
ScottLfalktx, there are problems with dssi-vst right now01:35
ScottLwhat happens if we remove it from the seeds01:36
falktxScottL: nothing actually01:41
falktxlatest gcc seems to break dssi-vst01:42
falktxScottL: it can be fixed though01:42
ScottLfalktx, it isn't gcc, according to colin watson it's a transition to using multi-arch libraries for building ia32-lib01:44
ScottLand somehow germinate is not picking up the dependency across the platforms (or something similar)01:45
* ScottL is looking up the meeting logs again01:46
falktxScottL: oh, that is another problem then ;)01:48
falktxScottL: but my idea is that this should be build for i386 only01:48
ScottLbah, i can't find the logs....that goofy, it was a friday meeting for ubuntu-release in #ubuntu-meeting01:52
ScottLoh, strange thing, a thought01:52
ScottLi wonder if dssi-vst is actually a _dependency_ and not in the seeds, this may be why it can't find it01:53
ScottLbut i wonder if we put it in the seeds if it would grab it without problem01:53
ScottLi'm still weirded out by not being able to find the logs01:53
ScottLfalktx, found it, but it wasn't in the logs?01:57
ScottLfalktx, "but germinate can't traverse multiarch01:57
ScottLdependency chains, so it doesn't know that it needs to include01:57
ScottLia32-libs-multiarch:i386 (which ia32-libs:amd64 depends on) and all the01:57
ScottLi386 libraries that ia32-libs-multiarch in turn depends on."01:57
falktxScottL: I would say drop dssi-vst from the seeds, but not from the repos01:58
falktxdssi-vst is of no use in a default install anyway01:58
ScottLfalktx, i can't remove it from the repos, and no one is suggesting this happens01:58
falktxok good then01:59
micahgScottL: falktx: dssti-vst is in ubuntustudio-audio-plugins04:09
falktxmicahg: yes, it perhaps should be removed04:09
ScottLmicahg, i wasn't sure if it was or not, i seemed to remember when i changed the seeds before that one of the dssi packages might have needed it as a dependency05:12
ScottLbut thanks :)05:12
ScottLi'm running steve's rteval program right now upstairs, i was going to start looking after that (or probably in the morning)05:13
ScottLfor those who are curious about the rteval...yes, phython-dev is required to build05:22
ScottLi've already appended the wiki page (and included git as well)05:22
ScottLastraljava, ailo holstein ^^^^05:22
ScottLastraljava, if you haven't added indicator-sound-gtk2 to the seeds, i'll do it tomorrow morning when i remove dssi-vst05:23
ScottLand micahg, i'll be sure and make two separate commits to bzr ;)05:23
micahgScottL: sounds good05:24
ailoScottL, Is it working?05:53
ailoScottL, I'm about to install Precise in a moment05:53
astraljavaScottL: I did already (and you should have had bugmail about that, too).06:26
ScottLailo, yes, it worked but i did it in oneiric14:23
ScottLailo, i understand you are having problems with aboganni's kernel, but the "old-lowlatency" ppa worked for me using oneiric and the "lowlatency" ppa only has precise in it currently14:26
ScottLailo, i cannot speak directly for steve, but my feeling is that he wanted to test with oneiric to validate the testing methodology, but i could be wrong14:27
ScottLastraljava, aye, i had seen it but forgot about it, you are correct14:27
=== jussi01 is now known as Guest44296
ScottLhi shnatsel :D thanks for the link to the seeds document15:37
ScottLi haven't read it all the way through yet but i plan to15:37
shnatselScottL: no15:37
shnatselScottL: it's a work-in-progress15:37
shnatselScottL: s/no/np/15:37
shnatselI want a new keyboard :(15:38
ScottLshnatsel, do you know thorwil well?15:39
* ScottL has been meaning to follow up about this for some time15:40
shnatselScottL: I've worked with him for half a year in ubuntu artwork team and submitted some patches for his apps, that's all15:42
ScottLyou had mentioned him doing some artwork perhaps for ubuntu studio15:42
ScottLrecently dick macinnis has reapproached me to do some work with ubuntu studio including artwork15:43
ScottLbut i worry about dick getting stuff done as he sometimes "disappears"15:43
ScottLand i really want ubuntu studio to have some nice artwork consisting of a thematic arc across plymouth, lightdm, and wallpaper15:44
ScottLso, shnatsel , if you think thorwil might be interested would you mind contacting him about it?15:45
ScottLsince we are moving to xfce and such, this would be a good time to make a clean break into the new direction, although it doesn't have to happen for this cycle (although it would be nice ;)  )15:46
shnatselScottL: if I were you, I'd focus on important stuff and just reuse existing theming, e.g. elementary stuff should be polished and included in Ubuntu repos for 12.10 (we're aiming for almost simultaneous release with 12.04)15:47
ScottLshnatsel, i would say that we are currently working on the important stuff15:48
ScottLcreating the artwork is the difficult part, getting the images into our packages is the easy part15:48
shnatselScottL: yeah, exactly what I mean15:48
shnatselScottL: elementary is told to resemble mac, and it's rumored to attract creative people...15:49
shnatselScottL: I can ask thorwil of course15:49
ScottLbut i wouldn't be "creating" the artwork, hopefully either dick or thorwil would be15:49
shnatselScottL: what exactly do you want them to do?15:49
shnatselScottL: plymouth? greeter? themes? icons? wallpapers?15:49
ScottLhmmm, i hadn't considered themes and icons, i was just thinking the plymouth, greeter, and wallpaper15:50
ScottLi think using the xubuntu themes and icons is okay15:50
shnatselI'm the Plymouth guy :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75_qyL7U2ME15:50
shnatselScottL: greeter is complicated, you need several people to make one for sure15:51
shnatselScottL: that demo is old and buggy actually, nowadays I know much more about Plymouth15:52
ScottLshnatsel, i made the current ubuntu studio plymouth them based on what cory had found15:52
ScottLshnatsel, but your's looks really nice though, i liked the fade in15:52
shnatselScottL: I'm afraid the fullscreen fade-in is too costly15:53
shnatselScottL: even if I can make it smooth on real boot, it slows down the boot process15:53
ScottLshnatsel, here's what i envisioned, a thematically consistent set of images (not the same, mind you, just thematically consistent) that will be used for plymouth, lightdm, and wallpaper15:53
ScottLif someone can do that, i can do the rest at some point15:53
ScottLthe plymouth and wallpaper are the easiest to implement15:54
shnatselScottL: why not the same? IMHO the same would be perfect!15:54
ScottLfor the lightdm, i would be rebasing it on what either ubuntu is doing/has done or what xubuntu comes up with15:54
shnatselScottL: oh, OK15:54
shnatselthat's what elementary has for lightdm: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/Desktop-Log-In-25155918015:54
ScottLshnatsel, "why not the same?"  it was because of placement of the CoF15:54
shnatselit's already coded and works15:55
ScottLi thought that the CoF would be in the center of the screen (more or less) for the plymouth theme but definitely not on the desktop15:55
ScottLfor the wallpaper it would be out of the way, perhaps in the bottom right corner and even perhaps mostly off the screen with just the top left quadrant of the CoF visible15:55
* ScottL is look at elementry lightdm15:56
ScottLoh yes, i remember that, i asked you about the girl with blue hair and the scott pilgrim movie :)15:56
ScottLand the image for the lightdm would depend on what is taken from whom15:57
shnatselThere also was some code done on http://whyareyoureadingthisurl.wordpress.com/2011/04/12/login-screen-mockup-videos/15:57
ScottLshnatsel, i will certainly look at those later (i need to get some other testing done today)15:58
ScottLshnatsel, please talk to thorwil, i'm open to much but i do want to minimize the work required of me or the team if possible15:59
shnatselbut they're probably incomplete15:59
shnatselthere's also a basic gtk greeter, but it's dumb and ugly15:59
shnatselScottL: so, you want a set of images/mockups for Plymouth, greeter and wallpaper, right?16:01
ScottLshnatsel, if thorwil is acceptable, but i would also be open to other things as well, maybe even a rework of the CoF16:05
shnatselScottL: wait - you still have the old CoF?!16:16
shnatselno ubuntu font brandmark and all that?16:18
ScottLshnatsel,  i meant the actual graphic can change16:47
ScottLbut we logo does have the new ubuntu font16:48
shnatselah, ok16:48
ScottLshnatsel, the artwork is a bit of a mess currently, during this cycle and next i would like to start collating it together and put it into a bzr branch17:02
ailoScottL, We can't use different kernel versions, if we are to test the difference between -generic and -lowlatency correctly, even thought there's most likely no difference between the kernels other than the config. And, since I am unable to boot into the -lowlatency found at the ppa, I am unable to do anything for the test17:08
ailoTried installing Precise earlier, but it failed at or after network recognition 17:08
ailoSo, I can't do anything right now17:09
ailoExcept build my own kernel, and try with that17:09
ailoI might try installing Precise again, but not today17:10
ailoActually, I might try booting into the lowlatency without nvidia drivers installed..17:13
ailoBut, it's still the wrong kernel version17:14
ailoYep, removing the drivers did it.17:19
ailoScottL, Where do we post the test results?17:39
ScottLailo, i emailed steve the results so far17:51
ScottLuno momento, por favor17:52
ScottLthat is the email address i used and i put 'rteval' in the subject line (along with some other stuff)17:52
ailoScottL, Unfortunately I was only able to run the test once17:53
ailoSecond time I interrupted with Ctrl + C, after which 3rd and later attempts all failed17:54
ailoI'll have another look at it tomorrow17:54
ailoI'll mail him the results17:54
astraljavaNo one else recalled the meeting either? Good, so I'm not the only one.18:01
shnatselastraljava: in #ubuntu-meeting?18:04
ScottLastraljava, was that today?18:05
astraljavaEvery other Sunday.18:05
ScottLoh crap :(18:05
astraljavaOh well, I was watching soccer with jussi.18:05
ScottLyeah, i see it on my calendar now :/18:06
ScottLastraljava, do you want to try it later this afternoon?18:06
ScottLi need to go to my inlaws and fix their xubuntu install18:06
astraljavaI don't mind, I've got nowhere to be anymore.18:06
ScottLthey cancelled an update for some reason :/18:06
ScottLcancelled it in the middle of the update, mind you18:06
ScottLi should be back in about three hours, holstein is playing a gig (or two) this afternoon18:07
astraljavaRight. See ya when you get back.18:07
shnatselOK, looks like I've written down all I know about seeds: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RPPF14h1Sw2gQjGTuZjUIlNHnGrafS8ekhFjJM9MT00/edit18:23
ScottLastraljava, i'm back and ready if you are22:33

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