: IIC the installer gives you the option to do just that11:12
dr_willisMultbrelch:  why do you need to do that?  and grub shold see the other os fine11:12
theadminMultbrelch: It should be easy enough, and GRUB will be automatically reconfigured. Be aware though that both entries being named "Ubuntu 11.10" it'll be rather... difficult to guess which is which at first11:12
kanhiyamultibrelch, i tried to install two linux on same pc or drive , i was able to install only one at a time :(, but it was long time ago11:13
JLuc_plz : i'm using ubuntu & unity out of the box but ALT TAB is sluggish to swap top app : is there another way to swap app ?11:13
MultbrelchThanks all. The reason is. Somebody will obtain an Ubuntu installation from me. The person has no idea about computers. The second OS would be an emergency system ...11:13
dr_willisyou could tell the 2nd install to not install any bootloader. and let the firts os handel it all.11:13
cablopi have a system installed with luks encryption, i need to be able to remotely enter the pasword and decrypt it via ssh11:13
dr_willisMultbrelch:  you can set up a /boot/ partion and a grub2 config to boot an iso file from /boot/ as an emergancy boot/reinstall method11:14
Multbrelchtheadmin, okay, I see. But one needs then to configure grub11:14
theadminMultbrelch: Yeah, won't be too hard anyway11:14
Multbrelchdr_gonzo, ah sounds interesting11:14
cablopMultbrelch, dr_willis, another option si sto install the bootloader of the second system in its own partition and not the disk mbr, that way you are chaining the bootloaders11:15
dr_willisive installed very fast sing that trick11:15
theadminMultbrelch: Also, you don't really need another Ubuntu as an "emergency system", just use something more... minimalistic... Or just get the SystemRescueCD, actually.11:15
Multbrelchdr_gonzo, but this emergency iso file needs to connect automatically to the internet since I remote control the PC from far far away...11:15
dr_willisor just give him  a usb stick with a emergancy os on it11:16
Multbrelchcablop, true ...11:16
dr_willisi think the grub2/iso method can use a persistant save file..11:16
cablopthat way in the emergency system you are able to upgrade its kernels and initramfs and so on... but that also means that other system is going to hold its own /boot/ and so on11:16
chroothi, what is the difference between kvm and qemu in ubuntu?11:16
Multbrelchtheadmin, but the emergency OS needs to connect automatically to the internet such that I can do TeamViewer etc11:16
dr_willisbut if the hd or grub is the issue.. well none of those methods may work.. live usb would be best11:17
cablopyes, because you remotely has no grub access11:17
cablopexcept if you are with the guy there and saying him what to do to boot the machine11:17
Beefcakeshi any expert here who can help me set up my machine's webcam?:)11:18
dr_willisBeefcakes:  plug it in.. install/run cheese.. see if it works..11:18
cablopand besides teamviewer put a nx on that ubuntu, it is better, and also open-ssh server11:18
Multbrelchcablop, well this is done like this via phone. I would even print out a photo which shows grub and what the person needs to do in an emergency case11:18
Multbrelchcablop, what is nx?11:19
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX11:19
dr_willisalternative to vnc11:19
cablopMultbrelch: the key is not to share /boot folder or the initramfs are going to be overwritten11:19
alteregodhow to share internet connection with two interfaces?11:20
MultbrelchBut TeamViewer is something the people can easily understand, ssh is definitely not the choice ... although I would like11:20
cablopMultbrelch: you can use freenx or the closed source nx, i never used freenx but used the nx thing and it is so nice11:20
dr_willisinstall ssh for you... not them.. ;)11:20
theadminMultbrelch: TeamViewer is definetly simple, although I honestly had problems with it on Ubuntu (black screen displayed when you connect to an Ubuntu machine :/)11:20
dr_willisif yo can ssh in and fix things - that makes it easier11:21
Multbrelchdr_gonzo, in the extreme case they need to open a shell etc ... well this gets crazy then11:21
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:21
cablopopenssh is just a server, so you can open remote terminals with that machine ip address, easies than running a terminal inside teamviewer or vnc or nx11:21
madooi wanna something fix my ubuntu its to bad11:21
Multbrelchtheadmin, here it workes very well11:21
theadminMultbrelch: Guess it's fixed then :)11:21
theadminmadoo: You realize that made no sense, right? What is the problem exactly?11:21
dr_willisi ssh to my home pc from my cellphone11:21
cablopnx is not vnc like, vnc will transmit you the screen, nx is more like a client-server thing, more like a thinclient11:22
MultbrelchUbuntu 11.04, Linux Mint 11.10, 32 and 64 bit <= TV is working in all these cases11:22
cablopMultbrelch: i suggest you to, install the rescue system in its own partition, all, but maybe set a swap for it if the user use the main for hibernation11:23
theadminMultbrelch: I can also confirm it works fine with the OSes I run xD Which are Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit and ArchLinux Testing 32-bit.11:23
madooevry time i try to setup program to download something its give me error11:23
cablopMultbrelch: then install the grub in its partition and not the mbr11:23
Multbrelchcablop, I will think about it11:23
cablopMultbrelch: for remote assitance you are going to like openssh server there too, and also teamviewer and nx11:23
szalmadoo: what program?  what error?11:23
mah454hello ...11:24
Multbrelchcablop, I would install the whole bunch of software11:24
mah454How can mandatory this  : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-448614.html11:24
Gskelligsomeone ban lisa_11:24
cablopMultbrelch: don't share the /boot between both installs, because you are going to overwrite the initramfs of one wirth the other breaking the purpose of the rescue system or making the main unbootable11:24
Gskelligbot pming me about sex11:24
Gskelligseriously annoying11:24
szalGskellig: -> #ubuntu-ops11:25
Multbrelchcablop, theadmin and dr_willis , thanks for comments !!!11:25
cablopMultbrelch: nx and openssh server doesn t come by default11:25
ikoniaGskellig: pm me the details11:25
Multbrelchcablop, okay11:25
madooits like i cant setup enything befor i remove some program11:25
madoobut i dont know11:25
Multbrelchcablop, I just copy and pasted your comments into some file :-)11:26
cablophehe, ok :)11:26
madooi did ubuntu in all my hard i didnt do swap or home file11:26
madooa thats good11:26
cablopnow my question again11:27
MultbrelchThere are sex bots? Funny ...11:27
dr_willismadoo:  the ubuntu installer makes a swap by defalt. unless you told it not to.11:27
cablopi have a system encrypted with luks, that one asks me the password at boot, but i need to be able to boot via network using ssh11:27
ikoniacablop: boot via ssh ????11:27
madootell me the right plz did i have to do swap or make ubuntu setup atomatic11:27
ikoniamadoo: what ?11:28
cablopikonia: well, to turn the machine on, but enter the password via ssh11:28
madooits mean no problem11:28
cablopthe machne is headless11:28
dr_willismadoo:  check output of sudo fdisk -l, and free command . see if you have swap11:28
VeNoMyou guys know owt about back track ?11:28
ikoniacablop: you'll need to setup a keypair based system for your luks system, or manually mount the luks disk from the ssh prompt11:28
ikoniaVeNoM: the guys in #backtrack-linux do11:28
madoowhy when i open mp3 with enternet my laptop get slow to much11:28
dr_willisVeNoM:  we know it has its own support channels...11:28
VeNoMhow would i uses these support channles11:29
ikoniaVeNoM: join #backtrack-linux11:29
scotty^madoo: Which kernel are you using?11:29
Beefcakeshi any expert here who can help me set up my machine's webcam?:)11:29
ikonia!webcam | Beefcakes11:30
ubottuBeefcakes: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:30
dr_willisi know that it seems many users who come here usig backtrack, really dont have the skills to use backtrack. ;)11:30
cablopikonia:  both, password to launch the system and then a keyfile to decrpt the other partitions11:30
VeNoMyh gnome11:30
Beefcakesthanks ubottu/ikonia11:30
VeNoMwell the link u sent me dosent work#11:30
dr_willisBeefcakes:  what have you done so far to set it up?11:30
ikoniacablop: password to launch the systm ??11:30
cablopikonia: i mean to decrypt the main partition11:30
scotty^madoo:  Which version of Ubuntu are you using?11:31
ikoniaVeNoM: type /join #backtrack-linux - if you can't do that, join #freenode and ask for help11:31
madooi open the trmnal and i get this11:31
VeNoMsays connot send to channle11:32
madoowanna see what i get11:32
ikoniaVeNoM: /join #freenode and ask for help11:32
madoo fdisk [options] <disk>    change partition table11:32
madoo fdisk [options] -l <disk> list partition table(s)11:32
madoo fdisk -s <partition>      give partition size(s) in blocks11:32
FloodBot1madoo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
madoo -b <size>                 sector size (512, 1024, 2048 or 4096)11:32
dr_willismadoo:  the command was 'sudo fdisk -l' thats a lower case L for list11:33
dr_willismadoo:  and use a pastebin site. and look for a swap entry in the output11:33
madoowhat u mean tell me what i can do11:34
cablopikonia, afaik i need to launch a ssh server on the nitramfs of that machine, right?11:34
ikoniacablop: no11:34
ikoniacablop: you can't do that as there is no network at that point11:34
szalmadoo: for starters, you could copy & paste if given commands to execute instead of guessing if your screen font sucks ;)11:34
cablopikonia, then launch network and ssh-server11:34
ikoniacablop: no11:35
ikoniacablop: you can't do that from initramfs11:35
madoono my scren is good11:36
scotty^madoo: Ubuntu 10.10 has a 2.6.35 kernel.  If playing back an MP3 over the network slows your laptop considerably more than playing an MP3 locally, and you have a multi-core CPU, you might want to try Ubuntu 11.04 with the 2.6.38 kernel (or Ubuntu 11.10) with the 3.0 kernel.  I recall reading somewhere that the 2.6.37 kernel introduced better allocation of network load across CPU cores.11:37
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dr_willismadoo:  the command    swapon -s     will give info about swap also11:37
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madoothats broplem did with my mp3 not mp3 on net its mean i uosed my music11:38
madooubuntu 11.10 its net book i dont want thats11:39
* dr_willis has no idea what you just said madoo 11:39
almoxarifeCERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, reports they have reconfirmed the data first reported in September showing neutrinos traveling faster than light -- something the Theory of Relativity says should be impossible. <-- einstein was wrong!11:39
madooits like win 711:40
szal!ot | almoxarife11:40
ubottualmoxarife: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:40
MonkeyDustalmoxarife  the atomic bomb and GPS are proof that einstein was right11:40
dr_willisalmoxarife:  i think it was shown last week cern was wrong.. their clocks was off.. and its ot.. ;)11:40
scotty^madoo:  Are you saying that playing your local MP3 files becomes slow while browsing the web?11:41
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.11:41
madoodo u want me download ubuntu 11.1011:41
szalmadoo: we first want you to make sense when trying to explain your problem11:42
madoowhen i open my mp3 with web its make my laptop slow and move hard11:42
rootuxI tried to change a value (in a game based on java) with SCANMEM then appears the following: info: 20/116 searching  0x88aa000 -  0x88af000...........ok11:42
rootuxinfo: 21/116 searching  0x9de2000 -  0xb7e6000..scanmem: target_memory_info_array.c:66: allocate_enough_to_reach: Assertion `array->max_needed_bytes >= bytes_needed' failed.error: Killed by signal 6.11:42
szalmadoo: "open mp3 with web"?  huh?11:43
ikoniamadoo: possible under resourced or your network performance is poor11:43
rootuxwhat can I do?11:43
szalmadoo: if it's too difficult in English, join #ubuntu-arabic11:43
dr_willisnever answer just yes or no.. due to lag you may get asked 6+  questions and we dot know whixh one yes went to...11:43
scotty^madoo:  Ubuntu 11.10/s Unity is not strictly the old Netbook Remix, and it has improved since 11.04 (which was also not striclty the old Netbook Remix).  Nevertheless, if you dislike it there are people on here who can tell you how to install GNOME-shell on 11.10.11:43
madoono way11:43
dr_willisbye all bbl.11:44
madoo11.4 its good or its the same11:45
rootuxI tried to change a value (in a game based on java) with SCANMEM then appears the following: info: 20/116 searching  0x88aa000 -  0x88af000...........ok info: 21/116 searching  0x9de2000 -  0xb7e6000..scanmem: target_memory_info_array.c:66: allocate_enough_to_reach: Assertion `array->max_needed_bytes >= bytes_needed' failed.error: Killed by signal 6.  ---- What can I do? can you help me, pls11:45
L0rD`reminds me of the story of that girl, who hacked back, knowing the root pass is toor ;)11:46
ikoniarootux: how did you change a value ?11:46
ikoniaL0rD`: not interested in stories here11:46
scotty^madoo: Or are you trying to play your local MP3's in your web browser?  That's a bad idea - use Rhythmbox or Banshee or Totem.11:46
MonkeyDustor audacious11:47
cablopwell, ikonia, it seems it is possible http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1648319&page=211:47
rootuxikonia, i can't change the value (or the number) in the moment because it didn't find the value i want to change11:47
ikoniarootux: how are you trying to change a value11:48
ikoniacablop: I told you it was possible nad how to do it11:48
spitziHi all. I installed Win7, then ran boot-repair from the Ubuntu 11.10 live CD to restore the grub menu. Although boot-repair finished successfully, it is still the Win7  boot menu that comes up, not grub. When invoking "update-grub", I get "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)." What should I do ?11:48
madooi uose them for my local mp3 and i open something like youtube .... i get evrything slow and the songs cut and play and do thats to long11:48
ikoniacablop: I told you starting ssh servers via initramfs wasn't the way to do this.11:48
rootuxikonia, but if it finds the value it type for example: set 999911:48
ikoniarootux: how are you trying to change the value11:48
rootuxikonia, i type: set 9999 (for example)11:49
cablophehe, then ikonia, what is the metod? because that one seems pretty old and debian based, and seems to have conflicts with plymouth11:49
cablopshould i install a debian server instead?11:49
ikoniathat won't do anything11:49
ikoniacablop: I'm not going over it again - do you really need encypted disks ? why ar eyou making this hard11:49
rootuxikonia, it do11:49
ikoniarootux: it doesn't, but ok, if you think it does, fine11:50
rootuxikonia, if i start i flash game for example supertux11:50
scotty^madoo:  It sounds like your system is under-resourced.  What CPU do you have and how much RAM do you have?11:50
rootuxikonia,  if search for the pid11:50
cablopikonia, well, we are going to use that server to hold a subversion repository and websites backups, both contains sensitive data, pretty sensitive data11:51
rootuxikonia, then i start scanmem with: sudo scanmem11:51
ikoniacablop: then you should have a basic idea of what you're doing if the data is that sensative11:51
rootuxikonia, then i enter the pid of the game (for example supertux)11:51
madoomy cpu is core duo my ram is 512 laptop h.p 53011:51
cablopikonia, i used disk encryption for desktop and laptops... but never for a headless server... i know i can just put the machine close to another and just plug monitor and keyboard when booting11:52
scotty^Core Duo what?11:52
rootuxikonia, and then if scanmem found the value i type: set 9999 (e.g)11:52
spitziAny help with my grub problem would be much appreciated. Thanks.11:52
ikoniarootux: that not how you set memory in java11:53
scotty^512MB RAM should be enough for now, but upgrading to 1GB (if possible) may help.11:53
alteregod^512mb enough lol11:54
rootuxikonia,  and how can i change values (memory) in java ?11:54
rootuxikonia, the first process i describe was a flash game :)11:55
madoocan you tell me what is good for me11:55
ikoniarootux: look at -mnmax -nmmin and -maxpermsize11:55
Sidewinder1spitzi, Are you sure that your Win7 install didn't wipe all of your partitions?11:55
ikoniasorry mnmin11:55
rootuxikonia, in scanmem ? sorry i' m a newbie :(11:55
spitziSideWinder1 - heavens no, I only installed it on an empty partition, where Ubuntu used to be, after deleting that partition.11:56
ikoniano, as the java startup options11:56
ikoniarootux: why are you trying to change the memory options ?11:56
scotty^alteregod:  Yeah, I doubt that 512 millibits of RAM would be much use :)11:56
rootuxikonia, i only want to check i a java game thats everything it's just fun or i'm on the wrong track?11:57
scotty^in fact I'm pretty sure bits are whole numbers :)11:57
ikoniarootux: why are you trying to change these options ?11:57
rootuxikonia, i only want to cheat ohps11:57
ikoniarootux: cheat ohps ?11:57
scotty^madoo:  What model is your Core Duo?11:58
rootuxikonia, i want to cheat that's everything11:58
rootuxikonia, in a game11:58
ikoniarootux: I'm not wasting any more time on this, you want me to help you cheat on a game11:58
Beefcakeshello, I have added this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~intuitivenipple/+archive/ppa but I can't seem to do apt-get install r5u870-dkms (one of the packages there)11:59
ikoniarootux: you are wasting your time with scanmem trying to "cheat" on a game11:59
rootuxikonia, sorry11:59
madooi dont know can you tell me haw i can know and tell you11:59
theadminrootux: Cheating is no fun -- it's like cutting up a manequin and calling yourself a murderer.11:59
ikoniatheadmin: please don't11:59
theadminikonia: Okay, sorry.11:59
ikoniaBeefcakes: contact the PPA owner12:00
theadminrootux: Basically, this is honestly a wrong channel for this, try #ubuntu-offtopic12:00
Beefcakesikonia: oh. thats it?12:00
theadminBeefcakes: Are you sure that this package is available for your Ubuntu version?12:00
ikoniaBeefcakes: he's the only one who can fix issues with his PPA12:01
Beefcakesikonia: it's listed in his archives, i mean I should be able to get it right?12:01
scotty^madoo:  Open a terminal, type cd .. then type cd .. again12:01
scotty^then type cd proc12:01
Beefcakestheadmin: i actually dont know much of what I'm doing, the drivers of my laptop's webcam are supposedly in this PPA.12:01
scotty^then type cat cpuinfo12:01
mmvscotty^: talk about a roundabout way of doing things, what's wrong with cat /proc/cpuinfo?12:01
madooi did but i get notting12:02
scotty^madoo:  Try cat /proc/cpuinfo12:03
theadminBeefcakes: I see, did you check Ubuntu's "restricted drivers" tool?12:03
scotty^mmv:  Yeah that will work.  I thought the other way might be more educational for him.12:03
ztaneany ideas on how to make 11.10 grub working on EFI ASUS 1215B; just does not seem to try grub at all no matter what I try. I can boot with usb stick, use linux+initrd commands on grub command line to boot, and it works fine...12:03
Beefcakestheadmin: where can I find that? upon refreshing laptop I remmeber this worked last time but I was using an older version12:03
theadminBeefcakes: Eh, I'm honestly not sure, which Ubuntu version are you running?12:04
Beefcakestheadmin: the latest I think. whats that command again to find out?12:04
theadminBeefcakes: That'd be "lsb_release -sc"12:04
madooGenuine Intel(R) CPU           T2050  @ 1.60GHz12:04
madoocash 204812:04
scotty^madoo:  Thats it.12:04
theadminBeefcakes: Well, then it's under System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers12:05
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scotty^madoo:  except I think u mean "cache 2048"12:05
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madooscotty .... athats is bad12:05
Beefcakestheadmin: the window just says No proprietary drivers are in use on this ysstem12:06
madooyes it is12:06
theadminBeefcakes: I see, hm, well.12:06
Beefcakestheadmin: nothing for me to reset12:06
theadminBeefcakes: I assume you have verified your camera ain't working with the standard software set?12:06
Beefcakestheadmin: yes cheese, xawtv both dont work12:06
scotty^madoo:  Your system should be able to handle Ubuntu and play a local MP3 while browsing the web.12:07
madootell me a thats model can be good with ubuntu11.1012:07
madoowhat u mean12:07
theadminBeefcakes: I see, well, honestly, no idea >.<12:08
scotty^madoo:  I mean everything should be OK.  I'm not sure what the problem is.12:08
madooyou mean ubuntu is good for my laptop or no12:08
theadminmadoo: 512 meters of ram is meh, try something more minimalistic... Give Xubuntu a shot.12:08
sasorihi, i went to ~/.ssh/ and i saw this file named "known_hosts"  ,,what is that?12:09
madoomaybe the problem is i am new uoser in ubuntu and i have to know good abutit12:09
mmvsasori: man ssh has a FILES section12:09
scotty^madoo:  As I said earlier, a later kernel such as the one in Ubuntu 11.10 may help.  If this strains your system too much it could be due to you 512MB of RAM, in which case Xubuntu or Lubuntu would be a better choice as they use "lighter" desktop environments that need less RAM.12:09
ShawnRiskhow do I setup a file server in Ubuntu Server 11.04 64bit and connect that to a web server?12:10
Beefcakestheadmin: its fine. would you have any idea why I am not able to get the r5u870-dkms package from https://launchpad.net/~intuitivenipple/+archive/ppa?12:10
theadminscotty^: Then again, 11.10 comes with "Unity" which uses a heckload more of RAM.12:10
somsipsasori: everytime you connect to a host you get the prompt "Connect yes/no/alwats". theat's where they go if you remember them12:10
madooscotty thank you12:11
zfehow can i remove unity?12:11
sasorisomsip: tnx12:11
kilopopoi get bios post fails when i run ubuntu 11.1012:11
somsip!nounity | zfe12:11
ubottuzfe: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:11
theadminBeefcakes: There is no such package for your Ubuntu version in this PPA.12:11
kilopopodoes anyone know why12:11
skilzzfe, sudo apt-get remove unity12:11
scotty^madoo:  Take note of what theadmin just said abut Unity - you will probably be better off with Xubuntu or Lubuntu.12:11
scotty^madoo:  Or you could upgrade your system to 1GB of RAM (if it is possible).12:12
kilopopoi get bios post fails when i run ubuntu 11.1012:12
kilopopodoes anyone know why12:12
madoothankiss but i liked 10.1012:12
madooits better12:12
kilopoposo it resets my bios settings12:12
Beefcakestheadmin: oh crap, then updating to lucid was bad :|12:12
theadminkilopopo: BIOS POST has *nothing* to do with an operating system. It's got nothing to do with Ubuntu, therefore.12:12
theadminBeefcakes: Probably you should find another PPA, this one seems to be rather old12:13
kilopopotheadmin when i shutdown ubuntu 11.10 then turn it on in bios post the system reboots again12:13
madoobut swap12:14
madoodid i can uose like ram12:14
kilopopowhat it does is it makes the system fail boot12:14
theadminmadoo: Swap is somewhat different than RAM -- Linux throws away things that you don't currently use from RAM to the swap, when you're short on RAM.12:14
kilopopoi need to save the bios again and again to make it working12:14
scotty^kilopopo:  Most likely it's due to poorly seated or damaged RAM modules.  Reseat them in their sockets and if the problem still occurs run Memtest86+ from the GRUB menu.12:14
Beefcakestheadmin: would you happen to know a workaround for me to at least get to that r5u870-dkms folder? I saw a few commands that might work12:15
theadminBeefcakes: Sorry, I'm not going to help you break your system by installing a package from another Ubuntu version.12:15
kilopoposcotty^, im in 10.0412:15
ztaneany ideas on how to make ubuntu 11.10 grub working on EFI laptop, or... can I use windows 7 boot loader to chainload grub somehow?12:15
kydu_ct19y`m new12:15
kilopopoi shutdown and boot and no problem12:15
theadminztane: sudo apt-get install grub-efi12:16
scotty^madoo:  Swap is virtual memory and acts similar to RAM, but it is not quite as good.  Also, by default your swap partition is created with the same size as your RAM.  So you get a bit less than double, depending on the tasks.  You can get some info about your swap by opening a terminal and typing swapon -s12:18
mmvswap + RAM is virtual memory12:19
scotty^mmv:  The whole memory pool is virtual now?  I didn't know that.12:20
mmvsec, will open wikipedia12:20
mmv' This technique virtualizes a computer architecture's various forms of computer data storage (such as random-access memory and disk storage), allowing a program to be designed as though there is only one kind of memory, "virtual" memory, which behaves like directly addressable read/write memory (RAM).'12:21
scotty^mmv:  Thanks.  That's pretty cool.12:22
MK`I just had to login on another terminal to kill something misbehaving. Now that I am done, do I just logout of that terminal or is there something else I should  do to kill it?12:23
scotty^It makes sense that the operating system worries about those things and not the programs.12:23
mmvscotty^: so even if you have no swap at all, you still have virtual memory, its just that the VM address space would have to equal the available RAM,12:24
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airtonixwhy is gedit hiding .ini files from the directory view panel ?12:26
scotty^I remember the DOS/Win 3.1 days when every printer-application combination you could think of needed a separate driver.  eg.  A driver for printer A with application A, another driver for printer B with application A, another driver for printer A with application B and another driver for printer B with application B.  I was terrible!12:27
scotty^I meant "It was terrible".12:28
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ztanetheadmin: running apt-get upgrade now, maybe that's what's at fault here12:29
mudu_hi all. How to share my wired conection via wifi to my tablet pc?12:30
theadmin!ics | mudu_12:31
ubottumudu_: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing12:31
theadmin....for me, "ics" is "Ice Cream Sandwich", not "Internet Connection Sharing" xD12:32
scotty^How is Android 4?12:33
theadminscotty^: No idea, I'm on 2.3.4 with an ICS golauncher theme xD12:33
scotty^(yes I know that's offtopic, but surely a brief casual chat is OK)12:33
scotty^mudu_ Or buy a hub.12:34
scotty^oops, NO!12:34
scotty^HUBS ARE BAD!12:34
scotty^Buy a *Switch* instead12:35
theadmin...get a router :D12:35
scotty^theadmin:  :)  Presumably they already have a router.  A lot of the routers supplied by ISPs are still single port though.12:36
theadminscotty^: My ISP supplies no router though, but whatever -- mind going to a query (pm session) with me about android? xD12:37
jiltdilI have 3.2Mp web cam but when i take any snapshot from it on resolution 1280*720 it shows that 1.4Mp cam pic??12:40
szaljiltdil: do the math, 1280x720 is about that12:41
jiltdilszal: How to take a pic about 3.2mp12:41
bastidrazorjiltdil: read the owner's manual12:42
jiltdilbastidrazor, ok12:42
jiltdilszal,bastidrazor  thanks12:43
s3r3n1t7why does my empathy no longer log me in on msn? It just seems to be stuck on connecting12:44
RedAsheswhat is the diff between linux mint & ubuntu?12:45
mmvsometimes msn makes backwards incompatible updates to their protocol12:45
s3r3n1t7mmv, this has been going on for a few weeks now and i have updated to the latest updates  ... i would have guessed they updated it by now12:46
theadminRedAshes: Mint is based on Ubuntu. It uses another desktop environment (Gnome3 + MGSE) and has a different set of apps.12:46
MonkeyDustRedAshes  basically, Mint looks different12:49
patjrhi people!12:50
RedAshesi ran a windows program in wine in KDE, GNOME and xfce, and it worked in both kde and gnome but crashes in xfce12:51
patjri have a problem with my ubuntu 11.0412:51
hoarycrippleWhen I log out of a session (either classic or unity) I don't immediately go back to the lightdm login screen.  Rather, I see a screen with multiple text messages, then the screen flickers, and then I get to the lightdm login screen.  Is there a way to make this transition more smooth?  I've read that a full reinstall + update fixes the transition issue, but I would rather not do this if at all possible.12:51
BluesKajHey all12:51
RedAshesKDE is nice12:55
Sidewinder1Mornin' Blueskaj!12:55
BluesKajhiya Sidewinder112:56
baffleWhat is the proper way do define the default login session of [a user|everyone] in Oneiric? I'm trying "/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -s xfce" but Unity starts at boot. User is logged in automatically.12:58
ztanetheadmin: the problem is, no matter where i install grub (grub-install --boot-directory=/boot /dev/sda, or /dev/sda1 or what not, it never ever tries to load grub12:58
ztanealways boots to windows without any menu12:59
theadminztane: Again, you have to use the GRUB from the grub-efi package, not the normal one12:59
ztanei am12:59
ztaneup to date, all packages updated12:59
ztanei just wonder, whether or not this is a true EFI at all :S13:01
starnhello, i know amarok is kubuntu application but i am in xubuntu... is there away to reduce how much memory it uses it's using 259,316k.. thats like as much as the entire OS by it self with Teampspeak 3 running...13:02
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KittyBunnyI need a Windows Movie Maker alternative pls. :)13:06
Sidewinder1KittyBunny, If you have lotsa $, Nero is good.13:07
KittyBunnySidewinder1: Huh?13:08
ztanetheadmin: the solution: install grub-pc instead of the autodetected grub-efi !!13:08
jutnuxCDBurner XP is just as good, if we are talking about burning CDs and things.13:08
Sidewinder1KittyBunny, And, there's a "Nero for Linux."13:08
theadminztane: but... grub-pc is for BIOS...13:09
KittyBunnySidewinder1: Nah13:09
jutnuxOtherwise Brasero works KittyBunny13:09
Sidewinder1KittyBunny, It ain't FOSS.13:09
the-ermHas anyone here had issues with 11.10 and screen resolution on a 2nd monitor?13:09
ztane11.10 installer recognized this as efi system, and13:09
ztaneon boot it says "EFI" this and that :D13:09
KittyBunnyI said a Windows Movie Maker alternative.13:09
jutnuxthe-erm, what Graphics card do you have?13:09
the-ermI don't know it's built in. It worked fine in 10.04 LTS.13:09
nathansuchyI am useing the webchat so this time my connection wont get killed by hackers13:10
jutnuxKittyBunny: http://alternativeto.net/software/windows-movie-maker/13:10
Beefcakeshello, can someone help me get my microphone working on skype?13:10
Sidewinder1KittyBunny, Is this what you're lookin' for? http://blogcritics.org/scitech/article/making-dvds-with-devede-in-linux/13:11
nathansuchytalk to me in private chat13:11
the-ermjutnux: I'm not even sure what to run to find out what card I have.13:11
jutnuxthe-erm: Is it nVidia or ATI?13:11
KittyBunnySidewinder1: I want one that can create menus pls.13:12
the-ermMost likely ATI.13:12
nathansuchywhen i have problems i go to askubuntu.com you will have to wait a hour or 2 though13:12
ztanetheadmin: it seems to me that not all "EFI" systems are booting with EFI13:12
theadminztane: True enough, I have a computer with something called "Insyde EFI H20" on it, that is, infact, a BIOS.13:12
the-ermlsmod doesn't show ati or nvidia.13:12
KittyBunnyWhen i said Windows Movie Maker I meant Windows DVD Maker.13:13
jutnuxAre you running X the-erm?13:13
the-ermYes I'm running X.13:13
jutnuxKittyBunny, CDBurnerXP, Brasero etc13:13
jutnuxHave you tried editing your xorg.conf file?13:13
ztanetheadmin: but what is even more confusing is that many ppl on the net have used grub-efi specifically to make oneiric work on this very model13:13
nathansuchyI do you make ubuntu more secure?13:13
soreauthe-erm: lspci|grep VGA13:13
the-ermxorg.conf doesn't exist.13:13
the-erm00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 03)13:14
theadminthe-erm: How about "sudo X -configure"?13:14
theadminthe-erm: That will autogenerate a proper xorg.conf13:14
KittyBunnyjutnux: It's not a burner13:14
KittyBunnyit's a DVD maker13:14
KittyBunnyBig difference13:14
nathansuchyhow do i make ubuntu more secure13:14
soreauthe-erm: You mean screen as in, the terminal session program?13:14
jutnuxWhat's the difference? ....13:14
KittyBunnyBrasero burns discs.13:14
KittyBunnyWindows DVD Maker doesn't13:15
soreautheadmin: He does not need an xorg.conf13:15
KittyBunnywell it does13:15
KittyBunnybut it's like Windows Movie Maker13:15
jutnuxhttp://alternativeto.net/software/windows-dvd-maker/ KittyBunny13:15
nathansuchyi love to use terminal13:15
Beefcakesthe default Sound Recorder with Ubuntu works well with my laptop's microphones, how come it doesnt work with Skype?13:15
KittyBunnyjutnux: I've just looked at that.13:15
nathansuchydo you know any cool tricks13:15
jutnuxThis is a different one.13:15
Sidewinder1KittyBunny, Then perhaps have a look at FFmpeg and it's GUI front end, winff; Not sure it's what you're lookin' for as I have used neither.13:15
jutnuxBeefcakes: Have you changed your settings in Skype?13:15
soreautheadmin: X is smart enough to guess what driver to load. In his case, it will always be intel. xorg.conf is only necessary for proprietary drivers13:15
soreautheadmin: The command you gave is only for nvidia setups13:16
theadminsoreau: I see, sorry about that.13:16
the-ermI mean I have 2 monitors, and one has the right resolution, and the 2nd won't go past 1024x768  It used to go to 1366x I can't remember.13:16
jutnuxthe-erm, type xrandr.13:17
jiltdilnathansuchy, close   unwanted ports..set some rules..while browsing avoid to use javascript contents ..use encrypted connection..Knowledge makes you safe  :P13:17
soreauthe-erm: Please show the output of glxinfo|grep renderer13:17
the-ermlet me pastebin that.13:17
soreauits only  single line13:17
soreauyou need to install mesa-utils first though13:17
Sidewinder1KittyBunny, This should help you decide if it's what you want: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ffmpeg13:17
soreau! who | the-erm13:18
ubottuthe-erm: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:18
soreauthe-erm: Please show the output of glxinfo|grep renderer13:19
nathansuchywhat does a firewall do13:19
KittyBunnySidewinder1: I'm installing DVDStyler13:19
the-ermglxinfo|grep renderer13:19
the-ermOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM x86/MMX/SSE213:19
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soreau! firewall | nathansuchy13:19
ubottunathansuchy: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.13:19
the-ermok ubottu.13:19
Sidewinder1KittyBunny, K.13:19
scotty^nathansuchy:  It stops things from getting burnt :)13:19
jutnux! ati | jutnux13:20
ubottujutnux, please see my private message13:20
soreauthe-erm: You may need to try adding the mode you want as outlined here http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce13:20
nathansuchywhy do people try to flood the chat rooms anyway13:20
soreaujutnux: He is on Radeon,13:20
soreaujutnux: grrr.. he is *not* using radeon, he is using intel13:21
nathansuchyit is pointless and the flooder has nothing to gain13:21
the-ermI am sorry I wasn't sure what driver I was using until just now.13:21
soreauyou guys mislead so many people and never listen to what the user is saying or make assumptions13:21
the-ermSorry about that.13:21
soreauthe-erm: There is only one, the intel driver13:21
Sidewinder1KittyBunny, And, good luck! :-)13:21
ikoniaKittyBunny: you will get no more warnings about your language13:22
ikoniaKittyBunny: or any other deviation from the rules and guidelines of the channels13:22
nathansuchyshould i block udp ports i block tcp13:23
KittyBunnyikonia: Why am I not allowed to swear?13:23
soreauikonia: What the failsauce, man? ;)13:23
jutnuxOh right soreau.13:25
Sidewinder1ikonia, And I was trying to help him/her.. My bad?13:26
soreauWhat the flap, jack? What the french, toast?13:26
ikoniaSidewinder1: not at all, it's good to hepl13:26
Sidewinder1ikonia, In other words, did I just "step in it, again?"13:26
ikoniasoreau: please13:26
ikoniaSidewinder1: not at all13:26
soreauikonia: Sorry, couldnt help those were pretty good ;)13:27
ikoniathank you13:27
sasorihi, how to update php in the current stable version ?13:28
soreauSidewinder1: As long as you are helping, you dont need to worry yourself with the responsibility of an op (unless of course there is an obvious problem in which case !ops is in order)13:28
ikoniasasori: the package manager will offer updates if they are available13:28
lololHey guys!13:29
Sidewinder1soreau, Np..13:29
b1g1r0nlolol: yo!13:29
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lololI have problems with the fan speed of my gfx nvidia 460... It seems that it never slows down... Temp is at 35°C, so fan speed could be lowered13:30
lololIt's driving me crazy...13:30
soreaulolol: Checked nvidia-settings for related options? or possibly a different version of their driver13:31
BluesKajlolol, nvidia-current?13:31
lololI had installed the nvidia-current from x-swat-updates ppa13:32
abhijithi.i tried reinstalling synapse but i still needs to press super + space twice to bring synapse. help13:32
abhijitwhats the omgubu channel name?13:32
lololYesterday I downloaded and installed the current version from nvidia.com13:32
lololVersion is 285.05.09 now13:32
soreaulolol: Is that when the problem started?13:33
lololThe Problem started after upgrading to 11.1013:33
BluesKajlolol, which version. there are at least 2, the 280 and the 28513:33
lololI am also using gnome13:33
BluesKajdidn't see above13:34
soreaulolol: Maybe unity is hogging too many resources? Is ubuntu2D session any better?13:34
ASKidwaiMy desktop got wiped13:35
lololBluesKaj, nvidia-settings says driver version: 285.05.0913:35
lololsoreau, I am using gnome 313:35
abhijitASKidwai: explain13:35
lololHow to run that without 3d acceleration ?13:36
soreaulolol: Does it make a difference if you start a failsafe fallback session and only use metacity?13:36
BluesKajlolol, yeah, I saw that13:36
lololHow to do that?13:36
soreaushould be some option in gnome3 or when you login13:37
lololYou mean where I switch also to Unity?13:37
lololAnd what is metacity?13:37
soreauthe default classic gnome window manager13:37
soreaugnome3 using mutter by default I believe13:38
lololOk brb13:38
abhijithi.i tried reinstalling synapse but i still needs to press super + space twice to bring synapse. help13:39
soreau!info synapse13:40
ubottusynapse (source: synapse): semantic file launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-0ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 421 kB, installed size 1728 kB13:40
trihedron  /join #testchannel13:42
trihedron /join #testchannel13:42
FloodBot1trihedron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:42
soreautrihedron: one less space13:43
heoamy USB printer is not noticed, what may cause this?13:43
heoaIt has ealier automatically noticed but not with the newest ubuntu13:43
soreautrihedron: / needs to be the first character for it to be recognized as a command13:43
trihedronyes i know that13:44
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trihedroni just don't kniow where the spaces came from13:44
soreauheoa: Try lsusb to see if it is recognized there first13:44
Anneliecan someone help me with my ubuntu problem here?13:45
trihedronno we only do suse13:45
soreauAnnelie: Not unless you ask13:45
Sidewinder1!ask | Annelie13:45
ubottuAnnelie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:45
heoasoreau: no, it is not noticed there13:46
soreauheoa: Try plugging it into the electrical outlet?13:46
heoasoreau: ? it is plugged in13:46
trihedronturn it on then13:46
soreauheoa: Usually there is a usb and a power cable. Ensure both are securely plugged in and the unit is turned on (receiving power)13:47
Anneliemy problem is that i since i have upgraded to 11.10 have no sound any more. I have to go to alsamixer to get the speaker sound up. I have a samsung nc10 netbook. I also have to put the headphones in and out and then it works again. This is annoying. I did not have the problem in windows or ubuntu 11.04. Thanks!13:47
soreau! sound | Annelie13:48
ubottuAnnelie: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:48
JustMozzyhey guys. I am having some problems with my USB webcam, can anyone help? it is basically working with most software, however not with Cheese, and testing it in gstreamer-properties fails with an error saying the the camera propertiews could not be retrieved13:48
soreauAnnelie: In alsamixer, use m to (un)mute channels13:48
soreau! webcam | JustMozzy13:48
ubottuJustMozzy: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras13:48
Annelieyes but they are unmute. They mute all the time again. I will go to the soundtroubleshooting, thanx!13:49
heoasoreau: I think I know the problem, no usb device is detected. Some cord must be unplugged inside the comp because I opened it a time ago. I think I need to reopen this comp and check every cord that they are firmly connected13:50
ermoubottu: !help13:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:50
heoasoreau: it is probably not a problem with OS13:50
heoasoreau: but with the hardware13:50
soreauheoa: Right, if lsusb cant see it, this is usually the case13:50
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heoasoreau: well the usb devices get the power but they do not transfer no information13:50
heoaleds blinking...13:51
soreauheoa: That sucks ;)13:51
heoasoreau: ok I have to turn off this box now, see you soon13:51
inAnnelie, in alsamixer use F5 to show all oprions/controls , there's probly an auto-mute setting there use the arrow key to disable13:52
ermosoreau: do you know if you guys are planning/have planned to make it easier to switch lightdm themes from the admin user's account via the theme?13:52
Anneliethanks will try that!13:52
ssbplshello,i  am using the ubuntu  11.10,but the gnome gets crash for one "user", i am now loginning as root.13:52
ermoi.e. if I switch from ambiance to radiance and use a different background, have the greeter pick that up?13:52
dabukalamI'm trying to compile drivers for my intel wireless agn4965, but I'm getting an "invalid argument" error when using modprobe. Any ideas why?13:54
ikoniadabukalam: shouldn't need to copmile anythig13:54
Flynsarmy*le sign* this keyboard doesn't have pg up/down, home or end keys on it. as a coder this is disastrous. is there a tool i can configure fn+- and fn++ to be home and end keys?13:54
ikoniadabukalam: the intel cards are already in the kenrel13:54
dabukalamikonia: yeah, we spoke yesterday if you remember, I told you I overwrote those accidentally, now I'm trying to compile new ones13:55
Anneliewhen i press f5 i dont see an automute function in alsamixer :(13:55
ikoniadabukalam: why ???13:55
ikoniadabukalam: the intel cards are already supported, you don't need to compile anything13:55
bekksssbpls: You cannot log in as root.13:56
dabukalamikonia: okay, so what can I do now to get my wifi working?13:56
inAnnelie, use the arrow keys <  > to navigate to it ..probly on the far right13:56
Anneliewill try thnx13:56
ssbplsi can login in as root.13:56
ikoniadabukalam: I don't know, as I don't know what you've done to mess it up, it should just work out of the box, the intel cards are supported13:56
bekksssbpls: You shouldnt do so. Thats a severe security risk, AND root having a password is not the default in Ubuntu.13:56
ssbplsbekks:yes ,i know ,but i change it.13:57
dabukalamikonia: that's great. you keep saying the same thing which is useless to my situation. I'm not looking for someone to tell me what I already know, I'm looking for someone to help me compile new ones. If you know anything about that please advise otherwise stop repeating yourself.13:57
ikoniadabukalam: you don't need to compile new ones13:57
dabukalamikonia: okay, so what do I do?13:58
ikoniadabukalam: the reason you're probably having the problems is because you keep compiling things and overwriting the current modules13:58
soreauermo: What do you mean 'you guys'?13:58
Anneliei did go through everything but there was no automute. sometimes it goes on mute and then i have to plug and unplug a headphone plug :)13:58
dabukalamikonia: how can I fix it?!!!?!13:58
ikoniadabukalam: I don't know, as I don't know wha tyou've done so far, based on the conversation yesterday you're machine is in a mess13:58
soreauAnnelie: F6 to select the card..13:58
dabukalam /13:59
ssbplsbekks:do you konw how to fix the gnome crash for the user "xxxx"?13:59
ikoniadabukalam: if you want to correct gramma, thats great, if you want to resolve your problem you're in a mess13:59
bekksssbpls: We dont know anything yet about the crash itself.14:00
bekks!details | ssbpls14:00
ubottussbpls: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:00
patjrhi everybody!14:00
Anneliei did f6 and there was 0) default and 1) intel. i selected intel. I hope this solves something! :)14:00
soreauAnnelie: It only shows you the settings for the other card..14:01
ssbplsbekks:is there an url for paste the .png?14:01
dabukalamikonia: do you know anything that might help me?14:01
ermosoreau: I was going on the assumption that you were affiliated with canonical/ubuntu and that you perhaps knew if this was a feature that canonical planned to introduce? :)14:01
Anneliesoreau: so what should i do? did i do something wrong?14:01
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soreauermo: You assumed wrong, sir14:01
ikoniadabukalam: tons of things, however as I said, your machine sounds like it's in a mess as you keep compiling things and overwriting your default modules14:02
Cyberkilla (_8(¦)14:02
ermosoreau: So it would seem. :) -- you're affiliated with compiz?14:02
soreauAnnelie: No, F6 just allows you to select which card's settings you're adjusting in alsamixer. It does nothing to actually switch cards14:02
dabukalamikonia: okay. so what do I do to fix it?14:02
soreauermo: Yes but they chose not to hire me so..14:03
ikoniadabukalam: if it was me, I'd go back to a clean fresh install and working it forward from there14:03
Annelieoh ok i understand, but then i have already selected the correct card since it works again after putting it up. Im just annoyed of having to do that all the time :)14:03
bekksssbpls: You could just tell us...14:03
ikoniadabukalam: that way it's a known platform to work it through on14:03
dabukalamikonia: I would do that do, but in this case I don't have that option. So what can I do to fix it?14:03
ikoniadabukalam: you've made a mess of your machine then, and you can't explain what's been changed, so it's pretty hard to go through problem resolution14:04
dabukalamikonia: a fresh install would solve my problem, if you know you how to fix it without doing that i'd be grateful.14:04
soreauAnnelie: To actually switch cards, you'd want to look in gnome sound preferences (or whatever it's called)14:04
JustMozzysoreau: unfortunately my webcam is of a no name brand and the usual trouble shoot articles didn't really do it for me :s14:05
ikoniadabukalam: I don't wish to work thorugh your mess, you don't even known what you've changed so it would be quite long winded to work out what's changed14:05
Germanaz0hello everybody, I have a problem, in my laptop with ubuntu 11.10, sometimes it log me off, automatically14:05
dabukalamikonia: I can start with an lsmod... http://paste.ubuntu.com/743240/14:05
soreauJustMozzy: Assuming it's on the universal serial bus, what does 'lsusb' say about it?14:05
ikoniadabukalam: lsmod doesn't start anything14:05
patjris it possible to install windows inside ubuntu? im having problem installing windows since all my hard drive memory was being used by ubuntu and it turned out to be ext4. i have tried vm but its laggy. i just want to run visual basic and my project that is why i need windows on my machine. please help! thanks!14:05
Anneliethanks for the help! I will try on :)14:05
ssbplsbekks:here is the log from the /var/log/messages http://paste.ubuntu.com/743241/14:05
soreaudabukalam: lsmod means 'list modules' and list all currently loaded kernel modules14:06
dabukalamI know what it means.14:06
ikoniadabukalam: then why did you say it does something else ?14:06
soreauikonia: Oh he didn't14:06
dabukalamI meant we can "start the diagnosis process with an lsmod"14:07
JustMozzysoreau: soreau it sees it properly. also dmesg tells me that it is mounted using uvc. all internals see it properly, except for Cheese, gstreamer and OpenCV14:07
abhijithi.i tried reinstalling synapse but i still needs to press super + space twice to bring synapse. help14:07
ikoniadabukalam: we can't you don't know what you've changed, you don't know what's been put where and how it's changed your system - I don't want to try to undo that14:07
ikoniadabukalam: the logical approach would be to backup your data, and do a clean install14:07
soreauJustMozzy: Tried re-plugging it? Or reloading the module for it if it's built-in?14:07
Germanaz0abhijit: whats your problem ?14:08
ermopatjr: if I were in your position, I'd look into backing up my user data from ubuntu and then booting from e.g. a system rescue cd from http://sysresccd.org and use the GParted tool to make room for a windows install?14:08
Germanaz0it log you out ?14:08
ermoermo: and by making room, I mean 'resize the ubuntu partition' :)14:08
* ermo realizes he's talking to himself14:08
juhsishey guys i cant join gcc channel so i try to ask here, how can i manually link shared libraries in gcc command?14:08
abhijitGermanaz0: => hi.i tried reinstalling synapse but i still needs to press super + space twice to bring synapse. help14:08
ermopatjr: and by making room, I mean 'resize the ubuntu partition' :)14:08
ikonia!register | juhsis14:08
ubottujuhsis: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:08
ermopatjr: and no, I can't talk you through it.14:08
bekksjuhsis: Why cant you join that channel?14:09
ikoniajuhsis: if you register you can join the #gcc channel14:09
soreaujuhsis: -lLib14:09
juhsisi dont want to do it with -llib14:09
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soreaujuhsis: Then join #gcc14:09
JustMozzysoreau: tried pretty much everything. am working on this problem for over a week now :s I thought maybe the gstreamer error could be helpful?14:09
JustMozzyfunny thouh that lsusb sees my webcam as an integrated webcam although it is a USB external one14:09
patjrermo: ok ill try it ill be back if it didnt work. thanks!14:10
JustMozzyproblem only that I of course forgot my cam at home ... ugh14:10
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soreauJustMozzy: The most helpful thing you can do is google the vendor:product id of the device (from lsusb in the form of xxxx:xxxx) with keyword ubuntu or your version of ubuntu14:10
ermopatjr: Do take some time to read a little about what you're about to do!14:10
ermopatjr: something like http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/resize/resizing.htm14:11
patjrermo: ok kind sir!14:11
soreauJustMozzy: If no one else is having similar issues with this same model cam, try a live session to see if it's not a local problem14:12
ermopatjr: and one other thing: When you install windows, it will _overwrite_ your current master boot record (if you're on a non-mac/non-uefi machine)14:12
JustMozzysoreau: good idea, I'll try that one out once I am home. I could then also compare dmesg, lsusb and other outputs. thanks14:12
ermopatjr: so you'll need your ubuntu cd/usb key to be able to boot ubuntu14:13
JustMozzysoreau: do you think it could be also a problem of packages that I could install?14:13
ermopatjr: I run a laptop with the same config -- the trick is to install the grub2 bootloader in the same partition as the ubuntu install.14:13
patjrermo: so i will back up everything then just to make sure14:13
ermopatjr: that a boy :)14:14
ermopatjr: it's not impossible to do -- it's just tricky and you need to be prepared to learn a few tricks14:14
patjrermo: but was it possible to just install windows inside lets say a usb drive?14:14
soreauJustMozzy: Instead of speculating, I'd prefer people that I assist have the problem machine physically at their full disposal14:15
ermopatjr: I'm sure it's possible. I don't know how and I'm not sure why you'd want to do it?14:15
ermopatjr: is it your laptop?14:15
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
JustMozzysoreau: fully understandable14:15
patjrermo: how i wanna try it :)14:15
soreauJustMozzy: ie. sitting in front of the machine and not remote logged or daydreaming at work14:16
patjrermo:yup its mine14:16
ermopatjr: you may be able to use an external harddrive and install windows on that ..14:16
NarcHello everyone. MSN protocol is still unusable for me with empathy on Oneiric, even after the python-papyon update and trying the patched version in Bug #887349. Anyone got a fix ? Is it working for you ? Thanks.14:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887349 in papyon (Ubuntu Lucid) "Can't login in Windows live acount using empathy" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88734914:16
JustMozzysoreau: hehe, yeah. I usually have everything handy, just forgot to pack my cam today. still didn't get used to having an external one14:16
soreauNarc: Try pidgin?14:16
ermoa flash drive would need to be at least 32gb before I'd be comfortable recommending it, and on top of that you have a host of wear-issues to contend with.14:16
patjrermo: really?14:16
ikoniaNarc: looks like that bug is still active14:17
patjrermo: how i love to try it14:17
ermopatjr: what's the capacity of your current hard drive?14:17
patjrermo: my laptops hard drive is only 160gb and i have 320gb external hard drive14:18
Noob12I am new, want to learn linux from scratch, is ubuntu the best to start with? Confused between ubuntu, openSUSE and Fedora, please let me decide14:18
abhijitNoob12: depends on what aspect you want to learn14:18
ikoniaNoob12: the hosts are listed in the book and their issues, eg: fedoras gcc is a problem14:18
Noob12abhijit: linux in general, from the zero level14:19
bekksNoob12: First, start with a Linux distro like Ubuntu.14:19
ikoniaNoob12: just follow and READ the book and you'll be fine14:19
Narcsoreau: Pidgin seems to work, I wanted to know about empathy though because that's what I normally use.14:19
Noob12ikonia: fedora is thus not good?14:19
soreauNarc: right14:19
Noob12bekks: okay14:19
ikoniaNoob12: the book details the usable hosts and their problems14:19
Noob12which book?14:19
abhijitNoob12: if you just want to learn linux to be able use it fluently for all the day to day work - professional or home then go for ubuntu. if you want to see the things behind the curtains - how actually each thing happend then you may want to try slackware or arch14:19
ermoNoob12: Ubuntu will be a comfortable starting point, I'm sure. IMHO, you'll need a fairly thick skin if you decide to start out with fedora :)14:19
ikoniaNoob12: the Linux From Sratch book14:20
abhijithe was not talking about that book. he even dont know about that book.14:20
Noob12thanks fedora is such a tough it mean, but where it is?14:20
Noob12the book?14:20
ikoniaNoob12: where you not talking about the the Linux From Scratch distro/project ?14:20
ermopatjr: how much space are you using for data (i.e. not OS) in your ubuntu install?14:20
ermoikonia: I don't think so ;)14:20
ikoniait would appear not14:21
Noob12i don't know anything in linux, you told abt book?14:21
ikoniaNoob12: ignore me, I miss-understood what you where asking14:21
ermoNoob12: Linux from scratch is a book/guide that takes you through how to build your own linux distrubtion.14:21
Noob12my own?14:21
Noob12like ubuntu?14:21
patjrermo: i dont have a partition, i mistakenly install ubuntu using all my hard drive14:21
abhijitNoob12: yes14:21
bekksUbuntu is a pre-compiled distro. Just use it to get familiar with Linux at all.14:21
Noob12okk, if i go for ubuntu (100%) ,  can i learn the linux from zero level?14:22
abhijitNoob12: start with step 1. get hold of linux by using ubuntu for some days.14:22
Noob12some days,...and then?14:22
bekksNoob12: You have no knowledge about Linux - that is zero level. And take about some months, not days.14:22
patjrermo: and the worst is it was being formatted into ext414:22
ermoNoob12: You can learn linux from the zero level, yes. It depends on what 'zero level' means to you. :)14:23
bekksMonths or years.14:23
Noob12it would give me the basic learning tutorials?14:23
Noob12zero level mean i even dont know how to install14:23
bekksNoob12: No. You have to search them on your own, depending on what you want to learn.14:23
ermopatjr: being formatted into ext4 is actually a good thing -- for a linux installation '^^14:23
xanguaNoob12: ubuntu.com tells you how14:23
ikoniaNoob12: https://help.ubunu.com - se ubuntu and use that link to do what you want14:23
ikoniaNoob12: that URL will guide you how to use it at a basic level14:23
theadminikonia: You missed a "t"14:24
Noob12ikonia, ermo, bekks: ty14:24
e20100633Noob12: yeah, look, start using ubuntu, and learn how to use it graphically ; after some weeks, you will want to learn the command line interface, which is a good step 214:24
Noob12ah well14:24
patjrermo: yeah that is why i cant boot my windows now and run my favorite visual studio.. lol!14:24
Noob12can you link me directly how to install ubuntu on 250 gb hard disk, i am much confused in partitioning.....14:25
bekksNoob12: Read the link...14:25
Noob12help.ubuntu.com ???14:25
ikoniaNoob12: https://help.ubuntu.com14:25
Noob12search here "how to install"?14:25
e20100633Noob12: plus the most important think is: read documtation, when you had done that, you have to read more documentation, and read more even14:25
Noob12e20100633, bekks, ikonia: ty14:26
bekksNoob12: No. Open the link. Start reading.14:26
patjri just wish they could develop vb4linux soon cant wait to see it running14:26
Noob12i search there , how to install14:26
bekksNoob12: No. Open the link. Start reading first...14:26
e20100633Noob12: get in mind that 99% of questions you can have for now have an answer in the wiki or even in the forum14:26
steelrathello, guys! i have a problem with detecting my 4gb of memory on 64-bit ubuntu 11.10. can someone help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/80721/only-3-2-gb-of-memory-on-64-bit-ubuntu14:26
ikoniasteelrat: explain having problems14:27
steelratsystem can see only 3.2 Gb!14:27
Karan1337steelrat: try lsusb14:27
Noob12ok, bye guys, seems ubuntu is a great place., :):) anm dread and then install14:27
ermopatjr: how much space do you realistically need for your windows partition?14:27
ikoniasteelrat: open a terminal and type "uname -a" please pastebin the output in this channel14:27
steelratLinux monster 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:27
steelratit's 64 bit14:27
ikoniasteelrat: please pastebin the output of "free -m"14:28
patjrermo only 20gb just for my visual studio projects14:28
ermopatjr: as ubuntu can read NTFS just fine (even if it isn't super fast), you might want to have a large windows partition and a smaller ubuntu partition14:28
steelratwell, it's on my link above14:28
DIL.8 is being used/dedicated to some resources14:28
abhijitNoob12: first install ubuntu and try to do the office work things and entertainment things in it. there is probably local ubuntu team or linux user grouop in your city/country. contact them. you can search them on google. keep in touch with techblogs/sites e.g. omgubuntu.co.uk , linux.com , tldp.org then there are mailist lists to subscribe lots of things man. ITS LINUX!!! :-D14:28
abhijiti was disconnected14:29
abhijithe gone?14:29
ermoabhijit: yup, gone14:29
ikoniasteelrat: is this a laptop ?14:29
steelratnope, it's pc14:29
sskniranjanidentify 8081194614:29
ikoniasteelrat: cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal14:30
abhijitsskniranjan: change ur pass immidiatly14:30
FlynsarmyMy dell xps 15z has pretty low audio even when it's on 100%. any ideas on how to fix this? windows was fine14:30
steelratMemTotal:        3347240 kB14:30
abhijitsskniranjan: next time onwards do the identifying thingy in server tab not in any channel tab14:31
patjrermo: i only need small space to run my visual studio. is it possible to install this application on ubuntu?14:31
bekkspatjr: No.14:31
ikoniasteelrat: looks like a hardware error then on one of the sims, can you run memtest and see what that reports14:31
sskniranjanabhijit : how to change my password14:31
steelrathow to run it?14:32
ermopatjr: Then it'd have to be through the wine emulator and I'm not sure how well that'd work as it's probably not at the top of the list of what people want to do with their linux installs (games are more popular)14:32
patjrbekks: that was bad for me14:32
ikoniasteelrat: when you boot ubuntu the grub menu shows a test called memtest14:32
rjcksany zsh users? I've just switched from Debian and a couple of things don't work ... I used to be able to type, say, "cd" and then scroll back through the history seeing only "cd ...14:32
steelratoh, ok14:32
bekkspatjr: Dont expect wonders from an emulator like wine :)14:32
steelrati'll try it14:32
abhijitsskniranjan: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#changepass14:32
ikoniasteelrat: worth checking as it does suggest a hardware error14:32
ermopatjr: I'd suggest a 40/120 windows/ubuntu split14:33
patjrbekk: yeah ive already tried it on wine and it didnt work14:33
patjrermo: but i cant install my windows it always say cant find ntfs thing14:34
MustardCUWhat would I have to do to restart whatever controls my touchpad?14:38
sskniranjanabhijit: done and thanx14:38
abhijitsskniranjan: welcome14:38
antoine_roquentiHello all, I am having some issues with my wireless card and I was wondering if anyone had some advice to help me fix it?14:43
salvatoreSomeone can say me how to install multiple version of firefox on my ubuntu machine?14:43
=== virusuy-away is now known as virusuy
Sidewinder1salvatore, Why would you want multiple versions?14:44
xanguasalvatore: google firefox old releases, be happy ;)14:44
bullgard4When will a change in the contents of a .deskop file in /etc/xdg/autostart/ become effective?14:44
salvatorei am a web developer and need them for testing14:44
antoine_roquentiI am trying to install drivers for a Broadcom 4318 wireless card and cannot see the driver under system > administration > additional drivers14:44
kemalgencayI installed 11.10  on my Lenovo 3000 v200 laptop, but sound does not work, it worked on Mint ! any help please?? TIA14:45
DILuse virtual worlds-vbox14:45
salvatorexangua could you explain better please?14:45
Sidewinder1!sound | kemalgencay14:45
ubottukemalgencay: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:45
xanguasalvatore: go to google and type firefox old releases14:45
xanguadownload, extract and run14:45
salvatoreok cool14:46
sskniranjanwhat is the alternative to win rar in ubuntu14:46
kemalgencayubottu thanks I'll try14:46
ubottukemalgencay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:46
xanguasskniranjan: sudo apt-get install rar unrar , to manage rar files on file roller14:47
steelratcan someone, please, help me! my ubuntu 11.10 64-bit can't recognize my 4Gb of memory. It can see only 3.2 Gb!14:47
bekkssteelrat: You already asked that.14:47
ermosskniranjan: as ^^ said -- if you install rar and unrar, the graphical pack/unpack tool fileroller will be able to understand rar :)14:47
steelratwell, maybe someone new will see that question and will answer me14:48
abhijiti tried reinstalling synapse but i still needs to press super + space twice to bring synapse.14:48
DILcould be your mobo or .8 is being used/dedicated to some resources14:48
abhijitsskniranjan: may be 7zip or ark14:48
ermoDIL: 3.2 does sound kinda suspicious14:48
sskniranjanxangua and ermo isn't there any apllication sort of a thing for that. i need graphical interface14:48
Sidewinder1Have a great day/evening, all!..14:48
=== bl4ckcomb` is now known as bl4ckcomb
rfgpfeifferHi. I already have 4 primary ntfs partitions. Can i make one of them logical without deleting it during installation?14:49
ermosskniranjan: re-read: fileroller _is_ a graphical interface that understands many packed formats14:49
sskniranjani think abhijit it will work14:49
xanguasskniranjan: file roller is a graphical interface14:49
abhijitrfgpfeiffer: nope14:49
Jessie1hey guys14:49
antoine_roquentitrying to get firmware for my wirless card installed correctly. it is a bcom 4318, am trying to use app "b43-fwcutter" to grab the software but am having trouble14:50
ermoDIL: for instance, I have an old-ish motherboard that will only enable exactly 3.2GB RAM (out of 2x2GB). And that's with a modded BIOS.14:50
kemalgencay:-D This is the first time I use irc and I get a robot answering me??  or is it me :) :)14:50
sancasany here can run team fortress 2 ??14:50
theadminsancas: Check out #winehq and http://winehq.org14:50
triferemai am having a issue with my ubuntu 10.04. i can reach most all sites but when I ping/wget/curl  http://smsplus1.routesms.com i get [curl: (7) couldn't connect to host]. where could this becoming from14:52
ermosteelrat: is your PC a desktop with 4x1GB ram and a dedicated gfx card? If you would pastebin the output of 'sudo lspci -v' that'd be helpful :)14:52
bekkstriferema: The site doesnt want to be pinged, or used by wget or curl.14:52
rhin01could be his firewall14:52
rhin01or a firewall14:53
ASKidwaiabhijit: well, none of the icons show up14:54
=== zombiefox is now known as Zombiefox
triferemabekks: hut I have a php script that needs to deliver smses to it. on the localmachine where I ma developing the application it works just fine  but when I upload it on the server http://dargw.ihi.or.tz:100/vacsms it does not work14:54
nataliai need some help with my ubuntu14:54
abhijitASKidwai: amm?14:54
abhijitnatalia: ask14:54
nataliais there anyone who want to help me? :)14:54
bekkstriferema: Well, thats not an ubuntu problem then I guess :)14:54
nataliai dont know how to instal gnome to my desktop14:54
steelratermo: yes, my PC is a desktop with 4x1GV ram and dedicated video: http://pastebin.com/MHVLkfRr14:54
abhijit!gnome3 | natalia14:54
ubottunatalia: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.14:54
xanguanatalia: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:55
compdocnatalia, do you need food? clothing?14:55
nataliai hane a banana :P14:55
compdocoh, help with gnome14:55
nataliaok thx14:55
triferemarhino1:  how come I can reach other site and just this particular one, what make it specially14:55
ASKidwaiabhijit: wha?14:55
rhin01maybe as someone just said it's only allowing certain protocols14:56
abhijitASKidwai: 20:24:08         ASKidwai | abhijit: well, none of the icons show up14:56
ASKidwaiabhijit: what do you mean?14:56
bekkstriferema: Check firewalls, etc.14:56
rhin01there are sites on the internet to test download page snapshot of sites -- try one of them triferema14:56
salvatoreok is not that easy14:56
abhijitASKidwai: you said something about icosn to me which i dont know what you are talking about14:56
rhin01could be the site -- nobody will test it for you - what is it14:56
ermosteelrat: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/inspd530/en/om/html/appendix.htm <- this one?14:56
ASKidwaiabhijit: yes14:56
salvatorei have installed 3.6 firs14:57
tavishhello, i installed ati drivers and restarted. my monitor is showing a wrong refresh rate sign, there is no graphical display except ttys14:57
compdocASKidwai, which icons?14:57
steelratermo: yep ,that's him14:57
salvatorethen downloaded  the latest (8)14:57
ASKidwaiabhijit: the icons which lead to other applications and folders14:57
ermosteelrat: are you french?14:57
steelratermo: but it's just 53014:57
steelratermo: no, why?14:57
compdocASKidwai, so all of your system's icons are missing?14:57
ASKidwaicompdoc: qBittorent, Hearts, Chess, five folders and a picture14:57
abhijitASKidwai: i really cant relate what you are trying to ask.14:58
ASKidwaiterminal shows all of them14:58
salvatoreextracted then from terminal i have done /firefox/firefox14:58
triferemabekks: okay let me look into it14:58
ermosteelrat: because in english, a computer has no gender (it -- not 'him') and the french tend to use him in a lot of places where you'd use 'it' :)14:58
compdocASKidwai, you using Unity?14:58
salvatorewell firefox-8/firefox14:58
salvatorebut it runs 3.6 instead14:58
ermosteelrat: ok, your PC has got an integrated graphics card14:58
ermoas well14:58
ASKidwaicompdoc: Gnome 2 on Lucid14:58
Jessie1any osx > linux experts on this early?14:58
ermosteelrat: according to that spec sheet (it's the G33 chipset -- 'G' means that it has graphics)14:59
jaryeverytime i use"hwclock --hwtosys",reboot, the system time always be the same as before14:59
ASKidwaicompdoc and abhijit not all of them, only on the desktop14:59
xanguasalvatore: you have to close fx3, can't run two firefox versions at same time14:59
jarymeans i can't change the sys time :(14:59
ermosteelrat: I would suggest rebooting your PC and checking if you can find the on board graphic options14:59
steelratermo: ye, i know it, not only french people have this problem, russians too :D should i say 'this is it'?15:00
salvatorei that is closed...15:00
salvatorefx8 does not need to be compiled?15:00
antoine_roquentianyone help with configuring driver for broadcom 4318 wirless card?15:00
ermosteelrat: yeah, something like that '^^15:00
steelratermo: yes, i think Intel Corporation 82G33 is integrated video card, but it also has nvidia geforce 8600gt built in15:00
salvatoreanyway this is what happends15:00
ASKidwaicompdoc: not all of them, only on the desktop15:01
ermosteelrat: 'built in' or as an add-on card? When I say 'built-in' I mean 'not removable'. I'm guessing your NVidia card is a add-in card?15:01
antoine_roquentiI have run the apps to get the firmware for my wireless card but cannot see the proprietary driver coming up in the list15:01
steelratermo: ye, it's add-in, sry15:01
antoine_roquentiusing 11.0415:01
salvatoreany suggestion?15:01
ermosteelrat: I think I forgot to mention that you need to enter your bios to check :)15:01
ermosteelrat: do that and come back? :)15:01
steelratermo: ok, i still don't understand what sould i find? :)15:02
salvatorei need multiple firefox version to be installe d on my computer15:02
salvatore3..6 is already installed15:02
antoine_roquentianyone help me with my bcom 4318 wireless card driver issue?15:02
ermosteelrat: fair question -- have you ever changed a setting in your BIOS?15:02
Jessie1hey guys what should be the mount point for the ext4 partition? on a mac?15:02
steelratermo: we can cleary see that i have 2 video cards on board: one is integrated and one is add-in15:02
salvatoreif i download and unzip the 8th15:02
steelratermo: nope, i didnt15:02
antoine_roquentiugh whatever thanks for the help guys15:03
salvatorethen from terminal run firefox-8/firefox it runs the 3.6 insted of the 815:03
ermosteelrat: ah, that explains it. When you re-start your computer, it shows a dell logo and possibly says press <F2> to enter setup15:03
steelratermo: is there a  way in ubuntu to find out what video card is currently in use?15:03
stephanmga question concerning a nvidia quadro 140 card: which driver is the appropriate: nvidia-current or version 173. there is also a postrelease version of boths. whic his the right one?15:03
steelratermo: is does, but it's F8 :) but it doesn't matter15:03
ermosteelrat: pastebin the output of 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log'15:03
ermosteelrat: you need to press F8 and enter the system setup and look for anything that looks like it's related to integrated graphics15:04
ermosteelrat: well, you could also check where the monitor cable is attached?15:04
DILcreate virtual worlds with virtualbox insyall the versions you want to test | salvatore15:04
ermosteelrat: if it's attached to your add-in card, then that's what is being used :)15:04
steelratermo: http://pastebin.com/Ld861nte15:05
salvatorei don't want virtual wolrd...15:05
salvatoreit charge performance15:05
steelratermo: it's attached to my add-in card.. so it's not my extra video card a problem ?15:05
ermosteelrat: I think the 'problem' is that your integrated graphics card is not disabled, and hence reserves some of your system ram to use as texture memory :)15:06
=== ASKidwai is now known as AwayKid
ermosteelrat: your add-in card is much more powerful than the integrated gfx15:07
steelratermo: ok, i will check it in bios, will you be here in a couple of minutes?15:07
ermosteelrat: sure thing -- best of luck :)15:07
steelratermo: ok ,thanks)15:07
ermoDIL: sounds like you were spot on w/steelrat's issue!15:08
steelratermo: i don't get it15:08
ermosteelrat: I thought you were rebooting to disabled your integrated graphics? ;)15:09
steelratermo: i am ))15:09
sskniranjan_how to auto identify in the  x chat15:09
steelrati mean i do15:09
steelratright ?)15:09
rockworldmimy one server with ubuntu 10.04 64 bit keeps restarting after few flickering of screen is it os bug .??and i have i3 pc and no graphic card ..8 gb ram15:09
ermosteelrat: DIL just said that he suspected that your issue was related to integrated graphics or your motherboard. I think it's related to integrated graphics as well. Now go reboot, shooo! ;)15:10
DILsome devices have own memory -the ones that do not have to be allocated from the 4gb15:10
sskniranjan__ how to auto identify in the  x chat15:11
crossenvihello everyone15:11
rockworldmisskniranjan_ mint linux has done it but i dont know how .15:12
crossenviHas anyone installed gnome 3 on their system and selected GNOME in the LDM and gmone 2 still loads??15:13
theadmincrossenvi: You should select "Gnome Shell", I beleive15:13
zykotick9_crossenvi, do you see applications, places, AND System in the panel?15:14
ratcheertheadmin: On my system, "Gnome" selects gnome-shell.15:14
crossenvijust application and places15:15
zykotick9_crossenvi, so it's NOT gnome2, it's gnome315:15
ermoratcheer: +1 here15:15
theadminratcheer: Maybe (s)he just installed gnome shell on top of gnome215:15
xanguacrossenvi: there is no gnome2 on oneiric15:15
zykotick9_theadmin, it's gnome3 fallback - no System menu15:15
theadminzykotick9_: Oh, I see.15:15
* theadmin has a huge lag (3 seconds) so I guess my messages end up delivered rather late, sorry.15:16
crossenviso do i need to remove and install a different package15:16
zykotick9_!notunity > crossenvi15:16
ubottucrossenvi, please see my private message15:16
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theadmincrossenvi: Try to "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell", and if that gives you "gnome-shell is already the latest version", make sure you have the proper graphic drivers.15:16
ermotheadmin: I take it you haven't read about the recent completion of the simulated mars mission where lag was, what, 25 minutes? ;)15:17
theadminermo: lol nope, did not\15:17
* little_attoparse 15:18
LogicallyDashingI've reinstalled grub and now my computer's not booting. Says there's no such device as the one I installed to, even though when I boot from my thumb drive, that disk is definitely there.15:19
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little_attoparsedid you use UUID's15:20
LogicallyDashingwell, grub-mkconfig did15:20
little_attoparsetry to run update-grub15:20
LogicallyDashingthat doesn't exist within grub215:21
theadminLogicallyDashing: It does, it's called "update-grub2" though15:21
crossenvi@ubottu > yes this is the whole reason why im trying to get gnome3 to work because the gnome tweak tool doesn't load the shell extensions and i realized it was because i wasn't in gnome3 at least thats what i thought. I have the latest version of gnome-shell installed.15:21
LogicallyDashingubottu is a bot15:22
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.15:22
hdpbAssuming it's possible, is it advisable to use and external HD as /home?15:22
crossenviI will try to log out and see if there is an option for gnome-shell15:22
varun06I think I have starte liking Unity15:22
LogicallyDashinghdpb: how "external" is it? Will you leave it plugged in all the time no exceptions?15:22
crossenviThanks a lot guys15:22
varun06Gnome gave me few problems15:23
=== XelmepAW is now known as Xelmep
Xelmepi need a help please !15:24
LogicallyDashingaccording to the manpage for update-grub2, it is just a stub for grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg, which command I've already run15:24
LogicallyDashingchrooted, no less15:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:25
XelmepI need help abput pptpd15:25
XelmepI need help abput pptpd ?15:25
XelmepI need help about pptpd ?15:25
theadminXelmep: pppd, you mean?15:25
manishanyone can help me configure sawfish?15:25
steelratermo: hi15:25
Xelmepi need to install VPN server15:25
Xelmepon my VPS ubuntu server15:25
oCeanXelmep: describe your issue (detailed) on single line. Then sit back and have some patience15:26
Xelmepok, Ocean.15:26
steelratermo: the only option that could be related to video that i found was this one: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/3/img20111119191250.jpg/ i've switched it to PCIEx but nothing changed15:26
little_attoparseplease post your grub.cfg on pastebin or something15:27
LogicallyDashingI'll try15:27
LogicallyDashingha, solved it15:28
little_attoparsehow ?15:28
hack_Need help with your iphone, ipad, ipod touch and apple tx join are IOS chat on irc.silentspark.net #ios ( live view ) - ( http://is.gd/E9KShI )15:28
steelratsorry, guys, i forgot the name.. erry or ermo i have talked to? :)15:28
ermosteelrat: that's the correct screen.15:28
LogicallyDashingwhen I installed grub from my thumb drive it assumed that the stage1.5+ stuff was going to be on that same drive15:28
LogicallyDashingI thought I'd told it otherwise, with --boot-directory15:29
manishanyone can help me configure sawfish  ?15:29
LogicallyDashingBut apparently not15:29
ermosteelrat: you'll need to reboot again and twiddle with 'DVMT'15:29
LogicallyDashingAnyway I ran grub-install within a chroot of my main drive and now it works.15:29
HelloWorld321if you're a normal end user, is it pretty safe to 'apt-get autoremove'?15:30
ermosteelrat: if you can't outright disable the damn thing, use 'FIXED' instead of DVMT and set it to the lowest possible RAM amount.15:30
steelratermo: so.. then it's not the problem.. btw, before that i had only 2Gb of RAM and there was no problem like this, so i think it's something with memory addressing..15:30
XelmepI intalled PPTP VPN Server on Ubuntu Server 10.04, I configured by the web tutorial from this link (http://ariejan.net/2010/10/11/setup-a-ubuntu-vpn-server) and now i can`t connect from my PC by the new VPN connection with username and password confidured in  /etc/ppp/chap-secrets. And i have error 800 by dialing.15:30
crossenviOk im back, here are the choices I have in the LDM "GNOME", "GNOME Classic", "GNOME Classic (No Effects)", "Recovery Console", "Ubuntu", "Ubuntu 2D", "User Defined Session" also the "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell" is up to date so im not understanding why gnome shell is not an option. There where no errors when installing.15:30
bastidrazor HelloWorld321 autoremove removes dependencies that are not used anymore. it is safe15:31
llutzXelmep: check /var/log/daemon.log for errors15:31
ermosteelrat: Please, could you just minimize the memory and choose 'FIXED' instead of 'DVMT', please?15:31
* ermo has seen those screens before on Dell PCs15:31
steelratermo: this is the screen before i have pressed enter. after enter there was X's on memory size, dvmt mode and dvmt memory size, so it looks disabled15:31
xauthHelloWorld321: Yes, apt-get autoremove is completely safe as normal user because it will fail. =:-)15:31
ermosteelrat: Aha.15:31
crossenvishould i remove gnome-panel? could that be affecting gnome3 from loading15:32
theadmincrossenvi: That should be "GNOME", then15:32
steelratermo: i can't, 'cause when i choose PCIExt it's grayed15:32
theadmincrossenvi: If it doesn't load, your graphics driver is at fault, and you need to try another one15:32
bastidrazorxauth: normal end  user is different than normal user. you're confused15:32
varun06what is the best tool on Ubuntu to work with GIT15:32
xauthbastidrazor: Enlighten me. To my knowledge, there is root and there is everything else.15:33
bekksvarun06: "git".15:33
ermosteelrat: Oh, ok. When you reboot again, pick PCI again, and minimize the memory used, save, reboot, switch to PCIe (not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a try)15:33
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Xelmepllutz: i see ta log file15:33
Xelmepcan i send you to pvt ?15:33
crossenvidamn...... $3,000 laptop and the graphics card doesn't work in ubuntu.15:33
varun06any GUI tool15:33
llutz!pastebin | Xelmep no pm pls15:33
ermosteelrat: could you please pastebin the output of 'dmesg'? :)15:33
ubottuXelmep no pm pls: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:33
steelratermo: ok, i will, but one question: shouldn't it be a problem before installing extra 2x1Gb? :)15:33
ermosteelrat: we'll get to that -- there might be some AGP memory hole quirk with the chipset15:34
SolarisBoyif a debian like system doesn't have lsb_release installed does anyone else know a good way to tell the distribution? like on red hat based you can usually cat /etc/redhat-release15:34
bekkscrossenvi: Define "doesnt work" please.15:34
steelratermo: thanks anyway! i'll be back! :)15:34
llutzSolarisBoy: cat /etc/issue15:34
steelratermo: oh, wait15:34
ermosteelrat: good luck mate :)15:34
SolarisBoyllutz: thanks a lot !! =)15:34
bastidrazorxauth: end user is a person who uses a product. normal user a restricted account on the box.15:35
gnomitsugwibber doesn't want to work with the new identi.ca. in fact, seems like it handles adding new accounts rather ineffectively15:35
steelratermo: will my computer boot when i'll set the video memory as low as i can?15:35
bekksSolarisBoy: cat /etc/release15:35
crossenviWhen loading drivers for it startx crashes15:35
ermosteelrat: your add-in video card has its own video RAM on board. So yes, it will.15:35
bekkscrossenvi: Did you investigate why that happens? Which card do you have actually?15:35
SolarisBoybekks, llutz is one more dependable than the other or should any do fine,, im writing a script thats going to first check if it get it from lsb_release and if thats not there i wanted to see if i can get it from a file like such15:36
lorddeltaermo: Were you the one in here who said unity wasn't gnome-shell based? Cause this says otherwise: http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/10/15-things-i-did-after-installing-new.html (and yes, I have gnome-shell installed as well).15:36
* xauth was never a people person.15:36
cablopwhat do you recomend normal partitioning or LVM?15:36
ermolorddelta: Uh, no. :)15:36
llutzSolarisBoy: /etc/issue should always exist, /etc/release won#t15:36
bekkscrossenvi: DONT do that again...15:36
lorddeltaermo: Ok!15:36
SolarisBoyllutz: got it thanks a lot again15:36
bekkscablop: Dont mess around with that font crap.15:36
cablopbekks it was not on purpose15:37
SolarisBoycablop: i like lvm personally15:37
cablopask quassel why it is showinf that thing15:37
steelratermo: ok, to be clear: will it try to boot with PCI Slot (which i'll choose now) and when fail it will boot with PCIEx?15:37
lorddeltaermo: You wouldn't happen to know how why my shortcuts tab (under keyboard under system settings) is missing?15:37
gnomitsunot his fault.. he just leet, yknow15:37
bekkscablop: because you configured it to do so.15:37
cablopcan you see i am using normal fonts in this moment?15:37
crossenvinvidia gforce gtx 560m15:38
SolarisBoylorddelta: mine isn't missing but i can't change any of the shortcuts how i used to be able to.. like change the terminal shortcut to open terminator =(15:38
crossenvisorry for the late response15:38
EldaBekks no need to be so cross after a one time occurence :>15:38
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: What's your 'dpkg -l gnome-control-center | grep -i version'15:38
ermosteelrat: reboot, change to PCI, use as little ram as possible, reboot, change to PCIe15:38
SolarisBoyweirdness its blank.. its that on more than one line?15:39
SolarisBoyone sec15:39
SolarisBoyversion is a header =)15:39
* gnomitsu removes gwibber. reason: unusable15:39
crossenvibekks: Sorry nvidia gforce 460M15:39
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: Yeah I figured that out too. :P Sorry. But, I'm running a version up... 1:3.2.2-0ubuntu1, yay people taking functionality OUT of software.15:40
SolarisBoythats always great15:40
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: I'd say the Gnome people failed the class where you add features to new bits of software...15:41
SolarisBoyagreed += 115:41
t2maheshi am new to vim editor, can some one please tell me how can i search and replace ", " with a line break character ?15:41
SolarisBoyt2mahesh: with a break character?15:42
Xelmephttp://imagebin.org/184757 my logs from ppptd15:42
t2maheshSolarisBoy: \n which can give a line break15:42
lorddeltat2mahesh: try something like s/,/"\n"/g15:42
crossenvibekks: It's an alienware m17x r3 system that I'm pissed that I can't use the graphics card in linux!!!! I think it has to do with the fact that it has 2 graphic cards one on board "an intel sandy bridge" and the gforce 460m15:42
SolarisBoyoh... a new line..15:42
xautht2mahesh: :%s/, /\r/g15:42
Xelmephttp://imagebin.org/184756 logs 1 side15:43
SolarisBoyyea if you wanna go it globally,, you can also go gc if you want it to ask you on each one15:43
ThePendulumGreetings. In Gnome 3 for Ubuntu 11.04/11.10, is it possible to set the main panel on the left to use smaller icons, or to appear at the bottom?15:43
SolarisBoy:%s/, /\r/gc15:43
ThePendulum*or would be 'and'15:43
ermolorddelta: gconf-editor might be worth a try re. keyboard short cuts?15:44
t2maheshxauth, SolarisBoy: thanks it worked15:44
t2maheshbut what is /g or /gc15:44
SolarisBoyglobal and global with confirmation @ t2mahesh15:44
xautht2mahesh: /g means all occurrences on the line. /c means confirm each replacement15:44
t2maheshgot it :)15:44
SolarisBoy: /g would just go ahead and change all occurences with no prompting where the latter would ask if you wanted to change it y/N type menu15:45
SolarisBoy... i type so slow =(15:45
* xauth smirks.15:45
llutzXelmep: does your VPS have ppp modules loaded? lsmod |grep ppp15:45
xauthSolarisBoy: or you type too long lines.15:45
Xelmepllutz: i`m not shure15:45
bekkscrossenvi: And both cards are known to be working I guess - so check the error logs.15:45
SolarisBoylol yea,, im wordy =)15:45
Xelmephow to test it ?15:45
lorddeltaermo: I did try that, /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands....but I'm wondering if some of the keys got deleted...I don't see anything along the lines of "hide all windows"...and I never seem to be able to find the right documentation when I visit Gnome's site.15:45
llutzXelmep: does your VPS have ppp modules loaded? lsmod |grep ppp15:45
Xelmepllutz: I`m not shure, how to test it???  I have webmin Control Panel15:46
llutzXelmep: read the part after the questionmark, its the command to test15:46
SolarisBoydid someone say to try gconf-editor to change my keyboard shortcuts.. thats a good idea i think i haven't tried that... seems the settings in the keyboard shortcuts tab are greyed out, not "editable"15:46
ermolorddelta: I personally prefer unity to GNOME 3, tbh.15:46
llutzXelmep: and drop webmin crap15:46
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout15:47
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: If you figure out where those keys are put, or better yet where the documentation for those keys are....15:47
Xelmepok llutz just a moment15:47
lorddeltaI'd be obliged.15:47
lorddeltaermo: I prefer no Unity/Gnome3 :P15:47
xauthI prefer twm, but then I'm an old geezer.15:47
cablopanyone discouraging the use of LVM?15:47
lorddeltamoza: And, yes, that's the answer that's plastered very unhelpfully across the internet.15:48
lorddeltamoza: its irrelevant when you don't have that tab, or don't know where the gconf keys are.15:48
cablopand why ?15:48
zykotick9_!webmin | Xelmep15:49
ubottuXelmep: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:49
mozalorddelta, i don't understand what you are talking about?15:49
t2maheshis it possible to add one line break \r after evey 50th line using vim, there are total 857 lines in the file15:49
SolarisBoylorddelta: yea,, im in the editor && lost at the moment =)15:50
mozaoh sorry lorddelta i should have done that in private.15:50
theadmint2mahesh: I'm not sure you can do it using vim, but it won't be too hard to write some program that just does that15:50
lorddeltamoza: what ubottu had to say...it doesn't apply if when you go to your System Settings -> Keyboard, there's no tab for shortcuts, at least not in my version15:51
SolarisBoyt2mahesh: its possible to edit ranges,, and i believe a list of line numbers,,15:51
pr0teushey guy's my MMC Card reader (Jmicron) dont recognize nothing. From dmesg i got "mmc0: Card is consuming too much power!" could be this the source of problem?15:51
lorddeltamoza: though I think that's because it got (hopefully temporarily) removed.15:51
ppcblasterwhere can I get help getting a Hauppauge PVR 350 working to watch tv in us from analog cable?15:51
SolarisBoyt2mahesh: if you have like vim compiled with perl/ruby you can likely do some sort of counting loop15:51
t2maheshtheadmin: yes true, but i thought to ask if there is something already their in vim15:51
mozalorddelta, it was helping me, and i indeed apologizw for not having asked that to ubottu in private, but i forgot the name of the bot.15:52
theadminMaybe ask in #vim, t2mahesh15:52
lorddeltat2mahesh: Also, there's emacs...15:52
OerHekspr0teus, yes, if the MMC reader is connected to an unpowered usbhub15:52
lorddeltat2mahesh: run all your lisp in one place.15:52
hdpbLogically: Yes, that's the plan.15:52
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: What? I like it better than vim. That's just a preference though.15:52
OerHekspr0teus, connect it directly, or use an adapter to power the hub15:53
SolarisBoyi honestly haven't dealt with emacs enough to judge but vim satisfies all my needs,, even for a ide15:53
=== AwayKid is now known as ASKidwai
BluesKajgetting fed up with compiling apps from source that have improper make files and no ./configure files... what's happened to make and cmake , don't ouput errors revealing the problem anymore? All the tutorials I followed resulted in the same errors , "make no targets specified and no makefile found. stop"15:53
zykotick9_ppcblaster, do you have some digital2analog adapter?  There is no analog cable in the US/Canada anymore.15:53
theadminSolarisBoy: Don't call vim an ide, that's offensive for it you know -- ide's are bloated silly things15:54
t2maheshm very impressed with VIM, once got familiar with the commands its so hot hot15:54
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: Oh, but religious holy wars have been fought on this subject. So I will decline to tell you to use emacs, just saying I tried both and like emacs better...(I'm a fan of AI and as such lisp is attractive to me anyhow, not that I know how to use it well)15:54
Xelmepllutz:  lsmod | grep ppp is not installed15:54
SolarisBoytheadmin: its true,, i guess ur right,, its actually why i use vim to program ,, or script in rather,, because its *not* all fat and silly etc etc15:54
ppcblasterwell it's what ever channels I get connecting tv card to cable without a box15:54
hdpbLogicallyDashing: we have a newer laptop and an ancient desktop. Want to get rid of the 70G desktop and consolidate...15:54
SolarisBoylorddelta: i've been fixing myself to play with it some15:55
llutzXelmep: ?? whats the exact output of that command?15:55
mozaok, let's try. I have a problem with my keyboard. Sometimes, some keys are not recognized anymore. Like right now, one of my "enter" keys is not responding. The other is working fine. Is there anything i could verify on the software level ?15:55
ppcblasterI have two cards hvr-1250 and old PVR 35015:55
zykotick9_ppcblaster, and is that "none" right now?15:55
Xelmeproot@rostuse:~#  lsmod | grep ppp15:55
SinjetThe advantage of learning VI over EMACS is that any *nix box you ever work on has VI by default.15:55
llutzXelmep: what virtualization is your VPS on (xen, kvm, openvz)?15:55
ppcblasternone ?15:55
SolarisBoySinjet: truth15:56
Sinjetor at least learn VI along with EMACS :)15:56
SinjetI like both.15:56
zykotick9_ppcblaster, does your 350 get any channels?  I'd be amazed if it did, it shouldn't.15:56
llutzXelmep: you should be able to install the kernel-modules then, check your VPS-controlpanel15:56
theadminSinjet: "every"? Not really, I've met many distributions that come without vim... Ubuntu does so, I think.15:56
SolarisBoyi just had to close aptana studio which im trying to learn to like... but apparently not so much,, because im back to vim already =)15:56
llutzXelmep: if you cannot find something, ask provider-support to install kernel-modules15:57
Sinjettheadmin: Not talking about vim, vi rather.15:57
zykotick9_theadmin, every POSIX compatible OS should have vi.15:57
ppcblasterno when I try VLC or metv or TV-Viewer I do not know how to point the software to the correct place15:57
theadminzykotick9_: I see.15:57
Xelmepllutz: can you tell me how can i do it ?? how to install kernel modules15:57
Xelmep ?15:57
steelratermo: ok.. nothing is changed. i tried to run memtest and it's also can see my 4 Gb of RAM, but is it going to test just 3326 Mb? I didn't wait till it ends, too much time. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/28/img20111119194227.jpg/15:57
Xelmepby the SSH ?15:57
ppcblasterselect pvr channel search finds none15:58
llutzXelmep: sudo modprobe ppp_mppe15:58
Xelmepllutz: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.15.1.el5.028stab068.9/modules.dep: No such file or directory15:58
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: This discussion probably belongs in another channel...but I used to use IDEs....and then all the IDEs just became a hassle to use and it was easier and sometimes more productive to just use a text editor with highlighting + commandline. You don't get class browsing with Notepad++/Gedit, but I hear you can do that with vim/emacs....15:58
mozabonsoir, je me lance avec mon souci de clavier. J'ai une touche qui n'est plus reconnue, ma touche entrée principale. J'utilise la touche entrée du pavé numérique mais j'aimerais bien essayer des vérifications software si vous en avez à me conseiller.15:59
llutzXelmep:  check your VPS-controlpanel for such options15:59
SolarisBoylorddelta: ya,, ctags/exuberant tags will let you class browse easy15:59
mozaEn général le débranchement/rebranchement de mon clavier règle le souci, mais si vous avez des idées plus "soft" je prends.15:59
mozaouch, sorry for the french15:59
mozai mixed the channels15:59
scar3crowcan somebody please help me install the driver for an ATI Radeon X1600? (I have downloaded the correct driver>)16:00
BrandonHey! Does anyone have managed to chroot ssh or sftp users ?16:00
steelratermo: sorry for annoying, but are you there? :)16:00
SolarisBoyBrandon: i've done it on a non ubuntu system.. the latest versions of openssh let you do it within ssh its self16:00
SolarisBoyBrandon: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59016:01
Xelmepllutz: OpenVZ is virtualization on the server where i trying to install VPN server16:01
ironfoot495Hi  why does my 17 inch sreen works but my 37 inch lcd does not/ubuntu 11.0416:02
BluesKajscar3crow, you should install the recommended driver in admin additional drivers16:02
SolarisBoyneeds openssh >= 4.8p116:02
llutzXelmep: then you have to ask your provider to enable ppp for the vps, you have no own control over this16:02
BrandonSolarisBoy: Thanks a lot, I actually plan to do it on Debian but the Debian channel seems to be dead16:02
Xelmepok, many thanks llutz16:02
llutzXelmep: same situation here with one of my vps, since they changed from XEN to OpenVZ last week :(16:03
SolarisBoyBrandon: that should work i *believe* it does ssh also but i forget,, it definately does sftp "jails"16:03
BrandonSolarisBoy: I only wish to use sftp either ;)16:03
ermosteelrat: I'm leaving -- will be back in 30 mins. What's up?16:03
Xelmepi will try to change or buy new VPS Server where i will have more permisions16:03
SolarisBoysweet =)16:03
steelratermo: ok.. nothing is changed. i tried to run memtest and it's also can see my 4 Gb of RAM, but is it going to test just 3326 Mb? I didn't wait till it ends, too much time. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/28/img20111119194227.jpg/16:04
llutzXelmep: look for XEN and the ability to install all neccesary modules.16:04
llutzXelmep: or just ask the provider about ppp-support, before buying16:04
Xelmepllutz: tell me is possible to install on this machine, WEBCAM Server to stream video on website. ex. I have wireless IP canera in my home, i want the camera to stream video to server, then server to re-stream to visitors on my website16:05
llutzXelmep: i guess it is but i don't know. sry i don't deal wit multimedia/video/audio16:05
linuxyou can do that from webcamstudio16:05
Xelmepmany thanks again16:05
MyrttiXelmep: the easiness of doing that depends on what file transfer protocol you want to use16:06
XelmepMyrtti: i want my wireless IP camera to stream video in my VPS Ubuntu server16:07
Xelmepthen UBUNTU to make stream video to all my visitors in my website16:07
MyrttiXelmep: stream steady video or still images?16:07
Xelmeplive streaming16:07
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: How's this? http://people.gnome.org/~bmsmith/gconf-docs/C/metacity.html <- Works for me, yay changed my show-desktop setting! ^^16:08
SolarisBoyahh sweet16:09
jpmhI have upgraded to 11.10 - right now I am not familiar with the new interface - but I want to persevere - how do I get the "tools" etc menu to come back in firefox?16:09
SolarisBoyone sec... checking16:09
SolarisBoythanks lorddelta16:09
XelmepMyrtti: Can you help me ?16:11
MyrttiXelmep: sorry16:13
SolarisBoylorddelta: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/35/screenshotat20111119111.png16:16
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1] Klicking gedit > Edit > Preferences > Font&Color > Font > 'Use the system fixed width font (Monospace 8)' is asserted. --  sudo  gedit > Edit > Preferences > Font&Color > Font > 'Use the system fixed width font (Ubuntu Mono 13)' is asserted.  --  How can I change the second setting to resemble the first setting?16:24
Eldahttp://www.firefallthegame.com/home  Also for anyone who is interested in this "Fire Fall" I keep blabbering on about16:25
gmachine_24what is the link to pasetebin please...16:26
jazwechey. i have a problem which seems to be pretty common..my system cant detect my cdrom16:26
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sudiptahow do i know if my machine supports ipv6?16:26
gmachine_24jazwec, and you're sure this drive works and that the jumper settings etc. are correct?16:27
maxxxhi; there16:28
gmachine_24jazwec, and what kind of drive is it? make, model, internal, external?16:28
gmachine_24jazwec, and what, if anything, have you done so far to try to make it work?16:28
jazwecgmachine_24 it does, it reads CDs normally..the thing is i need to mount ISO the way it mounts cdrom to make wine recognize it16:28
digitteknohippiewow, ubuntu has safeguards against "rm -rf /"... try it to see...16:29
llutzdigitteknohippie: stop that shit16:29
jazwecgmachine_24: ive added /dev/sr0 to my fstab, mount point set to /media/cdrom0 which ive created16:29
llutz!danger | digitteknohippie16:29
ubottudigitteknohippie: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!16:29
* digitteknohippie pitys the fools.16:29
gmachine_24get a life hippie16:30
gmachine_24jazwec, have you run dmesg | grep -i cd | grep -i rom in a terminal?16:31
theadminlol, that was ridiculous16:31
bullgard4!pastebin | gmachine_2416:31
ubottugmachine_24: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:31
gmachine_24bullgard4, thanks16:32
maxxxiceroot in the session16:32
azariah4Hello! A tutorial tells me todo sudo add-apt-repository ...16:34
azariah4But I don't have the add-apt-repository command on this ubuntu machine16:34
azariah4any ideas how I can get it, or otherwise add a ppa repository?16:34
jazwecgmachine_24: it founds it16:34
ermosteelrat: back. So?16:35
steelratermo: welcome back.. so, do you have any ideas? :)16:35
ermosteelrat: Your memtest screenshot is interesting16:36
steelratermo: why?16:36
gmachine_24jazwec, so check that info against what is in you fstab file by: sudo nano /etc/fstab16:36
oCeanazariah4: add-apt-repository is in the package python-software-properties, install that first (sudo apt-get install python-software-properties) See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding_PPAs16:36
pr0teusOerHeks: my MMC reader is built-in (notebook)16:37
ermosteelrat: because it shows me which RAM you have :) -- see http://en.community.dell.com/what-do-i-buy/f/3510/p/18798985/19094206.aspx16:37
pr0teusOerHeks: how do i check if its powered up, if don't how do i do that?16:37
azariah4oCean: thanks! it worked16:37
gmachine_24jazwec something like dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9960 user,noauto 0 016:37
oCeanazariah4: please be aware that, though PPA's can provide lots of additional software, they're not supported (3rd party) repositories16:37
OerHekspr0teus, that is unusual, build-in mmc readers should work fine.16:38
gmachine_24jazwec, it should match the output from the dmesg check16:38
jazwecgmachine_24:  this is what i added today /dev/sr0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       016:38
BrandonSolarisBoy: Still here?16:38
xms12182facing problem running adempiere on ubuntu 11.xx any help16:39
OerHekspr0teus, i thought you used an external, maybe connected to a non-powered hub, not the case.16:39
ermosteelrat: bottom line: you'll need to update your bios16:39
jazwecgmachine_24: i dont know what should match..the only similarity i see is the /dev/sr016:39
steelratermo: well, thank you very much for finding this thread. the only problem - i have no idea how to upgrade it :)16:39
gmachine_24jazwec, is this an internal or external drive16:39
jazwecgmachine_24: internal..."eject sr0" works16:40
ermosteelrat: it's not that bad -- let's see if I can help you out (done this many many times with different boards from different manufacturers)16:40
ralliasDoes anyone know what to put into ${font} to use the font Pursia 18 in conky?16:40
BrandonDo I obliviously nedd libpam-chroot package for chrooting a sftp user ?16:40
steelratermo: thank you very very much!16:41
gmachine_24jazwec, so after /dev/sr0 there's no /media/cdrom0 or something like that16:41
gmachine_24jazwec, forget that, I just reread your post16:41
ermosteelrat: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/inspd530/en/om/html/appendix.htm#wp114617916:42
splnethow do I add an entry into /etc/resolv.conf without it being overwritten?16:42
ermosteelrat: I'm not sure that makes sense to you, but I'm guessing you'll need a windows installation to do the bios update16:42
* ermo looks some more16:42
maxxxsplnet, copy it backup16:42
splnetmaxxx: I mean it gets overwritten with dhcp16:43
steelratermo: is wine ok? )16:43
ermosteelrat: probably not. But don't despair just yet.16:44
llutzsplnet: either enter your networkmanager connection or your dhclient.conf to set dns16:44
steelratermo: i don't get it, do i need to just run upgrade program from windows and it will update the bios?16:44
maxxxsplnet, dhcp should not be any problem unless you are static16:44
steelratermo: i thought it should be a bit more complicated16:45
gmachine_24jazwec, ok I'm at a loss. I don't know what the utf8 refers to but maybe there is someone here to knows more about this16:45
rathemoonhew im a newbie to linux ubuntu16:45
rathemoonbut im having a problem16:45
Fandekasphi guys16:45
ermosteelrat: I don't have a dell system handy, so I can't answer you on the specifics. Right now I'm looking at the dell website to find the bios.16:45
rathemoonwhen i stream flash videos or any other type of video using firefox chronium after a few min its like the framerate lags16:45
rathemoonhow do i fix it16:45
jazwecgmachine_24: can you please tell me how is your cdrom identified in fstab?16:46
splnetllutz: right its says overwritten by networkmanager. So I want to add a "search domain.com" line to resolv.conf16:46
ermosteelrat: could you locate the 'asset tag' that says which specific model your PC is?16:46
FandekaspI want to burn a dvd audio ... Tried with brasero and k3b without success. Any expert here to debug that with me ? Thanks in advance16:46
ermosteelrat: it's somewhere on the case16:46
rathemoonanyone got a clue16:46
steelratermo: i have inspiron 53016:46
rathemoonfande u could wine a simple freeware windows program16:46
rathemooni do that16:46
ermosteelrat: not 530s ?16:46
rathemoonworks perfect16:46
llutzsplnet: sudo apt-get install resolvconf, then add that to /etc/resolvconf/resolvconf.d/head   and run sudo resolvconf -u16:47
* ermo wonders if 's' refers to small16:47
steelratermo: nope, just 53016:47
gmachine_24jazwec, well, see, that's the thing... I just checked... and it's not16:47
splnetllutz: ah ok thanks!16:47
hrolfHow do I get hibernation to work in Ubuntu 11.10 ?16:47
rathemoonwhy does streaming videos framerate lag16:47
skione_hi, I need to list all folders that don't have a file in it16:47
ermosteelrat: cool -- here's the link: http://search.dell.com/results.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=bsd&cat=sup&cs=04&k=inspiron+530+bios&rpp=12&p=1&subcat=dyd&rf=all&nk=f&sort=-date&ira=False&~srd=False&ipsys=False&advsrch=False&~ck=anav16:47
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ermosteelrat: the top one, version 1.0.1816:47
maxxxrathemoon, increase the http pipelining to 816:47
hrolfI installed uswsusp but still it isn't working16:48
steelratermo: ok, my bios version is 1.0.3, btw16:48
splnetllutz: it looks like it may be possible to do it in networkmanager: /etc/NetworkManager  but your way seems easier16:48
ermosteelrat: cool -- then 1.0.18 would definitely be an update, yeah? :D16:48
gmachine_24jazwec, and my cdrom is listed in /dev not /media16:48
rathemoonHello i have big problem.16:48
rathemoonQuality of my video is good but i have problem with lags.16:48
rathemoonWhen im watching video i have lags after 10 minutes of watching.16:48
rathemoonPlease help me is my command for ffmpeg16:48
rathemoon-acodec libfaac -ar 44100 -ab 128k -vcodec libx264 -level 41 -crf 24 -bufsize 20000k -maxrate 1000k -g 250 -r 25 -coder 1 -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -partitions +parti4x4+partp8x8+partb8x8 -flags2 +brdo+dct8x8+bpyramid -me umh -subq 7 -me_range 16 -keyint_min 25 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -rc_eq \'blurCplx^(1-qComp)\' -bf 16 -b_strategy 1 -bidir_refine 1 -refs 6 -deblockalpha 0 -deblockbeta 0 -threads 8 -f flv16:48
steelratermo: looks so )16:48
FloodBot1rathemoon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:48
steelratermo: but why only windows.. it's not fair16:49
llutzsplnet: there are several ways to do that, still you shouldn't edit /etc/resolv.conf (the file) manually16:49
SkiOneya know, this is off topic, but I actually prefer when people use enter as punctuation. Never understood that actually16:49
theadminrathemoon: Holly hell... Try winff, it's a grpahical frontend for ffmpeg which is easy to configure16:49
splnetllutz: exactly16:49
SkiOnewinff rocks16:49
ermosteelrat: indeed it isn't16:49
steelratermo: when i click on the link it redirects me on an empy page.. is it checking for windows or what?16:49
ermonot sure -- does the same here16:49
steelratermo: guess they already deleted the files16:50
rathemoonhow do i open the thing to config it16:50
theadminSkiOne: Sure does :)16:50
rathemoonmaxxx how do i raise it16:50
KieranCan anyone recommend where to start trouble shouting a none working USB wifi card. it was working until i updated ubuntu, now it does not, lsusb shows the device is there but I'm not sure where to go from there. Thankyou !!16:50
gmachine_24jazwec, if you go to the /media folder is there a cdrom drive listed there?16:50
ermosteelrat: That's a bit premature16:51
jazwecgmachine_24 no it isnt..16:51
synapseI have a Roland Gaia synthesizer, does anyone know why the device won't show up in audacity?   I don't see any errors in dmesg or /var/log/messages and "lsub" shows the device and everything16:51
steelratermo: but it happens when no one watch for the things16:51
blzsynapse, have you tried #audacity ?16:51
synapsedidn't know it existed16:52
steelratis anyone here has a windows pc?? :)16:52
SkiOneok I found another way of doing what I need, I wish there was an easier way to do this. List any folders that do not have a specified folder in it16:52
blzsynapse, they're probably more helpful than we are =)16:52
blzsteelrat, yes, I do16:52
splnetllutz: /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head : #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN16:52
ermosteelrat: http://ftp.us.dell.com/bios/530_1018.EXE16:52
synapseI figured someone might know where to at least look16:52
theadminsteelrat: I haz, why?16:52
synapseI've been googling the hell out of this16:52
synapsedo I need a driver if it is seen on the USB side in lsusb?16:53
synapseroland provides win/mac drivers16:53
blzsynapse, yes you do16:53
ermosteelrat: instructions here: http://www.downloadplex.com/Drivers/BIOS-System-Updates/Dell/dell-inspiron-desktop-530-bios-1.0.18_183978.html16:53
synapseso if there were a driver available, I would use modprobe to put it in the kernel?16:53
abhijiti need to press keyboard shortcut twice to bring up the synapse. help16:54
blzsynapse, haha I can't really help you much with that.  If you find the driver, there will likely be compile instructions and whatnot along with it16:54
blzand if not, someone more knowlegeable than I could maybe help16:54
ermosteelrat: I don't suppose you know someone locally who can help you create a bootable FreeDOS usb key?16:54
steelratermo: btw, driver link looks like a broken one: http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/04/DriverDetails/DriverFileFormats?DriverId={DriverID} i guess there should be a driverid16:54
steelratermo: can i do it with netbootin?16:55
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maxxxrathemoon, http://tutzone.org/2009/01/increase-firefox-speed-by-10-30x.html16:55
greg_son compatibles las tarjetas de red netgear con xubuntu?16:56
maxxxgreg_, english sorry for that16:56
splnetllutz: anyway it seems to work thanks!16:57
greg_ok sorry maxxx16:57
brjannc!es | greg_16:58
ubottugreg_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:58
steelratermo: you know, link on DRMK are broken too, looks like there's a problem with dell site: http://www.google.ru/search?gcx=c&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=DRMK+environment17:00
maxxxsteelrat, subject is lost can you please elaborate17:01
steelratmaxxx: i was talking to ermo, he found that i should update my bios, but i link for downloading the driver is broken for me17:02
maxxxsteelrat, update the bios is not a good option..i think you know that..17:03
jpmhI have an entry in the launcher bar, under unity, for putty.  If I have a putty session open then it jumps to that - GREAT - BUT - how do I open another putty session?17:03
steelratmaxxx: why not? in my case it looks like the only option17:03
compdocsteelrat, the motherboard bios?17:03
steelratcompdoc: yep17:03
steelratcompdoc: is there another one?17:04
maxxxsteelrat, bios is not something if you mess you can get away with it17:04
compdocsteelrat, sometimes that fixes everything, if youre having a problem17:04
compdocsteelrat, yes, actually, there are several things that can be upgraded17:04
maxxxsteelrat, unless you ran out of all option and want to shot down in flames..try it17:05
ermosteelrat:  http://ftp.us.dell.com/bios/530_1018.EXE <- does that link work?17:05
pikaciujpmk: another terminal session , maybe17:05
hrolfHow do I get hibernation to work in Ubuntu 11.10 ?17:06
hrolfI installed uswsusp but still it isn't working17:06
ermosteelrat: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=freedos+usb+boot17:07
steelratermo: yes, it is! thank you very much!! and it wasn't hard! :)17:07
ermosteelrat: what wasn't that hard?17:07
maxxxsteelrat, bios don't even think about it ..stay with it or buy any other one; failure is not a option with it.17:08
steelratermo: button on lmgtfy says 'was this so hard?' :)17:08
compdocmaxxx, sometimes it is necessary to update the bios. Thats why they come out with updates, after all17:09
ermosteelrat: hehe :D17:09
maxxxcompdoc, i would rather say people take changes to fix a small problem and end up in disaster.17:09
steelratmaxxx: i have 4 gb of ram, my pc can see only 3,2 Gb. I think it's worth to risk )) especialy when upgrading bios is just start the .exe file17:09
hrolfHow do I get hibernation to work in Ubuntu 11.10 ?17:10
compdocmaxxx, disaster is very rare if you read the instructions.17:10
maxxxsteelrat, if can compile..thinks and solve you problem; giving the max integer to ram output17:11
compdocsteelrat, are you running a 32 bit OS? that might just be normal17:11
steelratcompdoc: nope, it's 6417:11
compdocdoes the bios update list that as a fix?17:12
steelratmaxxx: i have never compiled the kernel. so point'n'click adventure with bios upgrade seems easily to me17:12
steelratcompdoc: yep http://en.community.dell.com/what-do-i-buy/f/3510/p/18798985/19094206.aspx my case, except the OS17:12
maxxxsteelrat, i can admire you determination if you can get through go ahead..17:13
ermosteelrat: http://tuxtweaks.com/2009/05/create-a-bootable-usb-drive-ubuntu-freedos/17:13
steelratmaxxx: i just think it worth to try, why not?17:14
felipe_echi everybody, i was wondering if somebody can help me. I want to automatically mount a MTP devices17:14
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steelratermo: i'm going to just flash this img with unetbootin: http://derek.chezmarcotte.ca/?p=18817:14
maxxxsteelrat, my friend i would rather suggest try compiling the kernel in virtual box and i don't think so you have to update the bios17:15
Sam_eye_amAnyone have Nvidia video card 11.10 issues?17:15
ermomaxxx: Uhm ... dell support says otherwise :)17:15
compdocmaxxx, ubuntu 64 bit needs no kernel options to see 4 gigs of ram, does it?17:15
pr0teusOerHeks: yeah i thought that's weird too, but i don't know how to solve it =(17:16
ermocompdoc/maxxx: The issue is that the BIOS has a faulty 'memory map' that can't show 4GB of RAM17:16
pr0teusOerHeks: i'm starting to guess thats my x64 version, but is already up to date17:17
compdocermo, yeah, I saw that17:17
ermocompdoc/maxxx: steelrat is running and ooold bios version (1.0.3) and the memory map issue was fixed in 1.0.12. I've told him to try to flash the newest version, which is 1.0.1817:17
fdghanyone help me with clonezilla?17:17
compdocfdgh, maybe17:18
maxxxsteelrat, does you motherboard support 4gb ram as you imply17:18
steelratye, it's 2007 version17:18
steelratmaxxx: i guess it does17:18
fdghcompdoc, im trying to restore 2 disk images to 2 partitions on 1 drive17:18
ermomaxxx: No offense, but did you bother to read the links I pasted? If you didn't see it the 1st time, here it is: http://en.community.dell.com/what-do-i-buy/f/3510/p/18798985/19094206.aspx17:19
maxxxsee i still you ibm t41 with 2002 bios its not a problem to me in 512mb ram running it17:19
compdocfdgh, I have never gotten that sort of thing to work - clonezilla is tricky when trying to mess with partitions. Better to restore one disk at a time, and combine the files some other way17:20
fdghcompdoc, i have a linux disk (ssd) which i wana keep, and a windows XP disk image, and a windows 7 image. i want to resotre the 2 windows images to 2 partitions on my 2nd 1TB hdd so i can dual boot them17:21
root_____how to install mpd on ubuntu 8.04 Hardy ?17:22
fdghcompdoc, i guess its going to be hard work17:22
fdghi think its possible by renaming some files the image is saved as17:23
compdocfdgh, sometimes it goes that way17:23
maxxxroot_____, why are you using Hardy this date17:23
root_____cz my pc to old17:23
l1nuxmanCan someone help. I'm getting an error when trying to start apache. I get this " (2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /etc/apache2/${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log." . I greped for grep -r "/etc/apache2/\${APACHE_LOG_DIR}" /etc/apache2 and got no results. http://pastebin.com/AAdnH1ZS & here's a trace of 'trace -f -o trace.txt /usr/sbin/apache2 -X' http://pastebin.com/LHmG00k317:23
root_____Pentium 4 2.0Ghz , 1GB OF RAM17:23
fdghroot_____, you can use any distro just make it a light de17:23
felipe__does anybody knows how to use banshee with an MTP device?17:23
fdghthats not even bad specs17:23
maxxxroot_____, there are other distros can support less the 512 ram17:24
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root_____im using lxde hardy17:24
fdghlxde 12 wont be slower17:24
fdghbecause its still lxde17:24
felipe__i'm using ubuntu 11.10... any ideas?17:25
maxxxfdgh, simple person like i uses kde, gnome..17:25
root_____Can you give me advice to use what distro?17:25
maxxxroot_____, puppy linux you can give a try17:26
pikaciuroot_____:opensuse 11.417:26
root_____gnome? weighed heavily on ram17:26
pikaciuroot_____:with lxde17:26
lorddeltaroot____: I was going to say it was a little silly to ask that in an ubuntu support channel...but...I'd recommend Arch...17:26
maxxx486 puppy rocks17:26
root_____i can using arch17:27
maxxxroot_____, i use slackware17:27
root_____What version can I use?17:27
root_____with that specs17:27
lorddeltaroot_____: Be brave. Use OpenBSD. ;)17:27
pikaciui never successed with BSD17:28
lorddeltaMight as well use unix once in your life, after getting acquainted with a "Like Unix" system, I fugre.17:28
ermolorddelta: ... but OpenBSD? ;)17:28
ermolorddelta: might as well begin flogging yourself while your at it, then!17:29
* ermo runs17:29
root_____i can install artwiz fontpack on hardy , but to hard -_-17:30
lorddeltaermo: Heh. I suppose there's also Solaris...(at least I think that's a unix derivative....)17:30
ermolorddelta: for what it's worth, I dabbled in running a FreeBSD server in the 6.x timeframe. Lovely system. Hated the volume manager and partitioning was much less of a major PITA under linux (cfdisk + lvm2)17:30
ermolorddelta: it is -- it's SVR4 at heart, IIRC17:30
hrolfHow do I get hibernation to work in Ubuntu 11.10 ?17:30
ermohrolf: I don't suppose casting 'sleep' is an option?17:31
ermohrolf: (j/k)17:31
hrolfermo: casting sleep?17:31
lorddeltahrolf: DnD joke17:31
DCC_SENDwhere's a channel for Linux Mint17:31
DCC_SENDIt's the only Debian remake I haven't tried17:31
maxxxyeh!  :))17:31
hrolflorddelta: What's a DnD joke?17:32
lorddeltahrolf: *facepalm*17:32
DCC_SENDI'm trying to change the color of a .png icon in this KML file: http://pastebin.com/SaLJEhGg ... When I use the <color> tag, only the outline changes color, the center part stays black. How do I make it so the entire icon is orange and not only the border?17:32
ermohrolf: never mind17:32
hrolflorddelta: :p17:32
theadminDCC_SEND: The channel for Linux mint is #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org17:32
hrolfDungeons and Dragons?17:32
theadminDCC_SEND: I kept telling em to switch to Freenode but they never listened :D17:32
lorddeltaSay...anyone use pidgin? I've always wondered how to get the 12 NickServs and 2 ChanServs to shut up when I login....17:33
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maxxxDCC_SEND, are you on debian17:33
ermolorddelta: I'm currently writing this from an Xfce environment on a custom built funtoo system, so yeah, I'm not totally unfamiliar with self-inflicted pain17:34
theadminlorddelta: Mind replying to my PM?17:34
vltHello. I plugged in a wireless USB adapter, the kernel loads the "p54usb" module but no new network device appears. Any idea what to do?17:35
maxxxvlt, can you modeprobe the usb17:36
vltmaxxx: What does that mean?17:36
datz_hello everyone17:36
maxxxlspci -v please the output17:37
BrixSathello i have my desktop with efects but i cant move windows :S17:37
datz_how to play .asx files on Ubuntu?17:37
datz_OK I will wait17:37
vltmaxxx: Are you sure about the "pci" part?17:38
ermodatz_: .asx? Isn't that a proprietary microsoft container format used for e.g. streams?17:38
Doodiehi, i want to create partition of my file system because it has about 130 GB empty space. I tried with gparted but since this is the ubuntu's main drive, i cannot unmount it or split its partition. I need some help.17:38
maxxxvlt, how we'll know what to probe the module then17:38
jessie1 hey guys! freshly loaded ubuntu on my mac mini,  completed install, rebooted. I opted to replace osx. however it still shows 2 options for osx in grub ( selecting them loads nothing ).. how can I remove them?17:38
huamm__hy , how to make my xterm autoload ~/.Xdefaults on hardy ?17:39
jpmhwith unity how do I set my own (and for that matter edit) the key-stroke/hot key combinations so that I can make a hot key launch something for example17:39
huamm__at startup17:39
ermojessie1: did you search the wiki? ISTR that there's  grub2 documentation that shows you what you need to edit :)17:39
ermojessie1: as in: "I don't remember off the top of my head"17:39
vltmaxxx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743429/17:40
jessie1ermo: Thank you. Finally got ubuntu loaded after doing 3 days of reading and trying to get it to work ;) I will look it up..17:40
vltDoodie: What does "create a partition of my file system" exactly mean (to you)?17:41
ermojessie1: Yeah, I know. RTFM, however politely it is put, is never a message that leaves you jumping up and down yelling 'oh joy! I get to read more documentation! Yaaay!'17:41
jessie1ermo:  Yup! I will go rtfm ;) will be back if I have any questions. its running slowly on my mini so will also look up optimizations ( firefox takes 10 secs to load from cold start ). Thanks again17:42
HelloWorld321I can't help it: I'm trying to fix my video driver.  I'm following the instructions at [SOLVED] 11.10 stops booting at "Checking battery state ... [OK]"   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1859820  because that's exactly the symptom I was having.   It froze at "Checking battery state ..."[OK]"17:42
HelloWorld321but it turns out that I have a Intel® GMA X3000 onboard graphics subsystem, so nVidia drivers won't work.17:43
BrixSathello i have my desktop with efects (compiz) but i cant move windows :S i can double click the frame of windows and it will resize but i cant select it or move it17:43
DanS326_homeI get error: out of disk when starting my ubuntu server 11.04 I am trying to use a live cd(USB) to run the boot repair tool but unity is failing in the live envornment somehow I dont get the launcher actually all I get is a file menu at the top where I can open a new window to view files17:43
HelloWorld321how do I install video drivers for Intel® GMA X3000 onboard graphics subsystem on ubuntu from ssh?17:43
maxxxvlt, wireless usb is not in the list17:43
vltmaxxx: Because it’s a list of *PCI* devices, maybe?17:43
ermojessie1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SystemAdministration <- try that17:43
jessie1ermo:  OMW ty =) I havent loaded up linux since 5+ years afaik and wow it has changed.. runs a lot better then osx on the mini!17:44
pikaciuvlt: did you try sudo service udev restart17:44
DanS326_homekeybaord shortcuts don't seem to work  so I cant find a way to bring up terminal ... since I can access the files .. is there a file that would get ran when i hit a treminal shortcut that I could simply navigate to and run manually17:44
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theadminDanS326_home: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal normally17:45
linuxhas any one get mw2 to work on ubuntu17:45
maxxxvlt, lsusb17:45
ermojessie1: I think there's an explanation in the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS article -- but you may still need to also read the Grub2 howto to get the entire picture17:45
kostasais there any easy way to listen web radion on ubuntu17:45
jessie1ermo:  Yup thats the link I was looking at a min ago. I also found out that I have to bless the partition which will help speed things up17:46
vltmaxxx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743436/  <-- lsusb -v17:46
ermojessie1: good luck then :)17:47
DanS326_hometheadmin:  that worked thanks17:47
jessie1ermo:  Thank you for your help!17:47
ermojessie1: :D17:48
vltpikaciu: “service udev restart” didn’t change anything. No wireless device available.17:48
steelratermo: no success.. it says insufficient memory: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84/img20111119214420.jpg/ i wonder - what kind of memory it needs..17:48
bobbociao a tutti17:49
ermosteelrat: did you get a boot option menu? You might need to enabled 'high memory'17:49
pikaciuvlt: a driver issue then ...17:49
ermosteelrat: when you boot the USB stick to FreeDOS, I mean. DOS had a concept of 'high memory'17:49
steelratermo: probably it's not freedos image i got, sorry, going to download freedos)17:50
rungdungHow do I run stuff with Dosbox17:50
steelratermo: is this what i need? http://www.freedos.org/freedos/files/17:50
ermosteelrat: http://derek.chezmarcotte.ca/?p=188 <- that's the one you used before, right?17:51
musja_hey everybody, need some laptop diagnostic advice17:51
vltpikaciu: Obviously, but how to fix it?17:51
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steelratermo: yep, right, looks like this is freedos too17:52
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maxxxvlt, modprobe ISL388717:52
pikaciuvlt: what's the model ?17:52
theadminubuntu: Please stop that17:53
ermosteelrat: that was my point. When you boot from that USB key, do you see a menu? If you do, could you post a screenshot of it? Or better yet: I have a working freedos .iso image than I can hook you up with17:53
maxxxpikaciu, Siemens Intersil ISL 3387 wireless17:53
vltmaxxx: Not found.17:53
musja_if my laptop touchpad stops working, and the mouse buttons (separate hardware) stop working, and there is no recognition of the touchpad in ubuntu, does that mean I'm definitely dealing with a hardware issue?17:53
ermoubuntu: time to change your password? ;)17:53
HelloWorld321how do I install video drivers for Intel GMA X3000 onboard graphics subsystem on ubuntu?17:53
vltpikaciu: "ID 083a:4521 Accton Technology Corp. Siemens S30863-S1016-R107-2 802.11g Wireless Adapter [Intersil ISL3887]"17:53
ermo(for the record, the password you used is a really poor one)17:54
steelratermo: there was blue boot menu with only one option named 'default' ))17:54
ermosteelrat: ok17:54
soreauHelloWorld321: They are already installed and working by default17:54
maxxxtry modprobe 083a:452117:54
soreaumaxxx: What?17:54
vltmaxxx, pikaciu: Someone reccommended installing "linux-firmware-nonfree". Where to find this pkg?17:54
steelratermo: ok, i'm going to boot in official freedos image17:54
soreauvlt: You only need that for debian17:55
HelloWorld321actuallly ... I messed 'em up during the switch from Natty to Ocelot, so they don't work :P17:55
pikaciuvlt: synaptic17:55
vltpikaciu: Not listed here.17:55
HelloWorld321but it sounds like there will be a nice easy apt-get package to purge & reinstall?17:55
maxxxvlt, usb is already been identified so we only want to locate the module17:55
soreauHelloWorld321: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to pastebin.com17:55
pikaciuvlt: did you add all repositories ?17:55
vltpikaciu: I have “main” and “universe” activated in apt.17:56
HelloWorld321tx ... brt ...17:56
Anom01yis Nasa Wirlwind avail for Ubuntu ?17:56
republicwhat is good WYSIWYG html editor in ubuntu? I have tried kompozer, but it does not satisfy my need. Is there any better one? Perhaps quite similar in capability with FrontPage or Dreamweaver?17:56
vltmaxxx: The module loaded is “p54usb”.17:56
republicI know that the best thing is using just simply editor, but, I am somewhat love WYSIWYG editor17:56
ermorepublic: is bluefish an option? /me doesn't remember how good it is17:56
=== znick_ is now known as [RuCTFE]znick
vltpikaciu: Do I need “multiverse” or anything else?17:57
republicermo: is it WYSIWYG html editor?17:57
maxxxmodprobe p54usb17:57
soreaurepublic: komposer17:57
maxxxdmesg | grep p54usb17:57
pikaciuvlt: add all, to be sure17:57
republicsoreau: I have tried komposer, but I think I need replacement17:57
maxxxdid you get registered17:57
vltpikaciu: “all”?17:57
soreaurepublic: Run your editor of choice in wine then17:58
vltmaxxx: It’s already loaded.17:58
maxxxcan it scan wireless network17:58
republicsoreau: ah but it will not be as nice as native gtk application :(17:58
pikaciuvlt: http://packages.debian.org/sid/firmware-linux-nonfree17:59
vltmaxxx: There’s no device to scan.17:59
pikaciuvlt: http://packages.debian.org/sid/firmware-linux-nonfree17:59
soreaurepublic: Thats not really a ubuntu issue17:59
scristopherhi i have an issue with my gcc path (i believe thats the problem) i believe its not using gcc in /usr/bin but not sure how to check. anyone have any hints for a n00b?17:59
HelloWorld321soreau: Thanks.  my log is at http://pastebin.com/Gpu3UKpP17:59
HelloWorld321soreau: I see some nVidia stuff in there, and that's likely to be part of the problem, but I was niavely following instructions from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185982018:00
atonghi, having problems with ia32-libs & libstdc++18:00
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »18:00
vltmaxxx: What to do with “iwconfig”?18:01
HelloWorld321maxxx: if that's for me, I don't understand18:01
soreauHelloWorld321: Yes, that is the problem. Try removing nvidia-current18:01
atonghow do i isntall a 32bit libstdc++ so that i can g++ a 32bit target from 64bit host?18:01
steelratermo: are you still here ? :) now i've got this boot menu: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/337/img20111119215551.jpg/ and still insufficient memory18:01
HelloWorld321removing ...18:02
=== Mud is now known as Guest18406
bobbo2011Ciao raga come faccio a scaricare ?18:02
steelratermo: and nothing about high memory. could you, please, send me your freedos image?18:02
vlt!it | bobbo201118:02
ubottubobbo2011: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:02
maxxxso what the out put of iwconfig i want to know wlan0; or wlan something else18:02
HelloWorld321soreau: I removed nVidia-current, and it said it was switching to nVidia-173, so I'm removing that too now18:03
ermosteelrat: pick default, the menu I'm talking about comes after that :)18:03
maxxxHelloWorld321, blacklist is not for you sorry for that18:03
vltmaxxx: As I already told you (multiple times) there’s no new (wireless) device.18:03
soreauHelloWorld321: yes, then restart X by logging out18:03
ermosteelrat: you'll understand when you see it. But I'll get started on the iso -- I wonder if I can unpack the exe ...18:03
maxxxbut your paste is on my board Siemens S30863-S1016-R107-2 802.11g Wireless Adapter [Intersil ISL3887]18:04
maxxxare you trolling the session18:04
steelratermo: why do you need to unpack it? anyway the program should put it in the right place.. so unpacking won't help, i guess . )18:04
datz_can someone tell me how to play .asx videos on Ubuntu18:04
HelloWorld321soreau: k.  rebooting.  btw: it last said i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf is dangling; also, I'm using ssh to connect, since the graphics driver doesn't boot18:04
soreauHelloWorld321: just reboot and see what happens18:05
HelloWorld321soreau: doing so18:05
hrolfHow to associate file type with a program (or change file associations) ?18:05
HelloWorld321soreau: it looks like I'm still pretty much where I was.  I boot, and then after it loads Ubuntu it tries to start the desktop, but without a good video driver I just get a blank screen18:06
Nagarajis there any ruby on rails channel?18:06
soreauHelloWorld321: Does lsmod|grep nvidia show anything?18:06
vltmaxxx: Yes, that’s what the USB stack knows about it. And the correct driver module p54usb was loaded. But no other device than “lo” and “eth0” appeard.18:06
soreauvlt: What does dmesg say aout it?18:07
=== pi[zzz] is now known as maverickpi
cryptodirai have recently moved to ubuntu from OS/2 and OS X which both offer 'mouse wrap around".... (the mouse appears on the opposite edge of the screen when reaching one edge)..... how is this achieved in ubuntu 10.10??18:07
ermocryptodira: To be honest, I've never, ever heard of it!18:08
steelratermo: you know, when i choose deafult it's just refreshin the counter 'deafult boot in 10 seconds'. and when this counter come to 0 it refreshing and starts again. it's weird18:08
huamm_very fast18:08
HelloWorld321soreau: lsmod | grep nvidia comes out blank18:08
ermocryptodira: ... but that doesn't mean that it's not available of course18:08
bekkscryptodira: Never heard of that on non-OSX/OS/2.18:08
ermosteelrat: strange18:08
soreauHelloWorld321: What about lsmod|grep i9 ?18:09
HelloWorld321soreau: lsmod | grep nvidia comes back with 4 lines18:09
steelratermo: ye.. could i get your working image? :)18:09
ralphholzmannhow do you add a repo to ubuntu 11.10 server? "add-apt-repository" isn't an available command18:09
ermosteelrat: you'd be able to burn an iso and boot from that?18:09
cryptodiraermo, very handy for large screens...saves a LOT of scrolling.. :)18:09
steelratermo: or am i doing something wrong?18:09
soreauHelloWorld321: You just said blank.. which is it?18:09
HelloWorld321soreau: that has 5 lines18:09
ermocryptodira: good point18:09
steelratermo: yes, that what i did. burnt the image and boot from it18:09
ermosteelrat: hard to tell -- oh, so you booted the FreeDOS cd image and it still wouldn't let you boot?18:09
=== nronksr_ is now known as nronksr
HelloWorld321soreau: grepping for nvidia came up blank; grepping for intel came up with 5 entries; grepping for i9 came up with 5 different entries18:10
vltsoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743456/18:10
HelloWorld321soreau:  http://pastebin.com/8WKiPNZY18:10
nathansuchycheck out linux.nathanlive.com it is a really good but new resource for linux and ubuntu18:10
soreauvlt: This might be a problem: (p54usb) cannot load firmware isl3887usb (-2)!18:11
steelratermo: no it did, but not in deafult.. in win98, win2000, freedos modes18:12
maxxxvlt, try modprobe isl388718:12
steelratermo: and i didn't notice a difference and i didn't met the memory menu..18:12
soreauHelloWorld321: Does X log show any nvidia references? grep -Rin nvidia /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:12
vltmaxxx: Again: Not found18:12
vltsoreau: Any idea why?18:13
soreauvlt: What is the vendor product id as per lsusb?18:13
huamm_opensuse based ubuntu ? debian ?18:13
vltsoreau: "ID 083a:4521 Accton Technology Corp. Siemens S30863-S1016-R107-2 802.11g Wireless Adapter [Intersil ISL3887]"18:14
maxxxtry Siemens S30863-S1016-R107-218:14
HelloWorld321soreau: thanks again ... and yes, it does have nVidia refernces in the current Xorg.0.log18:14
maxxxmodprobe Siemens S30863-S1016-R107-218:14
maxxxi just want to locate the module for the usb wireless18:15
kdogHow do I get the dash to not auto-hide on 11.10?18:15
ermosteelrat: I'm working on that cd image :)18:15
soreauHelloWorld321: Then you havent successfully removed the nvidia driver. Try dpkg -l|grep nvidia to see what is installed (packages with ii next to them are)18:15
bekksmaxxx: You have to investigate which wireless chipset that device has builtin.18:15
HelloWorld321soreau: I've updated my Xorg.0.log pastebin18:15
HelloWorld321soreau: k, tx18:15
soreauHelloWorld321: If there arent any nvidia packages installed, try reinstalling libgl1-mesa-glx18:16
HelloWorld321soreau: hm it has 3 entries for that: rc nvidia-173, rc nvidia-current, and ii nvidia-settings18:16
bobbo2011Good evening from Italy18:16
steelratermo: thanks! :)18:16
HelloWorld321soreau: apt-get purge all three?18:17
ralphholzmannhow can i install the official java6 or 7 jdk installed on ubuntu 11.10 server ?18:17
steelratermo: i can send you my email if it would be easy with email18:17
HelloWorld321soreau: apt-get purge nvidia-* ?18:17
ralphholzmannI cant even get a repo installed18:17
soreauHelloWorld321: nvidia-settings is the only one installed. Remove it then reinstall the package I said18:17
maxxxbekks, there is home work for vlt to know that module is loaded to the wireless usb then only we can find a solution to it.18:17
ermosteelrat: I'm going to PM you now -- which IRC client are you using?18:17
steelratermo: smuxi18:18
bekksmaxxx: Please rephrase, I didnt get what you wanted to say.18:18
bobbo2011Somebodies Know the channel to download some films ?18:18
vltbekks, maxxx: The module loaded by the kernel is “p54usb”.18:18
huamm_how to make .Xdefaults autoload at startup in my xterm18:18
ermosteelrat: do you see my pm?18:18
HelloWorld321does "rc" on a dpkg listing mean that its removed?18:18
HelloWorld321k, I did that, and it says deferred processing taking place18:18
soreauvlt: See what it says about firmware here http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/P54_USB.html18:19
huamm_on lxde?18:19
vltsoreau: Thank you.18:19
Zengerhow can I open a program in a new terminal window ?18:19
Zengerso like ./hello is in 1 window and ./die in another window ? (bash windows)18:20
HelloWorld321I'm rebooting, and then I'm going to grep that dpkg again to make sure it's clean18:20
yeatsHelloWorld321: yes - 'rc' means "removed but configuration files remain"18:20
soreauHelloWorld321: grep X log for nvidia instead..18:20
maxxxbekks, so if its then vlt should register the module if that work i will give him a script and things could be fine then18:20
m4yerany reason, why there's still no thunderbird 8.0 available for 11.10? although i cant find any ppa ...18:21
bekksmaxxx: What do you mean by "register the module"?18:21
HelloWorld321soreau: I just did a reboot, and I still see nVidia in my Xorg.0.log ... but all three items in the dpkg are marked "rc".  Am I ready to install the package you mentioned earlier?18:22
maxxxbekks, are you new or what18:22
soreauvlt: Do you have anything called isl3887usb in /lib/firmware/ by chance?18:22
stabmanat the time when i was learning to program, I made a C prog and ran it... and it wrote arbitrary rubbish in my /home and reduced from 4gb free space to 900mB and nw am facing space cruch18:22
soreauHelloWorld321: You should have already reinstalled it18:22
bekksm4yer: Because there are no major version bumps within an ubuntu release and no one build a pp until now.18:22
stabmanwould it be okey to... back it up, format and then restore?18:22
bekksmaxxx: No. I just havent heard "register a module" in ten years of linux.18:22
soreaumaxxx: Me neither, in 7 years18:23
florenhy every one18:23
m4yerbekks: the second part is the main thing i dont get ;) even the thunderbird-stable-ppa has none for 11.10 (but for any other) ...18:23
HelloWorld321soreau: looks liek you are correct.  it's already the latest version18:23
bekksm4yer: No one has had the time to build a current version until now.18:23
bekksm4yer: Be free to do so :)18:24
soreauHelloWorld321: RE install it18:24
QuikNikhey guys, I have my 80GB image from my old hard disk onto my new 128GB disk ? but for some reason I can resize the volume18:24
HelloWorld321soreau: E: Internal Error, No file name for libgl1-mesa-glx18:24
maxxxbekks, ok i can explain ; plug in a new usb and match over it you will probably know about it18:24
QuikNikthe new space is at the end of the disk, coudl that be why?18:24
QuikNiktrying to resize with gparted on a ubuntu live cd18:25
bekksmaxxx: That doesnt have anything to do with "registering" ;)18:25
soreauHelloWorld321: That looks like you used a wrong reinstall command18:25
soreauHelloWorld321: apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx18:25
soreau!info libgl1-mesa-glx18:25
ubottulibgl1-mesa-glx (source: mesa): free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 7.11-0ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 96 kB, installed size 480 kB18:25
marsfligthHow to list all the Ubuntu 10.10 applications present in 'applications menu' filtering/skiping the Ubuntu/Gnome default ones? I tried with 'ls /usr/share/applications' and 'locate .desktop | sort' but obviously I get all the applications list and not the installed by me only.18:25
maxxxbekks, register is only the logged in session ..this will work fast but after reboot ..got same principles to applied..18:26
HelloWorld321soreau: http://pastebin.com/XZqWzuAT18:27
bekksmaxxx: I'm still sorry, I cannot associate "registered" with anything I would do in a logged in session - none the less, lets just go on with support :)18:27
nootilushello everyone18:28
soreauHelloWorld321: Then you have bigger problems than just graphics drivers. What does apt-cache search libgl1-mesa-glx say?18:28
nootiluswho's patient and kind enough to help me with using postfix?18:28
eliphazcomo van18:28
soreau! es | eliphaz18:28
ubottueliphaz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:28
th^2hello all. im trying to launch kismet but command line prompts this: FATAL: SetIFFlags: Unknown interface wlan0: Operation not possible due to RF-kill18:30
HelloWorld321soreau: tx ... http://pastebin.com/QLnY5fEP18:30
pikaciubekks: can i use postfix and pine to send mail to others machines on a local network ?18:30
nootiluspikaciu, hey, hello, I'm trying to do the same :)18:30
bekkspikaciu: After you configured postfix - yes.18:30
soreauHelloWorld321: You need to reinstall the package and apt-get should work18:30
soreauHelloWorld321: Maybe try aptitude18:30
nootilusbekks, can you help me with postfix?18:30
pikaciunootilus: fom was just an idea :P18:31
soreauHelloWorld321: And make sure you have the repo enabled18:31
pikaciufor me18:31
soreau!info libgl1-mesa-glx18:31
ubottulibgl1-mesa-glx (source: mesa): free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 7.11-0ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 96 kB, installed size 480 kB18:31
th^2hello all. im trying to launch kismet but command line gices me this: FATAL: SetIFFlags: Unknown interface wlan0: Operation not possible due to RF-kill18:31
soreauHelloWorld321: main repo, should already be enabled18:31
nimeshis there any way to click Gwibber notification ?18:31
maxxxbekks, if could know the module i could; given the script so that he could not have suffered..18:31
bekksnootilus: Not  without a detailed question.18:31
HelloWorld321reinstall which package?  libgl1-mesa-glx?18:32
pikaciunootilus: because i use linpopup but it's not the same18:32
nootilusbekks, ok, fair enough :) I installed postfix and set it up according to this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix the testing seems ok, but now I don't have a clue in how to send a mail from the machine18:32
ActionParsnipTh^2: try: sudo rfkill unblock all18:32
vltsoreau: No match for “*isl*” in /lib/firmware/18:32
nootilusbekks, using terminal only18:32
soreauvlt: k, then try downloading it and placing it there18:33
maxxxActionParsnip, hi18:33
th^2ActionParsnip, no luck :(18:33
ActionParsnipmaxxx: howdy18:33
pikaciunootilus: alpine or pine mutt ... no ?18:33
bekksnootilus: Thats not a question :)18:34
maxxxActionParsnip, holiday for me tomorrow18:34
ActionParsnipth^2: if you have a switch to enable/disable wifi, switch it on18:34
nootilusbekks, what should I do now, after installed and configured postfix, to send a mail from terminal?18:34
maxxxActionParsnip, don't get me wrong my friend18:34
vltsoreau: Erm, downloading what?18:35
ActionParsnipMaxxx: nice. 2 nightshifts and I got 4 days off :-)18:35
pikaciunootilus: use command mail18:35
soreauvlt: Didnt you read the link I gave?18:35
th^2ActionParsnip, mmm its on... this is a desktop setup. it was working fine like 1h ago :(18:35
vltsoreau: I did.18:35
nootilusbekks, pikaciu the idea is to send mail from a script when some event happens (eg a torrent is finished)18:35
soreauvlt: And did it not tell you where to get the firmware?18:35
bekksnootilus: Then use the command "mail" :)18:36
pikaciunootilus: cool ---18:36
maxxxActionParsnip, you really could help..rather comply to me and wasting time18:36
ActionParsnipth^2: check through dmesg to see what went on then. If nothing jumps out try a reboot18:36
marsfligthHow to list all the 'Gnome 2.x' applications present in 'applications menu' filtering/skiping/excluding the Gnome default ones, like 'Open Office', 'Firefox' etc? I tried with 'ls /usr/share/applications' and 'locate .desktop | sort' but obviously I get all the Gtk/GUI/FE applications list and not the installed by me only. Can you help me Please?18:36
nootilusbekks, command mail returns it's not installed and suggest heirloom-mailx or mailutils. Should I install the 2nd one?18:36
th^2ActionParsnip, hmm.. "[ 4923.661121] ath: Unable to reset hardware; reset status -5 (freq 2417 MHz)"18:36
ActionParsnipMaxxx: i never saw a question18:36
vltsoreau: Ok, I thought that was about kernel development and everything available on http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/p54 should be included in the kernel already.18:37
soreauvlt: Well the kernel module cant load the firmware for one reason or another18:37
maxxxActionParsnip, i always say you and iceroot in ubuntu session18:37
markchello. i want to put ubuntu on my old box, athlon 500MHz, 2GB of ram. should newest ubuntu run fine on this system?18:38
HelloWorld321soreau: this is what I get when I try to reinstall http://pastebin.com/ayEdXFuY18:38
ActionParsnipmaxxx: we try :-). Iceroot knows more than me18:38
soreauvlt: If the card is brand new, you may need a newer kernel than even latest ubuntu provides18:38
ActionParsnipmarkc: sure. What GPU?18:38
th^2wtf? "[ 4923.661121] ath: Unable to reset hardware; reset status -5 (freq 2417 MHz)"18:39
maxxxActionParsnip, keep up the good work good bless you too i could be the ubuntu qualified18:39
ActionParsnipMarkc: the 2gb ram is a big help :-)18:39
soreauHelloWorld321: And like I said, that is a sign of an entirely different issue with your package manager and/or packages, not related to the graphics driver issue18:40
HelloWorld321ActionParsnip: do you know why I can't reinstall the libgl1-mesa-glx package?  http://pastebin.com/ayEdXFuY18:40
ActionParsnipth^2: any bugs reported?18:40
datz_can someone tell me how we can  play asx video files on MPlayer on Ubuntu 11.4?18:40
soreauHelloWorld321: You should fix that first and I have no idea why its failing in such a way18:40
vltsoreau: I downloaded an .arm file and put it in in /lib/firmware.18:40
HelloWorld321soreau: how can I figure out what it is?18:40
vltsoreau: Same problem.18:40
soreauHelloWorld321: Upgrades are commonly problematic and I always recommend a clean install18:40
mimilusis there a soft like sankore but more light , like a gromit with a little UI ?18:40
HelloWorld321soreau: clean install it is, then18:40
ActionParsnipdatz_: tried other players?18:41
th^2ActionParsnip, what?18:41
cbyhi, i have installed virtualbox and run it without gui. But when i conf the rdp for remote desktop. don't listen on the port. This is only on a ubuntu server. on a other linux distribution works fine. Some have a clue why?18:41
vltsoreau: “… can’t load isl3887usb …”18:41
soreauvlt: You cant just download random files, it has to be the correct firmware for your chipset18:41
datz_I try everything18:41
HelloWorld321and I think I'll install the next version in 6 months, and then go to an LTS-only policy18:41
vltsoreau: Well it wasn’t that ransom ;-)18:41
ActionParsnipth^2: search the bugs online, has anyone got the same issue??18:41
DanS326_homeI consistantly run into issues while using a live USB where it insists on looking for the CD in the drive instead of the USB stick ... any info on fixing this or a better work around than simply telling it that the cd is not a repository so it downloads everything18:41
maxxxvlt, read the post of the problems and then if have problems..let us know18:42
nootilusbekks, ok I installed mailutils, I don't know if that was the best to do. Now mail says I can't open my mailbox (local one I guess). What should I do to send a mail?18:42
soreauvlt: If it is a newer chipset, you may need a newer module provided by a newer kernel18:42
nootilusbekks, sorry: mail says it can't open my mailbox because I have no rights on it18:42
ActionParsnipDanS326_home: did you MD5 test the ISO you transfered?18:43
markcActionParsnip GPU is ati radeon 750018:43
markc64 MB18:43
vltsoreau: It was the listed here: for 2.6.29 kernels and above: USB 2nd generation (ISL3887): isl3887usb18:43
maxxxActionParsnip, the always transfer is through torrent not with ftb18:43
vltsoreau: http://daemonizer.de/prism54/prism54-fw/fw-usb/
omicronnecesito ayuda para instalar una aplicacion .exe con wine que no consigo instalar, alguien me podria ayudar??18:43
ActionParsnipMarkc: it will use the opensource driver but should run well18:44
soreaumarkc: Should work but you might need to use 16bpp for compositing on that older gpu18:44
vlt!es | omicron18:44
ubottuomicron: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:44
soreauvlt: 2.6.29 is pretty old.. what does uname -r say?18:44
worrownon ubuntu question18:44
markcok that's good enough, thanks18:44
HelloWorld321then try #ubuntu-offtopic18:45
vltsoreau: 3.0.0-12-generic18:45
worrowwhat program do I need in order to have gadgets on desktop??18:45
worrowalso is AWN any good?18:45
Gentoo64worrow, on windows?18:45
worrowno, peppermint18:45
Gentoo64? whats that18:45
worrowpeppermint os two18:45
worrowLubuntu fork18:46
soreauvlt: Actually I believe the firmware should be hw dependent and not kernel dependent18:46
soreauvlt: but I really couldnt tell you. Have you tried different usb ports?18:46
maxxxvlt, linux work better with older hardware.. you check the hcl with new and configure it18:46
worrowI want to have a clock gadget like the one in macpuppy desktop.18:46
Gentoo64no idea18:46
worrowbut for my peppermint os18:47
vltmaxxx: What is “hcl”?18:47
Gentoo64use the clock in the panel?18:47
Gentoo64or is it too hard to see18:47
worrowwell what program would you use for ububtu18:47
jbuncherDoes anybody know when Firefox 8 will be released through the official Ubuntu repositories?18:47
worrowI want a flashy one18:47
soreauvlt: hardware compatibility list, I believe18:47
urlin2uworrow, look in the application adder what ever it is for widgets18:47
DanS326_homeActionParsnip: can you give me a link to the md5 listing18:47
cryptodirai have recently moved to ubuntu from OS/2 and OS X which both offer 'mouse cursor wrap around".... (the mouse cursor appears on the opposite edge of the screen when reaching one edge)..... how is this achieved in ubuntu 10.10??18:47
pikaciuworrow: why don't you run xclock ? :P18:47
soreau! hcl | vlt18:47
ubottuvlt: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:47
Gentoo64cryptodira, not sure its possible18:47
Gentoo64i could be wrong18:48
worrowpikaciu, whats xclock?18:48
ubottuSee http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release18:48
maxxxvlt, hardware compatibility list ; i simply don't want over load the sever by asking him18:48
vltsoreau: My device is listed in the list of “Supported USB wireless devices”18:48
soreauvlt: Then you should file a ug report18:48
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:48
pikaciuworrow: it's only a shell input18:48
worrowpikaciu, have you seen the new macpup desktop? I like the clock in it18:48
cryptodiraGentoo64, I would be suprised if it is not possible.... this is a very handy feature... especially for large monitors.18:49
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pikaciuworrow: whatever :P18:49
worrowalso whats the best docker?18:49
Gentoo64worrow, damn why do you want it to look like mac18:49
Gentoo64when its linux18:49
worrowI don't like the taskbar look. I was thinking AWN18:49
Gentoo64looks tacky as hell18:49
Gentoo64docky is a mac like dock18:49
worrowI don't want it to look like mac18:50
Gentoo64looks exactly the same in fact18:50
Gentoo64hmm ok18:50
ActionParsnipworrow: there is no single best dock18:50
worrowmac doesn't have a gadget clock on desktop18:50
maxxxGentoo64, don't troll in ubuntu session thanks18:50
worrowbesides the dock which I would not have look anythin like mac18:50
kaddirandom stupid question: As long as I'm not trying to compile or backtrace something, I do not need the -dbg packages and can uninstall them to gain some space, right?18:50
vltsoreau: Maybe not too unimportant: “Once you have downloaded the firmware (usually the filename of the firmware downloaded from the sites will result with .arm) You need to rename the file to isl3886pci as per required filename from the site. You then place the file "isl3886pci" into /lib/firmware and then reload the p54pci driver.” ;-)18:50
worrowActionParsnip,  have you used AWN18:50
Gentoo64docky is nice looking18:50
ActionParsnipworrow: its as intelligent as asking: what is the best colour18:50
ActionParsnipworrow: I've used a tonne of docks dude18:51
Gentoo64but if you have windows covering the clock on the desktop, then you cant see the clock, and youd have to look at the panel clock anyway18:51
worrowWell there are only like 3 or 4 dock apps. Most are unstable. So my question still stands18:51
soreauvlt: Yes, very important18:51
Gentoo64pikaciu, i agree blue is the best colour18:51
soreauvlt: But in your case, its not pci its usb18:51
HelloWorld321If I'm doing a clean install via ssh without any video driver, but both my CD drive and my USB stick are on the fritz, is it okay to mount the install cd iso and run it through ssh?18:51
worrowtelling me it was a stupid question really doesn't help anyone.  Never a bad question18:51
soreauvlt: So rename the file you placed in /lib/firmware to the file name its looking for as per dmesg18:52
worrowis it a stupid question for your child to ask how to tie their shoes?18:52
pikaciuonly a bad answer18:52
kaddiwhat do the *-dbg packages do in ubuntu?18:52
StepNjumpIs fslint a good app to find duplicates?18:52
maxxxkaddi, are you joking with us18:53
ActionParsnipWorrow: no dock is outright best or nobody would use the others are inferior. This is not the case. Each are great, they just excell in different ways18:53
vltsoreau: Works. Thanks.18:53
zykotick9_StepNjump, i've always like it for that purpouse18:53
soreauvlt: What works?18:53
vltsoreau: I got a wlan0 device.18:53
soreauvlt: Nice! :)18:53
soreauvlt: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i ssid18:54
vltsoreau: Already did that ;-)18:54
kaddimaxxx: nope, I want to know if I can safely remove the installed -dbg packages on my system, without risking to break anything18:54
maxxxvlt, its only till you reset18:54
office3ActionParsnip: have you been on since early this morning?18:54
soreauvlt: Sweet, glad I could help18:54
vltmaxxx: What is only until I reset?18:55
pikaciuvlt: it was the firmware ?18:55
ActionParsnipOffice3: nightshift dude. Slept from 9am Gmt to 4pm18:55
office3wow good job18:55
vltpikaciu: Yes, I downloaded from http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/p54, renamed and put it in to /lib/firmware.18:55
soreaumaxxx: should auto-load the module when he plugs it in18:55
pikaciuvlt: good18:56
ScuniziMorning all.. does Chromium have a built in PDF viewer?  I've been reading Chrome does but my only option in Chromium is to download the pdf then view it.18:56
mikeg3I am running ubuntu 11.10 64 bit on a MacBook Pro in a Parallels 7 VM.   Does anyone have ideas/suggestions as to troubleshooting no sound in the VM?18:56
StepNjumpzykotick9 : thanks. I started to run it about 1 hour ago and it's still searching. It only has 30 GB of files. Do you think it's normal?18:56
rumpelScunizi, Chrome has, Chromium not (afaik)18:56
soreauvlt: You could still file a bug report and post the solution so others can benefit from your findings18:56
DanS326_homeso the boot repair tool ran and said it successfully finished and told me to  reboot .. I still get error: out of disk grub rescue>18:56
Gentoo64Scunizi, no18:56
vltWhat is the tool called to create a wireless connection (as in to choose an AP and enter a password if needed)?18:57
rumpelScunizi, Chrome = Chromium + pdf-viewer + flash + ...18:57
Scunizirumpel: Gentoo64 so I don't see Chrome in the repos.. do I have to add google's repos for chrome or is there a ppa?18:57
soreauvlt: And hopefully, they can fix it in ubuntu (but maybe its not included due to legal reasons)18:57
vltsoreau: I will do that. Which pkg is affected?18:57
Gentoo64Scunizi, not sure..18:57
pikaciunetwork tools18:57
Gentoo64Scunizi, you might need to add ppa18:57
canthus13Anyone know why lucid would use massive amounts of CPU for everything? Even GDM routinely hits 20%.. CPU utilization is at 100%, load above 2.0 anytime ANYTHING is actively running. Even moving the mouse causes issues.18:57
soreauvlt: Create a connection with gnomes nm-applet or do it manually with hostapd18:57
cryptodiramouse cursor wrap around in 10.10..... solution?   anyone??18:57
Gentoo64is it relly worth it just for pdf viewer?18:57
ScuniziGentoo64: I'll look.. it's sooooo frustrating not being able to open a pdf right in the brower18:57
rumpelScunizi, install their deb, it will add the ppa18:57
maxxxvlt, when ever you re-start for the principles and learn to automate the script..18:58
Scunizirumpel: ah .. cool. thanks18:58
soreauvlt: nm-applet is the wireless icon in your panel. Click on it and create new ap18:58
spacebug-canthus13: graphic card driver issue maybe?18:58
canthus13spacebug-: I've tried every video driver.. heck, even sleep 10 is pegging the CPU.18:59
soreauvlt: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs18:59
canthus13Gentoo64: yup.18:59
Gentoo64could be that18:59
canthus13Gentoo64: worked fine witn 9.1018:59
jbuncherDoes anybody know when Firefox 8 will be released through the official Ubuntu repositories?18:59
Gentoo64nvidia has had so many issues with the prop driver causing cpu issues with a load of programs18:59
Gentoo64jbuncher, never19:00
canthus13Gentoo64: Weird that it's so spotty, though.19:00
vltmaxxx: I didn’t understand your last post.19:00
jbuncherGentoo64, why?19:00
canthus13Gentoo64: I've got 3 other machines with nvidia GPUs that work without a hitch.19:00
Gentoo64it might not be the nvidia driver19:00
cryptodiracanthus13, what does 'htop' show?? any particular program running high?19:00
* canthus13 has the sneaking suspician that if he installed Crunchbang and then manually installed the nvidia drivers, it would be fine.19:00
canthus13cryptodira: every program uses abnormally high CPU.19:01
Gentoo64canthus13, it may not be the driver19:01
Gentoo64but it has caused issues19:01
ScuniziGentoo64: canthus13 I"ve found my old nvidia card and the prop driver to work well on kubuntu but sluggish on unity 11.10.. Maverick was great19:01
canthus13cryptodira: It's a 2ghz P4... But still, GDM shouldn't be routinely hitting 20%.19:01
Gentoo64yeah but unity is different19:01
maxxxvlt, my Friend, this far you should really understand how Linux works and learn scripting ..will be helpful to you in our world19:01
canthus13update manager runs up to 100% constantly... load bounces between 2 and 3...19:02
canthus13It's weird.19:02
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cryptodiracanthus13, with NOTHING running but the base OS... is cpu still high?19:02
canthus13cryptodira: Not so much.. but load is.19:02
maxxxcanthus13, that19:02
konamthe ubuntu font sucks19:03
Gentoo64konam: screenshot?19:03
canthus13cryptodira: Well, not that high. but 15-20%.. which is stupid for an idling system.19:03
konamand i don't mean fonts on ubuntu, i mean the ubuntu font19:03
maxxxkonam, why is that so tell us you problem with it before you comment so19:03
Gentoo64konam: dont use it then :s19:03
konamGentoo64 thanks for offering the help :) but i meant the ubuntu font19:03
* canthus13 has a 1ghz PIII running Lucid that has no issues. :/19:03
ActionParsnipkonam: don't use it then. Simple19:03
canthus13weird stuff.19:03
JLucI'm using a french langaged ubuntu with pleasure, but is there a way to stick to english for rapidsvn specifically ?19:04
jbuncherGentoo64, why do you say FF8 is never coming to the official repos?19:04
* canthus13 is currently (slowly) installing the latest kernel update in hopes that it'll help...19:04
konamActionParsnip yeah, i went back to sans, it's weird, i had ubuntu 10.10 on just a few days ago before trying out 11.10 and 11.04 and i don't remember changing the default font...19:04
Gentoo64jbuncher: because stuff takes ages19:04
ActionParsnipkonam: there's a load of stuff I'm sure other users hate and change but nobody cares and its offtopic here19:04
konamgot it19:05
mikeg3I am running ubuntu 11.10 64 bit on a MacBook Pro in a Parallels 7 VM.   Does anyone have ideas/suggestions as to troubleshooting no sound in the VM?19:06
cryptodiracanthus13, back in the day, i had similar issues with intel chips on os/2.... having moved to amd, i have not seen this sort of problem.... i would look very carefully at ALL the htop output... you may have a 'hung' process.19:06
canthus13cryptodira: Nah.. I've been watching htop constantly.. (htop is consistently using 10%... go figure. :/)19:07
maxxxmikeg3, you simply can work around it why to irc; you have all the setting..help you self19:07
vltmaxxx: Sorry, I simply don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me.19:07
vltsoreau: Do you?19:07
pisolociao a tutti19:07
vlt!it | pisolo19:07
ubottupisolo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:07
vltHello. There seems to be a problem with my nm-applet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743511/  Any idea what could cause this?19:08
jbuncherGentoo64, then you don't mean never, you just mean a while, and I'd appreciate it if you actually had information to back up what you say instead of just being a general dick about things.  I don't care about your opinion of how long it takes, I want to know the answer.19:08
soreauvlt: What are you trying to do now?19:08
Gentoo64jbuncher: what version are you on now?19:08
ActionParsnipmikeg3: on the ubuntu sound troubleshooting procedure there is a command to download and run alsa-info.sh  run it and upload to the server. It will make a useful URL19:08
canthus13Hmm.. kernel update finished. now to launch runescape (which ran fine in 9.10) and see if it grinds to a halt again.19:08
vltsoreau: nm-applet doesn’t find *any* devices. Even no wired eth0.19:08
maxxxvlt, if you re-set, you will have to work again to the script minimize the effort of working again..so learn..that all we do. when the problem is solved19:08
soreauvlt: Try starting network-manager with sudo service network-manager restart19:09
hujry6hi is anyone here that can explaind me how blockbuster works?19:09
vltmaxxx: parsing error19:09
jbuncherGentoo64, version 7 on 11.10.  On 11.04 they upgraded through 4 to 5 to 6 to 7, so I'm anticipating something similar on 11.10, though I can't find any evidence of it.19:09
maxxxvlt, i am not teaching to scripting here..no way it up to you19:09
soreauvlt: and then restart nm-applet19:09
canthus13Ew. icedtea. :/19:09
mikeg3thanx ActionParsnip19:10
konamis there a command i could use on ubuntu to know if my processor is 64bit capable?19:10
darkohi, can anyone help me with a problem with a lan printer?. The mistake is that: nactiva - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED opening remote spool Test Page19:10
Gentoo64jbuncher: i think they may do. I'm not 100% sure. I think on some versions they didn't update FF though. But FF8 isnt anything special over 719:10
Gentoo64its basically the same19:10
vltmaxxx: What are you talking about?19:10
canthus13konam: cat /proc/cpuinfo19:11
maxxxvlt, i really don't wan't to give the command to shutdown you19:11
canthus13konam: That'll give you a lot of CPU info, and sometimes will tell you if it's 64 bit directly.19:11
vltsoreau: Didn’t help.19:11
soreauvlt: Is NetworkManager running?19:11
konamcanthus13 i think this says it all "address sizes: 32 bits physical, 32 bits virtual" thanks19:12
ActionParsnipdarko: is there a credential for adding the printer19:12
konamcanthus13 i have one of the first core duos so i was dubious.19:13
canthus13konam: Look it up on Wikipedia.. it'll tell you for sure.19:13
Gentoo64all the core2duos are 64 bit19:13
jbuncherGentoo64, they didn't update Maverick and Lucid, since those shipped with 3.6.x, so that still gets security updates.  I was just wondering as it's been a little while, and I remember the Natty FF updates coming more quickly.19:13
Gentoo64jbuncher: just add the mozilla ppa if its bothering you19:14
Gentoo64i have no idea if or when its coming out19:14
darkoyes there are a user and a password19:14
darkoi wrote it but id doesnt work19:14
maxxxGentoo64, negative19:14
Gentoo64jbuncher: but I didnt notice anything different from ff7 to 819:15
bekksGentoo64: Then read the changelog ;)19:15
Gentoo64i did19:15
Gentoo64nothing amazing in there19:15
ActionParsnipDarko: what make and model printer? If you run: gksudo gedit   and make a test doc, can it be printed?19:15
darkohp laserjet 1200 series pcl519:16
darkoit doestn work19:16
darkoi tried a test page19:16
darkobut i have the same problem19:17
darkoInactiva - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED opening remote spool Test Page19:17
ActionParsnipDarko: i'd grab your manual to see what and if credentials are needed.19:17
TheFuzzballCan someone point me to an up-to-date setup guide for an L2TP server?19:18
jbuncherGentoo64, I prefer to use as few PPAs as possible.  Mostly I want memory improvements and the third-party add-ons disabled by default features, so it's not critical (Adobe reader add-on infuriates me each time)19:19
Gentoo64adobe reader? wheres that come from19:20
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Gentoo64jbuncher: if you don't want to use ppa, then you will have to wait. i have no idea how long like i said. could be any time..19:21
jbuncherOk, thanks.19:21
ai9371hello how do you make ls --color default way to list?19:21
ai9371so if i just type ls everyrthin is in color?19:21
lun4ticdoes anyone know why Intel Corporation WiFi Link 5100 randomly disconnects in oneiric 64-bit or if there is a bugfix/workaround for that problem?19:22
ActionParsnipai9371: could make an alias in ~/.bashrc19:22
bekksai9371: Define an alias in your /home/user/.bash_profile or something.19:22
maxxxai9371, please elaborate19:22
Gentoo64whats going on with the floodbot?19:22
ai9371i want to make ls-- color19:22
ai9371if you type ls --color in bash shell it list everything in color19:22
bekksai9371: 1119 202231 < bekks> ai9371: Define an alias in your /home/user/.bash_profile or something.19:23
lun4ticlogs say its a cfg80211 problem so i guess its a kernel issue. i found out that its no network-manager problem so installing something like "wicd" does not help19:23
ai9371ok i have 2 ubutun compouters.. one when i type ls everythung is in color in the other computer i type ls there is no color19:23
ActionParsniplun4tic: when it drops, run dmesg| tail   may give clues, also disable ipv6 can help.19:23
ai9371i have to type ls --color for the color19:23
bekksai9371: Did you actually read what I am answering to you?19:24
ai9371ls --color19:24
ActionParsnipai9371: second time19:24
ai9371you telling me i need to edit the /.bash_profile19:24
ai9371cant i simple change a setting to say ls --color19:24
ActionParsnipai9371: add an alias in ~/.bashrc19:24
bekksThat edit IS the simple way.19:24
yeatsai9371: that is how you change the setting ;-)19:25
bekksEither in ~/.bash_profile or in ~/.bashrc19:25
ActionParsnipai9371: ..19:25
* yeats uses ~/.bashrc, but it doesn't matter which19:25
lun4ticActionParsnip: how can i disable ipv6?19:25
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ActionParsnipai9371:    alias ls='ls --color'19:26
seawookiei unplugged my wireless adapter and plugged it back in and now i cant enable wireless. any ideas?19:26
ActionParsniplun4tic: add the boot option: ipv6.disable=119:26
yeatswhat's up with the FloodBots?19:26
maxxxseawookie, iwlist ...scan19:27
giuseppe_come funziona questa chat19:27
bb916seawookie: yes maxxx is correct19:27
yeats!it | giuseppe_19:27
ubottugiuseppe_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:27
ActionParsnipseawookie: unload and reload the driver module19:27
seawookietrying now19:27
giuseppe_sono ritornato indietro di 20 anni19:27
seawookiesays doesnt support scanning network is down19:27
test_compileHi I'm running 10.10 and recently I have been experiencing loss of keyboard function at random intervals-any thoughts on where to look to resolve this issue19:28
maxxxseawookie, so you can scan the wireless19:28
ActionParsnipai9371: you will need to run:  source ~/.bashrc   to apply it.19:28
giuseppe_oh ma che cosa vi dite19:28
pikaciugiusepppe_: ubuntu.it19:28
giuseppe_di che cosa state parlando19:28
seawookiei dont think so...the enable wireless option is greyed out, i cant connect to anything and no networks show up19:29
ActionParsniptest_compile: does functionality return?19:29
Shaxshello everyone19:29
test_compileonly after full restart19:29
MaryF\cknPop\nsI can traverse through the array of virtual desktops.  I like the default keystrokes.19:29
ActionParsnipseawookie: did the modules help?19:29
maxxxgiuseppe_, english please.19:29
seawookiewhat modules?19:29
MaryF\cknPop\nsnew to gnome. how do I traverse between windows?19:29
ai9371i see it in the bashrc file19:30
ai9371but it look like it is set up as auto19:30
MaryF\cknPop\nstoggle between the windows to bring to foreground (with in that virtual desktop).19:30
ShaxsI have an "internet dvr" and want to sync the contents of where I save my videos to a backup drive. So if I delete a file off the source, I want the same file to be deleted from the backup. Would this be the correct rsync command "rsync –av --delete /homes/user/Videos/tv /media/backupdrive/tv backup"19:30
ActionParsnipseawookie: unload the wireless driver module, then reload it. Like i suggested earlier19:30
maxxxseawookie, can you connect to Internet with the usb attached19:30
seawookiei tried reloading the rtl8187 and no i cannot...im on a different computer19:31
maxxxseawookie, modprove rtl818719:31
maxxxseawookie, modprobe rtl818719:31
ActionParsnipseawookie: sudo lshw -C network    will show the driver19:31
seawookiemaxxx i tried that no luck :/19:32
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maxxxdmesg | grep rtl818719:32
ActionParsnipseawookie: sudo modprobe -r driver; sleep 2; sudo modprobe driver19:32
lifestreamTrying to use unetbootin from linux, my USB stick is fat32 and is mounted, but unetbootin does not see the USB stick. What am I doing wrong?19:32
seawookieill try that19:33
ActionParsnipseawookie: replace driver with the module name in lshw19:33
Shaxscan anyone review my rsync sync command to make sure it is right?19:34
maxxxActionParsnip, rtl8187 is default replace will simply don't work19:34
KieranI recently did 'do-release-upgrade' and all of sudden my WiFi card doesn't work, ubuntu says its supported. Any ideas of where i can start ?19:34
bekkslifestream: Unmount it. :)19:34
ActionParsniplifestream: does it show in gparted?19:34
moontoisehi friends, my connection go low speed, how i can list connections?19:34
maxxxseawookie, did you try dmesg | grep rtl818719:35
lifestreambekks it says it must be mounted, but even unmounted it does not show on unetbootin.  and ActionParsnip yes it shows in gparted.19:35
moontoiseHow i can list connections with ports?!19:36
giuseppe_c'e qualcuno che parla in italiano???19:36
escott!it | giuseppe_19:36
ubottugiuseppe_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:36
yeatsgiuseppe_: digitare '/ join # ubuntu-it'19:36
pikaciugiusepppe_: go to ubuntu.it19:36
escottmoontoise, netstat19:36
yeatsgiuseppe_: /join #ubuntu-it19:37
Kieranmoontoise: For live info, install iftop19:37
pikaciugiuseppe_ open server - join channel19:37
maxxxmoontoise, please elaborate19:38
HelloWorld321if I've downloaded the ocelot install iso onto my linux machine, is it possible to boot straight from the iso instead of burning a cd or usb-stick?19:38
bekksHelloWorld321: If you have grub2 already - yes.19:38
moontoiseTTnx escott :*19:38
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seawookiecommand dmsg not foung19:38
bekksseawookie: "dmesg".19:38
ai9371ok i have alias ls = 'ls --color=auto'19:38
ai9371but its not working19:38
AndyUbuntuHey guys19:38
antoine_roquentiI am having a kernel panic on my netbook anyone feel like helping me out with it?19:38
seawookieo ok19:39
moontoiseiftop? ok ok19:39
bekksai9371: Omit the whitespaces. alias ls='ls --color=auto'19:39
H264installing the latest ubuntu, is BTRFS safe enough to use as a file system these days?19:39
maxxxseawookie, dmesg | grep rtl818719:39
pyDudehi guestxxx and andyxxx and everyone ;)19:39
bekksHelloWorld321: Having a backup - yes :)19:39
seawookieok i got a lot of output19:39
AndyUbuntugnome shell is great isnt it, you can do so much with it and it is really easy to use. Are there any effects that are similar to compiz that we can use on gnome shell?19:40
antoine_roquentiAnyone experienced a failure to boot with where the system goes to BusyBox/Kernel panic?19:40
steelratanyone on ubuntu 11.04?19:40
maxxxseawookie, now ping c -3 google.com19:40
antoine_roquentiI am steelrat19:40
pyDudeantoine you know what does kernle panic means.........damn it you could use it as an exploit.........;)19:40
bekksantoine_roquenti: Yes, I did. But whats your real question?19:40
Guest45384I'm trying to add a program to the list which appears if you press tab in the terminal window, how do I do this? Sorry for asking, but not really sure what to search for19:40
xauth!btrfs | H26419:41
ubottuH264: Btrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs19:41
antoine_roquentiMy real question is how do I get it to boot to Ubunu?19:41
antoine_roquentiUbuntu, apologies.19:41
steelratantoine_roquenti: pls, tell me your system id from smbios-sys-info19:41
HelloWorld321bekks: I believe that I do have grub2 installed: ii  grub2-common                           1.99-12ubuntu519:41
antoine_roquentiOk one second19:41
AndyUbuntuThere are many extentions that can be used which are great, it would be great of there were a desktop zoom or something like that19:41
antoine_roquentiJuuuust kidding.19:41
AndyUbuntuis there anything like that19:41
stabyadadthinking about virtualizing unbuntu server on my MAC VMware installation19:41
seawookieunknown hot google.com19:42
pyDudego ahead.......sabyxxxxxx19:42
maxxxseawookie, rtl8187 is not stable with ubuntu.. simply modeprobe it fix the rate it will be fine till the session19:42
antoine_roquentibekks when I try to exit the BusyBox shell it goes into a kernel panic and won't do anything else.19:42
worstadminI installed dhcp3-server yet I have no init script for dhcpd19:42
bekksantoine_roquenti: So what did you do before?19:42
stabyadadWas wondering if anyone has tried this before. I'm a unbuntu newbee19:43
worstadminAny suggestions?19:43
pyDudeantonie can you send me the crash report19:43
antoine_roquentiThat's just it, I let my brother borrow my netbook and it came back all screwed up.19:43
antoine_roquentiSo I truly don't know what happened to it.19:43
H264xauth: thanks19:43
AndyUbuntudoes anyone know if there are any decent effects with gnome shell?19:43
seawookiei modprobed it but how do you fix the rate?19:43
bekksantoine_roquenti: Then ask him what he did :)19:43
pyDudeprobably its not kernel panic anyways19:43
antoine_roquentiAnd he swears he didn't drop it.19:43
phunyguycan anyone tell me how to remove the "Floppy Drive" shortcut in Nautilus and from /media ?  I haven't used a floppy in years and don't even have a drive attached!19:43
lun4ticI'll be back *with austrian accent* ;-)19:44
pyDudeits just a simple faluts just repair your installation with any live ubuntu via usb19:44
steelratanyone on 11.04? pls! Thell me your system id from smbios-sys-info command!19:44
maxxxseawookie, iwconfig wlan0 rate 5.5M auto19:44
antoine_roquentibekks if you had a similar problem what did you do to solve it?19:44
escottphunyguy, do you have a /media/floppy folder19:44
phunyguyescott, yes19:44
bekksantoine_roquenti: I inserted an install cd and reinstalled the box - all data was in a backup.19:44
phunyguyand /media/floppy019:44
pyDude@andy which version you using?19:44
escottphunyguy, then remove that folder19:44
worstadminI installed dhcp3-server yet I have no init script for dhcpd. Any suggestions or help is appreciated19:44
seawookieits still saying wireless is disables19:44
bekkssteelrat: why?19:44
maxxxseawookie, are you in monitor mode19:45
antoine_roquentiWell if I put the reinstall stuff on a flash drive do you know how I might do it from BusyBox?19:45
seawookiei dont think so?19:45
phunyguyescott, shortcut is still in nautilus19:45
escottphunyguy, check if there is an entry in the /etc/fstab then19:45
pyDudereboot and just repair the broken dependensies that might be antoine_xxxxxxx19:46
antoine_roquentiI tried going into the computer settings and having it boot primarily from the flash drive where the installer was but for some reason it wouldn't recognize it.19:46
phunyguyescott, just realized that.  Its in there19:46
AndyUbuntuare there any effects for gnome shell?19:46
phunyguy...and the entry is still there.19:46
pyDudeandy which version you using19:46
escottphunyguy, you may need to restart nautilus19:46
antoine_roquentiOk pyDude I will try that.19:46
phunyguyescott, did.19:46
phunyguymaybe a reboot19:46
pyDude;) sure19:47
AndyUbuntupyDude i am using the laters version of gnome shell19:47
antoine_roquentiDo you know the command for it pyDude?19:47
antoine_roquentiI am not exactly great with linux yet.19:47
seawookiemaxxx: i dont think so19:47
pyDudeno i forgot that command ,19:47
antoine_roquentiOk I will look it up.19:47
Braber01odd question but, can I ssh w/ putty from my windwos partiton to my Linux partition? :/19:47
vltsoreau: NetworkManager is running. It seems as if it was at least responsible for getting a DHCP lease for eth0.19:47
soreauvlt: What do you have in /etc/network/interfaces?19:48
maxxxseawookie, i simply don't know that are you trying to do ..are you trying to sniff..or trying to connect to Internet19:48
pyDudeandy,,,,,,i mean which version of ubuntu ....;)19:48
vltsoreau: Only lo.19:49
seawookiewe did patch for injection tho19:49
xauthBraber01: Odd question indeed. I don't think partition is what you mean.19:49
pyDudemaxx he is definitely not trying to sniff ;)19:49
yeatsBraber01: no, but you might experiment with this if you want to be able to access your Ubuntu files while logged into windows: http://www.fs-driver.org/19:49
soreauvlt: not two lines?19:49
phunyguyescott, it's still there19:49
vltsoreau: Two lines for lo.19:49
Braber01yeats: thank you19:49
escottphunyguy, im not sure then. i would have thought it was one of those two that caused it19:49
pikaciusniff is bad  my mum says19:50
soreauvlt: It should work then. Is nm-applet still reporting interfaces not managed?19:50
vltsoreau: Yes, nm-applet tells me that NO devices are there (though I have a working eth0 connection).19:50
maxxxseawookie, come on i can help even you sniff19:50
soreauvlt: Did you try restarting nm-applet?19:50
vltsoreau: Yes, every new nm-applet says the same.19:51
soreauvlt: I don't know then19:51
seawookieim just trying to connect19:51
maxxxseawookie, ok..can you paste me lsusb -v19:51
soreauvlt: try rebooting19:51
vltsoreau: Did you read the error output of my nm-applet?19:51
jasonmchristosHey my system seems to have quoit automounting a certain drive can someone explain why this could be, maybe by explaining the ubuntu automount procedure.19:51
soreauvlt: no19:51
vltsoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743511/19:52
jasonmchristosThe problem is that when I mount it manually it somehow causes changes in the display settings using ubuntu netbook edition.19:52
seawookiei cant paste19:52
seawookieidfferent macjine19:52
cryptodirai have recently moved to ubuntu from OS/2 and OS X which both offer 'mouse cursor wrap around".... (the mouse cursor appears on the opposite edge of the screen when reaching one edge)..... how is this achieved in ubuntu 10.10??19:52
chaudhryhello can some one help me??19:52
soreauvlt: looks like possibly dbus related problem19:53
maxxxsniffing is not a problem at all..but going further is..:))19:53
soreauvlt: but I don't think you're restarting nm-applet19:53
xauth!ask | chaudhry19:53
ubottuchaudhry: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:53
chaudhryi have installed xubuntu desktop on my ubuntu now i want completely shift to xubuntu any way?19:53
phunyguyYAY!  Had to disable the entry in the BIOS.  Thanks escott for your help.19:53
Matissei try to use alsa instead of pulse. How can I check if the sound is play only with alsa?19:53
soreauvlt: Do 'killall nm-applet && nm-applet & disown'19:53
jasonmchristosIf I am going to have to always mount manually ang get my display settings funky I might just want to switch to the standard desktop instead of the netbook display.19:53
yeats!purexfce | chaudhry19:54
ubottuchaudhry: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »19:54
maxxxjasonmchristos, ubuntu has default gnome ..session..not kde19:55
jasonmchristosmaxxx, please read what ive typed and help me19:55
DanS326_homeI keep finding that error: out of disk could be a bios issue ... is that the case even if you can load from live cd and can access and mount the drive?19:55
bekksDanS326_home: Do you mean "out of disk space"?19:56
Shaxsdoes anyone here have rsync experience and can help me with a quick command?19:56
bekksShaxs: Dont ask to ask, just ask.19:56
maxxxjasonmchristos, its high in the sky please can you  elaborate19:56
zsolthi there19:56
janieI'm having a problem getting ZorinOS to use my Broadcom wireless card.19:57
JLucI'm using a french langaged ubuntu with pleasure, but is there a way to stick to english for rapidsvn specifically ?19:57
zsoltcould somebody help me?I'd like to stream my screen as a webcam19:57
seawookiemaxxx: what do you need from the command output19:57
ShaxsI want to sync two sources. If a file is deleted from the original source I want it deleted off the backup. Would this be the correct command: rsync –av --delete /homes/user/Videos/tv /media/backupdrive/tv backup19:57
zsoltto stream my desktop via skype or amsn19:57
bekksShaxs: That command will fail.19:57
jasonmchristosmaxxx, How does the ubuntu usually automount. I did some user deletion and one of the drives would no longer automount upon clicking the icon. So I had to mount it manually.19:58
maxxxseawookie, what are you really trying to do with alfa wireless..19:58
escottJLuc, you could try and export an LC variable before running rapidsvn19:58
bekksShaxs: There must be a - before av, and the backup at the end must be omitted19:58
seawookieright now just trying to connect to the internet19:58
escottjasonmchristos, it should automount as long as (a) the device is not listed in fstab (b) the user is a member of plugdev19:58
seawookiethe pc im using has no built in card19:58
vltsoreau: I rebooted. Same problem. It doesn’t seem wlan0 related because nm-applet can’t find any devices before plgging in the wireless usb device already.19:58
Shaxsbekks: what do you mena the "backup at the end"? Thats the new of the dir "tv backup" Should I get rid of the space?19:59
soreauvlt: Is dbus stuff running?19:59
jasonmchristosescott, the plugdev sounds like what is going on let me check that. brb19:59
vltsoreau: How to troubleshoot dbus?19:59
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soreauvlt: service dbus status19:59
bekksShaxs: Using whitespaces in directory names enforces the usage of "" to encapsulate to name -or- the usage of escaping the whitespaces.19:59
Shaxsill delete the whitespace20:00
vltsoreau: running. There are some dbus-daemon procs listed in ps.20:00
seawookiemaxxx, just trying to connect to the internet20:00
Shaxsbekks: so would this be it? "rsync –a –av --delete /homes/jason/Videos/tv /media/backupdrive/tv_backup"20:00
bsmith093is it possible to compile an installed program back into a deb20:00
soreauvlt: I don't know why it's failing then20:00
jasonmchristosescott, brb20:00
bekksShaxs: No. Use this: rsync -av --delete /homes/jason/Videos/tv/ /media/backupdrive/tv_backup/20:01
yeats!packaging | bsmith09320:01
ubottubsmith093: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:01
maxxxjasonmchristos, http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg19t19.htm20:02
soreauvlt: Which version of ubuntu?20:02
vltsoreau: current20:02
soreauvlt: lsb_release -c20:02
maxxxseawookie, are you trying to connect to console20:02
vltsoreau: oneiric20:02
seawookiemaxxx, no just trying to get internet access20:02
soreauvlt: maybe try wicd but not sure if it offers connection sharing20:03
Shaxsbekks: that is what I had originally20:03
ironfoot495Hello can someone help me with resolution not supported/ubun tu 11.04?20:03
bekksShaxs: And what exactly is wrong with that?20:03
abhinav_singhshould i add alias for commands to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_aliases i am using ubuntu 11.1020:03
maxxxseawookie, i know that ubuntu is graphical user interface simply forget Linux is not that way20:04
ShaxsBekks: you told me it was wrong20:04
Shaxs:beeks just confused is all20:04
escottironfoot495, you can try to force a resolution with the xrandr command line utility20:04
fanderalShaxs: you might try 'grsync' a GUI for rsync... when set, will show the cmds for future reference20:04
bekksShaxs: Then give us the complete error message.20:04
vltsoreau: One of the dbus processes is owned by user “103”. /etc/passwd says that’s “messagebus”. Why doesn’t ps say that?20:04
vltsoreau: Could this be a user/permission problem?20:04
janieI need help getting ZorinOS to use my Broadcom wireless card20:04
soreauvlt: It certainly could though not sure what20:04
ironfoot495I can use my 17" but when I try to use my 37" lcd I get not supported20:05
Shaxsbekks: I didnt run it yet as I was afraid to accidentlly delete stuff off source before syncing. I was just checking to make sure before pulling the trigger20:05
soreauvlt: Was nm-applet running by default?20:05
ironfoot495on bootup???20:05
vltsoreau: Yes.20:05
Shaxsfanderal: I have it, but im setting up a cron to sync nightly20:05
bekksShaxs: Without running it it couldnt produce an error.20:05
seawookiemaxxx, are you saying i should try to connect with terminal?20:05
mgearyi've got a machine that is responding to pings, but not to ssh or http requests. I'm guessing the memory and/or CPU have somehow been maxed out. Any suggestions before i drive to the colo and do a hard reboot?20:05
fanderalgot it20:05
vltsoreau: wicd says “rename failed” when trying to run it.20:05
bekksShaxs: read "man rsync" and find the -n option.20:05
maxxxseawookie, hey..wondering..20:05
soreauvlt: If eth0 doesn't even work with nm-applet in a live session, I'd say file a bug20:06
Shaxsbekks: yes I know but if it ran and did something I was not intending was my fear. Didnt want to delete file and have no way to recover20:06
Shaxsyes -n = dry run I know20:06
vltsoreau: Well, eth0 works. But it’s not listed in nm-applet.20:06
soreauvlt: Right, it should be thoguh https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs20:06
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maxxxseawookie, so what encryption do you have on you router wep/wpa/wpa220:06
seawookiemaxxx, i think wpa but i cant even see any networks...it wont show any to connect to20:07
DanS326_homeShaxs: I am getting this http://www.dudek.org/blog/220  but when I boot to live cd I can access the drive20:07
Maverick123hi guys20:07
vltsoreau: If I messed something up with file permissions while putting this debootstrapped Ubuntu to that machine … which pkgs could I forece-reinstall to fix dbus related problems?20:07
maxxxseawookie, if you cannot see you cannot connect20:08
soreauvlt: I don't even know that reinstalling stuff would help since it could be a config file20:08
seawookiemaxxx, thats what im trying to fix20:08
soreau!info dbus20:08
ubottudbus (source: dbus): simple interprocess messaging system (daemon and utilities). In component main, is standard. Version 1.4.14-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 536 kB, installed size 1552 kB20:08
maxxxifconfig wlan0 up20:08
seawookiemaxxx, i tried, it went through but still wont work20:09
maxxxi simply don't know if the it is wlan0 or something else20:09
Maverick123what is the problem ?20:09
cryptodiramouse cursor wrap around in 10.10..... solution?   anyone??20:10
maxxxseawookie, lsusb -v please paste the output20:10
seawookiemaxxx, im sry im on another machine because the one thats not working has no internet connection so i cant paste20:11
melvster1hi all ... is there something special you must do to play ubuntu on a television (with cable)20:12
melvster1normally in windows you have to hit ctrl+f520:12
jasonmchristosescott, Ok checked both A and B no fstab entry user is a desktop user in plug dev but clicking on the drive still allows for no automount what next  ?20:12
soreauseawookie: You said you installed patched drivers for injection. Perhaps you did not reload the module and it was reloaded when you re-plugged it in (and the modules you installed are faulty)20:12
maxxxseawookie, see that what i am trying to solve here..20:12
melvster1but ubuntu ... i dont know ...20:12
escottjasonmchristos, does it give any error?20:12
jasonmchristosescott, its the gui so no20:12
seawookiemaxxx, soreau, it was working after the patch but stopped working later20:13
maxxxseawookie, rtl8187 simply works fine with ubuntu and with other distros you simply have to try the basic commands20:13
escottjasonmchristos, and the drive is not mounted when you are double clicking20:13
jasonmchristosescott, usually theres a little circular mount icon with a line and an arrow it simply does not show and does nothing when clicked20:13
jasonmchristosescott, no it is not20:13
soreauseawookie: Just because you applied and installed a patched driver doe not mean you reloaded it. The old driver could have still been loaded in memory20:13
maxxxseawookie, patch was not required only if you would now the grep command20:14
escottjasonmchristos, you could try running nautilus from a command line and see if you get an error message20:14
jasonmchristosescott, does the user need sudo ?20:14
seanrCan anyone take a look at my phpinfo here and tell me why I'd still be getting fatal error: call to undefined function curl_init() even though the phpinfo shows it as installed?  http://www.expertessays4u.com/phpinfo.php20:14
janieI need help getting ZorinOS to use my Broadcom wireless card20:14
seanrI am truly stumped.20:14
escottjasonmchristos, no thats what plugdev is for. pmount should handle the mounting20:14
bekksjanie: What is ZorinOS?20:15
jasonmchristosescott, running from cli natilis it asks for root password to mount20:15
seawookiesoreau, you are probably right, would i have to redo the patching process?20:15
soreauseawookie: Do you have a wlan0 interface in iwconfig?20:15
jasonmchristosescott, so i guess plugdev group is useless in this case ?20:15
jessie1guys, I know its stupid but I am lost here.. ;) trying to figure this out..  I ran sudo apt-get install plexmediaserver and everything succeded.. how do I start hte server? or does it not have a gui?20:15
maxxxseawookie, remove the patch..of rtl818720:15
seawookiemaxxx, how?20:15
seawookiesoreau, yes20:15
escottjasonmchristos, its now asking you for a root password?20:15
vltWhat can I do when I don’t see the icon of a running nm-applet?20:15
maxxxhow did you install through the apt-get or else where20:16
jasonmchristosescott, yes when clicking from cli launched nauilis20:16
soreauseawookie: Does 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i ssid' show ap's?20:16
jessie1anyone? haha if someone missed my question!20:16
maxxx!blacklist seawookie20:16
jasonmchristosescott, same thing from nautilis launched from the desktop20:17
seawookiesoreau, yes20:17
soreauseawookie: Then it's working. What's the problem?20:17
maxxxseawookie, can you blacklist the drivers20:17
jasonmchristosescott, you say that plugdev is supposed to give mount priv to all users in the group even if they do not have sudo ?20:17
soreaumaxxx: He doesn't need to blacklist anything20:17
escottjasonmchristos, what kind of filesystem is this drive you are trying to mount20:17
jasonmchristosescott, ext220:17
vltWhen I start nm-applet the icon of my keyboard layout selector moves one pixel to the left, when I kill the nm-applet process it moves one pixel to the right again.20:17
seawookiesoreau, it says that wireless is disabled when i try to connect...idk its strange20:18
vltsoreau: ^ this is on 10.04 now.20:18
soreauseawookie: What tells you that?20:18
jasonmchristosescott, it would be mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb2 from a cli20:18
seawookiemaxxx, if i do that will the non patched drivers still work?20:18
maxxxsorry i was dragged more deep...:20:18
jessie1here it goes again, can someone please help me out ;) simple question20:18
escottjasonmchristos, so ext2 is different from fat in that the permissions on ext2 matter, whereas for fat there are no permissions. so you may be having problems in that you are trying to mount an fs which has files owned by user (a) under user (b)20:18
seawookiesoreau, the network manager in the tool bar20:18
escottjessie1, type plex[TAB] to figure out the executable name20:19
janiejessie1: I can try to help. What's your question?20:19
soreauseawookie: Try restarting network manager and nm-applet with 'killall nm-applet && sudo service network-manager restart && nm-applet'20:19
maxxxseawookie, you really don't require to patch rtl8187 drivers as they are legacy only you should know how to keep them stable..during the session.20:19
jessie1escott:  In terminal? I tried that nothing happens20:19
jasonmchristosescott, well in that case it should mount and just be unreadable not ask for root pw to mount but i will double check and mont from root and chown, brb20:20
seawookiesoreau, ok thank you i will try that command, im sry i have to go but thanks20:20
seawookiemaxxx, sorry i have to go thanks for the help20:20
maxxxnp try all the command you will fine in all distros20:21
jessie1directory structure in ubuntu's got me going crazy20:21
jessie1escott: did you mean in terminal?20:23
jasonmchristosescott, ok i did a chown on it let me reboot20:23
office3how do I make a usb that can install both Ubuntu 64 and lubuntu 32?20:23
devishhttps sites are not loading in ubuntu any help?20:23
escottjessie1, yes. check packages.ubuntu.com or dpkg -L plexmedia... to figure out what the files for that server are20:23
devishusing 11.1020:23
RalliasDoes anyone know how to enable ecryptfs _after_ the OS has been installed?20:23
office3Or would I need two separate usb sticks?20:24
escottRallias, don't know how recent this is http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/08/07/create-an-encrypted-private-directory-with-ecryptfs/20:24
Ralliasescott yeah, I saw that, but that covers a ~/Private folder rather than the ~ folder...20:25
usr13office3: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/20:25
usr13devish: Are you sure?  Give an example20:26
jessie1escott:  alright nothing shows up in packages.ubuntu , but dpkg says its located in /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/20:26
jessie1htpc@Htpc:~$ start plexmediaserver start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.72" (uid=1000 pid=6119 comm="start plexmediaserver ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")20:27
devishusr13: example?20:27
escottRallias, is still roughly how the system works. you have a ~/.Private which gets loop mounted back onto ~. it might be easier to just create a new user and then migrate over20:27
devishusr13: i cant load facebook, gmail, any mail or secure connection however others are loading fine20:28
jasonmchristosescott, the user is not authorized to mount media even bieng in plugdev20:28
jasonmchristosescott, i chowned the whole deal20:28
usr13devish:  an example _________________20:28
jasonmchristosescott, I guess plugdev group is useless20:28
devishusr13: i gave ...least i tried20:29
jasonmchristosescott, looks like i am just going to have the make the user superuser ?20:29
escottjasonmchristos, plugdev should work. something is off in your setup. if you want to paste the screenshot of the error, and the output of groups and the output of mount that would help20:30
escottjasonmchristos, and fstab as well20:30
usr13devish: https://mail.google.com/mail/20:30
usr13devish: Does that one ^^^^ load for you?20:31
RalliasDoes the ubuntu livecd for 11.10 still have troubles mounting like flash drives?20:31
maxxxjasonmchristos, sometimes the cd vendor of a different kind can have a problem at-times ; my cd-rom only mount sony cd20:31
devishsign on pazge comes and loadds for verver20:31
jasonmchristosescott, like ive said there is no error it just asks for root password20:33
bekksjasonmchristos: There is no root password on Ubuntu.20:33
AleXstXIMA LI KOGA?20:33
usr13devish: cat /etc/resolv.conf   #See if proper nameserver is listed.20:33
jasonmchristosescott, for that reason there is no output of mount20:33
devishusr13: the "not able to load webpage"20:33
jasonmchristosbekks, i enabled root the whole point was i didnt want my regular user to be super user, its a bad idea to connect to irc from super user anyway20:34
escottjasonmchristos, mount will always output all the currently mounted devices.20:34
devishusr13: i see a thread but not able to look at it20:34
jasonmchristosmaxxx, this has nothing to do with cd's20:34
jasonmchristosescott, ok well it isnt mounted thats the whole point20:34
devishusr13: yes as torrent and evry other thing is working20:34
maxxxjasonmchristos, oh!! i was far behind the current session..simply getting over it..:))20:35
devishusr13: does https uses any other nameserver?20:35
n00berG00beranyone ever had issues changing their login screen in 11.10?20:35
JokesOnYou77hi all, can someone help me with a compiler error?20:35
pyDudeyeah bro......which version of gcc........20:36
jasonmchristosescott, problem solved user must be superuser20:36
jasonmchristosescott, thats what i was trying to avoid20:36
usr13devish: Or see if you are able to ping the first nameserver listed in /etc/resolv.conf  Or better still:  nmap -p53 name-server-ip  #The first one on the list, (if there are more than one).20:36
jasonmchristosescott, apparently plugdev doesnt20:36
jasonmchristoswork on 10.0.3 lts20:36
usr13devish: NO, https does not use different nameservers, just want to eleminate other problems.20:37
escottjasonmchristos, you shouldnt need that. and plugdev should work. but unless you give us some more information we cant really help you. if you want to go it alone feel free to look into the manpage for udisks20:37
jasonmchristosescott, I wouldnt have minded mounting from root but when i did so the files even when chowned would not read20:37
JokesOnYou77pyDude: Don't know, it's ubuntu 10.1020:37
maxxxjasonmchristos, your question is random can you simply elaborate what are you really looking for20:37
jasonmchristosescott, what exactly do you want20:37
usr13devish: Are you using a proxy server?20:37
devishusr13: let me try20:37
jasonmchristosmaxxx, its not random what are you a robot , its very detailed wither a you cannot read or b you are a troll20:38
escottjasonmchristos, your fstab, the output of groups, and the output of mount20:38
jasonmchristosive detailed every info there is about the problem20:38
devishusr13: nope20:38
jasonmchristosescott, ive already typed that info in here in detail20:38
EuroNerdI've got a problem:  I'm using a two monitor setup, and when I put an app in fullscreen on one monitor (say, Firefox with F11), and switch focus to some app on the other monitor, the top bar (with clock, off switch, etc) appears on the former and partly obscures the full screen app. Can I prevent this?20:39
usr13devish: No, what ?20:39
jasonmchristosfstab does not list the drive the plugdev group is enabled on my regular user and mount does not show it mounted, simply because IT IS NOT MOUNTED20:39
maxxxjasonmchristos, no need to get upset.. to ask again should not be a problem ..20:39
escottjasonmchristos, the whole point of pasting things is that a lot of times people don't know what they are looking for, and don't know when something is wrong. if you think you know what you are doing see "man udisks"20:39
n00berG00berwhy won't my login screen change to what I tell it to in /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf ?20:39
jasonmchristosescott, i know all of these three because i clicked desktop user in the users menue and viewed plugdev properties and my regular user was listed20:40
aking1012has anyone else experienced weirdness in the 12.04 installer for all custom partitioning failing?20:40
jasonmchristosobviously if my problem is i cannot mount the mount output isnt going to show it mounted20:40
jasonmchristosif i cant read /dev/sdb2 in nano /etc/fstab i am an idiot20:40
devishusr13: hosst is up i am inside lan20:41
jasonmchristosescott, never the less thank you for your help20:41
devishusr13: whicch is connected to internet20:41
maxxxjasonmchristos, so you are a administrator.. let me know that20:41
jasonmchristosescott, you did help me find the cause and give me a lead to something to study the plugdev group20:41
jasonmchristosescott, thanks again have a good day20:41
usr13devish: Some networks vary in this respect but usually, that first nameserver listed in /etc/resolv.conf (and sometimes the only one), will be your gateway router, (gateway routers usually have a caching nameserver running on-board).20:42
JokesOnYou77How do I restart the GNOME panels?20:42
devishusr13: I see this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=353605 but not joined in to the community so can/t see it20:42
escottJokesOnYou77, what version of gnome?20:42
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mobilni2Hay alll20:42
n00berG00berwhy won't my login screen change to what I tell it to in /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf ??? anyone?20:43
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usr13devish: mail.google.com  #where does that take you?20:43
JokesOnYou77escott: whatever is standard with 10.0420:43
escottJokesOnYou77, for just the panel "killall gnome-panel && nohup gnome-panel20:44
devishusr13: yes but that can't be a concern gere as i can load https in other os but not here however i would say that earler i had different connection and ther was  no problem20:45
n00berG00beris there a different channel that new guys can go for help?20:45
Myrttin00berG00ber: this is it :-)20:45
maxxxJokesOnYou77, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3199082/how-to-restart-gdm-in-ubuntu-without-being-logged-out20:45
usr13devish: See my pm.20:45
JokesOnYou77escott: thank you!20:46
devishusr13: i take me to sign on page but when i try to login the page doesn't load20:46
jasonmchristosjust so everyone knows you shouldnt be logged into irc from a superuser account20:46
usr13devish: What nameserver are you using?20:47
n00berG00berokay once again: (third times a charm) why won't my login screen change to what I point it to in /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf?20:47
maxxxjasonmchhristos what can you do to me ..even i am logged as root20:47
escottn00berG00ber, have you restarted the lightdm process20:48
usr13devish: And what error does it give you? (When the login page doesn't load?)20:48
n00berG00bermultiple times....my login screen is now just black20:48
devishusr13: i am behind a router so it is for me20:48
Jillyanyone know an easy way to get ubuntu to detect my display?20:48
EuroNerdI've got a problem:  I'm using a two monitor setup, and when I put an app in fullscreen on one monitor (say, Firefox with F11), and switch focus to some app on the other monitor, the top bar (with clock, off switch, etc) appears on the former and partly obscures the full screen app. How can I prevent this?20:48
bluberellahello. I want (autoinstallation) to install kubuntu-desktop with apt-get -y -o after the ubuntu-desktop has been installed. But it always tries to ask the gdm/kdm choose question. I also tried debconf-set-selections with ("kdm shared/default-x-display-manager select gdm" and the same for gdm. Any ideas?20:48
usr13devish: So the first nameserver listed in /etc/resolv.conf is  ?  Is that correct?20:49
n00berG00berescott, multiple times....my login screen is now just black20:49
johannes_autI would like to install a windows software on a ubuntu server to distribute it to severall domain-clients - it's an single-user account software, which should be used from more than one pc20:49
devishits not able to fetch data20:49
johannes_auti thougt about installing it into a VirtualMachine an connecting to it from the client20:49
johannes_autis there a better way?20:49
escottn00berG00ber, sounds like it doesn't like something in that file20:49
devishusr13: its not able to fetch data20:50
maxxxjasonmchristos you might be the moderator in ubuntu .. take care of trolling20:50
usr13devish:  nmap -p53  #What does that tell you?20:50
devishusr13: no data received in chrome20:50
n00berG00berescott, so the default if there is something wrong is to display a black bachground then?20:50
devishusr13: 53/tcp open20:51
usr13devish: Ok very good.20:51
escottn00berG00ber, i dont know but that sounds like a feasible behavior20:51
devishusr13: does ubuntu open different ports for https20:51
maxxxwhy nmap is reveled in the session20:51
n00berG00berescott, essentially, at least from my understanding, is the syntax is "background=path_to_picture/picture.jpg"20:52
devishusr13: so might be when some data is being taken on other port then router does n't get it or viceversa20:52
escottn00berG00ber, and what is the picture you want to use?20:53
n00berG00berescott, I've tried several20:53
escottn00berG00ber, but what is the path20:53
karma_hi , i use ubuntu 11.10 , is possible to change the color of text on the folders? thanks20:53
n00berG00berescott, /home/username/Pictures/wallpaper20:54
escottn00berG00ber, do you have an encrypted home directory20:54
TK5791hey can someone tell me how to disable the login keyring popup on auto login?20:54
usr13devish: Try Firefox20:54
n00berG00berescott, yup....and now that you have said it, it would make sense that it doesn't work.20:54
escottn00berG00ber, and even that shouldn't matter in either case the lightdm process won't be able to read that file20:54
usr13devish: firefox mail.google.com20:54
karma_from black to blue for example20:55
StepNjumpI have an external Hard drive in /media/maxtor. I was doing something and all of a sudden, I got an error message from Samba but it is frozen. I can't press cancel or OK. Even when I try to umount /media/maxtor it tells me that it can't find the device. What should I do to safely remove the extHDD?20:55
n00berG00berescott, even if it were unencrypted?20:55
devishusr13: tried for facebook it says server was reset afetr login page20:55
StepNjumpor reset the samba message?20:55
n00berG00berescott, permission issues then?20:55
escottn00berG00ber, you could adjust the permissions to make it work with an unencrypted20:55
n00berG00berescott, where,outside, of home would it be considered kosher to store picture files?20:56
usr13devish: clear your cache and cookies20:56
devishusr13: sure20:56
escottn00berG00ber, /usr/local or /opt20:56
Gentoo64n00berG00ber, you could encrypt a usb stick and pt them on there20:57
n00berG00berescott, thanks20:57
huoxitoFolks please could anyone tell why Ubuntu 11.10 changed the alt+tab behaviour? If this shortcut shows applications in all workspaces what is the meaning of having workspaces?20:57
n00berG00berGentoo64, o.0  ?20:57
lun4ticdeactivating ipv6 did not help :(20:57
^jtGraphical Port Forwarder, does anyone know of one? I'm trying to redirect 8080 to 80, iptables isn't working for me and I'm looking for a more userfriendly way to do it.20:57
lun4ticmy wifi still disconnects20:57
escott!ufw | ^jt20:58
ubottu^jt: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.20:58
xanguahuoxito: use compiz setting manager and configure it how you want20:58
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:58
devishusr13: https keeps on loading for long time i think browser tries to load20:58
Gentoo64n00berG00ber, i thought you meant a safe place to store them sorry20:58
n00berG00berGentoo64, no prob.20:58
devishusr13: but does n't happen any thing and finally a error20:58
huoxitothanks xangua, I tried that once but Im afraid of using cssm on my desktop, last time I used di did a real mess20:59
JasonGriffeeThis will sound dumb, but can Ubuntu get spyware?20:59
Gentoo64JasonGriffee, no20:59
Gentoo64JasonGriffee, with windows you get viruses and that because you download stuff from wherever20:59
n00berG00berJasonGriffee, depends20:59
JasonGriffeeon what?21:00
MyrttiJasonGriffee: browser extensions, facebook scams etc21:00
^jtHmm, would you recommend guarddog or gufw? (from a usability viewpoint)21:00
n00berG00berif you have installed something that contains spyware capabilities then yes21:00
huoxitoxangua, I just wonder how could some possibly think that this alt+tab behaviour is nice21:01
TK5791I have a problem... everytime I boot the OS I get a popup called login keyring... can this be disabled?21:01
Gentoo64if you manually install everything from source from websites theres still hardly any chance youll get malicious stuff21:01
n00berG00berone could even argue that the amount of data-mining that Google is doing would make them almost spyware-ish21:01
JasonGriffeewhat about just browsing the web?21:01
daneshello, how can I get the old panel back? I dont like the new icons and stuff added to 11.10 I want to get the old panel back, is it possible?21:01
n00berG00berever used Chrome?21:01
Gentoo64JasonGriffee, its not like windows...21:02
JasonGriffeenot really21:02
xanguadanes: if you mean gnome2, is no longer maintained21:02
xangua!nounity | danes21:02
ubottudanes: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:02
n00berG00berbetter question: ever opted out of their "statistical analysis"21:02
Gentoo64whats with all the google paranoia21:02
devishusr13: can anything be done?21:02
^jti don't really mind google spying on me if they keep chrome being so awesome :D21:02
JasonGriffeeGentoo64, is he just messing with me?21:02
n00berG00berJasonGriffee, bottom line you are safer from spyware on linux, but it isn't only because linux is more secure etc. but because of market shares21:03
Gentoo64i dont think he means to21:03
Gentoo64n00berG00ber, no its not21:03
Michi74390hi! i am trying to watch an embedded quicktime video in chromium. unfortunately the picture is just black. so far i've tried mplayer, totem installing medibuntu, opening the url in vlc (didn't work because of passwort protection)21:03
Gentoo64you download a windows program... from where?21:03
Gentoo64not a repo for sure21:03
Gentoo64linux has less programs, and theyre open source, and they come from repos21:04
danes:'(    !classic21:04
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity21:04
Michi74390can anyone help me with that?21:04
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:04
n00berG00berGentoo64, agreed, but market share has a big factor into it. The bad guys aren't going to waste time programming something that will reach 2% of users when windows and mac hold far greater share21:04
xanguaMichi74390: did you try to install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra ¿21:04
Gentoo64n00berG00ber, no its not that at all21:05
escottMichi74390, make sure the ubuntu-restricted-extras package is installed21:05
Gentoo64n00berG00ber, what about servers: the real targets.. most of them are linux or bsd21:05
Michi74390xangua: is it in the standard-reps?21:05
xangua!info chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra | Michi7439021:05
StepNjumpIs there a  way to reset nautilus? I'm trying to get rid of error messages that are locking the display... thanks21:05
ubottuMichi74390: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra (source: chromium-browser): Extra ffmpeg codecs for the Chromium Browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.0.835.202~r103287-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 610 kB, installed size 2080 kB21:05
Michi74390i've got restricted-extras21:05
Gentoo64n00berG00ber, no one bothers to write malicious stuff because it wont have an effect21:05
MyrttiGentoo64, n00berG00ber: you are starting to wander to metaphysical21:05
n00berG00berGentoo64, true, but we aren't talking about servers, we are talking about everyday home users that get targeted with spyware21:06
Gentoo64you dont seem to understand21:06
aking1012@Gentoo64 I doubt you mean that.  US DoD is a big fan of RHEL.  Even if it's a tiny market share it's high value21:07
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Michi74390ah chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra was not installed21:07
Gentoo64well the old classic of "because linux has less users than windows, no one bothers wasting time writing malware for it" isnt true21:07
Michi74390i'm trying that now21:07
n00berG00berGentoo64, is that a lack of your explanation ability? or  am I really just missing something?21:07
aking1012@Gentoo64 valid21:07
mrbrdomachow can I blacklist some USB ID so that ubuntu will not take control of it? i have an app that uses it but it says /dev/ttyUSB0 is locked by another program21:07
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aking1012@mrbdomac - I blacklist modules, but that doesn't really help if i understand your situation properly21:09
mrbrdomacnope that wont help21:09
oratedHello! I'm using Ubuntu & Windows dual boot system. I got Windows C drive/operating system corrupted. Is there a way to reinstall Windows system affecting only C drive and not the boot loader/MBR ? Or anyway way to restore grub after reinstalling Windows with linux already installed?21:09
mrbrdomaci think usbhid or something is taking control of it maybe, dunno21:09
xangua!grub2 | orated to restore grub21:09
ubottuorated to restore grub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:09
Michi74390hm, still doesn't play :/21:10
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samosaphileHi. I know this isn't a ubuntu or even linux question, but I really need help. My pc keeps randomly rebooting ( not just in OS, even in BIOS ). At first I thought it was to do with powersupply so I got a new one, (and for a while like a day it was working, but then it started happening again), my cpu/gpu temps are fine. Not sure what else to look at. I've not installed any new drivers or software recently...so I think its a hardw21:11
xanguasamosaphile: then do not21:11
Michi74390i'm using the totem plugin at the moment21:11
JasonGriffeeis it possible to switch back and forth between unity and gnome3 and have all data on both sides?21:11
Michi74390any idea xangua?21:12
i-SiSHi together, how can i change my wallpapers individual? I have two monitors (2x 1920*1080) but under "System Settings"->"apperance" i can only change both wallpapers together. Is there a better way for dual-wallpapers?21:12
xanguaMichi74390: restart chromium¿21:12
Michi74390i did that21:12
TK5791how do I disable login keyring?21:12
escotti-SiS, it would be easiest to use something like imagemagick or the gimp to create a background file for the two monitors21:12
xanguaMichi74390: the totem plugin is only for mozilla i believe, is called totem-mozilla :P21:12
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xanguaMichi74390: well i just don't have idea then, i don't use chromium/chrome21:13
chuteJasonGriffee: I have no problem21:13
Michi74390nope, it's also for chromium, i've been using it for other formats fro over a year ;)21:13
Michi74390well it doesn't work in firefox either :(21:13
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oratedThanks xangua.21:14
TK5791is there no one on here able to offer me a solution to my problem/21:14
i-SiSescott: The wallpaper is not that problem-> "apperace" change the wallpaper for both monitors (but on every monitor appers the same picture), so its not possible for me to add a "longer" pic.21:14
aking1012@all where to voice an installer bug in beta?21:15
Myrttiaking1012: launchpad?21:15
Myrttiaking1012: also: #ubuntu+121:15
DoodieI am trying to upgrade my ubuntu 10.04 to 11.10 . when i try with Alt F2 and the methods to update as given in website, nothing is upgraded21:15
Doodiewhen i click upgrade in update center, does it download any files?21:16
xanguaDoodie: you can't upgrade 10.04 to 11.10, you would neet to upgrade 10.10 first, then 11.04, then 11.10 ;)21:17
Doodiexangua, yes sir, i know that, but that simple process does nothing here.21:18
Guest96290Hi all. How can I find about php/apache, please?21:18
MyrttiDoodie: If I were you and not in an urgent need of a life-or-death feature anywhere, I'd just hold on to 10.04 and wait until April for the new LTS21:18
Michi74390does anyone else have any idea why i can't watch these movs in my browser? it's quite important :(21:18
xanguaDoodie: LTS are configured to upgrade only to the next LTS by default, you need to chage it to upgrade to normal releases on Software Sources21:19
MyrttiMichi74390: do you have any browser plugins installed, IIRC mplayer and vlc both have ones21:19
DoodieMyrtti, I am upgrading because i heard that 11.10 would support ati radeon graphics. 10.04 gives me errors21:19
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Michi74390i have the totem plugin and vlc plugin installed. vlc plugin is disabled21:19
MyrttiDoodie: fair enough21:19
Michi74390before i had the mplayer plugin but that didn't work either21:20
mkanyicyGuest96290, google21:20
chuteDoodie: you have to update to 10.10, then 11.04, and then 11.1021:20
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szalor reinstall21:21
Doodiexangua, i quite could not get that. could you please make it more clear?21:21
i-SiScan someone recommend a third party programm that can change wallpapers for Dual-Screens?21:21
xanguaDoodie: go to Software Center - Edit - Sources21:21
Spyrosi-SiS, nitrogen21:22
xanguai-SiS: diferent walpapers on diferent screens¿ compiz can do that if you are willing to sacrifice not having icons on the desktop21:23
Doodiexangua, got it. now it shows 10.10. :)21:23
i-SiSSpyros: thx, i will try21:23
Michi74390also there doesn't seem any way to download those videos21:23
xanguai-SiS: anyways i believe unity doesn't have icons on the desktop already :P am i wrong¿21:23
escotti-SiS, so nautilus usually draws the root window. you can try and use gconf to get the settings for nautilus the way you want it, or you can disable nautilus drawing the root, and use some other tool to set the background21:23
lun4tici hate kernel bugs...21:23
Michi74390the mov files include a few links and an audio track21:23
madoohello evry buddy21:23
lun4ticOctober Versions of Ubuntu piss me off...21:24
madooi need hellp please21:24
Michi74390and the links lead to other mov files only a few kb big21:24
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^jt:( i couldn't figure out how to redirect port 80 to 8080 using guarddog21:24
madoocan i find hellp here21:24
Myrttimadoo: difficult to know before you actually ask your question21:25
guntbert!ask | madoo21:26
ubottumadoo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:26
madoohello eny one here21:27
^jt:( I give up, how do I redirect port 80 to 8080, e.g. http://localhost will be the same as http://localhost:808021:27
Myrttimadoo: please ask your question21:27
escott^jt, its a bit unclear what you want to do here. what is the configuration21:27
mdrsee iptables documentation for port redirect21:27
^jtmdr: I've tried and it doesn't apply the changes21:28
Odaymcan I make a PDF out of several pictures?21:28
^jtThe story: running apache on 8080 since non-root can't bind <1024 I want port 80 to redirect to 808021:29
escottOdaym, poppler-utils will have some command line tools for this21:29
Odaymwithout having to start a Slideshow project and pasting the pictures there..21:29
escott^jt, so what makes you think non-root can redirect ports?21:29
mdryou need to create a new chain that redirects and logs21:29
^jtI know they cant, but that isn't an issue :) it's a development VM so security isn't a huge concern. I just want to be able to run apache without sudo21:30
Odaympoppler-utils seems to offer the reverse of this21:30
mdrthis will let you see if your rule is being hit21:30
escott^jt, make yourself a setuid apache restart script then21:30
lun4ticthats not silence.... oh... thats "SILENCE I KILL U!!!" ... ;-)21:31
mdrwhy do you just change the port in the apache config?21:31
escottOdaym, ahhh.. the perhaps imagemagick could convert each image to pdf and then you could bind them togeteher with poppler21:31
^jti could, but i've gone through the effort of compiling amp from scratch into the home dir so that everything can be run as the user21:31
bluberella^jt tcpconnect might help you21:32
mdrstruggling to see the issue here.21:33
^jtwell to bind apache to 80 id have to sudo apachectl21:33
mdrah I see21:34
mdrwhat happens if you switch off selinux?21:34
^jt:( just feels nice having amp self contained in the user folder and being able to run everything without sudo21:34
^jt"what's that?"21:34
i-SiSxangua: no, it had no icons until i create some21:34
mdrits enforces certain permissions for certain programs google it21:35
guidovso yesterday morning i boot my laptop, kernel panic. multiple reboots, problem persists. i go to another house, boot laptop, all ok (also after multiple reboots). just got back home, kernel panic.21:35
mdrswitch off firewall first21:35
guidovi'm guessing that it has something to do with the wifi networks around my house then. does this problem sound familiar to anyone?21:35
mdrthen switch off selinux and try agin, this way you isolate the issue21:36
mdrguidov, you disk ok?21:36
guidovyes disk is ok, 0 bad blocks, but it wouldn't make sense anyway because it works fine at one house and at another it doesn't21:37
^jtHmm, I'm a noob but totally disabling SELinux sounds heavy-handed?21:37
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mdrguidov disable wireless21:37
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guidovmdr, can i disable wireless from the boot screen?21:38
guidovbecause obviously i can't into a working system now to change it21:38
Gentoo64^jt: ubuntu dont use selinux21:38
GOMIhi , am trying to install something in java but it doesnt work ....i get errors ?21:39
mdrguidov google blacklisting your wireless driver at boot.21:39
^jtI got the 80->8080 stuff working with iptables yesterday after a lot of messing around, then I cleared it all because I wasn't sure what actually made it work and I'm trying to do this for educational purposes21:39
xanguaGOMI: is the error that you don't have openjdk or sun/oracle java installed¿21:39
^jtGotta start somewhere : )21:39
mdriptables is hard21:39
mdrgotta go, dead battery.21:40
GOMIxangua, Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jar    <--- this is one of it21:40
^jtyea I googled what I wanted it to do, it's a common problem as tomcat runs on 808021:40
^jtgot it working but, as I said I wasn't sure how I got it to work and that's not a good way to learn21:41
GOMIxangua,  i made it exutuble ...i have restricted extras installed ..21:41
GOMIxangua, The program 'jar' can be found in the following packages:21:42
GOMI * openjdk-6-jdk21:42
GOMI * fastjar21:42
GOMI * gcj-4.4-jdk21:42
GOMI * gcj-4.5-jdk21:42
FloodBot1GOMI: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
GOMIxangua,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/743653/     this is all21:43
GOMIhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/743653/       a JAVA problem someone any idea , let me hear some options if you got21:44
Untitled_onlyhey does anyone know how to detect if you have a keylogger21:46
pierre_Guys, I like nautilus a lot but I am afraid I might mistakenly press delete on a folder by accident! Would there be a way to prevent that from happening?21:47
GOMIhow do i know if java is installed on my ubuntu21:47
Untitled_onlycheck in you software center under history21:49
bekkspierre_: Dont delete anything :)21:49
bekksUntitled_only: What if he used apt-get to install it?21:49
bekksGOMI: dpkg -l | grep jdk and dpkg -l | grep jre21:50
Untitled_onlysorry, I was on the ##linux channel. bekks is telling you the correct commands to check installed packages21:53
Untitled_onlynobody needs help today21:57
bekksNo one asked a question...21:58
Myrttirelish the lull21:58
Myrttidon't jinx it21:58
PessimismI HAVE A QUESTION21:59
PessimismI do have one, though.21:59
PessimismWould anyone know why my YubiKey does not get recognized in Ubuntu?21:59
* Shadowcat smacks Pessimism with a couple of Win7 USB Sticks21:59
=== Mud is now known as Guest77915
madsyI'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and I want to use mount -B to mount an external drive under a ftp user directory. But Ubuntu mounts it as my currently logged in user, with 700 as the access permission. How can I give the ftp user access?22:05
madsyAn additional mount is needed because the ftp user is jailed to its home directory22:06
=== seawookie is now known as seaphone
lun4ticdoes anyone have problems with facebookchat too?22:11
lun4ticmessages dont seem to reach me when i have the website running anywhere22:11
ActionParsniplun4tic: the text chat works fine here ni Precise on Chromium daily build22:11
ericccI'm using 11.10 with classic Gnome desktop. How do I add the "System" menu? All I have is "Applications" and "Places".22:11
=== seaphone is now known as seawookie
ActionParsniplun4tic: does it happen in all browsers?22:12
guntbertericcc: on the right side (under your name) you should see it22:12
seawookielun4tic, i have the same problem...have to refresh the page to get any messages22:13
ericccguntbert, thanks. I see it now22:13
ActionParsnipseawookie: which browsers have you tested?22:13
norootEvening all22:15
seawookieActionParsnip, firefox and chrome22:15
ActionParsniphi noroot22:15
norootEvening ActionParsnip22:15
ActionParsnipseawookie: does it happen as a new ubuntu user?22:16
seawookieActionParsnip: it happens on multiple computers with all OS22:16
seawookiei think its just a fb server prob22:17
madoocan i find here hellp22:17
norootGood evening madoo22:17
madoogood evning22:17
madoocan i say my prubleam22:18
seawookiemadoo: go ahead22:18
|Long|is there away to run gparted on ssh?22:19
=== Ikol is now known as Rav3nSw0rd
bekks|Long|: sure, just use ssh -X22:19
zykotick9_|Long|, you could try ssh with X forwarding, or use the cli version parted22:19
madooiam uose net from acsiss point wirless  but my net its so slow but with my friend in anuther pc its fast22:19
|Long|bekks, thaks22:20
ActionParsnip|Long|: ssh -X -C user@host22:20
madoocan you tell me a thats ceause he have win 7 and i have ubuntu22:20
madooor ?22:20
|Long|ActionParsnip, thanks22:20
ActionParsnip|Long|: -C compresses stuff, you can then run the app (may need sudo)22:21
|Long|alright will try that22:21
lesshaste when I do wget http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/files/980447/urn/108922.pdf I get a web page but when I open the same url in firefox I get the pdf22:22
lesshastehow can I get whet to get the pdf?22:22
ActionParsnipmadoo: try: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf22:22
ActionParsnipmadoo: then close all browsers and then reopen, is it faster?22:22
madoowhat you mean22:22
lesshastei am guessing the key line in the wget output is HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently22:23
ActionParsnipmadoo: it will change your DNS servers to Googles and may help. yuor DNS you are getting via DHCP may be sow in Linux22:23
madoocan you tell me what you mean do you want me typ thats in trminal22:23
ActionParsnipmadoo: you can easily undo the change as its not permanent22:24
ActionParsnipmadoo: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf22:24
ActionParsnipmadoo: that's the command22:24
ActionParsnipmadoo: all as on22:24
madoosend me what i can typ plz22:24
ActionParsnipmadoo: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf22:25
ActionParsnipmadoo: I've sent it 3 times now22:25
madooi did in tirmnal naw22:25
apriori_how do i change my default file manager?22:26
seawookieActionParsnip: what does that command do exactly to madoo?22:26
madoo echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf22:26
madooi did thats22:26
ActionParsnipseawookie: it will make /etc/resolv.conf read: nameserver
madooits right22:26
ActionParsnipmadoo: ok, try the web, is it faster?22:26
seawookieActionParsnip: does that have something to do with dns ?22:27
madooyep its better naw thankiss22:27
ActionParsnipseawookie: yeah it's google's public DNS22:27
madoocan i ask you some 1 more plz22:27
|Long|how can i ssh -X with different port other then 22 default?22:27
ActionParsnipmadoo: ok that change isn't permanent you need to add it n network manager to make it last between reboots22:27
bekks|Long|: ssh -p youport...22:28
ActionParsnip|Long|: ssh -X -p port user@host22:28
madooi have ubuntu 10.1022:28
madoowhat you mean22:28
madootell me please22:28
|Long|ActionParsnip,bekks thanks22:28
ActionParsnipmadoo: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html22:28
tucemiux_lwhat application are we supposed to use now to control volume?  gnome-alsa-mixer doesnt work anymore now that I upgraded :-(22:28
ActionParsnipmadoo: gove me time, i'm not that fast, jeez22:28
tompaHello, i wonder if you guys know any good videos that shows the difference of KDE, Gnome 2/3 and xfce. The functionality and the look/graphics. Thank you.22:28
ActionParsniptompa: youtube will have tonnes22:29
madooi am in this sit you send to me naw22:29
nathansuchyhow does irc work22:29
tucemiux_li smell a troll o.O22:30
ActionParsnipmadoo: the guide tells you how to setup the DNS so it sticks between reboots. The file is generated by network manager, so without config it will go back to what it wa before after you reboot22:30
|Long|one more problem. i try to run sudo gparted on -X -c -P then i got this22:31
madsyI'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and I want to use mount -B to mount an external drive under a ftp user directory. But Ubuntu mounts it as my currently logged in user, with 700 as the access permission. How can I give the ftp user access? Remounting binded access point with a new group, owner and permissions have no effect22:31
|Long|(gpartedbin:4025): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:22:31
ActionParsnipnathansuchy: work in what sense?22:31
madoooh god i cant setup thats by my silfe22:31
madoobut i will try22:31
ActionParsnipmadoo: the guide is step by step, just read the linux guide bit22:31
zykotick9_|Long|, are you sshing from a linux/unix client (ie. do you have Xorg running locally)?22:31
bekks|Long|: you have to use gksu instead of sudo.22:32
rowlalesshaste: May I help you with your problem?22:32
madooi try naw22:32
zykotick9_!gksu | |Long|22:32
ubottu|Long|: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:32
ActionParsnip|Long|: what OS is the system you are connecting from?22:32
* ActionParsnip bets windows22:32
madooplz tell me where ar you from22:32
ActionParsnipmadoo: UK22:32
psycho_oreos!offtopic | madoo22:32
ubottumadoo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:32
lesshasterowla: yes please :)22:33
|Long|zykotic, thanks22:33
madooi love uk i am egyption22:33
=== cantonic_ is now known as cantonic
zykotick9_!tab > |Long|22:33
ubottu|Long|, please see my private message22:33
bekks!es | Sensorium22:33
ubottuSensorium: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:33
|Long|ActionParsnip, iam connecting to ubuntu 11.1022:33
ActionParsnip|Long|: yes but FROM what OS?22:33
zykotick9_|Long|, and what are you connecting from?22:33
ActionParsnip|Long|: what OS is the ssh client?22:33
|Long|from xp ssh secure shell terminal22:34
guntbert!it | rowla22:34
ubotturowla: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:34
bekks|Long|: You have to have an X server running on your XP first.22:34
rowlalesshaste: So you want to get that PDF file from Terminal. Is that right?22:34
zykotick9_ActionParsnip, your crystal ball seems to be working today (re ssh client) ;)22:34
ActionParsnip|Long|: then you need to install and run xming, Windows doesn't have an X server to stick the apps to22:34
ActionParsnipzykotick9_: can smell it a mile away22:34
lesshasterowla: exactly22:34
ActionParsnip|Long|: xming will give an X server for your windows OS and the command will work22:35
madooits mean my ip naw its
rowlalesshaste: Why? Use G.U.I, use firefox.22:35
lesshasterowla: it's fora  script22:36
|Long|ActionParsnip, thanks let me d/l and install22:36
ActionParsnipmadoo: no, your DNS servers will be and
CluelessWin7usrIs there a way to install Ubuntu to my laptop's 2nd hard drive's 3rd partion? But instead of using grub to boot windows7 or ubuntu can I start ubuntu though my F12 boot menu?22:36
guntbertlesshaste: I get the pdf here (with wget)22:36
ActionParsnipmadoo: they are the servers used to translate names of websites to IP addresses which are used in networking22:37
madoobut its have some thing i have to typ in tirmnal22:37
ActionParsnipmadoo: the ones you have are slow so you are making the OS use some different ones and overriding the ones you normally get via DHCP22:37
ActionParsnipmadoo: no, read the guide and you will see how to set the DNS servers in network manager22:38
guntbertlesshaste: what web page do you get instead?22:38
madooi do naw22:38
lesshasteguntbert: I want the pdf file22:38
rowlalesshaste: Are you sure you can download it from Firefox?22:39
madooabut the way its first time i am uose ubuntu 10.10 but its very nice22:39
guntbertlesshaste: I know, and I do get it here, so i asked what web page you get instead22:39
LABcrabi'm TIRED of Ubuntu freezing for the 4th time when i click on "Try Ubuntu"!22:39
nunohello there people22:39
lesshasteguntbert: oh I see.. not sure.. just seems to be the normal school inspection web page22:40
madooi am uose gnome there is speake abut debian22:40
nuno@ Labcrab i faced the same problems using Wubi22:40
LABcrabnuno: What do you do?22:40
=== stx_ is now known as Guest99108
nunoi'm just an Ubuntu and Linux noob22:41
nunoi work22:41
nunoin a restaurant22:41
guntbertlesshaste: you are right, it *is* just a HTML page, under the name of the promised pdf22:41
lesshasteguntbert: try opening it in firefox22:41
lesshasteguntbert: then it's just a pdf file22:41
CluelessWin7usrHow do I install ubuntu to a 2nd hard drive but not have it take over the booting (grub) for Windows but use Window's boot list/menu (msconfig) instead.22:42
rowlalesshaste: Try this: wget -r -l1 -A.pdf http://www.example.com/example/example.pdf22:42
nunoi would love to learn more about Ubuntu/Linux :)22:43
lesshasterowla: have you tried it on my url?22:43
rowlalesshaste: Send link.22:43
LABcrabHey people, why does the computer keep freezing when i click on "Try ubuntu"?22:43
MnFisheri have problem, their is an app that will not finish dpkg called sagan (0.1.9-1)22:43
lesshasterowla: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/files/980447/urn/108922.pdf22:44
MnFisherdpkg never finishes22:44
guntbertlesshaste: I just tried it with chromium, they require you to click on a redirection link that seems not to be the final target,...22:44
rowlaLABCrab: Are you using a LiveCD?22:45
lesshasteguntbert: ok22:45
madoomy net get slow agin22:45
rowlalesshaste: Try this: wget -r -l1 -A.pdf http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/files/980447/urn/108922.pdf22:45
LABcrabrowla: Yes!22:45
kalamajoI have a complete newb question, my system menu is missing when i installed ubuntu22:46
ActionParsnipmadoo: are you using debain now?22:46
AndyUbuntuhey everyone22:46
LABcrabi've already restarted so many times!  This is frustrating!  All i want to do is enable a Windows administrator account!22:46
rowlaLABCrab: What version of Ubuntu are you trying?22:46
AndyUbuntudoes anyone have the alternative tab gnome shell extension working?22:47
LABcrabrowla: The latest.22:47
madoono i am uose gnome 10.1022:47
LABcrabrowla: 11.1022:47
lesshasterowla: I am not sure what that did :)22:47
ActionParsnipmadoo: its the same then, use network manager in the panel22:47
lesshasterowla: do you see a valid pdf file downloaded?22:47
szalLABcrab: if the task is a rescue operation, there are probably better Linuxen for that than *buntu live CDs ^^22:47
misafirhi all, is there any hard drive recovery tool you can recommend? unfortunately, i cant access to my ntfs external drive22:48
LABcrabszal: It has to be a small CD.  i can't download a lot.22:48
AndyUbuntui am not able to get the alternative tab extension working for some reason22:48
ActionParsnipmadoo: the guide I gave tells you, just scroll down to the Linux section22:48
guntbertkalamajo: on the right side under your name22:48
rowla<guntbert> <lesshaste>: I'm working from Windows XP, Google Chrome. Inmediately I get a confirmation dialog box for download.22:48
AndyUbuntucant see it in the gnome tweak tool22:48
lesshastethanks all.. got to go now22:48
kalamajoits not there22:48
DrPoOhi, I have set up a upnp server using mediatomb, what upnp client can I use to connect to it?22:48
kalamajoguntbert its not there22:49
guntbertrowla: same with chromium here22:49
rowlaLABcrab: Hmm, I have some bad news for you.22:49
ActionParsnipDrPoO: vlc is one option22:49
szalLABcrab: I'd recommend grml, which is a full-size CD of almost 700 MB22:49
LABcrabrowla: What are those?22:49
AndyUbuntuI have looked online to get the gnome shell extension and cant get it working22:49
ActionParsnipDrPoO: http://nwlinux.com/stream-videos-from-mediatomb-to-vlc-using-ubuntu/22:50
AndyUbuntucanb someone offer some help?22:50
guntbertkalamajo: indeed, I forgot to ask you what flavor you are using22:50
LABcrabWhy does it let me Try Ubuntu sometimes but not other times?22:50
kalamajoubuntu 11.122:50
rowlaLABcrab: Versions of Ubuntu since 10.10 are very unstable.22:50
szalkalamajo: there is no 11.122:50
LABcrabrowla: Why!?22:50
kalamajoguntbert: 11.1022:51
CluelessWin7usrHow do I not install grub when I install ubuntu I don't want it taking over the booting of my first hard drive (windows).22:51
ActionParsniprowla: I'm on Precise here and its solid22:51
rowlaLABcrab: That's out of my reach because I'm not a developer.22:51
ActionParsniprowla: which desktops have you tried?22:51
reisioCluelessWin7usr: why not?22:51
szalCluelessWin7usr: in that case, just disconnect the Windows HDD during installation22:51
kalamajoguntbert: Under My Name > switch user account, my name, online accounts, user accounts22:52
guntbertkalamajo: yes, but: the standard one with the launcher on the left side or the one with the panel at the top?22:52
LABcrabHow do i mount hard drives using just the terminal?22:52
reisioLABcrab: that all depends22:52
ActionParsnipLABcrab: yuo don't mount drives, you mount the partitions22:52
CarlFKLABcrab: sudo mount <something> <somewhere>22:52
ActionParsnip!mount | LABcrab22:52
reisioLABcrab: 'mount' doesn't say they're already mounted?22:52
ubottuLABcrab: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:52
LABcrabActionParsnip: How is that dones?22:52
nunoi faced the same problems mate, i installed in the hard drive, because, it won't work on trial and on wubi btw22:52
kalamajoguntbert: launcher on the left side22:52
rowlaActionParsnip: Where did you get that send me the link and I'll try it.22:52
ahoneybunHow do I use Launchpad and Bazaar to help a project?22:53
nunoLABcrab: it kept freezing22:53
ActionParsniprowla: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/   Its the next LTS22:53
LABcrabHow do i find out what to mount?22:53
CarlFKCluelessWin7usr: grub can boot windows, windows boot loader can not boot linux, so you kinda need to let grub take over22:53
ActionParsniprowla: its not officially stable, but if you want to try it, fill your boots.22:53
ericccHow do you permanently add a new display resolution in Ubuntu 11.10 (this does not work anymore: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html)22:53
nunoLABcrab: since i managed to install it in the HD it keeps running smoothly22:54
ActionParsnipLABcrab: sudo fdisk -l    will list available partitions22:54
guntbertkalamajo: ok, on the ricgt side (beside your name) are "gears", click there22:54
CluelessWin7usrCan grub stay on the 2nd hard drive and I start the 2nd hard drive threw my laptops F12 boot menu?22:54
rowlaActionParsnip: Oh Thanks! I hope it's gonna work.22:54
LABcrabnuno: Yeah, too bad the computer won't boot from USB.22:54
CluelessWin7usrI don't want Ubuntu touching ANYTHING on my Windows hard drive.22:54
kalamajoguntbert: yeah.. but the system menu isn't there22:54
ActionParsniprowla: which desktops have you tried in your installs since Maverick?22:54
nunoLABcrab: go to your BIOS and change the boot order22:54
nunoLABcrab: push your USB HDD to the top of the list22:55
CluelessWin7usrWhy not press F12 during boot and pick USB?22:56
nunoi dunno, i installed it that way, the only way that really worked22:56
reisioLABcrab: what is it you want to mount and why22:57
kalamajoguntbert: sudo apt-get install gnome-menus22:57
mancohi all22:57
kalamajoguntbert: i thought that would work22:57
reisiomanco: hi22:57
CarlFKCluelessWin7usr: that works too, but means you need to do it a bunch of times instead of once22:58
rowlaActionParsnip: I tried 10.10, 11.04 and 11.10. They don't work pretty well for me.22:58
nunoLABcrab: have you formatted your USB and the partition where you'll install ubuntu correctly? or you just have tried out Wubi?22:58
LABcrabreisio: Already done, thanks.  Editing Windows files.22:58
guntbertkalamajo: I thought is is there by default, just wanted to show you how it looks22:58
LABcrabnuno: It's a P4 MB.22:58
mancohi reisio, im needing a small help.. on sharing an internet connection through wifi on ubuntu 11.1022:58
reisiomanco: do you have a wireless router?22:59
kalamajoguntbert: i thought so too22:59
nunoLABcrab: That's all i can help because, i'm still a noob @ Ubuntu and what i know i learned myself22:59
kalamajoguntbert: and I cannot right click the panel?23:00
kalamajoguntbert: hrmmmp23:00
nunoLABcrab: i hope i've helped you, ggod luck, and btw Ubuntu rules, you won't regret it23:00
mancoreisio: nope, im connected though a wireless 3g modem, and trying to share that connection through my wirelless card23:00
reisiomanco: most wireless cards probably aren't setup for that23:00
guntbertkalamajo: yeah the panel is only for notifications nowadays...23:01
reisiomanco: did you mean you want to run a network _cable_ from one computer to the other?  Because that you can do23:01
reisiomanco: also with a USB cable, if necessary23:01
madooi dont undearstand23:02
ActionParsniprowla: no, which desktops? Gnome, KDE, XFCE?23:02
ActionParsniprowla: not the release23:02
CarlFKmanco: you want 2 laptops hooked to each other via wifi, right?   like:...23:02
tompahow does it come that ubuntu have such bad system setting options? As videos have shown it was much more to change in previous versions and in Linux Mint as well. Is there anyway to get that back/get as linux mint, and do anyone of u know the reason why (just curious)? :) thank you23:02
ActionParsniprowla: I bet you just used Gnome didn't you...23:03
rowlaActionParsnip: Gnome.23:03
ActionParsniprowla: any others?23:03
CarlFKmanco:   Internet -- phone --usb--laptopA --wifi-- laptopB23:03
mancoyes, i need it to be via wifi like this:    internet --> [modem 3G] ubuntu [wifi card] --> windows XP23:03
rowlaActionParsnip: No.23:03
ActionParsniprowla: thought maybe it was Gnome at fault, not the release23:03
ActionParsniprowla: I've used KDE and LXDE and had zero issues23:03
guntbertkalamajo: it *should* look like http://imagebin.org/18482023:03
ActionParsniprowla: maybe you could try them23:03
rowlaActionParsnip: It's possible.23:04
mancoCarlFK, yes, that would be it.. i mean, i do have a 3g modem, and i tried the connection with another device (phone) just to check the connection was active, and it is23:04
kalamajoguntbert: oh ok23:04
ActionParsniprowla: you can't badmouth a whole release credibly without exploring it a lot, like trying differnt desktops as just a basic thing to try23:04
CarlFKmanco: so you are making A's wifi card into an AP, which is tricky, depends on your card. (I think.. wait.. maybe AdHoc...)23:04
ActionParsniprowla: you may just have issues running gnome, which is not the whole release, it's just one desktop environment23:05
SlartibartWhat should I look for if I want to change the *button* theme in oneiric (Unity)? I've only found themes that seem to change icons or windows so far..23:05
jan247hi guys. need help. when running virt-manager on fluxbox, it runs ok. however, when I run remotely via ssh forwarding, it spits out an error saying no dbus session. any hints?23:05
niftylettucelatest kernel breaks virtualbox https://gist.github.com/c3757346855a766b9cc623:05
jan247*ssh X forwarding23:05
rowlaActionParsnip: I should try other desktops.23:05
mancoCarlFK, i do have a injection capable wifi card.. it should work if i can set it up correctly.. :P23:05
ActionParsniprowla: You find a lot of people who dropped back to Natty because of unity haven't even thought of trying a different desktop and keeping the newer libs and such which make stuff work nice23:06
LABcrabHow do you save the chntpw registry edits?23:07
CarlFKmanco: I did it a few years ago, but would have to google up how...  sorry, that's about all I have23:07
mancois there a diference between adhoc and ap CarlFK ?23:07
CarlFKmanco: I do have whats needed to share it with wired eathernet, which you could plug into an AP ... do you have a wireless router ?23:07
niftylettucelatest kernel of 10.04 LTS doesn't have kernel support for virtualbox http://i.imgur.com/l6Eko.png23:08
mancoah.. yes, but i only have 1 straigh though cable here.. :S CarlFK23:08
CarlFKmanco: I know there are 2 terms: AP and AdHoc - guessing they mean different tings  :)23:08
niftylettucehere is err output https://gist.github.com/0b629285f66f8572ab5023:09
rowlaActionParsnip: I prefer 9.10 or 10.0423:09
pieroWhich is the most trusted ppa to install sun-java6 or 7 in 11.10? Thanks23:09
mancolol, yeah it should be.. :D, thanks anyway CarlFK23:10
CarlFKmanco: if you power up the wifi AP, can the win box connect to it? (I don't see why not, but need to check)23:11
jan247hi guys. how bout this one. any ideas: "Unable to create /home/jvliwanag/.dbus/session-bus"23:12
mancoCarlFK, i dont really know how to do that.. and just in case, xp is just next to me23:12
CarlFKmanco: plug in the AP. xp should say "i see wifi" .. but this is a win thing that is pretty OT here.  and makes me grumpy.23:14
mongyI want to have chromium load into the preload cache like it does on my other machine, bu it does not on this one.  How can I do this?23:14
mancolol, ok, ill try23:14
reisiomanco: sorry, CarlFK sort you out?23:15
tompahow does it come that ubuntu have such bad system setting options? As videos have shown it was much more to change in previous versions and in Linux Mint as well. Is there anyway to get that back/get as linux mint, and do anyone of u know the reason why (just curious)? :) thank you23:15
mancoit doesn't seems to work.. im looking on how to set up the wifi card as an AP23:16
Myrttitompa: gnome2 vs. gnome323:16
Myrttitompa: that's the main reason.23:16
guntberttompa: most of those were gnome decisions23:16
spacebug-what is the difference between "eject" en "safely remove drive"? Eject is unmount I think, but the other?23:17
tompaoh... wierd decision :/23:17
tompaif i want to change stuff as i could in gnome 2 how do i do then?23:17
tompado i have to get gnome 2 or can i install some "addon" ?23:17
Johndoooeanyone have any suggestions as to why items i have in etc/init.d/* aren't starting with ubuntu bootup?23:18
guntbertspacebug-: "safely..." powers it down too23:18
MyrttiJohndoooe: because the system is using upstart?23:18
Johndoooeis that default in 11.10? upstart?23:19
spacebug-guntbert: ah ok. tnx23:19
tcarrondohi! I need some help23:20
tcarrondoIs there any UCK alternative to ubuntu server ISO files?23:20
nu1hello, anyone knows if there is an audio app to compare and play music with similar beats?23:21
nu1or a music player23:21
s5sI am running ubuntu 10.10. Do you think I will successfully update to 11.10? I've never managed to successfully update from one Ubuntu version to another - always something crashes23:21
s5snu1: Matlab?23:22
rowlanu1: Try VLC.23:22
rowlas5s: I'll recommend you to make a fresh install, never upgrade.23:22
zushello, how do i fix, this "Err http://extras.ubuntu.com oneiric Release"23:23
RidDribI'm new23:23
JohndoooeMyrtti: any more guidance?23:24
ActionParsnipzus: what is the next line?23:24
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reisioRidDrib: hi23:24
zusthe  next line  is blank, then  Ign http://archive.getdeb.net oneiric-getdeb InRelease23:25
s5srowla: problem is I have so much configurations that I don't feel like setting up again. Also software libraries that I need for development etc. ...23:25
reisionu1: last.fm23:25
Johndoooecan anyone help me figure out why items in /etc/init.d don't start at boot?23:25
reisioJohndoooe: they won't unless you tell them to23:25
nu1risio, but I want an application to play the songs  in my pc23:25
reisioJohndoooe: update-rc.d scriptNameHere defaults23:25
Johndoooeyeah ive done that23:26
zushi ActionParsnip  i had to walk away last night cos the  gpg error were still occurring even though i did the fixes...23:26
MaryF\cknPop\nsI can copy a dvd via dd if='/dev/sr0' of='foo.iso' correct ?23:26
Johndoooeindicates successful reisio..but the items do not start23:26
reisionu1: I don't know, look into things that mention 'scrobbler' or 'scrobbling' or last.fm support23:26
Johndoooehowever if i start them manually with /etc/init.d/itemname start23:26
RidDribI install Ubuntu Server 11.04 today , but I dont't have GUI23:26
Johndoooeit works fine23:26
s5snu1: what do you want the app to tell you? How would you quantify how similar (or different) two beats are?23:26
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: yes, but there are frequently better ways23:26
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: is it a data DVD?23:26
MaryF\cknPop\nsreisio: I dont know.23:27
MaryF\cknPop\nsno it'23:27
reisioJohndoooe: server --status-all will tell you the status, after boot23:27
MaryF\cknPop\nsno it's a movie.23:27
rowlas5s: Use FL Studio. For Windows. If you want more information, ask me.23:27
reisioJohndoooe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto23:27
MaryF\cknPop\nsreisio: I want to test my foo.iso how Do I play it.  all the players epic fail.23:27
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: you want a 1:1 copy of the DVD, or do you just want a copy of the feature?23:27
MaryF\cknPop\ns1:1 copy shal suffice.23:28
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: mplayer -dvd-device path/to/foo.iso dvd://23:28
MaryF\cknPop\nsreisio:  that failed.23:28
s5snu1: The easiest way for you is to inspect the spectrum by hand. However, bear in mind that what you're trying to do is pretty much Digital Signal Processing which involves a lot of maths and best way is to use Octave/Matlab. I do this regularly (not with music) but music is an audio signal23:28
MaryF\cknPop\nsor dd failed.23:28
Johndoooereisio: i get errors -  19-Nov-2011 15:28:33.9599: P2449.7f206aeea740@computername rserpoolsocket.c:354 doRegistration() 19-Nov-2011 15:28:33.9601: Error: (Re-)Registration failed: no registrar available23:29
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reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: did either give an error?23:29
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: usually pretty telling23:29
zusActionParsnip,  any suggestions on how to fix it?23:29
stercorHow do I get the color wheel in the terminal profile settings all by itself?23:29
MaryF\cknPop\nsdd didnt' give an error23:29
reisioJohndoooe: for what script?23:29
s5srowla: I think you meant nu123:29
reisiostercor: all by itself?23:29
MaryF\cknPop\nsmpalyer said, libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.23:29
AndyUbuntuI am wondering if there has been a fix for this issue yet23:29
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: did you ever install the DVD playback "restricted" stuff?23:30
RidDribI install Ubuntu Server 11.04 today , but I dont't have GUI23:30
AndyUbuntui am trying to get alternate-tab- extension working23:30
rowlas5s: Oh! That! Sorry.23:30
reisioRidDrib: ...and you want one?23:30
Johndoooereisio: that was server --status-all23:30
AndyUbuntuand it keeps crashing23:30
stercorreisio: It's a handy tool that I'd like to use outside of the terminal profile.23:30
rowlanu1: Use FL Studio. For Windows. If you want more information, ask me.23:30
reisioJohndoooe: does it output anything else?23:30
RidDribYes please23:30
reisiostercor: ah23:30
MaryF\cknPop\nsreisio: how do I do that?  Got a link ?23:30
reisiostercor: short of examining the source, I'd ask #xfce23:30
ActionParsnipzus: can you run:  sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a   and pastebin the output please23:30
Johndoooereisio: just poolhandle, runtime limit, etc.23:30
stercorreisio: Thanks.23:31
ActionParsnipzus: makes things more coherent23:31
AndyUbuntuanyone here have the alternate tabe extension working?23:31
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs23:31
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: if that doesn't make it work, your dd image probably failed, would want to use another method, of which there are many23:31
zusActionParsnip,  one sec23:31
MaryF\cknPop\nsreisio: but your one liner failed on /dev/dvd too23:32
MaryF\cknPop\nsand I know the dvd is fine.  I just watched it.23:32
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: k, then you probably haven't yet gotten DVD/restricted stuff setup23:32
MaryF\cknPop\nsI'll try k3b23:32
stri-derLOAD -e zeus.pl23:32
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: just read that link I gave23:32
AndyUbuntugnome-shell-extensions-alternate-tab anyone have this extension working?23:32
MaryF\cknPop\nsyeah I have  libdvdcss223:32
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: if you want a 1:1 backup, 'dvdbackup' is pretty good, but dd is fine, too, often (sometimes you'd have to use ddrescue)23:32
ActionParsnipMaryF\cknPop\ns: how is a DVD/CD burning software going to help watch a DVD?23:33
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: what I frequently do is mplayer dvd:// -dumpstream -dumpfile foo.vob, just to get the feature (the longest track)23:33
MaryF\cknPop\nsActionParsnip: no to make the iso.23:33
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: and then sometimes I'll transcode that into a better/more modern format23:33
AndyUbuntuI would take that as a no :p23:33
ActionParsnipreisio: you can use dd to make a 1:1 copy23:33
ActionParsnipwrong target23:33
kalamajoI'm trying to get a wnda3100v2 Netgear wifi dongle to work on ubuntu 11.10, I installed the drivers that should work with it. Under "Wireless Network Drivers" it says the hardware is present after i installed the driver, (but the screen did freeze up and I had to do it twice), Shouldnt the wifi icon show up in the top right now?23:33
reisioMaryF\cknPop\ns: you have to run some command even if you have it, check the link I gave23:33
nu1rowla, is FL Studio available for ubuntu? or something similar?23:33
MaryF\cknPop\nsok thanks23:33
ActionParsnipMaryF\cknPop\ns: dd may work, or k9copy which is dead but still in the repos23:33
reisionu1: lmms23:34
AndyUbuntugnome-shell-extensions-alternate-tab anyone have this extension working?23:34
reisiodidn't know Ubuntu was even redistributing extensions for GNOME 3 yet23:34
nu1reisio, does it have a GUI?23:34
RidDribHow can install GUI in ubuntu server23:35
reisionu1: yes :D23:35
kalamajook im just going to try to change drivers23:35
bastidrazorRidDrib: install ubuntu-desktop23:35
BrixSathow do i make something like "ls *.xml | grep "ola" > save file name here23:35
reisionu1: I'm not exactly sure how you'd make an fl studio clone without a GUI23:35
AndyUbuntureisio ubuntu is redistributing extensions?23:35
zusActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/BTXgw7BD23:35
reisioAndyUbuntu: I was saying I hadn't heard that they were yet23:35
ActionParsnipRidDrib: if you wanted a desktop OS, why didn't you just install the desktop OS?23:35
AndyUbuntureisio oh right ok23:36
RidDribThank You23:36
reisioRidDrib: you understand that the GUI doesn't really help you administer the server software, right?  It will mostly only be useful for what you'd use a desktop for23:36
RidDribI'will back later23:36
AndyUbuntureisio that particular extension just does not work and cant find a fix23:36
ActionParsnipRidDrib: why didn't you install the desktop. You have gained nothing doing it the way you have23:36
julian_cRidDrib: seconding ubuntu-desktop. Also, I'd recommend setting up something like VNC (secured, of course) for remote GUI access if it's necessary.23:36
BrixSathow do i copy a file  to a the place im in if i find the word ola "ls *.xml | grep ola | save the file here :S23:36
AndyUbuntuall the other extentions work flawlessly23:36
reisioRidDrib: do you want a machine that works as both a server and a desktop, or a GUI frontend for managing the server?23:36
julian_c(not quite like RDP in the M$ world, but serviceable)23:37
reisioBrixSat: cp $(ls *.xml | grep ola) path/to/elsewhere/23:37
ActionParsnipzus: http://pastebin.com/dtJbgchg23:38
pieroHi! I'm using gnome-shell on 11.10. My problem is: While my window-manager uses white as background, the menubar and other gtk3 items on my programs are black. Thats horrible. How can the window-manager or gtk theme background? thanks23:38
BrixSatreisio:  can i do someting like "ls *.xml | grep "ola" > save here the file name23:38
AndyUbuntuthanks for all the assistance :)23:38
ActionParsnipzus: you forgot to add the keys for the ppa23:38
bastidrazorreisio: BrixSat why are you listing the xml files? just cp *.xml /path/to/folder23:38
gabspeck# Appears as ANNA.23:38
reisioBrixSat: what's wrong with what I gave you?23:39
AndyUbuntualways a great place to get support :s23:39
zusActionParsnip,  for the  kxstudio? no i have already did them,  and also with that gpg  error command....23:39
BrixSatbastidrazor:  that is just an example in grep  i call  someting more complex to convert the content of the files using an app that makes echo to console23:39
bastidrazorBrixSat: cp *ola*.xml /path/to/folder23:39
ActionParsnipzus: do the commands import new keys, they will say 'unchanged' if not23:40
reisioBrixSat: should probably talk to #bash23:40
BrixSatno :( im not making my print bastidrazor  reisio  i have this "ls res/layout/*.xml | java -jar AXMLPrinter2.jar" that outputs to console but i would like to know if i can get in a second or in this case a third pipe the name used in the first pipe23:41
zusActionParsnip,   whats the command for that? ive done  sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 16126D3A3E5C1192 for my keys already23:41
ActionParsnipzus: run each command one after the other, it should import23:41
staykovhey I am trying to compile libflashsupport-jack but it seems it needs videodev.h which is not part of the kernel headers on maverick23:42
ActionParsnipzus: the keys arent essential, just stops the OS moaning about unauthorised packages23:42
reisioBrixSat: VAR=`some command`; or VAR=$(some command), I think23:42
reisioBrixSat: then you can re-use "$VAR" as you like23:42
ActionParsnip!find videodev.h23:42
ubottuFile videodev.h found in libv4l-dev, linux-doc23:42
BrixSat:) Thanks23:42
ActionParsnipstaykov: install libv4l-dev23:42
staykovexcellent thank you23:42
zusActionParsnip,  this is i have done that command for all the missing keys, and still they error23:42
ActionParsnipzus: the virtualbox gives a command to import it's key23:43
zusActionParsnip,   i already been to #kxstudio and been thruogh it with them as well,23:43
zusand  why is the ubuntu extras  giving an error?23:44
ActionParsnipzus: there is no GPG key to authorise the packages, they can still be installed just fine23:44
zusso there is no fix, just deal with the  missing  gpg keys23:45
ironfoot495Hi is ther someone who can help me figure out how to get the 1366x768 resolution to be seen on my machine?23:46
reisiowhat's the problem?23:46
ActionParsnipzus: not sure man, what PPAs did you add?23:46
|Long|is there a cmd show me a list on un mount drives? from ssh screen?23:46
reisioironfoot495: what's your graphics device?23:46
zuskxstudios and  get deb.23:46
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ironfoot495on board MSI 880GM23:46
ActionParsnip|Long|: sudo fdisk -l; echo; mount     will show what can be mounted and what is mounted in the second block23:46
ActionParsnipironfoot495: did you install the nvidia-current package?23:47
|Long|ActionParsnip, thanks alot23:47
tompaIm reading around for another "interface" such as gnome 2,3 kde, xfce but when i see videos about it Im starting to not understand the differnce between a OS distro and desktop enviroments, so what is the difference? :S23:47
rowla_reconnectWell, gotta go.23:47
rowla_reconnectThanks, and have anice day/night.23:47
reisiotompa: a desktop environment is the sum of all the utilities you use in a graphical system23:47
ironfoot495 ActionParsnip: when I install nvidia my machinw does not boot up?23:48
reisiotompa: many desktop environments are assembled and redistributed by single entities, including GNOME, KDE, Xfce, etc.23:48
reisiotompa: an operating system is the basic system required to get things done, technically not requiring a GUI23:48
reisiotompa: a distro is a specific distribution (or redistributed set of packages or install media) of an operating system, with or without a desktop environment23:48
ironfoot495 ActionParsnip:can you look at my lspci and tell me what I need to do?23:48
lubuntu1986when is the next *buntu release gonna be?23:48
reisiotompa: more at http://en.wikipedia.org/23:48
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reisiolubuntu1986: 11.10, for example, means Oct. 201123:49
ironfoot495 reisio: can you?23:49
spacebug-lubuntu1986: 12.04 (march next year)23:49
reisiothey've deviated little from the 04 and 11 release schedule23:49
reisioironfoot495: can I... what?23:49
ActionParsnipzus: when you added the getdeb, did you use their .deb file to add it?23:50
usr13lubuntu1986: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS23:50
tompareisio: so in Ubuntu 11.10 : The OS is Unix, the distro is Ubuntu 11.10 with the pre installed desktop enviroment gnome 3 + unity? right?23:50
zushmm i dont  remember, how ever i typically and have before done it in the commandline23:50
ActionParsniplubuntu1986: 12.04 is the next version. have a guess23:50
ActionParsniptompa: the OS is linux :)23:51
usr13tompa: YOu can use what ever desktop you want.23:51
ironfoot495can you tell me if there is a way to look at my lspci and fix my problem?23:51
tompaActionparsnip oh :) what is unix then? :P23:51
usr13tompa: ... but, by default, it comes with unity23:51
tompausr13 if i change to xfce, what is left of ubuntu 11.10 then?23:52
reisiotompa: yes that's right23:52
Johndoooeanyone that can give me the default content of the file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/Upstart.conf in 11.10?23:52
reisiotompa: though some people will give you face for calling it Unix23:52
ActionParsniptompa: its what linux is based on, the web will tell you more than I can23:52
ironfoot495I've tried very hard to find something that work by google but not as of yet. Really need some help.23:52
Johndoooeor tell me how to regenerate it? /etc/dbus-1/system.d/Upstart.conf23:52
usr13tompa: Unix is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs23:53
reisiotompa: at which point you should roll your eyes and say "fine Linux if you like"23:53
ActionParsnipironfoot495: install the nvidia-current package, if you used the hardware drivers app then disable the driver you  installed23:53
reisiotompa: see you've upset usr13 by calling it Unix :p23:53
ironfoot495I can boot up on a smaller 17" lcd screen but not on my 37"23:53
spacebug-Johndoooe: http://pastebin.com/ffF3f7JN23:53
reisioit is Unix, of course, but as I said people frequently freak out if you call it that and not Linux23:53
zusi think somw how its the error  on ubuntu extras mucking things  up....23:54
usr13tompa: See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux  &  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix23:54
Johndoooethx spacebug23:54
ironfoot495when I use that I can't boot up?23:54
tompareisio: haha, Im sorry, but as i said. what is left of ubuntu 11.10 if i change desktop enviroment?23:54
ActionParsnipironfoot495: once you get the nvidia-current installed we can then attach the bigger screen in a dual monitor setup, then when that kicks in we can disconnect the smaller one if you wish23:55
usr13reisio: They don't freak out, they just correct you.23:55
ActionParsniptompa: if you change DE, then thats al that changes. Its still oneiric but your desktop will look different23:55
ironfoot495ok I'll follow your instruction23:55
usr13tompa: The basic difference in the various Linux Distributions is the package management systems.23:55
ironfoot495installing wo23:56
zusits not get debsan typically my  problem with get deb is thier servers are always down23:56
ActionParsnipzus: you could disable the repo in software centre to test23:56
usr13tompa: Ubuntu (rightfully so) claims to have the most user-friendly package management system.23:57
zusActionParsnip,  brb,  doesnt  hurt to try.23:57
tompausr13 okey then i get it. Ubuntu is using apt?23:57
ironfoot495actionparsnip: I have to restart23:58
usr13apt with front-ends:  Synaptic Package Manager and the Software Centre.23:58
bluberellais there a list containing all updates sorted by time in www (for natty?)? I just found this for security updates.23:58
tompaokey, thank you for helping me understand all the confusion :)23:58
tompaand im gonna read some about unix vs linux ;)23:59
ActionParsnipor use apt-fast for badass apt-getting?23:59
Doodiei am trying to install driver for my Radeon HD on ubuntu but cannot do. FGLRX doesnot work. FOSS xserver-ati does no effect. I cant change the screen resolution. please help23:59
oy1rubuntu 10.04 networking does not work, wired and wireless.23:59
ActionParsnipDoodie: i'd read /var/log/Xorg.0.log    for clues23:59

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