
rcxkinghi, could someone please help me with installing ubuntu 10.04 netbook on a beagleboard c4?00:34
rcxkingdoes anyone know how to get ubuntu running on a beagleboard?00:37
rcxkingI read the wiki online00:38
rcxkingand I burned the image on an SD card, but I don't know what partitions I need on the SD card00:38
xruudBeagleBoard xM rev C board I have will start ok with the supplied demo. But all Ubuntu I tried so far (11.10, 11.04 and 10.10) do not start USB (or at least my kbrd and mouse are not working) I can't find this as a common problem. Anybody here who can hint me in the right direction?09:59
azerthello there10:05
azertanyone there ??10:05
xruudNot many10:06
azertanyone allready test windows 8 on arm pc ?10:07
azertcoz ubuntu not working properly10:07
azerthelloo anyone there ?10:14
xruudI have the same problem on the rev c10:15
xruudCannot get ubuntu to power the usb. Right from boot I should add. The demo image DOES power up the USB, but ubuntu pre-installed images will not10:16
azerttell me windows 8 suport well arm device ?10:16
azertcomparing ubutnu ?10:17
xruudI doubt it, but asking that in #ubuntu-arm is probably not right10:17
azertflash support on arm based ubuntu pc ?10:19
xruudsorry man, I can't help you10:21
azertare you using arm based ubuntu ?10:23
azertanyoen there ?10:27
xruudyes, I am10:28
xruudbut I don't get passed the config screen on a xm rev c board, do you?10:29
azertconfig screen ..?10:32
xruudyes, you load image onto the sd, then power up the bb. It uncompresses adn then reboots. It takes about 5 minutes, but then a gui starts to configure ubuntu (language selection first)10:33
xruudMy bb has no power on the usb, from start, so I cannot get passed that screen'10:34
xruudThe demo installation DOES power the USB, so it isn't broken...10:34
mtrxHello all, i have an trouble with geting packages by apt-ged on karmic, im running it in chroot on android smartphone, apt-get result 404 when i'm trying to update packages list. Long time ago its work normal and now i cant instal eg. tightvncserver or other packages.12:37
mtrxanyone know any mirror to packages for karmic? (armv6)12:41
mtrxIs there anyone who know why are the packages for karmic deleted?12:57
StevenKBecause Karmic is out of support.12:58
StevenKIt is now on old-releases.ubuntu.com12:58
mtrxthis is not working12:59
mtrxapt-get install tightvncserver > package not found12:59
StevenKWhat does your sources.list say?13:00
mtrxdeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com karmic main uniwerse13:01
mtrxsomething is wrong, on old-releases i cant fond arm ports13:05
mtrxErr http://old-releases.ubuntu.com karmic/main Packages   404  Not Found13:21
mtrxapt is trying to use other folders organisation than is on old-relases, is there any idea how to fix that?13:35
mtrxanybody here?13:44
nascentmindHi. I am trying to understand AXI protocol and I am not able to understand a 'beat' in a bus transfer. Can somebody explain what a beat is?13:48
mtrxi tkink there is nobody who can help us13:59
An-iSociaLfascinating, really15:07
mtrxis there any method to fix corupted directory list in apt for old-releases.ubuntu.com? ports.ubuntu.com had other dir structure15:15
An-iSociaLstill trying to compile a kernel to use for tegra2 drivers17:05
An-iSociaLcurrently xorg just stalls out using 100% cpu17:05
An-iSociaLreconfigured and recompiled about 50 times already17:05
An-iSociaLill try debian17:21
xruudMight anyone be interested: I've asked a question the last few days. This is what I did to finally get ubuntu (11.10) working on beagleboard xm rev c: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu#Oneiric_11.1019:17

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