
katanyone please, can software center be removed safely?00:11
GridCubekat i don't think so00:12
GridCubewhats the problem?00:12
katit is way too slow and synaptic is good enough00:12
katorthe term00:12
GridCubeyes, that true00:13
GridCubebut the SC manges the debs now00:13
katit seems useless to me00:13
katoh, what about synaptic?00:14
GridCubeno idae00:14
katk, thanks00:14
=== xGrindoff is now known as xGrind
MarionVgood evening ubuntu peaps00:49
MarionVis there a way i can stretch my xubuntu partition to the full size of my hdd00:50
MarionVso i want to merge sda1 with sda5 pretty much00:51
GridCubeI have suddendly change my root password01:10
GridCubebut i have not changed it01:10
GridCubei can't do anything01:10
GridCubethis is worrying me01:10
GridCubeok :(01:33
GridCubeim floped01:33
GridCubemy password has changed without my knowledge01:34
GridCubei was using a program that did changed the password randomly, but for samba shares01:34
GridCubeand then, it changed my sudo password01:35
spantheryou have /home as separate partition?01:37
GridCubei will not reinstall01:37
spantherokay, 'cause this was the easiest way without need of knowledge :P01:38
GridCubeokay ill try something else01:38
spantheri don't think there is a way to circumvent the root password. and that has security reasons.01:38
GridCube>login into recovery mode >mount disks >log in ass root >passwd user >reset password >reboot >sudo apt-get update >WORKS!01:49
GridCubei've lost pretty plymouth but whatever :D01:49
spantherso recovery mode has a built in override :)01:50
GridCube:D dumb enough to work01:51
spantheri hope this mode won't open a way to attack a system...01:51
GridCubeyou need first to reboot it01:51
spantheri mean that you can boot with parameters, which circumvent the root :)01:52
spantherthat such parameters exist at all01:52
xubuntu614Nice, didn't see that coming.03:16
Joahhi all05:01
Joahi'm having an issue with Xubuntu on my laptop05:01
Joah64-bit, btw05:01
Joahi'm able to hibernate, and the laptop powers down05:01
Joahhowever, when restoring from the hibernated session, Xubuntu does not restore it05:02
Joahand starts as a new session05:02
Joahany ideas on how i can fix this?05:02
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=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
xgt001hello i need some help :(07:20
hobgoblinask and if someone can help they will07:22
xgt001i installed xfce4 package in oneiric,i changed the panel settings to random sh*t, later i installed xubuntu-desktop, i just got the same settings which i did to xfce4 when i logged into xubuntu session, but when i tried guest session i got a very beautiful interface, how to get it in my profile without getting a new one?07:26
hobgoblinxgt001: you want the panel set back to default?07:35
xgt001i want default xubuntu settings in my userid07:36
xgt001i am getting it when i create a fresh user07:36
hobgoblinnot sure how to revert them all07:36
xgt001if i delete .config/xfce4 folder?07:36
hobgoblinI'd guess so - I know the panel is there - you could backup that folder - rename it or copy it then logout and in07:37
hobgoblintry that then07:37
xgt001hobgoblin, it worked thanks :)07:41
xgt001a little glitch, i am getting ubuntu's window decorator, how to get xubuntu's window decorator without losing compiz?07:41
hobgoblincan't help I'm afraid - I stopped using compiz in ubuntu years ago - I've no idea how to even get it to work in xubuntu07:42
hobgoblinpretty sure there's something about it in the forum07:42
hobgoblinxgt001: from looking it seems that emerald is no longer in the repo - and compiz seems to use the unity window decorator07:47
xgt001hobgoblin, yes :( saw them , compiz can use xfwm4 window decorations right?07:49
hobgoblinI have no idea without searching - as I said I stopped using compiz years ago :)07:49
hobgoblinxgt001: found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187942108:01
xgt001thanks a lot :) trying it out08:05
hobgoblinlet me know if it works :)08:06
ochosixgt001: no, compiz can't use xfwm4 decos08:24
ochosixgt001: so you'll have to find a theme that supports both compiz and xfwm4 (e.g. greybird, the xubuntu default, does that)08:25
xgt001ochosi, i am running compiz now08:26
xgt001but its using adwaita them :(08:26
ochosiyeah, you can set the compiz theme e.g. with gconf-editor08:26
ochosithere is no GUI by default in xubuntu for changing the compiz-decorator theme08:26
xgt001 i am in gconf-editor08:27
xgt001where to change it?08:27
xgt001schemas? apps?08:27
ochosihm, i don't know by heart, but it's in metacity08:27
ochosi(no clue where metacity is in though)08:27
hobgoblinI'm gonna platy with it in vbox - not wanting to ruin a perfectly good setup :)08:29
xgt001hey its easy! i could change it with gnome-tweak tool08:29
ochosihobgoblin: it's not extremely dangerous, if you want to revert the changes you can always execute "xfwm4 --replace" and uninstall compiz ;)08:30
hobgoblinI realise that - but I needed a xubu vbox anyway - so now's as good a time as any :)08:30
ochosik :)08:31
ochosiare you simply testing xubuntu?08:31
hobgoblinmakes it easier to check out forum tutes without breaking things as well - before I approve them08:31
hobgoblinnope - been using it for 9 or 10 months now08:31
Sysiif I could stretch myself to make usable compiz setup.. but ccsm is awful08:31
ochosiagreed, ccsm is a bit overly complicated08:32
hobgoblinochosi: really don't like unity/gnome-shell so it was time to look around - and I've never liked kde08:32
ochosihobgoblin: guess then you're in the right place ;)08:33
hobgoblin+1 - ccsm is a nightmare08:33
SysiI'm starting to like kde, gnome-shell is pretty good but I don't like nautilus08:33
hobgoblinochosi: indeed08:33
hobgoblinhoping to at least report bugs for 12.04 as well - got that in a seperatepartition08:34
xgt001thanks a lot for wonderful xubuntu 11.10 :)08:34
xgt001reeally a relief after unity,shell crap08:34
ochosiyw :)08:35
hobgoblinit's not crap as such - just some people don't like it - I have had enough of the trolling on the forum - being staff means I have to read it :(08:35
ochosihobgoblin: what forum are you in?08:35
ochosihobgoblin: ah, i see, nice :)08:35
ochosihobgoblin: haven't used them as much as i used to a few years ago. been spending more and more time here and not in the forums08:36
xgt001hobgoblin, apologies for language, but unity restricts so much :( and shell.... better i don describe it, its just not revolutionary enough to change our computing ways!08:36
ochosihobgoblin: nice avatar :D08:36
Sysixgt001: I prefer gnome-shell, it's simpler08:37
hobgoblinochosi: I'm in the beginner team help channel - but I've only recently come to this one08:37
hobgoblinochosi: :) if it hadn't been a drawing of a php it would be a drawing of me08:37
xgt001Sysi, i agree on that but switching applications in shell is tough imho08:38
ochosihobgoblin: hehe08:38
Sysixgt001: I think it's easier/faster than searching app in the taskbar and clicking it08:39
ochosiyeah, about launching apps: the new xfce-appfinder will be awesome in that respect. a little like gnome-do, but much lighter on resources08:39
xgt001ochosi, i just installed gnome do :D08:40
ochosiDoverOs: are you trying to rickroll us? (just wondering, posting a yt-video without comment)08:40
ochosioh, and he's gone...08:40
hobgoblinspam - or I'd say so - or just an awful taste in music ...08:41
xgt001Sysi, btw i am on ubuntu :) better that i have lots of choice xfce,shell,unity....08:42
SysiI might switch back to *buntu on 12.04, though I'm thinking about arch with kde, fedora xfce currently08:44
incorrecthow can i have xubuntu extend my desktop over my external monitor and my laptop screen09:08
incorrectso far they just mirror, 11.04 they used to extend09:08
Sysinvidia/ati tool or arandr09:08
incorrectno ui?09:08
Sysithey're all GUI09:08
Sysidefault display settings are lacky09:09
incorrectthey were there in 11.0409:09
Sysishould be the same in 11.1009:09
incorrectnope, loads of regression in 11.1009:10
incorrecti think a lot of things broke for them with ubuntu going to gtk309:10
incorrectby default it auto detected my screens and got it right, resolutions etc09:12
Sysixubuntu always has used mirroring by default, afaik09:13
incorrectdidn't for me09:13
Sysistarting gnome services might do that09:14
incorrectcould be09:14
incorrectah yes i could well have enabled that first09:14
incorrectlets try!09:15
incorrectyep, i must have enabled gnome sessions stuff09:20
incorrectnow i found a tool that made bootable distros easily09:21
hobgoblinochosi: glad I did that compiz stuff in vbox - killed it completely :)09:49
nikolamAnyone using xubuntu installed on kernel module ZFS file system? (available from PPA during install)09:49
=== hobgoblin is now known as forestpiskie
=== forestpiskie is now known as elfy
elfyochosi: though I Wish I'd done a snapshot ...09:55
Sysielfy: how did it break? do you have oracle extension pack installed09:56
SysiI think it's needed for proper 3D09:56
elfymmm - not sure - I know I had the virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 package installed09:58
elfysorry for the nicks - just cycling through them so they don't get stolen :p09:58
ochosielfy: well, vbox and compiz is maybe not an ideal combination anyway...09:59
elfyyea - indeed :)09:59
elfyno idea where the autostart things are to remove them in recovery - will look later - got to fly now for a while09:59
ochosielfy: btw, why not just register your nick/s?10:01
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incorrectare there any plans to fix this stupid sound muting problem?10:36
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elfyochosi: they are - but if they're not used for 6 months they're fair game apparently10:55
ochosithat is true (and makes sense imo)10:56
ochosiincorrect: there are plans, and in fact if you uninstall pulseaudio there's no problem10:56
incorrectochosi, what other problems might that introduce?10:58
incorrectif you don't have a sound service, you end up with one app with a lock on the sound subsystem?10:58
Sysiif you remove pulseaudio, alsa will be used directly10:59
TheSheepnot if your sound card has multiple channels10:59
Sysimay causes problems if you have multiple sound devices10:59
ochosii think you can always reinstall pulseaudio if you get in trouble11:00
ochosii've done it a few times, without any problems/regressions11:00
SysiI like how on fedora pulse=alsa, when I open alsamixer I have pulse as default soundcard11:01
Sysion ubuntu PCM works totally randomly with pulse11:02
incorrecti will live with the mute problem until its fixed11:03
Sysion arch I have no problems with linux 3.1 on virtualbox, but xubuntu 11.10 shuts down really slowly11:03
elfywhat is this mute problem?11:03
Sysiunmuting fails11:04
elfyoh - yea noticed that - worked around it11:09
ochosielfy: how did you work around it?11:48
ochosi(the unmute problem)11:48
elfydon't use mute - nothing particularly exotic - nor very helpful to anyone else I'm afraid11:58
starnhello, i know amarok is kubuntu application but i am in xubuntu... is there away to reduce how much memory it uses it's using 259,316k.. thats like as much as the entire OS by it self with Teampspeak 3 running...12:58
starnotherwise does anyone have a suggestion for a better player that uses way less memory like i'm kinda ok with 20-30mb.. but prefer around 10mb..12:59
starni'd also like to have lyrics thing like amarok has..13:00
knomestarn, nope, no way to affect how much memory amarok uses.13:02
knomestarn, have you looked at gmusicbrowser, the default for xubuntu?13:02
knomestarn, i don't know what kind of lyrics plugin amarok has nowadays, but you can have lyrics in gmb too13:03
starnknome: yes i looked at it.. it used about 36mb ish..idle don't know if it increases while playing.. only reasion i am worried about memory usage is i only have 1gb ram.13:04
knomestarn, it's one of the lightest players13:05
starnknome: i take it i am not going to get any lighter than unless i use a commandline player such as moc than..13:05
knomeprobably not, but i'm not sure13:05
starnknome: alright. well i do multi boot.. and it uses about same as winamp.. so i guess i can live with it. heh.13:06
knomeyeah. it's pretty nice really.13:06
starnknome: it will handle a extremely large library of music right? i've seen some program completly freeze up due to the size of a library i have.13:07
starnhello subspider.13:07
knomestarn, yes, it'll handle large libs13:07
Sysistarn: maybe deadbeef, though I don't know if it has lyrics plugin13:07
Sysi(you shouldn't run out 1GB with amarok and browser very easily)13:09
starnSysi: alright i'll look into that while i wait for this to scan my lib.. and i am a heavy multitasker.. often had to do stuff CLI due to memory. i like to play games as well. and just running my Teamspeak 3 and browser and amarok. tends to have lots of audio lag. i am honestly used to ubuntu's stuff which i guess technically this is ubuntu? tried kubuntu loved amarok haha and disliked the bloatedness and hate how ubuntu has unity and the interface and xubuntu13:12
elfystarn: you could have a look at clementine13:13
Sysibasically all buntu's are the same13:13
Sysiyou could buy some ram?13:13
starnSysi: i noticed they are. seeing how i've tried those 3.. kinda still able to switch between em freely. for i never removed.. and i'm currently to poor to buy ram.. and yes i know i can get 1gb for 10 dollars on newegg13:14
starnelfy: i will look into that as well13:15
starnoh Sysi thats really neat deadbeef is avalable for my phone.13:16
elfystarn: also I think some of the mod clients have lyric support - I say think - most of the music I listen to is lyricless or I've listened to them for so long I know the lyrics - so I tend to not notice lyric plugins13:16
elfyario does apparently13:16
starnelfy: i have terrible memory as a human.. haha13:16
elfyI have one of those as well I'm told13:16
starnclementine looks nice it even supports windows.....  and looks like old amarok?? if i am not mistaking?13:17
SysiIIRC it is replica of amarok 1.413:18
elfyit is - I've been using it for a long time now - I used to flit about all over the place with music players13:18
starnwell seeing how thats the version i fell in love with this will probably be perfect if it's in my memory useage standards.13:18
starni really am liking how they have a windows version for that was something i was sad about amarok.13:19
elfystarn: http://i.imgur.com/8pH58.png13:20
SysiI'd like to find alternative to rhythmbox, how freaking hard is it to make simple player that sorts songs based on what you type13:20
elfyI think there's a windows amarok now13:20
SysiI always fed up setting up GMB13:20
elfySysi: apparently it's very13:20
starnamaroks windows version is kinda buggy.. and has been so for awhile.. and rhythmbox has always been my second choice.13:21
Sysirhythmbox is buggy, banshee is usable but not very nice or light13:22
knomestarn, there is a "rhythmbox" layout for gmusicbrowser, if you like/have adjusted to the looks of it13:22
Sysinetbook layout would be pretty good if it was just a list of songs, and I'd get next song on the list by default13:23
starnso do you think it would be safe to upgrade to 64bit from what i understand you can install 32bit in 64bit now... and i am looking into all these suggestions and reading details. and if they appeal to me i'm gonna try them so far two is on the list.. deadbeef i am gonna look up on the android market haha.13:24
Sysiif you're cpu supports amd64 you can run 64bit or i68613:25
Sysiyou can't really change current installation's architechture, but you can run 32bit apps on 6413:26
starni have amd64.. i used to have ubuntu 10.10 64 until my entire hard drive failed. and i accidently clicked on the wrong download with out noticing.13:26
starni know.. i would have to uninstall this more likely after backing up important files.13:26
Sysi64 doesn't really give any advantage with 1GB13:26
starnvery true.13:26
starni do intend to get more when i can afford it.13:26
starnif not an entire new pc.. but if thats the case the question wouldn't matter. haha13:27
SysiI'd need to move some data around so I could have virtual machines on SSD,13:28
SysiI could run two or three with 4GB13:29
starni know it's normally a bad idea to do this but walmart is selling a computer for 699 with 16gb ram and amd 64 3.2 quad core.. really thinking about saving for that..13:30
Sysiyou probably could build machine with similar specs for cheaper13:30
starnso far with my pricing i can't :\ than again i always want a video card which i already have..13:31
starnbut with 16gb i would never need windows more likely. a virtual machine set to use 8gb would probably run high end games with a good enough video card right?13:32
starnwell would never have to boot out of linux.13:32
Sysi3D isn't that great with virtualization13:32
starnhmm... well that's ok.. PC's normally have windows installed i could do dual.. but this is more of a dream atm.. seeing how i can't pay for $10 1gb stick of ram... haha13:34
starnxubuntu does not use gnome correct? it uses xfce? and if so do they plan to make it like gnome 3? for a heads up would be nice before they do so i won't upgrade.13:39
Sysinot for the foreseeable future13:39
starnthank goodness! welp i found my new home haha13:40
Sysiit's always been your home, you were just lost for a while :P13:40
starnalready enjoying the random background switching every 5 minutes. probably so.. i was lost in gnome 2 :P13:41
starnhey my music lib managed to freeze gmusicbrowser...13:42
knomeis it still importing?13:42
starnit froze on "checking length/bitrate13:43
knomeochosi will know more about gmb13:43
knomebut afaik it needs to do that once13:43
starnthe computer got super slow while importing but i assumed this was due to the massive amounts of songs... don't help they're on 2tb hard drive.13:43
ochosiyes, only once13:43
knomeand it might take some time for a large collection13:43
ochosithing is it checks the real length of the mp3s – meaning that takes a bit if they don't a vbr header13:44
starnthey was on this hard drive which is 160gb but it was eventually to small. so they got moved to the 2tb.. i think there is 6000-7000 without vbr headers.13:45
starnoh yay it unfreeze13:45
Sysibigger disk should be faster13:45
starni thought so my self.13:45
Sysinewer and "tighter"13:46
starndon't help i believe i have enough songs to fill my windows harddrive.13:46
starnit's 320gb...13:46
starnthis is all music i've gotten from CD's from friends family etc and that i got since i was 12..... so it's about 11 years worth of music history haha13:47
starnso what do you guys use untu systems for?? i know music thus far i assume internet. basically everything an avg user uses windows for? plus for the added safety? i like to use it for the cli and ease of use compaired to windows.. like it's been so long since i used dos... i tried to and i couldn't figure it out for the life of me.... so i installed cygwin.. haha13:51
elfyI use it to annoy the kids ,,,13:56
starnthat's an good idea actually13:56
GridCube:) people this channel is for support :)13:57
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:57
elfyGridCube: yea I know - no-one appears to be about though14:01
SysiGMB shimmer-netbook, how do I make it to switch to next song when currently played one ends? now it just jumps to some random song14:06
Sysiwell, it jumps always to same song but I have no idea where it picks that14:07
Sysi"playing" from popup menu seems to do nothing or something completely random14:08
SysiI managed to do it on desktop-layout but that's just awful14:10
Sysiargh, something that complicated with *very* basic stuff definitely should not be default14:12
GridCubeSysi, thats because, GMB its really bad media player, you think that you have searched your music collection, when in factyou just filtered the "view" of a current "playlist"14:15
GridCubeuse any other media player, i recommend guayadeque14:16
knomei don't think it's justifiable to say gmb is a bad player if it happens to do some things different than the other media players you might have used14:28
Sysiit would be more rightful to say that it's a bit illogical/unclear14:30
GridCubeif you have to learn a whole new philosophy just to play some music, its bad. even more when its not clearly explicit, when there is no clear way to search your collection and add stuff to a playlist, like any, from the dawn of time, did.14:32
knomea bit, the complete truth is that it is just working in a different than other media players which makes it maybe a bit hard to grasp14:32
GridCubethats, from my humble opinion, its bad14:32
knomeuse the queue, or the filters.14:32
knomethey are really easy-to-use14:32
GridCubei don't even know what those are14:33
GridCubei got extremely frustrated with gmb and went for a good media player instead14:33
knomethe queue is simply a play queue on the left hand side, it's one of the tabs14:33
Sysiif rhythmbox starts breaking too bad, I go for JuK or banshee14:33
knomedrag-and-drop there, and those tracks will play next14:33
Sysiit could be wise to reconsider default player for next LTS, though I can't think of any really good candidate :/14:34
GridCubeSysi, try guayadeque :D its pretty good14:34
GridCubeSysi, i proposed a change, but i was said "nope"14:35
knomewe've changed the default player twice quite lately.14:35
knomei think that proves it's a matter of taste, and we can't please everyone.14:35
SysiI think it has changed on almost every version since 8.0414:35
knomenot really. first to exaile and then to gmb.14:35
knomethat makes it two.14:36
Sysi8.04 had rhythmbox, at some point it was Listen, then Exaile and now GMB14:36
knomeright, listen...14:36
knomei think it was listen for maybe one cycle14:36
knomethat was good when we switched to it, but then it got totally borked14:36
Sysibanshee would be pretty good but it requires mono14:37
Sysimore deps than rhythmbox, even if it works betterly14:37
knomepulls a lot of stuff.14:37
hobgoblinI don't personally think that the choice of music players by default will ever be perfect - but I can see gmb not being such a good one - but that's just my opinion and based purely on the fact I couldn't get my head around the way it wanted to work14:40
knomehobgoblin, mmh. i kind of liked listen, since it was really really really simple and easy-to-use. too bad something went wrong.14:42
hobgoblinI always had trouble with the way that various media players dealt with the sort of silly playlists I have - I settled on amarok 1.x then they released 2 and I started again lol14:43
SysiI didn't like it, maybe my opinion about simple is too simple14:43
hobgoblinlisten or amarok ? or both14:45
Sysilisten, but amarok too :P14:45
hobgoblinI install version 2 every now and again and rapidly uninstall it - latest attempt was last night lol - takes longer for it to read my music lib than to install and uninstall14:46
hobgoblinclementine is quick with it's first read and then stays quick14:46
starni have a fairly weird question.. in windows 7 i can have music come through speakers and VoIP or games or what ever through headphones.. and other way around... is this possible in xubuntu?15:15
starnand that is at the same time with out having to unplug heaphones from front jacks and speakers from rear or anything really special..15:17
GridCubestarn, it should be possible, yes15:33
GridCubetry setting your programs to use different outputs15:34
starnhmmmm... i only have alsa and pulse that i am aware of and totally tried that... this is gonna become come complex process isn't it? :(15:35
starnand now with you saying it's possible i will probably spend countless hours trying to figure this out.15:35
Sysiinstall pavucontrol and see if you can set it up with that15:36
starnalright Sysi.. btw my two test programs are Teamspeak 3 and gmusicbrowser.15:37
starnSysi: that sadly does not give me anymore options than what i already have.15:43
starni did learn for Audio recording aka micophone i use Alsa... dunno what i use for play back.15:45
starnhas anyone have suggestion? or should i ask this in the ubuntu channel?15:56
ochosistupid skype doesn't accept my gtk-theme *and* changes my mousecursor in oneiric – any experiences as to why this happens?17:04
Sysidoes it use Qt theming?17:06
ochosibefore exporting "GTK2_RC_FILES=$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" helped, but not anymore17:07
SysiI think it can affect cursor, does skype have settings for selecting theming?17:08
ochosiyeah, but they don't work anymore in oneiric17:08
sburjan`Hello. I have just finished installing 11.10 and I wanted to install openssh-server, but I don't see it in the packge list ? could someone tell me what's the package name, or why the package has been removed from xubuntu repos ?17:09
Sysiit should be there, refresh your package lists17:11
Sysi!info openssh-server17:11
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-7ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 331 kB, installed size 876 kB17:11
sburjan`Sysi: thanks, I had to run update17:15
Sysiyou should do that every time you're installing something (if not on same day/hour)17:15
sburjan`Sysi: now a dumb question. I have to connect to a remote SSH Server from the File Manager, but I don't find any option to do that17:19
ochosisburjan`: in case you have all the packages needed installed you can press ctrl+l and just enter the remote location (e.g. user@ssh://myserver)17:20
sburjan`the open button is not clickable. I am trying: username@
Sysiyou may need to install gvfs-backends17:24
sburjan`do I have to reboot ?17:29
sburjan`nope, didn't work17:32
GridCubewhat problem do you have sburjan` ?17:35
sburjan`GridCube: tryong to conenct to a ssh host from File Manager17:36
GridCubenever could make that kind of thing17:36
GridCubebut the easiest(safer) way to do things like that is to mount them on fstab17:37
SysiI wouldn't say safer17:38
GridCube>never could make that kind of thing17:39
Sysisburjan`: you may need to restart thunar, "killall thunar" or relogin17:39
sburjan`Sysi: I rebooted, manager to advance a little bit. Trying with ssh:username@ .. and I get a "No hostname specified" error17:40
sburjan`ok, I'm in. damn syntax :)17:46
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:53
EagleScreenXubuntu 11.10 is giving me a very good impresion17:54
EagleScreenI think Software Origins should be under System, not under Configuration, it would have more sense for me17:54
kirillhello there17:55
kirillplease help me how i can up soun in headphones,17:56
GridCubekirill, try alsamixer17:56
GridCubeif that doesnt work use pavucontrol17:56
kirilli turn it in max in mixer but it still very bad17:56
sburjan`does xubuntu use pulse-audio ?17:56
kirillbut without headphones sound is ok17:57
GridCubekirill, thats from pavucontrol?17:57
GridCubetry the other one17:57
kirillhow i can install pavucontrol?17:57
GridCubesudo apt-get installs pavucontrol17:57
GridCubewithout the s17:57
GridCubesudo apt-get install pavucontrol17:57
kirillsenk u i try it now17:57
GridCubekirill, also check that your heaephones work anywhere else17:58
EagleScreendont you agree with me in moving Software Origins? i am talking about Applications menu17:58
GridCubeEagleScreen, thats a devel question17:58
GridCubeit should go to #xubuntu-devel17:58
Michi74390hi! I've just switched to xubuntu and it's awesome so far. Just one thing: the touchpad clicking does not always work and it's quite hard to drag windows around only with the pad18:03
Michi74390any idea what I can do about it?18:03
kirillinstall last version of xubuntu18:04
Michi74390i am on xubuntu 11.1018:05
kirillwhat ver of xubuntu d u have?18:05
kirillin last version this problem was on my laptop but in 11.10 all ok18:06
kirilltry to install xfce from them web18:08
Michi74390actually it's not too bad, I just have to almost punch the touchpad to click18:09
kirillmb its better for u to use normal mouse18:09
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tinribGood evening, anyone around?19:49
tinribHi there. Do you know how to add 'stuff' to the xubuntu desktop XFCE?19:51
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tinribLike a clock, weather etc?19:51
RiceKingHi all, I did a fresh isntall of Xubuntu 11.10  Is there an easy way to setup dual monitor?  Perhaps an app or command?19:52
tinribHi RiceKing, I just saw a web page on how to do that. Google it?19:53
baizonRiceKing: i would recommend arandr19:53
Sysitinrib: check out conky19:53
baizontinrib: or desklets19:54
RiceKingconky and arandr  I will give those a go.19:54
baizonRiceKing: no no conky wasnt for you19:54
baizonit was for tinrib19:54
RiceKingoh ok19:54
baizonfor you its only arandr19:54
RiceKingOK thnak you19:54
RiceKing*thank you19:55
baizonits a nice tool to configure multiple displays19:55
tinribAbout dual monitors - does dvi to 2 vga splitter cable work?19:55
RiceKingboth dvi19:57
tinriboh, cheers, my pc is old skool19:57
tinribonly have a vga and dvi out19:58
tinribno dual dvi19:58
knometinrib, why don't you use and adapter for vga20:04
tinribknome, so use dvi to vga adapter and then the other vga at the same time?20:06
tinribI want dual monitors like RiceKing but on old kit20:06
knomewell, i don't know if a splitter works. but with an adapter, should work20:07
tinribhaven't done dual monitors on linux ever. have 10 monitors at work and that's all splitter cables20:07
Sysiif you don't have DVI display, adapter works well20:08
tinribthe video card has dvi and vga connectors, can i use both at the same time, sorry if that sounds too newbie20:09
Sysiyou can20:09
RiceKingArandr did the trick for my dual screen but doesn't retain the settings after rebbot.20:10
tinriboh well, i may just get that second monitor then20:10
tinribspent a load of time looking for a splitter cable for nothing today, nice20:10
SysiRiceKing: export script with it and put it to autostart20:10
knomewell i suppose it depends on the graphics card too20:10
RiceKingWhere is auto start folder located?20:10
Sysisettings → sessions and startup → autostart20:11
RiceKingsweet thanks, I will go now and try20:11
Sysiknome: I haven't heard about card that supports only one card, though I had card that only supported two even if it had four outputs20:12
knomeonly one monitor20:12
Sysiyes :D20:13
knomemmh, yeah, but it's not given that all will20:13
RiceKingI exported Arandr settings and added to the startup but is not working20:21
RiceKingI have to double click manually the script in order to get my dual screen settings back20:22
phunyguylol @ the username RiceKing.  Any relation to the restaurant?  (Sorry I know off topic)20:22
RiceKingNo, LOL.... I just love Asian girls.... but who doesn't20:22
knomephunyguy, may i ask you... if you know about -offtopic, why didn't you ask him to join there? :P20:23
phunyguyknome, meh.20:37
incorrectcan use ubuntu one with xfce?20:39
Myrttisure, the file manager plugin wont be there but otherwise it works20:43
incorrecti could replace thunar with nautilus?20:44
Sysiif you want20:44
MyrttiI've never seen the need for the filemanager plugin but I guess someone might find it useful20:45
incorrectnot sure what the file manager plugin does20:45
incorrectwhich media player should i use these days?21:00
Sysisomething you like21:01
incorrectmaybe i will just go with the default21:01
* GridCube sighs21:01
w30Any one know how to make the xfce4 desktop single click?21:25
SysiI think that's not currently possible21:26
w30I have double click troubles, using explorer in Windows95 I kept moving the windows folder into the printer spool *sigh*21:28
Sysiusing panel(s) is much more handy anyway :p21:29
w30Sysi, what do you mean using panels?21:30
w30Sysi, making app launchers in the panel? I like to open a bunch text files I have on my Desktop like grocery list, phone lists, whatever.21:32
Sysifor static files that would work on panel too (I like my desktop empty)21:34
w30Sysi, good for you; I use my desktop for a staging area and quick access to a few docs21:36
Sysiw30: I open thunar faster from panel than get desktop visible :P21:37
Sysieveryone has different ways of doing stuff21:37
w30Sysi, so I left that Unity abortion for xfce421:37
phunyguyI actually prefer Unity.21:41
phunyguywent back and forth for about a year.21:41
SysiI prefer gnome-shell over unity21:42
phunyguyack.  now THAT is an abortion.  And a topic for !offtopic.21:42
SysiI'll try setting up compiz next.. otherly I'll switch from xfce to kde21:43
phunyguyooooh I love KDE, just never have any stability with it.21:43
Sysi4.7 is feeling pretty good, I didn't switch earlier because of stability21:45
w30I'm also trying Enlightenment but it's quite foreign to me as far as configuring goes so far21:45
phunyguygood luck with that.21:45
* w30 is going to try 'em all I quess21:45
* w30 wonders if lxde single clicks?21:46
Sysihow could I change text color in topicbar of irssi? (where in theme file)22:05
Myrttihold on, let me check22:06
Myrttinevermind then.22:09
Sysiwell, that didn't work out properly22:14
Myrttiwhat did you use22:14
MyrttiI was going to suggest topicsbstart22:15
SysiI changed sb = " %c[%n$*%c]%n"; but something apparently went wrong22:16
Sysiah, removed *} at the end of some line accidentally22:19
Sysiwell, %c[%n$*%c]%b"; doesn't work22:21
WalterNa factor of 10 less ppl... lol22:27
WalterNanyway, I've got three screens, trying to figure out how to arrange them so they are not all mirrored (showing the same thing)22:28
MyrttiWalterN: is your GPU by any chance NVidia?22:32
WalterNno, AMD radeon HD 687022:33
Myrttihm, then there may be some hope of getting it to work with arandr/grandr22:35
Sysihrm, now I lost settings from my theme file22:35
WalterNin gnome there was a handy little checkbox in one of the settings that switched between mirroring or not22:36
WalterNherm, dont see where to change microphone/speaker settings either22:42
SysiMyrtti: I couldn't fint out how to change that color, I started again from default22:51
SysiI wonder if this would be good moment to have a break from irc22:55
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