
InHisNameThey wont even give chase to mutated turkeys ?02:40
MutantTurkeywhew I barely made it home alive05:08
MutantTurkeyI had to duck under the bar as someone pulled out a shotgun and yelled "it's hunting season05:09
MutantTurkeyI had to "duck"05:09
InHisNamenow he wants to be a duck, huh ?05:47
InHisNameMake up your mind, turkey !05:47
JonathanDMorning rmg5112:06
rmg51just back from my walk13:43
InHisNameYou missed a big disconnect with me and maybe you too.  Only 30 seconds offline. Switched servers, one I was on musta died.14:11
InHisNameTime to go to church.14:11
* waltman spent all day yesterday at philcon14:28
jedijfwaltman: how was it?15:48
jedijfi mean all day implies awesome15:50
ChinnoDogSounds better than church.15:56
waltmanjedijf: Good. Cory Doctorow was the guest of honor, and I got to hear him talk for an hour on the evils of copyrights and Apple. Good times. :)16:59
jedijfwaltman: his latest articlein Make mag was ok, not overly free-tarded17:35
Sadinjust trying crunchbang for the first time not to bad17:36
jedijfi never felt the crunchbang love17:38
jedijfgrant it; it was a very limited attempt17:39
jedijfi tried crunchbang and slitaz briefly17:39
waltmanjedijf: I also went to an interesting talk on the James Webb Space Telescope.17:40
waltmanThe artist GOH was Boris Vallejo. He'd come down with a cold and spent the day in his room, but his wife talked about how they work. She's also an artist who has basically the same style as him.17:42
waltmanGotta run. Later.17:46
InHisNameI'm back20:05
MutantTurkeyback in black!20:17
Resistancepleia2:  if you're around, /query21:45
jedijfpleia2: awwww, nice blog post22:56
ChinnoDogNow that picture represents 'early LoCo days'23:34

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