
Monotokojulian_c, what would 775 be in umask form?00:03
julian_cThat would make directories 775, and files 664.00:04
Monotokohmm... '-U <umask for files>:<umask for dirs>'00:05
julian_cJust saw that pure-ftpd does different masks for files and directories.00:05
Monotokoaye just seen :P00:05
julian_cSo it would be '-U 133:022'00:05
julian_cOops... 113:00200:06
Monotokoexcellent! That will mean both my apache user and the virtual user can create and modify files and directries, yes?00:07
Monotokothank you julian_c, you've been an amazing help :)00:09
julian_cYou're welcome.00:09
julian_cYou're setting up both virtual users and regular system users?00:10
MonotokoI think I'm going to go with just virtual unless a user requests a system user account... I'm going to shut off access to regular users00:11
Monotokojust feels a bit more secure that way00:11
Monotokoand means I don't need to keep adding apache to groups00:11
julian_cHopefully, all of this will work just fine with virtual users.00:12
Monotokowell, my virtual users use UID & GID 2010... they are all under the "ftpuser" system account00:13
Monotokoso it should be fine00:14
Monotokojulian_c, sorry to bother you again... but any ideas how to run it with command-line options if I start it using "/etc/init.d/pure-ftp-mysql start"00:20
ermoHow do I interpret the Ubuntu kernel versions? And what do I do if I'd like to get the latest patches to the 3.0 kernel (i.e. 3.0.9) but with the ubuntu patchset/configuration?00:22
julian_cI'd look in the /etc/default directory for a config file that deals with pure-ftpd.00:22
Monotokothere's an option for standalone or initd.... I've changed it to standalone, how do I start it?00:24
ermonevermind, asking in #ubuntu-kernel instead :)00:24
julian_cinit.d or xinet.d?00:25
julian_cAh... found it. Yes... definitely go standalone. The init script will start up on its own upon (re)boot.00:28
Monotokojulian_c, hmmm... standalone is making it do this: root@dragon:/etc/default# /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql start00:29
MonotokoStarting ftp server: Running: /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-mysql -l mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam -u 1000 -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -E -A -j -8 UTF-8 -B00:29
Monotokohow do I change what it's running?00:29
Monotokoso I can add my umask?00:29
Monotokothere doesn't seem to be anything in /etc/default apart from one file to do with it, pure-ftpd-common with a few options in it00:30
julian_cYou should also have a '/etc/pure-ftpd/conf' directory.00:36
MonotokoI do... but there's loads of files in here that just have "yes" or "no" in them00:36
julian_cIf it's not already in that directory, create the file '/etc/pre-ftpd/conf/Umask' with the contents "133 022".00:38
julian_cThen, restart the service. The init script should source the new file, along with the other files in that directory.00:38
Monotokojulian_c, it worked! :D00:39
julian_cGlad to see that.00:40
Monotokothank you ^^ for future ref... where did you find that info?00:40
julian_cI went to packages.ubuntu.com to figure out where all the config files were. Other than that, a bit of Googling.00:40
julian_cI recommend the following search term in Google: "/etc/pure-ftpd/conf" umask00:44
julian_cOne of the results at the top is a good HOWTO for Debian/Ubuntu that shows more config examples.00:45
Monotokojulian_c, thank you.. I'm surprised there isn't one place with them all on o.o00:47
Monotokogood night all!00:50
=== bastidra1or is now known as bastidrazor
kklimondahmm, should chsh and chfn work with ldap?01:19
julian_ckklimonda: I'd look for LDAP-aware versions of those applications.01:21
julian_c(if they exist)01:22
kklimondaheh, at least I'm not going to waste another hour wondering what's wrong with my setup that it doesn't work ;)01:23
julian_cPerhaps look at the "libuser" package...01:25
ceejhey, can anyone help me with https://gist.github.com/1a816ceba7b040e3549c01:56
CarlFKhow do I set good ol 80x25 mode?02:05
CarlFKand see the grub menu02:06
kklimondaceej: the message is rather self explanatory. You have probably had mysql 5.5+ installed and now trying to do a de facto downgrade to 5.1 - if that's really what you want to do you have to remove mentioned files and try again.02:22
ceejkklimonda: I tried removing /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag with no luck02:24
kklimondaceej: what does ls /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag say?02:25
kklimondaCarlFK: you can get grub menu by editing /etc/default/grub02:25
CarlFKkklimonda: i have lost track of how many times I have edited it, and then sudo grub-mkconfig && sudo reboot02:26
CarlFKand yet no menu.02:26
CarlFKGRUB_TERMINAL=console lies.02:26
kklimondait should be enough to comment out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT and leave GRUB_TIMEOUT=002:28
kklimondaas for getting old console - maybe some module loads and sets up a framebuffer? but really, if it's not slow then why bother getting back in time ;)02:29
CarlFKonce it boots, I get a blank screen. hit alt-f1 to get tty1.  but it is in some small font that is hard to read02:30
kklimondatry booting with nomodeset02:32
CarlFKGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nomodeset" ?02:33
kklimondaI'd just edit entry directly in grub and boot it02:34
kklimondaand if it works add it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT02:34
kklimondaon the other hand adding it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX would also change recovery entry so it may be a better place02:36
CarlFKwell, getting it to work is a good first step02:36
CarlFKI have been doing: sudo grub-mkconfig && sudo reboot02:36
CarlFKbut looking at /etc/default/grub I am wondering if my edits are having any effect02:37
kklimondaI always use update-grub02:38
kklimondabut grub-mkconfig seems to source /etc/default/grub so it should also work02:39
CarlFKsometing doesn't02:40
kklimonda(which makes sense given that update-grub is just a thin wrapper over grub-mkconfig)02:40
DulcinIs anyone familiar with the sender id framework? I keep getting temperror results from hotmail, while it does pass in other checks. I've registered my spf record with microsoft over a week ago as well and still the same error.02:40
CarlFKupdate-grub got me my 80x25 linux console back02:40
Dulcini've googled my ass off, but can only find people with similar problems and no solutions02:41
CarlFKand now I have a grub menu02:42
CarlFKand it beeped too.02:42
ZanzacarI want to allow a user to read the apache logs and the only way I know how is to log in as root which isnt right06:15
qman__two options06:17
qman__one, set apache to log to a file the user can read for the sites desired06:17
qman__two, set up sudoers to allow that user to sudo for just that command06:17
Zanzacarthats what I have been doing is sudo ./scritp etc etc etc but that give read write access which isnt good since its I am not a great programmer and could mess things up06:19
ZanzacarThere is a group called apache how can I tell what it has access it?06:22
qman__apache runs as www-data, however that's a bad plan as www-data has access to all the files apache does06:23
qman__you don't grant general sudo permission for everything, you narrow it to the specific command06:23
qman__i.e., create a script which does exactly what you want the user to do, then grant the user sudo permission only to run that script06:23
ZanzacarI guess that works, I just thought that it wouldnt be good to all the script to read and write instead of ust read.06:27
Zanzacarthe script is in python and I open the files as read only so I guess it isnt that harmful06:28
qman__you make it so the user does not have the ability to write to the script06:29
qman__then, the user can run the script as root, and it will always do what you expect06:29
qman__there are other ways to do it, but this is the simplest as it does not require modifying any of the existing things06:30
qman__it just adds a new script, and adds a new permission06:30
Zanzacarso how do I do that? change chmod of the script? or just run it with sudo?06:32
qman__just change the permissions on the script so the user in question only has read and execute, not write06:33
qman__and then give that user permission to run that script as root in sudoers06:33
Zanzacargotcha that makes since06:34
Zanzacarcool that is the way I have it setup already :)06:34
qman__from there, the only real vector of attack would be exploiting your script into running arbitrary code06:37
qman__but as long as you keep it fairly simple that should not be an issue06:37
Zanzacarwell I am the only one how has a login, and all it does is data mine information for the access logs06:37
Zanzacarits for www.engineeringmaps.com and if you search for something I can see what your IP is, the date, and the search value06:39
tjaaltonkklimonda: hey, I can do it on monday. is it only a rebuild that's needed or a new upstream version?07:05
jehoshua02I'm creating my first self-signed cert. How is the passphrase associated with the key pair used for?07:42
jehoshua02Does it have to be provided for every https connection?07:43
jehoshua02No, once when starting the service.07:47
CppIsWeirdi just plugged in an SSD drive into my server box. i see the drive displayed during boot, however, fdisk -l does not list the disk.08:06
EMKOdoes ubuntu have mysql 5.5?08:57
RoyKEMKO: no, but there might be packages out there somewhere09:19
RoyKEMKO: dunno if 5.5 is scheduled for precise - file a bug...09:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:21
RoyKEMKO: seems there's  talk about it already in bug #69092509:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 690925 in mysql-5.1 "Package MySQL 5.5.x for Ubuntu" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69092509:24
EMKOso when it comes out it will be for 12.04 ?09:26
RoyKlooks like it09:26
RoyKwhat's so new and shiny in 5.5, btw?09:27
EMKOi dont know but im using it for some time on windows09:27
* RoyK tends to stick to postgresql unless he really has to use toys like mysql for production09:27
EMKOi think 5.5 has been out since 201009:28
RoyKyeah, saw that, but what's new in it?09:34
RoyKscales better, it seems09:35
RoyKI'd still use psql over mysql any day if I could choose...09:35
RoyKbut then, systems like wordpress that are tied head and tail to mysql are ugly and can't be easily supported with anything else...09:43
RoyKwhoever hardcodes anything to a particular DBMS these days must be either very lazy, must like that particular DBMS very much, or be outright stupid.....09:44
EMKOi think im just gona use 5.1 untill ubuntu gets 5.5 hopefully it will be easy to upgrade09:45
EMKOso if its for 12.04 only will i have to reinstall ubuntu or can i upgrade 11.10 to 12.04 from 11.1009:48
RoyKjust do-release-upgrade09:56
RoyKEMKO: also, if it's a server you're installing, I'd recommend using the latest LTS release, 10.0409:56
RoyKthings are far better tested there than in 11.1009:56
RoyKand 10.04 will upgrade to 12.04 directly when the latter is released (since that'll be an LTS as well)09:56
RoyKI only use LTS releases for servers - for good reason09:57
EMKOso 11.10 will update to 12.04 with that command when its out? i realy dont want to reinstall it took me a lot of time to figure out how to install and configure stuff09:58
RoyKyou won't have to reinstall09:58
EMKOhows that? i can go from 11.10 to 10.0409:59
RoyKand if you're already on 11.10 and have spent some time tuning the system, just use it on that release09:59
RoyKyou can't downgrade09:59
EMKOoh ok then i will wait for 12.04 upgrade to that and stick with it untill next LTS09:59
RoyKEMKO: by default, upgrading to an LTS will set Prompt=lts in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, so after upgrading to 12.04LTS a do-release-upgrade won't do much unless you change prompt to 'normal'10:01
EMKOpromt=lts make it only upgrade to lts?10:02
RoyKso once on 12.04, and prompt=lts, it won't do a release upgrade until 14.04 comes around10:03
EMKOwell then i will stay with that so i only upgrade to lts10:03
RoyKlts is fairly safe10:03
dassoukiupgrading my distro from 10.4 to 11.4 is a bit of a challenge, after I did the apt-get update, do-release-upgrade, most packages were downloaded and installed. The install claims it was successful except for a few packages that it couldn't install11:10
dassoukiwhen I do cat /etc/release it still says i'm on 10.4 and i can't apt-get anything although i tried autoremove -f install and autoclean but it seems to be stuck on two othree packages11:10
dassoukislapd, libgdal (gis library), and python-apt11:11
RoyKdassouki: remove the packages and reinstall them11:37
RoyKdassouki: your distro will be on 10.10 after the initial do-release-upgrade, and you'll need to re-run it to get to 11.04 and then again to get to 11.1011:38
dassoukiRoyK: everytime I try to uninstall any of the packages it lists 20 or so packages to be removed and some of htem are core11:57
RoyKdassouki: can you pastebin the output from "apt-get dist-upgrade"?12:16
RoyKor "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"12:17
dassoukiRoyK: http://pastebin.com/Da1NUpdT12:19
RoyKand apt-get install -f ?12:23
dassoukithe same excpet it has failed for correcting dependencies and this E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.12:25
RoyKwhat about dpkg --configure -a ?12:26
* RoyK bbl12:30
dassoukiRoyK: ok ping me when you're back12:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #892747 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89274712:51
jehoshua02I have two domain names pointing at my public ip address, but my server is serving the same thing for both of them.12:54
jehoshua02I'd like only the specific domain names configured to be served and the rest given a 404 or something, but I am lost as to how to do it.12:55
dassoukijehoshua02: have you looked at LAMP tutorials or apache or nginx tutorials?12:57
jehoshua02I've must have been googling the wrong stuff.12:58
kklimondadassouki: you either have a mess in your sources.list, or overzealous pinning rules13:00
kklimondadassouki: for example you somehow ended up with part of openldap from precise (2.4.25-3ubuntu3 is a precise version)13:02
kklimondabut the rest is still from lucid13:03
jehoshua02Every where I look, I don't find anything about this particular issue.13:03
jehoshua02I'd like the default vhost to just 404 error or something but I can't find what I'm looking for.13:06
RoyKdassouki: I realy don't know - sorry...13:11
=== gondoi_ is now known as gondoi
dassoukiRoyK: thanks!14:07
dassoukikklimonda: I see that. I'll probably look at this on Tuesday then.14:08
CarlFKcarl@g2a:~$ sudo mcelog ; mcelog: warning: 16 bytes ignored in each record ;mcelog: consider an update14:41
CarlFKwhat's that mean?  (me goes to the google now...14:41
CarlFKswell, the only relevant hit is just someone else getting the same message:  http://pastebin.com/kSNgvc6c14:48
CarlFKeveryone else gets  mcelog: warning: 18446744073709551600 bytes ignored in each record14:48
jMCgThat's quite a lot of bytes.14:56
jMCg15 peta bytes?14:57
RoyKjMCg: or 16 exabytes...14:57
RoyK(16*1024^6)-16 to be precise :þ15:00
dassouki9is there a tool to automatically clean my sources.list ?15:06
CarlFKundocumented feature: mcelog --version; mcelog 1.0pre15:06
CarlFKdassouki: how clean? :)15:06
dassoukiJavex clean15:06
CarlFK# slcomp.py - sources.list compactor; # reads in /etc/apt/sources.list and sources.d/* files; # consolidates redundancies,15:08
CarlFKlike that?15:08
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.de/ACEc0/  slcomp.py - sources.list compactor15:11
dassoukiCarlFK: thanks it was more that to remove old repos from old distros and drop the ones thta don't exist no more15:48
CarlFKecho "# clean!" > /etc/apt/sources.list :)15:49
CarlFKhuh, looks like I get errors at 299.988026 after boot  http://dpaste.de/EJuE4/15:50
CarlFK+/- something probably based on .. quoting from man mcelog:15:50
CarlFK Possible  causes can be cosmic radiation, instable power supplies, cooling        problems, broken hardware, or bad luck.15:51
CarlFKshould add "CERN experiments"  to the list15:52
aaronbieberCan someone help me out… Evidently karmic koala's sources are no longer on the archive site, and I'd like to upgrade, but since I can't download any packages I'm not sure how to get the update package…?17:33
aaronbieberI'm on 9.10 and totally missed the news that supported ended in April, suddenly all of my automatic updates are throwing 404s because the karmic directory is gone from archive.ubuntu.com.17:34
aaronbieberI popped in here because most of the online docs are for the desktop version and use the X11 programs, but this is a server, I have SSH access only.17:35
jMCgaaronbieber: update.. what, exactly?17:36
aaronbieberI mean I could go ahead and upgrade to the latest distribution if karmic packages will no longer be released.17:36
CarlFKaaronbieber: there is no supported path from there..17:36
aaronbieberSo I'm screwed :(17:36
CarlFKaaronbieber: make a 2nd backup, wipe the drive, install OS, restore data, muck with configs.17:37
Myrttiof course could try to get old-releases, upgrade to lucid17:37
Myrttiwith caveats17:37
aaronbieberUgghhh. It's mostly a straightforward LAMP stack and I would expect that stuff to be OK but I have some wacky stuff floating around in there. Probably best to start from scratch.17:38
tarvidwant to load 11.10-server-i386 by usb stick17:58
tarvidusb-creator-gtk created an empty file system17:58
tarvidtrying to run again but I can't get rid of the 2.0GB parition17:58
CarlFKtarvid: I think you can just dd the .iso onto the stick18:02
tarvidthat is not what http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download says18:03
tarvidBut I like it18:03
tarvidEven though it lacks safeguards18:04
CarlFK"You will need to create a CD or USB stick to install Ubuntu"18:04
CarlFKwhat's a CD made out of...18:05
tarvidmaxell 2GB stick now seems hosed - reports 2mb18:08
CarlFKtarvid: don't worry abuot that, see if it boots18:10
CarlFKddns fun...  20 12:02:02 g2a dhcpd: Unable to add forward map from pc8.private to timed out18:18
CarlFKtimed out?18:18
tarviddoesn't boot, gparted does not see the volume18:21
CarlFKpaste the dd command18:21
tarvidtarvid@geewiz:~/Desktop$ sudo dd if=ubuntu-11.10-server-i386.iso of=/dev/sfc18:22
tarvidah that's not righjt18:22
tarvidtarvid@geewiz:~/Desktop$ sudo dd if=ubuntu-11.10-server-i386.iso of=/dev/sdc18:23
tarviddd: writing to `/dev/sdc': No space left on device18:23
tarvid4097+0 records in18:23
tarvid4096+0 records out18:23
tarvid2097152 bytes (2.1 MB) copied, 1.53778 s, 1.4 MB/s18:23
tarvidthe usb stick is not looking good18:23
CarlFKjust a sec.. google time...18:23
dsirijushow come 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales' doesn't ask me which locales do i want to add/remove? the fancy cli dialogs?18:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #392077 in squid3 (main) "Squid crashes with "assertion failed" mem->swapout.sio" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39207718:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #496886 in squid3 "Squid crashes with "assertion failed" authenticateUserAuthenticated" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49688618:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #591365 in squid3 (main) "Squid3.0 provides no option for re-enabling a cache peer" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59136518:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #633876 in squid3 (main) "Squid closes connection without sending a reply when requesting nonexistent file over FTP" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63387618:31
CarlFKtarvid: try cat instead of dd - http://kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/Debian_USB_install_from_hybrid_iso/18:33
CarlFKtarvid: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-11-10-Will-Be-Distributed-As-Hybrid-CD-USB-images-206765.shtml18:36
CarlFKso it should work18:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #727897 in squid3 (main) "package squid3 3.0.STABLE19-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72789718:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #730501 in squid3 (main) "eCAP support" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73050118:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #745082 in squid3 (main) "DNS queries go to the wrong DNS server when moving between networks" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74508218:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #801893 in squid3 (main) "Provide an newer version for LTS" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80189318:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #805660 in squid3 (main) "squid_session causing segmentation fault" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80566018:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #805931 in squid3 (main) "assertion failed: comm.cc:572: "fdc_table[fd].active == 1" " [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80593118:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #891433 in squid3 (main) "squid3 miss_access bug, fix not included in LTS" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89143318:36
tarvidroot@geewiz:/home/tarvid/Desktop# cat ubuntu-11.10-server-i386.iso >/dev/sdc18:38
tarvidcat: write error: No space left on device18:38
Davieyeek, sorry for the spam18:38
tarvidI think the USB stick is now hosed18:38
CarlFKtarvid: sudo -s18:40
CarlFKtarvid: or figure out how to use sudo and redirection.. which makes me edgy. so I just become root.  don't tell anyone18:41
tarvidtarvid@geewiz:~/Desktop$ sudo -s cat ubuntu-11.10-server-i386.iso > /dev/sdc18:41
tarvidbash: /dev/sdc: Permission denied18:41
CarlFKtarvid: you can write whatever bytes you want to memory, it won't break the memory.18:41
CarlFKno...  just suto -s18:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #743504 in squid3 (main) "squid3 responds to its own multicast ICP queries" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74350418:42
CarlFKer, sudo -s18:42
CarlFKand you shoun't be doing anything sudo that you get from IRC without looking into what it dose :)18:42
tarvidcat: write error: No space left on device18:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #772810 in squid3 (main) "Squid3 Natty: Squid3 has to be restarted so it starts using the newly established internet connection" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77281018:43
dsirijushey, where is console-data?18:43
dsirijusno package found, reports apt-get18:43
CarlFKapt-cache policy console-data; 2:1.10-9 0         500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric/universe i386 Packages18:44
dsirijusCarlFK: ?18:45
CarlFKthat's where it is?18:45
qman__CarlFK, tarvid: cat ubuntu-11.10-server-i386.iso | sudo tee /dev/sdc18:45
tarvidwon't that dump 712MB of gibberish to the screen18:46
qman__no, that is functionally the same as using >18:46
qman__that's just how you do it with sudo, instead of using a root terminal18:46
lifelessno its not18:46
lifeless       tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files18:47
lifeless       Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output.18:47
CarlFKfight fight!18:47
lifelesscat ubuntu-11.10-server-i386.iso | sudo dd of=/dev/sdc bs=6553618:47
dsirijusCarlFK: i found it here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/console-data18:47
dsirijusand i use 64 bit system18:47
dsirijusand i don't have a clue how to get it if it doesn't come up with apt-get install18:47
tarvidthe problem is the geometry is now hosed18:48
tarvidfdisk -i /dev/sdc never returns18:49
dsirijusi'm basically having problem with putty on win 7 not displaying some characters properly on remote ubuntu 11.04 server18:49
qman__if it's being difficult, zero then fdisk18:49
qman__if that doesn't work, the hardware's probably bad18:49
dsirijusso, i just presume console-data will help me18:49
CarlFKI don't think there is a need for fdisk18:49
tarvid-i no longer works in fdisk18:49
qman__I don't know what -i does18:49
CarlFKmuch like not needing to fdisk a blank cd18:49
tarvidhow do I get/set the geometry?18:50
qman__sdc is a CD device?18:50
tarvidmaxell USB stick18:50
qman__flash drives (can) have partitions just like hard drives18:51
qman__and fdisk should work normally, but according to the manual, -i is not an fdisk option18:51
tarvidfdisk will let me set the geometry, now I have to guess what a 2GB stick should look like18:51
CarlFKqman__: and you can clone 2 drives without using fdisk on the target18:51
qman__so I don't know what you are trying to use it to do18:51
tarvidtrying to recover from usb-creator-gtk destroying the geometry in my usb memory stick18:52
CarlFKthe goal is to get the first byte of ubuntu-11.10-server-i386.iso written to the first byte of the usb stick.. repeat...18:52
CarlFKhave you given up trying to boot from the usb stick?18:53
tarvidthe usb stick is basically unwriteable beyond 2MB18:53
qman__Disk /dev/sdc: 2003 MB, 2003795968 bytes18:54
qman__255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 243 cylinders18:54
qman__that's a 2GB flash drive I have18:54
tarvidI'll try it18:55
qman__since geometry is largely for compatibility reasons anymore, setting yours the same should work18:55
CarlFKqman__: why bother setting it?18:55
qman__if the geometry is wrong, weird things can happen18:56
qman__my point is, almost all new drives have the same geometry settings18:56
qman__because they're not actually relevant on a hardware level18:56
qman__but when set wrong, you can get miscommunication and some strange results18:57
CarlFKim still skeptical it is relevant to this problem18:58
qman__odds are the flash drive is toasted18:58
qman__but it's worth a try18:58
tarvidI'm going to exchange it18:59
tarvidThis is silly18:59
qman__I recently ran into geometry issues when I set up my file server, some of the drives had wrong geometry and so the available space was wrong18:59
EMKOwhat does failed length mean in ab19:06
tarvidback with a fresh sticdk showing Public and mac and xp directories19:09
tarvidhow should I try writing ubuntu to this stick19:09
dsirijusok, i've isolated my problem to following - i cannot input foreign characters in putty but i can paste them in...19:10
tarvidor do I just run the Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator program again19:11
dsirijusanyone here actually using putty to administer server from windows?19:15
tarvidonly when I absolutely have to19:18
EMKOwhats wrong with putty19:18
tarvidwhen I have to run windows I do it in a VM with Virtualbox19:19
tarvidPutty is just as wonderful as Windows19:19
tarvidBut I have to admit Unity makes XP look good19:21
tarvidin which package do I report the Startup Disk Creator Bug?19:23
tarvidAh, I'll bet I lost the Authenticate window the first time19:24
tarvidAnd I'll let the Upgrade volume detected window hang19:26
qman__I've used the startup disk creator several times with success19:28
jelly-homedsirijus: I'd suggest using UTF-8 translation on putty, and using some utf8 locale on the remote machine.  "locale -a" will give a list of currently enabled locales.19:30
dsirijusjelly-home: i'm using en-US.UTF-8 locale on server, and UTF-8 translation on putty19:30
jelly-homedsirijus: ok, and does locale -a show something like "en_US.utf8" ?19:31
dsirijusjelly-home: yes19:31
jelly-homedsirijus: then en_US.UTF-8 (note the third character is an underscore) ought to work19:31
dsirijusjelly-home: i guess it doesn't :(19:32
jelly-homedsirijus: how exactly does it fail?19:32
dsirijusi cannot input ćčđ, and can žš19:33
dsirijusand i can paste in any19:33
jelly-homedsirijus: interesting choice of characters.  There is a #ubuntu-hr channel as well.19:34
EMKOwhat else is there for windows other then putty?19:34
tarvidit is downhill from putty19:35
dsirijusshould i jump to #ubuntu-hr then?19:35
tarvidI like jelly-home's suggestion on URF-819:35
jelly-homedsirijus: if it's easier for you to explain the issue in your native language, sure ;-)19:35
dsirijusjelly-home: how come you know for croatian chars?19:36
jelly-homedsirijus: /whois jelly-home19:36
EMKOim croatian19:36
dsirijusgreat then :)19:36
dsirijusi had Dželalija as my high-school physics teacher19:37
dsirijusshe was awesome19:37
jelly-homeEMKO: well you could join the local channel then, too, if you wished19:37
dsirijusok, i'm moving to -hr then19:37
EMKOnaa more people here19:37
jelly-homedsirijus: is there usage of screen involved as well?19:38
dsirijusno, but is planned19:38
jelly-homeEMKO: you can be in more than one channel at the same time.  A novel approach!20:05
three18tihow do I reset an orchestra login?  I reset the cobbler login, but when I try to login through http://example.com/cobbler_web with my newly reset username/password it returns me to the login screen.20:28
three18tithis is a fresh install, so if I have to reinstall the meta-package I can...  but it seems like there should be a way to add/remove/modify user logins...20:30
tarvidThanks CarlFK and everybody, the install is complete, have a hunch the grub install authorization message got lost in the desktop and the erase in startup disk creator hammeded the USB stick20:32
=== SWAT__ is now known as SWAT
RoyK.... . .-.. .-.. ---20:51
* jelly-home pipes RoyK to morse -d20:52
=== iarp_ is now known as iarp
three18tianyone using orchestra?22:26
DanaGSay, what happened to the "ASPEED" video driver in oneiric?22:37
DanaGIt seems to be missing, or at least isn't a package.22:38
lifelesshallyn: hiya... another lxc glitch - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/89289222:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 892892 in lxc "mountall upgrade fails to install within lucid lxc container" [Undecided,New]22:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #892892 in lxc (main) "mountall upgrade fails to install within lucid lxc container" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89289222:51
DanaGhmm, installed lightdm, but no gnome or anything...23:34
DanaG!find xsessions23:36
ubottuFile xsessions found in aewm++, afterstep, amiwm, awesome, blackbox, bluetile, cairo-dock-data, dwm, e17-data, fluxbox (and 42 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xsessions&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any23:36
DanaGhmm, that link doesn't work.23:37
DanaG!find /xsessions/23:38
ubottuFile /xsessions/ found in aewm++, afterstep, amiwm, awesome, blackbox, bluetile, cairo-dock-data, dwm, e17-data, fluxbox (and 42 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=/xsessions/&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any23:38
DanaG!find /usr/share/xsessions23:39
ubottuFile /usr/share/xsessions found in aewm++, afterstep, amiwm, awesome, blackbox, bluetile, cairo-dock-data, dwm, e17-data, fluxbox (and 42 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=/usr/share/xsessions&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any23:39

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