
=== jussi01 is now known as Guest44296
xSmurfhey all, I'm trying to get an Edirol FA66 working and not getting much luck22:19
xSmurf(to be honest under straight ubuntu not the studio version)22:19
xSmurfis it supposed to just show up in Pulseaudio??22:19
holsteinxSmurf: looks like it works out of the box23:36
holsteinprobably want to get used to using JACK23:36
xSmurfI'd really rather avoid using jack23:36
holsteinxSmurf: cool23:36
holsteingood luck with firewire and pulse23:36
xSmurfso the drivers are jack only or should it show up in alsa??23:36
holsteinive never heard of that, nor cared to try23:36
holsteinxSmurf: the driver is the ffado firwire driver23:37
xSmurfyeah I saw that23:37
holsteinthats the driver that'll "just work"23:37
xSmurferrr yeah my bad, ffado-mixer now sees the card23:37
holsteinyup :)23:37
holsteinnot sure what is going on23:40
holstein^^ makes me think you need JACK to use the FFADO driver and communicate with pulse23:41
holsteintry #opensourcemusicians23:41
xSmurfyeah all I see now indicates that23:42
xSmurfor indicates no one took the time to write drivers for alsa or pulse :/23:42
holsteinyeah, and why bother?23:42
holsteini mean, for comsumer level work, you wont know the difference23:42
holsteini think most assume you would want JACK23:42
holsteinOR, you'll just be playing mp3's ;)23:43
xSmurfdepends what your needs are23:43
xSmurfI don't need JACK and I need super clean audio IOs23:43
xSmurfI do radio stuff, nothing to do with music23:43
holsteinsure... but, if you need clean balanced in's, i think its safe to assume you want to route to something other than pulse23:43
xSmurfwhy so?23:43
holsteinother than getting out of the box23:43
holsteini mean... you get a nice clean signal for a balanced input to skype?23:43
xSmurfto GNURadio...23:43
holsteini guess thats plausible23:43
holsteinthey dont support JACK?23:44
holsteinyou can do pulse to JACK easy enough23:44
xSmurfthey might23:44
xSmurfbut I don't need jack...23:45
holsteini agrue that you dont need that edirol23:45
holsteinyou should be able to use it as you want23:45
xSmurfI have my answer, I hope someday someone will take the time to write native drivers for alsa or pulse and I'll be a happy camper23:45
holsteinits just going to be while til those alsa firewire drivers get working... AGAIK23:45
xSmurfholstein: what would I use instead??23:46
holsteinthe internal card?23:46
holsteinwhatever you got23:46
xSmurfI'm doing signal analysis...23:46
xSmurfinternal cards are full of noise, horrible23:46
holsteini do not understand why you would not want JACK for that... but to each his/her own23:46
holsteinseems like just the thing23:46
xSmurfbut I'm not using it right now and I'm very happy without it23:47
xSmurf(when using the shitty internal sound card)23:47
xSmurfpulse does all I need it to23:47
xSmurfexcept support for a proper audio device23:47
xSmurfpulse is out of the box, so that's nice23:47
holsteinalsa does not yet support your device23:47
holsteinJACK is 'out of the box' as well23:47
holsteinKXstudio was a distro that had it running at login23:48
holsteinnow,the dev just gives us PPA's for ubuntu23:48
holsteinanyways... those drivers are coming23:49
xSmurfas I mentioned, I'm not running ubuntustudio, I just figured (rightly) you guys would be the most informed on the topic23:49
xSmurfwell, good to know :)23:49
xSmurfcount me in for the list of people who actually want those :p23:49
xSmurf(to each is own ;)23:49
xSmurffireworks, an audio driver with ALSA interface for Echo Audio, Gibson, and Mackie Onyx FireWire devices, currently in development23:53
xSmurfno edirol though23:53
xSmurfoh well23:53
xSmurfto be fair the card is not even mine so very little fuck is given ;)23:53
xSmurfbut would have been nice to borrow23:53

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