
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
orogorhi here09:38
orogoranyone would know why after an upgrade to last version i have nor unity nor a taskbar or app menu ?09:39
orogorbasically i can t launch anything in the gui , i currently tun irssi09:39
broderorogor: we generally don't do that kind of bug hunting in here. #ubuntu-bugs might be better09:45
broderbut it's also very late evening for the US and very early morning for europe on a weekend, so there just aren't that many people around09:46
orogorhaa sorry09:48
orogoralso do yu know how to swith tab in irssi ?09:48
orogori think i have pm , just can t remember what s the shortcut09:48
brodersorry, i've never used irrsi09:49
icerootorogor: alt + 1, alt +2 or alt + q to go to the last hilight09:56
icerootsorry, alt + a instead of alt + q09:56
* lamont pounds his head on the desk trying to figure out (again) how to get firefox out of full screen mode14:07
Davieylag: F11 ?14:28
lamontDaviey: turns out that if the window is bigger than the screen, well, life sucks since you can't grab the top of the window and drag it down to resize...14:29
lamontall of which just confused things with whether it was in full-screen mode, or bigger-than-fullscreen-and-needing-to-be-resized mode14:30
Davieylamont: sucks to be you :)14:30
Daviey<-- helpful++14:30
lamontI just resized the second monitor back to being bigger than the first, and fixed things up by manually resizing.  and once I finish waking up, I'll file a bug14:31
=== Guest70909 is now known as Zic
GG_Hi, where can I talk to someone about pygtk?15:31
rptrGG_: #pygtk ?15:33
cjwatsonlamont: alt-drag to move, then resize the window once you have a grab handle available?15:40
ionIn addition to that: F11? Alt-middle to resize? Alt-F5? Alt-F7 to move? Alt-F8 to resize?15:45
ionAlt-space or alt-right and “Move Titlebar Onscreen”?15:45
hallynAll right, TODAY is the day that I figure out why ureadahead is the only thing running (beside plymouthd) for 20 seconds16:26
penguin42and that is.....16:43
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
shnatselhello everyone18:24
shnatselsince documentation on creating large-scale ubuntu derivatives is severely lacking, I've tried to write down all I learned from you about seeds and germinate and stuff18:25
shnatselhere is the result18:25
shnatselOK, looks like I've written down all I know: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RPPF14h1Sw2gQjGTuZjUIlNHnGrafS8ekhFjJM9MT00/edit18:25
shnatseloops, I was supposed to post just the link18:26
shnatselcould you please please please have a look at it and correct anything that I got wrong?18:26
shnatseland, the ISO building section is still lacking, because there seems to be no docs on ubuntu iso builds, the blueprint has no activity18:27
shnatselI'd really appreciate any info about it18:27
shnatseladded info about specifying repositories just now18:44
shnatselforgot about it initially18:45
shnatselI wonder if Ubuntu CD image team members have a mailing list19:14
shnatselor an IRC channel19:14
shnatselor something19:14
shnatselI want to contact those guys directly so much19:14
shnatselcjwatson: I've tried to write down everything you told me about seeds into a doc, could you have a look at it and correct me where I'm wrong, please? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RPPF14h1Sw2gQjGTuZjUIlNHnGrafS8ekhFjJM9MT00/edit19:56
shnatselinfinity: docs on ISO building are needed badly. I've made a stub, could you please fill in the missing parts? See doc link above.20:06
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tsdgeostkamppeter: ping21:45
mwhudson\o/ for the offlineimap sru22:58
lifelessbdmurray: yo22:58
lifelessbdmurray: you are basically the only user of edge.launchpad.net left. Please stop :) Please?22:59
broderwhat's our stance these days on srus for network-protocol updates?23:38
broderi'm trying to figure out what to do with bug #85260323:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852603 in Oneiric Backports "Please backport hedgewars (0.9.16-1) from precise to oneiric" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85260323:38
broderon the one hand, it's comparatively invasive23:38
broder(for an sru, that is)23:39
broderon the other hand, appraently network play is broken23:39
slangasekbroder: I know we do backports for compatibility with network services, but I don't know that anyone's asked for an SRU of that sort yet23:48
infinityslangasek: Have we never done an SRU of telepathy/purple/pidgin/etc for broken IM protocol issues?23:49
infinityI'd be shocked to discover we haven't.23:49
broderi thought i remembered seeing an sru for youtube-dl to deal with youtube changing, but i can't find it23:49
infinitybroder: I'd say it still needs to apply SRU common sense.  Massively invasive changes usually aren't required for protocol breakage (usually), there may be simple fixes one can backport without picking up new upstream versions.23:50
broderapparently they are in this case, because the hedgewars folks break network compatibility pretty regularly23:51
broder"Just as an example of just what can change network play. Changing one pixel on one theme object requires a protocol bump, since a hog's movements could be slightly changed."23:51
infinityIf that's actually true, it may need some deliberation and a rolling SRU exception.23:52
infinityI really hate that we even have a precedent for that, though. :/23:52
infinityFor a network game, however, I suppose I could see the argument.23:52
broderi guess i can bounce the bug to ubuntu-sru and see what they think23:55

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