
factotumie something not "arena" or "tournament" based00:00
factotumI did HL2 via steam in wine, but thats about all my gfx can handle00:01
DaskreechStory line?00:01
DaskreechWhat is that?00:01
DaskreechAre FOSS games allowed to have one?00:02
factotumgood question00:02
factotumsomething not involving chasing around bots under a time/frag limit00:03
factotumuhmm...when was the last time you where there yourself?00:05
factotumseems to have something to do with web hosting accounts00:06
factotumah yes, i had to revamp my underwear budget with this one00:07
factotumgreat great game00:07
factotumI need to keep up with those indie bundles00:08
kierkkadonI'm having trouble unrar'ing things on kubuntu00:09
DaskreechIthink two of them don't work on Linux but to compensate they gave you the source00:09
Daskreechkierkkadon: what aer you doing?00:09
factotumkierkkadon: error, or cant unrar it at all?00:09
kierkkadonI downloaded a compressed .rar file, and Ark won't unrar it00:09
kierkkadonI'm missing the program 'unrar'00:10
Daskreechkierkkadon: did you try installing unrar?00:10
kierkkadonHow do I do that?00:10
kierkkadonI tried apt-get and nothing happens00:11
Daskreech!info unrar00:11
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:4.0.3-1 (oneiric), package size 104 kB, installed size 260 kB00:11
factotumsudo apt-get install unrar00:11
Daskreechif you have multiverse enabled00:11
kierkkadonI sudo'd and nothing happened00:11
kierkkadonIs Run Command the same as Terminal?00:12
Daskreechkierkkadon: ha no but you can run the gui package manager from there and do the same thing00:12
kierkkadonI ran it in the terminal and got this: ESimulink77_glnx8600:13
kierkkadonIgnore that00:13
kierkkadonI ran it in the terminal and got this error: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)00:13
kierkkadonE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?00:13
Daskreechkierkkadon: do you have apt-get running elsewhere or the package manager open?00:13
kierkkadonUm, I don't think so00:14
kierkkadonHow do I check if apt-get is running? (This is my first day of using a linux system, btw)00:14
BarkingFishmorning all :)00:37
BarkingFishAnd what a fine, frosty, foggy morning it is too. 12.37am and I can't even see from my bedroom window :)00:37
Daskreechkierkkadon: hi sorry got a cll00:59
Daskreechare you any better?00:59
kierkkadonDaskreech: I restarted my computer, then tried again01:03
Daskreechkierkkadon: ha ha that's one way to do it. Did that work?01:03
kierkkadonWell, terminal told me this:01:04
kierkkadondpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:04
kierkkadonAnd so I did01:04
kierkkadonStill running01:04
Daskreechoh dear01:05
DaskreechThat should work though01:05
kierkkadonHave I done something silly?01:05
kierkkadonIt seems to be working through somedatabase containing at least a mole of itmes01:05
=== JackyAlcine is now known as SaintJackyAlcine
Daskreechkierkkadon: No you did what you shoudl have done01:10
DragnslcrI had that happen recently, and dpkg did take quite a while01:11
Daskreechand yes apt is a database. IT keeps a track of the programs, what files they have installed, the versions of the programs, hash files (to stop people tampering with the files) and where you can get new programs01:12
kierkkadonIt's still going01:12
Daskreechthe dpkg --configure -a running means that apt was stopped in the middle of doing something important so it's replaying the whole thing now.01:13
=== SaintJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
Daskreechkierkkadon: how did you install 11.10 ?01:17
kierkkadonDownloaded an .iso, installed it on a jumpdrive and booted from there01:18
Daskreechkierkkadon: Not sure where the dpkg is getting all that stuff from then01:35
CaptainKnotsoh wow, fglrx didn't break my system01:49
CaptainKnotsCPU[-Quad core Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 (SMP) clocked at 1600.000 Mhz-] Kernel[-3.0.0-13-generic x86_64-] Up[-1 min-] Mem[-722.0/5980.3MB-] HDD[-1500.3GB(0.4% used)-] Procs[-152-] Client[-Quassel [M] v0.7.3 (dist-7db97a6)-] inxi[-1.4.8-]01:49
szalSysinfo for 'zalle': Linux 3.0.0-12-generic running KDE Development Platform 4.7.3 (4.7.3), CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 255 at 3100 MHz (6228 bogomips), HD: 646/1977GB, RAM: 2063/8003MB, 171 proc's, 1.1h up01:53
szalinxi 1.4..  pretty old, no?01:53
CaptainKnotsyeah, it's the version shipped with quassel01:54
CaptainKnotsI'm surprised catalyst 11.11 works this well with oneiric01:55
Daskreechkierkkadon: Still going?02:06
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
CaptainKnotsI must say, kubuntu 11.10 surprised me after that unity crap I've been seeing coming from canonical lately02:25
CaptainKnotsbut gnome shell sucks pretty hard too02:25
Resistanceso you like the Kubuntu huh?02:25
CaptainKnotsindeed I do02:26
* Resistance agrees with you02:26
Resistancei got fed up with Unity on Natty02:26
* Resistance installed KDE :P02:26
CaptainKnotsI haven't used ubuntu since jaunty02:26
Resistancestrangely enough i got started with Ubuntu and Linux during Jaunty02:26
CaptainKnotsand I just put oneiric on my aunt's laptop and liked it so much that I uninstalled fedora and put it on my dev box02:26
Resistancei have 3 dev environments in VMs on this system02:27
CaptainKnotsI started with linux using fedora core 202:27
CaptainKnotskde can look like shit out of the box on some distros, but with very little effort it can be made to look beautiful and functional02:28
CaptainKnotsI laugh at the people who say that kde copied windows02:29
CaptainKnotsalso, ktorrent is pretty damn good02:29
CaptainKnotsI always see tons of people using transmission and rtorrent and deluge in swarms, but a few use ktorrent here and there02:30
CaptainKnotsI switched from deluge02:30
Resistancelol @ "kde copied windows"02:32
CaptainKnotskde had all this shit first02:33
kierkkadonSo I just installed a gnome3 package03:28
kierkkadonHow do I get it to ...work?03:29
kierkkadonDo I need to restart?03:29
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killownI can't move window to secondary display when using krandr, do anyone know how to fix it?04:06
killownI get this error xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default04:06
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jmichaelxwhich package should be installed in oneiric to get the 64-bit flash plugin?05:54
jmichaelxnevermind, figured it out05:56
jmichaelxgood grief, the new 64-bit flash plugin is awful (on this machine)06:00
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
EvilResistanceand you all wonder why i dont upgrade to oneiric... :P06:15
LINKSWORD2What's the problem, EvilResistance?06:16
EvilResistanceLINKSWORD2:  oh no problem :P06:16
EvilResistancejust how people complained prior to you showing up about the 64bit flash plugin in oneiric :P06:16
LINKSWORD2Well, there's a window border issue that I have noticed with Oneric, which makes the buttons for minimizing, maximizing and closing windows unable to be seen and difficult to click the right one.06:17
LINKSWORD2 So I won't be upgrading anytime soon....06:17
EvilResistancewell i'm on natty so i can say HAHAHAHAHHAHA to people06:18
* EvilResistance is drunk so he's headed off of IRC tonight06:18
LINKSWORD2I'm on Natty as well. lol06:18
LINKSWORD2 /me is not drunk.*06:18
LINKSWORD2Blasted double-line glitch.06:18
LINKSWORD2Greetings, Daskreech06:28
LINKSWORD2 Anything good going on lately?06:29
DaskreechGoogle Code IN :)06:31
LINKSWORD2... Huh?06:32
DaskreechYou know Google Summer of Code?06:39
DaskreechIt's like that for High school students06:40
T3LL0good evening06:44
T3LL0Is somebody online?06:44
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seb__I've installed Java 7 via "sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk" but when I type "java -version" into console it says I'm still running  1.6.xx10:04
seb__how do I get the new version to actually run?10:05
tsdgeosif you do not need java 6 maybe just uninstall openjdk-6-jdk ? if you have it installed10:07
seb__I removed the jdk and jre and it still says version 1.6 is running10:09
seb__so werid10:09
seb__will try reboot, old windows habit...10:09
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didiber_seb__:  aptitude install kalternatives10:26
didiber_seb__:  with sudo in an terminal then you install kalternatives. choice java and then the version you preffer10:28
guillaume__when I launch krunner, and I type "creator", it gives me a very old (an removed) version of Qt Creator first and followed by the real installed Qt Creator application10:31
guillaume__I don't know how to reinit the krunner database to remove all unexisting app shortcuts..10:31
tsdgeoskbuildsycoca4 should do that10:35
tsdgeosif it doesn't10:35
tsdgeosyou probably have a stale .desktop file lying around10:35
guillaume__yeah, you're right, the .desktop file!10:35
guillaume__thanks tsdgeos, problem solved.10:38
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frogonwheels_anybody got any clues on the doubled-up package thing on upgrade to oneric11:09
frogonwheels_ah crap. betting one of them is x86, one amd64 bleh11:13
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Guest14031hy everyone12:52
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killownI can't move windows between screens, seems I am using krandr, do anyone know how to fix it?13:51
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BluesKajhey folks13:56
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PhilRod_hm, akonadiconsole said my gcal resource was offline, so I replaced it, and the new one says "failed to retrieve events" and, indeed, there are no events shown in my calendar. Anyone any idea what to do?14:42
SunTsuAnybody else around, using latest kubuntu who has problems with disappearing window groups? My firefox windwes just were gone, with ff still running, and so were my libre office windows..14:46
aboudreaulthi, how can I change the keyboard layout ?? Kubuntu oneiric14:47
aboudreaultit seems that the settings is missing14:47
SunTsuaboudreault: er, "input devices"?14:49
SunTsulast I checked keyboards were input devices ;)14:49
aboudreaultWas looking for something like keyboard, or locale/layout/language14:49
aboudreaultthanks SunTsu14:49
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SunTsuaboudreault: yeah, I was confused at first, too, because that changed, but now that I had time to think about it I find it quite logical14:50
aboudreaultSunTsu, yeah, it's just due to the change.14:51
SunTsuIf only kde would stop hiding my windows and window groups from time to time14:52
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skramer_I have a problem with KMail2 not showing previews of e-mails, instead saying that I should wait while retrieving e-mails / synchronizing "inbox" folder.14:54
skramer_has anybody any idea how to fix it?14:54
aboudreaultcan't get the internationnal keyboard..14:55
aboudreaultfor french canadian english keyboard14:55
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BluesKajaboudreault, french canadian english keyboard? ..don't you mean french canadian keyboard?15:00
aboudreaultnon, I want the normal english internationnal one.15:01
aboudreaultbut can't get the 'e `e ^e15:01
SunTsudamn, kde did it again, libre office windows not visible anymore but running none the less15:03
SunTsuthey appear when I re-open a libre office document and change to another window from there15:03
aboudreaultwill try to restart a kde session with my keyboard setting.15:04
=== fdias is now known as fdias__
Shankai m having some issues with my wifi. i m not able to connect to my home wifi network. but it is showing up in the network manager.15:07
Shankacould some one help me out15:07
aboudreaultdamn, can' t get it :*15:07
aboudreaultwas pretty basic thing in natty release.15:08
Shankawhen i click on my home wifi network from network manager, it just says configuring interface but nothing happens15:09
aboudreaulthmm.. finally got it15:11
aboudreaultWe have to select the variant: Serbo-Croatian (US)... wtf?15:11
BluesKajShanka, what is you wifi named as in network manager, wlan0?15:11
aboudreaultarg, no.. I can only write éá,ě15:12
aboudreaultyeah, it works! èáéà15:12
aboudreaultit's definitively a bug15:13
aboudreaultor maybe not.. anywayt.15:13
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
ShankaBluesKaj yes that is the name15:14
BluesKajShanka, close network manager , open a konsole and do , if up wlan0 , then ,  sudo dhclient wlan015:16
BluesKajno space15:17
ShankaBlueKaj i got this error failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied15:22
DarthFrogShanka: Whenever you get a permission denied message, preface the command with "sudo".15:25
genii-aroundThe ifup doesn't always work. You might need instead: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up15:25
ShankaDarthFrog and genii-around no nither one of them worked15:28
DarthFrogShanka: What happens with just "sudo ifconfig wlan0"?15:28
ShankaDarthFrog this was the output15:30
Shankawlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 60:d8:19:23:48:e715:30
Shanka          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:115:30
Shanka          RX packets:71 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:015:30
Shanka          TX packets:74 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:015:30
Shanka          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100015:30
Shanka          RX bytes:13377 (13.3 KB)  TX bytes:15133 (15.1 KB)15:30
DarthFrogThen its up.15:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:30
genii-aroundShanka: Please use the pastebin web address provided above by the bot when you have 3 or more lines in a row for us to look at15:30
ragnarokThe kmess package in ubuntu is buggy. It has a disconnection bug which was fixed in a recent version of Kmess. Please update it.15:32
genii-aroundragnarok: You can file a bug by: ubuntu-bug kmess15:33
BluesKajdarn wifi drivers on network manager are so hit and miss ..wish there was some logical sequence to getting them working15:37
genii-aroundBluesKaj: I pretty much just use the interfaces file these days15:38
BluesKajragnarok, are you telling us to update it ? We're just helpers here , we don't do development15:39
BluesKajyeah genii-around I do too , but just for ethernet , ...I tried to use it with my belkin wifi adapter on my other pc , but it's really pretty complicated15:40
=== ORiON is now known as Guest60198
T3LL0somebody awake? :-)16:18
T3LL0I have a problem on kubuntu 11.1016:20
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:20
T3LL0everytime I put it in suspend, it hangs on awakeing16:21
T3LL0just freeze16:21
T3LL0on a dark screen16:21
genii-aroundT3LL0: Do you have a swap partition which is the same size or larger than the size of your RAM?16:25
T3LL0yes genii-around. It is larger than my RAM16:33
T3LL0I never had this problem before16:34
BluesKajgenii-around, are you using wpa-supplicant with network interfaces ?16:40
genii-aroundT3LL0: Can you pastebin contents of /var/log/pm-suspend.log16:40
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Yep, the access point uses wpa2 encryption16:41
kakoytoucould someone tell me how i can on full screen windows 7 in virtualbox17:01
kakoytouin my real screen resolution17:01
aboudreaultinstall guess addition?17:01
kakoytouwhen i try to install it17:02
szalkakoytou: how you can what on full screen?17:02
kakoytouthe site from which they must download isn't open17:03
szalplease make sense if you expect to get help17:03
kakoytouszal: i want to set on full screen windows 7 in virtualbox17:03
kakoytousorry for my bad english17:04
aboudreaultfind the guest addition on google and install it manually17:04
kakoytouhow to install it17:05
szalGuest Additions are included in VirtualBox by default; just install them from the menu17:05
aboudreaultszal, well.. this might be false.... on my ubuntu system,, the menu reported me that it cannot download the guest addition installer: http not found17:06
T3LL0genii-around: Finally could :-p. Here it is http://paste.kde.org/149024/17:06
aboudreaultkakoytou, so look for it in google and install it.17:06
kakoytoui will try17:07
aboudreaultof course, I would try the menu first ...17:07
kakoytouthe menu reported me too that it cannot download the guest addition installer: http not found17:08
aboudreaultthat's what I thought. You should be able to find it on google.17:09
aboudreaultdamn.. we are not on the virtualbox channel17:09
aboudreaultkakoytou, apt-cache search virtualbox | grep addition17:10
aboudreaultintall that package.17:10
aboudreaultthen rerun  your VM, and use the menu to install it.17:10
aboudreaultshould work17:10
kakoytouit reported me this again:17:16
kakoytouCould not find the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image file /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso or /usr/lib/virtualbox/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso.17:16
kakoytouDo you wish to download this CD image from the Internet?17:16
kakoytouand when i press Yes17:16
aboudreaultdid you installed the package virtualbox-guest-additions-iso ?17:16
aboudreaultprobably not.17:16
kakoytouFailed to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from http://dlc.sun.com.edgesuite.net/virtualbox/4.1.2_Ubuntu/VBoxGuestAdditions_4.1.2_Ubuntu.iso.17:17
kakoytouError downloading http://dlc.sun.com.edgesuite.net/virtualbox/4.1.2_Ubuntu/VBoxGuestAdditions_4.1.2_Ubuntu.iso - server replied: Not Found17:17
T3LL0genii-around: could you open it?17:17
aboudreaultinstall it17:17
kakoytouI must install this right ?17:18
aboudreaultdamn, no17:18
aboudreaultdo you know how to install a software on your kubuntu system?17:19
aboudreaultwell... you should learn that.17:20
kakoytoui'm new on linux17:20
genii-aroundT3LL0: Apologies for lag, at work17:20
aboudreaultapt-get is a tool to install softwares on ubuntu flavors system. I don't know anything about the GUI package installer.17:20
aboudreaultkakoytou, google, kubuntu package management tutorial17:21
T3LL0No problem genii-around, sorry if I interrupt you17:21
=== sergiy is now known as Guest42839
kierkkadonSo when trying to add icons to a panel, how do I add them to one panel, but not the other?  When I select 'add to panel' it adds them to the wrong panel. (in kubuntu plasma desktop)17:26
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy_work
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galvaoHi guys. Can someone please take a look: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188448017:33
kakoytouIs this what I need to copy konsole?17:35
kakoytousudo apt-get update17:35
kakoytousudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils17:35
BluesKajgalvao, ratrher than post a url that has several proiblems associated with kubuntu please tell us what your specific problem is.17:39
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do17:40
BluesKajanyway , have to go for a a few ..bbl17:40
galvaoHi, BluesKaj, thanks for noticing. I'm having performance issues, like KDE freezing temporarily, media players getting muted, and I've noticed there's a lot of disk access17:40
phunyguy_workcan anyone tell me how to specify MORE DHCP options for Qemu/libvirt?  I need to specify DNS search suffix for guests.  Thanks17:47
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danieloiS there anyone who have compiz running18:00
kamilnadeemis anyone here using KDE 4.7 able to connect his Android phone to his KDE compuer via MTP?18:01
thelarroussehi everyone18:01
phunyguy_work!ask | danielo18:02
ubottudanielo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:02
danieloOK. So is here anyone who have up and running compiz at the newest kubuntu???18:03
kakoytouhello again18:05
kakoytounow i already install VirtualBox Guest Additions18:06
kakoytoubut Windows 7 screen isn't on fullscreen18:07
genii-aroundT3LL0: At this time I can't devote enough time away from work to properly study your problem, apologies. You should occasionally re-ask in the channel however, another may take it up.18:09
kakoytoucould someone help me18:14
kakoytoui try to set screen resolution in Windows 718:14
kakoytoubut there isn't my resolution18:14
kakoytoumy resolution is 1366x76818:15
genii-aroundkakoytou: You may want to ask in the #vbox channel18:15
afinkor ##windows18:15
arrrghhhhey all.  i've been trying to get kmail to work on my father's PC - but it keeps crashing with "failed to fetch the resource collection"18:29
arrrghhhi found this18:29
arrrghhhbut i can't run "akonadi" - there is no such program?  akonadictl and some others, but not just "akonadi"18:29
BluesKajarrrghhh, look in kmenu>computer>systemsettings>startup&shutdown>servicemanager>startup services akonadi should be listed ther e . check the start option box , apply18:33
arrrghhhBluesKaj, that simple eh?  cool18:34
=== MeanderingCode_ is now known as MeanderingCode
genii-aroundarrrghhh: Might also want to see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail2 for some other notes about kmail2 on 11.1018:38
arrrghhhwell that intro is kinda dejecting.18:39
=== ORiON is now known as Guest75868
galvaoGuys, I'm having performance issues, like KDE freezing temporarily, media players getting muted, and I've noticed there's a lot of disk access going on (I've posted here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1884480 but no answer yet). Can someone please advise?18:41
rashxthi @ll18:48
rashxthow to display console output during boot?18:49
rashxtinstead of splash18:49
genii-aroundrashxt: edit the boot line which has in it: quiet splash       and remove them18:50
rashxtgenii-around: in the grub configuration?18:51
EvilResistanceor remove those entries from /etc/default/grub18:51
EvilResistanceor w/e it is18:51
EvilResistancethen run update-grub218:51
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy_work
genii-aroundrashxt: eg: Hit ESC during boot to show GRUB entries, e to edit, yes18:51
genii-aroundrashxt: If you want to make the changes permanent then EvilResistance's method works for that18:51
rashxtwhere to find log messages og boot? sometimes my system freezes during boot and I have to reset18:52
kierkkadonSo I am unable to create a new folder in usr/local/ in order to install a new program18:56
rashxtEvilResistance: http://pastebin.com/JfWL2J2T what must I remove?18:56
=== jack is now known as Guest82070
EvilResistancethat looks different than a standard grub config18:57
EvilResistancerashxt:  according to that thing, the arguments dont exist18:57
kierkkadonOh. Right. I could do that...is there someway to sudo in the graphical interface?18:57
EvilResistancerashxt:  after that modification, did you happen to run sudo update-grub ?18:57
rashxtEvilResistance: I did no modification18:58
rashxtthis is the original from a fresh install 11.1018:58
EvilResistanceno way18:59
EvilResistancei've got fresh Kubuntu 11.10 installs18:59
EvilResistancenone of them have that file18:59
arrrghhhBluesKaj, i don't have akonadi in the startup services list18:59
rashxtcan I reload a default configuration?18:59
genii-aroundrashxt: Logs are normally in /var/log  .. generalized ones are boot.log and syslog, dmesg is sometimes also helpful. If you suspect a certain program it may have a log there also, like daemon.log for daemons, kdm.log, and so on19:01
BluesKajarrrghhh, wow, that's unusual ...are you on kde and did you install kubuntu-desktop if you migrtated from ubuntu/gnome19:01
arrrghhhinstalled kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu19:02
phunyguy_workCan anyone tell me where in libvirt you would set the dns suffix for guest VMs?19:02
rashxtEvilResistance: how to get default confoguration file?19:04
Peace-ubuntu+kubuntu-desktop = mess for me19:04
akis_grany idea how can i clear history in 'find' command in dolphin?19:04
BluesKajarrrghhh, run sudo dist-upgrade and make sure you have kubuntu backports in your sources.list first19:04
arrrghhhPeace-, seems like a mess here as well19:04
Peace-arrrghhh: try kubuntu from kubuntu livecd...19:04
kierkkadonIs there some way to give myself root access so that I don't have to go into konsole and sudo everything?19:05
BluesKajok gents ...gotta run a few errands , bbl19:05
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do19:05
Peace-BluesKaj: :)19:05
kierkkadonI'm trying to install something and in order to create a new folder directory I have to sudo everything...19:05
Peace-kierkkadon: kdesudo dolphin19:06
arrrghhhBluesKaj, what line to look for in sources.list?19:06
Peace-kierkkadon: btw what are you trying to do ?19:06
kierkkadonPeace-, I'm just installing MATLAB for college19:06
Peace-kierkkadon: wtf sudo sudo apt-get install stuff19:07
arrrghhhBluesKaj, nvm i think i figured it out.  it's not there.19:07
kierkkadonPeace-, how do I know what to put for <stuff>19:07
kierkkadonThis is like my first day of ever using Linux, btw19:08
Peace-kierkkadon: btw using tab19:08
Peace-kierkkadon: lol19:08
Peace-open a konsole19:08
Peace-type su then use TAB19:08
Peace-it will be autocompleted19:08
Peace-then press apt-g     press again TAB19:08
Peace-it will autocomplet apt-get19:08
Peace-type i and then press again TAB it will write for you19:09
Peace-sudo apt-get install19:09
akis_grcan any help with any idea to how can i clear history in 'find' command in dolphin?19:09
kierkkadonI know how to write that out, how do I know what to put after the install part?19:09
Peace-akis_gr: i guess on the config file19:10
arrrghhhBluesKaj, dist-upgrade not found?19:10
Peace-kierkkadon: type matla then press TAB19:10
kierkkadonYeah, that didn't work19:10
Peace-kierkkadon: press manytime19:11
Peace-kierkkadon: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/11/21/plasma-desktopYl6363.jpg19:12
akis_grok. thanks. i fixed. i edited 'kfindrc'.19:12
kierkkadonPeace-, besides, MATLAB has a graphical installer. I'm not trying to work out how to install it, I'm trying to work out how to not have to sudo into everything when I want to use Dolphin19:13
Peace-kierkkadon: you wanna be root on konsole?19:13
Peace-kierkkadon: sudo -i PRESS ENTER19:13
kierkkadonAh. Thank you.19:14
genii-aroundWhen done doing root things, : exit19:15
akis_grIs there any chance for someone (hacker i suppose) to steal a file from my kubuntu system cracking the hardware firewall of the router?19:15
Peace-akis_gr: omg it's 4 year  i use my computer with linux19:16
arrrghhhBluesKaj, ?19:16
Peace-and nobody has stolen my evil project to konquer the world arrrghhh19:16
Peace-and nobody has stolen my evil project to konquer the world akis_gr19:16
arrrghhhlol i was going to ask19:17
akis_grok. thanks. because i lost a file. fortunately i have a copy.19:19
kierkkadonWhat's the filepath I should use to cd from root to my home directory?19:19
genii-aroundphunyguy_work: Seems to be something here about it http://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html19:21
arrrghhhthis isn't working at all -_-19:21
Peace-genii-around: :P hi19:21
* genii-around slides Peace- a coffee19:22
kierkkadonActually, what's the command for deleting directories?19:23
szalsame as the command for deleting files19:23
genii-aroundkierkkadon: The same as for files but with recursive and force switches19:24
Peace-kierkkadon: man rm19:24
Peace-kierkkadon: or google remove folder linux with shell19:24
* Peace- is scared to write something about rm19:25
Picirm -rf for recursively removing folders and directories.19:25
genii-aroundkierkkadon: Be very careful in usage, especially if you are in sudo -i with it19:25
Picibut be careful, there is no undelete.19:25
arrrghhhoh wtf19:27
kierkkadonThe reason is that I accidentally created some folders in my home directory as root, and now I can't get rid of them19:27
arrrghhhthis kubuntu-backports repo doesn't have stuff for oneric?19:27
pangolinarrrghhh: there is nothing to backport from19:27
pangolinmakes sense it is empty19:28
genii-aroundarrrghhh: After 12.04 is released, it may start to become populated19:28
anrakierkkadon: if the folders are empty you could try 'sudo rmdir PATH'19:29
arrrghhhpangolin, crap19:29
arrrghhhcan someone help me then?19:29
anra(it's safer because it won't proceed unless the folders are empty)19:29
arrrghhhi don't seem to have akonadi at all19:29
kierkkadonanra, awesome,thanks19:29
arrrghhhand it was suggested that i add the backports repo19:29
arrrghhhand dist-upgrade19:29
anrakierkkadon: you are welcome ;-)19:29
kierkkadonWell...I installed MATLAB using the graphical installer...now what?19:32
kierkkadonIs there like a standard procedure for this, or do I just have to figure it out based on this specific program?19:32
peacekierkkadon: ? what?19:33
arrrghhhBluesKaj, you there?19:34
iliashi. how can i add password option to my zip program?19:34
arrrghhhi guess i'll dist-upgrade then reboot and see what it shows me19:34
anrakierkkadon: doesn't MATLAB provide a way of uninstalling itself?19:34
anraI guess that since you are not using a debian package you'll have to figure it out yourself19:35
soeeyofel, are you planing to backport 4.8b1 to 11.10 ?19:36
kierkkadonanra, using, not installing. It didn't insert itself into my application list19:36
anrabut did the installation process end succesfully? (even if it doesn't appear on the menus)19:37
kierkkadonYeah, it did19:37
anrais it self-contained?19:38
anraI mean, is it only using one folder?19:39
peacekierkkadon: kbuildsycoca419:39
peacekierkkadon: run that19:39
peacefor some non-standard installation you could  refresh the index19:39
peacethat command should refresh your menu index19:40
anrakierkkadon: sorry, I thought you were still dealing with the root-owned folder19:40
kierkkadonNo, I decided to frak it and just install to a directory I had access to19:40
peacekierkkadon: refresh your menu list ::::::>   kbuildsycoca419:41
peacethat is19:41
* peace would like to know how he had installed that software :S19:41
peacekierkkadon: btw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB19:43
yofelsoee: once it's done sure, but I doubt we'll make it for b119:44
yofelat least I can give no estimate19:45
soeeyoann21, ok thank you19:45
soeeyofel, *19:45
arrrghhhanyone have advice on akonadi?  or kmail failures?19:48
peacearrrghhh: type kmail on konsole19:48
peacewhat did it say?19:48
arrrghhhpeace, lemme see19:49
peacearrrghhh: paste the result http://blip.tv/PeaceForlinux/postare-uno-screenshot-velocemente-con-kde4-489411919:49
arrrghhhpeace, i can't seem to copy and paste everything from the terminal window19:52
arrrghhhcan i redirect the output with >?19:52
arrrghhhkmail > file.txt?19:52
arrrghhhhrm, didn't seem to work.  ffs.  things locally are impossible remotely.19:54
aboudreaultarrrghhh, kmail &> file.txt19:54
aboudreaultwill redirect ALL in the file, not only stdout, but stderr too etc..19:54
arrrghhhah ok19:55
arrrghhhpeace, ^^19:56
pangolinWhy does installing wine want to remove 88 packages?19:57
arrrghhhi think Akonadi is the reason, i just don't understand why it's not installed/how to install it.19:57
peacearrrghhh: http://forum.sabayon.org/viewtopic.php?t=2457520:00
peacearrrghhh: you can try that20:00
peacearrrghhh: i have to go read well... i not sure if it's the solutioon20:02
peacebut btw you have to goole the error20:02
peacearrrghhh: libakonadi Akonadi::SpecialCollectionsRequestJob::slotRe  "KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now.20:02
arrrghhhpeace, well the source of the issue is akonadi20:03
arrrghhhevery solution says "type akonadi", which i don't have.20:03
arrrghhhi just installed akonadiconsole20:04
arrrghhhseems like this might work.20:04
arrrghhhpeace, so in the directions it says find "KMail Folders" and "configure natively"20:07
peacearrrghhh: press ATL F220:07
arrrghhhnow i have akonadiconsole, but there's no KMail Folders, anywhere20:07
peacetype akonadi20:07
arrrghhhpeace, i'm in akonadiconsole.20:07
arrrghhhakonadi doesn't exist20:07
arrrghhhi can't run that20:07
peaceyou have some installation problem20:08
peacesomething is missing20:08
peacei guyess20:08
arrrghhhi agree20:08
arrrghhhhow can i fix it :D20:08
peacearrrghhh: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/reinstall-kde/20:09
arrrghhhpeace, that's interesting20:10
arrrghhhnotice how akonadi is missing from 11.10?20:10
arrrghhhshould i just be running the 11.10 section i presume since that's what i'm on?20:10
peacearrrghhh: i am on kubuntu 11.10 and everything is working properly20:11
arrrghhhthat's reassuring.20:11
kierkkadonIf I want to watch netflix on a ubuntu system, am I just frakked?20:12
=== massimo is now known as Guest85868
arrrghhhwell complete reinstall of kde20:19
arrrghhhthis is going to take a while.20:20
peacei guess much more than a normal reinstallation xD20:20
arrrghhhpeace, i don't get it.  is apt-get install kubuntu-desktop no longer a viable way to install KDE?20:20
peacearrrghhh: well that is a metapackage20:20
peacemetapackage = package that need some other packages20:20
peacebut it's empty20:20
peaceso when the system reinstall it it doesn't do what you want20:21
arrrghhhi see20:21
arrrghhhwell i guess i'll hope this works20:21
peacebut reinstalls only the empty package because you have already all dependeces installed20:21
arrrghhhmy dad's having net issues, it's slower than molasses20:21
arrrghhhit was at 32k.  he's up to 326k now, but paying for 1.5m...20:21
arrrghhhthere was this psychocats page i always used20:22
arrrghhhfor "pure gnome"20:23
arrrghhhor "pure kde"20:23
arrrghhhi wonder if he still updates it...20:23
pangolinhe does20:23
peacei guess yes20:23
pangolinI am having a problem with wine, when I run "wine filename.exe" I get bash: /usr/bin/wine: No such file or directory20:23
arrrghhhi guess if this is the same list of packages, meh20:23
peacepangolin: open a konsole  ::            type wine20:24
pangolinpeace: same error20:24
arrrghhhis wine installed?20:24
arrrghhhwhereis wine20:24
arrrghhher, is it just where20:24
pangolin  Installed: 1.2.3-0ubuntu120:25
pangolin  Candidate: 1.2.3-0ubuntu120:25
arrrghhhno whereis20:25
arrrghhhshould tell you where the binary is20:25
pangolinwhereis wine20:25
pangolinwine: /usr/bin/wine /usr/share/wine /usr/share/man/man1/wine.1.gz20:25
arrrghhhyou type /usr/bin/wine?20:25
arrrghhhsame error?20:25
arrrghhhi'd guess wine needs to be reinstalled...?20:25
pangolinmight as well give it a try20:26
arrrghhhat least his internet is consist20:26
arrrghhhalways 36k/s20:26
pangolinsame error after reinstalling20:26
arrrghhh wine20:27
arrrghhhUsage: wine PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS...]   Run the specified program20:27
arrrghhh       wine --help                   Display this help and exit20:27
arrrghhh       wine --version                Output version information and exit20:27
arrrghhhis what it should say20:27
pangolinI get20:27
pangolinbash: /usr/bin/wine: No such file or directory20:27
arrrghhhhave you tried purging it?20:28
arrrghhhall the cool kids are doing it.20:28
pangolinsame error20:29
pangolinhmm I have wine and wine1.3 installed20:31
arrrghhhmight need a multi-lib setup then20:31
pangolinia32libs-multiarch ?20:31
pangolinerr it won't install ia32-libs-multiarch20:33
=== RabsGiarc is now known as CraigsBar
pangolinthis blows, I have never had so many problems installing a package20:36
=== massimo is now known as Guest58738
szalpangolin: is that Lucid?20:47
szalhttp://www.privatepaste.com/2c67a5ac89 <- Oneiric too, no such problems20:50
pangolinDon't mean to be rude but how is that helpful to me? I can install it also but it doesn't run20:51
pangolinJcKFol: Please don't private message people without asking first20:51
macopangolin: is it telling you why it wont install ia32libs-multiarch?20:52
pangolinmaco: it recommends ia32-libs-multiarch but it won't be installed20:52
pangolinwhen I try to install that package I get some 80 or so packages to remove and still won't install if I hit Y20:53
arrrghhhpangolin, apt-get autoremove?20:53
pangolindidn't remove anythinmg20:53
JcKFolpangolin for remove to upgrade system software the message it's possible?20:55
pangolinmaco: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745383/20:55
macopangolin: something wrong with mysql it looks like20:56
macopangolin: h/o... is this aptitude or apt-get?20:57
pangolin!it | JcKFol20:57
ubottuJcKFol: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:57
macopangolin: try apt-get20:58
macoaptitude has a tendency to go off the wall and decide to remove half the system20:58
maco(have seen this happen multiple times on kubuntu updates... new kde version comes out, aptitude chokes, apt-get updates it fine)20:59
pangolinI'll have to change my aliases to apt-get in that case20:59
pangolininstalling now with apt-get. will see what happens20:59
=== alexander is now known as Firebird
=== Firebird is now known as Fire-Bird
JcKFolPangolin how did you know that I'm Italian21:02
pangolinit is nice having a motu help you out :)21:02
pangolinJcKFol: from your host21:02
pangolin/whois JcKFol21:03
arrrghhhhe's hacking you JcKFol21:03
pangolindon't scare the new peoples arrrghhh :P21:03
JcKFolcmq my question is, can permanently delete the update messages once and for all21:04
pangolinmaco: thank you for your help. YOU ROCK!21:04
JcKFolaarrrghhh no hacking21:04
macopangolin: np21:05
macoJcKFol: its not hacking. he's just looking at the user info21:05
=== Amgine is now known as Guest44130
JcKFolok maco21:06
JcKFolmy question on kubuntu21:06
JcKFolcan permanently delete the update messages once and for all21:06
JcKFolblock the update messages21:07
macoJcKFol: please don't PM people randomly21:08
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
rejistaniaCan you tell me why suddenly I cannot connect to wifi? It works under Mac OS X but not under Kubuntu. Hardware was accepted earlier, only the router was replaced (due to dropping >50% of the packets)21:14
rejistaniaRouter is an abomination made by Cisco (probably in h***) in case that is relevant21:15
arrrghhhwhat's your wireless card?21:17
genii-aroundProbably has the old router's MAC cached in it's connection profile21:18
rejistania Card Type:AirPort Extreme  (0x14E4, 0x93)21:19
rejistania  Firmware Version:Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
rejistaniagenii-around: the network is completely new, including new SSID21:19
rejistaniabecause migrating settings seemslessly is for... people who are sane and do not work for UPC21:20
rejistaniaarrrghhh: it worked great for about 3 months with 2 different routers (yes, there is a story of FAIL behind it)...21:21
genii-aroundGah Broadcoms21:21
arrrghhhairport extreme21:21
arrrghhhf-that noise21:21
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:22
rejistaniaarrrghhh: yes, it is a Mac Mini, so sue me...21:22
arrrghhhi'm sure if i had the money21:22
rejistaniagenii-around: this seems to be about getting it to work at all. This never was the issue, it ran out of the box, so at least to me it sounds weird that it needs a different driver just for the new modem21:24
genii-aroundrejistania: Does it show the router when you do: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan    ( if it's designation is other than wlan0 substitute accordingly)21:29
rejistaniaI mean, it sees the network, it just fails to associate21:29
rejistaniait even shows it in the network Manager21:29
arrrghhhi just went thru a 2 hour kde reinstall21:30
arrrghhhand the exact same error pops up on kmail...21:31
arrrghhhthis is retarded.21:31
rejistaniaarrrghhh: systemwide or suerspecific?21:31
arrrghhhrejistania, i don't know there's only one user on this system.21:32
rejistaniaarrrghhh: might want to test it in a second one to see if it's just caused by some FUBAR setting21:32
arrrghhhwell i'm doing this remotely21:33
arrrghhhso that's going to be kinda painful.21:33
rejistaniagenii-around: if this command does something else than listing the networks in NetworkManager, I can reboot and check21:33
arrrghhhif a different user doesn't exhibit this behavior, how would i go about fixing this use?21:33
rejistaniaarrrghhh: deleting or moving the file with the KMail config21:34
arrrghhhrejistania, which is?21:34
genii-aroundarrrghhh: In the kmail2 oneiric link i gave earlier, all the specific files are listed21:34
rejistaniaarrrghhh: I am in Mac OS X atm, so cannot really check21:34
arrrghhhi still find it disturbing there's no 'akonadi' in startup services.21:35
genii-aroundarrrghhh: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail2 is it again21:36
arrrghhhgenii-around, thanks21:37
rejistaniagenii-around: I will reboot now and test, I will go online via my craptop21:37
T3LL0hello, good afternoon21:45
T3LL0I have a problem with kubuntu 11.1021:46
T3LL0everytime I put it in suspend mode21:46
T3LL0it freeze when trying to wakeup21:46
T3LL0it just show me a black screen and I cannot even go to TTY1 o any other21:47
T3LL0Ctrl+Alt+Del do not work either21:47
T3LL0I have to hard reset it, pressing power button a few seconds21:47
arrrghhhgenii-around, renamed the .kde folder and it's still bunk21:51
arrrghhhmissing akonadi seems the culprit21:51
arrrghhhbut i can't figure out how to install it21:51
arrrghhhthis system has gone thru several dist-upgrades in the past21:52
arrrghhhi guess it's finally time for a fresh install.  sigh.21:52
genii-aroundI have strigi/akonadi/nepomuk entirely disabled here21:52
arrrghhhand kmail works ok?21:54
arrrghhhor at all, lol21:54
genii-aroundYup. Weird.21:55
arrrghhhwell i told my father fresh install is probably going to be the best option21:55
arrrghhhso he's going to back up all his poop and some other time i'll have that joy.21:56
=== kansu is now known as rejistania
rejistaniagenii-around: yes, it is seen22:04
rejistaniagenii-around: I can show you the output but need to do that from the other system22:16
genii-aroundrejistania: In network manager did you just re-use the old entry and edit it or make a new one after the network changed?22:18
rejistaniaI made a new one as the SSID changed22:27
=== Danger_ is now known as peligro718
rejistaniagenii-around: fyi, it fails in xubuntu as ewll22:35
rejistaniaerrr XFCE22:36
rejistaniagenii-around: did I miss something while my craptop decided it hates being online?22:41
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
genii-aroundrejistania: You didn't miss anything. I don't have much to contribute at this time, unfortunately22:42
peligro718im pretty new to this22:45
rejistaniaAre there any network settings which I should teach my router not touse as they are problematic?22:48
rejistania(I know WEP is)22:48
rejistaniaDoes anyone know where these error messages come from? http://pastebin.com/ZJt64bzZ23:14
Arkanoidjust wanna ask is there a history for deleted file23:16
Arkanoidwhat time the deletion made23:16
=== CaptainKnots_ is now known as CaptainKnots
genii-aroundrejistania: Does the router broadcast it's SSID or is it set to hide?23:17
rejistaniaArkanoid: how did you delete it? via shell?23:17
rejistaniait broadcasts its SSID23:18
rejistaniano MAC filter23:18
Arkanoididk if its in the via shell or cpanel23:19
hanasaki where are the settings that control what application opens a jpg from the desktop?  for kubuntu not ubuntu23:22
Arkanoididk if its kubunto or buntu.23:23
Arkanoidi want to know if when i delete, move or any action in the cpanel file manager23:24
Arkanoidif its log23:24
hanasakicpanel? that's for hosting23:28
Arkanoidyeah. im thinking if its log in bash too23:30
pakitoswola a todoss23:45
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esmirlinhey guys what's the big difference between kubuntu and chakra and why do you use kubuntu instead? (i just want to know, no spam at all!)23:49

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