
astraljavaScottL: Yeah sure, go ahead.01:16
holsteinScottL: yeah... im in02:37
ScottLastraljava, holstein :  here is most of steve's instructions:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SteveConklin/rteval03:27
ScottLhere is the rest:  "One more thing - it's not clear to me how cgroups might affect this test and the03:27
ScottLvalidity of the results, so it is probably worth running it both from a terminal03:27
ScottLapp under your regular login, and also from the console (ctrl-alt-F1),03:27
ScottLto see whether the results are different"03:27
ScottLthanks astraljava and holstein , i'll do my test tomorrow04:04
ailoScottL, But we're only supposed to test with a -generic kernel?04:04
ScottLailo, let me add this part....04:04
ScottLWhat I'd like to do now is have just a few people test it and run it on some04:04
ScottLmachines (both low-latency and regular kernels) and see whether the numbers it04:04
ScottLgives us are different, make sense, and are useful to us for making judgements04:04
ScottLabout the choice between various kernels or options.04:04
ScottLIf you can take a look and try to run this under the LL kernel, that would be04:05
ScottLgreat. If it's useful, I'll see whether I need to put more time into packaging04:05
ScottLthis up nicely.04:05
ScottLFor now I'll just gather results and compare them.04:05
ailoSo you guys have -lowlatency kernels available?04:05
ScottLLL - lowlatency04:05
ScottLabogani's ppa, ailo 04:05
ailoI had problems with his kernel04:05
ailoI have my own04:05
ScottLoh, what problems were you having?04:06
ailoAre yours working well?04:06
ailoI haven't tried his for a while04:07
ailoI'll install it and see what happens04:07
ailoScottL, Can't boot with that kernel04:30
ailoI was asking you a couple of days ago about this04:31
ailoWhether we were to be using a different kernel, since alessio has labeled the one in his PPA "old"04:31
ailoOnly, the one in his PPA is ahead the Ubuntu kernel by one version04:31
ailoDon't know if that's intentional04:32
ailoI'm using standard Ubuntu install, so I don't know if that will make things any different04:32
ailoI can't even boot into a terminal04:32
ailoScottL, Could you ask Alessio about this?04:33
ailoI could give you guys a script that would let you build your own custom kernel, but I don't have time to do that today04:34
ailoHeading to the studio later04:34
ScottLailo, i will ask alessio about it and i'll check one more thing as well05:16
ScottLailo, try this one perhaps?  https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/lowlatency05:16
ScottLyou are right, the other one was labeled as "old", this one is just "lowlatency" and latest build was 3 weeks ago05:17
ScottLno headers though in this one :/05:17
ScottLoh, wait...yes there are header files!05:17
ScottLi think this one is probably the right one then05:18
ailoScottL, Cool. Se we need to test it on Precise as well then05:41
ailoI heard it was installable05:41
ailoTime to get Precise, then..06:00
len_ailo said "I heard it was installable" Close. see my email on the list. There are some metas that have issues. These may not affect this test though.06:21
len_The install goes fine with no work flows... I was able to install all but 3 of the 6 metas And those three I was able to install most of after the fact with aptitude. The desktop has a problem with the sudo stuff.06:25
len_When I try to run  synaptic for example, instead of asking me for the sudo password, it asks for root's password. Any of the other sudo menu items seemed to have the same problem.06:26
len_I tested setting up a printer too, same thing. I would guess xubuntu is having this problem too as I don't think we do anything to that. Can someone ask one of them? Seems to me there is someone connected both ways.06:28
ailoAs long as we're able to boot into the system. I guess we don't even need a desktop to run the tests06:37
ailoI'm gonna install it this evening (not even 8 am here yet)06:43
ailoAnd run the test06:43
ailobb tomorrow about the results06:43
len_Looking at the instructions a new kernel is downloaded, but no reboot happens?06:51
ailolen_, The instructions for the test?06:53
len_Ja, the link from earlier on.06:54
len_This one : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SteveConklin/rteval06:55
ailolen_, I don't think you install the kernel in those instructions. It seems you download source code into the rtval directory, which is needed for the rtval install06:55
len_makes sense. I've gotten away from the roll your own days.06:56
ailoI haven't downloaded anything yet, but I assume rtval is compiled and using something from the kernel source06:56
ailolen_, Just install whatever derivative of Ubuntu Precise you want, add abogani's lowlatency and the proceed with the rtval instructions, if you'd like to participate in the test06:57
ailobtw, ScottL: Are there any settings for changing cpu governor in Ubuntu Studio?06:59
len_I can do that but the machine I have it installed on is using a 40G usb  drive. The drive access is kinda slow, would that affect it?06:59
ailoI guess the smartest thing is for everyone to install the same derivative of Ubuntu :P06:59
len_I've got the nov 18 US on here.07:00
ailolen_, It won't affect audio performance, but I have no idea about what the test does, so..07:00
len_I could use 11.10 on the other machine though.07:00
len_OK, it doesn't look like it has any special needs. I think I will run it on the net book.07:02
len_It is slower and so will show problems and differences better.07:02
ailolen_, I don't know if it show differences better, or even differently. Atom processor? On our end, we're really just interested in audio performance, but I don't know what the test does yet07:04
len_Ja atom. Aspire one.07:04
ailoWe don't know if the test is useful, even07:04
ailoBut, let's get cracking and see what happens :)07:05
len_Tried rteval on Nov18 alpha distro for US. Step 2D failed:07:39
len_root@ubuntu:~/python-schedutils-0.3# python setup.py install07:39
len_running install07:39
len_running build07:39
len_running build_ext07:39
len_building 'schedutils' extension07:39
len_creating build07:39
len_creating build/temp.linux-i686-2.707:39
len_creating build/temp.linux-i686-2.7/python-schedutils07:39
len_gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c python-schedutils/schedutils.c -o build/temp.linux-i686-2.7/python-schedutils/schedutils.o07:40
len_python-schedutils/schedutils.c:1:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory07:40
len_compilation terminated.07:40
len_error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 107:40
ailolen_, You're missing something, like a library07:43
ailolen_, I'll have a look at it in the evening or tomorrow07:43
ailopython.h sounds like a standard python dev lib07:43
ailoBelonging to one, I mean07:43
len_I'm gone for the night. I'll try it on 11.10 tomorrow.07:44
len_Ya, US seems to be missing a lot of bits... a calader that pops up from the clock would be nice07:44
len_opps Calendar..07:44
ailoThis would be a development library07:44
ailoSomething like python-dev, or similar07:45
ailoSee you len_ 07:45
l33omornin every one08:23
len_G'morning, I would guess that the instructions on the rteval webpage need to be changed to include whatever packages are needed in step one if that procedure is to be useful.15:44
len_Whoever wrote it probably already had this stuff on their system.15:46
astraljavalen_: I fail to see your point. The page starts with "1. Install the required packages:"15:47
len_Yes, I did straight copy and paste the first line that is supposed to get all required packages sudo apt-get install python-ethtool python-libxslt1 python-dmidecode rt-tests 15:50
astraljavaAnd that's not enough?15:50
len_It didn't work when I get to sudo python setup.py install 15:51
len_See above (last night) for what I got.15:51
astraljavaA-ha. Well, you can edit the page, can't you?15:51
len_At this point if I did that... it would be to add... more stuff required to the page. I am not sure which package it is.15:53
astraljavaThe thing about wikis, as you can see, is that at any given point in time, they might not be 100% correct. Anything that takes you closer, is welcome.15:54
len_ I came from slackware where all the devel stuff was included in any install I did because a lot of the packages I used where src. Ubuntu is not like that...15:54
len_Still getting used to it.15:54
len_Says immutable page, I thought that meant no changes allowed.15:55
astraljavaProbably, then.15:56
astraljavaAhh... you just have to login.15:57
astraljavalog in*15:58
len_So I would have to have an account... maybe I do but don't remember :-)15:58
astraljava*rolls eyes*16:02
len_gotta go for now...16:02
ailoI was going to do the rteval test tonight, but I'm too tired. I'll have to wait until tomorrow21:04
ailolen_, I would start with installing python-dev21:07
ailolen_, Then redo. If there's an error, check what header is missing. Google it, and install the required library21:09
shnatselI'm writing docs on seeds21:26
shnatseltargeted at creating ubuntu derivatives21:27
shnatselthey might be helpful to you too21:27
shnatseltrying to make the doc more or less step-by-step21:27
shnatselany additions, comments, insight etc appreciated21:28

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