
AlanBellit can get a bit more complicated than that depending on what you are removing and what the interdependencies are00:00
GreenDancegood night everyone00:00
AlanBellnight o/00:00
brobostigonnight o/00:00
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kaushalcan someone please suggest me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-November/254345.html ?02:58
kaushalhow do i run strace dpkg ?02:58
BigRedSkaushal: the command is strace, you probably want to look at   man strace  to see the ways of invoking it04:18
kaushalBigRedS: hi again07:26
kaushalapologies got disconnected07:26
kaushalAny clue ?07:26
kaushalBigRedS: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-November/254320.html07:28
MartijnVdSkaushal: what's the actual problem you're having?07:36
MartijnVdSkaushal: just posting random mailing list posts won't really help...07:37
kaushalMartijnVdS: yeah sure07:38
kaushali am unable to kill dpkg process07:38
MartijnVdSkaushal: can you post the output of "ps faux" to a pastebin?07:39
kaushalMartijnVdS: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/743962/07:40
MartijnVdSthe processes are already dead ("Ds")07:41
MartijnVdSIs there NFS or sshfs or some other remote file system on this machine?07:41
kaushalso sshfs ?07:41
MartijnVdSis the disk OK?07:41
kaushalhow do i check it ?07:41
kaushalfor sshfs07:42
MartijnVdSkaushal: "mount"07:42
MartijnVdSit'll show all mounted file systems and their types07:42
kaushalMartijnVdS: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/743965/07:42
MartijnVdSshouldn't be a problem07:43
kaushalHow do i purge it ?07:43
MartijnVdSlast thing I'd check before just rebooting (Which will fix it 100% sure :)) was dmesg07:43
MartijnVdSis there anything about the file system being broken in dmesg07:43
kaushali do not have option about reboot07:43
MartijnVdSI think a reboot is the best solution - finding out what dead processes are sleeping .. no idea07:45
kaushalMartijnVdS: how about strace07:45
MartijnVdSkaushal: that doesn't work on dead processes07:45
kaushalso dead means zombie ?07:45
kaushali mean defunct07:45
MartijnVdSdefunct, yes07:46
kaushalbut it will be denoted by Z and not Ds ?07:46
MartijnVdSit can't be really removed from the process table because it's in uninterruptible sleep07:46
MartijnVdSthe moment that gets fixed, it'll be properly dead07:46
kaushalas per man ps07:46
kaushalso zombie process are denoted by Z or Ds ?07:47
kaushalI mean defunct07:47
MartijnVdSkaushal: what's the output of "lsof -p x" (with "x" replaced with the dpkg pid(s))07:48
MartijnVdSkaushal: http://blog.notreally.org/2008/02/10/tricks-to-diagnose-processes-blocked-on-strong-io-in-linux/07:49
kaushalMartijnVdS: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/743979/07:50
MartijnVdSkaushal: I don't see anything strange in those..07:50
MartijnVdSI think a reboot might be the only option (and a hardware check, these things don't happen normally)07:51
kaushalMartijnVdS: can you point me to some docs about various Process states in ps table07:56
kaushalalthough man page does not help much07:57
kaushalMartijnVdS: thanks07:59
kaushalMartijnVdS: can partner repos be integrated with local ubuntu repos ?08:00
kaushalI am using debmirror08:00
MooDoomorning all08:39
MyrttiI'm trying to eat my cupboards empty for some reason, or atleast try to get rid of soon to go out of date stuff09:21
MyrttiI didn't remember I had hazelnut Options sachets09:21
AlanBellstill a place (possibly 2) for the christmas meal folks09:22
* Myrtti feels sad for not being able to attend09:23
nigelbMorning popey!10:01
nigelbWait, isn't it evening?10:02
AlanBellmorning nigelb10:02
nigelbAh right. I'm slightly easterly than normal :)10:02
nigelbIts 6 pm here10:02
AlanBellhow is KL?10:02
nigelbIt is amazing!10:02
AlanBellbeen up the petronas towers?10:02
nigelbMozcamp just got over!10:02
nigelbI'm going to go tomorrow morning10:03
nigelbTonight, we'll just roam around the Towers10:03
nigelbTomorrow I'll try to get on the walkway10:03
Myrttikeep away from the hanging lights10:04
nigelbok, its party time. We have about 6 hours of time to party! Laters everyone :)10:05
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
* Seeker` has been on registered on freenode for 5 years today :O10:46
MyrttiI'll reach my seveth year next month10:50
Myrttiso much wasted time and effort10:50
dwatkinsThere must also be good things about it, though.10:55
Myrttitrue, I should try harder to find good things, today was a first time in a long time there was actual sunshine10:57
dwatkinswe took delivery of a new fridge yesterday, but the landlord screwed-up and ordered one about 2/3rds the required size, but at least we don't have to put up with a noisy fridge any more.10:59
matttsun?  there's no sun to be found anywhere around here11:00
Myrttiexpecting first snow next week11:01
dwatkinsWe tend to get snow in January in Edinburgh.11:01
dwatkinsI'd best get my parking permit sorted out so I can just take the bus to work each day, then it's someone else's problem to warm and de-ice the vehicle ;)11:02
Myrttishould I install something special to access my samba shares through nautilus?11:04
dwatkinsLike a christmas metacity theme? ;)11:06
dwatkinsI thought you could just go to a samba:/host/directory style address with it11:06
Myrtti"Unable to mount location: Failed to retrieve share list from server"11:11
dwatkinsoh, it's smb://delta/mp311:13
gordonjcpmy landlord reminded me that it's about time to get the boiler serviced11:14
gordonjcpby the simple method of getting his son (who is a heating engineer) to pop down from the farm with his tools11:15
gordonjcpand I've got my 100kg of paving slabs ordered for the winter11:15
gordonjcpsince it doesn't look like I'll be getting a front wheel drive van before december is out11:15
dwatkinsshouldn't the landlord just service the boiler and install paving slabs?11:16
matttMyrtti: snow?  wait, where?11:16
mattthttp://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/mi80x/give_me_that_one_command_you_wish_you_knew_years/ <-- disown, what a beauty11:16
gordonjcpdwatkins: I live in a farm cottage, my landlord is the farmer11:17
dwatkinsmattt: yeah, I was reading that thread, and thought the exact same thing :)11:17
gordonjcpdwatkins: one of his sons is a heating engineer and takes care of the boiler etc, his other son runs a building supplies place11:17
matttdwatkins: ^5 ... love stuff like that :)11:17
gordonjcpdwatkins: the paving slabs go in a steel crate in the back of my van, strapped down over the rear axle11:17
dwatkinsgordonjcp: oh handy :)11:17
dwatkinsmattt: yeah, reddit is great for all sorts of things, and the fact you can join subreddits is superb11:18
gordonjcpthis means that I can piss past all the bogged 4x4s on the roads11:18
Myrttimattt: about 1000 miles from UK11:18
matttMyrtti: which way?11:18
brobostigongood morning everyone,11:19
gordonjcpmattt: east, mostly11:19
gordonjcpI always forget how far north Finland is11:19
gordonjcpfor some reason I keep thinking it's as far south as sweden11:20
matttgordonjcp: would love to go up there to see northern lights!11:21
gordonjcpmattt: I've seen them from my place up north, that's only about 57 degrees11:21
gordonjcpmattt: you need a more active sun though11:21
gordonjcpwe had a massive burst about a month ago, *all kinds* of aurora11:22
matttgordonjcp: up north, as in ... shetland islands?  :)11:22
gordonjcphugely overcast here but I was picking up lots of auroral propagation on VHF11:22
gordonjcpmattt: skye11:22
gordonjcpshetland is about 58 degrees11:22
matttgordonjcp: oh, you're out that way too?11:23
matttgordonjcp: did a nice drive through skye this august, was lovely :D11:23
gordonjcpmattt: yeah11:23
gordonjcpmattt: I'm just outside Glasgow at the moment but I grew up on Skye11:24
gordonjcpgoing up there later in the week actually11:24
* mattt is jealous11:24
* dwatkins lives in Edinburgh11:25
matttkrikey, half this channel is scottish :)11:26
MooDooaye :)11:26
gordonjcpfunny to think that Copenhagen and Malmö are on the same latitude as Kilmarnock11:26
dwatkinsI assume the Gulf stream makes it "warmer" in Scotland than similar latitudes elsewhere, e.g. Sweden or Canada11:27
gordonjcpdwatkins: yeah11:28
MyrttiTampere is 61.5, 23.76666711:30
MyrttiI seem to be unable to hack Wolfram Alpha or Google to tell me how many miles/kilometres that is north from John O'Groates11:32
matttgordonjcp: do you speak gaelic?11:33
gordonjcpmattt: a little11:42
matttanyone run ubuntu on a macbook?12:06
dwatkinsmattt: not yet, but I plan to - my other half installed Ubuntu on her MBP 15" (late 2009)12:07
matttdwatkins: i upgraded to lion and performance has been horrible, figure if i'm reinstalling i may as well try ubuntu :D12:09
dwatkinsmattt: I bootcamped recently to install WinXP, I imagine I'll have to start again for OSX/XP/Ubuntu, and definitely if I want to use Win7 on here.12:09
dwatkinsmattt: does activity monitor not show CPU usage being high or something? What kind of performance issues?12:10
mattti've never used bootcamp sadly, always just used os x12:10
matttdwatkins: a whole lot of beachballin'12:10
matttopening safari, doing anything seems to beach ball12:10
dwatkinsmattt: I suspect there's another reason for that - I assume you've updated12:30
matttdwatkins: yep, hence trying the fresh install12:35
dwatkinsmattt: ah ok, if you've not already installed it, there's a lot you can do to diagnose with top, activity monitor, and dplace12:36
dwatkinsoops, DTrace, I mean: http://www.brendangregg.com/DTrace/dtrace_oneliners.txt12:37
jutnuxAny of you guys have a tablet?13:09
jutnuxiPad, Galaxy Tab etc13:09
mfraz74i have an arnova 10 G213:09
jutnuxmfraz74: Any good?13:09
jutnuxLooks like the Archos 101 :P13:10
mfraz74not too bad, using it right now13:10
jutnuxMight get myself an Archos 10113:10
jutnuxsame specs as that13:10
jutnuxHave to use ArcTools to get the market though13:11
mfraz74Maplin are selling it for £15013:11
mfraz74arctools doesn't work on the Arnova yet13:11
jutnuxAh right13:12
jutnuxThink I'm going to get the Archos 10113:12
matttdwatkins: haven't reinstalled yet, re-downloading lion, will try to diagnose a bit further before reinstalling13:12
mfraz74what size screen?13:13
* mattt is afk for a bit13:13
dwatkinsmattt: I'd be interested in knowing your results13:13
jutnuxmfraz74: I only really want a tablet for quick browsing and things.13:15
MyrttiI'm on exopc right now13:16
mfraz74I 'm using it for browsing, chatting and playing games. beebdroid is a good beeb emulator13:17
Old-porti got this coin13:19
Old-porti think its english13:19
Old-portold coin13:19
Old-porteven though tis latin13:20
Old-portit says BRITANNIARUM13:20
Old-portwhich sorta sounds like britain13:20
Old-portthats the back face13:21
Old-portis that english?13:21
Myrttilooks like a commemorative coin13:24
Myrttiand latin13:24
jacobwgeorge 313:25
jutnuxGeorge the 3rd13:25
Old-portis it13:25
* dwatkins notes Myrtti has awesome powers in the ubuntu channel13:25
Old-portquite an appetite he had that fella13:26
Myrttidwatkins: I have awesome powers on a lot of channels13:26
Myrttiincluding this :-)13:26
dwatkinsI'm not going to doubt that ;)13:26
Old-portis this a real english currency??13:27
MyrttiOld-port: doubt it13:27
Old-portwhys that13:27
Myrtticurrency tends to have something to tell the value of it13:27
Old-porti dunno latin though13:27
Old-portit might tell the value13:27
Old-portis it english?13:27
Old-portat all13:27
Old-portwas this guy your king at somepoint?13:28
Myrttiwell, not mine, but Britons ;-)13:28
Old-portis he the queens great grandfather?13:28
Old-portor something like that?13:28
Old-porti bet its got good value13:30
Old-port200 year old13:30
Old-porti think its gold though im not sure13:30
Myrttiwell it just said on the website someone gave a link to that a good condition one is nearly £70013:30
jutnuxMyrtti: If this is a W Wyon one13:30
jutnuxIt'll be worth more13:31
Old-portwhat link ?13:31
Myrttiah, yes, the reverse is different13:31
Old-portthe one jutnux posted?13:31
Old-portit doesnt look even remotely similar13:31
Old-portboth faces are completely different13:31
Old-portthose coins are different in every way13:31
jutnuxI can only find a gold one13:32
jutnuxSilver one I mean13:32
jutnux£10,000 - £15,000 apparently.13:32
Old-portwheres the picture13:32
jutnuxOn the page13:32
jutnuxI think yours might not be real though, don't know.13:32
Old-portyeah that does look better13:32
Old-portthough the backside is all wrong13:32
Old-portand this ones definitely silver13:33
jutnuxOh it looks gold13:33
Old-portthat does look more like it13:34
Old-porti really wish they had better quality images though13:34
jutnuxOld-port: Why not take it to a coin specialist? :P13:34
Old-portMyrtti, this one isnt identical13:35
Old-portlook at the  position of the head13:35
Old-portdifferent text too13:35
Old-portjutnux, yeah thats a possibility13:35
jutnuxMass split, woo13:36
=== ubuntuuk-planet9 is now known as ubuntuuk-planet
Old-portoh dear13:39
jutnuxHow much does yours weigh?13:39
Old-portno idea13:40
Old-portits got some weigh onto it13:40
jutnuxYou can only hope ;)13:40
Old-portthey look identical in every way13:40
jutnuxI found a stopwatch13:41
jutnuxand it was worth £85,000 if it was real13:41
jutnuxbut it was copper coated in gold :(13:41
Old-portmine actually looks better than this13:41
Old-porti need a weight13:41
Old-portand i need one of those gold test kits13:41
Old-portone of 7 known13:42
Old-portone of 8 lets hope13:42
Old-portProof 63 Ultra Cameo13:42
Old-portthats some kind of grading i presume13:42
Old-portthis is unbelievable13:43
Old-portmine looks so much better than theirs  i gotta tell you13:44
Old-portmaybe its the camera13:44
jutnuxProbably :p13:45
jutnuxIf you get rich, loan me £300 ;)13:45
Myrttiwell that was a nice sunshine14:00
gordonjcpit's pissing down now14:00
Myrttiyeah, and I'm talking in past tense14:00
Myrttisun just went down14:00
gordonjcpthis is going to make barbecueing awkward14:01
gordonjcpMyrtti: yeah, not sunset for another hour here, not that you'd notice14:01
Myrttiapparently it went down half an hour ago14:03
gordonjcpit's been sunny all weekend14:03
gordonjcpI bet it'll be sunny next week too14:03
Myrttigordonjcp: wolfram alpha claims the sun goes down in two hours and twenty odd minutes :-P14:04
Myrttistill plenty of time14:04
gordonjcpman, the barbecue is filling with water14:05
gordonjcpMyrtti: I guess it depends on local terrain14:05
gordonjcpMyrtti: if you had it totally flat to sea level to the west you might have the sun for another two hours14:05
jutnuxgordonjcp: I tried to cook a pizza on a bbq before, rest assured it ended up nearly burning the house down.14:06
jutnuxThe oven was broken.14:06
jutnuxBurning the shed down even.14:06
gordonjcpjutnux: I thought about decamping to one of the farm sheds14:06
gordonjcpmaybe I'll go to B&Q and get a tarpaulin14:06
jutnuxGood idea.14:06
ubuntuuk-planet[Dan Fish] Recycle, Recycle, Recycle - http://www.ossmedicine.org/uncategorized/11/recycle-recycle-recycle/14:11
popeyjutnux: you asked if anyone has a tablet, i have an ipad and an asus transformer on the way14:16
MooDooafternoon all14:17
mfraz74afternoon popey14:20
jutnuxpopey: Is the transformer any good?14:32
jutnuxNever mind, you don't have it.14:33
popeydunno, ask me in two days ☺14:35
jutnuxI shall.14:35
jutnuxI'm getting an Archos 101.14:35
jutnuxToast sandwich is calling me, brb.14:40
Myrttihow do I know if I'm using 802.11n or something else?15:04
Myrttifrom the Bit Rate iwconfig gives?15:04
MartijnVdSMyrtti: "iw wlan0 link" will tell you I think15:08
jacobwwhen is usc going to price in gbp?15:09
MyrttiMartijnVdS: I get the same information I got from iwconfig15:13
* Myrtti checks wikipedia15:14
MartijnVdSMyrtti: I don't think there's really a "connection is 802.11n" flag then -- it's just all implicit based on connection speeds (and modulations)15:14
MartijnVdSMyrtti: but I've been known to be wrong in matters of wifi :)15:14
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
matttalright, putting ubuntu on my macbook pro looks like too much work :/17:49
popeyinsert cd, boot from cd, do install17:54
popeythats what I did17:54
matttpopey: when critical things like wireless don't work, i wonder if it's worth the effort :P18:05
popeywhich mbp?18:05
popeywhat wifi card does it have?18:06
popeybroadcom ?18:06
matttBCM43xx (broadcom)18:06
popeyyeah, looks annoying18:06
matttwill have a look, but afk for the minute18:07
matttthanks popey18:07
MyrttiI'm a bit annoyed with 11.10 having 3.0 kernel :-<18:11
Myrttiall the instructions to get the tablet working as it should are for 11.04 or 2.x kernels18:11
Myrttidon't know should I do something with http://www.broadcom.com/support/crystal_hd/ or not18:15
Myrttilinux-firmware-nonfree seems to have it already18:25
popeyMyrtti: which tablet? exopc?18:26
gordnot much supports crystal HD though, i think xbmc had work done for it18:29
Myrttigord: confusing information: freedesktop.org claims vaapi supports it, and that several players support vaapi19:14
gordack that is confusing, well maybe things will work great :)19:18
Myrttithank deity for text-only google cache19:19
brobostigongoogle.com/latitude is 404'ing here, :(19:19
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: didn't they replace that with Plus?19:19
brobostigonMartijnVdS: it worked yesterday. and i havent heard anything of that happening, if so, how do i access it?19:20
MartijnVdSThey might just have messed something up19:20
brobostigonmore than likely.19:21
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Myrttiok, what's the difference between libva-glx1, libva-tpi1 and libva-x11-1?19:22
dwatkinsI imagine the glx one is for accelerated environments and the x11 one doesn't depend on anything more than a "2D capable" graphics card, Myrtti.19:23
brobostigonworks now, much better.19:24
dwatkinsbrobostigon: ah cool, I just tested and it works for me now too19:24
Myrttidwatkins: if you could see my face right now, you could be greeted by a blank stare19:24
brobostigondwatkins: who knows what happened, maybe dns update issue?19:24
Myrttiso if I've got Unity running just fine and compositing works etc, I could run, say, the glx one?19:25
popeyMyrtti: apparently the payware fluendo codec pack supports vaapi19:25
dwatkinsMyrtti: I suspect so, yes, especially if you have nvidia or ati drivers installed19:25
Myrttipopey: I know19:25
MyrttiI'm not ready to part for the amount of money they are asking just to get HD video if I can try other tricks first19:26
dwatkinsHD video is the same resolution my monitor has ten years ago.19:27
dwatkinsGranted my computer couldn't play fullscreen video at that rate back then, but still.19:27
AlanBellevening all19:28
brobostigongood evening AlanBell19:28
popeyGood evening AlanBell19:31
popeyMyrtti: got a link to tech specs of that tablet?19:31
MyrttiI give up19:32
Myrttipopey: sure, I'll find a link.19:32
mgdm  evening all19:33
Myrttithe irony of the location of that list doesn't escape me19:33
Myrttisupports 64-bit... ho hum19:34
Myrttioh well, I was going to reinstall sometime soonish anyway19:34
popeyoh, its the wetab19:35
* mgdm is reading http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/mi80x/give_me_that_one_command_you_wish_you_knew_years/19:35
mgdmlots of nice bash/zsh trickery19:35
Myrttipopey: wetab with the CrystalHD and 64GB SSD19:36
Myrttijust asking a friend who works for Canonical if he'd be able to do anything if I can somehow get him one19:40
MyrttiTampere has a high frequency of these things after Intel AppUp event in April19:40
popeywow, they're hideous inside19:43
AlanBelldear banshee, if you take 349% of my CPU and stay there you will be killed. http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/fear%20the%20banshee.png19:47
popeymattt: https://plus.google.com/u/1/100568396676405064966/posts/2yqi7hQiH8H19:48
popeytiming ☺19:48
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)19:49
popeypip pip19:51
bigcalmAfternoon naps are a great19:51
bigcalmAm I getting old?19:51
* AlanBell is done with banshee and tangerine19:58
AlanBellforked-daapd and rhythmbox work fine19:59
mgdmRhythmbox \o/20:00
bigcalmSpotify \o/20:03
popey\o/ Spotify20:03
Myrttiupdating xserver from edgers... mmmmmm feeling a bit scared of "Do you want to continue [Y/n]20:03
MyrttiI don't know if I do20:04
bigcalmIt would be interesting if apt-get were to say "I'm feeling a bit scared about this. Do you want to continue [Y/n]"20:04
mgdmOr just "I'm sorry, I can't do that, Dave."20:05
mgdmwhich you could then override by running with sudo...20:05
Myrtti"Daisy, Daisy"20:05
Myrtti"Give me your answer do..."20:06
Myrttiahahhahah "Apple's iPhone assistant, Siri, repeats part of the chorus when prompted to sing a song."20:07
matttpopey: 10-4 on the link, thank you20:08
AlanBellbigcalm: popey so are you running spotify under wine?20:18
AlanBellor the premium version for Linux?20:18
=== webpigeon is now known as Guest45578
* BigRedS votes for spotify in rhythmbox20:19
=== Guest45578 is now known as webpigeon
buzz_AlanBell, the linux native version now works with free accounts20:23
AlanBelloh, I had a look yesterday and it didn't seem to, said they couldn't reliably play adverts in it or something20:23
buzz_im still running it under wine though on jolios20:23
buzz_oh. well ive not tried it. i read it did just recently20:24
AlanBellI think I am fine with just my CDs20:24
AlanBellI haven't listened to any of them for about 10 years20:24
AlanBellivanka: \o/20:28
AlanBellhow is the bike going?20:28
ivankahello AlanBell!20:28
ivankaBrilliant - am in Panama20:28
AlanBellgot a hat?20:28
ivankafinally finally managed to get a stable enough connection to upgrade :-)20:28
ivankano hat :(20:28
AlanBellseen the canal?20:28
ivankayup - very very interesting20:28
* AlanBell has now fully run out of panama knowledge20:28
czajkowskihttp://fosdem.org/2012/  75 days to FOSDEM20:29
ivankaAlanBell: don't worry, I think that is all there is to it20:29
czajkowskiivanka: you're back20:29
ivankaAlanBell: apart from lovely nature and tropical type stuff20:29
* czajkowski hugs ivanka 20:29
ivankaczajkowski: not back - in Panama - but online :-)20:29
ivankaWanting some help though, my webcam has stopped working and I can't find anything in the forums that looks useful - who is good to ask?20:30
ivankaczajkowski: sorry to be a tease20:30
czajkowskiivanka: asked in -desktop for some help, but tis the weekend so not many alive20:32
AlanBellwhat webcam?20:32
ivankaczajkowski: ok - will add - but just noticed that it started working...20:32
* ivanka hangs head in an embarrassed way20:32
czajkowskimeh happens to us all20:33
czajkowskiat least it's working20:33
ivankaczajkowski: yeah20:33
ivankabest go and try my mum again :-)20:33
czajkowskitake care remember to blog :)20:33
ivankaczajkowski: you not checking bootsboatsandbikes.co.uk?20:34
ivankaczajkowski: hang on - going to reboot20:34
czajkowskieh no20:36
czajkowskifeck was checking your blog20:36
bigcalmAlanBell: I have the expensive account and run the native client. Didn't know it didn't work for free accounts20:36
czajkowskiohhhh lotta reading to catch up on20:37
AlanBellnot sure if I get on well enough with music any more to pay for it20:42
=== SWAT__ is now known as SWAT
MyrttiAlanBell: since you're there20:43
Myrttiwould you happen to know a trick to reset the location of onboard?20:43
AlanBelloh dear, it isn't off screen to the right is it?20:43
Myrttioh yeah.20:43
Myrttican't see 0 or z :-(20:45
AlanBellbug 88560820:46
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 885608 in onboard (Ubuntu) "if you manage to get onboard move button offscreen you can't get it back" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88560820:46
AlanBellturn off force to top20:46
AlanBellif that doesn't work I can give you a hack to the SVG layout to make one of the buttons on the left into a move button20:47
AlanBellMyrtti: did you see the model m layout got merged in?20:48
Myrttithat was a relief20:48
MyrttiAlanBell: I did, and I had a hearty laugh20:48
AlanBelland the typist layout I did20:48
AlanBellooh it now has an option to autohide when not editing text20:52
AlanBellwhich works20:53
DJonesAnybody having problems with twitter tonight?#21:07
ubuntubhoynope, but I use tweetdeck rather than twitter page21:07
DJonesSeems a bit flaky at the minute, website timing out, gwibber & polly losing connection21:08
ubuntubhoydont like gwibber either21:10
AlanBell!ping | AlanBell21:17
lubotu3`AlanBell, please see my private message21:17
bigcalmDing dong21:18
AlanBellbit of irssi fixing21:18
AlanBellhilight window had got all messed up and some lines at the bottom of the screen were not working right, really odd21:19
DJonesAlanBell: Did you join a new channel while you where in your hilight window?21:22
AlanBelldon't think so, it seemed stranger than when that happens21:22
bigcalmThis is making me want to play Zelda http://open.spotify.com/track/6sZmgTsyiF9ObnEniMISIc21:48
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Appreciation Day - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/20/ubuntu-appreciation-day/22:12
Azelphurbought a laptop off a company in London, the touch screen was DOA so I sent it back, it's been 3 months and they havn't returned the laptop or my money. Any suggestions on what the next move is? :(22:16
Azelphurthey keep making excuses, first it was "The touch screen is an optional extra" then it was "Our suppliers shipment is held up" then it was "The manager has gone on Holiday to get married and nobody has authority to order parts" then "The manager extended his holiday" -.-22:17
mgdmstart quoting regulations22:18
mgdmDistance Selling Act might be relevant22:18
Azelphursomehow I don't think quoting regulations will help, they arn't disputing that they need to do it, they are just making excuses as to why they can't do it22:19
mgdmthat doesn't change the law22:19
tonytigerTrading Standards too22:20
mgdma failure of their organisational skills shouldn't require that you're left otu of pocket22:20
tonytigerTell them you want it fixed and returned within X days or a full refund22:20
Azelphurwhat's a good X, 7?22:23
mgdmsounds fair22:23
bigcalmWorking days?22:29
bigcalmOh, good evening peeoples22:30
dwatkinsAzelphur: tell the manufacturer?I bought an ASUS laptop which has some dead pixels on the display, I sent it back to the company I bought it from and they refused to do anything, so I sent it to the manufacturer - they replaced the screen (or at least the panel) and gave me a hair trapped just under the camera22:31
dwatkinsI'd ask them to just send it back so you can send it on to the manufacturer, Azelphur.22:31
Azelphurdwatkins: it's a refurb22:31
=== Mattb90_ is now known as Mattb90

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