
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
bkerensaHappy UCADay10:32
* alourie thanks akgraner, doctormon, pleia2, nhandler_, and jcastro for helping him on multiple occasions with Ubuntu and community (#uca day)13:16
mhall119my 7 year old has become proficient at using wikipedia, should I be concerned?14:56
Pendulummhall119: have you taught him yet that using citations is how you get the real info?15:01
mhall119Pendulum: not yet, he still thinks everything on wikipedia is correct, like 99% of the population15:04
mhall119simple.wikipedia.org is great for him though15:04
PendulumI mean, I don't think it's a bad thing15:08
Pendulumjust he'll need to learn the next level of use before he gets old enough that teachers will care ;-)15:08
mhall119no need to worry about that, Mommy will care long before the teachers do15:45
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
mhall119jcastro: you about?15:49
jcastromhall119: I am now, que tal17:12
mhall119jcastro: check your email17:13
jcastrosounds scary17:13
mhall119my email souds scary?17:14
jcastrothe idea does17:14
jcastroyou never know17:15
jcastrosee if slangasek is around and ask him17:15
jcastrohe'll know what to do17:15
mhall119yeah, I don't want to spark anything17:15
jcastromhall119: I was thinking of just thanking the DPL, heh17:15
jcastroman this sucks, if I make a huge list17:15
jcastroI will miss someone17:15
mhall119jcastro: that's why I didn't make a list17:16
mhall119jcastro: and now that you're here, thanks for your mentoring and support for me :)17:17
* ejat pokes nigelb 18:06
ejathows ya nite tonite ?18:06
nigelbWe had some food along that street which has all those stalls18:07
ejatarea ?18:07
nigelbThen we had a Durian, Raboothan, got back for a drinkup at the hotel18:07
ejatowh okie18:07
ejatc00l ..18:07
ejatu eat durian ?18:07
nigelbWe were the last to leave the bar, like 20 mins ago18:07
nigelbIt tastes great!18:07
ejatowh .. u still there ..18:07
ejati cant see from far ..18:07
nigelbNah, we left the bar18:08
nigelbI had to pack for tomorrow since I may be completely hungover :P18:08
ejatno i mean .. 20 minutes ago … i still with the indonesia remo18:08
nigelbAhh. I was there, with the IT guys18:08
ejatc00l .. discuss something or having a chat18:09
nigelbI'm crashing :)18:09
rrnwexecthank you everyone on the Ubuntu Community Team for making Ubuntu rock :)19:16
pangolinThank you for rocking :)19:16
alourieUbuntu Community Team is awesome!20:53
akgranerIs Openshot going to be included in 12.04 by default?22:00
akgranerheck it could be included now but I'm not sure as I installed it prior to the last release...22:01
AlanBellno, don't think so akgraner22:08
AlanBellnot on the CD22:08
akgranerahh ok - was just curious - do you know what the default video editor will be in 12.04 PiTivi?22:10
JanCI doubt we want multiple codec libraries installed, so pitivi is more or less the only choice then?  (being the only one I know based on gstreamer?)22:12
AlanBellthere won't be a default video editor22:12
akgranerok cool then that helps me  - I can talk about which ever one I like better then :-)22:39
doctormonakgraner: OpenShot has some legal issues too, because of it's base libraries.22:43
akgraneryeah - but I like it :-)22:44
akgranerPete tells me I am a loser for liking it though :-/ so don't think I don't hear the arguments against it...22:45
* AlanBell likes openshot too22:46
akgranerpete's opinion is based on their refusal to use gstreamer22:50
JanCgstreamer has its flaws, but it's the only modular multimedia framework we have AFAIK...23:11

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