
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do00:01
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mongyDoodie: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu is a nice resouce.00:03
indioFIX UNITY PLEASEEE!!!!00:04
ironfoot495ok nvidia driver is installed00:05
ironfoot495actionparsnip: are you there?00:07
ActionParsnipironfoot495: back00:08
oy1rubuntu 10.04 networking does not work, wired and wireless.00:08
ActionParsnipironfoot495: whats the score?00:08
ironfoot495ok good00:08
ironfoot495I installed the driver as you requested00:08
usr13oy1r: You already said that.  Would you like to try and fix it?00:08
ActionParsnipoy1r: run:  sudo lshw -C network     and you can see the network chips and find guides using that. Thought to try oneiric? the later drivers may help00:09
ironfoot495parsesnip:  what's my next step?00:09
ironfoot495Actionparsnip: sorry00:09
NatureTMI've got a fresh ubuntu 11.10 amd64 install.  I'm having trouble with the samba client.  "failed to retrieve share list from server"  The server has always worked with other clients.  Any ideas?00:11
nunogot a question people00:12
nunoi'm a travian addict00:12
nunohow can i use TM bot on linux?00:12
nunoi tried wine but it won't work00:12
nunois there any emulator that can run this program?00:13
staykovActionParsnip: i installed it, and I see the videodev.h file, however when I run make it still does not find it, is there a way to copy it somewhere to make it see? I see where it is included00:13
ActionParsnipironfoot495: if you run:  nvidia-settings     does it show the driver installed and running?00:13
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: wait one00:13
staykovand it finds other libraries in the includes folder, just that one still says file does not exist00:13
ActionParsnipstaykov: that's all I know. I don't code?00:13
oy1ri guess i'll just give oneiric a shot, it's hopeless working on this with out networking !.00:14
staykovi see, thanks anyways00:14
ironfoot495I just ran the nvidia-settings cmd and got   a message saying you do not appear to be using the X driver??00:17
Phoenix87toshiba or hp?00:17
ActionParsnipironfoot495: run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    then reboot00:17
maslenHow can I make flash videos (ex: youtube) run efficiently? On Windows, the card could handle 1080p. On Ubuntu 11.04 x64, it stutters on 720p. I'm also running the newest nvidia drivers (as I had hoped updating them would make a difference).00:18
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: nvidia-xconfig: command not found00:18
maslen(I'm using firefox)00:19
ActionParsnipmaslen: which nvidia chip?00:19
AndroidLoverInSFsince you cant login as root in ubuntu, how can you scp a file under a dir only accessible by root, or how can you do sshfs mount a dir owned by root and somewhat locked down? is there a workaround or is this just a given inconvenience?00:19
ActionParsnipmaslen: different OS with different support so things wil run differently00:19
maslenIt seems strange to have such a huge difference in performance though..00:20
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: Say can't find it???00:20
maslenplugin-container is using 150% CPU :(00:20
ActionParsnipmaslen: try: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade00:20
ActionParsnipironfoot495: and you installed nvidia-current package?00:20
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: I'll make sure be back!!!00:21
ActionParsnipmaslen: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'fash|gnash|swf|spark'     thanks, use a pastebin00:21
ActionParsnipironfoot495: could try: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current00:22
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: It says it's the  newest program on ubuntu11.0400:22
blzI have an ubuntu 10.04 server with a bunch of media (videos).  Is there a way of setting up a streaming media server that can be accessed via a web interface?00:22
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: ok I'll try it.00:23
Phoenix87any suggestions for a new laptop? (possibly \in \{toshiba, hp\})00:23
ActionParsnipPhoenix87: system7600:24
maslenActionParsnip: I don't have egrep :(. I've also tried using the flash-aid FF plugin.00:24
Tm0Where does firefox save flash content00:24
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: nvidia-current is already the newest version00:24
ActionParsnipmaslen: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc00:24
blzPhoenix87, system76 is certainly compatible with ubuntu but I wasn't thrilled with their product...00:24
maslen'natty' ?00:25
ActionParsnipmaslen: egrep is a standard command, I suggest you install it00:25
blzPhoenix87, just sayin =)00:25
aking1012@blz streaming is dones with VLC or red500:25
Phoenix87i need high performances00:25
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: I hope you hav'nt run out of Ideas!!00:25
LuiCalplease, can someone help me? My mouse and keyboard are constantly freezing randomly and with no specific action going on. Usually whatever program is running behind keeps going on well, but my mouse and keyboard are freezed. Im running ubuntu 11.10 (and i have also tried 10.04,11.04 and other flavors withe the same problem) and i have a i5 processor, 1 terra hd, 8gb of ram (brand new, cause i memtest the ones i had and they were having errors). i updated my 00:25
blzaking1012, correct me if I'm wrong, but VLC doesn't offer streaming through a web interface does it?00:25
Tm0Does anyone know where temporary files are stored in Ubuntu 10.04?00:25
Phoenix87using some computer aided system and stuff00:26
acerimmerPhoenix87: /tmp00:26
usr13_ironfoot495: lsb_release -a > info.txt ; uname -a >> info.txt ; dpkg -l | egrep 'fash|gnash|swf|spark' >> info.txt ; pastebin info.txt00:26
usr13_and send resulting URL00:26
blzTm0, /tmp I believe00:26
acerimmerTm0: /tmp00:26
LuiCalplease help00:26
usr13_ironfoot495: lsb_release -a > info.txt ; uname -a >> info.txt ; dpkg -l | egrep 'fash|gnash|swf|spark' >> info.txt ; pastebinit info.txt00:27
oy1rinstalling 9.1000:27
blz!ask | LuiCal00:27
ubottuLuiCal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:27
LuiCalMy mouse and keyboard are constantly freezing randomly and with no specific action going on. Usually whatever program is running behind keeps going on well, but my mouse and keyboard are freezed. Im running ubuntu 11.10 (and i have also tried 10.04,11.04 and other flavors withe the same problem) and i have a i5 processor, 1 terra hd, 8gb of ram (brand new, cause i memtest the ones i had and they were having errors). i updated my bios also and the problem was00:27
maslenActionParsnip: Err, how do I install egrep? It doesn't appear to be in apt or synaptic.00:27
ActionParsnipTm0: use youtube-dl or an addon/extension if you want to download flash stuffas00:27
ubottuLuiCal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:27
ActionParsnipmaslen: sudo apt-get install grep00:28
pnormanLuiCal: You cut off at "updated my bios also and the problem was"00:28
Tm0Thank you all!00:28
bastidra1ormaslen: ActionParsnip grep should be installed by default00:28
maslenActionParsnip: I have grep, just not egrep :(00:28
maslenoh, nvm.00:28
usr13_LuiCal: Is this a desktop or laptop ?00:28
LuiCalwhen i updated the problem was aparently solved, but it came back00:28
apwbdjp!info grep | maslen00:29
ubottumaslen: grep (source: grep): GNU grep, egrep and fgrep. In component main, is required. Version 2.9-1 (oneiric), package size 238 kB, installed size 568 kB00:29
LuiCali5 processor00:29
apwbdjpmasen, the grep package contains egrep00:29
apwbdjpmaslen*, sorry00:29
pnormanLuiCal: Not the most likely cause, but did you also memtest the new RAM?00:29
usr13_LuiCal: Clean inside?  How about heat-sink/processor chip?  New grease?  Or any grease?00:30
LuiCalnot yet, but it is brand new00:30
maslenActionParsnip: http://www.pastie.org/289063300:30
LuiCali opened the package00:30
usr13_LuiCal: I've bought bad RAM before.00:30
LuiCalbut the thing is all the processes are going well behind00:31
LuiCaland fast00:31
raoufhi there, does any one know a vim auto completion plugin ? (for languages such html, c, or even bash...)00:31
pnormanLuiCal: What happens if you unplug the keyboard and mouse and plug it back in to a different port?00:31
usr13_LuiCal: Mouse and keyboard types?  USB or PS2  ?00:32
LuiCalwhen i unplug the keyboard and plug it back, the problem persists00:32
usr13_LuiCal: Grease?00:33
Quantum_IonLuiCal, Is it a laptop ?00:33
blzaking1012, do you have any resources for configuring red5 on 10.04?00:33
LuiCalnop a desktop00:33
rcxkingwhere do i go to ask questions about ubuntu and the beagleboard?00:33
LuiCalwhats grease?00:33
usr13_LuiCal: Is there thermal grease between processor and heat sink?00:33
maslenLuiCal: Thermal paste00:33
LuiCalaah, nop00:33
Quantum_Ionlol@thermal greasee never heard of that one before00:34
usr13_LuiCal: And is the fan in working order?00:34
LuiCali havent seen anything00:34
pnormanLuiCal: Did you build it yourself, or is it pre-built?00:34
apwbdjpraouf, Yep, check at http://www.vim.org/scripts/script_search_results.php?keywords=completion&script_type=&order_by=rating&direction=descending&search=search00:34
usr13_LuiCal: What processor is it?00:34
LuiCalive also ran the system monitor, and it keeps running very well and without may processes00:34
usr13_AMD Intel?00:34
LuiCali5 processor00:35
zykotick9__LuiCal, for future reference, DON'T unplug a PS/2 keybaord from a running system (can do very bad things)00:35
usr13_Check for thermal grease.  It there is none there, get some.00:35
ybitlooking for a tiling solution00:35
pnormanusr13_: Would you expect thermal problems to cause the computer to continue to run while the keyboard and mouse don't?00:35
ybitloving my xmonad experience, wondering if any progress has been made on this front in ubuntu?00:36
usr13_zykotick9__: I don't know about that.  I know that older OSs would balk at it, but most modern OSs are ok with it.00:36
LuiCalis build it for me00:36
rcxkinghi, could someone please help me with installing ubuntu 10.04 netbook on a beagleboard c4?00:36
Quantum_IonSometimes try to use stable LTS releases of Ubuntu Linux00:36
zykotick9__usr13, with USB it's fine, with PS/2 it isn't00:36
LuiCalis not prebuilt00:36
usr13_pnorman: Some systems will shut down, some will just lock up.00:36
Quantum_IonSometimes Ubuntu Linux does lockup00:36
mikeg3Hi...how to log out of the Guest account in oneric?00:37
LuiCali used the LTS ubuntu but happened the same thing00:37
pnormanLuiCal: If you built it yourself and didn't put on any thermal grease you've got a *big* problem there, even if it's not the cause of your current problems. Without thermal grease you'll end up with a cooked CPU00:37
tompaIf i change desktop enviroment will my settings then be rested?00:37
LuiCalthe only funny thing is that when i updated the bios, the problem was aparently solved for a while00:37
anAngelHello. My ubuntu 11.10 dont mount my smb mount points in /etc/fstab at boot. But after it finishes and i login with the root and execute "mount -a" it does mount it. Any help please00:38
LuiCali did not build it myself00:38
usr13_pnorman: We do not know at this point if it is a total system lock up or if the only problem is that the mouse and keyboard no longer respond.  Unless he tells that he can ssh in and control the system from anoter, we do not know.00:38
LuiCalbut the thing is the system does not freeze, only the mouse and keyboard00:39
pnormanusr13_: We know stuff keeps on running00:39
LuiCaleverything is running well and without overloading00:39
usr13_LuiCal: How do you know?00:39
LuiCali use to run windows in it with very heavy software00:39
LuiCaland i always keep system monitor open00:39
usr13_LuiCal: Is this a server or desktop?00:39
jimmy_kashHello, is it better to transfer large files between 2 servers via SCP or a VPN00:40
LuiCalto see how the processor is flowing00:40
apwbdjpLuiCal, did you try pluging a USB mouse or keyboard, when that happens?00:40
ermojimmy_kash: are the servers on the same lan or not?00:40
usr13_apwbdjp: Thank you.  That was next best question...00:40
LuiCalnop, i dont have any usb mouse or keyboard right now00:40
jimmy_kashermo: No in different countries00:40
pnormanjimmy_kash: The two aren't exclusive. I've found SCP is a lot *easier* to set up than a VPN if you just want to move some files.00:41
ermojimmy_kash: one time thing or continuous transfer?00:41
usr13_LuiCal: Have you tried to ssh into the system from another,  (after the lockup?)00:41
LuiCali saw lots of people with the same problem on forums, but none have a concrete answer for this00:41
jimmy_kashermo: Continual backup files regularly being checked for and moved.00:41
LuiCalthe thing is i cannot input any command after the keyboard freezes00:41
jimmy_kashpnorman: I can tell a VPN is a massive hassle - so SCP would seem easier00:41
LuiCalnop i havent00:42
usr13_LuiCal: Obviously, we don't either, at this point.  System lockups can be due to multiple causes, but most are hardware issues.00:42
LuiCali dont know how to do it00:42
ermojimmy_kash: with scp, you use the CPU power of the hosts themselves. With a VPN, you farm out the CPU usage to the equipment running the tunnel00:42
apwbdjpLuiCal, could you run htop (or top) and wait for it freeze? (or make it freeze if you can)00:42
ironfoot495usr13 http://paste.ubuntu.com/743793/00:42
ermojimmy_kash: so for simplicity, I'd go with scp00:42
usr13_ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743793/00:42
LuiCalhow can i run it00:43
jimmy_kashermo: SCP compresses a file right?  Does this mean it is faster than a normal VPN file copy00:43
ermojimmy_kash: possibly using PKI w/no password00:43
ermojimmy_kash: you decide whether compression is used00:43
apwbdjpLuiCal, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), and type in top, then enter00:43
LuiCalok it is running00:43
ermojimmy_kash: IIRC, that is.00:43
pnormanjimmy_kash: it can - if it helps depends on if you're bandwidth limited or CPU limited.00:43
ActionParsnipusr13_: looks fine, you have 32bit OS so flash is nice and easy00:44
LuiCalwhat do i have to check after it freezes?00:44
apwbdjpLuiCal, that'll give you cpu usage and everything, just make sure it's in foreground when the thing happens00:44
jimmy_kashermo: So if I was copying a 100mb file over SCP or VPN, SCP has the ability to be faster, it just might use my CPU locally of the sending server more?00:44
pnormanWhen I set it up once I was transferring to a slow computer over a fast network connection so compression would of slowed it down.00:44
ActionParsnipmaslen: ok, enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin00:45
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: what do i have to do to get ths working?00:45
ActionParsnip!info adobe-flashplugin natty00:45
ubottuPackage adobe-flashplugin does not exist in natty00:45
ActionParsnipironfoot495: what is the current sitation?00:45
zykotick9jimmy_kash, both ssh and vpn are encrypted, so aren't going to be "fastest" method for transferring files00:45
ermojimmy_kash: again, depends on your VPN hardware (whether it's accelerated). Try the scp solution first :)00:45
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: It cant find the nvidia-xconfig file?00:46
ermojimmy_kash: if you can spare the CPU cycles, compress the backups yourself.00:46
jimmy_kashermo: Are there any other options I should be looking at for regular large file transfer between two ubuntu machines?00:46
ermonot really00:46
usr13ActionParsnip: that was from ironfoot495   Was just calling it to your attention.00:46
ActionParsnipironfoot495: ironfoot495 it's part of nvidia-current package. If you run:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-current     does it install?00:46
pnormanjimmy_kash: How large are we talking here? I use external drives for large transfers00:46
ActionParsnipusr13: ty00:47
ironfoot495wait one00:47
jimmy_kashpnorman: It can be 800mb, 50mb, it just depends on the backup file I am using.  I have a lot of servers hosting a lot of sites, some that have a lot of media files00:47
ermojimmy_kash: ssh / scp are so ubiquitous and straightforward to work with that it just adds extra complexity to use e.g. a VPN solution.00:47
ermojimmy_kash: that's all my personal opinion, of course  :)00:47
pnormanjimmy_kash: in that case, I'd just go with scp. you can set it up so you never have to input a password. i'd only look at a VPN if I wanted to direct all of my internet traffic through another site00:48
jimmy_kashermo: fair enough mate.  Thanks for your help00:48
zusActionParsnip,  i dont know what i did bit i decided to follow the Virtual box  to get at least one less error, but in fixing that i get  no more errors at all. i wonder if that was mucking everything or if it removed all my  errors or  keys -00:49
anAngelHello. My ubuntu 11.10 dont mount my smb mount points in /etc/fstab at boot. But after it finishes and i login with the root and execute "mount -a" it does mount it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks00:49
jimmy_kashpnorman: I think you and ermo are right.00:49
usr13ActionParsnip: One interesting thing I see is that his kernel version is 2.6.38-12 and my Ubuntu 10.04 is on 2.6.32-35 (and AFAIK, mine is fully updated).00:49
pnormanjimmy_kash: also, I'd compress your backups then transfer them without compression - having them compressed first allows you to store them on the other end compressed and save space00:49
jimmy_kashpnorman: Thank you for your help.  One final and possibly n00b question - using ssh without password I assume requires keys?00:50
ermojimmy_kash: spot on :)00:50
ermojimmy_kash: plenty of guides out there for that00:50
pnormanYa. In my case, I set it up so that one machine had full access, but you can restrict what someone can do with a key.00:50
ActionParsnipusr13: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid-updates/linux-headers-2.6.38-12-virtual00:50
rcxkingdoes anyone know how to install ubuntu 10.04 netbook on a beagleboard?00:50
jimmy_kashermo: yeah mr google will provide me with all the info there hopefully00:50
ironfoot495ActionParsnip:  still says I'm do appear to be use nvidia X Driver00:50
ermoyeah. Good luck :)00:50
ironfoot495ActI don't appear to be using X driver.00:51
pnormanIf you happen to be transferring large files over high latency high bandwidth links (e.g. Internet2, long 10 gigabit ethernet runs) then scp has some issues which make it hard to use all the bandwidth. not an issue with normal connections00:51
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: it says I'm not using X configuratiom00:53
K_Fgood <appropriate time of day>00:53
ironfoot495ActionParsnip really stumped!!!!?00:53
chroothi, what's mythtv used for?00:54
rawfodogI have about 40 folders, all with a single file inside each of them. It is very annoying to have to double click into these folders. I was wondering if there was a command to take all these single files from there individual folder and move them into 1 folder00:54
maslenrawfodog: Write a bash script to mv.00:54
K_Fanyone happen to know if the latex package "adjustbox" is included in any ubuntu package?00:54
jimmy_kashpnorman: So SCP has a threshold of speed? SOrry maybe I misunderstood00:55
julian_cchroot: MythTV can be used as a DVR (with the right equipment) and a media player. It's great for HTPC setups.00:55
rawfodogmasen, how would I even itterate through all the folders in a hiearchy like that ?00:55
chrootjulian_c, i want to watch live-tv , is mythtv the best choice?00:55
maslenK_F: I think `for file in */* ;` would work00:55
brjanncrawfodog: the following command will find all files in folders under /some/directory and move them to /target/directory: find /some/directory -type f -exec mv \{} /target/directory \;00:56
zykotick9chroot, myth isn't "easy" to setup - but it is awesome once it's working.00:56
pnormanjimmy_kash: with certain unusual connection types scp goes slower than it should. it's not an issue for you - it only comes up in rare mainly educational cases00:56
happygoluckyI was having a problem with my new laptop loading any linux--it's a qosmio x775-3dv78, anyway.. turned out that I needed to pass an option at boot to make it skip nouveau frame buffer.. I've been trying live versions of all debian distros including Ubuntu.. The first successful boot into linux I noticed it's not picking up my Atheros wireless card, is there a simple way to get this running without installing the entire Operating Syst00:56
julian_cchroot: I haven't tried it in a few years, but I believe it can do live TV as well. Just add in a compatible tuner card (OTA or CableCard).00:57
chrootzykotick9, is there any good live-tv program in ubuntu?00:57
usr13ironfoot495: Now what is the problem exactly?00:57
zykotick9chroot, besides mythtv i haven't used anything to view/record tv, so I don't know.00:57
rawfodogthanks brjannc00:57
jimmy_kashpnorman: awesome. thx mate.  Hey while I am here - I assume the difference between setting a server up as a proxy vs a VPN for net is that VPN is secure/encrypted?00:57
BaneofHellErr hello?00:58
brjanncrawfodog: sure thing00:58
chrootjulian_c, a compatible tuner card is a hardware?00:58
blzjimmy_kash, the VPN give lan-like properties to those who are connected (roughly speaking)00:58
ironfoot495usr13 I reinstall the nvidia drivers and it still says it appears that I'm not using X drivers?00:58
blzjimmy_kash, the proxy does not00:58
julian_cchroot: Yes, hardware.00:58
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julian_cOnline video streaming would be a different story.00:58
blzchroot, myth_tv is probably the way to go00:58
LuiCalok, the keyboard and mouse crashed again and i had to restart00:58
jimmy_kashblz: sorry yes.  My wording was probably incorrect.  I understand the use of a VPN has far more to it than a proxy.  I was more meaning for the purpose of just routing your connection00:59
LuiCalthe top command only showed pidgin on top most of the time00:59
chrootOMG, i think i shouldn't install mythtv, i only have two computers, no other hardware00:59
LuiCaland xorg00:59
blzjimmy_kash, ah okay!  that's what I get for butting in =)00:59
LuiCalwhat do i do now?00:59
MJ23Does all DE work the same with compiz? If i configure my compiz settings now and change a DE later, would that fuck it up?00:59
blzchroot, what exactly are you trying to set up00:59
jimmy_kashblz: nah mate I appreciate the help - I worded it badly00:59
apwbdjpLuiCal, and it kept refreshing without a problem?00:59
chrootblz, no, i want to watch live-tv from internet, but i don't know how?01:00
LuiCaland the cpu was under 15%01:00
LuiCalmost of the time01:00
blzchroot, Oh, you want to watch live internet streams, not record live tv?01:00
blzchroot, in that case go with XBMC01:00
apwbdjpLuiCal, does another system on the same machine, right now, run flawlessly?01:00
chrootblz, yes, exactly01:01
ironfoot495usr_13: I've tried to get  1366x768 to run but it only runs my smaller screen not the 37".01:01
chrootwhat is it used for?01:01
LuiCali had windows and it ran without any problems01:01
LuiCali also tried kubuntu and xubuntu and the same thing happens01:01
blzXBMC is a media center application much like Myth TV, but it's centered around local media stores and streaming content rather than DVR (digital video recording) like mythtv01:01
anAngelHello. My ubuntu 11.10 don't mount my smb mount points from /etc/fstab at boot. But after it finishes booting and I login as root and execute "mount -a" it does mount the smb mount points from /etc/fstab. How can I make it to mount them automatically at boot time? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks01:01
blzchroot, it depends though.  Do you want to set up a media center application or do you just want a desktop application that can play internet tv streams?01:02
LuiCalwhat can i do now?01:02
blzIf you want a full-fledged media center environment, use XBMC.  If you just want to watch the occasional tv stream from your computer, use VLC01:03
chrooti want a desktop application that i can play internet tv streams?01:03
blzVLC is probably your best bet, chroot01:03
apwbdjpLuiCal, I really have no idea, the problem seems between Ubuntu and your PS/2 controller.. You should try with USB01:03
ironfoot495usr_13: if I boot up with my 17" and take the VGA off and put it on the 37" it will work.01:03
blzapwbdjp, PS/2?  those still exist ;-)01:04
ironfoot495it just won't boot with it.01:04
brjanncanAngel: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab please?01:04
MJ23Does all DE work the same with compiz? If i configure my compiz settings now and change a DE later, would that fuck it up?01:04
chrootblz, but vlc can only watch the videos you download from the internet?01:04
blzchroot, no you can play streams with vlc01:04
chrootoh, i don't know that, how01:04
LuiCalany idea of how to check the controllers or something?01:04
blzchroot,  you'll have to google that.  I don't really use VLC much01:05
blzother than to play back local media01:05
chrootok, thanks01:06
anAngelbrjannc: here's my /etc/fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743808/01:07
zykotick9chroot, looks like mplayer is capable of watching TV as well http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/tv-input.html one of the front-ends might support it?01:08
chrootzykotick9, ok , i am reading it.01:09
zykotick9chroot, those are only the cli directions - just wanted to prove it works, i'd check is smplayer or another front end has TV options if i where you01:09
reisioanybody using shotwell with piwigo?  How does one manage that?01:10
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brjanncanAngel: hm, looks okay. how is your networking set up on that machine?01:12
chrootzykotick9, i have read that, but it is not very convenient to use it.01:12
zykotick9chroot, those are only the cli directions - just wanted to prove it works, i'd check is smplayer or another front end has TV options if i where you01:13
chrootok, i  got that.01:13
anAngelbrjannc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743811/01:14
zykotick9chroot, have you tried: tvtime - television display application01:14
chrootno, i don't know that.01:14
davei have a read only fie system01:15
=== dave is now known as Guest6873
Guest6873cant install packages01:15
=== Guest6873 is now known as Minnesotan
Minnesotananyone help01:16
brjanncanAngel: okay, so I'm assuming it's wired, and you have no need for networkmanager or anything like that01:16
julian_cGuest6873: The quickest way to possibly fix that would be to reboot. Probably the safest, too, since it would become obvious right away if there are any disk errors.01:16
chrootzykotick9, i am installing tvtime,01:16
chrootMinnesotan, what's your prob01:17
anAngelbrjannc: yeap - it is a server edition btw, not desktop01:17
brjanncanAngel: (actually, I did just notice one thing in your fstab -- I've never seen backslashes in fstab for smbfs/cifs mounts, I've always seen //server/share instead of \\server\share)01:17
Minnesotanchroot, my file system is re-only01:17
chrootMinnesotan, exactly, waht?01:18
zykotick9Minnesotan, oh, you're dave and Guest687301:18
Minnesotanchroot,  the file system is read only, packages cant be installed it seems01:18
zykotick9Minnesotan, does a restart correct the issue?01:18
zykotick9Minnesotan, could you pastebin the output of "mount"01:19
chrootis that you want to install a software in beyond Home dir ?01:19
Minnesotananother prob is a package will not finish installing Setting up sagan (0.1.9-1) ...01:20
Minnesotandpkg --configure -a01:20
worrowhey whats happening peeps01:20
Minnesotani tried that01:20
anAngelbrjannc: i think i have tried both ways. but with //server/share i think it did not boot completely - froze at boot. i can try it but if it freeze at boot i will have access to it after 8 hours. it is not a production machine but even so i cant reach it physically at the moment01:20
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Minnesotanno work01:20
zykotick9Minnesotan, if your filesystem is read only - you can't make ANY changes01:20
Minnesotanso is there a fix01:21
blzMinnesotan, is this an ntfs filesystem?01:21
Minnesotani dont know01:21
blzis it a windows filesystem?01:21
zykotick9Minnesotan, could you pastebin the output of "mount"01:21
Minnesotandefault install01:21
brjanncanAngel: understood. you might also try switching the filesystem from smbfs to cifs; smbfs is deprecated01:21
Minnesotanzykotick9, how i di that01:22
chrootMinnesotan, maybe you should update your sys completely?01:22
zykotick9!paste | Minnesotan01:22
ubottuMinnesotan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:22
blzMinnesotan, place the output of the mount command in the text box at paste.ubuntu.com and hit submit.  then give us the link01:22
anAngelbrjannc: i initially tried using cifs01:22
Minnesotani mean get the mnt info01:22
zykotick9Minnesotan, open a terminal and type "mount" then paste the output to the site above, then give the channel the link01:22
brjanncanAngel: Oh? What happened?01:23
anAngelbrjannc: so to sum it up try the other slashes and change the fs01:23
anAngelbrjannc: the same - freeze at boot01:23
Minnesotank hols on going to paste01:23
anAngelbrjannc: if my memory is correct01:23
brjanncanAngel: Weird! My experience has always been that cifs causes *fewer* problems :) Yes, I would try switching to cifs *and* changing the backslashes to slashes; one second though, I want to check if you need to escape the $01:25
Minnesotanzykotick9, http://paste.ubuntu.com/743821/01:26
aesonMy laptop is using 15.7 W of power. Is this too high?01:27
brjanncaeson: depends on the laptop and what you're doing :)01:27
zykotick9Minnesotan, according to that the only read-only file system is /media/QuickConnect which is an ISO or CD01:27
Minnesotanits running on an installed hardrive01:28
Minnesotanistalled on a HD01:28
brjanncanAngel: okay, it looks like the $ is okay as-is. just for completeness's sake, can you pastebin the output of dmesg?01:28
robmanmorning all01:28
zykotick9Minnesotan, regarding your failed install issue - perhaps you could try "sudo apt-get -f install" which is a general-fix attempt.01:29
tonyyarussoMinnesotan: btw, #ubuntu-us-mn exists for local chit-chat.01:29
aesonI'm using an acer aspire 4720z dual core laptop.  I'm not doing anything--except for using powertop01:29
Minnesotantonyyarusso, u, im not chitcatting im trouble shooting01:30
robmani know 11.* has moved to thunderbird but I don't want to - so can anyone tell me why system upgrades keep trying to uninstall evolution?!01:30
MinnesotanE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:31
Minnesotaniv done that01:31
Minnesotandont work01:31
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:31
Minnesotanim lettin you know that command dosent work01:31
Minnesotanthat all01:32
DILfunny bot01:32
zykotick9Minnesotan, do you get an error?  what doesn't work?01:32
* robman guesses this is a serial channel and he should take a number01:32
Minnesotanzykotick9,  it just runs an runs with no-output after the command01:32
blzMinnesotan, not that it should make a difference, but have you rebooted since installing?01:33
Minnesotanzykotick9, its says Setting up sagan (0.1.9-1) ...01:33
Minnesotanthen its just does nothin01:33
Minnesotansagan (0.1.9-1) a broken package?01:34
anAngelbrjannc: here's the dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/743824/01:35
szal!info sagan01:37
ubottusagan (source: sagan): Real-time System & Event Log Monitoring System. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.9-1 (oneiric), package size 91 kB, installed size 360 kB01:37
zykotick9robman, why not just reinstall evolution after the upgrade?  (upgrades are not well tested on ubuntu due to 6 month release schedule)01:37
Minnesotanahh-haa Bug#639254: sagan postinst script hangs01:38
robmanzykotick9 - sure I could do...but why do I have to01:38
zykotick9robman, upgrades are not well tested on ubuntu due to 6 month release schedule01:38
Minnesotanthere a way to kill that postscript install01:39
robmanzykotick9  8( mmmok01:39
frictionwhere is the MDMP crash file format for linux documented? the files that show up as /tmp/b64---.{tmp,.extra} and tries to submit the dumps to https://support.mozilla.com01:39
frictioni'm seeing this on ubuntu 11.04, there is nothing on the web01:40
frictionit is leaking info from my machine that is private01:40
brjanncanAngel: Huh. No info from the smbfs driver in dmesg at all, neither success nor failure. I'm stumped. So yeah, my only recommendation is to try cifs with forward slashes instead of backslashes, and if it boots but still doesn't work, check dmesg and see if the cifs driver is squawking01:42
brjanncanAngel: Sorry I don't have more concrete advice! :\01:42
anAngelbrjannc: thank you very much for your time and advices. it is very appreciated. i am ready to reboot the gw to try with changed slashes and fs. if it boots i will post the result. if i dont - then it froze. again thanks01:43
brjanncanAngel: Sure thing; good luck! I'll cross my fingers for you :)01:44
mikefmailBeen using Ubuntu for quite a while...got my mates on it...impressed does not go near to covering it01:44
blzI'm looking to stream my video collection over the internet so that I can access it from outside of my LAN with proper authentication.  What is the recommended way of doing this?01:44
frictionblz google will bury you as competitior, if you are not a consumer you are a competitor01:46
zykotick9blz, you could check out http://ampache.org/ for audio & video streaming01:46
blzfriction, I don't follow...01:47
blzzykotick9, This seems interesting.  Have you used it?01:47
zykotick9blz, ya, but not currently - it's been 6months->1year01:47
zykotick9blz, it even has a built in flash player for video - or can stream to a media player01:48
blzwow awesome!01:48
blzthis looks like it's *exactly* what i've been looking for01:48
grkbloodhow to a stop my laptop screen from going black after 10 minutes?01:49
grkbloodits an issue through my hdmi port01:49
blzzykotick9, do you know of any handy tutorials for getting this set up on 10.04 or is the documentation good enough?01:50
anAngelbrjannc: thank you very very much - it all worked wonderfully. cifs is mounted and even the lxc container machine has started and the data from the cifs mount visible in it.01:50
brjanncanAngel: Great! Glad to hear it :)01:50
anAngelbrjannc: i dont know where my mistake was and how i didnt make it experimenting will all kinds of variations01:50
anAngelbrjannc: with *01:50
brjanncanAngel: I know the feeling all too well :)01:51
zykotick9blz, sorry no suggestions for tutorials.  It's in the ubuntu-repo for install though.01:52
blzzykotick9, oh wow, I didn't even think to check01:52
blzfair enough though01:52
Minnesotankilling the process worked01:53
Minnesotanafter i found it01:53
=== eboyjr is now known as eboy
Minnesotanby the way, re-installing Linux is the Linux way to fix problems01:53
Minnesotanto whom ever told me that01:53
Minnesotanis not the Linux way01:54
spantherwindows users invade linux :P01:54
blzzykotick9, last question:  just to be clear, ampache can also stream video, right?  I ask because the description in aptitude search only mentions audio01:54
Minnesotanspanther,  hehehe01:54
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zykotick9blz, ya video too - it was a new feature, but i'm 90% sure the ubuntu version does it01:55
Minnesotanok, cya all. thnx01:55
blzzykotick9, alright perfect!  I'll start working on it tomorrow.  In the meantime, bedtime for me!01:55
blznight everybody01:55
Minnesotan  01:55
szal 01:56
spantherwhich linux is shipped with acer notebooks? somebody maybe knows? shop only says "Linux" :)01:57
xanguaspanther: ask the shop01:58
fuhrmannHi guys, I'm from Brazil and I need to know how is the correct name of the dock that stays in the left in Unity in English.01:59
spantherthey don't know. maybe any insider here knew. just tried hehe :)01:59
brjanncspanther: Looks like it's a modified version of Linpus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linpus_Linux01:59
skilzspanther, I'd say Redhat, Debian or Ubuntu.01:59
xanguafuhrmann: launcher02:00
ceejhey, can anyone help me with https://gist.github.com/1a816ceba7b040e3549c  ?02:00
fuhrmannxangua: thanks =)02:00
spantherbrjannc, thanks :D02:00
=== Guest94576 is now known as kyubutsu
Hagarennhi guys...02:03
Hagarenndoes anybody know if it is possible to share internet from my laptop to my tv using wired connection??02:03
Hagarennanybody kwos if i can share my conection from pc to tv?02:04
pangolin!ics | Hagarenn maybe this has some info02:04
ubottuHagarenn maybe this has some info: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing02:04
skilzHagarenn, Yes you need to 'sudo apt-get install firestarter' and enable internet sharing02:04
skilzSelect the internet device and the network device02:05
zykotick9ceej, you added the dotdeb repo to ubuntu?02:05
ceejzykotick9: yee02:06
zykotick9ceej, mixing repos from different distros isn't the best idea - good luck with your system/issue.02:06
ceejzykotick9: should I purge remove dotdeb and install mysql again?02:07
cubehi, is there similar command to timeout, but that puts restrictions not for the time of execution but on filesystem, i.e kill command if some directory size gets over 1GB ?02:07
zykotick9ceej, i can't / won't help you02:09
ceejzykotick9: np I've just wasted 15 hours so I've given up caring02:10
ceejty anyway02:10
skilzceej, I don't think anyone will help you with your frankenbuntu issue.02:10
spantherfrankenbuntu lol xD02:10
skilzceej, Best option, reinstall and do it the Ubuntu way.02:11
=== bryan is now known as Guest56026
zykotick9samsul, fyi you can use "/msg ubottu foo" to get/search for factoids privately02:14
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=== eboyht is now known as eboyjr
ceejskilz: I tried…. all types of messed up https://gist.github.com/8b0a2c993d73aa4c443402:14
=== lolgicalnihilism is now known as lolnhlsm
Guest56026hi, i have an opaque window pane over the left side of the screen,anyone know how to get rid of it?02:15
lolnhlsmpress the windows key02:15
lolnhlsmi believe that should work02:15
samsulzykotick9; thaks, but i think that not helping me about this "polkitd".02:15
lolnhlsmit usually goes away if you have a full window up anyway, like firefox02:16
zykotick9samsul, ya - i went searching for factoids too, and didn't find any.  But i have no idea what "polkitd" is so...02:16
Guest56026hmm,nope the windows key seem to switch windows,but still there02:16
lolnhlsmare you on the desktop?02:17
lolnhlsmall other winows minimized?02:17
brjanncsamsul, zykotick9: polkitd is the PolicyKit daemon02:17
Guest56026at the moment i have xchat maximised02:17
brightsparkGuest56026, does the window disappear if you ctrl-alt-arrow to another desktop?02:17
samsulbrjannc; thanks, just found my problem here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1466794&page=302:17
lolnhlsmare you running 11.10?02:18
zykotick9brjannc, thanks02:18
Guest56026oh...i just went to the workspace switcher and back to xchat,now its gone02:18
lolnhlsmwell, glad i could help lol >.>02:18
Guest56026i need a bit of advice re logins too02:19
Guest56026at the moment i'm logged in as admin,isn't that unsafe?02:19
juan_aptitude shows all entries twice once installed and once uninstalled I think it's because I had a duplicated entry in /etc/apt/sources.lst when I first installed but I've fixed that and run aptitude clean and apt-cache clean02:19
lolnhlsmwell the original account you make is admin automatically02:20
brightsparkGuest56026, do you mean as root or simply as someone on the sudoers list?  the former is unsafe, the latter not as much.02:20
Guest56026should i create another login for general use?02:20
lolnhlsmthe unsafe part about being an admin is have the ability to run things in root02:20
lolnhlsmand running things in root is what gives you the ability to change the programs on your OS among other things02:21
lolnhlsmwhen you get asked for a passwork to install something, for example02:21
zykotick9Guest56026, you're use of "admin" makes it unclear who you're logged in as.  In a terminal "whoami" does it say root or a your user name?02:21
Guest56026i made the blue of loggin in as guest b4 and lost all the changes i made in here as a result(didn't know it won't save)..:)02:21
flacontheflyerhello everybody02:21
lolnhlsmi run in admin all the time, its running things as root that can be a bit dangerous02:22
lolnhlsmif you  dont know what your doing02:22
lolnhlsmthis account im in right now is admin02:22
Guest56026well,i soitenly don't know wot i'm doin,but i was just trying to maximise security,privacy..:)02:23
flacontheflyeractually i have problem with my display, i am using viewsonic 17" lcd monitor, and it seems that ubuntu cann't recognise it, so my resolution is very poor02:23
flacontheflyerhow can i cure it?02:23
lolnhlsmthis is a blind shot but have you pressed the auto config button on the display?02:23
zykotick9flacontheflyer, what video card are you using?  if unsure "lspci | grep -i vga" in a terminal.02:23
flacontheflyeri am using mercury motherboard with inbuilt video card02:24
Guest56026so i'm ok?.....admin on windoze is a no-no..02:25
jepongflacontheflyer, xrandr https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:25
flacontheflyeryea i try to detect by detect display but ubuntu unable02:25
brightsparkGuest56026, what does it say when you type "whoami" into the terminal?02:25
worrowneed some help with banshee app02:25
lolnhlsmi'd recommend using rhythmbox, i had a lot of issues with banshee :/02:26
lolnhlsmwasn't my cup of tea02:26
worrowrhythmbox has issues with the required plugins02:27
zykotick9lolnhlsm, Banshee also suffers from mono ;)02:27
Guest56026thank you...02:27
eusidyo guys I just got an ubuntu 10.10 maverick vps it wont let me edit the sudo file even as root...any help?02:27
lolnhlsmoh, no problem02:27
imbezoleusid: visudo02:27
Guest56026sorry,just bumbling arouind here..:)02:27
lolnhlsmhave you updated plugins?02:27
brjannceusid: you need to use the visudo command02:27
eusidwont let me edit it02:27
zykotick9eusid, why edit that file?02:27
worrowI do like rhythmbox aside from the button at the bottom says unable to import 83 sings. click install for required plugin. Install button does nothing02:27
imbezoleusid: sudo visudo02:27
eusideven as root?02:28
brjanncack, I'm just an echo, ignore me :)02:28
zykotick9eusid, if you need to add a user to sudo just add them to the admin group - or are you doing something else?02:28
eusidI have to sudo as root02:28
eusidwell the group it has is %sudo02:28
eusidnot admin02:28
eusidI wanted to change it to admin02:28
eusidand I wanted to add user02:28
FloodBot1eusid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:28
lolnhlsmsee if thats what your looking for02:28
lolnhlsmwell damn02:28
zykotick9eusid, are you sure you're using ubuntu and not debian?  debian uses the sudo group.02:29
jimmy_kashis ther a way to make a shortcommand for a shell command I use regularly?  By this I mean a quick way to type a long command i regularly use02:29
jribjimmy_kash: alias02:29
jimmy_kashjrbib: thnks man.  Bit more info?02:29
kyubutsuman alias02:30
brightsparkjimmy_kash, in your .bashrc file at the end there are alias lines02:30
alexeyyHow to now my video adapter model?02:30
jimmy_kashjrib: or should I google it02:30
zykotick9alexeyy, "lspci | grep -i vga"02:30
jimmy_kashbrightspark: thanks awesome ill suss it02:30
eusidno not what I am looking for. the file comes up by visudo but it is unwritable Im guessing from root I need to chdmod the privs?02:30
jribjimmy_kash: alias foo='bar'02:30
imbezoleusid: it's a read only file.. but as root you can still write to it. When you're done editting use :wq!02:31
lolnhlsmhey, does anybody out there know what ubuntu's marketing plan for 12.04 is, if any?02:31
eusidalias to exec long commands quickly, bash script to execute a series of actions from a file02:31
jimmy_kashjrib: solid - thank you !02:31
eusidahh wq! okay thats what I was looking for I believe thank you I will try it02:31
lolnhlsmbecause they plan to reach 200 million users in 4-5 years, and im sketchy about that02:31
xangualolnhlsm: you'll see on 5 months ;)02:31
alexeyyzykotick9, nVidia Corporation Device 1051 - ??02:31
LucasCamposHello there. I guess I screwed my files big time . Does anyone know how to automatically fix a filename like Herbie Mann & Jo��o Gilberto with Antonio Carlos Jobim ?02:31
zykotick9lolnhlsm, not gonna happen - ubuntu is dropping like a rock on distro watch right now02:31
lolnhlsmno kidding?02:32
brightsparkjimmy_kash, you will need to add that line to your .bashrc if you want it to apply to all terminals, else it will only persist until you close that terminal02:32
kyubutsunicely put, brightspark02:32
lolnhlsmyou have any idea's why that is?02:33
zykotick9lolnhlsm, as in #ubuntu-offtopic not here02:33
brightsparkkyubutsu, thanks.  we aim to please.02:33
eusidI don't use vim as my normal editor Im a fairly new python guy so I actually am using jetbrains python ide for its django support very good for dev with django02:33
Chilaquileshello, I use Ubuntu 11.10 with gnome3 and I would like to know how can I hibernate my laptop?02:34
brjannceusid: for reference, visudo uses whatever your EDITOR environment variable is; so if you ran e.g. EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano visudo, it would use nano instead02:34
eusidthank you much imbezol02:34
eusidbrjannc: yeah I am familiar with that command and setting an editor unfortunately it doesnt have nano so I will have to install. however I don't see why it wont let me write as root and even opening it with gedit will not allow me to save it02:35
xanguaChilaquiles: clic on the power indicator, select hibernate02:36
eusidI know vim is the answer but without me learning basically another language what is the best terminal edit that I could use on my server?02:36
imbezoleusid: sudo chmod u+w /etc/sudoers; sudo nano /etc/sudoers; sudo chmod -w /etc/sudoers02:37
brightsparkhere's a question.  At the bottom of the login screen (10.10, but probably others too) there are menus to change the session and keyboard layout.  How do I remove keyboard layouts that no longer reflect my hardware from this list?02:37
imbezoleusid: or whatever editor.. you get the idea02:37
ceejis there any way to get rid of Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).02:37
imbezoleusid: or you skip all the sudo crap and just become root02:38
Chilaquilesunity sux!!02:38
pnormaneusid: if it doesn't have nano, does it have pico?02:39
sasorihow to change permission of a directory + files + all it's subdirctories in one command /02:39
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jribsasori: what directory?02:40
lolnhlsmdoes anybody know how i can run two conky scripts at the same time?02:40
zykotick9jrib, i was afraid to ask ;)02:40
sasorie.g /var/root02:40
lolnhlsmone for system stats, the other for rss feeds. i have one for system stats right now, i just dont know how to run two at the same time02:40
sasoriis it chmod 0777 /var/root -R ? or it's something else ?02:40
xanguasasori: sound's like a really bad idea02:41
jribsasori: the point is that people that ask this question usually end up breaking there install and having to reinstall.  Can you tell us with more details what you want to do?02:41
sasorii want to edit all the files inside the www, without having to go sudo -i mode..it's annoying02:41
skilzlolnhlsm,  'conky /path/to/conkyrc1' and 'conky /path/to/conkyrc2'02:41
lolnhlsmam i putting that in a terminal or in a single script or what02:42
imbezolsasori: just become root02:42
imbezolsasori: when you edit and save a file, it will retain it's ownership and permissions02:43
skilzlolcat, Or, 'conky /path/to/conkyrc1 & conky /path/to/conkyrc2 &' all one command02:43
skilzor you can write a script, please yourself...02:43
zykotick9imbezol, "sudo -i" is a root shell - they find that too "annoying"02:43
imbezolsasori: if the files belonged to www-data, for example, they still will after you edit them as root02:43
imbezolzykotick9: i would too if i was editting a huge number of files02:44
jimmy_kashI am trying to use screen via Putty.  I hit CTRL+A+C and it does nothing.  Am special or what could be wrong?02:44
imbezolzykotick9: i think sudo has it's place.. but it's not always the best way02:44
zykotick9imbezol, do you know what "sudo -i" does?02:44
imbezolzykotick9: it's in the man file, yes02:45
brightsparkis there a difference, functionally speaking, between "sudo -i" and "sudo su"?02:45
mmvand sudo su -02:45
jribbrightspark: yes02:45
zykotick9brightspark, yes, use "sudo -i"02:45
sasoriwhat i don't understand with linux is, am currently logged-in the computer, ofcourse, and i can use all the necessary stuff to use..but when i tried to edit a file inside that folder, using vim, it says read only,which i think is a real hassle, that's why i wanna have permission02:45
mmvsasori: what file?02:46
sasorithe /var/www02:46
sasorias i said above02:46
zykotick9mmv, that's probably close to sudo -i, but i still wouldn't use it02:46
jribsasori: are you the only user editing them?02:46
zykotick9sasori, actually you kept saying /var/root above02:46
jimmy_kashAnybody able to help with screen?02:46
sasoriyes am the only one..it's a dev machine for myself only02:46
mmvjimmy_kash: sure02:46
skilzsasori, Edit the file with su vim /var/www/file02:46
mmvsasori: add yourself to the group that owns them02:46
jribsasori: so just change ownership of /var/www to your user (chown -R $USER /var/www)02:46
imbezolzykotick9: you're paranoid of your own system02:46
zykotick9jimmy_kash, i'd try to find some Putty help with that actually02:47
jimmy_kashmmv: Thanks mate.  I am using putty and hitting CTRL+A+C and it does nothing02:47
jimmy_kashzykotick9: SO its putty, not the server?02:47
imbezolzykotick9: do a sudo su -, then a "set > test".. then do a sudo -i -u root, and do the same thing "set > test2"02:47
imbezolzykotick9: then diff test test202:47
mmvjimmy_kash: ctrl-ac or ctrl-AC?02:47
brightsparkzykotick9, is there an occasion there "sudo su" is appropriate?  I've always been referred to that as the means to get more persistent root priveleges.02:47
zykotick9brightspark, the correct way is "sudo -i"02:47
jimmy_kashmmv: You mean holding shift?02:48
jimmy_kashmmv: sorry if I am being a massive noob02:48
kyubutsu!screen > kyubutsu02:48
ubottukyubutsu, please see my private message02:48
mmvjimmy_kash: yeah...so does Ctrl-a ?  not get you anywhere?02:49
jimmy_kashmmv: it does nothing02:49
zykotick9jimmy_kash, you do need to hold down ctrl+a then press d/c type thing -- all together02:49
mmvjimmy_kash: jimmy_kash are you sure you're in screen?02:49
jribbrightspark: there are two issue.  There's 'su -' vs 'su' (or in the sudo context: sudo -i vs. sudo -s) and there is another issue: sudo -i vs. sudo su -.  The first distinction is pretty important as one version resets the environment and the other doesn't.  For the second issue, I don't know of a significant reason other than "sudo -i exists so why not use it"02:49
sasorihere's another thing..i can see on the terminal sasori@mymachine:~$ ..when i tried chown -R sasori /var/www , it says, Operation not permitted.. arggh02:49
mmvjimmy_kash: echo $TERM should say screen02:49
kyubutsuyou wont know til you press z02:49
brjanncbrightspark: here's a nice reference to the differences between sudo su - and sudo -i: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6188826&postcount=402:50
mmvsasori: just use groups man...02:50
jribsasori: pastebin02:50
jimmy_kashmmv: i am going to hide under a rock now... i am a tard and hadn't realised I wasnt in screen.  Please know my shame02:50
brightsparkjrib, brjannc, thanks very much.02:50
mmvjimmy_kash: fill your .screenrc with something, so you get handy bar at bottom :), mine has two lines 'hardstatus alwayslastline02:51
kyubutsubetter yet, try detaching. sure way to find out02:51
mmvhardstatus string '%{= }%-Lw%50>%n%f* %t%+Lw%< %-=%D %d %M %Y %c:%s%{-}'02:51
brjanncbrightspark: sure thing :)02:51
sasorihow to do the command line for adding myself to group thing ?02:51
brjanncmmv: *goes to try that*02:51
ouyeshi guys, I do not know , I update my system nearly every day, but it seems the kernel never was updated, uname -a02:52
ouyesLinux ouyes-laptop 2.6.32-24-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 14:17:33 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux, why?02:52
brjanncmmv: Ooh, I like that. Man, why have I never done that before02:52
jribbrjannc: because you use tmux instead?02:53
kyubutsusasori: < jrib> sasori: so just change ownership of /var/www to your  user (chown -R $USER /var/www)02:53
zykotick9sasori, i believe "sudo usermod -aG www-data sasori" might work for you02:53
brjanncjrib: haha ;)02:53
mmvbrjannc: screen is good, C-a A to change each windows title at the bottom :)02:53
jribzykotick9: my guess is his files are owned by root:root02:53
zykotick9jrib, QUITE possible ;)02:54
brjanncmmv: oh, I use screen all the time. I just have never bothered to actually configure it to be, well, friendly. :) thanks for the tip!02:54
=== samsul is now known as samsulwebid
sasorizykotick9: i tried that...after it, i typed cat > test.php ..permission denied  :S02:56
zykotick9sasori, did you log out / back in?02:57
mmvzykotick9: he can also run 'newgrp www-data'02:57
mmvzykotick9: it'll only be valid for that terminal instance, but it saves relogging back in02:57
zykotick9sasori, or see mmv's suggestion above.  But typical group membership gets applied at login.02:58
skilzI have a IBM Thinkpad G40 and I cannot use the Volume +/- or Mute keys, When I run xev and press the keys they are not detected and I cannot find anything about it on the thinkwiki page.02:58
sasoriam not on sudo -i mode, when i typed the sudo usermod -ag ww-data sasori, so it asked for pword...after logging the pword, i went to /var/www and did, vim test.php..and arghh..read only file02:58
zykotick9sasori, if you use -ag then you might have just messed up your account a big - i said -aG and YES case makes a difference.  Good luck, hope you didn't break things for your account.03:00
froes hi guys. i am having a problem with my video output from my card. i have an nvidia card and i am using it`s hdmi out. but there seems to be a problem. it seems to be bigger than the TV. is there a way of inserting a marging on the screeen or maybe resize the screen to a smaller size? cant see any menus or status bars.03:02
=== Guest83870 is now known as skilz
sasoriyes i did typed -aG, i only had typo error here on irc channel :S03:02
brightsparkAnyone got an idea on this:  At the bottom of the login screen (10.10, but probably others too) there are menus to change the session and keyboard layout.  How do I remove keyboard layouts that no longer reflect my hardware from this list?03:03
damooseisloosehey does anyone here have experience with smartmontools? i ran some tests and i'm having trouble interpreting the results03:11
brjanncdamooseisloose: sure, ask away03:13
HulkHogananyone using centerim? is AIM working?03:13
brjanncdamooseisloose: might be easier to talk about if you pastebin the output of smartctl -a /dev/whatever03:14
damooseisloosehttp://pastebin.com/HpGLD03P :)03:14
dinHulkHogan: not using centerim, but i'm connected to aim.03:14
brjanncdamooseisloose: *high-five*03:14
damooseisloosei know one of my partitions is corrupt but i am so confused as to what i should do next03:15
brjanncdamooseisloose: well, smartmontools is having some trouble with some of the smart parameters for your drive, so that's kind of a bummer03:16
mmvdamooseisloose: what makes you think it's corrupt?03:17
* mmv wonders what a corrupt partition, is03:17
damooseislooseok well i have a partition with windows 7 and i cant boot into it03:18
=== mohamed is now known as Guest77149
damooseislooseand when i load ubuntu it complains about that partition03:18
keithclarkI only get sound to my headphones and not my speakers, any ideas on how to correct?03:19
damooseisloosei/o errors or something its too fast for me to write down03:19
mmvdamooseisloose: paste output of dmesg, too03:19
brjanncdamooseisloose: yeah, smart is reported uncorrectable read errors and relocated sectors; your drive is in the process of failing, most likely03:19
jimmy_kashis there a way to [ass variables to an "Alias" command03:20
somsipjimmy_kash: wrap them in a function?03:20
jimmy_kashsomsip: lets say I made an alias to do an SCP to the same server always, same user, same directory, but the file I am SCPing is different03:21
jimmy_kashsomsip: or would that just be easier using a script03:22
damooseislooseok im kind of a noob, how do i get dmesg to give me the output about the drive?03:23
brjanncdamooseisloose: just pastebin the whole thing :) dmesg | pastebinit03:23
damooseislooseoh ok i was just concerned cause it looked way tooo long03:24
worrowis there a way to organize synamptic package manager by installed packages so I can remove the unsupported ones?03:24
somsipjimmy_kash: well you could create a script, put it in ~/local/bin and make an alias for it, or you could write a bash function. Neither way is wrong, as such03:24
worrowsoftware manager is so slwo03:25
jimmy_kashsomsip: thanks mate03:25
skilzwhy can I load snd_pcm_mixer?03:26
skilzSorry snd_mixer_oss or snd_pcm_oss rather03:27
worrowanyone got an answer for m03:27
ahoneybunany good wiki to use bazaar and launchpad to work on applications for Ubuntu?03:27
brjanncdamooseisloose: is the drive clicking, by any chance?03:28
damooseisloosei havent heard any out of the ordinary noises03:30
damooseislooseyeah i guess it is clicking03:30
Flynsarmythis keyboard doesn't have home or end buttons. is it possible to map F10 as home and F11 as end?03:31
di_giorgioMp3player [Adele - Someone Like You] CeBoLiNhA 201103:31
brjanncdamooseisloose: Yeah, your drive is failing. My advice is to avoid turning the system off, and get as much data off of it as you can03:31
damooseisloosealright thats what I was afraid of03:32
zykotick9skilz, see if ubuntu has some OSS compatibility package(s) of some sort - for instance debian has oss-compat03:32
damooseisloosethank you so much03:32
brjanncdamooseisloose: sure thing, sorry I didn't have better news03:32
damooseislooseby any chance has anyone here had any experience with lenovo customer support?03:32
damooseisloosebecause ive only had this laptop for 2 months03:32
zykotick9damooseisloose, you might want to ask in ##hardware ?  good luck.03:33
damooseisloosealright ill ask them there03:33
hemangpatelhiii there03:34
damooseisloosethanks again03:34
hemangpatelis there any irc channel based on LINUX03:34
=== krish is now known as Guest79667
ZeranoeHello, I'm using OSS on ubuntu and I'm wondering if I can use the volume manager with it, what is the volume manager for ubuntu? I would like to avoid using ossxmix03:34
worrowI need some help. Is someone available?03:34
zykotick9hemangpatel, ##linux ?03:34
hemangpatelOK zykotick903:34
brightsparkAt the bottom of the login screen (10.10, but probably others too) there are menus to change the session and keyboard layout.  How do I remove keyboard layouts that no longer reflect my hardware from this list?03:34
worrowwho is skilled with using synaptics package manager?03:35
pythonirc1011 I've an ubuntu guest VM on virtual vox, which i've guest additions on...for some reason, it wont expand to the largest size of my screen...it used to work till i upgraded to 4.1.6 vbox. Any one else has seen this problem?03:35
worrowsynaptic skills anyone??03:35
zykotick9pythonirc1011, did you reinstall the guest additions after upgrading vbox?03:35
aeon-ltdworrow: just ask the actual question03:36
pythonirc1011zykotick9: yes03:36
lorddeltaworrow: What do you want to know?03:36
lorddeltaworrow: I'm not amazing, but I keep it around03:36
keithclarkAnyone know why sound comes out of my headphones and not my speakers?03:37
pythonirc1011zykotick9: ah my guest compilation failed03:37
lorddeltakeithclark: Maybe because they're plugged in?03:37
pythonirc1011kernel headers missing03:37
pythonirc1011what can i apt-get?03:37
Flynsarmythis keyboard doesn't have home or end buttons. is it possible to map ctrl+- as home and ctrl++ as end?03:37
keithclarklorddelta, funny.....03:37
zykotick9keithclark, if it's a laptop - it's a serious question03:38
aeon-ltdkeithclark: no really03:38
lorddeltakeithclark: I do not think there is a way to override the audio output, if you do ever find a way, let me know03:38
keithclarkzykotick9, of course I unplugged my headphones03:39
zykotick9keithclark, then open your volume control and verify that nothing is muted, and everything is turned up03:39
keithclarklorddelta, I'm not sure I understand here.  I can only use headphones?03:39
lorddeltakeithclark: If that doesn't work, try installing alsamixer and running it...it may be the volume is muting itself (its happened to me before).03:40
hemangpatelgot error when i join ##linux "##linux Cannot send to channel"03:40
zykotick9!register | hemangpatel03:40
ubottuhemangpatel: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:40
lorddeltakeithclark: AFAIK you can only output to either the speakers, or to the headphones, not both at the same time. But if your audio works correctly, it should switch when you plug/unplug the headphones.03:40
keithclarklorddelta, In my Sound Settings, Output only has two options.  Both are for headphones03:40
k0d3g3arne1 know what happened to the karmic content in the universe repositories?03:41
zykotick9k0d3g3ar, karmic koala you mean?  see "/msg ubottu eol"03:41
lorddeltakeithclark: What is your system info? (Control Panel -> System Info)03:41
skilzzykotick9, oss-compat is already installed03:42
brightsparkworrow, in Synaptic, go to Settings>Filters.  Select Search Filter in the left pane, and check ONLY the box marked Installed on the Status tab.  Then close that window, click Custom Filters on the bottom left of the main window, and select Search Filter from the list above it.03:42
k0d3g3arzykotick9, yes, karmic koala.  There is nothing showing for it in the Universe repos03:42
zykotick9!karmic | k0d3g3ar03:42
ubottuk0d3g3ar: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.03:42
k0d3g3arzykotick9,  ok, but why is Hardy still there?03:43
keithclarklorddelta, what would you like to know from system info?03:43
zykotick9k0d3g3ar, lts03:43
lorddeltakeithclark: Just checking you're running 11.04/11.1003:43
keithclarklorddelta, 11.1003:43
k0d3g3arzykotick9, and why is it that I can get packages up to about 3 hours ago, and then it stopped?  I'm just trying to re-install mysql03:43
zykotick9k0d3g3ar, that i can't answer03:44
skilzzykotick9, What im trying to do is get 'tpb' (Thinkpad Buttons) to work on my IBM Thinkpad to use the special volume keys, I have tpb working but the volume keys don't change the volume, I need it to control PCM somehow. Please take a look at http://www.nongnu.org/tpb/doc/tpb.1.html03:44
k0d3g3aranyone else?03:44
hemangpatelhow i login in freenode channel any example plz ??03:44
hemangpatelcommand ?03:44
zykotick9skilz, i have no idea man - good luck.03:44
skilzzykotick9, I usually use alsamixer to change the volume but I think my system is using pulseaudio.03:45
urlin2uk0d3g3ar, various packages come from different repos.03:45
hemangpatel& where i enter that command03:45
k0d3g3arurlin2u, of course they do03:45
zykotick9skilz, alsamixer should still work i believe03:45
lorddeltakeithclark: Do you know how to operate a terminal? If so, 'sudo apt-get install alsa-utils'03:45
brightsparkhemangpatel, "/join #channel"03:45
k0d3g3arurlin2u, that's not my point.  Mysql should be in Universe repos.  But the entire Universe repos have disappeared as of 2 hours ago03:45
hemangpatelbrightspark : ok03:45
brightsparkhemangpatel, in the field where you normally type replies to channel03:45
hemangpatelthen ?03:45
skilzzykotick9, Yeah it does, but I think tpb is trying to control oss not pulseaudio or alsa03:45
urlin2uk0d3g3ar, thats what you get when you use a oel confusion. :D03:46
zykotick9skilz, if tpb is trying to control OSS - it's WAY outdated.  Good luck.03:46
k0d3g3arurlin2u,  you are of no help03:46
urlin2uk0d3g3ar, your asking stupid questions I was not trying.03:46
keithclarklorddelta, yes03:46
hemangpatelbrightspark : what command i type for login ?03:47
skilzzykotick9, Yeah it is03:47
lorddeltakeithclark: It would also be helpful to run 'sudo cat /proc/asound/cards'03:48
keithclarklorddelta, alsa-utils already installed03:48
lorddeltaAnd pastebin the output.03:48
skilzThe only option in it is this -m, --mixer=STATE03:48
skilzUse OSS mixer to change volume and for mute/unmute. This should be use on models with no hardware mixer (volume and mute buttons show no effect). R31 is reported to have no hardware mixer. To use this you must enable write access to the NVRAM device (possibly dangerous). Possible values are on and off. Default is off.03:48
lorddeltakeithclark: What is the output of 'sudo cat /proc/asound/cards'03:48
brightsparkhemangpatel, what are you trying to do?  To enter a given channel, use the /join command.03:49
skilzzykotick9, When I load tpb its loaded with -m off default but the volume does not change03:49
hemangpatelyes i enter into ## linux03:49
zykotick9skilz, i'm sorry i've never used tpb before - i'm no help to you.  good luck.03:49
hemangpatelbut i send any text it says "##linux Cannot send to channel"03:50
brightsparkhemangpatel, then you should type "/join ##linux" in the same field you are using to talk to me03:50
keithclarklorddelta, pastbin'ing.....internet connection is slow tonight.  I am upgrading another computer here at the same time as troubleshooting this one.03:50
zykotick9hemangpatel, you need to register your nick - why i sent you the !register factoid a little while ago03:50
lorddeltakeithclark: Ok...is there some output, such as and HDA-Intel card, or somesuch?03:50
lorddeltakeithclark: s/and HDA-Intel/an HDA-Intel/03:51
keithclarklorddelta, ATI IXP and ATIIXP-MODEM03:51
xangua!register | brightspark03:51
ubottubrightspark: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:51
brightsparkxangua, thanks.  I thought he was asking how to join a channel, not how to register a nickname.03:52
lorddeltakeithclark: Ok, run 'alsamixer', and let me know if there are any bars that are not up the entire way...if that doesn't work we will try something else in a minute03:53
keithclarklorddelta, Master, 100.  Headphone 100, PCM 87, LIne 0, CD 0, Mic 003:54
lorddeltakeithclark: Ok, try using the arrow keys to move to "line", press the up arrow key to increase volume. Also hit F6 and verify that your sound card is selected, as found in the previous 'sudo cat /proc/asound/cards'03:56
keithclarklorddelta, 'line' volume increase did nothing.  F6 only shows the same two devices as before.  I believe the modem.03:58
hdpbIs it possible/advisable to use an external HD as /home?03:59
renosisI am running Ubuntu, and I have this issue where, sometimes when I try to go to locations in the file system, it brings up a message "failed to load the file /media/STORAGE/" for example... when trying to access a storage hard drive, or say from the web browser, a download, if I right click and select show in folder, this same message will appear, only of course with the location changed to my /home/username/downloads folder03:59
yagoohdpb, ya03:59
renosisthen it opens an inkscape window03:59
zykotick9hdpb, it's certainly possible, but would cause issues if it wasn't attached so it's advisability is really up to you03:59
renosisso, I assume it is trying to open these locations in inkscape for some odd reason04:00
lorddeltakeithclark: When you use F6, does it show that your ATI IXP card is indeed selected? If not, go ahead and select that device (or if ATIIXP Modem is the correct device, choose that instead)04:00
renosisI checked file associations and they all point to appropriate programs, I think04:00
yagoohdpb, i would suggest not to do that. Cuse if you use different versions of a program on another computer, you can get application's overwriting earlier-version setting formats04:00
keithclarklorddelta, selecting ATIIXP worked!04:01
yagoohdpb, (i'm talking about the ~/.<appsetting> folders/files getting overwritten)04:01
lorddeltakeithclark: If it helps any in terms of confusion this is what a correct configuration should look like: http://imgur.com/x3YZp04:01
lorddeltakeithclark: Glad to hear it. :)04:01
yagoohdpb, also the userid permissions can differ04:01
keithclarklorddelta, why would this happen?04:02
hdpbI have an old desktop that needs to be put to rest. the plan would be to add the HD to my laptop and leave it connected. other suggestions?04:02
keithclarkIs is a problem on every reboot?04:02
yagoohdpb, ^ another reason why it makes no sense to have an external hd for home04:02
yagoohdpb, if you setup nfs.. you can setup permissions more efficiently..04:02
termitori'm searching for a tools thas automated sort of files and folders based on rules, somebody know a program like that ? (sorry for my bad englishà04:03
hdpbSecondly, need to reinstall Vista (for work purposes) on the laptop. Anything I should know going in?04:03
keithclarklorddelta, Also thanks!  Appreciate the help here!04:04
lorddeltakeithclark: No, I don't know the answer. I would suspect it is a misconfiguration in your alsa configuration (you will need to readup on alsa configuration if you wish to solve this problem yourself, I'm not very knowledgeable in that area). In 11.04 there was a considerable amount of instability regarding this, 11.10 seems to have cleared this up. It usually should clear up on a reboot. If not, I suggest opening a ticket, or seeking hardware help on the 04:05
keithclarklorddelta, Thanks!04:05
lorddeltakeithclark: I've also noticed that occasionally sound crashes seem to turn the volume to zero, but that's speculative on my part.04:05
lorddeltakeithclark: you're welcome.04:05
zizooHey guys. Any help running a .jar file from my Windows partition?04:07
keithclarklorddelta, Could this be a Gnome 3 vs. Unity issue?  I've chosen to use Gnome 3.04:08
linuxuz3rbios reboots after i shutdown 11.10 and boot the computer again04:08
linuxuz3rhow should i fix this in 11.1004:08
Skummelzizoo shouldn't be any harder then running it from your home directory04:08
zizooWell, it says it's not executable, and it won't let me make it executable.04:09
ahoneybunzizoo, I run minecraft.jar from the terminal with "java -jar minecraft.jar" so just move the folder with the jar file in it04:09
lorddeltakeithclark: Euh, I shouldn't think so. I don't use either gnome3 or Unity, and I've experienced similar problems. Occasionally settings take a logout-reboot to stabilize.04:09
ahoneybunzizoo, oh well go to the folder with the jar file and04:09
renosisah, nevermind, I figured it out~!04:09
keithclarklorddelta, thanks.04:10
ahoneybunzizoo, enter "sudo chmod a+x *jar file name*.jar"04:10
zizooI don't keep a lot of space on my linux OS partition. I try to keep everything in a special partition that both OSes can see. Also, that does not work. It claims to, but ls -l reveals no change.04:11
zykotick9ahoneybun, trying to apply POSIX permission on a windows partition is useless, it won't work. zizoo04:11
zizooBut separate, so I can reinstall either OS if I screw something up....04:11
zizooSo technically, it is another partition altogether, actually.04:11
ahoneybunzykotick9, moving the location in terminal and doing it to the file from the linux will not work?04:11
zykotick9ahoneybun, that would work - so long as it's on an linux partition.04:12
ahoneybunzykotick9, move the file from the window partition to the linux one and change the permissions from there04:13
zizooIs there any way to remount my data partition so that I can execute .jar files, perchance?04:13
zykotick9ahoneybun, i'm surprised the foo.jar would need to be set executable actually, if you use "java -jar foo.jar" - but i don't use java apps much.04:13
doctorZeusis there a preferred filesystem type I should format drives for in preparation for a raid5 array using mdadm?  Will be storing mostly large media files04:14
ahoneybunzykotick9, true, my minecraft.jar file is not set for executable as well04:14
zizooOh, I was trying to do something else, come to think of it. x__x... I was trying to "open with..." Java Sun VM. But it doesn't work for the terminal command.04:14
linuxuz3rbios reboots after i shutdown 11.10 and boot the computer again04:14
zizooSays "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute"04:14
linuxuz3rhow should i fix this in 11.1004:14
ubuntuany help with getting my wireless internet working?04:14
ahoneybunzizoo, right click the file?04:15
PaijoUbuntu:what your wifi card04:15
ahoneybunzizoo, try to reinstall java?04:15
ubuntuim on xubuntu it doest detect my wireess04:15
zizooAttempting to change the file to be executable from the properties window does not work. It unchecks it as soon as I check it.04:15
ubuntuits broadcom04:15
zizooIt works fine on my linux partition. I doubt Java is the problem.04:15
zykotick9zizoo, the file is still on the windows partition isn't it?04:15
psycho_oreos!broadcom| ubuntu04:16
ubottuubuntu: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:16
zizoo.__. ... I'd have to move a lot of files to my linux partition, which is supposed to be big enough for just linux essentials, then keep most programs on the third partition. Am I going to have to redo my setup?04:16
ubuntuya its that onre the bot put up lol04:16
zizooIt is still on the separate partition.04:17
ubuntuits a broadcom airforce one bcm4311104:17
zizooThat is, I have a Windows partition and a Data partition, the latter being where I keep anything I want to use with both Linux and Windows. ^^;;;;04:17
zykotick9zizoo, you can't apply POSIX (ie gnu/linux) permissions (in this case executable) when the files are on MS (FAT/NTFS) partitions.04:17
ActionParsnipzizoo: is the file stored on an NTFS partition?04:17
zizooCan't I change some properties file so that .jar files are executable when I mount? :s04:18
zizooIt does that for .exe files....04:18
psycho_oreosubuntu, are you not able to follow guides?04:18
ActionParsnipzizoo: if its NTFS then you will need to make the partition mark all the files executable when it's mounted04:18
PaijoHemm repot nie04:19
zizooSounds kinda dangerous....04:19
zizooBut how would I do it?04:19
zizooI'm willing, for now at least, until I find a better way.04:19
ubuntuno i dont have the time really04:19
zizooubuntu, I would think guides would be faster than waiting for responses. Then you can ask on here about parts of a guide that don't work. I'd even help if you were willing to do that for me.04:20
ActionParsnipzizoo: its not dangerous04:20
ubuntuthought some advice here wold be a little faster04:20
ubuntubut thanks for consideration physco_oreo..cute name btw04:20
zizooOr parts of the guide that confuse you, etc. ubuntu04:20
ActionParsnipzizoo: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/mount-ntfs-so-that-files-are-not-executable-buts-directories-are-363315/04:20
Toph2I'm trying to play an .avi file on both Movie Player and ALC player. I have sound on both but no video      Ubuntu 11.10. Any ideas?04:21
lorddeltaubuntu: Guides. The blessing of help desks and the scourge of users who already know everything in the guide (or so they think) is useless.04:22
zizooThough if you're lucky enough to have someone around who already knows how to deal with that router, ubuntu, you might be right. I don't though. I could at best help you follow a guide.04:22
Toph2I'm trying to play an .avi file on both Movie Player and VLC player. I have sound on both but no video      Ubuntu 11.10. Any ideas?04:22
zykotick9Toph2, have you install ubuntu-restricted-extras and/or w32codecs (from medibuntu)?04:23
psycho_oreos!repeat | Toph204:23
lorddeltaI <3 Good Guides. And Documentation that isn't afraid to get in detail.04:23
ubottuToph2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:23
lorddeltaMostly this channel is great and already knowing where the guides are, whereas google comparatively sucks, since it doesn't know what you want to look for.04:23
ASKidwaiStill need help with my desktop problem04:24
ASKidwaiit just doesn't respond04:24
amh345I've just reinstalled one of my ubuntu machines. and now i cannot remember the syntax to create a 'bookmark' to my other ubuntu machine.  it's driving me nuts.  does anyone here know?04:24
ASKidwaithere are no icons or folders there04:24
ASKidwaialthough the terminal shows all of them04:24
Toph2zykotick9,,,   I ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:24
lorddeltaASKidwai: Can you launch gconf-editor?04:25
=== joegornick is now known as jgornick
zykotick9Toph2, then in VLC - Tool / Preferences - Video tab, try changing the Output dropdown to see if you get video.04:25
lorddeltaASKidwai: It might be disguised as "Configuration Editor"04:25
zykotick9Toph2, it could still be a codec issue however04:25
ubuntuhmm says it supported04:25
zizooMy /etc/fstab file doesn't contain anything like what I saw in the guide. Not sure how to handle this for making my partition files executable....04:26
ASKidwailorddelta: lemme try04:26
ActionParsnipzizoo: you can add it so that it mounts with those options at boot, you will need to create a new folder to mount to04:27
ASKidwailorddelta: yes. the desktop doesn't respond to anything i.e right clicks, the boxes you make for selection etc04:27
linuxuz3rhey ActionParsnip04:27
linuxuz3rmy bios problem with 11.10 is still not fixed yet04:27
lorddeltaAre you able to get to a command prompt?04:28
lorddeltaASKidwai: Try hitting: Ctrl+Alt+T04:28
usr13zizoo: You should probably give us some partition info so we can give you more specific advice.04:28
linuxuz3rwhen i shut down 11.10 and boot back at the bios post it reboots again04:28
linuxuz3rso now i have to save bios settings04:28
=== tman_ is now known as evil_server44
ASKidwailorddelta: yes, gconf-editor is open04:28
linuxuz3r11.10 does it all the time04:28
evil_server44its the acpi buffer problem theres a patch04:29
lorddeltaASKidwai: Yes, ok, try navigating to /apps/nautilus/preferences/04:29
evil_server44you have to patch your kernel source before compiling04:29
linuxuz3revil_server44: acpi buffer problem04:29
evil_server44im completely sure what it is04:29
lorddeltaIn the right panel there should be a key, or "Name" with the value "show_desktop"04:29
ASKidwailorddelta: done04:29
linuxuz3rso i got to download the kernel source?04:29
evil_server44but when you shutdown the kernel doesnt properly empty the buffer and thats what causes the problem on the next boot04:30
huamm_how to make openbox shaddow ?04:30
lorddeltaASKidwai: There should be a checkbox next to that. Try checking/unchecking that?04:30
linuxuz3revil_server44: how do i fix it04:30
ASKidwailorddelta: ok04:30
usr13zizoo: sudo fdisk -l > info.txt ; df >> info.txt ; /etc/fstab  >> info.txt ; sudo blkid >> info.txt ; pastebinit info.txt04:30
usr13and send resulting URL04:30
gerzelIs it possable to /give a monster spawner and pick the monster?  Or will monster spawners /give ed always be set to pigs?04:30
evil_server44there is a patch on i think bugzilla.org or something but i have a fixed version of the ec.c file04:31
gerzelI'm on a server creative mode as op.04:31
ASKidwailorddelta: I'll be buggered! It works :D04:31
evil_server44i can pm it to you04:31
linuxuz3rwhats ec.c?04:31
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:31
ASKidwailorddelta: although you have to double click and in the dialogue box, select "True"04:31
gerzelack my appologies.  window automatically opened.04:31
evil_server44its the file the controls the emptying of the acpi buffer by default it doesnt empty like it should04:32
ubuntuso i read al the crap and dont know how to fix my problem stil04:32
lorddeltaASKidwai: Good to hear. :)04:32
evil_server44alot of people have the same problem with diffrent comps04:32
linuxuz3revil_server44: how do i use ec.c04:32
xanguahuamm_: i was trying  this right now  :) http://www.ubuntips.com.ar/2011/02/22/xcompmgr-alternativa-a-compiz-para-maquinas-con-pocos-recursos/04:33
sasorihttp://pastebin.com/eEPDeiWG  then i added at etc/hosts file, then restarted apache2 via /etc/init.d/apache2 stop -> stop .. when i typed http://test at the browser, is a white page of death, it doesn't show up the test index file that i did..is there something wrong wit the httpd-vhosts.conf configuration that i did ? or I edited a wrong file ?04:33
evil_server44im gonna paste the file contents on pastebin.com and paste the link in the channel04:33
ubuntui went there says it is supported but it also sas that a chip with / can use two different drivers not both at same time any one know how i can set it or check that it is only using 1 driver04:33
lorddeltaASKidwai: Fun fact; gconf is the gnome registry of all settings. Many configuration problems can be solved here, you just need to find the right keys. ;)04:34
xanguanow it looks like this huamm_ http://img560.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tmpfm9yns.png04:34
lorddeltaErr well he left, I guess, free info for everyone. =/04:34
psycho_oreosubuntu, lspci -nn may help.. also checking on http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4304:35
ubuntucan someone help me to check my wireless card isnt using two different drivers04:35
zizooOk, I have 3 NTFS partitions. One is something lenovo put on here, the others are my Windows and Data partitions. I also have an extended partition which I used to add linux and the linux swap partitions... if I remember this correctly. I'm just looking at fdisk and seeing the 7 partitions. Seems a bit much to me now. =__=;04:36
evil_server44open this link http://paste.ubuntu.com/743897/ and copy all the text into a file04:36
evil_server44you can use whatever editor you want04:36
zizooAnd I'm trying to make all files in the Data partition executable by editing my fstab file hopefully?04:36
Compaq_AdministrI just installed Command Line Ubuntu. When I boot it, I get nothing on my screen. I don't even get a cursor.04:38
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toshibais ubuntu the best os?04:38
Rya_nAnyone ever seen this problem?04:38
zykotick9toshiba, is blue the best colour?04:39
psycho_oreosCommander1024, that's what command line Ubuntu means04:39
zizooBut my fstab file is indecipherable to me.04:39
aeon-ltdRya_n: what do you see in the boot process? (after POST and bios/boot options)04:39
psycho_oreoserr Rya_n04:40
Rya_naeon-ltd: I see GRUB, I choose Ubuntu, then nothing.04:40
aeon-ltdRya_n: what gpu?04:40
Rya_npsycho_oreos: I mean my monitor doesn't have a signal. There's no command line.04:40
lorddeltaRya_n: Can you hit Ctrl-Alt-F1?04:40
amh345what's the best mp3 player for ubuntu?04:41
aeon-ltdRya_n: have you tried reinstalling?04:41
zykotick9!nomodeset | Rya_n04:41
aeon-ltdamh345: no best04:41
ubottuRya_n: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:41
amh345rhythm player?04:41
aeon-ltdamh345: use what you prefer or need04:41
Rya_nI remember I had to use that for Mint. It's strnage though that the regular Ubuntu install works without it.04:41
amh345and is synaptic not installed on the latest ubuntu by default?04:42
lorddeltaAh well thanks to everyone, and to everyone a good night, I have need of retiring.04:42
Rya_namh345: No, it isn't. Ubuntu Software Center is the default.04:43
amh345oh, i see it.   ugh. I'm really not a fan of the new ubnutu.  i wish i could get the 'classic' look back. i don't like all this Dash stuff.04:44
amh345it's extra shitty when vncing04:44
zykotick9!notunity | amh34504:45
ubottuamh345: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:45
usr13amh345: You can:  xfce04:45
usr13amh345: YOu can make it look and act just like what you had in 10.0404:45
amh345oh sweet. thanks zykotick904:45
zykotick9usr13, i don't really find xfce an equal replacement for gnome - i know it's what a lot of people or suggesting, i just don't personally see it.04:46
ubuntuif running the live cd of xubuntu is super slow onmy computer now shoud i  not install>04:46
mmvubuntu: how much ram do you have?04:46
zykotick9ubuntu, lubuntu is much lighter then xubuntu btw04:47
mmvthen its going to be slow off a livecd04:47
usr13zykotick9: By default, it's not, but if you make a few changes, there's really very little difference.04:48
ubuntupuppy is reay fast on ive cd04:48
usr13zykotick9: /join #xfce04:48
HelloWorld321for 11.10: GADMIN-Samba or system-config samba?04:48
taolidoes any one have exp running puppy in Vbox? i am tryint to install guest addition, which one should i install ubuntu?04:48
modI did two aptitude searches, purposefully to find the same item in different ways, but in one search it comes up as installed and in the other as not installed04:49
zykotick9usr13, too bad xfce doesn't seem to like running in KVM04:49
modhow could this happen? am i reading the output incorrectly?04:50
modi   xserver-xorg-video-intel                               - X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver04:50
usr13zykotick9: I didn't know that?  You mean KVM as in a KVM switch?04:50
zizooHow do I figure out which of my partitions is the one I need? There are two NTFS ones, not labeled for booting. Something lenovo put on my laptop and my main data partition. I want to remount Data, but I don't know which one it is.04:50
zykotick9usr13, no, KVM as in the virtualization software04:51
modp   xserver-xorg-video-intel                               - X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver04:51
zykotick9mod, what does "apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel" say?04:52
ubuntuhttp://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#firmware    i did this but now im stuck04:52
modzyko, says its the installed and candidate versions are the same04:52
m477if is fluxbox hard to cope for beginner?04:53
ubuntui cant find whatever i had downloaded to install it04:53
zykotick9mod, i believe that's installed so long as you have xorg installed?04:53
HulkHoganmod: which command u use?04:53
modgeneally i use a mix of apt-get and aptitude04:53
zykotick9m477, it has config files (for things like editing the menus)04:54
modok well i knew it was installed, just not sure what the diff outputs implied04:54
zizooOh nevermind. I see the number of blocks now, and it HAS to be the much bigger one. Sorry, little bit of dumbassery over here.04:54
modok well, time to reboot, installed a bunch of new intel drivers04:54
modthanks for the help04:54
m477zykotick9: so?04:54
zykotick9m477, well, do you consider that "hard to cope" if yes - then YES to your question, if NO then NO to your question04:55
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m477zykotick9: what do you exactly mean by config files, sry for dumb question?04:56
zykotick9m477, lets say you want to add something to the menu, you have to open up a config/text file and edit it (with the proper syntax) - it's not like drag-n-drop at all.04:57
HulkHoganm477: settings u would have to edit04:57
m477zykotick9: what syntax, is it c++ etc? or it has own language04:58
zykotick9m477, it's own04:58
zykotick9m477, it's not hard.04:58
ActionParsnipfluxbox is great once you get to grips with it04:59
zykotick9m477, i imagine most ubuntu users would find fluxbox very dated - but it's super fast ;)04:59
ubuntuis lubuntu going to ruun ok on my acer aspire 5100 512 ram and 800 ghz proc?05:00
zykotick9m477, ActionParsnip is certainly not "most ubuntu users" ;)05:00
m477zykotick9: i use lucid and gnome doesnt fit me05:00
ActionParsnipcould try openbox too, LXDE uses it as its WM05:00
HulkHoganubuntu: get something smaller05:00
m477and compiz crush all the time my PC05:00
ubuntulike what hulk?05:01
ActionParsnipubuntu: it'll run well on that05:01
zykotick9ubuntu, lubuntu should work - can't get too much smaller - except for the *box's05:01
ubuntui have puppy on 1 partition in runs like a drem05:02
zizooOk, I'm getting overwhelmed looking at all this. I don't know what to do, but I want to remount NTFS partition /dev/sda7 so that all files are executable (or at least .jar files).05:02
ActionParsnipubuntu: could try tinycore too05:02
zizooAny help there?05:02
ubuntubut for me i dont care to learn a bunch just want to do simple stuff so its a bit time consuming so thats why im trying the ubunt05:03
usr13zizoo: sudo fdisk -l > info.txt ; df >> info.txt ; /etc/fstab  >> info.txt ; sudo blkid >> info.txt ; pastebinit info.txt05:03
usr13and we can help you....05:03
HulkHoganubuntu: maybe try slitaz distro05:03
ubuntuok thanks actionparsnip05:03
zykotick9usr13, you missed at cat with your /etc/fstab part05:03
usr13zizoo: As I said before, if you supply us with some information about your system, we can give you specific advise.05:04
ubuntuthe problem i have with puppy is skype or any webcam thing crashes my computer after a few mins of webcam chatting?05:04
m477wbc from fluxbox05:04
ubuntuanyone know whats up w that?05:04
usr13zykotick9: Thanks05:04
usr13zizoo: sudo fdisk -l > info.txt ; df >> info.txt ; cat /etc/fstab  >> info.txt ; sudo blkid >> info.txt ; pastebinit info.txt05:04
m477zykotick9: it starts really fast ;o05:05
usr13zizoo:   Use this one  ^^^^^05:05
zykotick9m477, almost instantly ;)05:05
ActionParsnipubuntu: i'd ask in #puppylinux05:05
ubuntuis that a problem with a driver or with ram?05:05
zykotick9m477, i used fluxbox for years - on P3 450s running Gentoo - compiling gnome took days05:05
usr13zizoo: ... and send us resulting URL.05:05
ubuntuoh i have05:06
ubuntuit seems like a genenral question05:06
ActionParsnipubuntu: then try #linux05:06
skilzHow do I remove unity off my system?05:06
skilzAnd gnome05:06
ubuntuthe problem i have with puppy is skype or any webcam thing crashes my computer after a few mins of webcam chatting?05:06
usr13skilz: Install xfce05:06
skilzI installed the new Ubuntu and install fluxbox since thats all I use.05:07
ubuntuanyone know whats up w that?05:07
skilzusr13, I'm a fluxbox user, but anyways, I want to free up some space since I will not be using gnome or unity...05:07
usr13skilz: Oh, well I don't know how to remove unity.05:07
zykotick9skilz, if you plan on upgrading to the next ubuntu release, i'd recommend you just leave them05:08
skilzzykotick9, No I wont be.05:08
usr13skilz: Are you running out of hard drive space?05:08
skilzIt's an old p4 laptop05:08
skilzusr13, Yes I am.05:08
zykotick9skilz, then try to carefully remove them, but you'll run into meta-package issues almost for sure05:08
HulkHoganskilz: uninstall unity then05:08
skilz6gb free05:09
skilzzykotick9, Theres not a lot of glib apps I run so should be okay05:09
skilznot much gnome applications05:09
zykotick9skilz, i just mean it's going to remove the ubuntu-desktop meta-package and probably a HUGE list of applications, you could just reinstall what you need after though.05:10
xanguaskilz: or you could try minimal install and just install what you want ;)05:10
skilzxangua, I'm not reinstalling my system.05:11
HulkHoganskilz: remove unity, ubuntuone, software center, compiz ..etc05:11
williamchan_whats the correct way to add a ssh-agent to autoload my ~/.ssh/id_rsa05:11
zizooShould there be a URL, usr13?05:12
zizooI don't see one. Or should I just host this .txt somewhere to show you?05:13
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
usr13zizoo: Yes, it will generate a URL05:13
fellayaboyhow can i bridge my connections very easily?05:13
zykotick9zizoo, do you have pastebinit installed?05:13
m477zykotick9: there is something strange i have ran nautilus and my wallpaper has came back instantly Oo05:13
fellayaboyi know in windows 7 all u have to do is highlight both connections and select bridge connection and blam05:14
zizoozykotick9: Not that I am aware of.05:14
usr13zizoo: Did you do "sudo fdisk -l > info.txt ; df >> info.txt ; cat /etc/fstab  >> info.txt ; sudo blkid >> info.txt ; pastebinit info.txt"?05:14
zykotick9m477, there is a switch to start nautilus without desktop somehow05:14
zizooI copied the exact text into the terminal.05:14
zizooOh, oops.05:14
detrix42Hello. I recently just downloaded firefox8, but I cant get firefox8 to recognize the flash player, that firefox 7.x.x that comes with oneiric uses. How do I get Firefox8 which is in my home directory to use the flash player 10?05:14
zizooI missed the last one. Will do now.05:14
usr13zizoo: pastebinit info.txt05:14
zykotick9usr13, you probably need to instruct zizoo on installing pastebinit first05:14
usr13zykotick9: Now why would I need to do that?05:15
zizooNah, getting it now.05:15
zykotick9usr13, is it installed by default these days?05:15
m477zykotick9: also my browser doesnt work05:15
usr13zykotick9: No, but he obviously knows how to read.05:15
zizooSorry, just missed the pastebinit bit at the end when I copy-pasted because it was on a new line and I didn't see it at first. xP05:15
zykotick9m477, which browser?05:15
m477zykotick9: ff05:15
williamchan_whats the correct way to add a ssh-agent to autoload my ~/.ssh/id_rsa .. is there something that integrates nicely with xfce?05:16
zizooThere ya go.05:16
zykotick9m477, try starting it from cli, do you get an error?05:16
zizooThanks for that, btw. I do believe pastebinit will be quite helpful to me in the future. ^.^05:16
m477zykotick9: instead it opera works, what is cli?05:16
zykotick9m477, cli = command line interface (terminal)05:17
m477zykotick9: oh k05:17
m477zykotick9: hm strange it finally started work05:18
zizooOh um, here, usr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/743907/05:19
zizooShould remember to tag people who are helping me when I give them stuff they ask for....05:20
usr13zizoo: Maybe you just need to change some partition sizes.  Does your NTFS partition really need to be 262G?  And your Linux partition only 14G?05:20
m477zykotick9: i think flash works better is it possible or just my placebo?05:21
arunkumar413hi, i'm using ubuntu 11.04. My mouse is of microsoft's. Bu the middle clicking is not working. Please help05:21
zizoo:/... I was really hoping to be able to put most programs and files on the nice little mutual data partition. Can't I just remount the partition to be executable?05:21
zizooI want to have Linux be reinstallable easily without losing any data.05:21
zizooSame for Windows....05:21
zizooOn the off-chance that I fuck everything up somehow....05:22
HulkHoganzizoo: make sperate paritions05:22
zykotick9m477, if you where using compiz before - it's possibly much better05:22
usr13zizoo: You could boot the LiveCD and use gparted to shrink /dev/sda7  and enlarge /dev/sda5  Or you could create the gparted liveCD. See: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:22
m477zykotick9: no i wasnt, but i had problems with maximization  video on YT05:23
xangua(23:22:12) zizoo: I want to have Linux be reinstallable easily without losing any data. - make a separate home partition05:24
zizooI'm pretty sure it's possible to make this partition's files executable. Part of the point was to make all my files constantly accessible too.......05:24
usr13zizoo: Right now, you are only using 25% of /dev/hda705:24
zizooAre you trying to tell me that I cannot make sda7's files executable?05:24
zizooOr that it is a bad idea?05:24
TonyGiaI have a dpkg question.05:25
arunkumar413hi, i'm using ubuntu 11.04. My mouse is of microsoft's. Bu the middle clicking is not working. Please help05:25
m477zykotick9: hm my multimedia keys on my keyboard dont work maybe can you advice something05:25
zykotick9m477, that could be a challenge.  I have no idea.  I didn't have multimedia keys when i was using fluxbox.05:26
zizooI would like to understand why we are ignoring the notion of making files executable before I move on to other ideas, because those ideas pose an inconvenience I would like to avoid.... Or, is it that those here don't know how to do that? In which case, I can go back to looking on google....05:26
yagoozizoo, scripts have been used for like 40 years.. I think you come too late to debate that.05:27
m477zykotick9: ok no problem, i have to admit im impressed that my browser run so fast now05:28
usr13zizoo: I do not know how you mounted the /dev/sda7 partition but apparently you have mounted it ro and you can just simply mount it rw.  (Is that what you are talking about, the NTFS partition?)05:28
jimmy_kashHey can anybody help me wuth an ubuntu deluge file permission issue05:28
usr13zizoo: Do you want it to be mounted permanently ?05:28
zizooYeah, sda7, the NTFS partition. I need it executable. Permanently would be nice, but I only need it when I run programs on there, which isn't -too- often, so w/e works.05:29
usr13zizoo: Just mount it read/write.05:29
usr13zizoo: If you want it mouned perminately you can add another line to /etc/fstab for it.05:30
bullgard4What does 'man 3 urxvt' mean with a 'resource'? Here this term apparently used used in a special sense: "Every time a terminal object gets created, extension scripts speicified via the "perl" resource are loaded and associated with it."05:30
zizooread/write won't let me run my files, will it? :s05:31
HulkHoganzizoo: u can use pySDm if u need to mount the drives05:31
bullgard4What does 'man 3 urxvt' mean with a 'resource'? Here this term apparently is used in a special sense: "Every time a terminal object gets created, extension scripts speicified via the "perl" resource are loaded and associated with it."05:31
usr13zizoo: UUID="60CC0648CC061944  /media/Data05:31
mmvthat's a truncated UUID05:31
usr13zizoo: UUID="60CC0648CC061944  /media/Data  ntfs  rw,user,auto  0   005:31
yagoono it isnt05:31
yagooi think he has ntfs or fat3205:31
yagooyeah.. its ntfs..05:32
usr13zizoo: Use this second one... I hit enter on the first one my accident05:32
jimmy_kashANybody here good with deluge?05:32
* yagoo says you should be using ntfs-3g .. ntfs write will f' up that filesystem05:32
yagoosomeone is going to break their system05:33
OerHeksjimmy_kash, ask the real question and find out ?05:33
linuxuz3rguys can you see the minimize button in gnome 305:33
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
zizooThanks usr13. If I replace rw with rwx, that will make it executable as well?05:33
jimmy_kashOerHeks: I did before - I am having a file permission error when using the webUI05:33
usr13zizoo: If you want a different mount point, you can create one and change /media/Data to what ever you create, like maybe just  /Windows05:33
jimmy_kashOerHeks: You good with this?05:33
yagoozizoo, you can't. that's an ntfs.. you need something unix05:33
usr13zizoo: No.  No such thing as executable.  rw05:34
usr13zizoo: read/write05:34
zizooBut then why can Wine run .exe programs on it? :s05:34
OerHeksjimmy_kash, what file permission error, use paste.ubuntu.com to paste multi lines05:34
zizooThe whole point was to run my jar with java sun vm without moving it.05:34
yagoozizoo, see wine guides onthe net.. you need to setup the wine environment..05:34
jimmy_kashOerHeks: In the webUI it just says "Permission denied: /val/lib/deluge/ FILENAME"05:35
apriori_.. != ...05:35
usr13zizoo: You will exicute applications on the Linux partition.  If you need to execute MS Windows (.exe) apps, you need to install wine.  sudo apt-get install wine05:35
zykotick9jimmy_kash, does it really say /val or /var?05:35
yagoozizoo, you're also probably using the wrong ntfs module.. your screwing up your ntfs filesystem.. (should be using ntfs-3g/fusefs, not the ntfs module)05:35
jimmy_kashOerHeks: It reall says val05:36
HulkHoganstill holding on to windows?05:36
usr13yagoo: Just use auto.  i.e.  UUID="60CC0648CC061944  /media/Data  auto  rw,user,auto  0   005:36
zizooOh, so I am totally insistently BSing over here. God, I hate to be that guy. .____. ... Ugh, I'll just copy the shit over to my linux partition. I hate having to waste so much space though with duplicates. >_______<05:36
zykotick9jimmy_kash, well, i think that's an issue05:36
xangua!language | zizoo05:36
jimmy_kashOerHeks: I think you might be right.... 1 sec05:36
usr13zizoo: Just use auto.  i.e.  UUID="60CC0648CC061944  /media/Data  auto  rw,user,auto  0   005:36
ubottuzizoo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:36
linuxuz3ranyone using gnome-shell?05:37
zizooLike... why install the same program twice in Linux and in Windows.05:37
usr13zizoo: Your linix partition is only 14G05:37
zizooBloik, sorry. Didn't notice that. Getting a bit tired.05:37
linuxuz3ri want to know if there is a minimize button in gnome shell05:37
HulkHoganlinuxuz3r: there is no minimize button in gnome shells05:37
HulkHoganlinuxuz3r: u could add it back if u want tho05:37
linuxuz3rHulkHogan: how05:37
zizooMust revert to nonsense expletives. Cudgelmuffin and farsicle! >_<05:38
usr13zizoo: You are correct, you don't need to install the same program twice.05:38
HulkHoganlinuxuz3r: gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string ":minimize,maximize,close"05:38
zizooBut it's a .jar ...05:38
zizooI mean, not install, but store.05:38
zizooWhy store it in two places?05:38
ArcademanGuys is there a way to install or boot Ubuntu using the Windows Boot Manager and not using wubi?05:39
usr13zizoo: Installing wine is the way to run the MS Windows apps.  BUT, what MS Windows apps do you really need?  Can't you use Linux apps?05:39
bullgard4What does 'man 3 urxvt' mean with a 'resource'? Here this term apparently is used in a special sense: "Every time a terminal object gets created, extension scripts specified via the "perl" resource are loaded and associated with it."05:40
linuxuz3rArcademan: grub for dos05:40
linuxuz3rArcademan: grub4dos05:40
HulkHoganif only linux users would stop promoting wine05:40
usr13HulkHogan: We are not promoting wine  Are we?05:40
usr13HulkHogan: But...what is your suggestion?05:41
HulkHoganusr13: ask all the newbies that try to run windows apps on day one05:41
zizooThey are not Windows apps. They are Java programs. Actually, it's Minecraft. When running the .exe, Wine just pops up and says I need JVM 1.5.somethingorother.05:41
zizooSo I followed Notch's instructions to try to run the .jar, but running it directly with java -jar minecraft.jar does not work.05:41
Arcademanlinuxuz3r, can it be done with EasyBCD just as well?05:41
usr13HulkHogan: Ask them what?05:41
HulkHoganzizoo: if u want to run java jar files, u have to tell it to using java -jar /path/filename.jar05:41
zizooI just said that that does not work.05:42
linuxuz3rArcademan: i dont use it try google05:42
zizooIt claims to have no main file.05:42
zizooI'll fetch the exact error in a sec.05:42
ActionParsnipzizoo: why not copy the app to your linux partition?05:42
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zizooBecause I do not have the kind of space to waste on copying everything I need to work in both OSes.05:42
phiscribewill any jar anywhere launch, more basic question05:42
HulkHoganusr13: stop using crapp wine apps, or go use windows05:42
zykotick9HulkHogan, i agree05:43
linuxuz3ror if not use vmware05:43
zykotick9linuxuz3r, i don't agree ;)05:43
ActionParsnipHulkHogan: some apps run great in wine, if it works then why not use it05:43
linuxuz3rwhy not05:43
HulkHoganActionParsnip: i say not to promote it, not stop using it if u no u can05:44
zykotick9linuxuz3r, vmware is propritary - there is VBox or KVM as free replacements05:44
linuxuz3rActionParsnip: have you updated you ubuntu 11.1005:44
usr13ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/743907/  (He only has 14G Linux partition.)  (Yet his NTFS partition is  643G and only 25% used. I suggested he shrink /dev/sda7 and enlarge /dev/sda5 but he doesn't seem to want to.)05:44
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: I'm on 12.04 now05:44
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: pre-alpha, beta isn't for months05:44
zizoo"Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from05:45
zizooFailed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from '/media/Data/Users/Alex/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar'"05:45
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Do you take part in the development process of 12.04?05:45
usr13Gotta go.  TTYL....05:45
brjannczizoo: you haven't attempted to apply any mods to that jar, have you?05:45
ActionParsnipbullgard4: just submitting bugs05:46
zizooErr.... chmod? .____.05:46
ActionParsnipbullgard4: not had many so far, or any that have lasted more than a few days05:46
zizooDoes this mean I will have to redownload it?05:46
brjannczizoo: oh, wait -- you're trying to run the wrong jar05:46
zizooOh, mods.... No, no mods to the game.05:46
zizooWhich jar should I run?05:46
brjannczizoo: You want to run the launcher, not the minecraft.jar that's in the .minecraft directory05:46
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bullgard4ActionParsnip: Ah! Keep up that good work. (I will test the beta version and report bugs.)05:46
zizooThe launcher is a .exe file. Notch's guide says to try to run the jar if you are using linux.05:47
brjannczizoo: no, there's a jar launcher05:47
ActionParsnipbullgard4: beta1 isn't til March 1st so I wouldn't worry too much05:47
brjannczizoo: https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/minecraft.jar05:48
zizoobrjannc: Where do I put the launcher?05:49
bullgard4ActionParsnip: I know that. I keep my fingers crossed yet.05:49
brjannczizoo: anywhere you like; but it will create its own .minecraft folder in your home directory. you'll have to symlink your windows one, if you want it to share data, but that might get kind of weird because it uses OS-specific native libraries05:50
brjannczizoo: if you want to try it, make a copy of your ...Roaming/.minecraft directory, then ln -s /media/Data/Users/Alex/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/ ~/.minecraft05:51
brjannczizoo: (the copy is strictly for backup purposes, in case something goes wrong)05:51
zizooThank you. I should be good for now, and thanks for the file and the advice....05:52
brjannczizoo: sure thing, good luck and punch trees :)05:52
zykotick9!cookie | brjannc05:52
ubottubrjannc: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:52
zizooHaha, you too, friend, goodbye!05:53
brjannczykotick9: aw, thanks :)05:53
* zykotick9 wonders what tastes better #ubuntu's cookie, or #debian's beer ;)05:54
yagoowhy do so many people mentione minecraft.. It sucks..05:55
zizooI'll stick around so hopefully I can help someone out later after you guys've headed out for the night. Feel the need to give back after being such a pain, but you guys can tackle anything I can, only faster....05:55
arunkumar413hi, i'm using ubuntu 11.04. My mouse is of microsoft's. Bu the middle clicking is not working. Please help05:56
brjannczizoo: great!05:57
ActionParsnipzykotick9: cookie beer: http://www.upfront-live.com/gg/images/stories/extras/bottles/cookie_beer.png05:57
zykotick9ActionParsnip, ummmm ;)05:57
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brjanncHere's one I haven't been able to solve yet -- I've got jack and pulse running happily together, but my volume control keys are only changing pulse's audio sink; anybody have any tricks up their sleeve to tie them together somehow?05:59
bullgard4What does 'man 3 urxvt' mean with a 'resource'? Here this term apparently is used in a special sense: "Every time a terminal object gets created, extension scripts specified via the "perl" resource are loaded and associated with it." Is this here short for "X resource"?06:00
StepNjumpHi, when you invoke an app like let's say gksudo dolphin, what is the switch that can be used after the command so that it allows you to use the terminal once more for some other commands? I used to know but I forgot! hummmm...06:00
ActionParsnipStepNjump: &06:00
StepNjumpoh thanks ActionParsnip06:01
soreaubullgard4: It likely means scripts written in perl language06:01
yagoobullgard4, apt-cache show <packagename> see what it says for "Depends:"06:01
bullgard4soreau: Ah!06:01
bullgard4yagoo: Are you telling me that Depends are the "resources" used in 'man 3 urxvt'?06:03
brjanncbullgard4: yes, it means X resources. see e.g. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Urxvt#Creating_.7E.2F.Xresources06:03
zizooUrk... brjannc...? Hate to bother you again, but do you know why Minecraft would crash on me as soon as it's done logging in and DLing the files? @_@06:04
yagoobullgard4, must be a reference to "perl class"06:04
brjanncbullgard4: there's also a section on that page on perl extensions06:04
bullgard4brjannc: Your answer makes sense to me. --  Thank you very much for your help.06:05
zizooIt's a problem with the 'org.lwjgl.opengl.LinuxDisplay' class, if that helps any....06:05
brjannczizoo: it might be that issue I referred to earlier with regards to native library clashes; are you trying to share the same directory as with windows?06:05
zizooNah, I decided to play it safe for now and run it here, then move it later if I get it running properly.06:06
brjanncbullgard4: no problem :)06:06
ubuntu-for-meuse what for perlsourcefile ,that is use g++ for ccfile06:06
brjannczizoo: okay. umm... give me a few seconds06:06
zizooSure thing.06:07
yagoozizoo, modinfo ntfs .. does it say version 3 ?06:07
zizooNot running from NTFS. Ignoring that for now. Unrelated to anything I am doing.06:08
brjannczizoo: can you paste the output of uname -a for me please?06:08
* yagoo thinks zizoo isnt using ntfs-3g06:08
yagooman o man06:08
zizooalex@alex-nom-nom-nom:/media/Data/Users/Alex/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/bin$ uname -a06:09
zizooLinux alex-nom-nom-nom 3.0.0-12-generic-pae #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 16:37:17 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux06:09
ubuntu-for-meuse what to compile perl-sourcefile and commenlisp-sourcefile?06:09
brjannck thanks06:09
jimmy_kashWould it be hard to make a bash script that checks a folder for files, copies those files over SCP and then deletes them once it is complete?06:09
dr_willisubuntu-for-me:  perl is an interperted language. you dont normally compile it.06:10
dr_willisperl foo.perlscript06:10
dr_willisor set up a proper #! line as the first line of the code.06:10
zizooI'm on my linux partition yagoo, and not interacting with any NTFS partition files to speak of. Unless you think I need to run the file on one, I don't see what you are talking about.06:10
soreaujimmy_kash: There's probably a better solution for what you want to do but you could ask in #bash06:10
dr_willisjimmy_kash:  i belie rsync can do that allready.06:10
brjannczizoo: ls ~/.minecraft/bin/natives/ | pastebinit06:11
soreaujimmy_kash: yes like rsync06:11
jimmy_kashdr_willis: so rsync can delete a file once synched? I thought it just synched stuff06:11
dr_willisyou could make rsync do the syncing, then have teh script delet things.. i rarely need to automate stuff like this06:11
dr_willisor check the rsync docs.   it mayhave a remove option06:12
ubuntu-for-mede_willis,what about lisp?06:12
jimmy_kashdr_willis: how would it know once it is synched that it can be deleted06:12
dr_willisubuntu-for-me:  i think you need to check out some programing basics sites..06:12
dr_willisrync i belive has return codes to indicate success or failure.06:12
jimmy_kashubuntu-for-me: you referring to my question?06:12
ubuntu-for-mede_willis,i know,i'll take it06:13
jimmy_kashdr_willis: thanks for your help.  I hadn't thought of rsync i will check it out06:13
brjannczizoo: try running glxgears?06:14
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zizooFailed request. Oh heck. Now we're back to the same problem that stopped me running RedEclipse I bet.... Oh snizbat this is gonna be a pain.06:15
brjannczizoo: sounds like an issue with your opengl stack. what video card and drivers are you using?06:15
zizooUrk, I'll have to find that. I am using a lenovo W500, and I turned off the better graphics card and switchable graphics mode because I thought they were messing things up.06:17
brjannczizoo: oh, okay -- another sufferer of nvidia optimus?06:17
zizooSome FireGL(or something?) AMD graphics card. I KNOW that switchable graphics mode was screwing with things.06:17
zizooI suppose so...?06:18
soreauzizoo: Start by getting rid of fglrx06:18
brjannczizoo: ah, okay. well, regardless, you should be able to run opengl programs (no, it's not optimus, if it's an ATI/AMD card :) )06:18
brjannczizoo: what groups are you in? run groups on the command line06:19
zizoo"alex adm dialout cdrom plugdev netdev lpadmin admin sambashare"06:19
zizooAnd it has two cards I think. soreau, is that program interfering with my other card, you think?06:20
brjannczizoo: okay, let's try something. make sure the capitalization is all correct when you type this: sudo usermod -aG video alex06:20
zizooIt did something, and gave no errors.....06:21
brjannczizoo: k, now log out and log back in, then try again06:21
soreauzizoo: You have hybrid graphics; one intel one radeon. There are open drivers for both but only radeon is also supported by fglrx which is more problematic all around than the open default radeon driver06:21
dr_willishybred/dual gfx card setups - the next generation winmodem disaster. :)06:23
* brjannc nods sadly06:24
soreauwhy, what winmodem disaster?06:24
dr_willisi cant think of anything else that was such  a disaster. :)06:24
zizooDid you say to try glxgears again after logging in and out brjannc?06:25
dr_willisi recall the days when you had to recompile kerneles to get CD burners going. :)06:25
zizooIf so, same error.06:25
brjannczizoo: sure, sounds like a good place to start :)06:25
zizooMajor opcode of failed request :155 (GLX)06:25
yagoozizoo, maybe have the user a member of the video group06:25
soreauzizoo: remove fglrx, reboot and then if it still does not work, pastebin your X log06:25
zizooMinor opcode: 19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)06:25
zizooAlready did that, yagoo.06:26
brjannczizoo: blast. was hoping that was all it was. might have to turn you over to soreau; i don't know anything about fglrx06:26
zizoook soreau, I will try it and brb.06:26
zizooShould I make sure I am in integrated graphics mode in my BIOS before getting back on? I'm not totally sure it's not in the other mode....06:28
soreauzizoo: Either gpu should work after fglrx is uninstalled06:29
FloodBot1Yooo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:30
brjanncsoreau: I wonder how it's turned out in that all these years I've never owned an ATI card06:30
tripelbI have a question: three's something that is a bunch of linux stuff, runs a shell, and it starts with cynus or cyrus or cygnus06:32
soreaubrjannc: nvidia used to be the best way to go for linux until kms protocol implementations came along06:32
brjannctripelb: cygwin, but that's beyond the scope of this channel06:32
zizoosoreau: I'm back, and all seems fine. What do I do now?06:33
soreauzizoo: enjoy your desktop?06:33
brjanncsoreau: yeah, it's disheartening to say the least06:33
zizooOh, glxgears works! Haha! I'll bet everything is fine now.06:34
soreaubrjannc: what is?06:34
zizooLemme just test.06:34
tripelbthank you for refreshing my memory. I'm going to find out if it comes for the mac. brjannc. is there a better channel for inquiry?06:34
tripelbbtw google suggestions did not help me06:34
brjanncsoreau: that there doesn't seem to be anything that's well-supported any more06:34
sesewwhi pppl06:34
kanhiyaHello, i have a question06:34
soreaubrjannc: radeon is well supported...06:34
sesewwi just installed lubuuntu  any idea how to get skype?06:34
brjannctripelb: try #cygwinx06:35
zizooHAHAHA! Thank you  SO MUCH, soreau!!!06:35
kanhiyawhether i can charge from my customer by providing them modified ubuntu cd's06:35
zykotick9!skype | seseww06:35
ubottuseseww: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga06:35
brjanncsoreau: even with the hybrid graphics mess?06:35
soreauzizoo: You are quite welcome ;)06:35
soreaubrjannc: Yep, the ol switcheroo06:35
sesewwhmm its not in the packag mananger06:35
sesewwwhats up withtthat?06:35
sesewwand the apps are very limited in lubuntu06:36
soreau!info skype | seseww06:36
ubottuseseww: Package skype does not exist in oneiric06:36
kanhiyawell cd has package from UBuntu , that's why i am asking06:36
soreau!lubuntu | seseww06:36
ubottuseseww: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:36
soreau!skype | seseww06:36
ubottuseseww: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga06:36
pnormanOnce you get outside of "common" configurations the support for nVidia and Radeon is limited, even in Windows.06:36
kanhiyaWell i will charge for service not for software06:36
zizooWait, are you saying soreau, that I might actually be able to enable switchable graphics these days? Last I checked that was basically totally impossible....06:37
tripelbBRJANNC THANKS06:37
brjannctripelb: sure thing06:37
soreauzizoo: Yes, you have to log out and stop X then do switheroo06:37
sesewwtheres no flash no skype no tor06:37
abhijiti need to press keyboard shortcut twice to bring up synapse. help06:37
sesewwam i doing something wrong ?06:37
soreauzizoo: You might ask in #radeon or #intel-gfx for details06:37
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=== abhijit is now known as Abhijit
soreaunight all06:38
tucemiux_lwhew, ubuntu now really got good for reals, everything works on my desktop the way it's supposed to!06:39
pnormankanhiya: Ubuntu might have some additional requirements if you're going to call it Ubuntu, but for software licensed under the GPL you can sell it, but you then have to be able to provide the source if requested, and you can't stop someone from taking any changes you made and passing them on.06:39
pnormanStandard disclaimer: That's a huge over-simplification, and if you want legal advice, talk to a lawyer.06:39
nattyeyeshi i cannot config my papref in natty any idea06:40
brjanncsoreau: night!06:40
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yasaswi2245can we install illumination for free on ubuntu06:40
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zykotick9kanhiya, canonical trademarks (and other property) included in ubuntu ARE an issue - with selling it (but your question is not on topic for this channel, it's not a support question).  But I doubt you can sell Ubuntu CDs.06:41
kanhiyapnorman: No, i will sell it with other name & also there will be no restriction on any customer to stop modifying or copying, than it is all right?06:41
mmvFWIW you can sell debian cds.06:42
kanhiyapnorman: Basically i will charge for service & support not for software06:42
zykotick9mmv, that i would believe06:42
pnormanFor something to be free (as in freedom) you have to be free to sell it06:43
zykotick9pnorman, Ubuntu is NOT free software... and it seems to be moving further and further away from it06:43
nattyeyeshi i cannot config my paprefs in natty any idea06:44
pnormankanhiya: This is really not the best place to get legal advice. It sounds like you're looking at making your own distro which is a hugely complex area.06:44
Red-Soxzykotick9: how is ubuntu not free software?06:45
kanhiyapnorman: Thanks for advice,:)06:45
mmvRed-Sox: eh because it contains non-free...06:45
Red-Soxmmv: Like Flash and MP3 codecs?06:46
zykotick9mmv, (i'm guessing your a debian person) - just ask debian about firefox ;)  Red-Sox06:46
mmvRed-Sox: well, the mp3 decoders are probably free software, but with patent issues. have a look at the difference between gnewsense and ubuntu, the linux mainline is non-free too06:47
Red-Soxmmv: Interesting stuff.06:47
HulkHoganubuntu one is not free06:47
Red-SoxAnyway...does anyone have any experience installing Ubuntu on a MacBook? I've installed ReFit and everything, but it doesn't boot. :\06:47
sesewwlubuntu is slower than puppy lucid by far06:47
sesewwthe website says lightweight but runs really sluggish06:48
dr_williscant say ive ever noticed lubuntu being sluggish on any of my machines...06:48
dr_willisbut i finally did toss out all the old junk. :)06:48
sesewwmy computer has 512mb ram and 800ghz cpu its a laptop06:48
dr_willisthat would been somthing i would have tossed out.. :P06:48
mmvRed-Sox: ahh, wikipedia is good :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel 'GNU General Public License version 2 (only)[3][4] plus various closed source binary blobs[5]'06:48
sesewwits a new laptop only cpl yrs old why would i throw it out lol06:49
HulkHoganseseww: dont think the standard pc now adays has 800ghz06:49
dr_willisi have better allready..06:49
dr_willisgrandkids get the old stuff, or my mom, or brother.06:49
HulkHoganuse something like tinycore puppy or slitaz06:50
sesewwhow do i check my hardware then in terminal put//?06:50
dr_willisat one time i had a Pent 1, 100mhz laptop i belive.. :) took most of a day to install ubuntu on. a 1x cdrom06:50
dr_willis!info hwinfo06:50
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 17 kB, installed size 116 kB06:50
dr_willislspci, lsusb, and a few other commands can give hw info also.06:51
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Abhijitdr_willis: need to press keyboard shortcut twice to bring up synapse. help06:55
sesewwthe processor says frequency 2000.00mhz?06:55
dr_willisAbhijit:  havent used synapse lately. havent really used the desktop lately. ssh'd into my ubuntu server 99% of the time.06:57
sherefeêòî-íèáóäü ìîæåò ïîìî÷ü îòêëþ÷èòü ãðàôè÷åñêèé ðåæèì ïðèçàãðóçêå óáóíòó 11.10 ?06:57
dr_willis!info synapse06:57
ubottusynapse (source: synapse): semantic file launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-0ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 421 kB, installed size 1728 kB06:57
Abhijitnvm dr_willis06:58
sesewwwhat does 800 mhz when describing a processor refer to the frequwnxy?06:58
dr_willisi would think so seseww06:58
dr_willismost cpus can throttle up/down. so sometimes the #'s can get confuseing.06:59
sesewwso what the heck is 2000.00mhz equavilant too?06:59
sherefehey guys06:59
sherefecan anybody help me ?06:59
sesewwis tht 2gb07:00
zykotick9seseww, 2ghz giga-hertz, not bytes07:00
dr_willissherefe:  ask the question and see.07:01
dr_willisfor cpu specific info..  cat /proc/cpuinfo may help07:01
sesewwoh cool so my processor isnt 800mhz like it says in puppy07:01
sesewwbc it says 2000mhz here lol07:02
dr_willisits most likely throttled down to 800mhz when you checked it.07:02
sherefedr_willis well my english is poor but i hope ull understand me I need turn off gnome starting while ubuntu 11.10 loading07:02
zykotick9seseww, "cat /proc/cpuinfo" would tell you for sure07:02
dr_willismodel name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+07:02
sherefeand then i need start it manually like startx07:02
dr_willisgo by model name.. not the mhz #07:02
dr_williscpu MHz         : 1000.00007:03
dr_willissherefe:  so.. thats doable..07:03
dr_willis!text | sherefe07:03
ubottusherefe: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode07:03
sesewwmodel name: AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology MK-3607:03
sesewwstepping: 207:03
sesewwcpu MHz: 800.00007:03
dr_willisif you want to boot to only the text mode. you can also edit /etc/default/grub  and use the options 'noquiet nosplash nofb text' (what im using here)  to disable gdm and X starting on boot. and disable plymouth.07:04
Wisniahello , i want some help , how to disable login sound07:04
sherefesherefe i need every time click esc during boot ,07:04
dr_willisseseww:  thats not too old a laptop then. :)07:04
dr_willissherefe:  /etc/default/grub has settings you want to look into.07:04
dr_willis!grub2 | sherefe07:05
ubottusherefe: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)07:05
sesewwthats stil a slow processor speed though right?07:06
dr_williscompared to now a days.. yes.07:06
sesewwand thanks for helping me fogure it out07:06
dr_williscompared to back then when it was new.. well.. it was low end back then07:06
dr_willisI have a similer laptop - i gave the step daughter07:06
nattyeyeshi i cannot configure my pulseaudio server ( paprefs ). It s all freezed and in grey ( main window of pulseaudio server control ) any idea ? tnx07:06
Wisniahi, i want to disable login sound...07:06
sesewwthis one was gift after mine was stolen07:07
sesewwfrom my lil sister : )07:07
dr_willisWisnia:  theres a sound setting check box for that somewhere in the settings dialogs i recall.07:07
sherefedr_willis i tried to change lines GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"  at /etc/default/grub but it doesnt work 4 me07:07
dr_willissherefe:  and you did rerun 'sudo update-grub' like all the docs mention?07:07
sesewwso is this laptop doomed to run lubuntu like crap? bc i just installed to hdd07:07
dr_willisseseww:  no idea. Ive not had a similer laptop to test in ages. More ram would most likely help a lot. if you can even find any ram for that thing.07:08
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sesewwit was manufactuared in 201007:08
ActionParsnipseseww: how much RAM do you have?07:08
sesewwits not old07:09
dr_willisit could be more of a video card/driver issue making it sluggish in lubuntu07:09
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sherefedr_willis yes i did07:10
ActionParsnipseseww: should run lubuntu ok, keep to light apps and you should be ok, use browsers like midori07:10
sesewwdr_wilis i suspect you may be right bc i cant use my webcam to talk to my dghtr 5hrs away without my computer crashing after a few mins07:10
dirklehow do you remove a repository after you've done "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:..."?07:10
dr_willissherefe:  so give us detailas as to what its doing 'dosent work' tells us very little..07:10
sesewwthats actualy why im trying lubuntu to see if it works better here07:10
dr_willis!info ppa-purge07:10
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB07:10
ActionParsnipdirkle: sudo ppa-purge ppa:07:10
sesewwi have puppy installed and it totally crashes it or slows it wayyy down07:11
dr_willisPuppy crashes the box? :) bad puppy..07:11
amirwebdev2 hey, when im trying to add project from network path with aptana i get: \\cpu1\home\dev\ is not a valid location. The location is relative to undefined workspace path variable '‪'. aptana07:11
dr_williswhat video card is on that thing?07:11
amirwebdev2anyone has idea how to solve it?07:12
sherefedr_willis when i erase quite splash and write text after rebooting on the screen text messaging but after all load gnome again but would like load gnome manually07:12
ActionParsnipseseww: is the ram healthy?07:12
AbhijitActionParsnip, i need to press keyboard shortcut twice to bring synapse. help?07:12
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dirkleI'm getting an error "sudo: ppa-purge: command not found"07:12
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dr_willisamirwebdev2:    you are entering the path \\servername\sharename in a file dialog? Normally one mounts samba/shares to a local directory ie: \media\networkserver\ then access  them as if they were a local directory07:13
zykotick9dirkle, "sudo apt-get install ppa-purge" perhaps07:13
dr_willis ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional.07:13
dr_willisoptional package.. is optional.. :) and not installed by default..07:14
sesewwactionparsnip i have no idea07:14
ActionParsnipAbhijit: do you mean synaptic?07:14
dr_williscommand not found --> so install it. :)07:14
AbhijitActionParsnip, synapse application launcher07:14
ActionParsnipseseww: hold shift at boot, select memtest from the menu07:14
ActionParsnipAbhijit: never used or heard of it, sorry07:14
sesewwi got it as a gift bc it was all screwed up had malware so i wiped it and installed linux07:14
AbhijitActionParsnip, nvm07:14
dirkledr_willis, sorry, I didn't see your message only the next guys07:15
sesewwok tanks parsnip be right back07:15
sesewwdr willis how do i check what video card i have on this beast07:15
ActionParsnipAbhijit: why not use alt+f2 ?07:15
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AbhijitActionParsnip, synapse is much more thant just alt f207:16
AbhijitActionParsnip, https://launchpad.net/synapse-project07:16
sesewwanyone know how to see what video card i have i dont see it listed at all in system info07:16
Abhijitok got to go bye07:17
zykotick9seseww, "lspci | grep -i vga"07:17
ActionParsniplooks like gnomedo07:18
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sesewwATI Technologies Inc RS482 [Radeon Xpress 200M]07:18
sesewwdr_willis this is what i have07:18
sesewwhow can i check if the proper driver is installed for it and that its funxtioning up to par07:19
sesewwand thankyou zykotick9: )07:19
ActionParsnipseseww: sudo lshw -C display | grep -i driver07:20
sesewwor can anyone hep me check it, my problem is that skype is crashing after few mins07:20
sesewwconfiguration: driver=radeon latency=66 mingnt=807:22
sesewwi got this actionparsnip07:22
williamchan_whats the correct way to add a ssh-agent to autoload my ~/.ssh/id_rsa .. is there something that integrates nicely with xfce?07:22
Guest74209has anyone here ever had a translucent half screen appear on top of the working window?07:23
ActionParsnipseseww: looks good to me, your chip will use the open driver07:23
Guest74209if i move the cursor quickly to the left of screen it appears,but if i move it slowly (cursor) it can be avoided07:24
termitorhello, i'm searching for a tools thas automated sort of files and folders based on rules, somebody know a program like that ? (sorry for my bad english)07:24
sesewwok thankyou actionparsnip07:24
zykotick9Guest74209, is it exactly half the screen - sound like it could be the windows ?snap 1/2 screen feature thing???07:24
sesewwi will check my ram now for errors like you sugested07:25
Guest74209yes,it is half screen,it does appear to be that function07:25
zykotick9seseww, i believe it take quite a while...07:25
Guest74209i think it appeared when i was attempting to open the dashboard07:26
Guest74209and sometimes the dash doesn't want to open07:26
Guest74209how is the 1/2 screen snap function usually backed out of?07:27
eden6000Today is Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2011/11/its-human-beings-who-make-ubuntu/07:27
Guest74209just by maximising each screen?07:27
eden6000Thanks everybody :-)07:27
dr_williswilliamchan_:  that would be a bashrc or .bash_profile command  from what i recall from my read of 'oreiallys using bash' book the other day07:28
* dr_willis hopes that eden6000 dident just post some XXX link.. been seeing a lot of that lately in here.07:29
sherefedr_willis every time gnom starting i dunno how fix it can u write what i need edit in /etc/default/grub exactly thanx07:29
dr_williswillis@CowBuntu:~$ GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noquiet nosplash text"07:30
dr_willisis whats in mine.07:30
dr_willisi normally put in a 'nofb' also :)07:31
dr_willisGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noquiet nosplash nofb text"07:31
bullgard4aptitude-gtk > Aptitude Package Manager > aptitude 0.6.4-1ubuntu2 > Info on aptitude > Tab Popcon shows only an entry "popcon". --  What does "popcon" mean?07:31
sherefedo u have ubuntu 11.10 ver dr_willis ?07:31
dr_williscant say ive ever even heard of an aptitude-gtk front end befor bullgard4  :)07:32
bullgard4dr_willis: Its new!07:32
dr_willissherefe:  yes. On a Headless box. :) so i dont  need X starting at all on it.07:32
dr_willisnot sure why we need another package manager front end. :) but if you like it..07:32
bullgard4dr_willis: I thought so too. I am just testing it for the first hour. I will form my judgement in due time.07:33
dr_willissherefe:  i normally disable the graphical grub menu also.07:34
dr_willis# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)07:34
dr_willisand if you want some muzak when you boot.....07:35
dr_willis# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)07:35
dr_willisdoh wrong paste.07:35
FloodBot1dr_willis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
dr_willisStar Wars Imperial Death March:07:35
dr_willisGRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 4 440 4 440 4 349 3 523 1 440 4 349 3 523 1 440 8 659 4 659 4 659 4 698 3 523 1 415 4 349 3 523 1 440 8"07:35
zykotick9dr_willis, hey that's cool - star wars grub.  thanks.07:36
huamm_hey, i have some problems in installing the terminal twitter earthquake, when i run this command " git clone http://github.com/jugyo/earthquake.git " out like this " Initialized empty git repository in /home/xx/earthquake.git/ | cant get remote repository information | , and this text come out at the terminal " paste.ubuntu.com/743957/07:36
dr_williszykotick9:  its also very very LOUD...07:37
zykotick9dr_willis, well, that's not ideal...07:37
dr_willisfor super mario.....07:37
dr_willisStar Wars Imperial Death March:07:37
dr_willissuper mario --> echo "GRUB_INIT_TUNE=\"1000 334 1 334 1 0 1 334 1 0 1 261 1 334 1 0 1 392 2 0 4 196 2\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/default/grub > /dev/null && sudo update-grub07:37
sherefedr_willis GRUB_TERMINAL=console uncommented07:37
dr_willisthose are the only 2 grub 'tunes' ive managed to google up.07:38
dr_willis: GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 900 2 1000 2 800 2 400 2 600 3" for the "Close Encounters" greeting message07:39
dr_willisthat one at least is quick and short. and  not too annoying.07:39
sherefedr_willis thanx so much now it work07:39
sherefesherefe hug dr_willis07:39
pangolinvibhav: can you speak?07:39
dr_willissherefe:  so you mist have missed a step. :)07:40
sherefedr_willis before i edited like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"07:40
pangolinvibhav: ?07:40
sherefedr_willis now how u said GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noquiet nosplash text" and its okay07:40
dr_willisi suggested noquiet nosplash earlier also i think. :)07:41
dr_willisalso in some box's i need to use 'nofb'07:41
sherefedr_willis thanks i killed on it trouble 2 days07:41
zykotick9dr_willis, <not tried> wolfenstein 3d -- GRUB_INIT_TUNE="300 131 1 196 1 196 1 196 1 294 1 196 1 294 1 196 1 131 1"07:42
dr_willisnoquiet = gives verbose messages, nosplash = disables plymouth , nofb = disables plymouth, text => a option passed to  tell gdm and other gui things to not start07:42
sherefedr_willis where are you from ?07:42
dr_williszykotick9:  :) i dont even recall the muzak in that game.07:42
pangolinvibhav: how about now?07:42
vibhavThanks pangolin07:42
ghabitHello. I'm lookining for easy and nice dlna|upnp media server. Help! ^)07:43
zykotick9dr_willis, nor i, but i bet once i hear it, it will come back ;)  I loved that game when it came out.07:43
sivanghi all, is there a way to put back the windows controls to the rigth in 11.10 ?07:43
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263307:43
dr_willissivang:  i know ubuntu-tweak can do it. and most likely theres other ways.07:44
sivangdr_willis: there was a gconf way in 10.10 but I can't find gconf-editor anymore. Has it been removed?07:44
pythonirc1011when i install linux-headers, at the end I see blcr...fail...what does that mean?07:44
dr_willissivang:  it would be dconf these days i think07:45
Ampelbeinpythonirc1011: Most likely some variant of bug 70003607:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 700036 in blcr (Ubuntu) "package blcr-dkms 0.8.2-15ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: blcr kernel module failed to build - error: ‘struct signal_struct’ has no member named ‘count’" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70003607:46
sivangdr_willis: ah, so Ubuntu switched to dconf already? Do you have an idea if this is the conf system in Fedora as well?07:47
dr_willissivang:  i think its more of 'gnome switched'07:47
dr_willisbut ive not looked into it much other then skimming the various gnome-shell and unity tweak pages07:47
pythonirc1011Ampelbein: do i need to be worried about it?07:50
Ampelbeinpythonirc1011: Depends. Do you need blcr? If not, just remove it and the error will be gone.07:52
smallcmssherefe, hilou, is the turkish chenol?07:57
sherefesmallcms ÷óìà07:57
pythonirc1011Ampelbein: what is blcr good for? I never installed it myself...08:02
pythonirc1011got it: Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart.08:04
Ampelbeinpythonirc1011: It's a tool to fully save and restore running processes from/to a file. If you have aptitude installed on your system you can use 'aptitude why blcr-dkms' to find out what pulled it in. Alternatively, just remove it.08:04
pythonirc1011Ampelbein: Thanks.08:04
vibhavpythonirc1011: what do you mean by that?08:05
pythonirc1011oops, sorry -- that was for my ubuntu box :)08:05
pythonirc1011my blcr dependency came from openmpi08:06
amageehey is it still possible somehow to install software from the main ubuntu apt repositories on karmic?08:08
auronandaceamagee: karmic is no longer supported08:08
nimbioticsHello evry1. Is there a way to INSTALL ubuntu 11.10 with gnome instead of unity? TIA!08:10
auronandace!gnome3 | nimbiotics08:10
ubottunimbiotics: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.08:10
vibhavnimbiotics: You can remaster the 11.10 cd08:10
amageeauronandace: so does that mean it's absolutely impossible to use the apt repositories that used to exist?08:11
auronandaceamagee: they probably no longer exist because karmic is no longer supported08:11
auronandaceamagee: use a supported release08:12
nimbioticsvibhav: How do u dod that?08:12
auronandace!eol | amagee08:12
ubottuamagee: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:12
amageeyeah i get it08:12
pangolinnimbiotics: use the supported method ubottu told you about a couple lines up08:12
auronandace!remaster | nimbiotics08:13
vibhav!remaster | nimbiotics08:13
ubottunimbiotics: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility08:13
pangolinnimbiotics: if you remaster the iso and have problems there is no way for us to support you.08:13
cloudgeekHi all08:13
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Flannelamagee: You can switch to old-releases.ubuntu.com, but that should be a stopgap while you schedule an upgrade to something secure.08:15
Wisniaanyone knows commercial unixes?08:16
amageeoh awesome, that's exactly what i was looking for, thanks Flannel08:16
nimbioticspangolin: I did install gnome but I am nevertheless with so many problems I'm even considering using another distro. Also, Ithink I read somewhere that I can use gnome2 is that so? and how?08:16
auronandaceWisnia: and you are asking that here because?08:16
Flannelamagee: the EOL Upgrades link a few lines ago contains the necessary sources.list entries (theyre very similar to your current ones)08:17
pangolinnimbiotics: if you are running 11.04 you can use gnome-classic (gnome2)08:17
auronandace!gnome2 | nimbiotics08:17
ubottunimbiotics: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.08:17
piousminionCan I choose which DE I want from the normal install iso?08:17
vibhavpiousminion: By default , Unity is installer08:17
pangolinpiousminion: no, but you can download the iso for the DE you want08:17
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:18
pangolinpiousminion: so Kubuntu for KDE and so on08:18
piousminionSo I can't install kubuntu/lubuntu from the ubuntu disc?08:18
auronandacepiousminion: either install the one you want after or use a derivative08:18
piousminionThat's retarded. :/08:18
pangolinpiousminion: they are separate iso's08:18
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity08:19
Flannelpiousminion: If it's important to you to install both of them "from a CD", you can do so with the alternate CD.  But I'm not sure why it's at all important.08:19
piousminionFlannel: It's important because I'm creating a live usb which options for various distros and 3+ ISOs are smaller than 1.08:20
nimbioticsvibhav, pangolin & aurodance, THX08:20
auronandace!mini | piousminion08:20
ubottupiousminion: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:20
pangolinnimbiotics: sure thing08:20
ghabitHello. I'm looking for dlna|upnp media server. Help! ^)08:20
piousminionauronandace: does this include options of selecting (or deselecting) specific DEs?08:21
pangolinghabit: see minidlna08:21
Flannelpiousminion: mini ISO is just the alternate CD without packages, from the sound of it, you're interested in including packages on the media.08:21
jettlaruehi my computer just shut off, anyone know the command to see what might have caused it?08:21
icerootghabit: xbmc, mythtv08:21
auronandacepiousminion: install whatever you like, it downloads from the internet what you need08:21
ghabitpangolin, iceroot, thank you!08:21
piousminionFlannel: net install is fine as long as I have a choice of DE.08:21
piousminionauronandace: you didn't answer my question. :P08:22
ghabitpangolin, iceroot, i have samsung tv with allshare. Maybe some of them recommended? Thumbnaiis, fast forward, fast reverse etc?08:22
Ampelbeinjettlarue: You can look in /var/log/syslog to check for a reason08:22
auronandacepiousminion: if you know what you are installing then yes you can choose whatever desktop you like08:22
pangolinghabit: no idea, I did a quick search for dlna and came up with minidlna08:22
jettlarueok thanks alot ampel!08:23
jettlarueampel, it says nothing in the timeframe, it seems to be ordered sequentially is it though?08:25
nimbioticsOne of the problems I don't even know how to describe and, as it only happens while playing UrT, I feel I've been denied help before; but it has to do with this new version of ubuntu as it hasnt happened before and I've had no problem with the windows boot on this machine: While playing, eery now and then I see the screen flash very fast and whatever key(s) I might be pressing at the time...08:25
nimbiotics...are lost, so I have to press them again if I want to continue walking, for example.08:25
auronandacenimbiotics: if that is running under wine then you should ask in #winehq08:27
Ampelbeinjettlarue: yeah, it's ordered by time.08:28
nimbioticsauronandace: not at all, I'm talking about Urban Terror's linux version08:28
auronandaceoh, ok08:28
jettlaruealright, well thats odd. however thank you! this happened when running android emulator and had never happened before however the screen has flashed- possible mobo issue(since integrated gfx) but this worries me08:29
jettlarueworth submitting bug report?08:30
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Ampelbeinjettlarue: The first thing the bug triager will ask if you have any logs showing the problem.08:31
Ampelbeinjettlarue: Can you reproduce it?08:32
jettlarueeh i can try- no logs makes me think it is mobo just cutting power because there was nothing in the syslog, and there was no freeze just instant power off although i have never dealt with a kernel crash so I wouldnt know what to expect08:34
Ampelbeinjettlarue: If you have a way to reproduce, run 'sudo service apport start force_start=1' and then do whatever it takes to produce the crash/powerdown. apport will catch the most problems and offer to create a bug report with necessary data.08:35
jettlaruealright, will do! thank you for the help08:36
fokusleewhere is the guestaddition iso for vbox? i can't find it under my /opt/ folder in ubuntu08:44
bekksfokuslee: Press Host+D.08:46
Ampelbeinfokuslee: The iso is in /usr/share/virtualbox08:47
m4kplz hlp me how to download ubuntu 11.10 alternate cd08:48
elkym4k, http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/08:49
fokusleeAmpelbein, i only see vbox.sh and vboxsysinfo.sh, what is it called?08:50
fokusleeAmpelbein, could not find Virtualbox Guest Additions CD image file /usr/share/virtualbox/VboxGuestAddition.iso08:51
m4khow to dwnld ubuntu 11.10 alternate cd08:51
Ampelbeinfokuslee: VBoxGuestAdditions.iso, but of course you need to install the package virtualbox-guest-additions-iso08:51
Ampelbeinm4k: 'wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-i386.iso'08:52
dark2Hey everyone. Is it worth upgrading to 11.04 from 10.10?08:52
fokusleeAmpelbein, ok thanks i didn't know its a separate pkg installing right now08:53
robertzaccourcan i capture ps3 gameplay with an hd-pvr on a netbook netbook in ubuntu?08:53
icerootdark2: never touch a running system08:53
Ampelbeindark2: That question is kinda hard to answer because everyone has different priorities. Do you encounter any serious issues with 10.10 that are fixed in 11.04? If so, then upgrade, if not: what iceroot said.08:54
icerootrobertzaccour: maybe not 1080p because of limited hardware08:54
dark2I really don't have any serious issues, other than having to re-enable my second monitor on each boot. I know support for 10.10 won't last forever, so I was wondering if I should just upgrade now, before April.08:56
MrS1lentczhi, is somebody here? :)08:57
dr_willisyoumay  be able to fix your monitor with some xrandr commands dark208:57
amirwebdev2how do i enable to user to run as sudo commands ? now i need everytime to write sudo command...08:57
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:   nope. :)08:57
dr_willisamirwebdev2:  thats how its normally done.08:57
bekksamirwebdev2: If you want to run sudo commands, you have to write sudo ...08:57
dr_willissudo apt-get update, and so on...08:57
dark2dr_willis: The second monitor works just fine, it's simply annoying to have to re-enable it from the AMD CCC each boot.08:57
dr_willisdark2:  its posible the xrandr tools/commands may let you automatically enabel it.08:58
MrS1lentczdr_willis: i see, so i will begin to ask :D08:58
amirwebdev2there is no option to enable user to write without sudo08:58
Ampelbeinamirwebdev2: no.08:58
dr_willisamirwebdev2:  that wouldent be very secure. or reliable.08:58
dark2dr_willis: and how would I go about doing that?08:58
bekksamirwebdev2: Erm, No.08:58
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1208:58
qmanjr5What would be the most efficient way to download a YouTube video and then convert it into some form of music format in Ubuntu?08:59
dr_willisdark2:  the xrandr command and soem front ends to it. i normally just use nvidia :)08:59
bekksamirwebdev2: If you want to run a command, you have to run the command. You cannot expect a user to run a command without specifying it.08:59
dark2I think my mind went blank looking at that page.08:59
dr_willisqmanjr5:  ive seen web sites that do that. or theres various youtube downloader tools./extenesions, then you could use winff or ffmpeg, or mencoder.08:59
MrS1lentczi installed ubuntu successfully, but after start ntb black screen are only blinking.... so i try repair grub2 - no result... i think its something with MBR....09:00
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  you see the grub menus? hit shift if its hidden..09:00
sivangwill installing gnome2 from universe make my Ubuntu desktop go back to look like it was in 10.04 ?09:00
icerootqmanjr5: filsh.net, youtubeconverter (firefox-plugin), youtube-dl, googlecl (packages), also see apt-cache search youtube09:01
dr_willissivang:  theres no old-gnome-2 in the repos for 11.1009:01
dr_willissivang:  thers some classic look-alikes.09:01
MrS1lentczdr_willis: no09:01
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  so the system totally hangs black screen nothing else? no messages at all?09:02
MrS1lentczdr_willis: yeah09:02
sivangseriously people, while unity is nice for touch based devices, on a developer's desktop it feels wrong.09:02
* dr_willis reccomends looking into and learning unity and gnome shell and learning how to tweak them as you want.09:02
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  i controller hdd with testdisk, but no errors...09:02
sivangdr_willis: I'll check the tweak tool, what's his its name again?09:02
dr_willistheres the old-skool type desktops of xfce and  lxde09:02
dr_willissivang:  theres several. the webupd8 blog site has a good list of unity tweaks. and the askubuntu.com site has a nice list of indicator-applets, quicklists, and lenses09:03
MrS1lentczdr_willis: wonna se a boot_check log ouput?09:03
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  i doubt if it will tell me much. But you could pastebin it fo the channel to look at.09:04
L551Can someone here help me fix flash not going fullscreen? On places like youtube, etc.09:04
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity09:04
MrS1lentczdr_willis: yeah, i known... so just a minute :)09:04
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:04
robertzaccourcan i record my ps3 gameplay with an hd pvr on a netbook?09:05
MrS1lentczdr_willis: here you are... http://pastebin.com/TgkQHZYi09:07
MrS1lentczdr_willis: i think... its about "Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 1 of     the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks     for  on this drive."09:07
MrS1lentczdr_willis: "looks at sector 1 of..." does not have to be there something as : "looks as partition #num" ? ....09:08
AsickaÂñåì ïðèâåòèê09:08
MrS1lentcz*looks at09:08
MrS1lentczdr_willis: are you here? :)09:09
robertzaccourcan i record my ps3 gameplay with an hd-pvr on a netbook?09:11
MrS1lentczis someone here?09:15
MrS1lentczable for help me.. :)09:15
VarazirIs there a way to upgrade a ubuntu server with out loging in to it and run apt-get upgrade manually ?09:18
orogorhi here09:19
orogori just upgraded my install and now when i login i dont have a systray, taskbar or unity launcher09:19
orogoranyone has an idea?09:19
almoxarifeorogor: you logged into 'unity'09:20
MrS1lentczorogor:  hi, have you a few minutes? i have problem with MBR...09:21
nataliahi yesterday i instal gnome-shell ald advenced setting for it09:21
nataliabyu know i don't what shuold i do to have it on my computer? :)09:21
orogoralmostroot: i dotn have the option fpr unity i think09:21
orogori have tried gnome clasic, default was ubuntu and there s also ubuntu2d09:22
orogorMrS1lentcz: an issue with mbr ?09:22
quatar-ithello... i have a problem with my webcam (sony vaio built-in). Here is a screenshot of how it appears on camorama: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7277207/webcam-fucked.png . It's the same also on cheese, google talk, etc09:22
MrS1lentczi am solving a problem a few days with broken boot :(09:23
quatar-itit wasn't corrupted until some days ago09:23
robertzaccourcan i record gameplay from my ps3 with an hd-pvr on a netbook?09:23
orogoralmoxarife: haa sorry answered t the wrong person , see answer above09:24
MrS1lentczorogor: after start pc my ntb has a blinking black screen in "point", where it should show a grub menu...09:24
MrS1lentcz*after start my ntb...09:24
nataliaso i see that i must try one more :)09:25
MrS1lentczorogor: i have a boot_info_screen log... wonna see it ?09:25
nataliacan someone help me?09:25
orogorMrS1lentcz: i am into console mode , can t launch any app into the gui right now09:25
m4khow to dwnld ubuntu alternate cd09:25
orogorMrS1lentcz: you changed anything on your computer that could have caused this ?09:26
m4khow to dwnld ubuntu alternate cd09:26
orogornew drive, new dvd player, new usb stick , ubuntu upgrade, do you have raid?09:26
m4khelphow to dwnld ubuntu alternate cd09:26
M5kHlp me09:27
MrS1lentczorogor: i try install ubuntu... in first sucessfully, but unity is terrible, so i try install kubuntu - error occured, so i try install ubuntu again, and i want install kubuntu-destkop after it09:27
alteregodm4k use google09:27
MrS1lentczorogor: i afraid of this part of boot_info_script.sh : "Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 1 of     the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks     for  on this drive."09:28
MrS1lentczorogor: somewhere in example, there is into: "looks at partition #num_of_bootable_partition" but no "looks at sector..."09:28
nataliahow to install gnome?09:28
MrS1lentczorogor: i try reinstall grub and mbr with "grub-install..." by wiki tutorial, but no change09:30
MrS1lentcznatalia: maybe something as "gnome-destkop"09:30
quatar-itany idea about why my webcam decided to paint like wahrol did?09:31
MrS1lentcznatalia:  apt-get install gnome-destkop and etc....09:31
nataliaMrSilentcz yesterday i have installed gnome-shell and advanced setting for it09:31
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Varazirno way to do it ?09:32
nataliabut now i cannot find it and install :P09:32
oberthello.how to open a .ppt?09:32
orogorMrS1lentcz: and you did a fresh install each time , wipping the disk every time , or you asked it to keep data ?09:33
bekksVarazir: No way.09:33
szalVarazir: how are you gonna do anything on a machine without logging in?09:34
Ampelbeinobert: With libreoffice impress you can open/create ppt files09:34
MrS1lentczorogor: i set partition manager manually, so i always format linux partition and install there. i have to install ubuntu after win7 as dualboot09:34
bekksMrS1lentcz: You can do it the other way around, too.09:35
orogorMrS1lentcz: haa, and whom manage boot , windows bootloader or grub?09:35
obertAmpelbein: noticed that.but no idea if i'm doin it right: i see only a blank page09:35
obertAmpelbein: right click on .ppt and it'll asks to open it with that Impress09:36
Varazirszal: I mean more of auto update a remove host09:36
Ampelbeinobert: Could be that the ppt uses some tech that's not yet working in impress.09:37
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Ampelbeinobert: What version of powerpoint did you use to create the ppt?09:37
obertsurely i got that libreoffice-impress though09:37
obertno idea Ampelbein they sent me09:38
MrS1lentczorogor: when i repair mbr by grub installer, i think grub manage a boot...09:38
obertno more normal file ext outthere?:P09:38
MrS1lentczorogor: but on start ntb black screen are only blinking, so i cant know it09:39
Ampelbeinobert: The problem with ppt (and really all other MS Office fileformats) is that it's a closed format so the developers of free software have to reverseengineer them. If it doesn't work in impress, chances are that the file was created with a recent powerpoint.09:40
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obertok Ampelbein09:41
Ampelbeinobert: You could ask the sender to convert to a more widely known format like pdf.09:41
oberti hope that i'll can find some other ways09:41
bekksAmpelbein: Which cannot be edited by libreoffice ;)09:41
obertdo you get office Ampelbein? :)09:41
obertif not working==recent powerpoint version. meh. thanks for now Ampelbein09:42
Ampelbeinbekks: There are a bazillion pdf converters out there though.09:42
obertAmpelbein: pptview would be a try?09:44
obert256MB :(09:44
orogorMrS1lentcz: when you say grub manage a boot , you see the menu or not ?09:45
Ampelbeinobert: it's from 2009, but sure, you can try.09:45
XelmepHow to enable TUN Device in Ubuntu 10.04 server ?09:46
Ampelbeinobert: scratch that. The last upstream release was 2005...09:46
MrS1lentczorogor: no, i said... there is only blinking black screen... i cant boot any system... I am on live cd(usb flash) ...09:46
sobersabreI am on maverick, and I'm trying to run a java application server (weblogic)09:46
obertAmpelbein: i wouldnt that they used a ppt just to type some words. in that case a pdf would be good. otherwise it is a problem09:46
sobersabreat some point the process simply STALLS and does nothing. (as I see it)09:46
obertthanks for now09:47
sobersabreand I don't like this.09:47
sobersabreI would like to be able any system related restrictions are off.09:47
orogorMrS1lentcz: you have a  single hard drive ?09:47
sobersabreWhere can I see how to disable things like apparmor, polkit, etc. ?09:47
orogorcould u have mixed up hda and hdb for exemple?09:47
MrS1lentczorogor: yeah09:47
Ampelbeinobert: I know the pain. That's why I block any and all doc/xls/ppt documents at my mailserver and send an automail explaining the problem with non-free document formats. Of course, for most employees that's not an option. I can't help you further, sorry.09:48
XelmepHow to enable TUN Device in Ubuntu 10.04 server ?09:48
obertmhmh thanks for now Ampelbein09:49
obertAmpelbein: i just dunno what everytime could happens when i start a new project;)09:49
obertOffice is expensive too..they buy OS and Office..meh09:50
obertand i cannot buy just a hd because of money too.09:51
obert75euro = 500GB sata. pff09:51
aaron2020where's that at? expensive man09:52
XelmepHow to enable TUN Device in Ubuntu 10.04 server ? HELP PLEASE !!!09:52
obertaaron2020: because of Thailand09:52
aaron2020whats this obert09:52
aaron2020something to do with the ongoing trade agreements and not new tech?09:52
obertaaron2020: hd prices are too high and daily random till 2012 here, because of crisis09:53
aaron2020ahh right09:53
aaron2020i gave away 4tb :((09:53
obertpenguin hates me09:53
aaron2020regreting it when i seen the prices09:53
aaron2020probably a lot cheaper to buy flash sticks...09:54
MrS1lentczorogor:  any ideas? :(09:55
aaron2020nope , no more 1000gb flashes for a few hundred :((09:56
aaron2020honestly data collection is bogus man09:56
aaron2020waste your whole life doing it09:56
aaron2020one micro sd for photo's and one jig for m4a's09:57
XelmepHow to enable TUN Device in Ubuntu 10.04 server ? HELP PLEASE !!!09:57
* tommylommykins waves10:00
MrS1lentczorogor:  but... when i run testdisk... it wrote sda1 is bootable and sda6 (grub partition) is primary... and fdisk wrote sda6 is bootable...10:01
tommylommykinsis 11.10 still broken with ATI/AMD hardware out-of-the-box?10:01
AmpelbeinXelmep: You could try the workaround described in bug 565856, put 'install tun /bin/true' in modprobe.conf10:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565856 in linux (Ubuntu) "TUN kernel module (tun.ko) not available in lucid lynx standard kernel" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56585610:01
tommylommykinsI seem to be having issue where when I select Gnome Classic10:04
tommylommykinsmost of unity still appears10:04
tommylommykinsso when I pres alt+F2, I get both gnome-2's launcher, and the unity launcher10:04
tommylommykinsin 11.0410:04
tommylommykinsDoes anyone know a fix?10:04
aaron2020why spend hours figuring it out10:05
tommylommykinsThe disk?10:05
aaron2020just back up data and format10:05
p390hello everybody10:05
aaron2020hello 9810:06
tommylommykinsFOrmatting is a little labour intensive though10:06
aaron2020formatting is a few mouse clicks these days10:06
p390x11vnc how it works10:06
aaron2020not like its windows 9510:06
tommylommykinsformatting is10:06
Ampelbeintommylommykins: Can you pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy gnome-session' ?10:06
tommylommykinsReinstaling isn't10:06
aaron2020no way10:06
aaron2020updates are troublesome, not formatting10:06
aaron202011 minutes or less for install10:06
p390x11vnc how it works10:06
p390x11vnc how it works10:06
aaron2020just make a hd image in future after you first install os and all apps10:07
aaron2020then its like 8 mins10:07
aaron2020better yet portable os10:08
aaron2020everything has usb10:08
tommylommykinsAmpelbein: http://pastebin.com/cq02d1z010:08
aaron2020unless your computer actually says ibm10:08
tommylommykinsAnything out of the ordinary?10:08
tommylommykinsaaron2020: Reinstalling is my usual tactic for windows10:09
aaron2020yeah xp days :(10:09
tommylommykinsI generally find I've configured Linux too much to make it easy10:09
zaxonspoxhello, where is stored "Ubuntu icon" file for main menu in top-left corner?10:09
tommylommykinsPlus, Linux has a lot of small bugs like this10:09
aaron2020that'd be right tomlom10:09
tommylommykinsI'd be reinstalling all the time10:09
Ampelbeintommylommykins: looks ok. Do you see any problems in /var/log/lightdm?10:10
aaron2020well just submit a report to the del's and wait 3 months10:10
aaron2020thats usually their deadline10:10
aaron2020pay someone and its a day to be fixed :))10:11
tommylommykinsAmpelbein: /var/log/lightdm does not exist10:11
aaron2020sure you could find a few techs on the web10:11
Ampelbeintommylommykins: oh, 11.04. It was gdm used back then.10:11
aaron2020updates rock :)10:12
aaron2020i sold 2tb for 54 AUD, seen the guy reselling it with an auction of 140 saying straight from the warehouse refurb... the joys of ebay10:13
ouyesdo you know any network disk sites?10:15
aaron2020the worst part is,,, it had 14 bids ='(10:15
ZtaHow do I completely reset my Unity desktop settings?  It's completely fubar.  Neither the dash nor the system menus to the right of the system tray appears. The only reason Pidgin starts is becasue it's set to autostart.10:15
aaron2020hmm i generally use ubuntu, 5gb is all you need10:15
aaron2020you could peddle filetube.com for names of sites10:15
aaron2020media has quick up thresh10:15
aaron2020soz mediafire10:15
ZtaI tried adding a new user on my system, and that user's desktop looks nice; so it must be an issue purely related to configuration.10:16
AmpelbeinZta: 'unity --reset'10:16
ZtaI tried "unity --reset" but doesn't reset much really10:16
aaron2020try a restart zta?10:16
aaron2020os's don't like working unless connected to the net too :))10:16
Ztaaaron2020: what good would a restart do?10:16
aaron2020you never know zta10:17
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aaron2020with the way ngo's are these days and the so called "security"10:17
aaron2020more like data collection10:17
Ztaaaron2020: This isn't Microsoft Windows.  Reboots won't save you here.10:17
aaron2020rebort might help10:17
aaron2020boot into ubuntu 11.10 without network connection, try changing the password10:18
ZtaHow do I make my Unity useful again?10:18
aaron2020enjoy glitches :))10:18
ZtaIf only I could rm -fr ~/.unity but these days are over since every app is using that freggin' gconf crap.10:19
aaron2020i'm new to lin :((10:19
tommylommykinsis 11.10 still broken with ATI/AMD graphics hardware out-of-the-box?10:19
aaron2020always is10:19
aaron2020ati got crappy del's10:19
AmpelbeinZta: you could also try deleting the ~/.compiz-1 directory, 'rm -rf .compiz-1'10:19
georgieeetommylommykins, mine is working10:19
ZtaAmpelbein: Okay, that's where it lives.  I'll try..10:19
dr_willismy one ati box works with 11.10 fine10:20
aaron2020no cross liaison10:20
lulzillaany idea why I am getting permission error for: sudo echo deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart dist 10gen >> /etc/apt/sources.list10:20
ZtaCrikey my theme has also died; my terminal is all gray10:20
lulzillaroot has rw access10:20
aaron2020hardware fault lulzilla?10:20
dr_willisyou dont combine redirectioon with sudo like that lulzilla10:20
aaron2020try cleaning connects10:20
aaron2020or stolen equipment10:20
lulzillaoh, how do you do it?10:20
dr_williseither use the 'tee' command, or use a root shell to do the command10:21
aaron2020requires an exchangeable torx with phillips screwdriver :))10:21
theadminlulzilla: command | sudo tee filename10:21
Ampelbeinlulzilla: sudo doesn't work that way. 'echo deb blah | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list'10:21
theadminOr tee -a if you need to append10:21
ZtaAmpelbein: is there a nice and clean way to log out of Unity when you don't have the option to choose logout from the menu?  sudo killall -9 Xorg is so brutal...10:21
lulzillaarrrrr thanks guys10:21
dr_willisfirst example shows how to use tee with sudp10:22
lulzillathanks a ton10:22
aaron2020anyways, you guys are nice, hope to see you all again! tc10:22
AmpelbeinZta: good question. I don't know the answer though.10:22
Ztakill it is10:22
theadminlulzilla: Hey no problem :) Also, use "sudo -i" to get a root shell, but be careful with it10:22
AmpelbeinZta: I would just restart the loginmanager (lightdm or gdm)10:22
dr_willisguess he figured it ut10:22
ZtaMoving .compiz-1 out of its place didn't help a bit.10:24
theadminZta: What exactly are you trying to do?10:25
pkSo is there a reason I can't use a Precise Pangolin kernel in Oneiric?10:25
theadminpk: It would depend on Precise packages, of course, that's why10:25
theadminpk: Well, not "depend", but all the modules and such10:26
theadminpk: What's wrong with the current kernel?10:26
pktheadmin, hmm ok so what would be the best way to build a 3.2 (rc2 or later) kernel with ubuntu patches and some of my own?10:26
Ztatheadmin: My theme has changed into something ugly, my left menu (dash?) doesn't appear, my top menu only shows the menu items of the desktop (File, Edit, View...) and not the system tray not the system menus (with logout, etc).  Basically my desktop is screwed and I simply want to restore it into something useful again.10:27
theadminpk: May I wonder why?10:27
theadminZta: Try this: unity --reset10:27
MechanisMhello help me to fix ubuntu. just installed ubuntu-weak 0.6.0 for 11.10 one. and applied some additional repositories and upgraded system and after reboot I see only wallpaper of lightdm login screen10:27
Ztatheadmin: I did.  Doesn't help.10:27
lor3hi guys10:28
pktheadmin, sure, I just got the Asus Zenbook and a lot of fixes to my hardware and power management has gone into 3.2 and additional ASPM-patches10:28
theadminZta: Hm, allright, this one is a bit evil -- it resets all the GNOME settings, but I beleive it should help for sure: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /10:28
MechanisMthere were conflicts with gimp I already has gimp and plugins and in tweak applied gimp svn repo. and while upgrade i seen errors for gimp10:28
Ztatheadmin: can I just unset the unity parts, please? =)10:28
abonechello, is there any way to to run some file from command line in default application that assigned to this type of file?10:28
lor3how do I get to install alsa on ubuntu minimal? thanks10:28
jribabonec: xdg-open10:29
jrib!software | lor310:29
ubottulor3: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:29
Ztatheadmin: I can I save the setting of all apps into different files first, and then restore them one by one after the recursive-unset?10:29
abonecjrib, thx you10:29
icerootlor3: sudo apt-get install lasa-base   should do the task10:30
icerootlor3: sudo apt-get install alsa-base   should do the task10:30
theadminZta: My apologies, I forgot GNOME 3 no longer uses gconf, it uses something new and weird (dconf) and I have no idea how to deal with it10:30
Ztatheadmin: btw: unity --reset doesn't seem to finish.  It hangs in a Setting Update "initiate_key"10:30
abonecwhere in ubuntu 11.10 i can setup preferred applications to file types?10:30
ZtaLinux has become so complex...10:30
Jordan_UZta: It didn't "finish" because it started Unity again. The command won't exit until you exit unity.10:31
theadminZta: Linux? lol, Linux has always been complex. What happened is Ubuntu becoming weird.10:31
Ztamessage busses and configuration daemons all over...10:31
lor3thanks iceroot, but I have already installed but not working10:31
theadminabonec: File properties, "Open With" thingy10:31
pktheadmin, so, no good way for 3.2 ?10:31
theadminpk: There should be some for sure, just... hm...10:31
Ztatheadmin: Once upon a time everything thing had its own configuration file.  It was easy to backup, reset, restore and change.  Now it's just one big magic blob that you hope works.  If it breaks, you're doomed.10:32
ZtaJordan_U: I see.10:32
icerootlor3: then why asking how to install it when it is installed already?10:32
abonectheadmin, is there way to mass assign programs, not one at time?10:32
theadminZta: Yeah, well... Use some desktop environment which doesn't store settings in some pseudo-registry (i.e. not gnome)10:32
iceroot!doesntwork | lor310:32
ubottulor3: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:32
GisterogueMorning guys. Can anyone suggest a command line tool or app to see what model my graphics card is so I can download the relevant drivers?10:32
pkI've tried the prebuilt from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ but I'd like to get a patch or two of my own in10:33
theadminGisterogue: jockey-cli10:33
llutzGisterogue: lspci10:33
jribabonec: not really, unless you want to edit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list manually10:33
Gisteroguellutz: Ah superb :) Radeon HD 4350 it is!10:34
GisterogueThanks also theadmin :)10:34
theadminGisterogue: No problems.10:34
abonecjrib, may be some utilites available?10:34
theadminGisterogue: jockey would download them for you as well :D10:35
jribabonec: I do not know of one10:35
abonecjrib, ok, thx10:35
Gisteroguetheadmin: I'll bear that in mind :)10:35
GisterogueIsn't it amazing what driver support there is these days. Love it.10:35
Jordan_UGisterogue: You shouldn't gernally install drivers (or anything else) from outside the repositores. "jockey-text" (terminal based) or "jockey-gtk" (GUI based, also called "Additional Drivers") will detect what drivers are needed and install them for you.10:36
theadminJordan_U: Oh, it's "jockey-text"...10:36
GisterogueJordan_U: So, installing from the offical manufacturer web site is a bad idea?10:39
Jordan_UGisterogue: Correct.10:39
GisterogueThat's interesting.10:40
Gentoo64Gisterogue, you can do what you like. But it's cleaner and easier to use the repos10:40
theadmingoo__: Response.10:47
Cupenorulerserver www.chatcafe.net10:49
CupenorulerOh~ sorry~10:50
manixorHey guys. I'm a little not satisfy about my Ubuntu. It's working very slow. I have a Toshiba Satelitte, 3 years old with amd64 thurion. I need to do something else after I install ubuntu on it? Instal video driver etc?10:51
theadminmanixor: That wouldn't speed anything up...10:52
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Guest45231anybody there??10:53
dr_williswhats slow about it abnd wgats the vudeo card?10:53
dr_willis1552 people here. :) but not all are all here.. :P10:53
manixortheadmin: What can be the reason for working so slow? I remember that I had on this leptop, 2 years ago, Debian, and it working preaty OK.10:53
manixortheadmin: windows working ok too10:53
ZtaI've deleted (moved to ~/BACKUP/) my .gconf* .gnome* .compiz* .local .cache .fontconfig from my homedir.  My desktop is still broken.  What else is there to delete?  Mind you that newly added users have a perfectly nice and working desktop, so I hardly think a general configuration is broken.10:53
dr_willisZta:  .config perhaps10:54
Gentoo64manixor, could be unity acting sluggish10:54
=== sc0ut is now known as Guest96258
dr_willisZta:  as a test. make a new user. see if they have the same issue.10:54
manixorGentoo64: theadmin Is the 64 version more slow then the 32 version?10:54
Ztadr_willis: I did make that test.  You're right about .config though, how could I forget that ...10:54
dr_willis64 shhouldent be slower then 32bit version10:55
Gentoo64manixor, i reckon its probbaly the new UI that feels slower10:55
ZtaLet me logout and see..10:55
Gentoo64manixor, what ubuntu version is it?10:55
manixorGentoo64: lates, 11.1010:55
almoxarifemanixor: look at the gnome-system-monitor, anything that looks excessive?10:56
Zta.config it was!10:56
dr_willissomeday perhaps most apps will get their config files in .config   :)10:57
dr_willisthen we can backup .config via ubuntu one.. :)10:57
manixoralmoxarife: both cpu around 30/40 and memory around 4010:58
almoxarifemanixor: how much mem/?10:58
Xanfor the 1st time in years distrowatch scores ubuntu as #2...10:59
Jordan_U!ot | Xan10:59
ubottuXan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:59
icerootXan: #ubuntu-offtopic10:59
manixoralmoxarife: 1.8 GiB11:00
almoxarifemanixor: what version are you running?11:00
nataliahw to install gnome? where is that?11:01
manixoralmoxarife: 11.10 x6411:01
manixoralmoxarife: when I open my home folder, both cpu goes over 80%, and it's open like on repleay11:02
almoxarifemanixor: me too, toshiba also, I thought unity ran slower overall than gnome shell, I seemed to get a bit snappier after tossing compiz11:02
almoxarifemanixor: goes to 80% but then decreases ?11:03
manixoralmoxarife: yes, goes back to 30/4011:03
MechanisMhow can I login to my broken system from livecd?11:04
jribMechanisM: why?11:04
manixoralmoxarife: so unity desktop can be the problem?11:04
almoxarifemanixor: look at the 'start-up-applications' , there are a few processes there that you may not need11:04
dr_willisyou would 'chroot' into the  installed system and attempt fixing it normally11:04
diablosi restarted my computer after setting a second monitor using NVIDIA X server setting, now my second monitor display a completely white screen and i cant disable it11:05
almoxarifemanixor: I won't say it's a problem, I will say that once I switched to gnome-shell without compiz I felt like the machine was running like good ole 11.0411:05
manixoralmoxarife: I was thinking to try this too11:06
manixoralmoxarife: I will check how to do it, and see the diff11:06
MechanisMjrib to fix it11:06
almoxarifemanixor: good luck11:06
manixoralmoxarife: thanks11:07
dr_willisMechanisM:  to fix what exactly. One normally uses 'chroot' to fix things if needed11:09
=== shockrates is now known as TheBaus
TheBausanyone here?11:09
TheBauswhat is the command to sunc my clock/11:10
TheBausin terminal11:10
diablosi didnt have an easy time setting up my duel monitors but it was working untill i restarted11:10
theadminTheBaus: sync?11:11
theadminTheBaus: As in, with an ftp server?11:11
theadminTheBaus: err, ntp*11:11
TheBausmy clock is out of sunc11:11
theadminTheBaus: "sudo ntpdate" should do it.11:11
MechanisMdr_willis yep I need chroot then. but dunno how to use it11:11
theadminTheBaus: But you'll have to log out and back in to see the effect in the GUI11:11
dr_willisMechanisM:  what are yoyu trying to fix exactlY?11:11
TheBausshockrates@ErebusPC:~$ sudo ntpdate11:11
TheBaus20 Nov 13:11:44 ntpdate[2791]: no servers can be used, exiting11:11
theadminTheBaus: It's probably not configured?11:12
TheBausi miss openntpd11:12
dr_willisi get same thing here.. guess its not set to any servrs by default11:13
theadminTheBaus: http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/basic-ntp-config.html11:13
=== a is now known as Guest23626
dr_willisserver 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org11:14
dr_willisserver 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org11:14
dr_willisare set in the default ntp.conf file11:14
theadmindr_willis: Oh? Then it's rather odd that it doesn't work11:14
nataliahwo to install gnome?11:14
dr_willis sudo service ntp restart11:14
theadmin!notunity | natalia11:14
ubottunatalia: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:14
dr_willisworks here..11:14
dr_willisnatalia:  gnome3 is installed by default on 11.10. using the unity shell...11:15
MechanisMnot sure whats wrong yet. system loading and I see only background of lightdm login screen and mouse.11:15
TheBaustheadmin:  i run service restart, ntpdate still doesnt work11:15
dr_willisMechanisM:  theres the rescue./revovery and text mode you can use to get to the console.11:16
TheBausis there openntpd available for ubuntu?11:16
theadmin!find openntpd11:16
ubottuFound: openntpd11:16
nataliai have gnowe-shell but i dont know what to do next :P11:16
theadmintheadmin: ^11:16
dr_willisnatalia:  clarify what you want to do..11:16
nataliai want to change graphic11:16
theadminnatalia: Log out, click on the little thing icon near the login name place, choose "GNOME", then log in11:16
dr_willisnatalia:  clarify some more .... what you want to do..11:16
theadmindr_willis: She wants to switch to Gnome Shell from Unity.11:17
dr_willis;) you must be the mind reader today.11:17
Vertt /part #ubuntu11:17
=== cwh_lars is now known as LarsB
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps yotis11:18
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )11:18
theadmindr_willis: Nope, she just explained it well enough :D11:19
theadmindr_willis: She stated she has installed gnome-shell but doesn't know what to do next.11:19
theadmindr_willis: So... it's pretty obvious, in my opinion.11:19
nataliadr_willis: yesterday i install gnome-shell11:19
dr_willisthey really could do some work on the lightdm login screen.. peopele totally overlook that little gear11:19
diabloswhat is the difference in TwinView and Separate X screen11:19
dr_willisthey could have a big arrow., and previews of the differnt desktops11:20
nataliadr_willis: today i want to run it but i dont know how and i try some small icon near login but i dont have any gnome :P11:20
dr_willistwinview = one big wide (or tall) display across 2 monitors11:20
dr_willisseperate  x = 2 totally seperate sessions.. they could even be differnt users on each monitor.11:20
ceephax_____tried sudo shutdown -h now11:20
ceephax_____get nothing11:21
dr_willisand if you set up the keybords./mice right. you could have 2 people on the same pc :)11:21
Gentoo64ceephax_____, tried -h -P now?11:21
diablosthanks i think i fixed my second monitor11:21
diablosat least untill i restart11:21
ceephax_____Gentoo64: no still not working11:21
dr_willisyou did save the changes to the xorg.conf file diablos ?11:21
Gentoo64ceephax_____, i dont know what the problem your having is :)11:22
ceephax_____Gentoo64: lol cheers11:22
diablosyeah last time i did but when i restarted the second monitor when all white screen of death11:22
Gentoo64ceephax_____, so whats the problem?11:23
ceephax_____Gentoo64: fixed it dude, had a arrogant service running that wouldnt stop11:23
ceephax_____Gentoo64: kill it11:23
ceephax_____Gentoo64: cheers for chat, laters :)11:23
MrS1lentczback :)11:25
MechanisMdr_willis I tried to fix broken pakages via console in recovery mode. but it's can be fixes some dependencies errors.11:26
tsousanex version of ubuntu will have 3.1.x series?11:26
iceroottsousa: #ubuntu+111:28
MrS1lentczafter instalation i installed grub manually, but grub.cfg in OS section is empty, how can i detect os automatically ?11:29
MrS1lentczi have win7 and ubuntu 11.10 on sda2 and sda5 :))11:29
brontosaurusrexanybody running jupiter applet on 10.10?11:30
Stanley00!anyone | brontosaurusrex11:30
ubottubrontosaurusrex: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:30
* dr_willis wonders what Jupiter applet is...11:31
itsupporthello guys11:31
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  are you here?11:31
brontosaurusrexanybody running jupiter applet on 11.04 and if so, how do i benchmark it?11:31
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  i think i repaired11:31
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  grub will be start, but grub.cfg is empty, so it starts only bash-like console11:32
itsupportI wanna buy  a new laptop, which brand should i prefer coz i want to install ubuntu or any other linux distro but not windows11:32
dr_willisif you mean the grub console.. well that would make sence.11:32
MrS1lentczdr_willis: is something generator for installed os on disk?11:32
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:   check ouyt the fixgrub guides11:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:32
poopdickjust ran the upgrade to 11.10 ... what is this horrible new window manager it is enforcing on me??? where is my gnome desktop??????????11:33
zaxonspoxitsupport, i would suggested ASUS11:33
itsupportplease help guys, I'm new to linux but i love it11:33
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  ok, thx11:33
dr_willisitsupport:  check out the ones sold with linux/ubuntu preinstalled perhaps.   avoid the ones with the dual-video card setups.11:33
Stanley00itsupport: I heard that Dell has some laptop with OEM ubuntu11:33
itsupportASUS ???11:33
dr_willisitsupport:  and it also pays to get the models that have been out for a while. not ones that just came out.,11:33
itsupportya one of my friend recomended dell11:34
dr_willisitsupport:  its more of a matter of what chipsets re in the laptop. not always the spefific brand./maker11:34
ikoniabe aware that the dell oem ones is not a stock ubuntu install11:34
zaxonspoxpoopdick, its gone - Unity have replaced Gnome, you need to manually install gnome11:34
itsupportdr_willis: how abt samsung and what are the main specs that i should take care of?11:35
poopdickzaxonspox, UGH...thats pretty fscktarded, considering i already had it installed on 11.0411:35
dr_willisan ok unity manual -> http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/04/my-effort-at-writing-help-for-unity.html   go read it poopdick  perhaps..11:36
zaxonspoxpoopdick, you might have, but in 11.10 Canonical done the work to force Unity as The Only One11:36
dr_willisitsupport:  gpu, and wireless chipset are the main things.11:36
Myrttipoopdick: the problem stems from the fact that gnome2 isn't supported by Gnome anymore11:36
brontosaurusrexok, let me refraze: how would one benchmark a powersaving app, without staring at the batteri life?11:36
dr_willisUnity, or gnome-shell, or install some other desktops if you want11:36
poopdickzaxonspox and/or dr_willis : ok next question: after i (re)install gnome. will it show up in the list of window managers on the gdm login screen?11:37
zaxonspoxitsupport, i suggest you to choose a brand and model of notebook, then google for it like: Ubuntu Lenovo G550 and check the opininions whats work, whats not11:37
dr_willispoopdick:  the old gnome is dead... there is a rather poor 'fallback' gnome2 look alike mode.. but thats it11:37
itsupportya thats a good idea11:37
Stanley00brontosaurusrex: if your laptop has some power sensor, if not, use battery, I think11:38
dr_willispoopdick:  its unity, or gnome-shell  or one of the gnome-falback modes11:38
poopdickdr_willis, what about the supposed gnome311:38
dr_willispoopdick:  thats gnome-shell11:38
brontosaurusrexStanley00, how do i read those sensors?11:38
zaxonspoxpoopdick didnt checked, but read, that you have to put some work to be able to choose gnome into gdm choose list11:38
Stanley00brontosaurusrex: just run "sensors" in terminal11:38
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
poopdickdr_willis, im willing to give it a try... just hoping the install process will put gnome back into the gdm dropdown11:39
dr_willispoopdick:  11.10 uses lightdm. and  there should be a 'gnome (gnome shell), and ubuntu (unity) entries  in the login screen menus11:39
brontosaurusrexright, only some temperature there Stanley0011:39
poopdickzaxonspox, damn, that blows huge chunks of rotting excrement.11:40
Stanley00brontosaurusrex: well then, you have to use battery, I'm afraid11:40
poopdickdr_willis, hmmm. interesting. right now there are no such entries, but i assume you mean after i install gnome shell11:40
dr_willisgdm and lightdm and kdm all use the same set of XXXX.desktop files to put what items in their desktop menus11:40
oCeanpoopdick: we won't allow that kind of language here. Also, please change your nick11:40
dr_willispoopdick: try starting lightdm instead of gdm perhaps.11:40
EuroNerdHow can I set the top panel (menubar) to be transparent?  (compiz config is not an option - doesn't work with unity)11:40
dr_williscompiz does work with unity EuroNerd  - ...11:41
Stanley00EuroNerd: in ubuntu 11.10?11:41
poopdickoCean: i cant speak about the pile of steaming, rotting waste products that unity is compared to gnome?11:41
dr_willisunless you mean unity 2d11:41
dr_willispoopdick:  if you want any more support... you should  change the attitude.11:41
poopdickdr_willis, whats the diff between unity and unity 2d11:42
dr_willisgnome2 was rather lacking in many ways..11:42
oCeanpoopdick: not in such wording, no. Also, I'm not going to argue here about your nick, change it now please11:42
=== poopdick is now known as jewiugowehoguiwh
EuroNerdStanley00, yes.11:42
dr_willisunity2d has none of the fancy effects. its designed as a fallback mode for lower end harware11:42
=== jewiugowehoguiwh is now known as fecalphallus
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  btw is possible, that grub menu didnt started (only bashlike console), alghought in grub.cfg are 2 items ( memtests ) ?11:42
xiangxw_unity2d don't need 3d card11:42
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  there should be quite a bit of stff in the default grub.cfg11:42
EuroNerddr_willis, sorry, I meant the CompizConfig app.11:42
Stanley00EuroNerd: are you sure the compiz config not work? It works in my case.11:43
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  if you run 'sudo update-grub' it should show all found os's and so forth. and generate a new grub.cfg11:43
excrementalistoCean, why so humorless.. fecal phallus is a valid - but perhaps witless - expression of angst with the sudden changes to my ubuntu install upon upgrading.11:44
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  oh, but i have to do in chroot, yeah?11:44
dr_willisrants are for another channel excrementalist11:44
EuroNerdStanley00, I just installed it and tried to change sth and it completely f#cked up my desktop. Had to spend 20min searching for a solution on the web to restore it.11:44
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  thats how its normally done. if you cant boot the installed system. but it may be a sign of bigger issues that the installed ystem dident generate one properly to begin with11:44
Stanley00EuroNerd: it there, in the unity plugin config, the experience tab, panel opacity11:45
zaxonspoxhow to change entry title in GRUB2 ?11:45
dr_willis!grub2 | zaxonspox11:45
ubottuzaxonspox: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:45
xruudis there any disk image software for ubuntu that will make an image of partitions that can be restored if ubuntu somehow fails?11:45
dr_williszaxonspox:  by editing the files in /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/11:45
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:45
EuroNerdStanley00, as I just said, CompizConfig is dangerous and I uninstalled it and will never touch it again, until it's fixed thoroughly to work with Unity.11:45
dr_willisxruud:  mondo/mindi, dd,  and perhaps a dozen other tools.11:46
EuroNerdSo is there some command line trick to set top panel transparency?11:46
dr_williscompizconfig dangerous? never noticed...11:46
zaxonspoxdr_willis, like file /etc/grub.d/10_linux ?11:46
Stanley00EuroNerd: compiz config works as a charm on my laptop, as long as you dont mess up so much :D11:46
dr_williszaxonspox:  yep.  those scripts generate the grub.cfg11:46
EuroNerddr_willis, just go to Ubuntu Software Center and read some comments.  To a newbie it's VERY dangerous.11:47
dr_willisEuroNerd:  i never use software center..11:47
dr_willisand the definition of 'dangerous' is vague here. :)11:47
kernelpanickerwhere should I put an alias?  I put it in ~/.bashrc but have to run 'source .bashrc' to get it to run... thoughts?11:47
zaxonspoxdr_willis, and is it posiible to get rid of the first line of text in GRUB2 like "grub1.98~packet_version_ubuntu" etc ?11:47
whackeddragonhello, I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my Windows computer and it works great but in the grub menu there is both Ubuntu and Windows 7 and when I click on Windows 7 only GRUB reloads… does anyone know how to fix this?11:48
dr_williszaxonspox:  never noticed. most likely possible.. if you edit the proper files..11:48
EuroNerddr_willis, it doesn't matter if u use it, just see the comments.11:48
dr_williskernelpanicker:  check the .bashrc and .bash_profile files.. they mention how to include new alias's in some section.11:48
Stanley00EuroNerd: the command way is dangerous too, it just depends on who is using it...11:49
dr_williskernelpanicker:  if you add new stuff to .bashrc you would have to start a new shell or use source .bashrc to get them read.11:49
EuroNerdStanley00, yes, you can do the equivalent of "format c:\" in command line, but that's proactive danger.11:51
kernelpanickerdr_willis: thx!11:52
EuroNerdStanley00, dr_willis, actually all I did in CompizConfig was go to the "About" section to see the version number. And it completely messed up my Compiz and Unity. Here's a testimony of what happens: http://askubuntu.com/questions/70866/how-to-reset-compiz-unity-to-defaults11:52
Simpson_2is there a specific channel for gwibber questions ?11:52
Stanley00EuroNerd: AFAIK, compiz config is the easiest tool to config unity, as long as you dont set up any other plugins11:54
EuroNerdSo is there a way to set top menu bar transparency other than CompizConfig? E.g. in command line?11:54
pinguy_how do i stop my computer from asking for pass word every time it blanks the screen ?11:55
EuroNerdStanley00, I was using the default installation and didn't really have the chance to go to any plugin config. It's just very buggy and dangerous with Unity.11:55
Ampelbeinpinguy_: In the screensaver options.11:55
pinguy_thanks amp11:56
mauropinguy: don't do that11:56
Stanley00EuroNerd: then, maybe you should install gconf-editor tool, this tool is very dagerous too, but I prefer it to the gconftool command11:56
pinguy_mauro, ? what can i do then ?11:57
Stanley00EuroNerd: I think the key you should change is at /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/panel_opacity11:57
EuroNerdStanley00, I have gconf-editor, use it and it never ever failed me.11:57
EuroNerdStanley00, thank you! That is precisely what I needed!  :) :) :)11:58
Stanley00EuroNerd: you are welcome :)11:59
WanderingEnder|sGot an odd problem with I think grub on 10.04 LTS.12:01
ratanparaiI am having problem with Software center12:01
WanderingEnder|sbox boots, then drops to busybox bitching about it can't find /dev/disk/disk-by-uuid/(UUID that is found via ls)12:01
ratanparaiWhile removing it got an error12:01
WanderingEnder|sI exited, and lo and be hold.12:01
WanderingEnder|sI'm in shell like normal.12:01
ratanparai(Reading database ... 150986 files and directories currently installed.) Removing software-center ... dpkg: error processing software-center (--remove):  unable to securely remove '/usr/share/app-install/desktop/software-center.menu': Not a directory Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ... Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ... Processing triggers for gnome-menus ... Processing trig12:02
Simpson_2is there a way to send private message with gwibber ?12:02
ratanparaican anyone help me12:02
WanderingEnder|s>.> Is it possible TO remove Ubuntu Software Center?12:02
ratanparaiNow cant intall any software using apt-get too12:02
zaxonspoxWanderingEnder, from menu or from system?12:03
WanderingEnder|szaxonspox: ratanparai removed Software Center, or tried. It seems he failed and he's hosted his apt install.12:03
WanderingEnder|szaxonspox: hosed, not hosted.12:03
zaxonspoxWanderingEnder, dont understand "hosed", but on package problem i used something like dpkg --reconfigure12:04
WanderingEnder|sratanparai: Talk to zaxonspox. :)12:05
WanderingEnder|szaxonspox: You don't know how to check grub, do you, for errors? :)12:05
zaxonspoxWanderingEnder, if GRUB have errors, it shows it, and stops working12:06
WanderingEnder|szaxonspox: Will it drop to busy box?12:06
ratanparaido i have to reinstall my ubuntu for fixing the problme?12:06
WanderingEnder|sgot it... its a kernel command line issue, i think.12:07
ratanparaizaxonspox: can you help me?12:07
ZtaRegarding resetting Unity/Gnome/whetever desktop environment, these are my instructions should anyone find themselves in the same pickle =): http://askubuntu.com/questions/70572/reset-unity-and-gnome-to-default-values/80988#8098812:12
michaelwhat some are usb creater alternatives?12:12
=== michael is now known as Guest99158
cari_veri_udHi there. where to get a list of local ubuntu 11.10 official repositories?12:13
zaxonspoxratanparai, what messages do you get when trying apt-get install ?12:13
Guest99158what are some usb creator alternatives?12:15
dwatkinscari_veri_ud: the software sources window has an 'other...' option as descripbed here, is that what you're after? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu12:15
zaxonspoxratanparai try dpkg-reconfigure software-center or dpkg-reconfigure apt12:15
theadminGuest99158: unetbootin, dd.12:16
mtrx93Hello, i have some problems, im using ubuntu on android smartphone, and now apt-get cant acces packages from ports.ubuntu.com. Im using karmic bcos i have arm6 cpu. Any ideas? I there any other mirrors? Sorry for my english.12:16
Guest99158theadmin thanks12:16
ikoniamilanoa: you're using the arm port ?12:17
mtrx93Anyone can help?12:19
DraethelfHey, I'm having trouble mounting an external harddrive, anyone on to help?12:19
wckdDraethelf: describe your problem.12:19
juniouri am using ubuntu 11.1012:20
juniourmy unity is gone how to enable it12:20
DraethelfIf anyone knows anything at all, it'd be helping more than google is right now.12:20
WanderingEnder|s!hi | juniour12:21
WanderingEnder|soh come on, there should be a !hi12:21
ikoniathere is no need for a factoid to say "hi" - you can just say "hi"12:21
wckdDraethelf: describe your problem?12:21
WanderingEnder|sikonia: I thought it would be more along the lines of "hi, this is our support channel, please state your question or help others!"12:22
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: it's gone is fools abuse it12:22
juniourin ubuntu 11.10 tha in left adock is present that is gone12:22
dr_williswhen in doubt fall back to the mount command and look for errors Draethelf12:22
juniourhow to enable it12:22
DraethelfOkay, so I plug in my external, and it says "unable to mount 871 GB filesystem" Exit code is 12: NTFS signature is missing.12:22
juniourhow to open compiz via terminal12:22
dr_willisjuniour:  thats the unity 'panel' odd that its missing.. can you get to a terminal, via alt-f2, or alt-ctrl-t ?12:22
WanderingEnder|sDraethelf: do you have a windows system you can plug that into?12:23
dr_willisjuniour:  if you got a terminal the commands 'unity --restart' or 'unity --replace' may work.12:23
DraethelfThen a second one pops up saying the same thing, but 329 or whatever (GBs)12:23
Draethelf.. I just did.12:23
juniourdr_wills not worked12:24
juniourdr_wills can you  how to open compiz via terminal12:24
Draethelf... so lets pretend I'm totally new to Ubuntu... and linux in general... see, my ex installed it on my laptop, and I never had a problem with it before now.12:24
DraethelfYes, I do. and it works fine on windows 712:25
Sidewinder1Draethelf, Sounds like you mounted it in windows and failed to "Safely Remove Hardware", in win?12:25
WanderingEnder|sSidewinder1: that's what I'm thinking.12:25
WanderingEnder|sDraethelf: Plug it in again, see if it complains and offers to fix the drive for you. Plug it into Windows 7.12:26
DraethelfOkay, lemme try Sidewinder.12:26
cari_veri_uddwatkins: Yes . thank you. it helped. although the automatic "find best local server" fucntion did not work. That is what I wanted originally.12:26
DraethelfHow the hell do I send a message to you in red?12:26
whackeddragonHello, I have installed ubuntu on my machine and now i get the bash command line only.. don't know what I've done12:26
juniourhi can i use unity and rotate cube at a time12:26
joansirleyhey all of you12:26
whackeddragondoes anyone know what command to type to load a partition12:26
oCean!who | Draethelf12:26
ubottuDraethelf: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:26
amt0101Hi, where can I get GLIB_2.11? I tried synaptic and apt-get and can't find nothing.12:27
Draethelf!oCean like this?12:27
ubottuDraethelf: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:27
usr13Darkhacker: Put nick at first.12:27
WanderingEnder|sNo ! required.12:27
oCeanDraethelf: yes, I see that as red. No need to start the line with the !12:27
WanderingEnder|sDraethelf: Notice how I'm doing it?12:27
Sidewinder1Draethelf, Other than that, a hardware problem with the HD, itself; perhaps you could run 'Disk Utility' from System--> Administration..12:27
joansirleyI entered to try to solve a question but I will read your posts before asking12:27
DraethelfGAH!!! Okay, hold on... my screen is all red, lol!12:27
DraethelfOkay, so if I just type a name, then the message it'll go through to what, just that person?12:28
cari_veri_udwhackeddragon: could you login to a temrinal ? try startx first.12:28
DraethelfSidewinder1 like this?12:28
WanderingEnder|sFrom CLI, how would I find the total number of downloads in the lubunut-desktop package?12:28
Sidewinder1Yes! :-)12:28
DraethelfAh! Cool.12:28
WanderingEnder|sI forgot to wc it. :(12:28
DraethelfOkay, good to know.12:28
usr13Darkhacker: If you type the name, the person of that name will see it highlighted.12:28
WanderingEnder|s... lubuntu-desktop even12:28
dwatkinscari_veri_ud: I imagine you're at a location which can't be geolocated by the servers, so your best bet is probably to choose manually, or ping to find the closest server :)12:28
whackeddragonNo I can't get anywhere near terminal12:29
whackeddragonjust when i start the computer I get minimal bash input12:29
DraethelfGod, I want XP back. I'm starting to love linux, but there's still so much to learn! DAMN HIM FOR NOT TEACHING ME HOW TO USE THIS THING!!!12:29
DraethelfOkay, so I'm going to try some of the things you guys suggested.12:29
DraethelfOne second.12:29
WanderingEnder|sDraethelf: If you can, get everything off that drive, and format the thing to FAT32 or ext12:29
cari_veri_uddwatkins: ok thank you. since I got a list now I can ping on them.12:29
WanderingEnder|sDraethelf: That way, no more problems dealing with your external drive. FAT32 is readable by everything from Windows 7 to OS X to Ubuntu. ext is not, out of the box, readable by Windows.12:30
usr13Draethelf: Once you get used to is and learn a few things, you'll really like it.  Trust me.12:30
Sidewinder1Draethelf, After we work out the ext HD problem, have a look here for a general 'How-to' for Ubuntu: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index12:31
DraethelfOkay, so I checked it on my W7 box, and it was okay, so I safely removed it.12:31
joansirleyUbuntu virtual machines help a lot in reading linux or mac partitions even form windows12:31
joansirleyit's a method to consider12:31
ikoniajoansirley: explain a bit more please ?12:31
DraethelfWanderingEnder|s I would, but that's gonna take more than a few hours and I need it tomorrow morning for a post I have to stand.12:31
joansirleyok ikonia12:31
WanderingEnder|sDraethelf: Ew. Yeah, its something to deal with once you're off duty.12:31
dD0TIs there a way to get notifications to be interactive again in 11.10 with unity? I really don't buy the rationale given on the notifyosd page for non-interactive notifications. For me it's a bad joke I cannot react to chat notifications presented to me....sooo: Any ways to make them interactive again? Thanks.12:32
DraethelfSaving that, Sidewinder1. The link, that is.12:32
joansirleyif you have an external hard drive, usb for exemple, formatted in ext or hfs+ (mac) from windows an a  Ubuntu virtual machine12:32
joansirleyyou can read its contents12:32
ikoniajoansirley: you know you can't run macos in an ubuntu virtual machine12:32
DraethelfWanderingEnder|s, are you military?12:32
WanderingEnder|sjoansirley: You can also install the ext2/3/4 drivers for Windows.12:33
joansirleythats my questions12:33
Sidewinder1Draethelf, This is another, general, good one:.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%2912:33
WanderingEnder|sDraethelf: Nope. Girlfriend's DoD though, and has a Army family. I used to work with a lot of transitioning mil to civ.12:33
joansirleyI have a mac virtual machine that works in windows and vmaware 6.0.5 ..in every hardware12:33
dwatkinsWanderingEnder|s: wow, they work?12:33
ikoniajoansirley: check the legality of that12:34
DraethelfWanderingEnder|s I see I see. makes sense.12:34
IMC_Any daemonlogger geeks out here?12:34
MatBoyI'm busy with chromeless to show an app from a browser... is there also an alternative ?12:34
joansirleywell i'm teacher12:34
Draethelfdwatkins: Who are you speaking about? The military?12:34
WanderingEnder|sdwatkins: I haven't used it in like 2 years, but it worked bac then!12:34
ikoniajoansirley: that doesn't change anything12:34
joansirleyand i use it for academic purposes12:34
DraethelfOh... NEVERMIND dwatkins12:34
ikoniajoansirley: that doesn't change anything12:34
dwatkinsDraethelf: sorry, I should have been more specific, last time I tried the ext drivers in Windows they didn't work at-all, sadly - thank WanderingEnder|s - will give them a try again :)12:34
joansirleyjust academic non comercial aims12:34
dwatkinsDraethelf: yeah, context is everything in a busy channel, sorry12:34
WanderingEnder|sikonia: What's Ubuntu Virtual Machine use for virtualization? Xen?12:35
joansirleywell ikonia that's an opinion12:35
DraethelfNo problem, no problem dwatkins12:35
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: it can be used for anything that's legally allowed to run12:35
WanderingEnder|sjoansirley: What's the base software running on your boxes? VMWare ESXi or VMWare?12:35
amt0101How do you install glibc_2.11 in ubuntu?12:35
ikoniajoansirley: no, breaking the terms and conditions of mac OS license is not an option12:35
joansirleywell wanderingEnders12:35
DraethelfOkay, so safely removing it from the W7 didn't fix it.12:35
WanderingEnder|sikonia: Oh, I see... You're talking about legality, not technical ability.12:35
amt0101Google is of no help, tried synaptic, tried with apt-get but I can't seem to find it.12:36
joansirleyi tried to install VMWare Server or workstation in ubuntu natty12:36
MrS1lentczback :))12:36
joansirleyI'm not able to do it12:36
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: well the technical ability is also questionable due to the efi requirements,12:36
usr13Draethelf: What version of ubuntu do you have?12:36
Sidewinder1Draethelf, Go to System-->Administration--> Disk Utility and have a look, there.12:36
Draethelfusr13: Gimmie a second. I don't remember, I'll figure it out12:36
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: while it is possible to simulate the efi stuff, it's not a solid solution12:36
usr13Draethelf: lsb_release -a12:36
WanderingEnder|sikonia: Ah. ok. I've never wanted to, if I want OS X, I'll buy a mac.12:36
MrS1lentczi have a question... i am repairing grub2 by wiki tutorial, but after command "update-grub" it writes : "Generating grub.cfg ... grep: /proc/mounts: No such file or directory grep: /proc/swaps: No such file or directory Cannot find list of partitions!  (Try mounting /sys.) done"12:37
usr13Draethelf: lsb_release -a  at terminal and hit enter (will tell you your Ubuntu version)12:37
joansirleyeven with a patch i am not capable of installing Vmware...always the linux sources problem12:37
MrS1lentczwhat can i do ? :)12:37
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: HFS as solid read only capabilities in Linux anyway, so there shouldn't be a problem reading a disk12:37
DraethelfLol... natty?12:37
joansirleylinux/include subdirectory problem12:38
WanderingEnder|sikonia: I was thinking that except for NTFS (But I thought that NTFS was stable via fuse) we could read anything.12:38
dwatkinsjoansirley: do you have the kernel headers installed?12:38
DraethelfSidewinder1: It shows up in the DU... which is weird...12:38
joansirleyyes i have them installed12:38
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: NTFS has solid (but not perfect" write acces now12:38
dwatkinsWanderingEnder|s: I've had success reading and writing NTFS from Ubuntu12:38
DraethelfSidewinder1: but if I open the home folder, and try to click on the harddrive, it says "Cannot mount"12:39
usr13Draethelf: You probably need to plug it back into W7 box and run chkdisk on it and fix filesystem errors.12:39
WanderingEnder|sThis box I'm on, right now, is a gateway/edge server for my home. Before this, I had it as a media center and fuze was writing to a NTFS drive over and over, no issue. That's why I was like, "wait, I thought FUSE fixed everything."12:39
whackeddragonHey, I'm lost kinda need some help, have got myself into a real mess… installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my machine last night later in the morning tried to get back onto windows and it just kept reloading the boot choices screen.. I've now tried to install a boot repair tool https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair and it told me to restart…. now I can't access my computer at all and get [ minimal BASH-like line editing is supported ] screen.. I12:39
whackeddragonwould seriously appreciatee all help  ; )12:39
nobitanobiAnyone who has tried to uninstall couchdb? I can't get rid of it. I still can fetch the server even when uninstalling it12:39
DraethelfSidewinder1: Also, why does it list my harddrive as 2 HDD?12:39
Draethelfchkdisk? Okay, gimmie a sec12:39
WanderingEnder|sDraethelf: /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdc2 or something like that?12:40
dwatkinsjoansirley: sorry, no idea beyond that - the last time I installed vmware that was all I needed, although I had to make sure I had the exact version matching my kernel. I assume there's a tutorial on this.12:40
Sidewinder1Draethelf, What usr13 said.. 2 HDD is probably the Name you used for the disk in Win.12:40
WanderingEnder|s... last time I installed VMWare, it was ESXi. :)12:40
dwatkinswhackeddragon: can you boot the live CD and make sure which partition is which, first of all?12:41
joansirleyok dwatkins I supposed that after so many tries I have to begin from the scratch12:41
joansirleythanks a lot12:41
Draethelf... it doesn't have a name.12:41
MrBausi just installed a ubuntu 10.10 dvd. What is the command to run in terminal to upgrade everything to the latest ubuntu?12:41
DraethelfNo, I mean it's split.12:41
Sidewinder1Draethelf, In win, run chkdsk to fix errors.12:41
usr13Draethelf: "2 HDD"?12:41
ghabitHello. Anyone have expirience with minidlna? 'Media directory not accessible!'12:41
Draethelf2 Harddrives instead of 112:41
whackeddragonI can boot the cd… I know my partitions12:41
dwatkinsjoansirley: I can't say more without the specific error, sorry12:41
whackeddragonsda3 is main windows12:41
nobitanobiWHen trying to remove couchdb I get this: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 226 not upgraded.12:41
nobitanobi-- but I still can fetch the couchdb server. Any helps please?12:41
Sidewinder1Draethelf, Two partitions on the drive.12:41
dwatkinswhackeddragon: and can you mount them and see the relevant files, i.e. is the OS still there in each case?12:42
MrBausi just installed a ubuntu 10.10 dvd. What is the command to run in terminal to upgrade everything to the latest ubuntu?12:42
joansirleyI will try everythinf again and tell you more exactly12:42
dwatkinswhackeddragon: just trying to ascertain the basics.12:42
whackeddragonI don't know how to mount them from the [minimal bash like] screen12:42
dwatkinsjoansirley: ok cool, hope it goes well12:42
DraethelfSidewinder1: It's not partitioned though. Plus in the Disk Utility it shows up as one.12:42
dwatkinswhackeddragon: what about the graphical live install CD, though?12:42
Sidewinder1Draethelf, Then I'm not sure.. :-(12:43
DraethelfOkay, so I run chkdsk on W7 and it opens the console, then closes out right away...12:43
dwatkinswhackeddragon: you are booting into busybox, by the sound of it, or that's just the GRUB shell12:43
DraethelfDAMN YOU BOBBI!!!12:43
Sidewinder1Draethelf, Bobbi for president! :-)12:43
dwatkinsDraethelf: that's probably because it needs an option, try opening cmd.exe and supplying a disk to check?12:43
whackeddragonYeah, it boots the disk and and asks me if i want to try or install ubuntu12:43
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
DraethelfSidewinder: No! He's the reason for this problemQ12:44
kwtm2I pinned a package before, with /etc/apt/preferences, but can't remember how to do it any more, so I'm just following what I previously did by rote.  Can someone explain the following line please: "Pin: version 20.2010.36-2maemo13*" --what is the asterisk at the end for? (This is actually for a non-Ubuntu Debian device, but I'm hoping someone here can remind me about pinning package versions.)12:44
dwatkinswhackeddragon: ok, you should be able to see what disks are mounted at that stage, but also you can run the partition tool to see the partitions, even if they're not mounted12:44
Draethelfdwatkins: console newbie here. Open cmd.exe... then type...?12:44
whackeddragonwhich option would I have to choose to see those?12:45
szalDraethelf: cmd.exe?12:45
usr13Draethelf: What drive letter is the external HD?12:45
MrBausfuck ubuntu12:45
oCeanMrBaus: control your language here, please12:46
dwatkinsDraethelf: I don't have a windows machine to hand, but if you type 'chkdsk' at the command prompt, I imagine it will tell you that you need to tell it which disk to check, so try "chkdsk C:" - or use the GUI tool in the disk properties menu ;) - see here for the command line tool: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/31526512:46
Draethelfusr13: I think it's K, but for the sake of the help, go with K12:46
whackeddragonI chose install and went a few forwards and can see a list of all of the partitions currently on my computer12:46
usr13Draethelf: chkfdisk k:12:46
dr_willis!upgrade | MrBaus12:46
ubottuMrBaus: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:46
Draethelfusr13: Ah, I see. One sec.12:47
usr13Draethelf: chkdsk k: Oh heck, I can't spel it right. Been too long ....12:47
WanderingEnder|sOk, so, I just apt-get installed lubuntu-desktop. Short of a reboot, how do I get into ldxe?12:49
DraethelfOkay, chkdsk'ing it now.12:49
dr_willisWanderingEnder|s:  just log out and select it at the login screen. (gear icon)12:49
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: you'll need to reboot12:49
DraethelfOkay... now what?12:49
Draethelfchkdsk completed12:50
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: the new loging manager will need to be started12:50
dr_willisWanderingEnder|s:  did it ask you what *dm to use?12:50
ikonia(assuming you're also using the whole lxde setup)12:50
WanderingEnder|sThis was going from unbutu-server to lubuntu-desktop12:50
usr13Draethelf: You can do it from the GUI:  Open the "Computer" window,  Right-click on the drive in question, Select the "Tools" tab, In the Error-checking area, click <Check Now>12:50
WanderingEnder|s(Ubuntu server is the only CD on hand around here)12:50
ikoniaWanderingEnder|s: you'll need to start X up then12:50
dr_willisserver? :) why do people always install servers then try to convert them to desktops..12:51
Draethelfusr13: I already ran it in the cmd.exe12:51
Draethelfusr13: Should I do it again in the GUI?12:51
usr13Draethelf: Ok very good. NO that's ok.12:51
Draethelfusr13: Okay, so now what do I do? I can barely make sense of all this mess.12:51
WanderingEnder|sdr_willis: Normally I only do servers, and my desktop DVD won't work on this box.12:51
Draethelfusr13: It says Windows checked and found no errors12:52
dr_willisWanderingEnder|s:  i saw some multi-disrto cd the other day. :) lost the url.. i really need to find and start using that.12:52
dr_willisWanderingEnder|s:  it grabed all the stuff from the net.  sort of handy12:52
WanderingEnder|sdr_willis: That would be useful to me as well. Most of my servers are actually 2003-20004 era, I get em cheap. BUT, they only have CD drives.12:53
ruby_on_tailshow do i install the module gtkmozembed ?12:53
WanderingEnder|sThis is a dual processor P3-800, for example. Good gateway box.12:53
kaiehello. where could I lookup which package version is the latest one being available as an update on ubuntu 10.4 LTS?12:53
kaie(without sitting in front of such a system - i.e. I'm looking for some place on the web to look this up)12:54
ruby_on_tailsnvm got it on synaptec12:55
dwatkinskaie: have you searched on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ - that should have what you need, I imagine12:55
kaiedwatkins, exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot!12:56
ragnarokI am doing a apt-get upgrade. If i want to stop the upgrade/shudown my pc will the progress done in downloading the updates be saved?12:57
dwatkinskaie: welcome :)12:57
Draethelfusr13: Anything?12:57
usr13Draethelf: I dono. You may have to format as fat32   ntfs is problematic12:57
DraethelfAHHHHH that's the last thing I wanna do... but sometimes, It's the only answer.12:57
=== ragnarok is now known as FOCUS-HERE
DraethelfDAMN YOU BOBBI!!!12:57
FOCUS-HEREI am doing a apt-get upgrade. If i want to stop the upgrade/shudown my pc will the progress done in downloading the updates be saved?12:57
oCeanDraethelf: please calm down, and stop with the offtopic remarks12:58
dwatkinsFOCUS-HERE: it's best to let it finish if possible12:58
ghabitany minidlna users?12:58
dwatkinsghabit: I tried it, then decided to use serviio instead12:59
MechanisMsomeone can recover ecryptfs home directory for $?13:01
ghabitdwatkins, i have an error 'media directory is not accessible' with minidlna, do you know how to fix it?13:02
WanderingEnder|Is there a channel for lubuntu?13:04
dwatkinsghabit: no, but I'd compare the permissions of whichever directory you've chosen against the user under which the application is running13:04
FlynsarmyAnyone know how to right click on panels in gnome-session-fallback when using compiz? alt+right click works in metacity but not compiz13:04
WanderingEnder|I have... questions, but don't want to ask on the wrong place, since its not Ubuntu.13:04
ghabitdwatkins, maybe it is because the directory on ntfs storage?13:04
katsrchey, is there an openbox version of Ubuntu?13:05
termitorhello, i'm searching for a tools thas automated sort of files and folders based on rules, somebody know a program like that ? (sorry for my bad english)13:05
katsrclike Obuntu or something?13:05
jribkatsrc: just install regular ubuntu and then openbox13:05
MrS1lentczwhen i am repairing grub2, update-grub has failed, where could by an error?13:05
katsrcjrib: aha, thanks13:05
rykkakatsrc, lubuntu13:07
katsrcrykka: looking for more minimal than lxde, but thank you for the suggestion13:07
rykkakatsrc, you can try archlinux13:08
Clerisylowres is an aspie13:08
katsrcrykka: i donno if i can deal with all those configuration headaches13:08
rykkakatsrc, it's easy, just follow their insall tutor on their wiki page13:09
Musashianyone here knowing a bit about postfixadmin and sympa13:09
rykkakatsrc, you could try it with virtualbox first13:09
cablopi want to install the xfce to a current server, but... but i don't want for the lightdm and other things to be replaced, is xfce4-desktop the  right package?13:09
katsrcrykka: do you think i should practice on vm first?13:09
rykkakatsrc, yes13:09
cablopor should i install a diferent package?13:10
katsrcrykka: good suggestion13:10
mang0I'm setting up FTP (or trying too!). I've got Ubuntu's defult FTP client (run by "ftp" in terminal") and I'm now trying to set up an URL and apache. I'm trying to use hopto  (xxx.hopto.com) but on the www.hop.to page I can only set a www.hop.to/xxx? Any help appreciated :)13:10
FloodBot1mang0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:10
mang0meant for offtopic13:10
dD0TIs there a way to get notifications to be interactive again in 11.10 with unity? I really don't buy the rationale given on the notifyosd page for non-interactive notifications. For me it's a bad joke I cannot react to chat notifications presented to me....sooo: Any ways to make them interactive again? Thanks.13:14
alexeyyPlz help me. I install drivers from nvidia.com. But statx doesnt work. Error:no device detected. VGA - NVidia 520mx.13:15
ShapeShifter499I'm trying to make some certificates13:16
ShapeShifter499I have this config file https://crypty.ch/p/B4HQadfE#4694ffbadc8aef70a45accc553347fbd   named as spoofcert.cnf     and this config  https://crypty.ch/p/qNYE3VH8#73275ae0ab22441b88b93c6a9c60ad9313:16
ShapeShifter499named as spoofca.cnf13:17
MJ23Hello, is there any difference between gnome shell and gnome desktop enviroment? (what is a shell) ?13:17
ShapeShifter499and I'm using these commands https://crypty.ch/p/aTmpFAx2#87d06bb4c5aca1514f6b7eab92907dda13:17
orated!pm | monica13:17
ubottumonica: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:17
ikoniaMJ23: assive difference13:17
ShapeShifter499but it errors out on the last command13:17
ShapeShifter499this is the error http://pastie.org/289255613:18
ShapeShifter499what am I doing wrong13:18
MJ23ikonia oh, to massive to explain? :/13:18
ikoniaMJ23: it depends on your wording - the old "gnome desktop" was gnome 2 which was a desktop enviornment13:18
ikoniaMJ23: there is still a gnome desktop now, but it's changed to be utilised by gnome shell, which is the users "interface" to the desktop13:19
ikoniaMJ23: there are two definition of the desktop, the old gnome2 concept, and the libraries that sit behind gnome shell now13:19
ShapeShifter499can anyone help?13:20
MJ23ikonia hmm, okey. I want to change my desktop enviroment from gnome 3 (with unity) to gnome 2. Does that change the shell too?13:21
ikoniaMJ23: gnome 2 is %100 dead13:21
smiledgregMJ23: install Xubuntu and don't waste your time13:22
smiledgregMJ23: it's a lot way less problematic and faster than ubuntu with bugnity13:22
ikoniasmiledgreg: it's called "unity" use the proper name13:23
MJ23ikonia hmm how to do you mean? does it not run properly now? i think the system settings is crap in gnome 3 and i want to get rid of the unity13:24
MJ23how do you mean*13:24
=== BaD_CrC is now known as jpyper
ikoniaMJ23: the sooner you accept a new desktop gnome3/unity/xubuntu/lxde the easier it will be13:24
ikoniaMJ23: gnome 2 is not maintained/supported any more, so more an more applicatiosn are moving away from it13:24
MJ23smiledgreg oh... i have reinstalled linux 4 times now ubuntu - linux x2 and now ubuntu again and then xubuntu :'(13:24
ikoniaMJ23: you'll find more problems using it, than if you try to use a new one and get used to it13:24
MJ23ikonia does gnome 3 have the same options for changing the graphics/looks? how do i find all options in gnome 3 that gnome 2 had?13:26
ikoniaMJ23: it's a different method of working, have a look on gnome.org to see some of the new features, guides, etc13:26
smiledgregMJ23: ikonia is right, it's a matter of preferences. you just need to get use with it. all I can say is that I find unity annoying (and developers will surely fix excellent number bugs in 12.04) and I use xubuntu and lubuntu on my installations.13:26
MJ23ikonia and smiledgreg okey, but if I then is going to install gnome 3 instead, will it change my shell aswell? (the shell sounds a bit complicated for me at the moment)13:29
ikoniaMJ23: gnome 3 is gnome shell13:29
ikonia(from a siple point of view)13:29
Musashianyone here knowing a bit about postfixadmin and sympa? I could use a little help :-D13:30
ikoniaunity is a shell built on gnome 3 libraries, but for wording arguments, gnome 3 = gnome shell13:30
ikoniaMusashi: just ask the question13:30
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MJ23ikonia: okey thank you. I'll go to gnome's website and read a little bit and then try install the gnome 3 :)13:31
ikoniaMJ23: what version of ubuntu are you using ?13:31
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ikoniaMJ23: ok - so gnome3 is already installed (unity is using it) so you just need gnome shell13:32
MusashiI need to integrate sympa with postfixadmin - so far postfix is configured via postfixadmin, but sympa doesn't tell PFA about its existence and aliases... Lucid server13:32
ikoniaMusashi: how are you intergrating sympa13:32
MJ23ikonia oh okey, do I have to uninstall unity before i install the gnome 3 shell?13:33
Atamiskokay guys, here we go: when i boot into ubuntu, all i get is a blank, black screen. when the HDD stops grinding, i can switch to tty 1, blindly login, and blindly type startx. any idea why the terminals aren't displaying on-screen?13:33
ikonia!gnomeshell | MJ2313:33
ikoniaMJ23: there is a factoid on it, hang on13:33
Atamiskalso, when i type startx, the screen comes up as per normal.13:33
ikonia!gnome-shell | MJ2313:33
Guest46900hi everybody!13:34
MJ23ikonia sure13:34
JoniiHey, how come ubuntu very frequently confuses which layout to use for ctrl-<key> keys, which to use for typing, which layout to show when I press show current layout and what layout name to show13:34
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ikoniaMJ23: I can't find it, you don't have to remove it, but you may want to consider it to keep it simple13:35
JoniiAs far as I can tell, those have nothing to do with each other13:35
Musashiikonia: used sympa packages from maverick, just installed them; /etc/aliases has entries for sympa, sympa-request and sympa-owner and /etc/aliases is defined in main.cf for aliases and virtual_alias_maps13:35
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:36
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gidaswtf :)13:36
ikoniaMusashi: ok - but postfixadmin won't know anything about that, so how have you tried to intergrate it into postfixadmin ?13:36
coz_Jonii,   did you check under  Keyboard layout in system settings and the "Options"  button??13:36
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Joniicoz_: what should I check there?13:37
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MJ23ikonia how does that "between space/time" when i uninstall unity till I have installed gnome 3 shell work? feels like i wont have any icons or bars when i have uninstalled the unity13:37
ikoniaMusashi: ok - but postfixadmin won't know anything about that, so how have you tried to intergrate it into postfixadmin ?13:37
ikoniaMJ23: install gnome-shell, remove unity13:37
MJ23okey :)13:37
Musashiikonia: i haven't because i can't find information about how to13:37
MJ23thank you13:37
coz_Jonii,   well.. when the keyboard layout dialog opend make sure the  "English" (US) is listed in the left column, if that's what you are using13:38
MrS1lentczi have a big problem... i cant repair grub2... never tutorial has success...13:38
coz_Jonii,   then click the "Options"  button to see if you need to set specifics13:38
ikoniaMusashi: ok, so that's the issue join #postfixadmin and ask for help, there maybe a module, but I don't think there is, you will probably need to do some custom code changes13:38
coz_Jonii,   you can also click the "Reset to Defaults" button13:38
Joniicoz_: like I said, the displayed layout, the layout used for typing, the layout used for ctrl-key type of shortcuts and layout displayed when I use that tooltip and select "show current layout" are totally unrelated13:38
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Musashiikonia: #postfixadmin consists of idle laggers and bots :-(13:38
ikoniaMusashi: no, it doesn't it's just not active at this moment, I've used it many times13:39
coz_Jonii,   mm  ok,, then I must be confused13:39
ubuntuI installed xubuntu 10.11 and it locked the system 4 or 5 times before i hosed the install13:39
Musashiikonia: what's the difference? ;-) been there already13:39
Joniicoz_: Those four are totally unrelated. They might, occasionally, refer to the same layout, but most often one or two of them are different than others13:39
ikoniaubuntu: sounds like you have a hardware problem13:39
ikoniaMusashi: then wait for a response - it's quite a good channel13:39
BluesKajHowdy all13:40
m3wthi guys, I've just installed xubuntu 11.10 x64 with the alternative CD. I selected encrypted LVM as I have with all my standard ubuntu installs. When I boot this machine, I am immediately dumped into  an initramfs busybox shell with no options. Any ideas?13:41
ikoniam3wt: there is normally an error before that happens, look for that13:42
ubuntuok  on an 80 gb drive I created two primary partitions to install xfce and lxde is that partition scheme agood idea13:42
ikoniam3wt: I suspect it can't read your disks, either due ot the encption, the hardware you use, or a missconfiguration13:42
Sidewinder1Mornin' (again), BluesKaj !13:42
ikoniaubuntu: it's fine13:43
m3wtikonia: can't catch it, it goes from the Xubuntu splash to that shell.13:43
ikoniaubuntu: just be aware that dual booting will be a prolbme to maintain13:43
sahat_yum search theme13:43
ikoniam3wt: boot with nosplash13:43
ikoniasahat_: yum is not used in ubuntu13:43
BluesKajhi again, Sidewinder113:43
m3wtikonia: /facepalm, thanks.13:43
m3wtwill try.13:43
Atamiskwhat does nosplash do?13:44
ikoniaAtamisk: removes the splash screen13:44
dr_williswhich turns off plmouth basically13:45
Atamiskso, would this allow one to boot directly into tty1 without seeing that Ubuntu-plus-four-dots screen?13:45
dr_willisAtamisk:  yes.  the 'text' option disables the gdm/kdmxdm/whateverdm login from starting.13:45
dr_willisAtamisk:  'noquiet nosplash nofb text' :) is what ive used in the past.. some optiuons may not be needed in all cases.13:46
JoniiAnyway, does anyone know why this happens?13:46
Atamiskah, i just disabled it in lightdm.conf, but that would work too.13:46
JoniiI mean, this happens to me both with netbook and desktop, ubuntu 10.4 and 11.1013:46
MrS1lentczdr_willis: are you here? i have a news... :)13:46
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  hmm?13:47
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mang0I'm trying to install ddclient, but I get this error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/744228/13:49
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MrS1lentczdr_willis: i mounted linux os to /mnt and boot partition to /mnt/boot, and on step "upgrade-grub" i get this: "Generating grub.cfg ... grep: /proc/mounts: No such file or directory grep: /proc/swaps: No such file or directory Cannot find list of partitions!  (Try mounting /sys.) done"13:50
JustinBiebawhat is the command to install firefox?13:50
ikoniam3wt: you have more than 1 package manager open13:50
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  you are using a seperate /boot and / partitions? you would need to mounth both i belive13:51
JustinBiebaikonia = noob13:51
ikoniaJustinBieba: 1.) no, I'm not 2.) don't call people that13:51
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  and then theres some xpecial dirs. like /dev/ and /sys that need to get mounted to the right place in /mnt/ in your case13:51
JustinBiebaikonia es numero uno n00b13:51
ikoniamang0: you have more than one package manager open13:52
ikoniamang0: close the others and try again - or simpley reboot and try again, it will work13:52
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  you could try the 'boot repair' tool that the fixgrub wiki mentions - ive used it in the past and its worked good.13:52
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mang0ikonia: Afaik I've not got more than one open. Will log out/in work to fix it?13:53
mang0!grub | MrS1lentcz13:53
ubottuMrS1lentcz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:53
ikoniamang0: reboot would be cleaner, something is holding a lock on that file, you can manually remove it, but a reboot is cleaner13:53
mang0ikonia: Okay, thanks :) Brb then!13:53
dr_willishopefully boot repair will get included in the next release.  somting like it is badly needed13:54
MrS1lentczdr_willis: i did it by wiki tutorial13:54
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  looked like they missed a step13:55
MrS1lentczdr_willis: step 1: mount os and boot; step 2: sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev; step3: sudo chroot /mnt; step4: update-grub13:56
dr_willissudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint /dev/sda --recheck13:57
dr_williscan do it with out all the bind mounts..13:57
fnoyanisihi guys, is there anybody here who is unhappy with unity?13:58
ikoniafnoyanisi: why ?13:58
dr_willismy grub reinstall notes MrS1lentcz  ->  http://pastebin.com/NviTvW3i13:58
dr_willisUnity is a work in progress.. and its constantly improveing in each release. :)13:58
fnoyanisiikonia : actually, I was a gnome guy for a long time13:59
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  ok, thx13:59
coz_fnoyanisi,  you can install kubuntu-desktop  to try a different desktop environment, although it is somewhat bloated13:59
dr_willisgnome-shell is a work in progress and ....... :)13:59
fnoyanisiikonia : but, gnome 3 and unity (whiac are seperate but like brothers), are both a big disappointment for me13:59
ikoniafnoyanisi: again - what does it matter ? do you have a support question ?13:59
coz_fnoyanisi,  I understand the shock of Unity from classic gnome,  you are not alone in that13:59
ikoniafnoyanisi: ok - we can't help you with that13:59
coz_fnoyanisi,  you can of course try different desktop environments14:00
fnoyanisiikonia : just want to ask :)14:00
ikoniafnoyanisi: why ? what good will it do ?14:00
mang0ikonia: It worked, thankyou.14:00
fnoyanisicoz_ : kde used to be a "bad" windows copy with its 1st release but now gnome lagging behind it unfortunately14:00
ikoniamang0: great.14:01
* dr_willis recalls over the yers how every new desktop people hated.. then loved.. then hated to leave.. then loved the next....14:01
coz_fnoyanisi,  this is true... however, the only option many are left with now is a different desktop environment,, I am installing kubuntu-desktop as we speak14:01
dr_williskde has more fetures then i can comprehend in some ways. :)14:02
MJ23... after looking at gnome 3 it feels like its the same thing as unity with the mobile / tablet with touch screen interface...14:02
fnoyanisicoz_ : it seems i will also prefer kde after this unity disaster :S... but, it depends on needs and requireements and of course with which desktop you fell more comfortable14:02
overdubi'm running KDE on ubuntu 11.10, and it's flawless and great14:02
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint /dev/sda --recheck" do you mean /mountedOS/mountedBootPartition ?14:02
kortsihello - i'm having problems after upgrading from maverick to natty - natty does not seem to recognize my HP Smart Array P600 - i'm running natty with the maverick 2.6.35 kernel now instead - any ideas?14:03
MrS1lentczdr_willis: for example: "/media/boot" ?14:03
* rhin0 moved to xubuntu 11.10 so I don't have to use unity14:03
dr_willisMrS1lentcz:  if /boot/ is seperate. it would beed to be mounted into /media/installedsystemmountpoint/boot   i imagine14:03
coz_fnoyanisi,  well..there is  xfce..lxde..kde..and gnome3 ... you could test them all to see which is acceptable for your work habits14:03
ikoniakortsi: don't mix product versions eg: natty with maverick components14:03
bullgard4'~$ yeahconsole urxvt' produces ~56 urxvt program windows. After a few seconds they disappear. The terminal writes: "3 XError caught" and returns to its normal prompt. How to get rid of this bug?14:03
fnoyanisii think, gnome people now targeting tablets, so they try to make something that can suit both with tablets and PCs14:03
MrS1lentczdr_willis: yeah, thx14:03
kortsiikonia: i know - but i could not boot this machine with the natty kernel - luckily the old kernel was still there so i could boot14:04
kortsiikonia: the smart array has my root filesystem so i need it14:04
overdubfnoyanisi: the obvious answer would be a tablet mode, with all the original functionality retained14:04
coz_fnoyanisi,  you can also go to #ubuntu-offtopic for general discussion about this,, this channel is support only  and other topics, including likes and dislikes are generally  talked about in the offtopic channel :)14:04
ikoniakortsi: is it a raid array ?14:04
kortsiikonia: yes14:05
oCeanfnoyanisi: this channel is not for general discussion. Do you have a support question?14:05
oy1rq: does the height affect the radiation angle on a vertical dipole ?14:05
dr_willisoy1r:  yes.14:05
ikoniakortsi: is it fake raid, or hardware ?14:05
ikonia(P series is fake/host raid isn't it ?)14:05
kortsiikonia: hardware raid - 2.6.35 recognizes it but 2.6.38 does not...14:05
fnoyanisiohh sorry guys than... fell like a spoofer :)14:06
oy1rdr_willis, thanks, (tho i was in the wrong chan)14:06
coz_fnoyanisi,  no problem :)14:06
ikoniakortsi: I thought the P series was host/fakeraid, if you use a livecd does it see the disk controller ?14:06
dr_willisoy1r:  this is from my rather old ham/shortwave radio knowledge.14:06
ikoniakortsi: its unusual for a kernel to drop support for a device like that14:06
coz_fnoyanisi,  feel free to join us in #ubuntu-offtopic14:07
kortsiikonia: no it does not - also oneiric amd64 server install cd does not recognize it14:07
bekkskortsi: Currently, are you trying to install Ubuntu onto that device?14:07
kortsiikonia: yes it seems very odd to me as well14:07
oy1rdr_willis, i didnt expect an answer in here hi, but i had the wrong chan up, was supose to ask in ##hamradio14:07
ikoniakortsi: from what you've said, it looks like support has been dropped14:07
ikoniakortsi: I'm just having a little research14:07
dr_willisoy1r:  i could be wrong. :) im going from what i read 10+ yrs ago.14:07
kortsibekks: i had maverick installed and i upgraded to natty - and natty kernel did not see my disks14:07
oy1rdr_willis, hehe i doubt the pattern changed in the last 10yrs.14:08
kortsibekks: running natty with 2.6.35 now because the root filesystem is on that disk14:08
bekkskortsi: Just a little test: modprobe cciss14:08
coz_kortsi,  is it possible to do a clean install rather than an upgrade?14:08
ikoniaI don't think a clean install will fix14:08
bekkskortsi: If cannot load the module, it isnt part of the Ubuntu kernel.14:09
kortsiit loads the module, but does not detect any disks14:09
bekkskortsi: check with lsmod wether the module is loaded please.14:10
kortsiright now on 2.5.35 it is - but i need to reboot with the install cd to check that14:10
kortsilsmod says cciss                 100469  714:11
bekkskortsi: The install cd wont help at all.14:11
kortsibekks: the install cd is the only way to boot a 2.6.38 kernel at all14:11
zaxonspoxhello, how to  remove text "GRUB 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3" on top of grub menu?14:11
bekkskortsi: But the kernel on the install cd doesnt necessarily contains that module, AND the kernel on the install cd doesnt necessarily match the exact kernel version you have installed.14:13
ikoniaof course it does14:13
kortsibekks: it does contain cciss14:13
ikoniathe /lib/modules is relative to the running kernel14:13
bekksikonia: Ack. But the kernel on the install isnt necessarily the same as the one installed, since he could have downloaded updates while installing.14:14
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  "root@ubuntu:/# update-grub Generating grub.cfg ... Cannot find list of partitions!  (Try mounting /sys.) done"14:15
bekksAll he can do with the install cd is to check wether the module exists.14:15
ikoniaif the install CD can't see the devices, and the running kernel can't see the devices, it doens't matter, the base version will not run14:15
ikoniaI'm looking to see what has happened to the ciss modules, I know they have changed as the device path is no longer /dev/cciss it's /dev/sd$ as a normal disk14:15
ikoniait changed in 2.6.32 or .3314:15
kortsiikonia: they have a new driver - the hpsa14:15
ikoniakortsi: correct, hence my research14:16
kortsiikonia: but my P600 is still supported by the old cciss driver14:16
ikoniakortsi: the cciss module also changed14:16
lolcatHow can I get to the end of a file in nano?14:16
kortsiikonia: i see a line like this in the 2.5.38 sources: drivers/block/cciss.c:{0x3225103C, "Smart Array P600", &SA5_access}14:16
ikoniakortsi: that doesn't mean it's going to work14:17
kortsiikonia: that matches the id in lspci -vv -nn: Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company 3 Gb/s SAS RAID [103c:3225]14:17
kortsiikonia: so i guess it should be detected...14:17
ikoniakortsi: if you do "sudo fdisk -l" do you see the disks14:17
ikonia(as dumb devices)14:17
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kortsiikonia: with 2.6.35 yes, with 2.6.38 no (I check that already before)14:18
ikoniakortsi: ok - you have a choice a.) look for a solution b.) attempt a re-install as the new cciss version could be a problem with the meta data on the disk being incompatible14:18
amt0101How can you install LIBDC_2.11 on ubuntu 10.04?14:20
kortsiikonia: but still the same problem with oneiric install cd - no disks detected at all14:20
kortsiikonia: so nowhere to install a new version14:20
bekkskortsi: Did you try an alternate cd for installing?14:20
amt0101Sorry GLIBC_2.11 :)14:20
blackshirtkortsi: are you using raid disk ?14:20
ikoniakortsi: ok so you need to accept there is a problem with the current module, and start researching it14:20
ikoniaamt0101: you don't14:21
kortsibekks: i have tried only the server install cd (amd64)14:21
ikoniakortsi: the module changed in 2.6.32/3314:21
bullgard4'~$ yeahconsole urxvt' produces ~56 urxvt program windows. After a few seconds they disappear. The terminal writes: "3 XError caught" and returns to its normal prompt. How to get rid of this bug?14:21
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kortsiikonia: funny because i'm running 2.6.35 now and disks are being recognized14:22
amt0101ikonia,  Excuse me?14:22
kortsiblackshirt: yes an hp smart array p600 raid controller14:22
AmdpcHi..How to open a terminal from a terminal..? I mean which command to use ?14:22
ikoniaamt0101: you don't do that14:22
amt0101ikonia,  I am trying to start a game and it tells me that I need glibc_2.1114:22
ikoniakortsi: that may be true, but the base change was made 2.6.32/3314:23
brondyctrl alt t for a term14:23
ikoniaamt0101: you can't change glibc versions14:23
Stanley00Amdpc: gnome-terminal, I think14:23
fnoyanisiAmdpc : xterm14:23
sskniranjani had inserted dvd drive but the computer doesn't show me the drive. what to do14:23
ikoniakortsi: there may be more changes post that, but the initial main change was 2.6.32/3314:23
amt0101ikonia,  How can I start the game then?14:23
kortsiikonia: this is really odd... also bug 684304 describes something like this, but it is supposed to be fixed already14:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 684304 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68430414:23
AmdpcStanley0 fnoyanisi : Thanks.. :) Both work..!14:24
MrS1lentczdr_willis:  alive? :P14:24
ikoniakortsi: just reading14:24
ikoniaamt0101: if you can't meet the dependencies, you can't use it14:24
amt0101ikonia,  Ohh this is sad, thanks anyway. :)14:24
AmdpcOne more question...How to run multiple commands at a same time ? Is it correct to use " ; " between two commands ?14:25
HelloWorld321How do you make synergy client auto-start in ocelot?14:27
ikoniakortsi: intersting read14:28
zaxonspoxHelloWorld321, just add synergy command to autostart programs14:28
sskniranjani had inserted dvd drive but the computer doesn't show me the drive. what to do14:28
HelloWorld321zaxonspox: tx14:28
kortsiikonia: yes it seems that somebody got their machine booting :)14:29
zaxonspoxHelloWorld321, Sys>>Prefs>>Startup progs....14:29
ikoniakortsi: not using the cciss though14:29
kortsiikonia: thats right - and my board is not supported by the hpsa...14:30
zaxonspoxHelloWorld321, for server use cmd: /usr/bin/synergys --config /etc/synergy.conf, and for client was i think /usr/bin/synergys -f   (search in google)14:30
kortsiikonia: i think i need to search for more bug reports and file a new one if there's no such bug yet14:30
rhin0HelloWorld321: if you want to just use a "synergy" from the command line use "x2x" ... you may encounter problems with synergy or x2x on the client (machine you are driving) if you don't go to settings / keyboard and turn 'repeat key on press' (as the machine you type through will repeat once and the client machine will also repeat a key press if the key is held down)14:31
rhin0otherwise you will be getting spurious characters on the client machine HelloWorld32114:32
zizooAmdpc: Yes, that should work fine.14:32
HelloWorld321x2x is another software program similar to synergy?14:33
zaxonspoxHelloWorld321, for client /usr/bin/syneryc server-host-name or IP14:33
rhin0it is synergy -- just the same -- synergy or "quicksynergy" I set up -- just has cut buffer -- I get the impression "x2x" is more straightforward14:33
AmdpcThanks zizoo... :)14:33
theborgerhey will 10.04 32 bit see 8gb of memory out of the box?14:34
rhin0I use it ... dumped "synergy" -- x2x excellent - v easy to set up - works through ssh14:34
HelloWorld321x2x is a command line?14:35
rhin0but then again I've only used "synergy" to controla  windows machine14:35
HelloWorld321is it an option switch?14:35
rhin0command is of the nature "ssh -X user@machineyouwanttodrive  -C "x2x -east -to :0"   (-east is direction (east being right hand screen))14:36
rhin0that command works14:36
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rhin0install x2x on both client and server machine "sudo apt-get install x2x" HelloWorld32114:37
HelloWorld321rhin0: the server is a Windows machine.  Is x2x available on windows?14:37
bastidrazortheborger: no it will not. use the -pae kernel if you want 32bit to see more than 3.2GB14:37
rhin0no idea14:37
HelloWorld321I will investigate that.14:37
rhin0no idea if even synergy may be "x2x" -- certainly does exactliy the same thing (but synergy gives you cut and paste)14:38
luca__hello everybody :)14:38
HelloWorld321I have problems with Synergy on windows, actually.   http://synergy-foss.org/tracker/issues/280214:38
theborgerbastidrazor: have a link on how to do this?14:39
bastidrazor!pae | theborger14:39
ubottutheborger: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info14:39
xruudI reinstalled ubuntu to get around some serious problems. But I can't get one thing ack they way it was...14:41
docmurhas anyone had freezing issues with Ubuntu 11.10,  My computer seems to freeze randomily and I have no idea why, there is no one activity I ever do that triggers it.  Gentoo never froze and ever 11.04 never froze14:41
xruudA second partition I had was mentioned in nautilus in the lefthand menu in treeview underneath the filesystem14:42
xruudHow did I do that?14:42
dr_willisxruud:  you got it mounted via fstab?14:42
dr_williswhat sort of FS is it?14:42
mtrd`right click -> send to ?14:43
xruuddr_willis: it is ext3 and I did do SOMETHING in fstab14:43
xruuddr_willis: ow wait, it was ext4 before, but I chose to switch14:43
theadminxruud: So, did you format the drive from ext4 to ext3?14:44
dr_willisxruud:  added a proper fstab entry.  you dont normally just switch from ext3 to 4 and back14:44
theadminraptor67682: Greetings, human.14:44
xruudI reformatted the entire drive. No switching at all14:44
raptor67682I would like to know how to run E-UAE if you have only one joystick ?14:44
theadminxruud: Okay, so how does your fstab entry look?14:44
xruudtheadmin: checking....14:45
cyril_xruud: yes I had these issues on a computer: random freeze on a laptop14:45
theadminxruud: The syntax is this: DEVICE MOUNTPOINT FSTYPE OPTIONS DUMP PASS, if I recall correctly14:45
cyril_xruud: sorry wrong recipient14:45
cyril_docmur: yes I had these issues on a computer: random freeze on a laptop14:46
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:46
cyril_docmur: and it was a standard install, no fancy things installed. I had to reinstall the 10.04 version14:46
theadminxruud: An example line would look like this: /dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults,acl 0 014:46
xruudtheadmin, dr_willis: currently the relevant line in fstab is: /dev/sda3 /var/www ext3 defaults 0 014:48
theadminxruud: That looks just fine.14:49
xruudWhich is exactly what I want. But I don't want to navigate to /var/www al the time14:49
theadminxruud: Uhm, so what you'd like is some... shortcut to /var/www?14:49
bastidrazorxruud: add a symlink in your home to /var/www14:49
docmurI'll drop down to 11.04 then14:49
docmurI'm glad someone else has had these issues14:49
xruudtheadmin: yes, I had it in nautilus in the left column (treeview) under filesystem14:50
|Long|good morning, i just plugin new hard drive, is there away to enable this new drive without rebooting? how do i do it from ssh terminal?14:50
bastidrazorxruud: in nautlius go to /var/ then drag the www folder to the left tree. it should add it there14:50
bekks|Long|: Impossible.14:50
ikonia|Long|: most devices will not be hotpluggable unless you have enterprise level kit14:50
theadminxruud: Well, you could do a symlink like this: ln -s /var/www $HOME/www and then just access ~/www14:51
|Long|alright thanks14:51
bekks|Long|: Shutdown your PC, connect the new drive, startup your PC again.14:51
xruudtrying all of your sugestions now...14:51
xukunhow can I see the boot process while booting ubuntu? I removed the quiet splash line from the /etc/default/grub but I still don't see any text14:52
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xruudps, my external usb drive IS showing at the spot I am referring to14:52
xruudbastidrazor: that does not work in tree view14:52
theadminxruud: You can also add a line like this in fstab: /var/www /home/yourname/www none defaults,bind 0 014:53
bullgard4docmur: Before you install 11.04 you better check your automatic computer logs for relevant error messages.14:53
docmurhaha I was just thinking that14:53
docmurbut if it was a random freeze then where do I look14:53
docmurI know /var/log14:53
docmurwouldn't I need some idea of what happened14:53
bullgard4'~$ yeahconsole urxvt' produces ~56 urxvt program windows. After a few seconds they disappear. The terminal writes: "3 XError caught" and returns to its normal prompt. How to get rid of this bug?14:54
bastidrazorbullgard4:  what is "yeahconsole" ?14:55
xruudtheadmin: your suggestions place it as a folder underneath the Home folder. Not as it's own item at the same level as Home, File system and my usb drive14:55
theadminxruud: What you want can be done by just adding /var/www to nautilus bookmarks.14:55
barcefHow do you enable the SLEEP INHIBIT applet in unity?14:56
starndoes anyone use Teampspeak 3 here?? i need help with the applist.. or a place to get a applist. their forums are of no help.14:56
xukunhow can I see the boot progress in ubuntu? no splash screen14:56
soreauxukun: Remove quiet and splash from the kernel parameters14:57
Pyrostichaving problems installing on my new computer. I have a P67 ASUS MB with UEFI... I can't get past [SDD] SCSI Drive (something or another)... any Ideas?14:57
xruudtheadmin: that put it with the bookmarks, but not where I was saying14:57
theadminxruud: Well, it's the best that you can do, anyway.14:58
xukunsoreau, I did that but it won't work14:58
bullgard4bastidrazor: A program.14:58
theadminxruud: Use another filemanager if you're not satisfied with that.14:58
xukunsoreau, I still see no text14:58
luca_bidear friends what do you think about my website??14:58
theadminluca_bi: It's spam.14:58
theadminluca_bi: We do not allow advertising stuff here.14:58
|Long|what is the cmd to reboot ubuntu 11.00 from ssh terminal?14:58
luca_bino it's not spam14:59
soreauxukun: You probably did it wrong ;) try booting with text as a kernel param14:59
theadmin|Long|: You'd be surprised, but "reboot".14:59
luca_biit is abbout nanotechnology14:59
bekkslolcat: "sudo reboot"14:59
bastidrazor|Long|: sudo reboot now14:59
|Long|lol, thnaks14:59
lolcatbekks: "sudo reboot"14:59
theadminbastidrazor: You don't need "now"14:59
xruudtheadmin: can I mount the drive at the same spot a removable drive would be mounted? That way it will appear in that place. I'll symlink the /var/www14:59
theadminxruud: Well, removable drives are mounted under /media, but that won't help you... It only shows the mounts which are done through the gnome's automatic mount mechanism there.15:00
starnhey in byobu to the left of how long the machine has been running there is 1! what does that mean?15:00
xruudtheadmin: yeah indeed, already tried it :P15:01
xukunsoreau, in /etc/default/grub wright?15:01
bastidrazorsoreau: text will boot to a prompt15:01
soreauxukun: You could just edit the params directly for onetime use, at boot15:01
docmurThe logs have no useful information in them15:01
soreaubastidrazor: Well he wants to see it15:02
theadminxruud: Juse use pcmanfm15:02
xukunsoreau, I will try that again thanks15:02
theadminmaster: English please.15:03
docmurHmmm Ubuntu had the wrong video driver installed15:04
docmurI'll start with that15:04
xruudtheadmin: I've removed the fstab entry, rebooted. Now the partition shows up where I want it. Except it is not mounted automatically!15:05
sasorihow to enable mail php function on linux? ..i installed postfix, i chose "internet site" on the first question of the installation process..then i typed "me@localhost" for the 2nd question..restarted my server and ..when i tried a simple if statement that has mail($to,$subject,$message,"FROM: $from"), it says, mail was sent, but the recipient didn't receive any email at all15:05
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest84875
barcefHow do you enable the SLEEP INHIBIT applet in unity?15:06
bastidrazorbarcef: if you find out how to keep the system from going idle let me know too.. i don't want it to ever sleep.15:08
barcefbastidrazor, You shoul dbe able to do that in the power options.15:08
barcefbastidrazor, I just want it when I15:09
barcefbastidrazor, I just want it when I'm looking at movies15:09
barcefbastidrazor, and disable your screensaver15:09
oy1rcan i change the Application menu name ?15:10
oy1rapplication, places and system*15:10
xruudDoes anyone know? A partition I have is not yet in the fstab, and shows up in nautilus. When I click it it gets mounted. This work much like an external usb drive except I cannot unplug the partition. But when I add the drive to fstab the drive disappears from the "Devices" list. I want to keep it there except automount and no option to unmount from nautilus15:10
barcefbastidrazor, I have the power inhibit applet in gnome, just not in unity15:10
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jribxruud: just add the folder where you mount it as a bookmark in nautilus15:12
zykotick9xruud, using fstab seems to disable nautilus' control over partitions (hope you find an answer)15:12
dr_willisnormally one does not need to mount ext2/3/4 on the fly.15:13
xruudjrib: tried that. But I'll try again15:13
dr_willisunless its all owned by a single user.15:13
tstaerkhi, how can I get the window close button to the right?15:14
zykotick9!controls | tstaerk15:14
ubottutstaerk: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263315:15
xruuddr_willis: I know, but I want it mounted in the way that is easiest to use for me. So it needs to be in the left column in Nautilus when all options are still unclicked. Bookmarks do that I think, but I had a different method beofre I can't find15:15
dr_willisxruud:  nautiuls shows mounted hard drives i recall.. but  im not sure how else you would do it - either automated.. or bookmarks..15:16
tstaerkzykotick9: wow great worked thanks15:17
dr_willisI just use bookmarks..thats what they are made for. :)15:17
dr_willisor mount it somewhere in your users home15:18
xruuddr_willis: I'm going with bookmarks for now. I know I had something else before, but since that happened by accident I'll try and figure that out later.15:20
mtrxis there any method to fix corupted directory list in apt for old-releases.ubuntu.com? ports.ubuntu.com had other dir structure, im using armv6 version15:20
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xruuddr_willis: Last time I had an autorun file in the partition when setting it up15:23
xruuddr_willis: since Nautilus uses icons that are indicated by autorun, might that affect the way it works? (trying now)15:23
=== thoidingjam is now known as jomomomomomo
ranceIm working on porting a bash script written for centos to ubuntu.  One of my script functions is to check to see if a kernel update will be applied and set a RESTART flag so the script with restart the system.  With yum all you needed was "yum check-update" to get a list of packages to be installed at the next update.  How do you do this with apt?15:24
xanguarance: sudo apt-get update15:25
xanguaapt-get help rance15:25
dr_willisxruud:  cant say ive noticed it using autorun stuff. :) i tend to use a headless server.15:26
HelloWorld321what do you call that bar on the left of the screen with the applications on it?  the launch bar or something? I'm only asking cuz I can't figure out what to google to figure out how to move it to the right  :P15:27
dr_willissilly windows box's are not seeing my windows server..15:27
dr_willisHelloWorld321:  if you mean the left side panel.. you dont move it to the right.15:27
xruuddr_willis: that might seriously affect the way icons are displayed indeed ;)15:27
dr_willistheres some hacks out to move it to the bottom.15:27
dr_williswebupd8 and omgubuntu site had a mention of the unity panel to the bottom hack15:27
HelloWorld321I see.  Tx, dr_willis15:28
mancodr_willis, sorry to interrupt.. but r u talking about unity ? (jost got in)15:28
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dr_willisUnity :) everybodys fave topic.15:28
mancojajaj, yeah.. im kind of liking it..15:28
mancoi mean.. it works.. and is nice..15:28
xruuddr_willis: If I develop a small program that shows images, and I run that from a headless machine, it will not affect the ability to actually display the images and just run the program, right?15:29
mancoalthough dr_willis, i did had an issue.. i solved the wrong way... i have a desktop with 2 monitors.. the left one in portrait and the right (main) in horizontal way..15:29
xruuddr_willis: because I'm afraid my adventure with linux is somewhat a must for a project I'm working on.15:30
mancothe thing is that the unity bar looks totaly wrong on the far left monitor on a portrait mode.. thats why i wanted to switch it to the right side..15:30
dr_willisxruud:  shouldent. if you are using x forwarding via ssh, or somting like that15:30
mancoi had to re arange my monitors setup to have the unity bar where "its suposed to be".. lol15:30
zykotick9manco, HelloWorld321 you both should want what Mark wants ;)15:31
mancoMark zykotick9 ?15:31
zykotick9manco, ignore me - just taking a stab at Mr. Shuttleworth and Ubuntu's new direction15:32
xruudIs it just me, or does Unity look a whole lot alike the mac os? There is no reason it should nor shouldn't. But the resemblence is remarkable. This comes from someone who uses Windows daily ;)15:32
mancoahh lol, i did get that.. jaja15:32
HelloWorld321xruud: I think so, but I'm also a windows user.  As a windows user, I like that the current desktop uses familiar keyboard shortcuts15:32
mancoHelloWorld321, you can modify the keyboard shortcuts15:33
mancoyou need to go to keyboard layouts on the system settings panel HelloWorld32115:33
tensorpuddingi poohed the people who said gnome 2.30 on ubuntu looked like mac, but frankly unity is very mac-like, assuming you ignore the launcher and dash being what they are15:34
xruudI'd still like to have keyboard shortcuts like windows+e for nautilus. I saw a howto on that, but that was written for 10.10 and did not work on 11.1015:34
mancosorry, HelloWorld321, not the keyboard layout, but the "keyboard" in the system settings15:34
incorrectwhat is the name of the app that controls the display? if you have multiple screens etc?15:34
mancoincorrect, compiz you mean ?15:35
incorrectmanco, compiz does the effects15:35
xruudmanco: how to use windowskey+another key? I did not get that to work from a howto online15:35
mancoahh, ok, you need to go to system settings and there is a division called "displays"15:35
incorrecti am looking to have my display settings remembered on xfce15:35
zykotick9manco, gnome-display-properties15:35
mancoxruud, r u running 11.10 ?15:36
zykotick9incorrect, gnome-display-properties (my nick tab was incorrect ;)15:36
mancothats it zykotick9, incorrect thats the name of the aplication15:36
hollenjfrunning 11.01. i installed gnome3 in leu of unity. when the gdm loads the prompt, the "ubuntu" option is always pre-selected in the drop down box. how can I make that permanently select GNOME?15:36
incorrectzykotick9, you know the package name?15:36
vibhavhollenjf: Wait a sec15:36
incorrectthe display management in xfce is broken, so i am going to try the gnome one, i just need to know what to install15:37
JWillians_Someone can tell me how is the support of 64 bit architecture in Ubuntu 11.10? I heard somewhere that this release had some improvements in the instalation of 32bits packages, is that correct?15:37
zykotick9incorrect, looks like gnome-control-center15:37
jutnuxincorrect: What do you mean display management is broken?15:38
incorrectjulian_c, it doesn't remember settings in xubuntu15:38
zykotick9incorrect, i checked using "dpkg -S gnome-display-properties"15:38
mancoxruud, if you are running unity.. you shoud have working windows_key (called super)+s or super+w .. to switch desktops or windows..15:38
xruudmanco: yes15:38
xruudmanco: what about super+e -> nautilus. I keep doing that all the time15:38
hollenjfvibhav: ok15:39
mancoxruud, sorry, im not familiar with that shortcut.. super+e shoud do what action ?15:39
xruudmanco: I'm already using unity shortcuts in windows too... :P15:39
xruudmanco: like I typed. super + e -> Nautilus15:40
xruudmanco: in windows it is windows+e -> Explorer. Hence the e15:40
mancoxruud: ah, you want to open Nautilus with the super+e ?15:40
xruudmanco: exactly15:40
mancoxruud, ahh lol, ok15:40
dmtI'm thinking about getting a new laptop today.15:41
xruudmanco: it is something I do automatically. More specifically; it always opens a new window15:41
incorrectdmt, you want a laptop that works with ubuntu with no problems?15:41
xruudI added super+e and set it to nautilus, but it did not work...15:41
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dmtlenovo y570 i7 2670qm15:42
mancoxruud, ok, r u on the ubuntu box right now ?15:42
Rei`Hi, can anyone recommend a C-60 based netbook for running Ubuntu?15:42
mancoxruud, you need to go to system settings --> keyboard    , (not keyboard layouts)15:42
dmtIt's got a nvidia gt555m which sounds good,15:42
xruudmanco: then shortcuts I assume15:43
mancoxruud, in there you got a label "shortcuts"15:43
incorrectdmt, why don't you google ubuntu <model numbe>15:43
Caioxhey, anyone know of a irc channel of some hacking stuff?15:43
mancoxruud, yes, lol. at the bottom you have a "custom shortcuts"15:43
mancoxruud, hit the "+" to add a new one. Name it as you like it, and at the "command" line just enter "nautilus" (without the cuotes)15:44
jutnuxThis looks so sweet.15:44
mancoxruud, it wil apear as a new line in the shortcuts.. on the far right, you will see it says "disabled".. just double click that, and hit super+e15:45
xruudmanco: does that also take command line otpions? I need it to open w new window if it won't by default :P15:45
xruudmanco:it does not say super+e, but mod4+e15:45
Xtzmy unity bar stucked 11.10, any one know how to fix it ? :\15:45
mancoxruud, sorry i didnt understand that last thing15:45
theadminXtz: What?15:46
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xruudmanco:nevermind, it does work15:46
mancoxruud, yes, its ok (mine says the same), just click on the desktop or switch to another desktop and try super+e.. should work15:46
mancoxruud, ok ! great ! is this what you needed ?15:46
cari_veri_udHey there, how do I get vlc to work in firefox ?(youtube/flash videos et.c)15:47
xruudmanco: thanks, it does work. This is what I wanted. But that leaves me puzzled....15:47
xruudmanco: this is exactly what I tried before...15:47
xanguaXtz: unity --reset ¿15:47
xruudmanco: I was following a tutorial15:47
xanguacari_veri_ud: if you installed the vlc plugin for mozilla, try 'flash video replacer' addon15:47
xruudmanco: ut well, it does work now!15:47
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mancoxruud, thats because you did it angry.. lol. Na.. sometimes happens.. probably mised something.. (at least thats what ussualy happens to me.. lol)15:48
mancoxruud, ok great ! you are my first fully resolved problem for another user ! :D15:48
mancoxruud, thank you for contacting ubuntu comunity service, have a nice day !   lol  !15:48
xruudmanco: haha, can I return the favor? For optimal results you should ask PHP, HTML(5), CSS or JS related questions15:49
mancoahh, great ! i dont have any questions right now.. (as i dont know php or js, etc).. but when i start learing them.. i probably will... hehe15:51
cari_veri_udxangua: I installed it a moment ago, but sitll the videos seem to require adobe flash player first. there msut be a way around it.15:51
Rei`Hi, can anyone recommend an AMD Fusion C-60 based netbook for running Ubuntu? Preferably from your own experience. Looking for decent battery life, nice keyboard.15:51
mancoxruud, you can find me at #ubuntu-uy  #hackspace-uy or #montevideolibre most of the times... just to keep in touch :P  or on the ubuntu forums as manco191115:52
VEndixHi, can someone tell me how to make my folders on Ubuntu 11.10 transperent?15:52
HelloWorld321How can I login to Ubuntu using Synergy?  I've got synergyc as a startup application once I login, but prior to login synergyc hasn't started15:52
xanguacari_veri_ud: flash video replacer addon mentions what sites does it supports15:52
mancoVEndix, what do you mean for transparent ?15:52
xangualike 8 or 9 i believe15:52
mancohola cristian15:52
VEndixto see the background15:52
VEndixor wallpaper, whatever15:52
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xruudmanco: you don't happen to have experience with arm? I'm setting up a beagleboard, but haven't succeeded yet15:53
xruudmanco: spanish?15:53
mancoVEndix, ah.. ok, sorry, i can help you with that one.. i do know on terminal window.. but not on all (nautilus, etc).. maybe compiz ?15:53
mancoxruud, yes thats my mother languaje.. :D15:53
Xtznvm, just removed opera browser from unity bar and it did fixed15:53
VEndixi will wait for one linux geek15:53
VEndixhe knows everything15:54
VEndixanyway thanks15:54
n1mdaso I'm on ubuntu 11.10, compiz is taking 50-80% CPU all the time. How the bullcrap do I remove it? When apt-get remove it uninstalls some gnome-components or whatever ubuntu uses now and there is no fallback with startup menu or anything15:55
zykotick9n1mda, Unity requires compiz...15:55
n1mdaso I wanna remove unity?15:55
n1mdaand install what?15:56
zykotick9n1mda, i don't know - do you?  there are other WMs/DEs out there - gnome/kde/xfce/lxde so you have options.  See "/msg ubottu notunity" for some gnome related details15:57
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BluesKajn1mda, desktop effects is qiute enough compiz for most effects ..no need for the extra emerald etc compiz IMO15:57
mancoxruud, i dont have that much experience with arm other than my lovely nokia n900 :D.. but you can search on many hackspace channels.. maybe on #hackspace-uy (from my country) you can find someone.. look for "fcr" user..15:57
xangua!nounity | n1mda15:57
ubottun1mda: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:57
somsip!nounity | n1mda15:57
oy1rcan i change the Application, Places and System menu names ?15:57
xruudmanco: thanks, I'll try that15:57
zykotick9oy1r, probably not without a lot of work/programming - but maybe?  Good luck. (i personally think it'll be a lot more work then it's worth)15:58
mancoxruud, ok u r welcome, you can search in hackerspaces.org for the nearest comunity.. or one that suits you best.. :D good luck with that !15:59
oy1rzykotick9, ok thanks.15:59
Guest98047I am tring to automaticaly move completed files in transmission to a different directory  and i keeep getting a 404 error , is possible in gtk transmission or only if I had a transmissed web UI running16:01
zykotick9Guest98047, (as an alternative) i know Deluge has that as an option16:02
Guest98047zykotick9: so to make my life a little easier scrap transmission for delug?16:04
HelloWorld321If I'm trying to login to Ubuntu Ocelot running Unity, following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto; is "LightDM" the section I should be looking at?16:04
theadminHelloWorld321: Yeah16:04
zykotick9Guest98047, it's an option...  but ultimately up to you (i much prefer deluge over transmission - but it's personal preference)16:04
dr_willisHelloWorld321:  11.10 uses lightdm by default yes.16:04
tamale_Hello everyone.  I seem to have gotten myself into a sticky situation.  I followed a guide to enable internet connection sharing on my laptop (using my phone as a hotspot and trying to share the connection to my eth0 device), but it didn't work and now I can't disable it.16:05
theadminGuest98047: I know qbittorrent can do that, not sure about others16:05
HelloWorld321theadmin, dr_willis: tx16:05
mtrxi thera any method to force using old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/? apt is using old-releases.ubuntu.com/ports-ubuntu/ and it gets 40416:05
tamale_When I go into Network Settings, I can't click on 'Configure...' for my Wired connection.. it's grayed out.16:06
xanguamtrx: why exactly do you want to use a no longer supported ubuntu¿16:06
zykotick9Guest98047, fyi deluge has a gtk and web UI - for the web UI you need to verify you get deluged gets installed (on debian it isn't automatically, perhaps the ubuntu package is better?)16:06
Rei`Hi, can anyone recommend an AMD Fusion C-60 based netbook for running Ubuntu? Preferably from your own experience. Looking for decent battery life, nice keyboard.16:07
mtrxi had arm6 cpu in my phone16:07
theadminzykotick9: Transmission and qbittorrent also have a web ui. It's nothing special.16:07
p5151hi everyone, my isp gave me one ipv4 adress and i can use ipv6 adresses using 6to4, now, when i go online i get one ipv6 adress on eth1, next to my ipv4 adress on eth0. Now i can both use ipv6 and ipv4, and it iwll go ipv4 on default if there is ipv4 availble. However, i would like to select the ipv6 adress as default, anyone know how i can do that ?16:07
Rei`(Has anyone tried Ubuntu on the Toshiba NB550D-T10 or U10?16:07
zykotick9theadmin, the OP said they where using a webui - thus i wanted to mention deluge had that feature as well16:08
theadminzykotick9: Oic.16:08
=== manco is now known as manco1911
matlockso, where's the gui to change the resize area of the window?16:08
|Long|is there away to can fix boot menu? and boot directly to GUI? right now it sit on boot kernal screen?16:08
mtrxnow i cant install anythong via apt16:08
matlockso, where's the gui to change the size of the resize area of the window?16:09
matlockand if there isn't one, why not?16:09
matlockbecause it's been an issue since gutsy16:09
zykotick9|Long|, check your GRUB_TIMEOUT= in /etc/default/grub16:09
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:09
zykotick9!it | Peppo6416:10
ubottuPeppo64: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:10
xanguamtrx: because you are using a eol release and not supported here* ubuntu16:10
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:10
tamale_Hello everyone.  I seem to have gotten myself into a sticky situation.  I followed a guide to enable internet connection sharing on my laptop (using my phone as a hotspot and trying to share the connection to my eth0 device), but it didn't work and now I can't disable it.   When I go to Network Settings, I can't click on "Configure..." under "Wired".. it's grayed out.  Help!16:10
matlockso, where's the gui to change the size of the resize area of the window?16:11
theadmintamale_: A link to the guide would help.16:11
kkalfor some reason the mouse wheel and clicks dont work on half of the screen16:11
nathansuchy_how do i setup my own irc server16:11
zykotick9matlock, do you mean the corners/sides of windows?  i'm not clear.16:11
kkalanyone else seeing this?16:12
matlockhow do i change the size of the area that allows me to resize the windows16:12
matlockbecause it's been an issue since gutsy16:12
zykotick9matlock, i'm interested if someone gives you an answer for that.  Good luck.16:12
tamale_theadmin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing16:12
matlockand canonical has yet to address it16:12
wolfganghi kkal16:12
|Long|zykotick9, thanks16:12
matlockand there's even been bugs listed to it16:12
matlockbut the fix is to edit some xml file16:12
p5151my isp gave me ipv6 adresses using 6to4, anyone know if its possible to add more then one ipv6 adress to my machine ?16:12
kkalanyone having mouse scroll issues with half the screen?16:13
CarlFKmatlock: im interested too, but please stop reposting so often16:13
kkalhello wolfgang16:13
matlockit would be nice if canonical would actually make shit work like they say and actually add a gui that detects the current theme and applies the settings requested16:13
tamale_matlock: do you know about alt-middle click resizing?  You can use the entire window for that.16:13
zykotick9|Long|, and don't forget to run "sudo update-grub" at apply any changes ;)16:13
matlocki asked twice16:13
matlockflame me for wanting to know16:13
tamale_matlock: do you know about alt-middle click resizing?  You can use the entire window for that.16:13
matlockthat's not what i'm asking16:13
tamale_no, but it gets what you're asking for16:14
matlockif i wanted to know about alt-middle click i would ask about alt-middle click16:14
Guest98047zykotick9: what transmission is on ubuntu bu default ? when i try to remove "sudo aptitude remove transmission", i get no packages will be removed16:14
matlockno it doesn't16:14
dr_willisGuest98047:  do an apt-cache search transmission16:14
dr_willisthats most likely was not the right package name16:14
tamale_I'm confused.  Your complaint is about not being able to change the size of the area used for resizing easily.. but there's a built-in way to use the entire window for resizing16:14
matlocktamale_, so you're telling me that if i hold alt, then middle click it will permanently resize the area of the UI that allows me to resize windows?16:15
zykotick9Guest98047, transmission-gtk perhaps.  "dpkg -l | grep transmission" will show what packages are installed with the name transmission16:15
matlockbecause that's what i want16:15
matlocki do not want another shortcut.16:15
tamale_I'm questioning your entire question16:15
tamale_there's no reason for an easier to use resize area.. when there's already one that's as big as it can possible be16:15
matlockthere's no reason to want to resize windows with a two button mouse16:16
frekobonsoir à tous16:16
* dr_willis just uses a differnt theme.. but im not paying attention to the debate going on.16:16
oCean!fr | freko16:16
ubottufreko: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:16
frekosorry i tips ubuntu-fr but xchat open #ubuntu in the same time16:16
matlockdr_willis, which theme do you use that has this larger resize area?16:16
matlocktamale_, not everyone has a three button mouse dude16:17
tamale_you can emulate the same behavior with a two-button mouse.. just hold alt and right click anywhere in the window and choose 'resize'16:17
dr_willismatlock:  you are meaning the windows 'border' and corner grab box? when you use that vague term 'resize area' ?16:17
Guest98047dr_willis: apt-cache shows transmission but i get "no package will be upgraded installed or removed "16:17
matlockso just lay off, if you're not going to help, go assist someone else16:17
kkalI think Im going to switch to fedora now.16:17
matlockdr_willis, yes, the 'border/reside area'16:17
matlocktamale_, and alt right click brings up a context menu16:18
kkalit just doesnt work anymore for me16:18
tamale_I'm only arguing with you because I actually agree - it'd be nice to have an easy-to-use gui to change settings like what you're asking for.. but with so many viable alternatives, I think there are far worse issues tackling than this.16:18
dr_willistheres differnt themes that had wider or thinner window borders. but curently im not on a ubuntu desktop. (ssh server only) and im not even sure what themes exit now for the gnome-3 stuff.16:18
matlocktamale_, then go tackle them16:18
kkalthis is ridiculous, I have to move each window to the left just to click on buttons16:18
kkalbecause unity is so fucked up16:18
oCeankkal: control your language here, please16:18
matlockdr_willis, well thank you for actually attempting to help16:18
xangua!language | kkal16:19
ubottukkal: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:19
matlockdr_willis, oh, also i'm using 10.1016:19
dr_willisI normally use the old 'pastik' theme i recall.16:19
kkaloCean: fine16:19
matlocki tossed 11.xx to the trash like it is16:19
dr_willisor was it plastick16:19
tamale_matlock: did you try the second alternative I suggested?16:19
dr_willisless ranting.. please..16:19
matlockyou mean the one that i didn't ask for tamale_ ?16:19
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tamale_one that works with two button mice16:19
matlockthe one that doesn't include a gui to resize the area myself?16:19
tamale_no reason to be an ass16:19
* dr_willis goes back to trouble shooting samba.16:19
kkallovely ubuntu isnt as lovely any more16:20
kkal!language | tamale_16:20
ubottutamale_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:20
matlocktamale_, i have repetedly responded to you with the same line of thought. i do not want 'workarounds' i want THE FIX16:20
matlockhow hard is it to understand?16:20
tamale_Because I'm trying to be helpful16:20
matlockno wonder everyone thinks this channel is a bunch of douchebags16:20
matlockit is16:20
tamale_I can't give you the gui you want16:20
oCeanmatlock: good luck finding help with that attitude16:20
kkalokay I suppose ubuntu had a good run for 4 years16:21
cari_veri_udxangua: the replacer plug does not take the vlc player and on some sites it just dont work.16:21
tamale_lol yea, I didn't attempt to help at all.16:21
alexiHey guys, I experience a video driver issue... My old videocard was nvidia geforce 8600 gt, my new one is radeon HD 6850. I am using the 10.10 version of Ubuntu, and I can't start x after I installed new drivers, but vith the drivers value "vesa" everything seems to be ok, except everything is ugly...16:21
kkalthank you everyone. I know you tried your best but its just the few who I believe ruined it. shuttleworth for instance16:21
tamale_alexi: I have a video card from the same series, and I'm doing fine with the default (open source) drivers16:21
xanguacari_veri_ud: do you have ONLY vlc plugin for mozilla¿ disabled any other like mplayer or ttotem plugin¿16:21
tamale_kkal: Have you tried gnome3?16:22
zykotick9kkal, it's his to ruin16:22
oCeankkal: this channel is not for your rants, stop it already16:22
xanguacari_veri_ud: it does work on youtube, the only site you mentioned earlier16:22
olgianluciao a tutti!16:22
zykotick9!it | olgianlu16:22
ubottuolgianlu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:22
tamale_Hello everyone.  I seem to have gotten myself into a sticky situation.  I followed a guide to enable internet connection sharing on my laptop (using my phone as a hotspot and trying to share the connection to my eth0 device), but it didn't work and now I can't disable it.   When I go to Network Settings, I can't click on "Configure..." under "Wired".. it's grayed out.  Help!16:23
tamale_the guide is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing16:23
kamilnadeemthank you everyone who help people out16:23
cari_veri_udxangua: so what do I do? of course I like to play flash or videos types from the web, but cant get this vlc to work in the browser.16:23
alexitamale_: Actually I have the MSI r6850, which is based on the HD 6850, could it be the problem?16:23
konamis nautilus "elementary" the default on ubuntu now?16:24
tamale_alexi: I think the problem might be that you attempted to install fglrx but didn't do an ati-config -- initial properly16:24
CarlFKtamale_: no clue really, but some long shots: are both connections still active?16:24
kkalzykotick9: you really think so? what about being a community driven platform?16:24
xanguacari_veri_ud: i don't know, i just told you16:24
zykotick9tamale_, i didn't see it written in that guide, but do you get output from "grep eth0 /etc/network/interfaces"16:24
oCeankkal: this is not the channel for general discussion.16:25
tamale_CarlFK: If I plug my ethernet in, it starts flapping back and forth from working to not working16:25
zykotick9kkal, ubuntu is NOT community driven at all!16:25
kkaltamale_: I'll try gnome 316:25
tamale_zykotick9: No, I do not.16:25
tamale_kkal: I'm really liking it so far, tbh.. especially with ubuntu-tweak and gnome-tweak-tool16:25
CarlFKtamale_: but does that enable the 'Configure' option?16:25
zykotick9kkal, it's a company/business - with a dictator leading it (for life)16:25
tamale_kkal: Get both of those and you can get a really nice interface again16:25
oCeanzykotick9: please don't continue the discussion here16:26
kkaltamale_: thanks!16:26
cari_veri_udxangua: alright .16:26
BluesKajCarlFK, you still need flash whether it runs on vlc plugin or not ...vlc uses flash as it's plugin ...there's no getting away from it16:26
tamale_CarlFK: No, even while the connection is flapping I can't click on configure.16:26
alexitamale_: I've followed a guide on some Ubuntu help pages, I don't rememmber where... Thank you anyway, I'll see what I can do to fix this...)))16:26
zykotick9tamale_, that's good - if something is specified in interfaces it disables N-M16:26
tamale_alexi: Just remember - by default, ubuntu 11.10 will try to use the radeon open source drivers.. and they're quite good now/16:26
CarlFKBluesKaj: umm.. I think you dialed a wrong nick :)16:27
BluesKajoops wrong perso CarlFK16:27
BluesKajsorry :)16:27
BluesKajcari_veri_ud,, you still need flash whether it runs on vlc plugin or not ...vlc uses flash as it's plugin ...there's no getting away from it16:27
th^2hello. is there a specified chan for playstation media center?16:27
tamale_zykotick9: I think I need to tell it to use my eth0 device as a standard DHCP connection BEFORE I plug the cable back in.. but I don't know how to do that without network manager.16:28
CarlFKtamale_: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections has a bunch of config files.. maybe root around in there? again, I'm just guessing16:28
tamale_zykotick9: What does enabling 'share this connection' actually do in that gui?16:28
zykotick9tamale_, if N-M is greyed out - i don't either16:28
oCean!alis | th^216:29
ubottuth^2: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*16:29
zykotick9tamale_, shares your connection?  I was very surprised by that guide you linked - i though N-M could share connections quite easily (but haven't done so myself, so not 100%)16:29
tamale_tamale_: Yes, it can.. it's as easy as clicking one button.  The problem is disabling it :)16:30
CarlFKtamale_: "not sharing" isn't very nice :)16:30
cari_veri_udBluesKaj: when I turn on the shockwave player plguin it will be used and not vlc which is installed too.16:30
BluesKajtamale_, in the terminal , sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:31
tamale_BluesKaj: OK16:31
th^2how do i "refresh" bash to use my new conf?16:31
BluesKajcari_veri_ud, yeah flash is everywhere :)16:31
bastidrazorth^2: you changed bashrc? if so source ~/.bashrc16:32
dfgashow do i move a panel in gnome from one screen to another?16:32
tamale_BluesKaj: It's flapping again16:32
bastidrazordfgas: click and drag it16:32
bastidrazordfgas: alt left click and drag16:32
BluesKajtamale_, flapping ?16:32
th^2bastidrazor, yes. amm what is "source"? i dont have a man page for that16:32
dfgasdid that and nothing16:32
bastidrazorth^2: it re-reads the file. you can also do ./.bashrc16:33
theadminth^2: It makes bash run the given file as a config file, pretty much16:33
theadminth^2: Or, for short, executes it (with bash)16:33
th^2bastidrazor theadmin thanks16:33
zykotick9dfgas, you need compiz to move windows from one to the other - or use the top left icon, Move...16:33
zykotick9dfgas, sorry panel16:33
bastidrazorth^2: you're welcome16:33
zykotick9dfgas, ya, alt+drag16:34
th^2but that wasnt what i was after :( just added path variable but dont remember howto reresh bash to rad those..16:34
cari_veri_udBluesKaj: The actual problem I have is, that those flash videos too slow.16:34
=== Volume is now known as Volume-Ctrl
dfgasnow i just need to remember how to turn compiz back on16:36
Maskiltest 12316:36
matlockthanks guise16:36
matlockfor not helping16:37
zykotick9dfgas, "compiz --replace"16:37
matlocki'mma go look for a real distro16:37
matlockthat actually helps their userbase16:37
jutnuxmatlock: We aren't superheroes, we have other things to do.16:37
jacksammichi can nick change16:37
jutnuxjacksammich: Language ;)16:37
AmdpcHi...Can I install UBuntu powerpc on my dell laptop ?16:38
jutnuxAmdpc: Should be able to!16:38
dr_willisdell made a power pc laptop? or am i missreading things16:39
CarlFKAmdpc: what model dell?  (or what cpu does it have?)16:39
zykotick9dr_willis, and is there even a support ubuntu powerpc release16:39
dr_williszykotick9:  not much :)16:39
dr_willisand when i used powerpc linuxx -- it soft of sucked..  on my imacDV16:40
AmdpcCarlFK> dell vostro 1400 with Centrino processor..16:40
dr_willismonitor was off by 1/2 inch to the left.. had to reinstall os10 to adjust it...16:40
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
matlockthx i needed a new ip16:40
CarlFKAmdpc: then no.  Centrino is not ppc16:40
zykotick9Amdpc, Centrino != PowerPC16:40
dr_williswhy would you even want to install powerpc on that Amdpc ?16:41
Amdpcdr_willis : Actually I want to install mol which I was told that it can be only installed on a powerpc.16:42
ubottumol is MacOnLinux. For a complete howto, visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacOnLinuxHowto - No longer available in 11.10 or higher, see http://bugs.debian.org/59203416:42
frekoi've downloaded a firmware for my dvb usb stick (dvb-usb-vp7045-01.fw ). I have placed it on /lib/firmware and it doesn't work.16:42
soreau! work | freko16:43
ubottufreko: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:43
fasteriskhi #ubuntu16:43
fasteriski am looking for some support16:44
zykotick9!ask | fasterisk16:44
ubottufasterisk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:44
dfgaszykotick9, is there something i have to have enabled to have the options to move panels?16:44
Tidalshi cupcakes16:44
DarsVaedahi I have a partition "unknown" that is not mounted and type linux swap - is that a correct swap partition?16:45
zykotick9dfgas, are you talking gnome2 or gnome3(fallback)?  In gnome2, not that i know of.  In gnome3, I have NO idea.16:45
SilfenXhello - I m running a wftp server on ubuntu over a PPTP VPN connection that blocks all ports below 1024, thus I have moved all default ports above this blocked range in wtpd settings and also made  adjustments accordingly in the router fw port forwarding section but my specific ports remain closed.. Do I have to allow external connections to wftpd somewhere  in ubuntu too?16:45
zykotick9dfgas, just ALT+drag on the panel, but be sure you're actually clicking the panel itself, not something IN the panel16:45
dfgaszykotick9, its a brand new panel with nothing on it16:46
frekothe Ubuntu assistant for numeric TV doesn't recognize my dvb receiver16:46
agent_smytheso why is it that every release of ubuntu is more broken than the previous?16:46
agent_smythethat's my support question16:46
zykotick9dfgas, then hold down ALT, click and hold on the panel, drag it to where you want - release16:46
theadminagent_smythe: Because it's Ubuntu. But that's not a support question. If you don't like it, switch away, like I did.16:46
Tidalsagent_smythe› that is because you're a spider-man villain16:46
asdf-besides network manager, can anyone recommend a gui vpn client for pptp?16:48
theadminfreko: Sorry, "numeric TV"? Digital, you mean?16:48
theadminasdf-: Hm, kvpnc16:48
asdf-theadmin, thanks16:48
frekoyes digital tv16:48
dfgaszykotick9, had to disable expand on panel16:49
dfgasthen i could move it16:49
zykotick9dfgas, that's strange - mind has "expand" checked and I can move it?16:50
dfgasi know i had issues when i first installed too16:50
BluesKajfreko, what kind of connection from your computer to the tv ?16:51
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SilfenXasdf-: a shortcut to setting up a VPN connection is to use webmin. It s got a module called PPTP VPN Client. Mind you tho that Ubuntu does not officially support webmin anymore. Works for me tho on 11.1016:52
SilfenXI m running a wftp server on ubuntu over a PPTP VPN connection that blocks all ports below 1024, thus I have moved all default ports above this blocked range in wtpd settings and also made  adjustments accordingly in the router fw port forwarding section but my specific ports remain closed.. Do I have to allow external connections to wftpd somewhere  in ubuntu too?16:52
Tidalswebmin has exploits the size of Mexico16:54
UbuntuAdminHello people16:54
=== UbuntuAdmin is now known as UbuntuChiefBoss
Rei`Has anyone tried Ubuntu on the Toshiba NB550D-T10 or U10? I'm really looking for an opinion on how well the C60 based models run Ubuntu Unity16:55
frekoBluesKaj, the probleme is not the connection with the tv16:55
zykotick9!webmin | SilfenX16:56
ubottuSilfenX: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.16:56
SilfenXas I said, I m aware it s a gamble but for the few basic things I m using it for on my trivial homeserver it works splendid16:57
brondyfor a multiboot can i use ubuntu boot and swap for a  kde opensuse install on the same drive?16:57
toxboiHi guys, I've a Ubuntu 10.10 netbook installation. Recently there was an unclean shutdown (battery lapsed). I eventually got filesystem errors on restart. I managed to repair the fs using fsck running it from a live cd. Now I see kernel panic. Please help me to fix this.16:58
CarlFKbrondy: yes, but your grub config may be tricky... like get stepped on when the update scripts get run16:58
BluesKajfreko, what is the problem then ?16:58
zykotick9brondy, is this a laptop?  swap can be an issue if you use hibernate16:59
frekoI've installed dvb-apps and kafeine, downloaded the firmware for my dvb usb stick (dvb-usb-vp7045-01.fw ). I have placed it on /lib/firmware but the Ubuntu assistant for digital TV doesn't recognize my dvb receiver16:59
brondybetter to jsut use a seperate boot partition but again on the same drive?16:59
frekoBluesKaj, it's my problem :)17:00
zykotick9brondy, LABELS for partitions (even possible for swap) might make sharing partitions easier ;)17:01
brondynot sure i understand - is labels a program?17:02
sskniranjanhow to make my dvd open default to vlc instead of movie player17:02
zykotick9sskniranjan, nautilus -> Edit / Preferences -> Media tab17:02
BluesKajfreko, describe what you are trying to do and what software you using17:03
zykotick9freko, are you getting a firmware missing message on boot?  "dmesg | grep firmware" for the log17:06
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zykotick9sskniranjan oh sorry you must be using gnome3? -- i have no idea (i'll stop giving that suggestion) - my bad17:07
frekono output result with this cmd zykotick917:07
EzrilleHi all, I've an issue with /sbin/unix_chpwd. I can't move or overwrite it, even as root. Here are the permissions on it: -rwxr-sr-x 1 root shadow. I can't apt-get update my system as libpam-modules tries to overwrite it. Any help?17:07
zykotick9freko, none at all?  so that would mean both nothing missing or nothing loaded?17:08
frekoi have just make "sudo cp dvb-usb-vp7045-01.fw /lib/firmware"  and reboot17:08
tarvidMaje Startup Disk does not allow me to choose an iso from an external USB drive. Which package do I select to report the bug?17:09
sskniranjanhow to change the default app to open the dvd from movie player to vlc?17:09
sskniranjanplease help me17:09
frekozykotick9, how can i load this fw?17:11
tarvidsskniranjan, system-settings, removable media, select VC from the drop down menu next to DVD17:11
FlyOnTheWallsskniranjan, http://wiki.videolan.org/How_to_make_VLC_the_default_player17:11
zykotick9freko, i don't think the kernel is even looking for firmware (based on the non-output from dmesg)17:12
Ryan_Reynoldsis anyone running ubuntu 11.xx with an nvidia driver that's actually activated?17:12
Ryan_Reynoldsor should i just bump back to 10.xx17:13
AmpelbeinRyan_Reynolds: I do.17:14
Ryan_Reynoldsyour driver is activated and in use?17:14
Ryan_Reynoldscause i can't seem to get any compiz effects, even though i 'have gl'17:14
sskniranjantarvid thanx it really worked17:15
Ryan_Reynoldsseems ever since they pushed unity, things have severly broke.  whats 12.xx look like?17:15
AmpelbeinRyan_Reynolds: Yes, I have disabled desktop effects though. But I can play 3d-opengl games without problems.17:15
brontosaurusrexis it normal that ln command is limited to linking to same device/disk ?17:15
Ryan_Reynoldsas can i but i can't compiz cube17:15
MonkeyDustbrontosaurusrex  yes17:15
AmpelbeinRyan_Reynolds: Well, that's a different issue.17:16
Ryan_Reynoldsnope, it's directly related to my nvidia driver being activated but not in use17:16
brontosaurusrexMonkeyDust, and there is chance that symbolic version will work over a drive ?17:16
Ryan_Reynoldsif i remove that driver and go with the 'experimental' one17:16
Ryan_Reynoldsit works fine17:16
Ryan_Reynoldscompiz is a little slow with that driver and there's artifacts when i switch users17:17
brontosaurusrexMonkeyDust, i just a temporary file rename17:17
Ryan_Reynoldsbut the cube works fine17:17
Ryan_Reynoldsrotate cube works fine, etc17:17
Ryan_Reynoldsjust wondering if they're actually going to work on the issue, or just go with the current released fix of 'install 12.xx'17:17
bttfmy keyring password is the same as my login password, but i still receive a "keyring was not unlocked" prompt everytime i start my machine? anyone know how i can get rid of this?17:18
Ryan_Reynoldscause that's not really a fix17:18
Ryan_Reynoldsgiven the rate they're pushing bs into the current release, i'm not sure i want to see 12.xx17:18
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AmpelbeinRyan_Reynolds: I seem to can't find the bugnumber currently, can you point me to it?17:18
zykotick9bttf, do you have autologin enabled?17:19
alexiRyan_Reynolds: I don't want to see Gnome 3 at all))17:19
alexiAnd all releases with it17:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771788 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #539997 nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Medium,Fix released]17:20
Ryan_Reynoldsbut that's someone using 10.0417:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772207 in unity (Ubuntu) "version 173.14.30 driver is buggy for NVidia GeForce FX series" [Medium,Confirmed]17:21
HelloWorld321If I'm just messing around with Samba, and I'm thinking "ooh, domain controller, cool!", should I back off before I crash my network?17:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771788 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Medium,Fix released]17:21
AmpelbeinRyan_Reynolds: 772207 is about the legacy driver, 771788 is fixed.17:22
Ryan_Reynoldsyea the 'fix' is to install 12.xx17:22
Ryan_Reynoldsthat's not a fix17:22
Ryan_Reynoldsthat's an 'upgrade to alpha'17:22
Ryan_Reynoldswhich i will not do17:22
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
AmpelbeinRyan_Reynolds: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/771788/comments/662 says it's fixed for oneiric. (also check comment 663)17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771788 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Medium,Fix released]17:23
th^2should the "sh /home/th/pms-linux-1.20.412/PMS.sh" work as a path variable?17:23
dr_willispath vriable?17:24
dr_willisthats not a path17:24
llutzth^2: a script cannot be a PATH17:24
th^2llutz, aa okay...17:24
th^2so how do i make that script as a path?17:24
llutzyou want to add /home/th/pms-linux-1.20.412/  to your path or what? th^217:25
dr_willisyou dont understand paths :)17:25
th^2llutz, yes17:25
llutzexport PATH=PATH:/home/th/pms-linux-1.20.412/  th^217:25
llutzexport PATH=$PATH:/home/th/pms-linux-1.20.412/  th^217:25
dr_willislink it to a existing dir in your PATH or append it to the path like llutz  shows17:25
bttfzykotick9 where do i set autologin?17:27
th^2llutz, that one makes paths of the whole /pms folder and stuff in there=17:27
HelloWorld321"To use this application, you must be running the X Window System and have root privileges."  Does Unity count as an X Window System?17:27
dr_willisth^2:  thats how paths work17:27
dr_willisHelloWorld321:  X is the lowest layer of the GUI. unity runs on top of X17:28
zykotick9bttf, in 11.10 i have no idea - in prior versions, System / Admin / Login Screen17:28
llutzth^2: maybe you should explain what you really want to achieve17:28
HelloWorld321dr_willis: tx17:28
bttfzykotick9 i just checked that.. and it is already set to auto login17:29
toxboibttf: it's in system settings17:29
bttfits not that my machine doesn't login to its account but it wont pass it to the keyring prompt17:29
zykotick9bttf, if you have autologin enabled, that's why you need to type your password to unlock keyring - 2 options: 1) disable autologin or 2) clear the key ring password17:29
dr_willisyour login password and keyring password to not have to match17:30
dr_willisand you can set the keyring for an empty password17:30
icerootwhich is a big security-issue17:31
bttfyeah, id rather set auto login off i guess17:31
bttfif thats the ONLY fix :\17:31
th^2llutz, trying to make a path to playstation media center?17:31
dr_willismy grandkids may get on my i pc17:31
mang0How can I check if a port is open via terminal?17:31
HelloWorld321It looks to me like samba can be configured to join a windows domain, but not act as a primary domain controller?17:31
icerootmang0: nmap -p port hostname17:31
mang0iceroot: Cheers.17:31
icerootHelloWorld321: samba can be a PDC too and with samba4 also as AD17:32
Ampelbeinmang0: or 'netstat -tulpe' for your local system17:32
toxboimang0: just telnet to the port17:32
llutzth^2: define "path".  PATH is a variable holding directories the shell looks for executable files in. seem not to be what you call "path"17:32
mang0Ampelbein: Thanks.17:32
mang0toxboi: How? >.>17:32
toxboimang0: telent ip port17:32
mang0toxboi: Oh. K, also thanks!17:32
Guest82682Hi there, I have a problem with epiphany browser. It is very slow: it grays out as it is going to crash but then it comes back. (It might be somewhat related to flash...) Any ideas?17:32
toxboimang0: yw17:33
HelloWorld321iceroot: "samba 2:3.5.11~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1" doesn't look like that counts as samba4?17:33
th^2llutz, just that. i have my own folder where i put links to executables but that doesnt seem to work with pms :(17:33
yeatsGuest82682: have you tried running it from the command line to see what messages might be shown?17:34
icerootHelloWorld321: correct17:34
icerootHelloWorld321: you cant use it as AS but as a PDC (win2k domain)17:34
ubottuth^2:: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:34
Guest82682yeats: could you walk me through how to do that17:34
th^2llutz, link to pms gives error17:35
HelloWorld321iceroot: and samba4 is still experimental, so as an amateur, I'll back off from that.17:35
yeatsGuest82682: close epiphany, then open a terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T) and type 'epiphany'17:35
llutzth^2: errors like?17:35
yeatsGuest82682: when the slowdowns happen, check the terminal to see if there are error messages present17:36
icerootHelloWorld321: its just not stable,so there might be issues with it17:36
llutzth^2: maybe you need to write short wrapper-scripts. some scipts only work when running in a special directory17:36
HelloWorld321iceroot: with my samba 2:3.5.11~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1, do I need ldb-tools, openbsd-inetd or smbldap-tools to do PDC?17:36
icerootHelloWorld321: but running a basic AD domain is working good with it17:36
icerootHelloWorld321: no you can do it without them17:36
th^2llutz, :D stupid me. didnt make the link +x17:37
llutzth^2: you have to make the script +x, not the link17:37
th^2llutz, script i meant17:37
Guest82682yeats: at this time I could not even start it. the error message is: GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: time limit reached17:37
HelloWorld321iceroot: tx.  One more thing.  As mentioned previously, I'm an amateur, and I'm trying to configure it with the SAMBA Server Configuration gui tool.  Is there a better configuration tool?17:37
icerootHelloWorld321: you are talking about SWAT?17:38
HelloWorld321iceroot: I'm talking about system-config-samba 1.2.63-0ubuntu417:38
icerootHelloWorld321: never used it, i am only using an editor vor editing /etc/samba/smb.conf  so i dont know if the gui tool is good17:39
HelloWorld321iceroot: it's in the Ubuntu Software Center if you type Samba, its in as just "Samba", but its full name is "Samba Server Configuration"17:39
HelloWorld321iceroot: k, tx.  I was afraid of that.17:40
icerootHelloWorld321: swat - Samba Web Administration Tool17:40
icerootHelloWorld321: maybe have a look at that, that should be the common gui for samba. its also in the repos17:40
icerootHelloWorld321: if it is working with samba4 i dont know but it is working good with samba 3.x17:41
HelloWorld321iceroot: I don't like the notes on SWAT.  I think I'll get as far as I can with system-config-samba 1.2.63-0ubuntu417:43
HelloWorld321"SWAT is no longer actively maintained, and its default configuration is not secure for use over an untrusted network.  SWAT will also rewrite smb.conf, rearranging the entries and deleting all comments as well as include= and copy= options, so is not suitable for use in conjunction with hand-edited smb.conf files or the default package-managed configuration."17:43
norman__Hey guys, I installed xubuntu via wubi and I really like it. Is there a way for me to delete windows xp via xubuntu so that I don't need to select it when I start up?17:43
theadminnorman__: If you used wubi, you have to keep Windows.17:44
zykotick9norman__, if you used Wubi then xubuntu is actually inside your windows install17:44
doodlenox hey i have a 6 year old, p4 3ghz 2gb ram, crappy dell video card desktop - will this be ok for ubuntu]17:44
cowslammernorman, reinstall ubunto from scratch17:44
icerootHelloWorld321: that is alwaysw the problem with gui-tools when also editing the config by hand/dpkg17:44
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konamdoodlenox more than ok17:44
icerootHelloWorld321: because of that i am only editing directly the config. maybe have a look at #samba17:44
norman__The thing is I have no usb port or disk tray17:44
konamdoodlenox what's the brand of the card?17:45
alaingdoes anyone know the windows/ms freenode channel?17:45
norman__I have a SD card slot but idk if that is able to be turned into a bootable disk.17:45
dr_willis!info samba-doc17:45
icerootalaing: ##windows17:45
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.11~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 (oneiric), package size 1645 kB, installed size 7872 kB17:45
konamdoodlenox if it's an intel you might even get the visual effects out of the box :)17:45
iceroot!alis | alaing17:45
ubottualaing: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*17:45
alaingthanks iceroot17:45
icerootnorman__: depending on your bios17:45
doodlenoxkonam - http://i.imgur.com/DLl4E.png17:45
prouterhi I wonder can anyone help me, i need to permanently make and  amendment to the grub kernel line, i can temporarily edit it  on startup but i want to permenantly amend it17:46
HelloWorld321doodlenox: it will do, but it may color your experience with ubuntu in a very negative way.  I've always installed Ubuntu on old hardware, and it gets frustrating when somebody says "burn a cd", and you can't because the cd is broken, so they say "use a usb stick", and you can't because your usb reader is an older generation than your usb stick, and it just goes on.  My woman thinks that Ubuntu has crappy graphics ... but it's 17:46
HelloWorld321You can totally do it, just understand that Linux is just as powerful as the other operating systems when installed on an equally powerful computer17:46
konamdoodlenox i used to have one of those on an old desktop and i had the visual effects :)17:47
doodlenoxhellowrodl321 - i just have this desktop and barely use it, runs xp and i want to do something useful with it17:47
HelloWorld321doodlenox: makes sense17:47
doodlenoxis xbmc live a better idea..17:47
konamof course i just like the basic ones, wobbly windows, magic lamp window minimization effects, etc..17:47
dr_willisdoodlenox:  theres also the boxee live :)17:47
doodlenoxi would like to use this desktop with my xbmc appletv217:48
doodlenoxboxxe live hmm whats that like17:48
prouterhi I wonder can anyone help me, i need to permanently make and  amendment to the grub kernel line, i can temporarily edit it  on startup but i want to permenantly amend it17:48
zykotick9prouter, /etc/default/grub if you use grub217:48
dr_willisxbmc and boxee need some decent hardware if you dont want toehm to be sluggish17:48
prouterzykotick9: thanks17:48
dr_willisdoodlenox:  i saw some other mini disrto that ame with boxee the other day also.  I forget its name.. its like geexbox17:48
zykotick9prouter, "sudo update-grub" after any changes17:48
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prouterzykotick9: Thanks! :)17:49
A|i3NAny good Ubuntu command line crash courses out there?17:49
gladosv21anyone good with file recovery here? I recovered a file with photorec and now am quite sure I have the correct file, however, it's all gambled... how to 'repair' it to get readable again, even if it's just partly?17:49
ahoneybunA|i3N, as in to learn commands?17:49
ahoneybungladosv21, file type? .odt, .docx?17:50
gladosv21file is xml17:50
dr_willisA|i3N:  theres tons of bash tutoriual sites.. no need to be ubuntu specific17:50
A|i3NYea, basic to advanced usage of various commands. I Know I can use man, but I'd like something to study over, getting ready for an interview tuesday17:50
synapseif I copy /boot/config-2.6.32-35-generic to .config in my kernel src dir, does that ensure the same kernel (for the most part) will be made?17:50
synapseand do I need to actually use make menuconfig?17:51
ahoneybunA|i3N, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/ very nice and simple17:51
dr_willisdoodlenox:  check out this xbmc disrto also -> http://openelec.tv/news/item/207-openelec-1-released17:52
A|i3NThanks :) I know enough to get the job but I'm trying to impress, maybe I'll get tier 2 lol17:52
ahoneybunA|i3N, not really CL when I look17:52
ikoniasynapse: you shouldn't use other kernels configs on different kernel versions17:52
dr_willisA|i3N:  find a copy of Oreially's using bash book...17:52
ahoneybunA|i3N, are you trying to learn apt-get commands and such, or script writing?17:52
gladosv21anyone have a clue to repair the xml file?17:53
bastidrazorA|i3N: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/index.html  might help a bit.17:53
tarvidstartup-disk-creator 11.10-server-i386 created empty file system tried to rerun 2mb available , erase disk, disappears and switches to external backup drive, help!17:53
dr_willisgladosv21:  as far as i know an xml file is all ascii/text. so whats to repair.17:53
gladosv21dr_willis: well it's all gambled tekst, all strange marks, etc17:53
A|i3NNo scripting yet. Just basic command line stuff like cat, find, ... tcpdump (learned quite a bit about that one, pretty cool lol)... just basic stuff17:54
gladosv21so my guess is, it misses a few bits/bytes, but don't have a clue how to fix it17:54
dr_willisgladosv21:  if the file is currupted.. then its mesed up.. unless its some odd encoding issue.17:54
dr_willisit should be very human readable. You could just pastebin it for us to look at.17:54
gladosv21dr_willis: yes it is definitely messed up :P but I think, don't have anything to back that up, but I think it misses a few bits and therefore is unreadable, like that it starts reading on the wrong spot... don't know for sure, not really into this17:55
Rictoohi, im trying to append two very high resolution images to create an ~18000x15000 pixel image. its obviously taking a lot of time (5-10minutes). is there any way to speed up the process?17:55
Rictooim using the convert tool from imagemagick :)17:55
ikoniaRictoo: it can only really go as fast as your machine can deal with it17:56
gladosv21dr_willis: first few is like this: �%^W�&y���%�^V�17:56
A|i3Nbastidrazor: Thank you, that looks helpful considering this is for a large media company that uses this stuff17:56
dr_willisgladosv21:  i would say.., its toast..17:56
BluesKajDRW_, , my memory fails ...what's the command in the terminal to make a particular app default ?17:56
Rictoodoes anyone have access to very high resolution histological slides by chance? =D17:57
bastidrazorA|i3N: you're welcome17:57
theadminBluesKaj: update-alternatives17:57
gladosv21dr_willis: isn't it possible that, say, the file recovery tool missed one bit, and if you prepend that bit, it all gets readable again?17:57
BluesKajDRW_, pls ignore the above post17:57
dr_willisBluesKaj:  you mean the update-alternatives tool?17:57
dr_willisgladosv21:  i would doubt it.17:57
gladosv21hmm ok17:57
th^2hmm my fresh lubuntu install doesnt find my wifi card.. iwconfig shows it ok. is there anyway to set up wifi without network-manager?17:58
gladosv21anyone know a channel that is more focussed on this topic?17:58
dr_willisif the bit that changed was a pointer to a differnt file.. :)17:58
lan3yhey i have a new laptop which has a intel hd3000 / ati radeon 6650m combo i would like to use the amd in ubuntu, whenever i attempt to install drivers X doesn't start on reboot, it either leaves me on "checking battery state" or the ubuntu splash.17:59
BluesKajdr_willis, the update-alternatives seems to be for browsers...how is it used for other apps17:59
ikoniaBluesKaj: it's use for other apps, such as java, mail server, etc etc.17:59
ikoniaBluesKaj: not used for desktop apps though17:59
ikoniaBluesKaj: (or many desktop apps, as thats normally handled through the window manager)17:59
dr_willisBluesKaj:  theres some list thing to show all the alternetives. its used for Much more then browsers18:00
dr_willis!info galternatives18:00
ubottugalternatives (source: galternatives): graphical setup tool for the alternatives system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.5+nmu2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 29 kB, installed size 292 kB18:00
lan3yalso whenever i run fglrxinfo i get "X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)"18:00
BluesKajdr_willis, ikonia , thanks :)18:01
frekoI've installed dvb-apps and kafeine, downloaded the firmware for my dvb usb stick (dvb-usb-vp7045-01.fw  on linuxtv.org). I have placed it on /lib/firmware but after reboot Ubuntu assistant for digital TV installation doesn't recognize my dvb receiver.18:01
doodlenoxdrwillis - i am going to try ubuntu10.11 desktop - via usb.. am i mad18:02
ikoniafreko: is the device seen by the OS ?18:02
HelloWorld321doodlenox: that's how I did it18:02
HelloWorld321(I think I mentioned that my cd player was broken)18:03
th^2hmm my fresh lubuntu install doesnt find my wifi card.. iwconfig shows it ok. is there anyway to set up wifi without network-manager?18:03
ikoniafreko: ok, so you need to address that before dealing with any applications18:03
ikoniafreko: is the card supported by linux ?18:03
HelloWorld321doodlenox: I had no trouble installing via USB with Maverick or Ocelot, but I did with Natty.18:03
frekoyes it is18:03
frekoYes, in kernel since 2.6.1318:04
ikoniafreko: ok - so what does the syslog say about it, why can't it be seen18:04
konamdoodlenox i use ubuntu 10.10 and i installed it via usb18:05
frekohow can I watch my syslog?18:05
konamyou won't have a problem with it18:05
ikoniafreko: open it with a text editor18:06
MrS1lentczafter problems with install ubuntu/kubuntu into dualboot i had to install it as signle boot. fine. i choose installed AUTOmatically kubuntu do FULL DISK and during the installation flash the message with:18:06
MrS1lentcz"the grub efi package failed to install into /target/. Without te grub boot loader, the installed syste will be not boot."18:06
WinCamXPHello...I want to know a little thingy about SSH18:07
WinCamXPI start a Minecraft server (it runs in the terminal, it's Java) using this Ubuntu machine, however I would like to access the console after it has already started over SSH.18:07
WinCamXPHow would I do this?18:07
frekoikonia, where is the file?18:08
dr_willisWinCamXP:  learn to use screen and or byobu.18:08
frekonot on ~18:08
dr_willisWinCamXP:  or just ssh in again from a new putty/ssh/whatever terminal18:08
ikoniafreko: /var/log18:08
dr_willisWinCamXP:  or start the command with a & at the end to spawn it to the background.18:08
dr_willisWinCamXP:  screen would be a good tool to learn18:09
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WinCamXPSo I can use screen to access a terminal open on the screen over SSH?18:09
dr_willis!info screen18:10
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 582 kB, installed size 1044 kB18:10
WinCamXPIs there a way to perform this without creen/byobu?18:11
frekoikonia, it's my sysslog file http://paste.ubuntu.com/744492/18:11
WinCamXPbecause I manually open the server from the server machine, and then I want to access the server console from a different machine over SSH18:11
dr_willisWinCamXP:  i mentioned &  - read up on bash job controll18:11
ikoniafreko: looks good18:11
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:11
bttfWinCamXP are you trying to access the same exact console window that you used on your machine, or just need a general terminal connection?18:12
WinCamXPI have a terminal open on my machine running a Minecraft server, and I want to access that same terminal froma  different machine18:12
WinCamXPover SSH18:12
bttfok so when you start that terminal up on your server, make sure you do screen -xR first18:12
bttfand then when you connect from another machine, type in screen -xR18:13
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WinCamXPI laucnh it with a .sh script18:13
bttfdo screen -xR and then launch the script18:13
untitled_onlySup room18:13
WinCamXPshould I add screen -xR before or after the java blahblah?18:13
frekoikonia, w_scan give me main:3118: FATAL: ***** NO USEABLE DVB-T CARD FOUND. *****18:13
dr_willisWinCamXP:  you start screen and use it as your shell]18:13
bttfbefore everything18:13
WinCamXPbecause currently, this is the script: (gimme a sec)18:13
dr_willisbyobu can set itself to start automatically18:13
ikoniafreko: I told you to forget about the application until you get the system to see it18:13
asdf_hi there, I'm troubleshooting a no-audio problem in my laptop. Anyone can tellme witch model should I choose from this list? http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt18:13
dr_willisWinCamXP:  you start the tool befor the sh command.. its that simple18:14
asdf_I've an XPS 134018:14
dr_willisthen you can have a 100+ shells going via screen if you wanted to18:14
frekook I understand18:14
dr_willisyou logoutm then ssh back in.. and they will all still be there WinCamXP18:14
WinCamXPso I change the script to this: http://pastebin.com/uE5xCm1C18:15
WinCamXPand then when I ssh, just use "screen -xR" and it will work?18:16
SilfenXI m running a wftp server on ubuntu over a PPTP VPN connection that blocks all ports below 1025, thus I have moved all default ports above this blocked range in wftpd settings and also made adjustments accordingly in the router port forwarding section but my specific ports remain closed. Do I have to allow external connections to wftpd somewhere in ubuntu too?18:16
frekoikonia, how can I add my peripherics on the systeme?18:16
dr_willisyou run screen when you first log in WinCamXP . spend some time playing with screen.18:16
WinCamXPwould it work with my script?18:16
ikoniafreko: you need to see if the system sees the device and what warning/error it gives when it see it in the sylog18:16
dr_willisWinCamXP:  OR if this is a ubuntu box. use byobu, its a more friendly screen variant18:16
ShawnRiskI am getting unknown proftpd in the ftp logs and not sure how to fix this?  I am using Ubuntu 11.04.  Any ideas?18:17
dr_willisWinCamXP:  your script has nothing to do with screen....18:17
bttfconfigure: error: Package requirements (x11 xi xrandr xinerama) were not met... is there a giant package i can get that will take care of these dependencies??18:17
dr_willisscreen/byobu is giveing you  easier shell ussage.18:17
WinCamXPI just want to simply access a terminal open in a window on this over SSH18:17
ikoniabttf: what are you trying to install ?18:17
bttfcompiling some wacom drivers18:17
bttfrunning a file called autogen.sh18:18
ikoniabttf: they wacom drivers are in the repos, you don't need to compile them18:18
dr_willisWinCamXP:  so... install and run byobu, set it to be your default shell.. and awy you go.. run  your server, start a new terminal... repeat as needed18:18
WinCamXPae all of the commands and whatnot the same as bash?18:18
bttfyou can't possibly knwo what my situation is, so please , id appreciate if you didn't avert from the original question18:18
ikoniabttf: help yourself then18:18
bttfits not like i havent18:19
WinCamXPif I set byobu to the default shell, when I launch the server, how would I access it over SSH after it has already been launched?18:19
tollandhi, in 11.10 desktop is there a package to add the full apps menu hierarchy to the launcher bar?18:19
bekksWinCamXP: You cant.18:19
bekksWinCamXP: Dont set it as default shell.18:19
WinCamXPokay, well, bekks, I just want to be able to access a terminal open in a window over SSH18:20
bekksWinCamXP: Then use bash as default shell, and start screen within, after login in over ssh, just use screen -DR18:20
bttfWinCamXP i already told you man18:20
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mang0I'm trying to set up an FTP server, following this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632841 however, I can't seem to port foward? :/ I've got a siemans gigaset se572 router @ any help fowarding port 80 like the page says would be great :)18:21
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bttfas soon as you start your server, do a screen -xR before anything, and then do your stuff18:21
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ikoniamang0: contact your router support resources18:21
Guest98475yeats: It's me again (with the problem in epiphany). This is the error message I got: NSPlugin Viewer  *** ERROR: rpc_end_sync called when not in sync!18:21
bttfand when you access the machine from another computer, just type screen -xR and you will see everything on your server's terminal window18:21
WinCamXPbekks: so just start it normally on the server machine, then SSH into it from another machine, use screen -DR and it will work?18:21
bastidrazormang0: its possibly your ISP is blocking port 8018:21
mang0ikonia: I'm pretty certain it's nothing to do with that. I just don't know how to do it....18:21
bekksWinCamXP: As you've been already told, yes. :)18:21
mang0bastidrazor ------------_^18:21
bastidrazorWinCamXP: or screen -x18:21
frekoikonia, with cat and grep can you help my to parse my syslog file?18:21
ikoniamang0: then you'll need to contact your ISP as the port forwarding isn't an ubuntu feature18:22
WinCamXPokay, bttf, so read the script between the dashes here: http://pastebin.com/uE5xCm1C - and then do screen -xR in SSH?18:22
ShawnRiskI am getting unknown proftpd in the ftp logs and not sure how to fix this?  I am using Ubuntu 11.04.  Any ideas?18:22
ikoniafreko: read through the syslog, look for the device and read the errors/warnings ?18:22
bttfyeah thats fine WinCamXP18:22
gunfire007which is the best open source software for audio video conferencing ?18:22
bastidrazormang0: http://portforward.com  will help you18:22
WinCamXPlet me test it18:22
mang0ikonia: true. k.18:22
mang0bastidrazor: Ah, cool!18:22
WinCamXPwill the terminal still open in a window on the server machine?18:22
pierre_Hi, I need to change permission -rw-r--r-- 1 pete pete but when I chmod 644 *, I get -rw-r--r 1 root root. Why?18:23
dr_willisWinCamXP:  no.. its all a multiplexed single window.18:23
ikoniapierre_: chmod does not change the owner18:23
ikoniapierre_: chown changes the owner18:23
blackeyeddoes any one can help me with some issues in banshee?18:23
pierre_thanks ikonia!18:23
MrSassyPantsfor the love of god, is there something else for scanning than xsane?18:23
MrSassyPantsxsane is positively horrible18:23
ubottuScanning software: Simple-Scan (GNOME), Xsane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR18:24
popeyMrSassyPants: simple-scan18:24
dr_willisi think simple-scan is all i use :)18:24
WinCamXPI got s "1: screen not found"18:24
Guest98475yeats: and I also get this error message in epiphany: *** NSPlugin Wrapper *** WARNING:(/build/buildd/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4/src/npw-wrapper.c:2219):invoke_NPP_SetWindow: assertion failed: (rpc_method_invoke_possible(plugin->connection))18:24
dr_willisWinCamXP:  you really should spend 20 min or so reading some screen tutorials.18:24
Rei`Has anyone tried Ubuntu on the Toshiba NB550D-T10 or U10? I'm really looking for an opinion on how well the C60 based models run Ubuntu Unity18:24
blackeyedI need some help with banshee..18:25
ikonia!hcl | Rei`18:25
ubottuRei`: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:25
blackeyedsome one18:25
dr_willisWinCamXP:  or just use byobu instead of screen http://www.serverwatch.com/tutorials/article.php/3906541/Byobu-Like-Screen-but-Better.htm18:25
ikoniaRei`: check out the hardware components and you'll get a fair idea of how supported it is18:25
Rei`ikonia: Checked the wiki, it's not there18:25
popey!ask | blackeyed18:25
ubottublackeyed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:25
WinCamXPlook, if I start the server normally and then SSH, and use screen -DR, and it will work?18:25
ikoniaRei`: don't look for the specific model, look at it's compoenents18:25
dr_willisWinCamXP:  screen will give you a multiplxed shell.. yes18:26
|Shay|WinCamXP: It should, but Byoubu does a lot of the configuring for you18:26
Rei`I'm looking at battery life more than anything, I'm pretty confident that the main components will work as they're fairly typical18:26
dr_willisWinCamXP:  if you get disconnected.. you reconnect, and run screen and all will be as you left it.18:26
ShawnRiskseems no one can help me18:26
WinCamXPWhat I'm saying is I will NOT use any screen commands AT ALL on the server, and then if I use screen -DR in SSH, it will connect to the terminal i want?18:26
ikoniaRei`: the battery life is normally the ball park of the advertised battery life from the manucaturer, most models fall into the ball park18:27
dr_willisWinCamXP:  you are confiused about terms.. you ssh to the server, and screen runs ON the server.18:27
|Shay|WinCamXP: Yes18:27
dr_willis screen then runs the terminals on the server18:27
|Shay|WinCamXP: That's what sreen does18:27
Rei`ikonia: Does Linux get a similar battery life to Windows? Manufacturer says circa 9 hours of light use18:27
dr_willishttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935  screen for beginners18:27
ikoniaRei`: normally in the same ball park unless there is a specific problem with it18:27
doodlenoxok so now i have ubuntu installed18:27
doodlenoxany ideas on how best to get sound working18:28
dr_willisnight all18:28
untitled_onlyAuto config18:28
blackeyedI need to go to the channel #banshee on irc.gnome.org, how can i do that?18:28
PeteM143Hi everyone! is this the ubuntu tech support forum?18:29
ikoniaPeteM143: it's an irc channel for ubuntu support, yes18:29
pangolinblackeyed: /server irc.gnome.org18:29
PeteM143Excellent.. I'm in the right place18:29
untitled_onlyHow can we help u?18:29
doodlenoxi have no sound but it seems that everything is installed correctly.. any quick fixes18:29
PeteM143I'm a noob at Ubuntu 11.10 (experienced Windows User)18:30
frekoikonia, i thinks the error msg is "Nov 20 19:29:21 media-serveur kernel: [ 6964.144037] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -62"18:30
blackeyedim using Xchat, where do u now where i can change that value to irc.gnome.org?18:30
untitled_onlyJoin charring18:30
untitled_onlyJoin chat18:30
ikoniafreko: sadly that doesn't give us much18:30
PeteM143Trying to install a printer. I downloaded the cups driver /home/peteslaptop/Downloads/cupswrapperHL2280DW-2.0.4-2.i386.rpm18:31
pangolinblackeyed: in the Network List18:31
CharminTheMooseHow can I remove libcups2 without it taking half my system with it?18:31
ikoniaPeteM143: that's an rpm package for redhat systems, not ubuntu systems18:31
ActionParsnipPeteM143: you want a deb. Is there no deb file?18:31
Guest98475Hi there, I have the following error in epiphany: *** NSPlugin Wrapper *** WARNING:(/build/buildd/nspluginwrapper-1.4.4/src/npw-wrapper.c:2219):invoke_NPP_SetWindow: assertion failed: (rpc_method_invoke_possible(plugin->connection)) - it is almost about to crash18:31
PeteM143Hmmm didn't see one on the brother site18:32
ActionParsnipPeteM143: is it a Brother printer?18:32
keithclarkI am trying to access an application on a remote machine via ssh -X host, but when I do I get 'Error: no display specified'.  Any idea on how to correct this?18:32
PeteM143Yes, HL280DW18:32
WinCamXPokay, will somebody help me?18:32
WinCamXPWhen I use screen -DR, it just starts a blank terminal at the home dir18:33
untitled_onlyCheck the remote host18:33
ikoniaWinCamXP: you've been getting help18:33
ikoniaWinCamXP: did you read the screen tutorial/basics as suggested18:33
untitled_onlyMake sure u got the correct path18:33
pikaciudoodlenox: try system - preferences -  sound - output and change  Connector18:33
WinCamXPjust tell me what I need to do to start a terminal on this machine, and then be able to access the same terminal on a different one over SSH18:33
WinCamXPthat's ALL I want18:33
stillParsnipPetem143: i know for a fact they have debs18:33
ikoniaWinCamXP: you're running a terminal - that's the blank session you see18:34
ikoniaWinCamXP: that is a new shell for you to use18:34
PeteM143OK Action.. Where might I find these?18:34
stillParsnipPeteM143: stupid GSM blackspot disconnected me18:34
PeteM143and do I need the terminal to install18:34
WinCamXPI want to have the window OPEN on the server machine AND open on the SSH client18:34
madoohi evry one there18:34
ikoniaWinCamXP: that's a different situation and more complex18:34
madooi need hellp plz18:35
untitled_onlyStart screen18:35
stillParsnipPeteM143: search for: brother Linux     and you'll find the site18:35
frekoikonia I don't found any other error18:35
conbotdon't you guys get a bunch of trolls in here?18:35
ikoniaWinCamXP: you'd need to launch a session on the machine when it boots up underscreen control, then connect to that later.18:35
ikoniaWinCamXP: if you read the screen tutorial you'll get an idea of what people are tryig to explain to you18:35
WinCamXPWhat if I initiate the server normally over SSH with java -Xm...blah..., would it run in SSH?18:35
BluesKajGuest98475, try reinstalling nspluginwrapper , or if you're on Oneiric 64bit system remove it and install gnash , and make sure you have multiarch-support installed aswell18:36
conbotthat is not noobish18:36
ikoniaWinCamXP: depends on the java application18:36
WinCamXPit's a minecraft srver18:36
WinCamXPruns in the terminal18:36
madoomy flv vedio not play its want gstreamer but when i download thats its cant setup18:36
ikoniaWinCamXP: if it is a terminal driven application, sure18:36
conbotthis is my equation: easy_to_use * noob = troll18:36
madooplz i need some one hell me for thats18:36
ikoniaWinCamXP: ssh in, start a screen session, launch minecraft, disconnect the screen session18:36
ikoniaconbot: what are you blathering on about18:36
Darkenvypowerbook running ubuntu: I cant get yaboot to change settings under "/etc/yaboot.conf"18:37
ikoniaconbot: no-one is trolling, this is a support channel, please stick to that topic18:37
DarkenvyI change the file but it does not apply when booting the powerbook18:37
untitled_onlyConbot go to ##ubuntu off subject. This is help only18:37
WinCamXPI understand SSH is different than the terminal window on the machine itself18:37
stillParsnipPeteM143: you can. Or you can install the common followed by the wrapper deb18:37
WinCamXPit's like a personal terminal for each client18:37
ikoniaWinCamXP: it will be fine18:37
WinCamXPso if I START the server over SSH, I'dd assume it would run entirely in the SSH terminal.18:38
ikoniaWinCamXP: yes18:38
WinCamXPWhat happens if I disconnect?18:38
ikoniaWinCamXP: nothing, READ the screen basics18:38
WinCamXPI'm not going to use any screen commands for this, what happens when I disconnect from SSH?18:38
stillParsnipPeteM143: what model is the printer please?18:38
WinCamXPafter I started the server using SSH.18:39
ikoniaWinCamXP: it will die18:39
WinCamXPso it just kils the server?18:39
BajingaHow would I go about putting an application onto the Software Centre if I had the code?18:39
WinCamXPwhat screen command could prevent that?18:39
blackeyed2some one can say me where i can find support for banshee app?18:39
pangolinWinCamXP: if you want to understand and learn you need to read the tutorial you were linked18:39
untitled_onlyAdd source18:39
WinCamXPlink again?18:39
ikoniaWinCamXP: I'm not helping you any more - you refuse to read the screen basics that would answer this in about 15 minutes18:39
ikoniaWinCamXP: no - I'm done18:39
PeteM143Its a HL-2280DW. I'm not sure how all these work, as I'm very new to it all18:39
WinCamXPI'll read t, just link it again please18:39
ikoniayou've had your chance18:40
WinCamXP!help screen18:40
WinCamXP.....I tried18:40
pangolinWinCamXP: http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/1493518:40
WinCamXPhank you18:40
blackeyed2some one can help me in banshee??18:40
untitled_onlyHow may I help u?18:40
blackeyed2i cant add a podcast18:41
stillParsnipPeteM143: its not hard. The wrapper depends on the common, so common needs installing first18:41
DarkenvyNevermind, I solved my issue by running "ybin" after enditing "/etc/yaboot.conf". Thank you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26471218:41
PeteM143When I was looking on the site, it didn't indicate a .deb file was needed,but I'm betting they assume you kinda know what you're doing, which I don't just yet18:41
untitled_onlyDo u have the url?18:41
CharminTheMooseI'm trying to remove everything CUPS related from my system (am running a laptop), how necessary is the ubuntu-desktop package?18:41
ikoniaCharminTheMoose: it's just a meta package18:41
ikoniaCharminTheMoose: why do you want to remove it all ?18:41
bastidrazorCharminTheMoose: you could just stop the service.18:42
Shirakawasunait isn't necessary, CharminTheMoose, but the next time you upgrade I believe it's the ubuntu-desktop package that pulls in some of the new standard stuff (e.g. if banshee is dropped)18:42
CharminTheMooseikonia, I'm running a laptop, so I don't need printing facilities on it.18:42
FusionXwhy do the fonts on firefox in ubuntu feel different than firefox in windows?18:42
PeteM143OK. is this 'common' an .lpr or cups? not sure exactly how to install. not like windows with a .exe18:42
ikoniaCharminTheMoose: so just disable it18:42
ikoniaCharminTheMoose: removing it is overkill18:42
blackeyed2when i try to add the url of the podcast nothing happens18:42
untitled_onlyBecause it is...18:42
untitled_onlyTry restarting the application18:43
pangolinPeteM143: the Brother site has instructions just make sure to follow the ones for Ubuntu/Debian18:43
FusionXalso, can I replace xfce's volume control with unity's volume control?18:43
CharminTheMooseikonia, I don't really want unused packages taking up diskspace either.18:43
boxybrownanyone with experience using x2go?18:43
stillParsnipwelcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_prn.html  PeteM14318:43
ShirakawasunaFusionX: windows and linux usually have different fonts18:44
ikoniaCharminTheMoose: it doesn't take up much, but other applications want the cups system to be there, so keep it simple and just disable it18:44
ShirakawasunaFusionX: what do you want in the xfce volume control that the unity one has?18:44
stillParsnipPeteM143: its exactly the same method as dumb exes. Just install one deb then the other. Same doubleclick style.18:44
CharminTheMooseikonia, fair point I guess. How would I go about disabling the daemon?18:45
stillParsnipPeteM143: i can't see a single difference i18:45
ikoniadisable the upstart job for it18:45
ikonia!upstart | CharminTheMoose18:45
ubottuCharminTheMoose: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:45
PeteM143No terminal required?18:45
CharminTheMooseThank you ikonia :)18:46
untitled_onlyAandroid isn't here?18:46
WinCamXPI just read that thing, and the server is runnign on screen 1.18:46
WinCamXPI tried using SSH, but aparently it's using separate screens18:46
stillParsnipPeteM143: you can install debs in terminal if you want, you can even use wget to download the debs in terminal if you want.18:46
WinCamXPbecause I did ctrl-A 1, and it said "this is screen 1 (bash)"18:47
=== kish__ is now known as kish
PeteM143Remember, I'm really new at this... wget?18:47
Icy_mist566I need some help18:47
WinCamXPcould somebody please tell me what I did wrong18:47
Guest98475BluesKaj: thanks, I almost found the solution myself (I re-installed the viewer). Do you know whether the packages used by epiphany are anyway connected to rhytmbox? (I was formally Guest98475)18:47
untitled_onlyApt-get install18:47
stillParsnipPeteM143: if i wasn't on my phone i'd make you a script you can run and it will be fine18:48
stillParsnipPeteM143: wget is a way to download files in terminal18:48
PeteM143OK. No Worries. I'm learning. ever so new at this18:48
blackeyed2<untitled_only> Blackeyed218:48
untitled_onlySame here, working from a iPod touch18:48
PeteM143so I simply type wget in the directory where the files are?18:49
ShirakawasunaWinCamXP: what are you trying to do?18:49
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pangolinPeteM143: for now focus on getting the printer working.18:49
Icy_mist566Ok how do i log in terminal as root18:49
WinCamXPI'm trying to sue the screen command to run a Minecaft server terminal in a window on the server machine, and acceds that same terminal over SSH18:50
pangolinIcy_mist566: sudo -i18:50
untitled_onlyBlackeyed2 what's the problem?18:50
ShirakawasunaIcy_mist566: you login as your user first, then sudo su18:50
pangolinno sudo -i18:50
Icy_mist566thanks, i was trying to log in like i was using fedora18:50
PeteM143OK pangolin. I have the page with the brother instructions as Still Parsnip guided me18:50
untitled_onlyU can use both sudo -I or su18:51
untitled_onlyThey are both root18:51
navatwoHi, I need to restart compiz, from a tty. How would I go about this?18:51
Da|Mummywhenever i try and install ubuntu on my netbook, the install boot stops at " * Stopping System V runlevel compatibility         [ OK ]18:51
pangolinPeteM143: I say that because it is easy to get yourself lost in learning something new and forgetting what you want to actually get done. :)18:51
bytenikHi all -- what might make a program work just fine from the console but freeze when called from a PROGRAM stanza in a udev rule?18:51
PeteM143The instructions don't mention a .deb file18:51
PeteM143No worries... I gotcha18:51
navatwoDa|Mummy: you might have to set parameters in the booting of Linux.. check for special instructions with your model of netbook18:51
Icy_mist566well, for some reason the password i have wouldn’t work and my user account is an admin, but it still would say authentication error18:51
PeteM143only an .lpr and a .cups18:52
ShirakawasunaIcy_mist566: if you're new to linux stuff in general, be careful... you can damage things while root18:52
pikaciuunititled_only: on my  system sudo -i works bat su not at all18:52
Da|Mummynavatwo, where would i check for this?18:52
pangolinPeteM143: right, they assume the user knows a little more then they do but you are running Ubuntu so you must use the debs18:52
navatwoDa|Mummy: google is a first step :)18:52
navatwoubottu: compiz18:52
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz18:52
Icy_mist566Im not new, im just new to ubuntu18:53
untitled_onlyU might have to create a password of the root18:53
jazzzzzi try to compil alsa and i have some trouble18:53
jazzzzzcan somebody help me?18:53
PeteM143OK.. so I need to download the deb. Is there a difference in versions I need to worry about?18:53
navatwoIcy_mist566: `sudo passwd root`18:53
untitled_onlyUse passwd18:53
pikaciuuntitled_only: ok tx18:53
untitled_onlyNo problem18:53
pangolinPeteM143: get the most recent version18:54
prouterA|i3N, #bash18:54
oCeannavatwo: please don't suggest that here18:54
=== mightyArrun is now known as tutule
PeteM143OK.. Let me look18:54
=== tutule is now known as mightyArrun
jazzzzzthis is the last line of the compil  : make: *** [install-headers] Erreur 118:55
navatwooCean: which?18:56
jazzzzzi don't know what to do....18:56
oCeannavatwo: enabling root password is not supported18:56
navatwohe was asking for it..18:56
jazzzzza problem of compilation i guess but idon't know why18:56
navatwobut, OK18:56
jazzzzzcan somebody help me?18:56
ikoniajazzzzz: alsa is already available for you pre-compiled in the ubuntu repos18:56
ikoniajazzzzz: you don't need to compile it18:56
untitled_onlyOk I'm taking a break... Be back later18:56
ShawnRiskI was able to figure out my other problem18:57
jazzzzzyes i need because i have a special external sound card and i need to recompil18:57
StepNjumpHi, a chmod/chown question: Is there a way to change all folders and files in the home directory (other than hidden and system files)'s attributes at once? Yesterday I moved files from a sdc1 partition using root but now there's a whole bunch of files that are stamped root!18:57
ikoniajazzzzz: why do you need to re-copile, what is the option you need to use ?18:57
ikoniaStepNjump: chown -R18:58
StepNjumpsorry ikonia, if you wrote me.. I didn't read it because I had to reset my app18:58
Rya_nHow do I install pypanel?18:58
StepNjumpyes ikonia but won't that change the attributes to the system files and hidden files?18:58
ikoniaStepNjump: use sudo18:58
Rya_nHow do I install pypanel? It isn't in the repositories.18:59
ikoniaStepNjump: it will change all files18:59
FusionXShirakawasuna: Xfce volume control doesn't use the maximum volume of my speakers like in Windows. In ubuntu, unity, there was an option to increase the volume beyond 100% that fixed this problem.18:59
StepNjumpok thanks ikonia18:59
ikoniaStepNjump: you'll need to be clever and use something like grep to remove . files18:59
StepNjumpI'll try it18:59
FusionXShirakawasuna: sorry for the late reply though18:59
ShirakawasunaFusionX: ah, I see. See if you can tweak this with alsa.18:59
ShirakawasunaFusionX: crank up your volume to max with the xfce applet, then open a terminal and run alsamixer19:00
ShirakawasunaFusionX: is either 'Master' or 'PCM' below 100%?19:00
pooltableneed a epub reader thanks ?19:00
Rya_nHow do I install pypanel? It isn't in the repositories.19:01
pangolinRya_n: download the source and compile it19:01
Rya_nhow do I compile?19:01
=== iqpi is now known as {qp}
ikoniaRya_n: the instructions should be on pypannel site19:01
jazzzzz<ikonia> the card is not detected and they say i must recompil with the last alsa version19:02
ikoniajazzzzz: who says ?19:02
pikaciuRya_n: usually  you cd in the dir and type configure - make  - make install19:02
ikoniaRya_n: ignore what pikaciu said19:02
ikoniaRya_n: read the install instructions19:02
pikaciuwhy  ???19:03
ikoniapikaciu: because you don't type commands like that blind19:03
jazzzzzis tha enough?19:03
ikoniajazzzzz: those modules are already in the kernel19:03
ikoniaintel-hda is already supported in the current ubuntu alsa build19:04
StepNjumpikonia, now I have another problem.... Is there a way to target chmod and chown just at folders OR files specifically?19:05
keithclarkikonia, Actually I'm curious, where are the install directions on the PyPanel page?  I don't seem to find them myself.19:05
ikoniaStepNjump: no, you'll have to be clever with grep for example to make a list of what you want to change19:06
jpmhI am new to 11.10 and the new interface - I think I like it - in the old GNOME I had a couple of things in the panel I liked: weather and system monitor - how do I do that in unity?19:06
ikoniakeithclark: I've not loked19:06
pangolinkeithclark: last modified in 2005...not worth the time19:06
jazzzzz<ikonia> yes but cat /proc/asound/cards don't show the card19:06
ikoniakeithclark: it will be on the page, in the source tarball etc19:06
StepNjumpmmm that seems to be complex ikonia. Ok thanks!19:06
jazzzzz<ikonia> can we speak private please?19:06
ikoniajazzzzz: no need to speak in private19:06
keithclarkikonia, ah, I see.19:06
jazzzzzso the module is here19:07
jazzzzzbut i don't see the card19:07
ikoniais the module loaded ?19:07
jazzzzzsomeone have exactly the same trouble and compil19:07
ikoniajazzzzz: ok - talk to them then19:08
jazzzzzhere but in french sorry19:08
ikoniajazzzzz: that's for a PCI card19:08
ikoniapcmcia card sorry19:08
ringsoforionis there a url with installation instructions for the resume and intel hd problems for a leveno z570 ubuntu 10.04 installation19:08
jazzzzzso what should i do to see my card?19:08
ikoniaso what has that got to do with your card19:08
jazzzzzmine is psmcia too19:08
jazzzzzexactly the same19:09
ikoniajazzzzz: find out if the module is loaded19:09
jazzzzzno it's not19:09
jazzzzzbut i can't do it19:09
=== root is now known as Guest83466
ikoniajazzzzz: look in the syslog to see if your card is seen19:09
ikoniajazzzzz: ok - the modules not loaded, so that's why you can't see it19:09
ikonia(the card)19:09
StepNjumpikonia, I found this fyi: chmod -R 0700 *19:09
StepNjump chmod 0600 $(find . ! -type d)19:09
jazzzzzhow I load it?19:10
ikoniajazzzzz: modeprobe19:10
ikoniajazzzzz: modprobe19:10
ikoniaStepNjump: don't recommend either of those, but your call19:10
jazzzzzmodprobe snd-emu10k119:11
jazzzzzwhen i do that it looks ok19:11
jazzzzzbut the card is not seen more19:11
ikoniajazzzzz that's not the intel-hda module19:11
jazzzzzno it's not19:12
ikoniajazzzzz: so why are you doing that then ?19:12
jazzzzzthe modul is for my card emu1616m19:12
StepNjumpikonia, why?19:12
ikoniaStepNjump: because they won't do what you want19:12
jazzzzzand the modul is snd-emu10k119:12
ikoniajazzzzz: then why did you give me this link http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel19:12
PeteM143I did discover a printer install 'help' it is linux-brprinter-installer-1.0.3-1.gz19:12
PeteM143I'm not sure what to do with that19:13
jazzzzzoh i'm sorry this is a mistake19:13
jazzzzza big one i'm sorry19:13
crassus_So, I apparently have two instances of irssi running according to `ps aux | grep irssi`19:13
jazzzzzthis is for the other card inside the laptop19:13
crassus_I'm trying to figure out which is which, so I can kill the redundant one19:13
PeteM143anyone have any clue about that ?19:13
StepNjumpok ikonia, so it's not like it will delete my files or anything right?19:13
ikoniaStepNjump: no, nothing like that19:14
StepNjumpok good thanks!19:14
PeteM143suppose not?19:15
FusionXShirakawasuna: no, tried them, all of them are set to 100%19:15
jazzzzzbut maybe you're right, this is the page i was looking19:15
jazzzzzand it's for the pci card19:15
jazzzzzmaybe it's different for my pcmcia?19:15
StepNjumpyes you are right ikonia. It works on some directories but not all... mmmm19:16
jazzzzz<ikonia> how do i know if a module is charged well or not?19:16
keithclarkpangolin, I see an update on 2010-01-26 on their sourceforge website.19:16
ikoniaI'm sorry I don't know what you're saying19:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:17
pangolinkeithclark: cool, didn't see.19:17
eucHi. My sound isn't working. I tried using ubuntu-bug but I didn't see anything useful. I haven't added any peripherals or made any changes except installing php-pear since the sound was known to be working.19:18
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
ShirakawasunaFusionX: strange. My only knowledge of increasing the volume past that uses software tricks, it doesn't actually increase the real volume. I'm not sure how to actually swap out the controls, though, so you'll have to ask again, sorry!19:18
PeteM143Anyone else in here a total noob? I'm pretty lost19:19
jazzzzzikonia do you want to help?19:19
xruudDoes anyone know if there is a way to make the context menu's in the launcher work the first time I right click? Sometimes they don't work even though I can see them19:19
PeteM143Printer install? nobody?19:19
ikoniajazzzzz: I told you in pm after I told you not to pm me, I'm now ignoring you19:19
PeteM143Still can't figure it out19:20
keithclarkRya_n, pypanel should not require compiling.  It is written in python.19:20
jazzzzzwhat should i do?19:20
mongyAnyone with a Sony Viao laptop getting more than 1 hour battery life?19:22
keithclarkmongy, how old is the battery?19:22
pepeehi. latest ati driver broke suspend/resume: after resume, I get a black screen, but the desktop environment works fine19:23
mongykeithclark: thing is, I dont know for sure, it's a 2nd hand laptop, roughly year old.  its in great condition tho and looks hardly used. not a single speck or spot on the screen.19:24
PeteM143Anyone want to take a shot at helping me install a printer19:24
StepNjumpikonia: is this one better? find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;19:24
keithclarkRya_n, here are the instructions to install:  http://pastebin.com/2n5txGXt  Sometimes the quickest answer is not the best answer19:24
ikoniaStepNjump: a bit, but that will only do directories19:24
mongykeithclark: I had someone elses to fix which was exactly the same model last week, and it was the same battery life.19:25
keithclarkmongy, what model?19:25
PeteM143Not so much I guess19:25
mongykeithclark: pcg-61611m19:25
StepNjumpYes that's I'm looking for ikonia. The other one works but on 20% of my directories.. I'll try this one to see what happens19:25
FlavioTrashPunkrede n-1.cc19:25
pepeedoes anyone knows how to fix suspend/resume problems?19:25
StepNjumpikonia: Eureka!19:25
StepNjumpit works!19:26
ikoniaStepNjump: well done19:26
PeteM143OK.. try something else19:26
mongykeithclark: actually might be closer to 2 yrs old19:26
StepNjumpthanks for your great help19:26
StepNjumpyou saved me 3 hours of work!!!!19:26
=== gianni is now known as Guest78285
keithclarkmongy, depends on if it has been cycled a lot.   There is a program to check for this, I just have to remember what it is.19:27
mongykeithclark: I have read about a power regression bug or some such19:27
mongykeithclark: it suggested adding pcie_aspm=force to grub but this has no affect19:28
ikoniaStepNjump: you found it yourself, the pat on the back is yours19:28
keithclarkmongy, yeah, researching that now myself19:28
xruudagain, is it normal that the launchers right click menu does not always work?19:29
mongyxruud: I get that too19:29
StepNjumpikonia lol19:30
StepNjumpIt's not fully working... ahhh testing more ikonia19:30
jazzzzzBig problem with the souncard!!!19:30
StopSOPAwill SOPA and protect IP act hurt linux distros like ubuntu? :(19:30
bastidrazorStopSOPA: you tell us. you seem to know more about it19:30
heoamutt with failed SASL support, is there some patched mutt in apt-get or?19:30
StopSOPAi don't!19:31
keithclarkRya_n, Did my information prove useful?19:31
mongykeithclark: batmon ?19:31
jazzzzzthe modul is charged but the card still don't appear, so this is not the good modul? am I right or there is something i miss?19:31
StopSOPAa person on a ytube video said it could make linux disappear. :(19:31
keithclarkmongy, I have no idea of what you are saying.19:31
keithclarkmongy, oh, a possible program?19:31
mongykeithclark: the app you mentioned to see battery stats19:31
StopSOPAi hope it isn't true.19:31
bastidrazorStopSOPA: this isn't the proper channel for this conversation. join us in #ubuntu-offtopic19:32
fellayaboydoes anyone know a good network simulator for linux19:32
StopSOPAalso i have a on topic question.19:32
fellayaboyfor ubuntu i mean19:32
StopSOPAwill ubuntu 10.10 still install and allow me to install the updates?19:32
keithclarkStopSOPA, nice name19:32
FusionXcan I replace xfce's volume control with unity's volume control?19:32
=== kk is now known as Guest21166
keithclarkmongy, yeah, still trying different things out on my Compaq laptop here.....I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 with Gnome 3 and I don't seem to be able to find the program that I had before that told me a whole bunch about my battery19:34
speedmasterohello to all19:35
speedmasteroneed some help if possible19:35
doodlenoxhow long should resizing partition take\19:35
bastidrazorStopSOPA: 10.10 still has some life left.19:35
mongykeithclark: thanks, well anyway it doesnt solve my problem :(19:35
keithclarkspeedmastero, question in detail!19:35
keithclarkmongy, It might.  We need to find the problem first.19:36
speedmasteroare there any known problems with power managment in 11.1019:36
StopSOPAI am thinking about installing 10.10 on my desktop computer and finally get rid of winxp19:36
bastidrazorStopSOPA: you have about 5 months worth of updates before it is End Of Life19:36
mongykeithclark: I think its just bad linux support.  Got the same with an exact same model.19:37
keithclarkmongy, hmmm....I'll bet there is a solution.19:37
StopSOPAok thanks :)19:37
mongykeithclark: if I had a windows disc I would try it..19:37
keithclarkmongy, hey, don't do that....that is just nasty!19:37
mongykeithclark: 1 more thing, when its charging it gets to 0.01 left to charge and sticks there, battery charging light on and ubuntu saying 0.01 left..19:38
eucHi. My sound isn't working. I tried using ubuntu-bug but I didn't see anything useful. I haven't added any peripherals or made any changes except installing php-pear since the sound was known to be working.19:38
DJredstarhey! how come my USB drives dont work anymore? i plug them in and they register with19:38
DJredstarlsusb, but nothing happens19:38
keithclarkmongy, Ok, let me do some more research here....19:38
speedmasteroi set power obtion on always and after a few minutes my screen goes black when i watch a movie19:39
mongyspeedmastero: yeah, you need a program like caffeine19:39
speedmasteromongy i run vlc19:39
keithclarkmongy, I had a Toshiba Laptop that did the very same thing.  I bought a new battery and the thing just won't quit.  (personal experience only)19:39
mongyspeedmastero: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/how-do-you-use-caffeine-the-app-not-the-stimulant/19:40
DJredstarmongy: my usb drives dont show up or mount. I run lsusb and they show up there19:40
mongyspeedmastero: its for inhibiting power saving19:40
speedmasteromongy how to turn that shit off19:41
ikoniaspeedmastero: tone down the language please.19:41
Guest21166what about ntfs partitions of your drive( if any ), in my case either ntfs nor usb drives are mounted automatically19:41
pangolinspeedmastero: disable the screensaver19:41
mongyDJredstar: all I can suggest is look at system settings, removable devices..19:41
DJredstarok thanks19:41
johngaltWhere Can I find a list of packages contained on the ubuntu desktop install cd?  also can universe be downloaded as cd images similar to getting a "complete" debian repo as a cd set?19:41
speedmasteroi will try to disable screensaver will come back if its not working19:42
mongyspeedmastero: use caffeine19:42
bastidrazorspeedmastero: click on the top right icon in the top bar. go to system settings > screen > disable all those options in there. also look at Power in system settings19:42
johngalt...I'm installing a system that rarely has net access19:42
xruudI did "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". But how do I now start the gui?19:43
bastidrazorxruud: at the login screen select a different session19:43
CharminTheMooseWhat tools are there that I can use to automount externel media (usb fat32 and ext3 primarily) irrespective of whether I'm using Gnome or not?19:43
atrunowould someone show me a screenshot on how to do port range forwarding in gufw ?19:44
johngaltCharminTheMoose Man mount19:44
johngaltCharminTheMoose xxx19:44
xruudbastidrazor: I'm not sure what you mean. Ubuntu on this machine starts up without a gui, but I installed it. Just don;t know what the command is...19:44
atrunofrom the same lan ip19:44
zykotick9johngalt, that does help19:44
johngaltCharminTheMoose man mount19:44
bastidrazorxruud: startx19:44
Shirakawasunaso, xbmc eventually eats up all of my RAM and starts hitting swap. After this, my computer seems to prefer swap (everything's slow, hits the HD, etc). Is there a way to refresh this outside of restarting?19:45
CharminTheMoosejohngalt, I thought mount didn't support auto mounting of devices?19:45
xruudit says: startx: command not found19:45
zykotick9CharminTheMoose, it doesn't19:45
mongyxruud: is gdm or lightdm running19:45
ikoniaShirakawasuna: sounds like a memory leak19:45
Shirakawasunaikonia: yeah19:45
darkoricalI used to use Tranmission as a ubuntu server web controlled Bit torrent client. my server crashed and IM not rebuilding is there any other bit torrent clients that may work better ?19:45
xruudmongy: I'd need to check. How to?19:45
Shirakawasunaikonia: I don't know much about them, though. Is there a way to deal with them outside of rebooting?19:45
mongyxruud: sudo service lightdm start19:46
ikoniaShirakawasuna: not really as if it's leaking ram, the memory is marked as in use until it's cleared (reboot)19:46
xruudmongy: no, those services are not on the machine19:46
Shirakawasunastupid xbmc19:46
mongyShirakawasuna: I saw some command to free memory and swap on commandlinefu once.  have a search there19:46
CharminTheMoosezykotick9, fair enough. Just I was asking for an app that does do automounting/detecting of usb drives regardless of whether I'm running Gnome or not19:47
doodlenoxshould a partition resize take an hour?19:47
ShawnRiskI am getting a 404 Not Found Error when I try to access a folder from my server on the web.  I am using Ubuntu 11.04 any ideas?19:47
johngaltCharminTheMoose - didn't realize uou wanted to automount them, was more thinking plug them in then mount from terminal19:47
mongyxruud: you need lightdm (if using 11.10) to runn a desktop19:47
xruudmongy: I installed ubuntu minimal. I want th gui temporarily19:47
CharminTheMooseNo worries johngalt :)19:47
zykotick9CharminTheMoose, i knew what you meant - i don't know of anything outside gnome that does that.  Good luck.19:48
CharminTheMooseCheers zykotick9 :)19:48
xruudmongy: I tried sudo apt-get install lightdm. Which failed, now googling for the correct way19:48
QuikNikhey guys, anybody know if Audacity on Ubuntu can be used to record what's being played through the speakers? aka? record what you're hearing19:49
mongyQuikNik: probably.  I have used plain sound recorder with pavucontrol19:50
ikoniar3x: why post that ?19:50
r3xwhy do you think?19:51
keithclarkr3x, don't19:51
ikoniar3x: ok, so this channel is for ubuntu support, so keep the silly things out please.19:52
Icehawk78Is there a guide on roughly how quickly the package managers update once application developers submit new versions of the code?19:52
johngaltCharminTheMoose udev and pmount look like they could wook19:53
StepNjumpikonia, ok it works as you might have known. Its just that I had to realize I had to chmod/chown -R on all the files and types d and then run sudo find . -type f -exec chmod -R 644 {} \; Works fine now.19:54
sebastian__So I'm trying to install Unbuntu using the windows installer thingy (wubi). Near the end it fails saying "An error occurred: Permission denied". In the log the error seems to be "ERROR  TaskList: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'F:\\wubildr'". Any ideas?19:54
ikoniaStepNjump: you did great on your own19:55
schimeHello, I see that many people including me is not very happy with unity. I liked the gnome 2 much better but unfortunately it does give some complications with some programs if you use 11.10 (as i would like to keep). Gnome 3 is a bit of the same with the touchpad feeling. Is there any of you who is using KDE? How is that? Does it have good selection of system settings? Is it easy to customize? Thank you19:55
johngaltCharminTheMoose - found this: http://www.monperrus.net/martin/automounting+usb+flash+drives+on+linux+with+udev+and+pmount19:55
sebastian__I'm running it as administrator and everything. I have no F drive.19:55
hearnoseenoif anyone is familiar w/ mediatomb and ubuntu server i'd really appreciate the help......just installed ubuntu on a headless box19:55
StepNjumpikonia, this is fun. I love linux. Though I realize that I'm not as quick to learn as I used to when I first started in DOS back in the 80's! Getting old lol19:55
hearnoseenogot ssh running through local wifi router19:56
StepNjumpSlowly fading out Win7 ikonia. I've been wanting to phase out MSFT for decades!19:56
xruudmongy: I just can't run apt-add-repository, needed to install lightdm19:56
StepNjumpok have a nice day and thanks again ikonia. Enjoy your weekend19:56
xruudmongy: fixing that19:57
hearnoseenohave mediatomb interface working.....however I encrypted the home directory which is where i've saved all my media......I do not have permission to access the media on it for the ps3 to stream19:57
hearnoseenoany ideas as to what the best config should be for permissions?19:57
shaneo_can someone help me with wine it suddenly just stopped loading and windows exe's though it worked just fine yesterday i have uninstalled and reinstalled and still no luck19:57
shaneo_i cant even configure wine and winetricks also wont load19:58
shaneo_also /usr/bin/wine seems to be missing19:58
eucWhere would be the best place to ask a sound question?19:59
yeatsshaneo_: what is the output of 'dpkg -l | grep wine'?20:00
shaneo_1 sec20:00
shaneo_ii  gnome-wine-icon-theme                          5.5.1-1                                 red variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme20:00
shaneo_ii  playonlinux                                    4.0.14                                  This program is a front-end for wine.20:00
shaneo_ii  shiki-wine-theme                               4.6-1ubuntu2                            red variation of the Shiki-Colors theme20:00
shaneo_ii  wine                                           1.2.3-0ubuntu1                          Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta package)20:00
shaneo_rc  wine1.2                                        1.2.3-0ubuntu1                          Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)20:00
FloodBot1shaneo_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:00
jazzzzzcan somebody tell me what is the problem in this compilation?20:01
jazzzzza permission problem? but why ? i whtite sudo20:01
shaneo_yeats http://paste.ubuntu.com/744632/20:01
yeatsshaneo_: what about the output of 'which wine'?20:02
bastidrazorjazzzzz: the ; make .. needs ; sudo make ; sudo make install20:03
jazzzzzthanks a lot!!!20:03
jazzzzztoo easy!!!20:03
jazzzzznobody find that20:03
shaneo_yeats i dont understand what your asking20:03
jazzzzzthank youuuu20:03
bastidrazorjazzzzz: checkinstall is much friendlier than make install20:04
bastidrazor!checkinstall | jazzzzz20:04
ubottujazzzzz: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!20:04
yeatsshaneo_: in a terminal, type 'which wine' and pastebin the output20:04
=== kendrickLeiter is now known as Spike_Kendrick
eucWhere should I ask about sound in Ubuntu?20:05
shaneo_yeats http://paste.ubuntu.com/744639/20:05
_spt_euc : Just ask your question20:05
yeatsshaneo_: okay - so it does exist20:06
jazzzzzand my be you will have another aswer?20:06
euc_spt_: I figured since nobody answered (to two postings) it was the wrong channel :-P My sound isn't working. I tried using ubuntu-bug but I didn't see anything useful. I haven't added any peripherals or made any changes except installing php-pear since the sound was known to be working.20:06
jazzzzzi try to compil alsa20:06
yeatsshaneo_: what happens when you try to run a wine program?20:06
jazzzzzi must put an option to tell the directory of the headers20:06
r3xikonia: ok20:07
jazzzzzis it the good way to do that?20:07
jazzzzzsudo ./configure --with-cards=emu10k1,hda-intel --with-sequencer=yes --with-build=/usr/src; sudo make ; sudo make install20:07
r3xi really couldn't help it20:07
jazzzzzthe otion is --with-built?20:07
pepeeshaneo_, /usr/bin/wine explorer20:07
CharminTheMooseWhat tools are there that I can use to automount externel media (usb fat32 and ext3 primarily) irrespective of whether I'm using Gnome or not?20:08
shaneo_pepee no such file or directory20:08
* yeats installs wine (was going to eventually anyway ;-) )20:08
shaneo_idk what happened everything was fine today than poof no more wine20:09
pepeeshaneo_, /usr/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/explorer.exe20:09
shaneo_pepee same message20:09
yeatsshaneo_: can you pastebin the exact message?20:09
pepeereinstall wine...20:10
* yeats wonders which file isn't being found20:10
xruudmongy: it seems I accidentally interupted xubuntu installation20:10
shaneo_pepee http://paste.ubuntu.com/744646/20:10
shaneo_i did reinstall already20:10
pepeeyeats, ^20:10
yeatspepee: thanks20:10
shaneo_purged all files and configs rebooted and reinstalled20:10
compiHow can I fix a black screen during start up? - Ubuntu 11.0420:11
urlin2u!nomodeset | Commander102420:11
ubottuCommander1024: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:11
yeatsshaneo_: 'sudo apt-get purge wine*' (the * will remove all packages whose names start with 'wine')20:12
urlin2ucompi, supposed to be for you the nomodeset20:12
pepeeshaneo_, dpkg -l | grep wine20:12
shaneo_pepee after install ?20:12
eucMy sound is not working.20:12
shaneo_*i mean purge20:12
cybermolly10hey everybody. I'm new to ubuntu and I can't figure out how to get my linsys AE1000 wireless network adapter to work. I've tried following the directions for downloading the driver, but I can't get the driver to install20:13
yeatspepee: he had done that before, FYI: http://paste.ubuntu.com/744632/20:13
shaneo_pepee http://paste.ubuntu.com/744652/20:14
pepeepurge and reinstall20:14
reisiocybermolly10: is it usb?pci?20:14
compiurlin2u, My ubuntu used to work fine but since I added a NTFS HDD it started playing up with the black screen issue.20:14
shaneo_sudo apt-get install wine ?20:15
yeatsshaneo_: yes20:15
shaneo_just cheking20:15
yeatsshaneo_: ;-)20:15
urlin2ucompi, you probably changed the readu=ing of the HD's i n the bios.20:15
eucOk giving up on getting an answer to the sound question :-P20:15
shaneo_ok its a running ill let you know the results20:15
reisiocybermolly10: does lsusb see it?20:16
* shaneo_ wishes internet speeds were above 125kb/s20:16
cybermolly10yes, it can see it, but it doesn't show up on the network list20:16
cybermolly10but in the terminal window, it could see it and knew it's name and everything20:16
worrowhow do I share a wired connection wirelessly?20:17
shaneo_pepee ok reinstalled anything i should do to test it20:17
compiurlin2u, During ubuntu start It goes into recovery mode, when I fix the grub it starts fine, but after shut down it goes back into recovery mode.20:17
urlin2ucompi, check the order the HD's are read in the bios unless you have more info that changes this.20:17
shaneo_typed wine in terminal and got /usr/bin/wine no such file or directory again20:17
pepeeyeats, ^20:17
urlin2ucompi, how ar you fixing grub?20:18
pepeeshaneo_, output of apt-get20:18
StepNjumpikonia, I think I made a mistake!20:18
compiurlin2u, ubuntu start from HDD into a screen with 4 options. one is kernel recovery. I choose this and then choose GRUB from the menu.20:19
heoahow can I get white noise from /dev/null?20:19
heoacat /dev/null?20:19
yeatsshaneo_: you could try the command pepee suggested: '/usr/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/explorer.exe'20:19
reisiocybermolly10: so that was a yes on lsusb20:19
shaneo_pepee http://paste.ubuntu.com/744660/20:19
cybermolly10I don't know what that means, but maybe20:19
shaneo_yeats i tried still no luck same error20:19
cybermolly10oh, yes, it does connect through usb20:20
compiurlin2u, I have a ATA HDD with ubuntu on and added a SATA NTFS formated HDD.20:20
cybermolly10if there's a wireless adapter that20:20
reisiocybermolly10: no if you run the command 'lsusb', does it list the device by name20:20
cybermolly10oh, one sec20:20
yeatsshaneo_: please do 'sudo updatedb && locate wine' and pastebin the output20:20
urlin2ucompi, every reply you had made has more info that should have been in the first. For example just a black screen then oh I have a new HD then oh I get the recovery, can you like guve the whole story20:20
StepNjumpikonia, I went to gparted, umounted a partition and then resized the partition sdc1. Then I didn't apply the changes. Then I just X'd out of gparted. Now my partitions are not automatically remounting. Do you think I might have messed up something?20:20
=== piet is now known as pjdelport
pepeeSetting up wine (1.2.3-0ubuntu1) ...  <- ?20:21
ikoniaStepNjump: possible20:21
StepNjumpikonia oh gosh! please not!20:21
StepNjumpikonia, should I just reboot?20:21
cybermolly10Bus 002 Device 003: ID 13b1:002F Linsys AE1000 v1 802.1n [Ralink TR2870]20:21
ikoniaStepNjump: no idea20:21
StepNjumpikonia, I didn't apply changes though!20:22
yeatspepee: good catch20:22
ikoniaStepNjump: re-open gparted, see what the disk looks like20:22
cybermolly10if there's a wireless adapter that is really easy to install on linux, I would be willing to buy it20:22
shaneo_um pepee how do i copy this much lol20:22
shaneo_soooo many lines20:23
mongycybermolly10: I have one of these. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Technologies-802-11N-150Mbps-Wireless-Compatible/dp/B0035FVL4G/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1317666395&sr=8-2  plugs in and works20:23
pepeeshaneo_, remove wine1.220:23
shaneo_pepee http://paste.ubuntu.com/744663/20:24
pepeeyeats, ^20:24
cybermolly10mongy: I'm in America (I might have accidentally signed into the wrong ubuntu page) and I can't find that product on the US amazon page, is it available here?20:24
shaneo_i dont think thats the full output cause terminal cut it off20:24
yeatsshaneo_: okay - no biggie20:24
reisiocybermolly10: pretty sure you can get this one working, though20:24
reisiocybermolly10: what does 'sudo ifconfig wlan0' up say?20:25
StepNjumpikonia, yes I thought doing that but I'm afraid20:25
compiurlin2u, I am running ubuntu studio 11.04. It has served me well for over 6 months. Then I added a SATA NTFS HDD. I messed around with storage device manager to try and get the new drive mounted. I now have my file system hard drive showing mounted twice in places. I ended up using NTFS configuration tool to get the NTFS drive mounted. The SATA now works fine. The NTFS drive does not have a operating system on it.20:25
ikoniaStepNjump: no need to be afraid20:25
StepNjumpikonia that it would make it worse.. Should I fdisk -l20:25
shaneo_pepee win2 1.2 not installed20:25
ikoniaStepNjump: why would that make it worse ?20:25
pepeeshaneo_, ls -l /usr/bin/wine20:25
pepeeshaneo_, do you have an antivirus software or womething like that?20:26
StepNjumpikonia, I don't know but it shouldn't have done anything at all since I hadn't press Apply changes too!20:26
compiurlin2u, After shut down the ubuntu recovery screen comes into view: http://files.digitizor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Ubuntu-recovery.jpg20:26
mongycybermolly10: hmm, try http://www.amazon.com/150Mbps-WIFI-WIRELESS-ADAPTER-802-11/dp/B0058XSZGU/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1321820729&sr=8-620:26
cybermolly10reisio: link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:22:43:64:de:7320:26
ikoniaStepNjump: so open gparted and look at how it is now20:26
ikoniaStepNjump: I don't know why you think opening gparted will do damage20:26
* StepNjump sweating20:26
compiurlin2u, I then choose grub from this menu: http://files.digitizor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Ubuntu-root.jpg20:26
shaneo_pepee http://paste.ubuntu.com/744667/ i believe the error is user is root20:26
shaneo_pepee and no to the firewall20:27
compiurlin2u, this enables me to start up in ubuntu and all works fine , untill I sut down, then I get a black screen at the next start...20:27
reisiocybermolly10: ping -c 3 www.yahoo.com20:27
mongycybermolly10: it says "Operating systems: WIN2000/XP/VISTA/WIN7/LINUX/WINCE"  as does mine, so I can say its safe to assume it will work fine.20:27
yeatsshaneo_: no - owner should be root20:27
cybermolly10reisio: do you want me to type more, it goes on for a while20:27
shaneo_oh ok hmm20:27
StepNjumpikonia in fdisk -l I see my sdb120:27
cybermolly10reisio: am I actually supposed to type the yahoo part?20:28
pepeeshaneo_, run wine20:28
reisiocybermolly10: yes20:28
StepNjumpikonia, in fact, EVERYTHING got umounted at once!20:28
ikoniaStepNjump: why did you open fdisk when I told you to re-open gparted20:28
shaneo_pepee no such file or directory20:28
cybermolly10reisio: unknown host www.yahoo.com20:29
ikoniaStepNjump: I'm not interested any more, I see no point in advising you if you ignore it after being told 2 times what to do and doing something different20:29
pepeeshaneo_, you have a strange problem...20:29
StepNjumpikonia, well because I know fdisk -l doesn't write anything to the disk, just reads20:29
shaneo_pepee it appears to be so20:29
yeatsshaneo_: what is the literal command you ran?20:29
StepNjumpOk sorry, I will do as you say ikonia hold on please sorry20:29
pepeereally sesrious problem20:29
ikoniaStepNjump: neither does gparted as I've told you 2 times - good luck sorting your issue out20:29
ikoniaStepNjump: I'm not interested any more20:29
yeatsshaneo_: please do 'echo $PATH'20:29
reisiocybermolly10: ah, here we are: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170147120:29
StepNjumpok ikonia sorry20:30
shaneo_yeats http://paste.ubuntu.com/744671/20:30
pepee/usr/bin is there20:31
StepNjumpsorry ikonia, I'm new. I won't do it again if you will ever forgive me. Just a fyi for you: partition seems to be intact. Thanks again :(20:31
reisiocybermolly10: actually forget that for a moment and run this: lsmod | grep 280020:31
StepNjumpI'll now reboot20:31
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cybermolly10reisio: I tuped that in, and a bunch of stuff came up, no idea what it means20:32
pepeeshaneo_, output of 'ps axuf', please20:32
mongycybermolly10: just so you know, that usb wifi adapter has the rtl8188 chip which is the same as mine..20:32
pepeeshaneo_, and /usr/bin/wine20:33
reisiocybermolly10: okay, heh20:33
reisiocybermolly10: try this one instead: lsmod | grep -i rt2800usb20:33
shaneo_pepee http://paste.ubuntu.com/744675/20:33
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compi My ubuntu used to work fine but since I added a NTFS HDD it started playing up with the black screen issue.  I am running ubuntu studio 11.04. It has served me well for over 6 months. Then I added a SATA NTFS HDD. I messed around with storage device manager to try and get the new drive mounted. I now have my file system hard drive showing mounted twice in places. I ended up using NTFS configuration tool to get the NTFS drive mounted. The SATA now works fine20:34
compi. The NTFS drive does not have a operating system on it.  After shut down the ubuntu recovery screen comes into view: http://files.digitizor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Ubuntu-recovery.jpg.  I then choose grub from this menu: http://files.digitizor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Ubuntu-root.jpg. This enables me to start up in ubuntu and all works fine , until I shut down, then I get a black screen at the next start. How do I fix this?20:34
cybermolly10reisio: didn't do anything20:34
reisiocybermolly10: okay now this: sudo modprobe rt2800usb20:34
yeatsshaneo_: similar issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184628620:34
shaneo_pepee http://paste.ubuntu.com/744679/20:34
reisiocybermolly10: and then run the previous command again20:34
pierre_ikonia, nothing broken! I had no backup yet! :)20:35
cybermolly10reisio: which one do you mean?20:35
bunkkaHey all, I am wondering if anyone has experience with using ffmpeg encode-handheld-5.6 on a mac?20:35
ikoniapierre_: what ?20:35
yeatsshaneo_: maybe this?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/85210120:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852101 in eglibc (Ubuntu Precise) "32-bit applications do not start on 64" [High,Triaged]20:35
=== pierre_ is now known as StepNjump2
shaneo_thanks yeats ill check it out gonna run out for a bit20:35
reisiocybermolly10: run 'sudo modprobe rt2800usb', then 'lsmod | grep -i rt2800usb'20:35
* StepNjump2 pierre_ is StepNjump20:36
yeatsshaneo_: sure ;-)  good luck20:36
cybermolly10reisio: bunch of stuff, don't know what it means20:36
reisiocybermolly10: for the second one?20:36
cybermolly10reisio: um, yes?20:36
reisiocybermolly10: k20:37
reisiocybermolly10: now 'sudo ifconfig wlan0' and then 'ping -c 3 www.yahoo.com'20:37
cybermolly10reisio: btw, I already followed directions very similar to the link you sent me, the problem is when I try "make && sudo make install" I get a couple of errors20:37
pepeeyeats, lol, very strange bug20:37
shaneo_thanks again yeats and peppe20:37
yeatspepee: yes!20:37
reisiocybermolly10: yeah but I told you to ignore that for now :p20:37
yeatsshaneo_: happy to help20:38
cybermolly10reisio: unknown host again20:38
cybermolly10reisio: and I was just letting you know, I think my kernels aren't up to date or installed or somehting, I really got in over my head when I installed this20:39
reisiocybermolly10: possibly, we're going to check that next20:39
reisiocybermolly10: uname -r20:39
KiwiiHi, If my vserver is always in runlevel 6, something is wrong, isn't it?20:40
cybermolly10when you say "uname" you mean cybermolly10 right?20:40
Resistancecybermolly10:  no, in terminal, uname -r20:40
Resistancecybermolly10:  its a command20:40
reisiocybermolly10: no :)20:40
kmodKiwii: pretty sure run level 6 is reboot20:40
reisiocybermolly10: run the command 'uname -r', tell me what it says20:40
yeatsshaneo_: if you're still around, I would try 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall libc6-i386'20:40
cybermolly10reisio: 3.0.0-12-generic20:41
reisiocybermolly10: echo 'rt2800usb' >> /etc/modules20:43
reisiocybermolly10: then reboot20:43
Kiwiikmod: yeah, It works fine, except it will not start any services on system start on it's own, so I checked and the runlevel command says "6 6" wich is kind of strange20:43
ActionParsnipreisio: that will need runing after: sudo -i20:44
cybermolly10reisio: permission denied20:44
* reisio sighs20:44
reisioActionParsnip: why tell me?20:44
reisiocybermolly10: prefix with sudo20:44
Icy_mist566Hello, thanks to the person who help me last time, but i have another question, I have a partition that is set up to hold things so i can transfer files  between the two operating systems im running, It is a ntfs formatted partition, how can i set it up to automatically mount on startup20:44
ActionParsnipreisio: echo "rt2800usb" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules20:45
reisioActionParsnip: dear god in heaven, why are you telling me that20:45
ActionParsnipreisio: users cannot write to /etc/modules   it is owned by root:root20:45
reisiocybermolly10: sudo gedit /etc/modules, add rt2800usb, save & exit20:45
cybermolly10reisio: still denied20:45
ActionParsnipreisio: gksudo for gedit20:45
reisioActionParsnip: do you realize that it's cybermolly10 that has the problem?20:45
reisioI mean I know you don't, but I wish you would20:46
CharminTheMooseWhat tools are there that I can use to automount externel media (usb fat32 and ext3 primarily) irrespective of whether I'm using Gnome or not?20:46
ActionParsnipreisio: just pointing out the right way to do things :)20:46
reisioActionParsnip: please, please stop talking to me20:46
cybermolly10reisio: ok, the terminal closed, now what?20:46
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: run:  echo "rt2800usb" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules20:46
reisiocybermolly10: a text editor should've opened20:46
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: it will add the line to the file for you20:46
cybermolly10reisio: a text editor did not open, also, should I do the thing ActionParsnip suggested20:47
kmodKiwii: try telinit 2?20:47
reisiocybermolly10: sure20:47
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: the command reisio gave won't work as the command will run as your user, so you will get access denied20:48
Kiwiikmod: okay, now it is in runlevel 2, but will it stay there upon reboot?20:48
reisiocybermolly10: yes, all the stuff you already knew20:48
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: and sudo does not traverse the >> so prepending with sudo (as you would expect) won't work either20:48
kmodI don't really remember much about run levels20:48
cybermolly10ActionParsnip: yeah, it didn't work, it says run is not a command20:48
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: you don't add the 'run:' bit, that's just my instruction20:48
cybermolly10ActionParsnip: lol, sorry, I'm very new to this20:49
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: you'll learn as you use the OS20:50
cybermolly10ActionParsnip: it says rt2800usb20:50
bgodolejust learned that today is UCADay, and wanted to say20:51
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: that's fine, it will echo to the terminal too, you can check the file has what is needed with:  cat /etc/modules20:52
bgodoleThank you! Ubuntu team, contributors and supporters20:52
cybermolly10ActionParsnip: lp rt2800usb20:53
* reisio headdesks20:53
gajbooksI have an everex NC 1502, the CD drive has died so I am trying to boot from USB, but it says "Operating system not found".20:53
reisiocybermolly10: are they separated by a space or a newline?20:53
cybermolly10reisio: are you still with me, or should i just buy a new adapter?20:53
reisioyou don't need a new adapter20:53
cybermolly10new line20:53
reisiotry rebooting20:54
reisioand see if it works20:54
gajbooksI used Unetbootin to create the flash drive.20:54
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: then it's added :)20:55
noxy_hey i have no sound since i went from xp to ubuntu - i have a creative labs sound audigy card and it seems to be showing up in the sound settings - any ideas20:55
FloodBot1rangga: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
cybermolly10reisio: rebooted, still don't see anything in the wireless connections20:55
NiskHow edit the Start Menu in Gnome 3 Classic?20:56
reisiocybermolly10: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware20:56
gajbooksAny ideas on how to help me?20:56
kmodand now I need help.20:56
kmodWhen I update the kernel, it can't find the wl module for broadcom cards20:57
cybermolly10reisio: linux-firmware is already the newest verision, 0 ugraded, etc20:57
reisiogajbooks: with what?20:57
kmodSo I got the source to ocmpile, but when I try to compile it on the new kernel, I get the following:20:57
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gajbooksreisio: Look up.20:57
reisiogajbooks: pass20:57
gajbooksI created it on a Mac if that makes an difference.20:59
guntbertkmod: why on earth are you trying to compile a new kernel?20:59
kmodNew module, not kernel20:59
noxy_i cannot seem to access the gnome alsa mixer, everytime i click on it, it doesnt appear21:00
kmodguntbert: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php21:00
kmodTrying to compile that driver21:00
reisiocybermolly10: sudo ifconfig -a | egrep '^[a-z]+0'21:00
MrS1lentczback :)21:01
Icy_mist566ok, so i modified my fstab, but when i start up it says that its not present or not ready21:01
gajbooksWould there be any way to boot a USB Ubuntu from the windows command line?21:01
reisioIcy_mist566: says what now?  What are you trying to accomplish?21:02
reisiogajbooks: to what end21:02
cybermolly10reisio: ethO link encar: ethernet HWaddr 00:24:8c:ea:f9:4321:02
reisiocybermolly10: that's it?21:02
cybermolly10reisio: wlan0 link encap:ethernet HWaddr 00:22:43:64:de:7321:02
guntbertkmod: did you read the README?21:02
gajbooksreisio: To in the end, install Ubuntu on the HD.21:02
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kmodguntbert: yes21:02
reisiocybermolly10: ah :)21:03
cybermolly10reisio: sorry, i can only type gobbledygook so fast21:03
reisiogajbooks: you can't put the install image onto a USB?21:03
reisiocybermolly10: 's'okay :)21:03
guntbertkmod: they say:"Some distros (Ubuntu and Fedora at the least) already have a version of this driver in their repositories precompiled, tested and ready to go."21:03
gajbooksreisio: I have the installer on the U21:03
gajbookssb drive21:04
MrS1lentczi cant install ubuntu/kubuntu sucessfully, but i found tutorial for mac and created new "msdos" partition and kubuntu was installed sucessfully, but after start pc, black screen are blinking...21:04
ActionParsnipnoxy_: try alsamixer    in terminal21:04
ActionParsnipMrS1lentcz: which GPU do you use?21:04
gajbooksI used Unetbootin but the computer won't recognize it.21:04
reisiogajbooks: ah21:04
reisiogajbooks: what version of Ubuntu?21:04
MrS1lentczActionParsnip: nvidia21:04
MrS1lentczActionParsnip: gt52021:04
kmodguntbert: on the original install. jockey-gtk gives me the proprietary driver, but not on the updated kernel21:05
ActionParsnipgajbooks: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?21:05
ActionParsnipMrS1lentcz: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=121:05
reisiocybermolly10: and sudo ifconfig | grep UP ?21:05
gajbooksActionParsnip: No, let me try it.21:05
shane__ooyeats and pepee found the fix to that wine error in the bug report it was a bug in the libs21:05
MrS1lentczActionParsnip: ok21:05
ActionParsnipgajbooks: you currently do not know if the ISO is complete and consistent21:05
shane__oothe fox was sudo apt-get install --reinstall libc6-i38621:05
kmodguntbert: I came upon this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139097921:05
noxy_action parsnip that worked.. but not sure what to do from here21:05
cybermolly10reisio: do I type the "and"?21:05
yeatsshane__oo: good21:05
Jordan_UMrS1lentcz: If you're trying to dual boot with Ubuntu and OSX (and not Windows) then you don't want to be using an msdos partition table, you want to be using pure GPT. What guide are you following?21:05
kmodbut I can't even get past `make'21:05
ActionParsnipnoxy_: press ESC to exit and use M to un/mute, cursors to select channel and increase/decrease21:06
reisiocybermolly10: no21:06
MrS1lentczJordan_U: no... i try install kubuntu on empty hdd21:06
Jordan_UMrS1lentcz: OK, what guide are you following?21:06
ubuntu-noobGreetings, i am running the most recent stable release of Ubuntu (oclelot) on a Alienware M14x , i have been running in to some difficulty with certain aplicatons because they can not "inilalize openGL" or "GLX" does anyone know how to fix this?21:07
cybermolly10reisio: grep: ?: no such file or directory21:07
reisiocybermolly10: sudo ifconfig | grep UP21:07
MrS1lentczJordan_U: but i had maybe broken partition table... i mean "efi" nedeed msdos partition table, so i installed kubuntu sucessfully  at last21:07
guntbertkmod: that thread is with regard to much older kernels - not sure if it still is applicable21:07
cybermolly10reisio: sorry about that, can't tell code from comments21:07
cybermolly10reisio: it says "UP Broadcast multicast ntu:1500 Netric:121:08
MrS1lentczActionParsnip: where can i set this option? to grub.cfg ?21:08
noxy_actionparsnip is there a usual issue with sound cards that i should be aware of21:08
cybermolly10reisio: Up loopback running ntu:16336 Netric:121:08
kmodguntbert: but I don't see why `make' wont work21:08
cybermolly10reisio: up broadcast multicast mtu:1500 Metric:121:09
ubuntu-noobGreetings all!21:09
gajbooksActionParsnip: The image is fine.21:09
reisiocybermolly10: okay, so if you just run 'sudo ifconfig' after wlan0 does it say UP?21:09
ActionParsnipMrS1lentcz: in /etc/default/grub    then run:  sudo update-grub     you can hold shift at boot and add it for that boot temporarily until you get the proprietary driver21:09
reisioubuntu-noob: hi21:09
ActionParsnipgajbooks: cool,and did you use unetbootin to transfer the ISO (and not extract it)21:09
ubuntu-noobreisio: do i just ask my question or do i need to wait for something specal, im new to this21:10
noxy_i am trying this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-no-sound-sound-blaster-audigy-after-upgrading-from-ubuntu-9-04-to-9-10.html21:10
reisioubuntu-noob: you have to wait for me to say "french fries"21:10
gajbooksActionParsnip: Extract?21:10
reisioubuntu-noob: french fries21:10
=== Dream is now known as Guest70154
ubuntu-noobwell i am running the most recent stable release of Ubuntu (oclelot) on a Alienware M14x , i have been running in to some difficulty with certain aplicatons because they can not "inilalize openGL" or "GLX" does anyone know how to fix this?21:10
ActionParsnipgajbooks: yes, did you manually extract the ISO (you aren't supposed to)?21:10
reisioubuntu-noob: do you have a nvidia graphics card?21:11
cybermolly10reisio: ok, the last section starts with wlan0, and the second line of that section starts with "UP"21:11
ActionParsnipgajbooks: which OS are you making the bootable USB in?21:11
gajbooksMac OS X 10.7.21:12
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ubuntu-noobyes, and i have been fighting with it for a while.....21:12
Jordan_UMrS1lentcz: Please answer my question.21:12
guntbertkmod: you gave a very short  output, what was the command you entered, and where did you enter it?21:12
reisioubuntu-noob: did you do anything like this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia21:12
reisiocybermolly10: okay, that is promising, I'd say21:12
cybermolly10reisio: really?21:12
reisionot as promising as you pinging things, but yeah21:13
kmodguntbert: I don't feel like rebooting all over again, so I'll just try it from the current kernel and paste the results21:13
Icy_mist566I am trying to have my ntfs partition automatically mounted on startup21:13
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ubuntu-noobreisio: i have been using that exact driver but programs such as mixxx and minecraft still dont work, each time the error comes back to GLX or open GL,21:13
kishi got a problem with unity. i want the old gnome back. is there an easy way to get it back?21:14
MrS1lentczJordan_U: i didnt understand your question...21:14
guntbertkmod: hint for the future: install dkms, it *should* recompile kernel modules after every kernel upgrade automatically21:14
ubuntu-noobkish: what version r u on?21:14
reisioubuntu-noob: try running sudo nvidia-xconfig and then restarting21:14
kmodguntbert: http://pastebin.com/Vb704Fkj21:15
kish11.10 ubuntu-noob21:15
yarrowanyone know of an easy way to add the medibuntu repository?  I'm trying the script on the wiki page, but it just stalls.  Must be an easier way than this.21:15
Jordan_UMrS1lentcz: You said you were following a guide. What guide are you following?21:15
kishunity is not working well. it cuts the screen in half21:15
reisiocybermolly10: now you're in... GNOME? 11.10?21:15
kmodguntbert: oh, that might work21:15
cybermolly10reisio: yes21:15
kmodguntbert: I thought I had that already, but it appears it was an outdated version21:15
reisioyarrow: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ ?21:15
reisiocybermolly10: and you have a wireless router that's enabled?21:16
ubuntu-noobkish: when you log in there is a menu on the log in screen, you can select the desktop environment you want from this menu,21:16
cybermolly10reisio: yes, that's how I'm talking to you :-)21:16
MrS1lentczJordan_U: i wrote, i installed kubuntu and after start pc, only black screen are blinking - grub menu doesnt start21:16
kmodaaand, it still gives the same error after dkms got updated21:16
reisiocybermolly10: you multi-computer haver21:16
cybermolly10reisio: thank god, since I cant get ubuntu to do anything21:17
robin0800! notunity | kish21:17
ubottukish: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:17
reisiocybermolly10: okay do you know where the wireless configurator is?21:18
KmusServer Identify KillerJim21:18
Jordan_UMrS1lentcz:  "13:04 < MrS1lentcz> i cant install ubuntu/kubuntu sucessfully, but i found tutorial for mac and created new "msdos" partition and kubuntu was installed sucessfully" What tutorial were you reffering to?21:18
cybermolly10reisio: um, no21:18
cybermolly10reisio: I know where the router is21:18
yarrowreisio:  no, no medibuntu on that page.  Used to be a simple matter of just entering another repos in sources.list, but the medibuntu page lists a script that uses wget to construct a new list.  Why be simple when you can be complicated.21:18
reisiocybermolly10: as long as it's on and you know the login info, the router is all set21:18
reisioyarrow: weeee21:18
cybermolly10reisio: taht is one thing I do know21:19
guntbertkmod: sorry, I'm not really good with troublesome kernel modules, but to me it appears that you did something weird to your system (2.6.32 and 3.0.9 ??)21:19
reisiocybermolly10: how about a network-looking-ish icon at top right?21:19
reisiocybermolly10: little bars maybe21:19
cybermolly10reisio: it is an empty slice of pie21:19
reisiocybermolly10: if you say so :)21:19
reisiocybermolly10: try to connect to your router21:19
kmodguntbert: I said I'm trying to compile it for the new kernel, as I'm on the old one right now to use the internet, I was just testing the make command to see if it'd still fail21:20
cybermolly10reisio: um, how?21:20
kmodI didn't feel like rebooting all over again without at least a test first21:20
reisiocybermolly10: should be intuitive, isn't there 'connect to wireless...' or 'add' or something?21:20
CharminTheMooseWhat tools are there that I can use to automount externel media (usb fat32 and ext3 primarily) irrespective of whether I'm using Gnome or not?21:20
reisioCharminTheMoose: specific devices, or random ones?21:20
cybermolly10reisio: the ones taht aren't greyed out say :connect to hidden wireless netowrk", "create new wireless network", "VPN connections21:21
cybermolly10reisio: and then enable netowrking and enable wireless are both checked21:21
guntbertkmod: yes, but if I remember correctly 2.6.32 was on maveric and 3.0 is on oneiric - two steps apart21:21
reisiocybermolly10: create sounds good21:21
cybermolly10reisio: I tried that before and it didn't work, for the network name, do I use the same name as the connection I see on my apple?21:21
kmodguntbert: 2.6.32 is ubuntu 10.0421:21
reisiocybermolly10: if you want, that part should be irrelevant to it actually working21:22
noxy_any reason why update manager aint opening when i click it??21:22
kmodand 3.0 is a... kernel I compiled21:22
reisiocybermolly10: may as well use the same one21:22
illbequickHi guys! How can I know the package name that "Additional Drivers" app is trying to install?21:22
gizmonoxy: are you an administor?21:22
cybermolly10reisio: ok, and then I don't know what to choose for "Wireless security", I know the password, I just don't know what kind of password it is21:22
kmodguntbert: note though, I used the old config for the 2.6 kernel, I didn't change any of the wireless module settings21:22
reisiocybermolly10: did you setup the router yourself?21:23
guntbertkmod: ah..., this channle doesn't support self compiled kernels21:23
noxy_gizmo - i am21:23
kmodguntbert: also I had this problem before using backtracks or whatever it was called, to get new kernel modules for old kernels or something of the sort21:23
cybermolly10reisio: no, probably the comcast guy21:23
kmodguntbert: I had the same problem with backports21:23
reisiocybermolly10: k, what're the choices?21:23
illbequickIt's trying to install "Broadcom STA Wireless Driver" - do you guys know how I can install it via apt-get?21:23
gajbooksIs there any way I could boot my flash drive from a windows commad line?21:23
BlueHighwindholy monkey shit there's a lot of people on this chatroom21:24
BlueHighwindcongrats for having so many people21:24
GuilhermeAugChat Portuguese?21:24
* BlueHighwind kills himself21:24
FloodBot1BlueHighwind: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:24
cybermolly10wep 40/1238 big key (hex or ascii), wep 128-bit passphrase, or wpa & wpa2 Personal21:24
psusigajbooks, booting it means you aren't running windows, so no...21:24
gizmonoxy: try running update-manager in the terminal21:24
kmodguntbert: can I query you?21:24
mongycybermolly10: is it 8 chars or more?21:25
guntbertkmod: sorry, I can not really help, I was trying to make things a little clearer21:25
cybermolly10mongy: it is exactly 8 characters21:25
mongycybermolly10: trial and error, try wep then try wpa. :)21:25
reisiocybermolly10: first one, ascii21:25
kmodThe problem I'm having technically only has to do with make and that driver21:25
kmodOh well, thanks.21:25
mongycybermolly10: I'll take a stab and say go wpa21:26
cybermolly10reisio: it says connection established, but then if I open Mozilla it says server not found21:26
cybermolly10should I try again and pick a different choice?21:27
kishthanks guys21:27
kishrobin0800 and ubuntu-noob21:27
reisiocybermolly10: you could, make sure if you open the browser menu 'browse offline' isn't checked21:27
MrS1lentczActionParsnip: ehm... how and where can i run a command "upgrade-grub" ? as chroot in mounted system partition ?21:27
ActionParsnipcybermolly10: can you ping when you are connected?21:27
psusiMrS1lentcz, you mean "update-grub"?  and are you booting from the livecd?21:28
ActionParsnipMrS1lentcz: in the chrrot, in the terminal. I suggest you use the edit method and hold shift at boot, saves messing with chroots21:28
cybermolly10reisio: work offline was not checked21:28
MrS1lentczpsusi:  yeah21:28
cybermolly10actionparsnip: do I just type "ping" into a terminal window? I have no idea what i'm doing21:28
robin0800cybermolly10: can you not see what the apple is using?21:28
cybermolly10I can see it21:29
illbequickHi guys! How can I know the package name that "Additional Drivers" app is trying to install? It's trying to install "Broadcom STA Wireless Driver" - do you guys know how I can install it via apt-get?21:29
cybermolly10hmmn, now it says the connection I just made is disconnected, not sure why21:29
MrS1lentczActionParsnip: and does it get an effect, when on start black screen is blinking? i mean hold shift...21:29
gizmoillbequick: you want " sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-common"21:30
psusiMrS1lentcz, become root ( sudo -s ), mount your partition somewhere ( like /mnt ) and then run: for f in dev sys proc ; do mount --bind /$f /mnt/$f ; done, and then chroot /mnt, and finally run update-grub21:30
illbequickgizmo: thank you!21:31
MrS1lentczpsusi: yeah21:31
cybermolly10maybe I should mention that when I'm connected I can see the lines in that network icon, but they're all greyed out21:31
robin0800illbequick: why do you need to?21:31
gajbooksIs there any way of installing Ubuntu from Windows recovery mode?21:31
gizmogajbooks: can you use a live cd?21:32
gajbooksgizmo: No, the CD drive in this crappy old thing died.21:32
mongycybermolly10: greyed out?  can you click it and view connection info?21:33
dellehi to all! i could use some help for file sharing issues. Could someone help me?21:33
illbequickrobin0800: i just installed ubuntu using 'alternative' without things that i don't need, but after install wifi didn't work. but when I try live cd, it works21:33
psusigajbooks, use a usb flash stick?21:33
cybermolly10mongy: what info do you mean?21:33
mongycybermolly10: any.  does it show any21:33
gajbookspsusi: Been trying, but get "Operating system not found".21:33
cybermolly10mongy: it says wireless netowrk, and then the network I just created, and then disconnect21:34
illbequickrobin0800: at the same time, in live cd, "additional drivers" popped up and said that there was this drive available for my card21:34
psusigajbooks, then you didn't build the stick correctly... what did you use?  unetbootin?21:34
mongycybermolly10: and near the bottom, connection info21:34
gajbookspsusi: Yes.21:34
gizmogajbooks: how did you use the normall install for the flash-drive?21:34
cybermolly10mongy: it says a lot, do you want it all?21:34
MrS1lentczpsusi: "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -o bind /proc/mounts /mnt/proc mount: Not a directory ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount --bind /proc/mounts /mnt/proc mount: Not a directory "21:35
gajbooksgizmo: Huh?21:35
MrS1lentczpsusi: how can i mount the proc, please?21:35
psusiMrS1lentcz, no, you need to use sudo -s to stay root first, then do the rest21:35
mongycybermolly10: the fact it says stuff is all I wanted to know21:35
mongycybermolly10: did you ping
robin0800illbequick: aptitude search on driver name might help21:36
gizmogajbooks: you mentioned getting an error using a flash drive, how were you using it?21:36
cybermolly10mongy: do you mean just type "ping" into a terminal window?21:36
ActionPa1snipcybermolly10: if pings, its a DNS issue and is easy to fix21:36
ActionPa1snipcybermolly10: yes, thats the command21:36
mongycybermolly10: ping -c 4
cybermolly10yes, but how do I ping, remember, I know nothing21:36
cire_What is the ubuntu way of saving synaptics settings? (manually done by synclient )21:36
gajbooksgizmo: I got an error from the BIOS: "Operating system not found".21:36
illbequickrobin0800: unfortunately, in live cd, "apt-cache show broadcom-sta-common" isn't showing anything21:37
MrS1lentczpsusi: you dont understand me.... mount "said" : 'mount: Not a directory"21:37
cybermolly10network is unreachable21:37
ActionPa1snipcybermolly10: the command you typed in the quotes is what you need21:37
delleoh, well. thx anyway i'll be trying again tomorrow.21:37
CharminTheMooseWhat tools are there that I can use to automount externel media (usb fat32 and ext3 primarily) irrespective of whether I'm using Gnome or not?21:37
ActionPa1snipcybermolly10: dang21:37
gizmogajbooks: is this when you try booting normally, or booting from a usb?21:37
psusiMrS1lentcz, you need to not run it with sudo, and do you have your disk mounted in /mnt?21:37
MrS1lentczpsusi: sure21:38
mongyifconfig then to see if she has an ip at least21:38
MrS1lentczpsusi: /mnt/proc is exists21:38
illbequickcan anyone run "apt-get cache show broadcom-sta-common" please? having little difficulty here :/21:38
gajbooksgizmo: I took the HD out to see if that made a differnece, but that is what I got. I removed the HD because I kept having my ruined 7 install trying to boot.21:38
psusiMrS1lentcz, then you should be running "for f in sys dev proc ; do mount --bind /$f /mnt/$f"21:38
cybermolly10mongy: when I was looking at the connection information there was an IP address21:39
psusiMrS1lentcz, err, forgot the ; done part that time...21:39
psusiMrS1lentcz, so it should be "for f in sys dev proc ; do mount --bind /$f /mnt/$f ; done"21:39
MrS1lentczpsusi: "mount: mount point /mnt/proc/mounts does not exist"21:40
psusiMrS1lentcz, the word mounts should not be anywhere in the command21:40
robin0800illbequick: aptitude search says broadcom-sta-common exists21:41
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MrS1lentczpsusi: i mounted sucessfully mounts and swaps by this method in the past...21:41
gizmogajbooks: when your computer boots, try pushing f8 to get to a boot menu. (if that does not work, your bios probably shows you what to push). Also, do you know if the usb drive is bootable?21:41
psusiMrS1lentcz, you need to run the command exactly as I said... the word "mounts" isn't in it...21:42
TimothyAI have an issue with ubuntu 11.04: every time I boot up the machine it will just display a black screen, but I can see my cursor21:42
gajbooksgizmo: Do you mean the setup? No, I do not know if the USB is bootable.21:42
MrS1lentczpsusi:  i see...21:42
gizmogajbooks: What have you done to the usb so far?21:43
gajbooksJust used Unetbootin on it.21:43
aniketdharamshii just installed ubuntu using wubi on windows 721:44
reisioaniketdharamshi: hi21:44
aniketdharamshiand now when i boot it and select ubuntu it just restarts and wont boot21:44
MrS1lentczActionPa1snip: "/etc/default/grub: 36: nouveau.blacklist=1: not found"21:45
reisioaniketdharamshi: installing not using wubi is a much saner approach...21:45
cybermolly10reisio: is it time to buy a new adapter yet?21:45
aniketdharamshiRight, so i should just download it, make a usb and then install it from there?21:45
MrS1lentczpsusi: your colleague wrote me a wrong option :(21:46
reisiocybermolly10: haven't been following21:47
reisiowhere are you now?21:47
gizmogajbooks: then the usb should be bootable. My guess is your bios setup does not look for usb drives. You should be able to fix that by going into the bios menu. If it doesn't have a usb option, it is probably an old bios, in which case check the manufacturer's website for an update.21:47
cybermolly10reisio: I pinged and it said network unreachable21:47
gajbooksgizmo: It has one, and it is set to first boot priority.21:47
cybermolly10reisio: aside from that, little has changed21:47
abelabelhi, on a system using 11.10 network speed to the internet (browsing, downloading) is great but on the internal network when communicating with my NAS or XP system the network speed is stable but slow, just around 100KB/second; any hints what I should try to look into?21:48
reisiocybermolly10: thought you were going to look at your Apple config21:48
gizmogajbooks: do you have access to another computer you could use to install to the hd?21:49
MrS1lentczoh, my wrong21:49
lan3yhi im having problems with my hybridgraphics setup, how can i check which gpu is currently in use?21:49
cybermolly10reisio: what exactly should I be looking at/for?21:49
gajbooksgizmo: Would it be possible to use a VM?21:49
reisiocybermolly10: the encryption type21:49
reisiocybermolly10: wep, wpa, etc.21:49
nn52używa ktoś gnome3 , z klasycznym wyglądem?21:50
nn52klasyk czyli wyglÄ…d gnome221:50
robin0800cybermolly10: if you can log into the router you can usually see the security settings and password21:50
cybermolly10reisio: ok, I guess it's WPA2 Personal21:50
l_rwhere are the repositories for ubuntu 9.10?21:50
iceroot!eol | l_r21:51
ubottul_r: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:51
abelabel(all wired network by the way)21:51
l_rthat's not a great answer21:51
gajbooksOk, so does Ubuntu install platform specific stuff or does it install all generic?21:51
lan3yl_r, could be a hint they are gone21:51
gizmogajbooks: Maybe, you would need to see if it can access the host's harddrive.21:51
reisiogajbooks: it detects hardware during install21:52
reisiogajbooks: as much as it can21:52
icerootl_r: it is the best answer21:52
icerootl_r: because the last link contains the repos and shows how to upgrade21:52
gajbooksgizmo: If it would install for different hrdware, then how would that work right?21:52
niklasfiis there somebody here, who has a working config for mpd and pulseaudio?21:52
l_ri need to install packages in an old release, i dont want to upgrade21:52
icerootl_r: again, read the link21:52
cybermolly10reisio: I changed it to WPA2 personal, disconnected and reconnected, still have greyed out bars on network icon and can't connect on mozilla21:52
icerootl_r: deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME-security main restricted universe multiverse21:53
rUff3ris there a way to get the close on the left side in gnome shell?21:53
lan3yrUff3r, some of the themes have the buttons set on the left21:54
gizmogajbooks: the problem with using a VM on the host hd, is that the host OS might lock you out of direct access.21:54
rUff3rlan3y: thanks i look into it21:54
jazzhey, could someone please help me?21:54
MrS1lentczpsusi: i dont know how i have to set the "nouveau.blacklist=1" flag by http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1758080.html :/21:54
reisiocybermolly10: I don't know, we could try the other thing you were trying earlier you said you had some problem with21:54
lan3yjazz, dont ask to ask, go ahead21:54
reisiocybermolly10: relaying commands over IRC is kind of maddening at this duration, though21:55
jazzoh, ok sorry :P I've been trying to change my boot order and the timer, but I can't seem to be able to do it21:55
cybermolly10reisio: does that mean I should buy the adapter?21:55
jazzcould someone just walk me through it?21:55
jazzlike getting to the file i need to edit?21:55
rUff3roh and why is there no shutdown option in gnome shell?21:56
reisiocybermolly10: I'm sure you can get this one to work, but if you'd rather just replace it with one you think will work out of the box :) up to you21:56
reisioif you've got an Apple computer I assume you can afford a new adapter :p21:56
cybermolly10reisio, I don't think I have any other choice, I don't know anyone who uses ubuntu, so I don't have anyone to help21:56
fellayaboyhow can i remote desktop from outside my local network??21:56
reisiocybermolly10: if you need a suggestion ask ##hardware21:56
lan3yrUff3r, hold the alt key when on the menu to change hibernate to power off, i think21:56
gajbooksgizmo: I can directly mount USB drives in the VM, so I should be good. (I am going to use a HD to USB adapter)21:57
cybermolly10reisio: what do you think about this one? http://www.amazon.com/150Mbps-WIFI-WIRELESS-ADAPTER-802-11/dp/B0058XSZGU/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1321820829&sr=1-121:57
icerootfellayaboy: forward the needed ports in your router (more infos are found in the manual of the router)21:57
reisiocybermolly10: I wouldn't mind ssh'ing into your box and trying a couple things, but probably not a great idea if you have any personal data on there21:57
gizmogajbooks: that should work21:57
cybermolly10reisio: I don21:57
cybermolly10treisio: I don't have personal dat21:57
rUff3rlan3y:  thanks again21:57
gajbooksIs there a way to make Ubuntu install for a generic system and not bother to detect hardware?21:57
reisiocybermolly10: looks tiny, I wonder what the actual range is21:57
jazzcould someone walk me through editing my boot order?21:57
fellayaboyiceroot..i think i did but how would i configure everyhthing else..what programs etc21:57
icerootfellayaboy: nothing more needed21:58
cybermolly10reisio: is there a way you can ssh if I'm not connected to the internet?21:58
fellayaboywhat port does it use?21:58
mongyreisio: same as an internal with patch antenna21:58
reisiocybermolly10: you can see if the install image you used has network21:58
icerootfellayaboy: what are you using? vnc, ssh, rdesktop21:58
lan3yjazz, maybe this could help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:58
reisiomongy: cool21:58
cybermolly10reisio: also, would it be better if I dragged this computer over to the router and connected to the router temporarily21:58
mongycybermolly10: as I said before, its rtl8188 same as mine.  works21:59
jazzok, ill try it. thank you21:59
reisiomongy: what laptops don't come without wireless adapters...21:59
gizmogajbooks: the default install is fairly generic. If there is a specific support missing you can always add it after installing.21:59
reisiocybermolly10: that'd probably work, too21:59
fellayaboyiceroot i dont know which to use... i want to control the desktop not ssh with just terminal interface..21:59
gajbooksgizmo: Ah, thanks.21:59
icerootfellayaboy: then i guess you are using vnc21:59
icerootfellayaboy: 5900 should be the port you need22:00
fellayaboyokay do i need to install something else22:00
cybermolly10reisio: just so we're clear, because I'm very lazy, if I drag this computer over to the router and plug it in, you think we could tackle this wireless adapter problem?22:00
reisiocybermolly10: you should check if the wireless works from the liveCD anyways, though22:00
reisiocybermolly10: yeah22:00
fellayaboyif using vnc do i have to install somethign else iceroot22:00
icerootfellayaboy: vnc should be installed by default on ubuntu with gnome/unity22:00
fellayaboyok iceroot22:00
cybermolly10reisio: unfortunately, I had to actually install ubuntu, I'm not just running it off a cd22:00
reisiocybermolly10: I know, but the install images let you run a 'testing' environment, too22:01
reisiocybermolly10: and sometimes wireless will work on these and not the installed22:01
jazzi was thinking of doing something more like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS22:01
reisiocybermolly10: which would indicate a simple misconfiguration or lack of software in the install, which we could find easily with some diff'ing22:01
jazzbut it doesnt seem to work22:01
cybermolly10reisio: really? so how do I do that? just put the CD back in and reboot?22:01
reisiocybermolly10: so what I'd do is boot up the install CD, select test/try/whatever instead of install22:02
reisiocybermolly10: spend a couple minutes max seeing if the wireless works / if you can get it working22:02
fellayaboyiceroot..okay so after allowing remote desktop on host and opening port on router i should be good to go22:02
reisiocybermolly10: if you can, get on IRC and we'll figure it out, if you can't, plug it into the router22:02
cybermolly10reisio: ok, rebooting now, wish me luck22:03
jazzcould somebody help me do this? i cant get it to work: t it doesnt seem to workt it doesnt seem to work22:03
jazzt it doesnt seem to work22:03
reisiocybermolly10: good luck :)22:03
jazzi cant get THIS to work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS22:03
reisiojazz: that looks to be instructions for old GRUB22:04
reisiojazz: what version of Ubuntu are you using?22:04
jazzwell how could i do the same thing on 11.1022:04
scarleoHi, I'm getting a strange conflict when trying to update XBMC from unstable. This is my versions and message: http://pastie.org/289492022:04
robin0800jazz: did you run sudo update-grub after your changes?22:05
scarleothe versions match up but it tells me the already installed version is going to be installed, why?22:05
jazzummm no i dont think so22:05
ikoniascarleo: what repo are you getting that from ?22:05
jazzi think i screwed something up early on so i reinstalled ubuntu22:05
jazzoh, and i could never even get the document up22:06
scarleoikonia: LP-PPA-team-xbmc-unstable/natty22:06
jazzso i never even edited anything22:06
ikoniascarleo: you need to talk to the maintainers of that PPA then22:06
robin0800jazz: any changes to grub require that command afterwards22:06
scarleoikonia: ok, thanks22:06
jazzyeah, but i never edited anything22:06
jazzi cant even get to the place to edit things22:07
Icehawk78My laptop has a (radeon) hybrid graphics switch which has been causing me several headaches. I eventually disabled the fglrx and attempted to use the VGASWITCHEROO in order to disable the radeon graphics card, which otherwise leaves the fan running at 100% nearly constantly.22:07
jazzim on 64 bit 11.1022:07
reisiojazz: so the problem ATM is... you can't boot Windows?22:07
cybermolly10reisio: same thing, I can't see it in the network list, tried creating a connection, still can't get online22:07
yarrowjazz: try this thread, lots of info on grub2 : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527522:07
Icehawk78However, attempting to do `echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch` gives me permission errors22:07
ikoniaIcehawk78: use sudo22:08
jazznoo i CAN boot windows. i just want it to remove the timer when it gives me operating systems to boot22:08
reisiocybermolly10: k, hook it up to the router, see if you can get me the ip (curl tnx.nl/ip) and a user name and pass22:08
MrS1lentczafter start pc my black screen are bliking... can i set this: "# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only) #GRUB_TERMINAL=console " for solve this problem?22:08
Icehawk78ikonia: Still doesn't work, preumably because it's only 'echo' that's being run in sudo22:08
MrS1lentcz*in grub config22:08
ikoniaIcehawk78: ahhhh yes,22:08
reisiocybermolly10: /msg reisio user:pass22:08
reisiocybermolly10: and actually you don't need to say the IP in public, either :p22:09
cybermolly10reisio: will the IP address be the same when I move it?22:09
Resistancereisio:  stop being a troll ;P22:09
reisioResistance: yes massah22:09
cybermolly10reisio: you'll be shocked to hear this, but I don't know how to message you22:09
reisiocybermolly10: well right now it hasn't an ip address22:09
reisiocybermolly10: that was the command22:09
reisiocybermolly10: /query reisio22:09
cybermolly10reisio: so how come I can see an IP address when I look at the connection information?22:10
reisiocybermolly10: can you?  I guess it could be partially working22:10
reisiocybermolly10: from what, ifconfig?22:10
cybermolly10reisio: and I still don't get how to message you, sorry, really got in over my head22:10
reisiocybermolly10: '/query reisio'22:11
cybermolly10reisio: I clicked the network icon and selected "connection information" near the bottom22:11
reisioshould open up a tab near top22:11
StepNjump2I made another boo boo... gosh! I did chmod /media/* and now when I try to cd /media, I don't have access!22:11
cybermolly10reisio: are you saying I should type that into the line I'm typing into right now?22:11
reisiocybermolly10: yes22:11
StepNjump2What should I do?22:11
cybermolly10can I leave the computer where it is and see you if you can ssh, or should I still move it?22:12
Icehawk78StepNjump2: sudo cd or sudo chmod back to what it was before?22:12
cybermolly10reisio: can I leave the computer where it is and see you if you can ssh, or should I still move it?22:12
xSmurfhey all, I'm trying to use an Edirol FA66 firewire sound card in Oneiric and it doesn't seem to work22:12
reisiocybermolly10: you can, tell me the IP in a PM22:12
xSmurfor at least, it doesn't popup in pulseaudio22:12
xSmurfany clues would be helpful22:12
vimjimI have an ongoing issue. I have two usb devices on the same hub, same device.  They are multimode devices, they auto switch to the correct mode. Actual device is a nokia cs18 gprs modem.  All works well. Registers with the carrier, but after about 5-9 days, one of the devices goes offline, the other stays on.  dmesg reports "usb disconnect" or "new full speed usb devce" followed by "unable to enumerate" - these messages are the same as if i am to physically22:13
vimjimunpliug the device, but i am not.22:13
vimjimand, the lights do not come back on when this happens 5-9 days after being plugged in.22:14
atamiskdoes anybody know why compiz refuses to start?22:14
atamiskerr emerald, not compiz22:14
StepNjump2icehawk78 I tried sudo cd. It says command not found!22:15
bastidrazoratamisk: emerald is dead.. RIP22:15
xangua!emerald | atamisk22:15
ubottuatamisk: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.22:15
xanguaatamisk: if you want to go on I have seen some guides that force to use emerald with new compiz22:15
CharminTheMooseWhat tools are there that I can use to automount externel media (usb fat32 and ext3 primarily) irrespective of whether I'm using Gnome or not?22:16
StepNjump2the su password, should be same as root no?22:16
reisioCharminTheMoose: did you answer my question earlier?22:16
reisioCharminTheMoose: you want to mount any random device you connect, or only specific ones22:16
CharminTheMooseOh sorry reisio I didn't see it. I want to mount any random device I connect, essentially22:17
xSmurfanyone? anyone? Bueller?22:17
bluberellahello. I want to prevent a specific package from being installed. I did a "apt-get remove --purge gdm-guest-session", followed by a aptitude hold gdm-guest-session. Unfortunately the packet is installed anyway. How can I prevent a package from being installed?22:17
reisioCharminTheMoose: k, check out https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Udev22:17
reisioxSmurf: nothing like an overused joke to make a person want to respond...22:17
xSmurfwell see it worked ;)22:17
fellayaboyiceroot thanks that worked very well22:18
fellayaboydoes anyone know how to get out of remote desktop view when connected??22:18
atamiski just need a decorator that works. gtk-window-decorator refuses to initialize too22:18
xSmurfI really wished this would work, everything I can find on the net basically says "it just works"22:18
reisioxSmurf: this what22:19
reisiofellayaboy: CTRL+ALT+ENTER ?22:20
gewtroktik: stop PMing me, please.22:20
fellayaboyctrl alt enter works?22:20
xSmurfreisio: ah you didn't read the original message huh ;p22:20
xSmurfan Edirol Fa66 firewire soundcard22:20
=== StepNjump2 is now known as stepnjump
reisioxSmurf: hence the question22:21
reisiofellayaboy: you tell me22:21
jesse__How do I install a specific version of a program from command line?22:23
ahoneybunjesse__, use the source from the apps webpage?22:24
reisiothink he means given multiple available versions in repo22:24
jesse__reisio, Indeed!22:25
ActionPa1snipjesse__: http://blog.andrewbeacock.com/2007/03/how-to-install-specific-version-of.html22:25
|Slacker|does anybody use thunderbird here with google accounts?22:25
alessandro97blu sky22:25
ActionPa1snip!anyone | |Slacker|22:25
ubottu|Slacker|: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:25
MVanDruffso does anyone know a way to launch my windows install through linux22:25
ActionPa1snipMVanDruff: virtualbox can do it22:26
|Slacker|ActionPa1snip, oh...forgot about that, sorry22:26
jesse__ActionPa1snip, thanks, brain shutting down22:26
reisioMVanDruff: you want to install windows to a hard disk?22:26
giuliahello, I am trying to create an icon theme around Christmas. The only hiccups is that I have no idea on where can I find Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice... icons in Christmas' clothes. Any idea ?22:26
jazzhow do i edit "GRUB-TIMEOUT" after putting "info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'" into terminal?22:26
|Slacker|anyway, I'm having issues with thunderbird and google apps accounts22:27
jesse__I've run into a strange problem when installing Ubuntu. Please excuse my lack of knowledge.22:27
jesse__(1) After installing Ubuntu, I am dropped to BusyBox initramfs.22:27
jesse__(2) I do not see the hard drive or partition in /dev.  I should, shouldn't I?  I think this means modules are missing.22:27
jesse__(3) I've tried reinstalling Grub using chroot, but it's not helping.22:27
jesse__(4) I think I traced the problem to having initrd.img-3.0.0-13 and vmlinuz-3.0.0-13 installed when only Linux 3.0.0-12 is installed, so it's looking for modules that aren't there.22:27
FloodBot1jesse__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
ActionPa1snipjazz: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub22:28
jazzhow do i edit "GRUB-TIMEOUT" after putting "info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'" into terminal?22:28
jazzok ill try that22:28
MVanDruffI allready have it installed on my secondary hdd22:28
|Slacker|thunderbird keeps freezing while checkingth imap folders but only with my google apps account22:28
|Slacker|any known bugs?22:28
ActionPa1snip|Slacker|: which version of thunderbird?22:28
jazzdo i put that into a new terminal or the same one?22:28
jesse__How much of my five points got through?22:28
|Slacker|the latest I guess...lemme check22:28
ActionPa1snipjazz: either, it doesn't matter22:29
xangua|Slacker| if it's the first time you are going to sync, you'll have to wait22:29
ActionPa1snipjesse__: all22:29
jesse__ActionPa1snip, thanks22:29
jazzwow thank you22:29
|Slacker|it's thunderbird 7.0.122:29
ActionPa1snip|Slacker|: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:29
abelabel I'm still trying to figure out why I have such low network speeds on the local network. The speed I get is suspiciously close to the upload speed I have in my internet connection; also the IP of the linux computer is not in the same range as the other devices on the network. Could it be that I'm accidentally sending all data through my provider?22:30
stepnjumpreisio, I made a mistake... I chmod /media/. instead of /media/UUID/. and now I can't even cd into the dir. Any ideas?22:30
GTRsdkWhat is the package name for the program called "Disk Utility"?22:30
|Slacker|ActionPa1snip, should I do this after thunderbird freezes?22:30
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ActionPa1snip|Slacker|: any time really, its informational, it doesn't fix anything22:30
jesse__(6) I don't know how to do this, since I can't find linux 3.0.0-13 in the repositories nor do I know how to install earlier versions of the other programs.22:30
reisiostepnjump: ask the channel (not me directly) what /media/'s permissions are supposed to be22:31
|Slacker|ActionPa1snip, thunderbird just turned gray now22:31
|Slacker|probably will crash22:31
stepnjumpok reisio22:31
reisiostepnjump: sup22:31
ActionPa1snipGTRsdk: gnome-disk-utility22:31
stepnjumpmay anyone tell me what the /media/'s permissions are supposed to be?22:32
jesse__If anybody can help, problem re-iterated for easy reading: http://pastebin.com/zx3ymdEc22:32
reisioactually I do have an Ubuntu install on this usb stick, 1min I'll check its permissions22:33
ActionPa1snipstepnjump: http://paste.ubuntu.com/744794/22:33
reisiosilly IRC client22:33
moo-ubuntu is the only operating system that dont have screensaver22:34
stepnjumpThanks a lot actionpa1snip22:34
moo-windows, mac and even 1980 os have screensaver, but not ubuntu22:34
reisiomoo-: the screensaver is optional22:34
atamiskemerald works from fusion-icon, but not under a command-line init?22:34
reisiomoo-: and it's a GNOME decision22:34
ActionPa1snipmoo-: DOS doesn't have a screensaver22:34
stepnjumpActionPa1snip, what happened to ActionParsnip?22:34
ActionPa1snipstepnjump: ?22:34
moo-ActionPa1snip, but amiga does22:34
reisiomoo-: all distros using GNOME 3 will either come without a screensaver, or taint their install with non-default-GNOME stuff22:34
ActionPa1snipmoo-: so?22:34
stepnjumpActionPa1snip yes?22:35
moo-reisio, but windows and  mac has screensavers, why doesnt ubuntu? is it a not as good?22:35
ActionPa1snipmoo-: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/how-to-move-unity-launcher-to-bottom-of.html   shows how to install one. Why not just turn the monitor off, it's a power saver22:35
reisiomoo-: I just said...22:35
ActionPa1snipmoo-: is a screensaver a gauge of OS quality to you?22:35
reisiomoo-: if you want a screensaver, install xscreensaver22:36
xanguamoo-: on webupd8 oneiric tweak post says how to install a screensaver22:36
reisiomoo-: Ubuntu doesn't have one because GNOME doesn't have one22:36
reisiomoo-: and most people are arguably happy with just blanking22:36
licnephow do i upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10? The upgrade button disappeared, and running 'update-manager -d' or 'do-release-upgrade' don't work22:36
prettynoobhi people, i need some help with a dedicated server running Ubuntu, can anyone help me?22:36
ActionPa1snip!upgrade | licnep22:36
ubottulicnep: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:36
ActionPa1sniplicnep: -d is for (d)evelopment releases only22:36
reisioprettynoob: help granted!22:36
prettynoobreisio: thank you gentleman22:37
JoshR1I am wondering if anyone can give me advice on a good VPN server for Ubuntu.22:37
jesse__When anybody has a moment, I think I've almost solved my problem: http://pastebin.com/zx3ymdEc22:37
reisiostepnjump: get your perms yet?22:37
cYmenWhat is the appropriate way to make a luks encrypted partition my new home partition?22:37
ActionPa1snipJoshR1: http://cviorel.easyblog.ro/2009/02/09/how-to-set-up-a-vpn-server-on-ubuntu/22:37
cYmenediting fstab and crypttab? or is there a tool or setting to use?22:37
prettynoobreisio: i have a main ip address, and 3 secondary, how can i use these secondary ips to create shell acounts?22:37
stepnjumpreisio, no! lol I have a finger in a cast lol22:38
reisiostepnjump: sudo chmod 755 /media22:38
ActionPa1snipstepnjump: you asked where I was, so I replied. I thought you wanted me. so your reply of "yes?" is confusing.22:38
reisiostepnjump: how'd you manage that?22:38
reisioprettynoob: good question22:38
robin0800reisio: actually gnome does have a screensaver but it is broken22:38
JoshR1Great now I am locking up after trying to use that link.22:38
jesse__Actually, why does my Live CD have linux 3.0.0-13 and yet I can only find 3.0.0-12 in the repositories?22:39
stepnjumpActionPa1snip OIC! no I was saying... what did you do with our ActionPa R snip in a joking way lol22:39
prettynoobreisio: i think so hehe, please if you know some web tutorial or something22:39
reisiorobin0800: it has blank, yeah22:39
prettynoobim really lost with this matter22:39
reisioprettynoob: you want to offer free shells upon request?22:39
ActionPa1snipstepnjump: ahhh, i see :D22:39
JoshR1For some reason my mouse won't click anything now.22:39
stepnjumpDon't ask reisio lol too embarassing.. Ok let me try 755 but last time I tried it was a no go...22:40
reisioJoshR1: keyboard still working?22:40
prettynoobreisio: not free, i would like to create them myself22:40
reisiostepnjump: hahahah22:40
jesse__Would copying my /lib/modules folder from my Live CD to my desktop work, or would that mess things up?22:40
ActionPa1snipJoshR1: try restarting your WM, may help22:40
JoshR1I am typing lol22:40
prettynoobbut i want to how to do it, reisio22:40
reisioprettynoob: why do you want to use the other IPs?22:40
jesse__There needs to be a bot that puts people in a queue or something...22:40
fellayaboyi have mupen64 in /usr/local...i want to create a link in /usr/local/bin  i made a link and renamed it mupen64 but it says it cant find a *.conf file..how could i fix this im new to adding programs manually22:40
reisiojesse__: forgot your problem22:40
JoshR1Odly enough now it works.22:40
stepnjumpreisio.. It worked thanks! My error was that I had added -R to chmod prev.22:41
ActionPa1snipfellayaboy: run it from command line and it will give clues22:41
reisiofellayaboy: mupen is in the repos, why'd you do it manually22:41
reisioalessandro97: 1, 2, 3, 422:41
fellayaboyoh ididnt know22:41
ActionPa1snip!find muppen22:41
reisioalessandro97: 522:41
jesse__reisio: http://pastebin.com/zx3ymdEc22:41
prettynoobreisio: because i cant like ¨install¨ two apache web servers in one ip address22:41
robin0800jesse__: its in proposed I think you can enable that in the software sources22:41
ubottuPackage/file muppen does not exist in oneiric22:41
fellayaboyall i did was chmod +x reisio22:41
jesse__Proposed... thank you...22:41
ActionPa1snipisn't muppen64 dead?22:41
reisiofellayaboy: pardon?22:41
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jesse__robin0800, reisio: I can take it from there, I think.22:41
prettynoobreisio: i would like to listen in port 80 in each ip, or something like that22:41
ActionPa1snipfellayaboy: muppen64 is 7 YEARS dead22:42
ActionPa1snipfellayaboy: http://mupen64.emulation64.com/22:42
fellayaboywhats a better emu?22:42
stepnjumpreisio :)22:43
reisiojesse__: sudo fdisk -l list your devices?22:43
ActionPa1snipfellayaboy: anything is better than dead22:43
reisiostepnjump: mounting things again?22:43
renosisI have some partitioning questions, can anyone help me?22:43
reisiostepnjump: careful not to break another finger22:43
reisiofellayaboy: mupen64plus22:43
fellayaboyis that in the repos?22:43
reisiofellayaboy: it's in the repos, all you had to do was search for mupen22:43
ActionPa1snipfellayaboy: found this but it's nearly 1 year without update http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/22:43
reisiofellayaboy: always check the repos first22:43
ActionPa1snip!find mupen22:43
ubottuFound: mupen64plus, mupen64plus-dbg22:43
reisiofellayaboy: use as little of a string as you can that you think will match22:43
ActionPa1snip!info mupen64plus22:44
ubottumupen64plus (source: mupen64plus): plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5+dfsg1-16 (oneiric), package size 1261 kB, installed size 4056 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64)22:44
stepnjumpreisio rofl! no I think I learned my lesson this time! -Rrrrrrr!22:44
jesse__reisio: it shows up there when I've booted from my Live CD, but when I'm in BusyBox after my computer fails to start, the disk is nowhere to be found!22:44
reisiojesse__: 11.10?22:44
jesse__reisio: using ls /dev/sd*22:44
jesse__reisio: Yes22:44
trihedronmissing drivers ?22:45
fellayaboy i didnt see mupen their before but now i found it22:45
reisiofellayaboy: a likely story!22:45
fellayaboyi typed in nintendo 65 emulator but never got anything22:45
reisiothat's a little specific22:45
reisioand you probably would've had to tell the search to search by description, not name22:46
fellayaboythanks...so is that the best emu for ubuntu22:46
reisiodepends on the frontend22:46
reisiofellayaboy: I think it might be the only viable Linux n64 emulator ATM22:46
reisiodon't quote me on that22:46
prettynoobreisio: :(22:46
reisioprettynoob: ?22:47
prettynoobreisio: u were talking to me :(22:47
prettynoobim waiting for you22:47
reisioprettynoob: waiting for me to do what?22:47
prettynoobreisio: to help me, if its not a trouble22:47
reisioprettynoob: ...with what?22:47
gmcdonaldI got a machine with 6 SAS in a RAID6 + HS. There are also 2 x SSDs in a RAID1 , whats the best way does anyine know for Ubuntu to utlises those SSDs ?22:48
fellayaboybut either way its a good question...sometimes i use programs that are not in the repos... if i wanted to add a link to usr/local/bin how can i make it work if the files depenedent to a file in the directory of its source22:48
prettynoobreisio: manage more than one ip address22:48
reisiofellayaboy: symlinking is usually a decent quick fix22:48
prettynoobreisio: to create like shell accounts, but i would like to manage them22:48
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fellayaboyhow would i do that22:48
reisiofellayaboy: ln -s path/to/reallocation path/to/fake22:48
fellayaboyi see22:48
reisiofellayaboy: or put another way: ln -s path/where/really/is path/where/things/looking/for/it22:49
renosisI have ubuntu installed on an ntfs partition (installed on a windows 7 install), I haven't booted into windows 7 in months. I need to dedicate more space to ubuntu. I have only one NTFS partition, containing both windows and ubuntu. While trying to figure out how to get more space, I booted into windows and found a file in the C:\ubuntu folder that is the same size as the space reserved for ubuntu. So I assume this is where ubuntu l22:49
renosisives. How do I devote more space to this file?22:49
fellayaboyi see reisio22:49
KWhat4Does ubuntu have any themes that are in the package manager?22:49
fellayaboyok ok ln -s /source /link22:49
reisioprettynoob: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu%20multiple%20interfaces22:50
ActionPa1snip!find theme22:50
ubottuFound: adium-theme-ubuntu, dmz-cursor-theme, gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, gnome-accessibility-themes-extras, gnome-icon-theme-symbolic, hicolor-icon-theme, human-theme, humanity-icon-theme, ldm-ubuntu-theme, light-themes (and 157 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=theme&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all22:50
reisioprettynoob: for making new users you'd want useradd or adduser22:50
ActionPa1snipKWhat4: sure, search software centre for: theme22:50
reisioyou know what's really missing is a guide on how to use random software22:50
reisiopeople don't realize you can just type 'theme' in a box :p22:51
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ActionPa1snipreisio: works well. as a human you can filter the fluff easily22:51
gmcdonaldrephrase my Q: anyone use SSDs with Ubuntu?22:51
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: many do22:51
reisiogmcdonald: yes, some ones do22:51
K350is there anyone who's familar with Perl-Tk?22:52
gmcdonaldok so expanding that back to my original question22:52
fellayaboynow what if i wanted to add a bin to application>whereever22:52
gmcdonaldI got a machine with 6 SAS in a RAID6 + HS. There are also 2 x SSDs in a RAID1 , whats the best way does anyine know for Ubuntu to utlises those SSDs ?22:52
KWhat4reisio: the problem is not that i dont know to type theme inot the serach box, the probem is i have 2000 results that are not themes22:53
fellayaboyok nevermind all i have to do is rightclick properties and edit menus and i can add a bin to a path22:53
moo-gmcdonald, ask in #kernel or #linux, perhaps LVM or softraid, idk22:53
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: what is your priority for your storage?22:53
reisiodon't ask in #kernel22:53
reisioKWhat4: for example?22:54
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: if you want speed then use raid0, if you want reliability then use raid122:54
KWhat4peguin themed mine sweaper22:54
gmcdonaldits going to be a build machine, so I was hoping to use the SSDs for the read/write of the builds22:54
ermogmcdonald: sorry to barge in, but would you care to pastebin the convo history? :)22:54
reisiofellayaboy: that's how... Windows users do it... :/22:54
ActionPa1snipKWhat4: gnomelook.org has nice themes22:55
gmcdonaldermo: there is no history really, just started22:55
* ermo has experience with both mdadmin raid-0, raid-1 and raid-10 w/lvm on top22:55
renosisDoes anyone know a name for the way my Ubuntu is partitioned, so I can search for a tutorial so I can devote more space to it? I have one ntfs partition running windows and ubuntu.22:55
KWhat4reisio: none of the themes listed in the chat show up,22:55
abelabelwould it be far-fetched to imagine that all the traffic that is supposed to happen within my LAN is accidentally routed through a server at my provider?22:55
ActionPa1snipKWhat4: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/more-gnome-3-themes-hope-adwance-gtk3.html22:55
KWhat4ActionPa1snip: i want something in the package manager so my gf will stop skrewing up her setup22:55
ermogmcdonald: the first I saw was "moo-> gmcdonald, ask in #kernel or #linux,(...)" :)22:55
gmcdonaldermo: ack ..22:55
gmcdonaldI got a machine with 6 SAS in a RAID6 + HS. There are also 2 x SSDs in a RAID1 , whats the best way does anyine know for Ubuntu to utlises those SSDs ?22:55
gmcdonaldermo: ^22:55
SeverianOn Ubuntu 10.04, is there a way to completely rebuild database of installed packages?  I had a corrupt /var/lib/dpkg/status.  I deleted it, which was probably a mistake.  Now, synaptic wants to install a bunch of packages thare are already there.22:55
ermogmcdonald: roger22:56
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: the question doesn't tell us much22:56
reisioKWhat4: heh, k22:56
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: if you make a single disk from the SSDs you will be able to maximise the space too22:56
reisioKWhat4: theme packages probably follow a naming convention22:56
reisioKWhat4: foo-theme-bar, or the like22:56
gmcdonaldActionPa1snip: its a build machine, so was wanting to utilise the SSDs and ram cache maybe or tmp for read/writes etc22:56
ermorenosis: search for gparted -- you can resize partitions with that tool.22:56
reisioKWhat4: they should be all grouped together22:56
prettynoobreisio: yes, i already setup the interfaces22:56
reisioKWhat4: you could get at them quicker from a terminal: apt-cache search theme | grep -i gnome, etc.22:57
gmcdonaldActionPa1snip: already in a RAID1 setup as one VD22:57
ThomasBoxleyWhat IRC client currently available uses GTK 3?22:57
KWhat4reisio: there is something wrong with the serach, for example if i search for theme nothing shows up related to themes, if i search for adium then the audium-theme shows up22:57
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: put swap, /tmp and /var on the platter based drives. Put web browser cache in tempfs22:57
ermogmcdonald: how much ram do you have? Which kind of CPU? Have you considered using zram backed tmpfs aloing with lib/package files on mdadm raid-0 on the SSDs?22:58
gmcdonaldermo: no havent looked into that. The SSDs are 100GB each, the RAM is 32GB, CPU is dunno but big and fast :)22:58
gmcdonaldits a 10k server22:59
ermoActionPa1snip: 32GB? Sounds like a dual socket system ...22:59
KWhat4yah idk how the software center does its searching but someone may want to revisit that code22:59
ermogmcdonald: is it up and running now? If so, can you pastebin the output of 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' or your 'dmesg'?23:00
reisioThomasBoxley: probably dev builds of XChat23:00
renosisermo, I have been in gparted, it shows one NTFS partition, both ubuntu and windows are installed on this partition, to access my windows partition from ubuntu, it is mounted in /host, and as far as I can tell, if I boot into windows, under a file called C:\ubuntu\ there is some very large file (20 gigs, just like the amount of space devoted to ubuntu)23:00
reisioKWhat4: maybe you're searching by description and not name23:00
reisioKWhat4: or vice versa23:00
ermorenosis: oh, you're running ubuntu inside the windows partition.23:00
renosiswhich I assume holds my ubuntu data23:00
renosisermo, yes :]23:00
reisioKWhat4: again apt-cache search in a terminal is going to be faster/easier to parse23:00
gmcdonaldermo: not yet no, Im at the install stage, so wanted to know best if I can install OS on the normal SAS disks and then configure SSDs afterwards or if I should be configuring the SSDs now before I start the OS install23:01
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: if you have 32Gb RAM, a lot of it will be used for disk cache if the ram is largely unused, makes things even faster :)23:01
renosisermo, I would like to either devote more space to that file, some how, which I can't figure out how to do, or simply find an easy way to remove windows 7 completely and run a standard linux partition23:01
gmcdonaldActionPa1snip: right that was I was hoping, but how do I configure the SSDs to be ram cache?23:01
ermogmcdonald: by ensuring that your swap is on the SSD drives? :)23:02
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: you can format them as swap, with 32Gb RAM I doubt you'll need it23:02
ermogmcdonald: you could also consider using them in raid-10 instead of raid-123:02
KWhat4reisio: yes, for you and i, however for someone else thats not very good at the terminal, not its not.  I am just wondering why one the software center doesnt search pacakge names23:02
gmcdonald100GB for sawp seems excessive23:03
reisioKWhat4: install synaptic23:03
reisioKWhat4: software center is the super dumbed down version23:03
ermogmcdonald: raid-10 stripes reads from each disk and since your seek time is awesome, there's no downside to raid-10 like there would be for spindled disks23:03
KWhat4ahhh ok thanks23:03
ermogmcdonald: you're not getting it -- the idea is to create large, swap-backed tmpfs'es and run the builds from there23:04
ActionPa1snipgmcdonald: you want 1xRAM for swap if you have more than 2Gb RAM. With 32Gb RAM I doubt you'll need it23:04
Jordan_Urenosis: To remove Windows completely and do a normal install just burn the Ubuntu iso to a CD or put it on a USB drive and boot from that rather than installing from within Windows. You will have to back up all your data first though.23:04
ermogmcdonald: sorry, that came out a bit harsh :)(23:04
gmcdonaldno problem23:04
KWhat4reisio: awesome!! thats just what i was looking for.  Thanks!23:04
ermogmcdonald: I'm just imagining this: tmpfs -> zram -> swap -> raid-10 SSD23:05
three18tianyone using orchestra on ubuntu-server?  Looking for a way to reset the login, reset the cobbler login, but that doesn't seem to help.23:05
inashdeenhi, want to ask, if i install ubuntu on a usb, can i edit it, like install and remove software, add and change wallpaper, put my documents like we use to do on a pc?23:05
renosisJordan_U, ya, was trying to see if there is some way to avoid that, I kind of had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy, thanks23:05
reisioKWhat4: :D23:05
Jordan_Uinashdeen: If you do a normal install using the Ubuntu installer, *not* "USB Startup Disk Creator", yes.23:05
three18tiinashdeen, yes, you will want to make a "persistent install" unetbootin does this very nicely.23:05
reisioKWhat4: sorry if you said software center earlier, should've realized23:06
gmcdonaldermo: ok thanks, something I can configure after OS install ?23:06
renosisJordan_U, what about, just devoting more space to ubuntu, how would I go about that?23:06
ermoActionPa1snip: can you see any obvious issue with my suggestion, if we assume that the tmpfs is only used for building/creating chroots for builds?23:06
ermogmcdonald: that's what I'd do -- but you'll probably have to do a bit of reading :)23:06
Jordan_Urenosis: There is no guide that I'm aware of. I could probably walk you through it but it would be a lot of manual work and something could go wrong.23:07
renosisEvery time I search for a solution, I end up getting info on how to resize the partition using gparted23:07
gmcdonaldermo: thats the hope, use the SSDs to speed up builds, results can be stored on the sas drives23:07
renosisJordan_U, ok, I'll just back everything up and do it that way, thanks!23:07
inashdeenJordan_U :thanx23:07
inashdeenthree18ti: thanx23:07
Jordan_Urenosis: You're welcome.23:08
gmcdonaldwhois ermo23:08
ermoindeed, whoami23:08
gmcdonaldyou can answer that :)23:08
Jordan_Uinashdeen: You're welcome.23:08
three18tiinashdeen: you are welcome.23:08
ermogmcdonald: I should probably point out that I've never actually _done_ what I'm suggesting that you do!23:08
gmcdonaldermo: no problem, the idea seems sound23:09
gmcdonaldI'll look into it and come back with results23:09
ermoBut intuitively, I'd expect it to be wicked fast, especially if we assume that you use zram, since you trade space for CPU cycles, making your effective SSD speed higher due to the compression23:09
ermoi.e. you write compressed RAM pages to SSD23:10
gmcdonaldas long as I can install the OS on the sas disks in the meantime so I can start using the machine, then go and address the SSDs afterwards is what I was going to do23:10
ermogmcdonald: is this one of those things where you don't get to re-install?23:10
gmcdonaldzram, got it, looking ..23:10
gmcdonaldermo: I can keep going until I get it right23:11
gmcdonaldits a remote machine, but I have console23:11
ermothen just start out with the install on the SAS RAID-6 and do some experiments23:11
gmcdonaldso was hoping to get OS done, then ssh in to do the ssd stuff23:12
renosisJordan_U, I do have one more question though, I have a 80 gig solid state drive where I have ubuntu installed, and a 1 TB drive for extra storage, I want this 1 TB drive to contain all the home folders, is there some way to do this?23:12
gmcdonaldwill do thanks all for your suggestions23:12
ermoI can definitely recommend looking at raid-10 for the two SSDs23:12
ermogmcdonald: same storage capacity as raid1, same speed as raid023:12
ermo(read at least)23:12
gmcdonaldthats raid 10 for the SSDs you mean?23:13
Jordan_Urenosis: Yes. By selecting the manual partitioning option during installation and making a partition on the 1 TiB drive for "/home".23:13
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jesse__robin0800, reisio: Yay!  I'm back in business.  So it goes like this: if you update your Live CD and then use it to install to your hard drive, it can install Grub for a version of Linux you do not have.23:14
jesse__robin0800, reisio: That is why my clean install didn't work.23:14
cYmenI need to add an encrypted home partition to a ubuntu system. Where can I read how the installer sets it up to imitate that?23:14
renosisJordan_U, ah, ok, thanks again!23:14
Jordan_Urenosis: You're welcome :)23:14
ermogmcdonald: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/RAID#RAID10.2CF223:14
reisiojesse__: ...k, gj23:15
renosisWell, time to go do a fresh install sans windows 7, thanks everyone for your help!23:15
ermogmcdonald: http://serverfault.com/questions/139022/explain-mds-raid10-f2 <- check the 'far' section23:16
jesse__reisio: I'm pretty sure this is a bug; where do you think I should report it?23:16
reisiojesse__: I didn't really understand your explanation, try again?23:16
ermogmcdonald: the degraded write performance might not be an issue at all when seeks are cheap as in an SSD23:16
Rei`Anyone here used a Toshiba NB550D with Ubuntu? Any ideas what compatibility is like and what performance to expect with 1GB RAM upgrade to 2GB23:17
KWhat4So I just installed blubuntu-look,  Why isnt is showing up in the themes menu under appearance?23:18
reisioRei`: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/Toshiba/NB550D23:18
reisioRei`: 2 > 123:18
mongyKWhat4: you need to install gnome-tweak-tool23:18
jesse__Well, my grub.cfg was expecting Linux, but my computer only had  I think this is because my Live USB had installed.  This was on a clean install.23:20
Rei`reisio: Seems pretty good from that list23:20
bluebomberWhen I right-click on the desktop, then click on "Create Document," it says "No Templates Installed," despite me having just placed some documents in ~/Templates. Do I have to refresh some indexing service or something in order to get them to appear in the right-click menu?23:20
reisiojesse__: you saying it's a bug that it was looking for .13?23:20
reisioRei`: yeah all the important bits23:20
reisioRei`: wireless :D23:20
jesse__reisio: Yes.23:21
Rei`reisio: Any idea what support is like for gestures on the trackpad? It's got 2 finger scrolling etc23:21
KWhat4thanks mongy23:22
JoshR1Seems my VPN connection doesn't work.23:22
Rei`reisio: Was kinda hoping I'd get some indication of how well unity would run, battery life and support for trackpads, but it looks promising23:22
reisioRei`: no, you'd want to look up synaptics support against the model I think23:22
reisioRei`: should run fine, I can't speak to the trackpad23:22
Rei`I'm looking for a coding machine for the sofa :P23:23
reisioRei`: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22nb550d%22%20site%3Aubuntuforums.org probably can, though23:23
reisioRei`: yeah I could use one of those23:23
* reisio eyes black friday23:23
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jesse__bluebomber: I just tried adding templates and it worked instantly.23:24
bluebomberjesse__: I think it has for me in the past, too.23:24
bluebomberjesse__: Could you try adding a file into a few nested folders, e.g. ~/Templates/parent/child/file and see if they show up instantly?23:25
jesse__bluebomber: Odd... did it break as of a recent update or something?23:25
jesse__bluebomber: Sure23:25
jesse__bluebomber: Worked instantly.23:25
bluebomberHmmmm... Not working for me.23:26
reokieDoes anyone here have a problem with their fans only activating once the temp gets about 75C?23:26
JoshR1Ok I have a question, am I better off doing a VPN or a FTP server if I want to access files on my server from outside my network?23:26
bluebomberOh, wait. I symlinked Templates to point to somewhere else. I just remembered. But the target is still valid and it was working before.23:26
bluebomberjesse__: Thanks for trying.23:26
ermoreokie: which PC?23:27
jesse__bluebomber: Maybe the program that looks for templates is off?23:27
jesse__bluebomber: I don't know if it's zeitgeist or Nautilus or what, though.23:27
mongyJoshR1: sftp23:28
jesse__bluebomber: "Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"23:28
bastidrazorJoshR1: just enable ssh and portforward.23:28
bluebomberjesse__: Hmmm... I was about to do that. Would you mind testing to see if yours gives you the same issue if ~/Templates is a symbolic link?23:28
bluebomberjesse__: Be right back. Rebooting.23:28
ermoJoshR1: You can also just use ssh/scp?23:29
JoshR1Ok I think I tried setting up sftp but i need to point it to my raid setup.  I use a ssd for the OS and two 1 TB hds in Raid-023:29
ActionPa1snipJoshR1: sftp ftw :)23:29
ActionPa1snipJoshR1: install openssh-server and you get an sftp server23:29
ermooh, I confused sftp with ftps23:29
ermoActionPa1snip: +123:29
bastidrazorJoshR1: with ssh you can connect with any OS.. winscp on windows and ssh/sftp on ubuntu/mac23:31
reokieermo: Toshiba Satellite L-50523:31
ermoreokie: so not a Mac. Hm. In most PCs, the fan control is handled by the bios.23:31
ermoreokie: but I've successfully overrided the fancontrol by using lm-sensors23:32
JoshR1So use openssh-server ?23:32
ermoreokie: take a look at this: http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/man/fancontrol23:32
ActionPa1snipJoshR1: yes, you can also mount sshfs in nautilus and is secure23:32
sprayysshfs is awesome23:33
sprayysshfs user@host:/path /localpath23:33
sprayyIf you set up ssh keys on the hosts you want to sshfs mount, it works great23:34
iamweirdiecan somebody help me define what this term does or means, please?23:34
ermoiamweirdie: in which context?23:34
bluberellaIs it possible to use the autodetection for proprietary graphicsdriver on cli ( or automatically in a script)? I just wonder if I have to setup my own detection script or if I can use ubuntu scripts.23:35
iamweirdieermo java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m  -Duser.home="." -jar minecraft.jar23:35
bastidrazorbluberella: jockey-text may help you23:35
n4dspis 11.10 now worthwhile to install over 11.04?23:36
bluberellabastidrazor, looks exactly what I was searching for... thank you :-)23:36
ActionPa1snipn4dsp: if natty is working for you, then I say don't fix it23:36
ermoiamweirdie: from 'man java', seach for '-D': -Dproperty=value23:36
ermo             Set a system property value.23:36
bastidrazorbluberella: you're welcome23:36
ermoiamweirdie: in your case, it looks like the system property value 'user.home' is being set to '.' which is the current directory  :)23:36
iamweirdieermo back up, from 'man java'?23:37
tensorpuddingn4dsp, if you're worried about bugs, it's pretty good23:37
ermoiamweirdie: you are not familiar with the concept of 'man' pages? Most unix/linux tools have a an associated manual page. You can read more about the 'man' system by opening a terminal and writing 'man man' :)23:38
iamweirdieermo sorry, not a linux guy23:38
ermoiamweirdie: you quit the man page reader by writing 'q'23:38
ermoiamweirdie: you search by using '/' and writing the search term23:38
ermoiamweirdie: well, 'man man' is a good start if you're the curious sort  :D23:39
iamweirdiealright, thnx ermo23:39
ermobest of luck23:39
* ermo ducks23:40
* jesse__ throws fish at ermo23:40
jesse__ermo: Sorry.  Habit when people duck.23:41
jesse__ermo: I got one: If I deleted my Templates folder, how do I get it back?23:41
jesse__Creating a Templates folder doesn't make it appear in the context menu.23:42
ermojesse__: hrm. Good one.23:42
jesse__ermo: Thanks!23:42
jesse__fellayaboy: resisio is gone -- vanished!23:43
jesse__fellayaboy: reisio, rather.23:44
ermojesse__: Just for kicks, create a new user profile and see if it gets the Template folder23:44
ermoby default, I mean23:44
ermojesse__: it might be a combination of the folder and some gconf/dconf magic23:44
* ermo is just guessing at this point23:45
jesse__ermo: Can I still edit settings using gconf-editor if I install it?23:46
fellayaboyim trying to create a link ...but when i click the link i get this in terminal...it says it couldnt read the config file that the program needs23:46
ermojesse__: ... not sure if it's using dconf or gconf, tbh.23:46
ksx4systemhow to make Miredo work in latest Ubuntu?23:47
JoshR1Ok so now how do I set it up?  I need to be able to access these files from outside my network.23:47
reokieermo: It says that there aren't any pwm-capable sensor modules installed23:47
reokieDo I need to add a config file by hand?23:47
fellayaboyi put the bin file in the /usr/local/mupen64_093 and made a link in /usr/local/bin for mupen64 but when i type in or click the link it doesnt execute because it seeks a conf file...im trying to get it to run from wherever the directory is placed23:47
ermoreokie: run 'sudo sensors-detect' :)23:47
ksx4systemI have it properly configured, IPv6 enabled in ufw but after sudo /etc/init.d/miredo restart Miredo's interface doesn't come up23:48
fellayaboyim just using mupen to understand this23:48
ermojesse__: if you type 'set | grep XDG' in your terminal, do you get a template related value?23:48
jesse__fellayaboy: Can you give more information about the link?  What program is supposed to open it?  How did you create it?23:48
JoshR1Well wait, I know how in Ubuntu but I can't access my raid23:48
JoshR1It just sends me to the User Home directory.23:49
jesse__ermo: Nope23:49
bastidrazorJoshR1: create a symlink to your raid in your home.23:49
ermojesse__: ok, in the file manager, press ctrl+h to show hidden files/folders, navigate to ~/.config23:49
JoshR1Dang mouse is stopped again.23:49
ermoopen the file 'user-dirs.dirs'23:50
jesse__ermo: Aha!23:50
ermojesse__: ^23:50
jesse__ermo: Perfect.23:50
jesse__ermo: You're the bee's knees.23:50
ermonope, but google is!23:50
JoshR1lol I can hover over things and move the mouse around but clicking does nothing.23:50
ermojesse__: here's my cheat sheet: http://www.hecticgeek.com/2011/10/add-new-context-menu-items-in-ubuntu-easily-ultimate-templates-pack/23:50
jesse__ermo: Ssshhhhh...23:50
fellayaboyi just downloaded the program...it came in a folder...i chmod +x the bin file that runs the program and it runs find when i double click it or ./ it in terminall..however i created a link..ln -s .. in /usr/local/bin but it never works..i ./ in terminal and it says Couldn't read config file '/home/deeman//mupen64.conf': No such file or directory23:51
fellayaboy 23:51
bastidrazortoo man /'s23:51
jesse__fellayaboy: What bastidrazor said23:51
fellayaboyi dont understand23:51
JoshR1Ok how do I create a symlink?23:52
JoshR1I am not very experienced with Linux.23:52
jesse__bastidrazor: Actually, that might not be it...23:52
ermoJoshR1: are you interested in learning a bit more by way of reading? :)23:52
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jesse__bastidrazor: Linux is pretty good with too many /s in my experience, but I could be wrong...23:52
ermoJoshR1: http://www.funtoo.org/wiki/Category:Articles <- look at linux fundamentals23:53
jesse__fellayaboy: Okay, the program expects to run in a certain directory, and it still runs from the original directory, right?23:53
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fellayaboyjesse__, yes thats right23:53
GhostWolfhi all, i believe im using 11.09 of ubuntu, does anyone know a good program i can install for ubuntu that allows me to edit pics?23:53
yggdrasilhi can somone tell me how i can get a very new kernel? i was reading an article abou a patch for kernels regarding power savings ?23:53
anadonI'm having trouble getting minecraft to run.  Ideas?  It looks as if firefox can't run java, but it is installed.23:53
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ohpeeI think a sym link is          ln -s [file] ./[shortcut]23:53
brjanncanadon: can you run it from the command line?23:54
ohpeeare you running minecraft in browser?23:54
scsi203joshR1: you can create a sym link by using ln /path/to/file from the directory you want the link23:54
scsi203use the -s switch23:54
fellayaboyjesse__, so how can i simply make a link to /usr/local/bin ...i dont want to create an Environment path to the file23:55
robro_GhostWolf, you might try The GIMP or Pinta23:55
jesse__fellayaboy: I'm looking it up because I don't know either...23:55
ermorobro_: +123:55
reokieermo: still, I get the same error, it cant find the sensor module23:55
scsi203ln -s /usr/local/bin Fellayaboy23:55
GhostWolfrobro ok i thought ubuntu 11.09 or whatever is the one before 11.10 already had it but i don't see it installd thanks23:56
ermoreokie: is this after installing lm-sensors with 'sudo apt-get install lm-sensors'?23:56
yggdrasilHow can i get kernel 3.3 on my kubuntu install ?23:56
ikoniayggdrasil: you don't23:56
robro_GhostWolf, No problem :)23:56
yggdrasili do23:56
anadonbrjannc: I'm trying the classic trial on their website; its not available for command line use without some hacks.23:56
GhostWolfrobro do you have prefrence to either pinta or gimp?23:56
ikoniayggdrasil: no, you don't as 3.2 is only in RC status23:56
ohpeeits not a hack23:56
fellayaboyin /usr/bin i see alot of bin files and when u run it in terminal they run....of course the source files are somewhere else in the computer (does anyone know where they stored? say like firefox. transmission) well i kinda wanna do the same thing except in /usr/local/bin...and any other file23:57
ohpeeits just some editing23:57
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ohpeeif its open source23:57
brjanncanadon: Ah, I understand; can't help you then, I'm no good with the java + browser mess23:57
anadoncrap, well thanks for trying23:57
robro_GhostWolf, For basic editing i use Pinta, anything else really I use The GIMP23:57
yggdrasilright, well 3.2 might do.23:57
ikoniayggdrasil: it's not build for ubuntu23:57
ikoniayggdrasil: why do you want it ?23:58
ikonia!info linux-image23:58
ermoyggdrasil: do you care if the kernel is unsupported?23:58
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)23:58
yggdrasilhters apower saving patch.23:58
ikoniayggdrasil: is the current latest in ubuntu23:58
ermoyggdrasil: oh, you want the PCIe ASPM stuff23:58
fellayaboywhat is %U23:58
GhostWolfrobro what i want to do is i have a pic that i have on my back cause it has a tatt on it but i want to not show where you can see the hairs that the pic shows23:58
brjanncfellayaboy: /usr/local/bin should already be in your path23:58
ermoreokie: gotta run. Best of luck with fancontrol and lm-sensors :)23:59
ermojesse__: did it work re. Templates?23:59
fellayaboylook...theres a bin file somewhere on my pc...i created a link to that same file in /usr/lcaol/bin but of course the bin is dependent on other files...23:59
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fellayaboyso when i try to run ./whateverprogram it wont cuz its looking for a .conf file23:59
robro_GhostWolf, I guess The GIMP would work best for that, it takes some time to learn but it's worth it23:59
jesse__ermo: Yep.23:59

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