[00:16] ScottK: i've shuffled my draft around to try and tease things apart some more [00:16] i still think i'd rather the docs on help.u.c be primarily focused on installing backports, but it would obviously have a link to the wiki page [00:16] clearsilver, in scrollback: please don't touch that [00:17] but i may find that things flow differently once i sketch out a new version of the help.u.c docs [00:17] I've contacted the security team about that one [00:18] sigh, public bug report, I suppose it's too late [03:00] * micahg hugs cjwatson for trying === sagaci_ is now known as sagaci === kloeri_ is now known as kloeri [09:34] Archlinux hat ein Paket »urxvt-url-select«. Warum bietet Ubuntu 11.10 das nicht an? [09:35] Archlinux provides a package »urxvt-url-select«. Why does Ubuntu 11.10 not provide this package? [09:50] because ubuntu ain't arch? [10:07] Is this all you can contribute to the problem stated? [10:11] bullgard4: More complete answer: There hasn't been a volunteer who packaged urxvt-url-select and got it through the archive approval process in ubuntu or debian. [13:06] hi motu ppl, thanks for all the hard work :) === jussi01 is now known as Guest44296 === Guest70909 is now known as Zic === Rh0nda is now known as Rhonda === EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 === SWAT__ is now known as SWAT