
mwhudsonhuwshimi: http://t.co/O68m8Ur7 if you haven't seen this sort of thing before00:01
huwshimimwhudson: Oh, yeah, I saw that :)00:03
mwhudsongood good00:03
StevenKlifeless: My bug supervisor change, I'd wager00:07
StevenKlifeless: So, on one hand it's just one query, but on the other, I'd prefer to reduce it.00:08
StevenKHowever, I think this branch is large enough.00:08
lifelessStevenK: if its one Full Stop, its ok. If its one per row, aieee.00:09
pooliei think his talk is insufficiently smug00:09
pooliei know some people who could help though00:09
StevenKlifeless: One full stop. The test case adds 5 bug tasks.00:11
lifelessStevenK: they all have different supervisors etc?00:12
lifelessStevenK: [paranoid]00:12
StevenKI doubt it.00:12
pooliewgrant, ok looking at jubany now00:29
wgrantpoolie: Thanks.00:30
lifelessStevenK: it may not matter, make an educated assessment00:30
poolieis banana the front end for both edge and lpnet?00:30
lifelessStevenK: I'm just noting the possibility that the test isn't able to assess a regression here00:30
StevenKpoolie: One of.00:30
lifelessactually its primary00:30
lifelessnormally all traffic goes through it00:31
StevenKSo nutmeg usually sees next to no traffic?00:31
lifelessbecause haproxy doesn't know how to cooperate in a cluster00:31
lifelessany traffic nutmeg gets it sends to banana00:31
lifelessif banana goes down nutmegs backup path is direct to the appservers00:31
StevenKAnd if nutmeg drops, banana doesn't care.00:32
wgrantTo clarify, clients send to both.00:35
wgrantBut nutmeg normally forwards to banana.00:35
wgrantThey should really be the frontends for all LP services.00:36
wgrantBut codehosting/PPA are a bit special at the moment, unfortunately.00:36
wgrantAnd mailman.00:36
lifelessnutmeg apache forwards to banana00:36
lifelessbanana apache forwards to banana haproxy00:37
lifelesshaproxy then does the same dance because we can't rely on apache00:37
pooliei like the fact they're actually related00:37
poolieanyhow, udd certainly does try to use lpnet00:37
poolierestfulclient's api is so wacky perhaps it's not having the intended effect00:37
pooliethat is our ip though00:38
huwshimipoolie: So, with this change to the bug portlet, the ordering has changed from alphabetical, to usage count. Would you add a test for that, or should I just delete these current (now mostly useless) tests?00:39
pooliei would add a test for it00:40
poolieit's probably not so much likely they will come back in the wrong order as that it will blow up00:41
huwshimipoolie: Ok thanks00:41
pooliea python test obviously00:41
pooliewgrant, it certainly thinks it has an lpnet connection00:43
huwshimipoolie: Yeah :)00:43
wgrantpoolie: Hmm. I wonder what's using edge, then.00:43
wgrantThat IP address looks like jubany, doesn't it?00:43
pooliewgrant the apache log line you quoted is to api.l.n, not edge00:43
wgrantErm, really?00:44
wgrantSo it is.00:44
wgrantI may have synced the wrong log. That would be bad......00:44
wgrantThat was an lpnet log.00:44
wgrantNothing from package-import in the actual edge logs.00:45
pooliethat's ok :)00:47
lifelesswgrant: so, I nagged brian for nought?00:48
wgrantlifeless: No, I found bdmurray in my correct analyses a couple of weeks ago. He's the second-top user on real edge00:51
lifelessphew. tanks00:51
wgrantdidrocks 28614, bdmurray 10237, ubuntuqa 567100:53
wgrantTop three from yesterday00:53
* StevenK looks forward to edge.launchpad.net being NXDOMAIN00:55
lifelesswgrant: want to mail didrocks ?00:57
wgrantOnce I have more data.00:59
wgrantI think didrocks' thing is new, actually.01:01
wgrantIt's showing up every day now.01:01
wgrantBut wasn't there when I last checked a couple of weeks back, IIRC.01:01
lifelessbbs, grocery shopping time01:22
pooliei'm trying to get its tests to run in semi isolation01:28
pooliehm, launchpad's TestCase now depends on having rabbit running?01:49
pooliewgrant, https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad-buildd/lpbuildd-tests/+merge/82837(small)01:58
pooliewgrant, https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad-buildd/lpbuildd-tests/+merge/82837   (it's pretty small)01:58
lifelesspoolie: TestCase? shouldn't.02:18
lifelesspoolie: specific tests? yes, absolutely02:19
wgrantpoolie: Any reason to continue bumping to a new version so rapidly?02:28
wgrantpoolie: Also, your wraping in debian/control's Depends line is sort of screwy.02:28
lifelessmwhudson: is there a generic django facility for 'I need an odd bit of metadata like a timestamp for my whole project'02:43
lifelessmwhudson: ?02:43
huwshimilifeless: Can you elaborate a little more about what you want to do with it?02:45
huwshimiI'm just coming in on the conversation now, so I might be being unhelpful :)02:46
lifelesshuwshimi: that was the entire conversation02:47
lifelesshuwshimi: I have a single datetime I need to store for python-oops-tools02:47
lifelesshuwshimi: (that is lp-oops.canonical.com)02:47
lifelesshuwshimi: it records the point in time which pruning has been done to02:47
huwshimilifeless: And you just need a way of storing that timestamp?02:48
lifelessand reading it back, yes02:48
huwshimilifeless: There isn't a generic global config table or anything of that sort. You could do it by setting up a simple model and could probably use the unique flag. I'm just checking.02:53
lifelessyeah, I can do it manually02:54
lifelesswas just wondering if I could avoid that overhead02:54
huwshimilifeless: Actually, you might be able to use the site model02:55
huwshimilifeless: You might be able to hook something on to that02:55
lifelesslooks equivalently complex - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2821702/how-do-you-extend-the-site-model-in-django02:56
huwshimilifeless: yeah, quite possibly02:57
huwshimilifeless: It's the only unique site wide table though02:57
huwshimilifeless: It might still be simplest to add another model that is unique to a Site to store the timestamp02:59
lifelesshuwshimi: I very much doubt that the oops app supports multiple sites as-it is03:00
lifelesshuwshimi: so I'm going to do the simplest thing I can, which is a model with one row03:01
huwshimilifeless: Sure, I just thought that would be a clean way to do it. That way you can just do Site.objects.get_current().my_timestamp03:02
huwshimiA default site is created when you set up the django project03:03
lifelessI see; it probably is pretty clean03:03
lifelesshowever, I've gotten all my stuff setup in the mean time03:03
huwshimilifeless: Yeah, well doing it another way would be fine too03:04
huwshimilifeless: Oh actually it probably would have been Site.objects.get_current().configs.my_timestamp03:05
huwshimilifeless: It's just how I would have done it if I was setting up project wide configs03:05
mwhudsonlifeless: not sure i understand03:05
* mwhudson catches up03:06
mwhudsonlifeless: model with one row sounds easiest, tbh03:06
poolielifeless, yep does fairly clearly depend on rabbit03:26
pooliewill file a bug i guess03:26
lifelesspoolie: that doesn't make sense to me, as our unit tests would die horribly wouldn't they ? (the ones with no layer)03:27
pooliemaybe none of them have no layer?03:28
poolieistr rabbit says it can't be torn down03:28
poolieso things with no layer always have it accidentally running?03:28
poolieanyhow, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/892938 has a simple demonstration03:29
_mup_Bug #892938: lp.testing.TestCase inherently depends on rabbit <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/892938 >03:29
lifelessargh django. datetime should *always* have tzinfo. What are you *thinking*03:29
wgrantDjango has a lot of similar moments.03:30
mwhudsonlifeless: you assume much by mentioning thought03:30
mwhudsonlifeless: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17062 is fun03:30
mwhudsonoh hey look, that's fixed apparently03:31
mwhudsonnice job with the bug mail, trac03:31
lifeless19 hours ago03:31
pooliewgrant, i don't know, do you think i should stay on the same debian version?03:31
poolieit just seemed likely to cause less confusion if i did increment it03:31
poolieespecially as it's sometimes rebuilt and might lose the recipe version etc03:31
lifelessmwhudson: thanks for the link !03:32
pooliealso, do you think i should not wrap the depends?03:32
poolieor just wrap them more tidily03:32
wgrantpoolie: Wrap them more tidily.03:33
wgrantI think we should bump the version for releases.03:33
wgrantNot for every revision.03:33
pooliewhat is a release in this context?03:34
poolieevery time we ask it to be deployed?03:34
lifelessmwhudson: does delete() return the row count deleted ?03:34
poolieanyhow the basic thing is ok with me03:34
mwhudsonlifeless: don't know03:35
pooliei'm not sure when it will actually get deployed so i suppose i'm being optimistic03:35
poolieany other comments on that patch?03:35
lifelesshah, win03:35
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/source/launchpad/oops-tools/working/parts/django/django/db/models/query.py", line 430, in delete03:35
lifeless    "Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with delete."03:35
lifelessAssertionError: Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with delete.03:35
wgrantIs that surprising? I didn't think postgres supported that.03:36
wgrantMySQL does on UPDATE, IIRC.03:36
StevenKI thought LIMIT worked with DELETE?03:37
lifelessno, the surprising thing is that django generated it in the query03:38
lifelessand barfs on it03:38
lifelessrather than e.g. doing a subselect to identify the rows to delete03:38
wgrantremoved: lib/canonical/launchpad/icing/style-3-0.css03:39
wgrantIt cannot be!03:39
StevenKlifeless: And you're suprised Django is naive?03:39
StevenKwgrant: Wait. jtv will accidently resurrect it via lint changes.03:39
Dr_Whoanyone around that might be able to help with increasing the size of a pap ?03:40
Dr_Whoerr ppa I mean03:40
wgrantDr_Who: How urgent is it?03:40
huwshimiwgrant: Did that just get merged?03:40
wgranthuwshimi: Yep03:41
Dr_Whowell I'm trying to get a large set of packages built against libjpeg-turbo so if things continue well, we'll be able to replace libjpeg with libjpeg-turbo in precise03:41
Dr_Who(it's about a 2x-4x perf boost for intel and armel)03:41
pooliefunnier in scotland03:41
Dr_Whoif tomorrowish was possible wgrant that'd be awesome03:42
wgrantDr_Who: Probably best to ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion03:42
Dr_Whook thanks03:42
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 292
huwshimiwgrant: Oh, so it did.03:43
lifelesswgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/python-oops-tools/prune/+merge/8284003:43
wgrantGrar, I hate tests that touch DB users in bad ways.03:44
wgrantLike TestPersonSetMerge03:45
lifelesswgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/python-oops-tools/bug-892917/+merge/8284103:55
wgrantlifeless: How does oops-tools' prune differ from oops-datedir-repo, apart from having an implied path and DB-backed last prune date?03:56
wgrantlifeless: As for the other branch, don't you need to change the current model too>?03:57
lifelesswgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/python-oops-tools/bug-892914/+merge/8284203:59
lifelesswgrant: yes, I do, will fix that03:59
lifelesswgrant: oops-tools prune only prunes the db, doesn't touch disk.04:00
lifelesswgrant: for two reasons; A) if it does delete everything, I wanted a Plan B. and B) two-phase commit is hard.04:00
lifelesswgrant: so I just plan on us running both pruners.04:00
lifelesswgrant: other than UI cruft like help text, the duplication is ~ 4 lines long.04:01
lifelesswgrant: well below my generalise-it threshold04:01
poolielp is in testfix mode or something?04:04
wgrantlifeless: Ah, it should probably say that.04:04
wgrantlifeless: It currently says it deletes stuff from the repository.04:04
wgrantpoolie: No04:04
poolieCommit message [[r=mbp] delete canonical.buildd, now its moved to launchpad-buildd] does not match commit_re [(?# Strong suggestion: use ``bzr lp-land`` or ``ec2 land``.  Manual submission notes: your submission message needs at least one of [r=...] [rs=...] or [release-critical=...] AND at least one of [no-qa] [incr] [rollback=...] [bug=...].)(?is)(?=(\s*\[[^\]]+\])*\s*\[(release-critical=[^\]]+|rs?=[^\]]+)\])(?=(\s*\[[^\]]+\])*\s*\[(incr|04:05
wgrantpoolie: Needs a QA tag04:05
poolieit's associated with a bug04:05
Noldorinpoolie, hi04:05
Noldorinpoolie, so, i'll definitely need to get a version of LP running locally?04:05
poolieyeah that's a good idea04:06
pooliedev.launchpad.net has scripts for how to do it04:06
poolieit is mostly scripted but it may take a while04:06
poolieor, rather, it's all scripted, it will take a while, it is possible but unlikely the scripts may get snagged and then we  can help you get them going again04:06
Noldorinpoolie, guess  i can always have a go at designing the source-controlled wiki feature i'm interested in too then :-)04:07
poolietest_poppy failed again :/04:07
pooliethat would be great04:07
Noldorini discussed that with mgz or somehting04:07
Noldorina few weeks ago04:07
wgrantpoolie: Hm, never seen that.04:07
pooliei was just starting to put in markdown support on the weekend04:07
wgrantpoolie: Apart from your email.04:07
Noldorinpoolie, oh awesome. in what area? using python-markdown i guess04:08
Noldorinpoolie, mind linking me to the appropiate bug so i can now when to begin my efforts? :-)04:08
lifelesswgrant: 'repository'. But yes, I will change it to say 'database' to avoid confusion04:10
poolieNoldorin, https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/391780-markdown/+merge/8283204:11
pooliethat is the markdown thing04:11
pooliei suggest you get some smaller patches in first to warm up04:11
poolieand get familiar with how it works04:11
Noldorinpoolie, yeah, like the download types thing?04:11
huwshimiI appear to have forgotten how to merge a working branch with our main branch. Can I just do "rocketfuel-get" and then "merge ../devel" from my branch?04:11
wgranthuwshimi: That will work, yets.04:12
Noldorinpoolie, ooh so you've already finished it, jsut ready to mergew04:12
lifelesswgrant: tweaked help pushing now04:12
huwshimiwgrant: Is that not the recommended way? Or am I reading too much into the way you said that?04:13
lifelesswgrant: I'm going to cook dinner; I would like to land all three and deploy tonight, for hopefully obvious reasons04:13
pooliei've finished a small part of it04:13
wgrantlifeless: Have you also fixed the model lengths?04:13
poolielifeless, i will look at the mail bug now04:13
lifelesswgrant: yes, pushed that an age ago04:14
wgranthuwshimi: Some discourage rocketfuel-get, but I think it's fine.04:14
wgrantlifeless: Thanks.04:14
poolieare you suggesting that i broke it, or are you just keen to accept my offer to look at it?04:14
lifelesswgrant: thank you for noticing04:14
lifelesspoolie: bit of column A, bit of column B04:14
huwshimiwgrant: Ah right, it seems to work for me, but I don't do very complicated things04:14
lifelesspoolie: there is some guilt by association with that area of the code, but also just that you are familiar with it, which is a Good Thin04:14
lifelesswgrant: our oopses compress to about 100K - thats using a 7MB as reference04:16
lifelesswgrant: I propose to add gz compression to amqp2disk to tide us over to a server with more disk04:16
wgrantlifeless: If we indeed turn rabbit on by Wednesday, that sounds like a good workaround.04:17
Noldorinpoolie, i'm most encouraged by how active this channel is :-)04:17
Noldorinbedtime now04:17
Noldorinbut i'll have a go at that soon04:17
Noldorinand poke a dev if necessary04:17
* wgrant renames reconnect_stores() to reconnect_stores_DONT_YOU_DARE_USE_THIS()04:18
Noldorinnight folks04:19
wgrantNight Noldorin.04:19
pooliehappy hacking04:23
lifelesswgrant: right, really off cooking. Can you ack you're reviewing those?04:24
wgrantlifeless: Yu[04:24
pooliehuwshimi, would you be so kind as to read https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/888353-microformats/+merge/82767 for me04:27
huwshimipoolie: sure04:27
* huwshimi reading04:27
poolieand https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/meta-description/+merge/8276904:27
pooliecould someone please try running lp.poppy.tests.test_twistedsftp.TestSFTPServer.test_file_creation on oneiric?04:37
huwshimipoolie: I think that looks ok, but I don't really know enough about how google handles that stuff04:38
poolieit's hard to tell for sure ahead of time04:40
poolieuntil we see how they parse the actual pages04:40
pooliedo you think it will be any worse?04:40
StevenK    self.assertEqual(os.stat(file_name).st_mode, 0100644)04:40
StevenKAssertionError: 33204 != 3318804:40
StevenKpoolie: ^04:40
pooliei thought so04:40
pooliethanks StevenK04:40
huwshimipoolie: Not sure how it could be04:40
wgrantpoolie, StevenK: Yeah, there are a couple of tests that break due to the insane default umask change.04:41
wgrantI have a list somewhere.04:41
poolieoh ok04:41
_mup_Bug #892955: lp.poppy.tests.test_twistedsftp.TestSFTPServer.test_file_creation fails on oneiric <poppy> <spurious-test-failure> <twisted> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/892955 >04:41
pooliedo we actually care?04:42
wgrantWe will in a few months.04:42
wgrantUntil then we just curse Ubuntu for doing bad things.04:42
StevenKwgrant: It's now 002?04:43
StevenKIt is.04:43
StevenKI thought we set the umask inside poppy?04:44
lifelesspoolie: re depends on rabbit - no, it doesn't04:48
lifelesspoolie: your environment claims rabbit is available, but it isn't04:49
pooliewhat environment?04:55
wgrantlifeless: But you want the oldest, not the first loaded.04:57
wgrantSince AFAICT you use the real age everywhere else.04:57
wgrantNot the loaded age./04:57
poolielifeless, oh i see04:59
pooliebut having configuration data for rabbit does not imply it's running04:59
lifelesswgrant: for pruning we want real not claimed05:16
lifelesspoolie: yes it does :)05:16
lifelesspoolie: if its configured, and not running, thats an environmental issue05:16
* wgrant shops for a reviewer for https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/reconnect_stores-is-a-horrible-person/+merge/8284405:17
wgrantlifeless: Thanks.05:24
huwshimipoolie: From line 59 is my test I've added, does this look ok? https://code.launchpad.net/~huwshimi/launchpad/tag-cloud-removal-709009/+merge/8168905:29
poolielifeless, so re "environmental problems" i just want to be able to run the tests within launchpad's buildout environment05:31
pooliethat seems like a reasonable thing to want05:31
lifelesspoolie: which tests?05:32
pooliethe buildd tests05:32
pooliepost splitout05:32
lifelessthey should be independent05:32
lifelessit Must Not import from launchpad05:32
lifelessand launchpad Must Not import fro it05:32
lifeless*from* it.05:32
lifelessI don't know what pht means here. But LP is a horrendous environment with a deep stack of assumptions in its code and structure - things like the config system are merely part of it.05:33
lifelessI don't see it as *at all* interesting to let importing things from LP work for other projects: I see it as interesting to extract code from LP such that that code can be reused sensibly.05:34
pooliei'm just trying to gradually unpick the horro05:34
pooliewith one trivial exception, they do no longer import from lp05:34
pooliei will fix that now05:34
pooliei guess it needs its own buildout config for things it does depend upon05:34
lifelessI know, and I'm glad you're doing that - it doesn't mean that using an LP specific test helper in a misconfigured environment is reaosnable05:34
lifeless(yes, 'development' is misconfigured - deliberately so, until make run or bin/run are executed)05:35
poolieok, whatever05:35
poolieif using it outside of bin/test is not supported, i'll close the bug05:35
lifelessits not05:36
lifelessfixing things so that tests really can run in isolation, get an automatic config etc would be wonderful - but I think you'd need to start at the other end of the chain : the symptom you ran into is in ok code, its the rest of the stack that is flawed.05:37
lifelessamongst other things, your developer db would be wiped, etc, running with the 'development' config.05:37
pooliei guess bzr has or had problems where test classes counted on setup being done by bzr selftest05:38
pooliei think those are bugs05:38
pooliebut, perhaps this is not a good place to start05:39
poolieit's closed05:39
lifelesscertainly, and I'd totally accept 'LP Tests don't work outside of bin/test' as a bug - and be happy if you want to start on that yak shaving exercise05:39
lifelessits deep and nasty; both jml and I have spent weeks stabbing at it and making various partial improvements05:39
lifelessfor instance, currently you must have a test runner that can reinvoke itself because there is no guarantee for an arbitrary testA, testB pair, that testA can run in the same process as testB05:40
=== jtv is now known as jtv-eat
pooliesoryr for the misunderstanding06:23
poolielifeless, i'm happy to say launchpad-buildd no longer imports launchpad at all06:23
pooliethere are still tests in launchpad that import lpbuildd06:24
poolieproduction code does not06:24
poolielifeless, could you read https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/892427-service-failure/+merge/82766 for me?06:25
poolieallenap, hi?06:52
poolieallenap, hi?08:05
rvbaHello poolie, allenap should be here in about 1h.08:06
=== rvba changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: rvba | Critical bugtasks: 292
pooliervba, how about some reviews?08:11
rvbapoolie: yep, I just saw that you have a few branches up for review ;)08:11
pooliei felt inspired on the weekend08:12
rvbaI see that!08:12
poolieby how bad some search results were, etc08:12
=== jtv-eat is now known as jtv
pooliervba, thanks08:47
pooliei had an idea there was meant to be no space after the chevron but i can't see anything that says so08:49
allenapMorning poolie, sorry I forgot to change the topic :-/09:12
pooliewas just going to say i ended up finishing off the rabbit startup failure patch you suggested09:14
poolieraphael reviewed it09:14
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
rvbaMorning mrevell.09:16
wgrantrvba: Was it you who was working on preloading specific jobs for Builder:+history?09:37
pooliemrevell, i think the only really scary bit of https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/39178009:37
_mup_Bug #391780: Support Markdown "stack overflow" style hyperlinks markup <feature> <lp-foundations> <markdown> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by mbp> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/391780 >09:37
poolieis hooking it into the edit widget09:37
rvbawgrant: yep09:37
poolieand it may not be hard09:37
wgrantrvba: Are you aware of the large OOPS regression?09:38
rvbawgrant: oops, no…09:38
poolieand i guess see if lifeless has any real objection09:38
wgrant2285 InconsistentBuildFarmJobError: Could not find all the related specific jobs. Bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/89160009:38
_mup_Bug #891600: InconsistentBuildFarmJobError: Could not find all the related specific jobs.  <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/891600 >09:38
wgrant      13 https%3A//launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/%2Bsource/libatasmart/%2Bbuilds (SourcePackage:+builds)09:38
wgrant        OOPS-0307a9c4a7c9430eeb6a7952a3fb138c, OOPS-1e170c1660c5e4b23a4fa8db662b267c, OOPS-2ae836060fa3b0c90416132f78e4c6cc, OOPS-2d3458326e2328888803cce42c71ae2f, OOPS-4220ac65deb478aa8b47f4ddc65290d909:38
rvbawgrant: sorry, was otp.09:44
rvbawgrant: I'm looking into it right now.09:44
rvbawgrant: I remember wondering about this but I made the new code do what the old code did: raise an InconsistentBuildFarmJobError if no specific job can be found… I really wonder how that's a problem now.09:46
pooliehow hard/easy is it to override a utility for the duration of a test?09:48
wgrantrvba: Hmm09:48
rvbawgrant: do you think this is so bad that we need a cowboy to stop the bleeding?09:48
wgrantrvba: No, it's been around for a few days.09:49
wgrantpoolie: lp.testing.fixtures has ZopeAdapter and ZopeViewReplacement fixtures. ZopeUtility would be similar, I imagine.09:49
poolieyeah, i think this will work10:05
pooliesurely this is the whole point of the complicated dependency injection thing?10:05
poolieit's a religious thing?10:08
wgrantpoolie: In its defence, raw_sendmail does have a comment saying that it's untested.10:08
pooliethe court finds this argument unpersuasive10:12
rvbawgrant: I think I'll need your help to pin point where the problem is… having this InconsistentBuildFarmJobError means that one of the specific jobs could not be found: is that possible? I mean I'm trying to understand if the bug is in the way I fetch the specific jobs or if the condition to raise this error is too strict.10:15
wgrantrvba: That is a little odd.10:20
wgrantrvba: I note in the query log of https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-0307a9c4a7c9430eeb6a7952a3fb138c that the first few BFJ IDs in query 138 are duplicated.10:20
wgrantWhich would probably do it.10:22
wgrantSince it's not going to get duplicates back.10:23
wgrantSo the counts will differ.10:23
rvbaVery true. I wonder where this duplication comes from10:24
* wgrant scratches head10:24
wgrantAh, rendering error10:24
* wgrant kicks WebKit.10:24
wgrantrvba: It's also already doine tonnes of BFJ/PB queries before it gets to that.10:25
rvbaYes, I just saw that.10:25
wgrantWhich is, I must say, a little bit odd.10:25
wgrantAh, nevermind.10:26
pooliewgrant, ok, well, kinda fixed10:26
pooliei added a test but it doesn't fail and it's not obvious how it would10:26
pooliebut i think you and i should stop soon10:26
wgrantrvba: It's reproducible on DF, which is nice.10:27
* wgrant pokes around in the DB.10:27
rvbaThanks wgrant.10:27
wgrant distro_arch_series |   id    | package_build | source_package_release10:27
wgrant                 95 | 1739878 |       1739878 |                 66411510:27
wgrant                 95 | 1739878 |       1739878 |                 66411510:27
wgrant                 94 | 1739877 |       1739877 |                 66411510:27
wgrant                 94 | 1739877 |       1739877 |                 66411510:27
wgrant                 93 | 1739876 |       1739876 |                 66411510:27
wgrant                 93 | 1739876 |       1739876 |                 66411510:27
wgrantIt is indeed duplicated10:27
wgrantThere's an SPPH join in there.10:28
wgrantThat's really interesting.10:28
wgrantIt should be causing builds to actually show up twice when they've been copied.10:28
wgrantDid you change the main query at all?10:29
wgrantQuery 1210:29
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wgrantSo this may have revealed a long-standing bug.10:29
wgrantProbably in SourcePackage.getBuildRecords10:30
wgrantHowever, you should probably fix getSpecificJobs to work on distinct IDs.10:30
wgrantPossibly making it crash if it's given a non-distinct set.10:30
rvbaWill do, thanks again for the help wgrant.10:30
wgrantYeah, SourcePackage.getBuildRecords needs a DISTINCT.10:30
pooliewgrant, i did something towards https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/885972 but i can't really understand why it's failing10:36
_mup_Bug #885972: raw_sendmail creates TimedActions with invalid detail <oops-infrastructure> <regression> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by mbp> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/885972 >10:36
wgrantrvba: Confirmed from the oops-tools DB that only SourcePackage:+builds is affected.10:36
wgrantpoolie: Why what's failing?10:37
poolieit doesn't fail for me10:37
pooliei don't know why it's failing for you10:38
rvbawgrant: great, I'll finish what I'm doing right now and then work on a fix for that right away.10:38
wgrantpoolie: It doesn't crash.10:38
pooliedo you have a traceback or repro instructions?10:38
poolieoh it's just lost10:38
wgrantpoolie: It just generates a bad OOPS.10:38
wgrantWhich crashes old versions of oops-tools, and lacks the detail that was intended.10:38
wgrantrvba: Thanks.10:39
pooliei wonder if this is a 2.4ism10:39
rvbaThank *you* wgrant ;)10:39
wgrantpoolie: What's a 2.4ism?10:40
wgrantpoolie: This worked before because our RFC822 encoder stringified everything.10:40
wgrantjson/bson do not.10:40
wgrantjson crashes, bson silently omits10:40
poolieafaics message['subject'] is a string10:42
wgrantIt's an email.header.Header10:42
wgrantIts repr and str are a string10:42
wgrantSo it looks like a string10:42
wgrantuntil you type() it10:42
poolienup, when i run it, i really get a string10:44
pooliethat's why i was wondering what path it was following to get there10:44
wgrantAre you on 2.6 or 2.7?10:45
pooliei am, that's why i said maybe a 2.4 thing10:46
wgrantProd has been 2.6 for 18 months now.10:46
pooliepython 2.4 that is10:46
wgrantSo it could be a 2.6 vs 2.7, nothing to do with 2.410:46
pooliei will try it in ec210:47
poolieit's not documented as changed in 2.710:47
pooliewgrant, anyhow if you can give me a clue how to reproduce the failure i will have another go10:53
poolienot nececssarily tonight10:53
rvbawgrant: do you think I should mimic what setupCompleteBuilds did before: i.e. keep duplicates jobs?11:01
rvbawgrant: I think I should not mess up with the batch size.11:05
wgrantrvba: I'd preserve the dupes, I think.11:06
wgrantThen fix the duping issue separately.11:06
rick_h_morning all11:53
rvbawgrant: If you're still up for a quick review (otherwise I'll grab benji later): https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/launchpad/relatedjobs-bug-891600/+merge/8287012:32
rick_h_poolie: ping13:01
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: rvba, benji | Critical bugtasks: 292
rvbaMorning benji.13:08
benjimorning rvba; how goes it?13:09
rvbabenji: Great, I hope you've had a nice weekend because you need to be ready for some reviewing action :)13:10
rvbabenji: I'm gonna grab a late lunch then finish allenap's review when I'm back.13:11
benjik, I'll take a look at the reviews in the queue13:11
deryckrick_h_, https://dev.launchpad.net/JavaScriptReviewNotes14:39
deryckabentley, ^^14:39
sinzuiMy computer does not like the latest kernel update. If I know updating would be unstable, I would be on precise now14:46
mrevellHey deryck, how are we looking for taking custom bug listings into beta tomorrow?14:53
deryckmrevell, It will be Wednesday.  Sorry.14:53
mrevellNo problem; I'd rather it were right than rushed.14:53
deryckmrevell, agreed.  I'll send you an email by my EOD to let you know if we're still on track, but I feel good about hitting Wed.14:54
abentleysinzui: I have a request for a mailing list archive dump.  Who knows about those things?15:06
sinzuiabentley, we ask a losa to send the mbox to the user if the user is a member of the team15:07
abentleysinzui: Okay.15:07
sinzuiabentley, we restrict to team members because the mbox can contain deleted messages15:07
abentleysinzui: I see.15:07
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gary_postermars, hi.  Is https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/663923 still active for you?  I'm probably not going to take it immediately, but it's on LP's escalated bug list, so it would be good to have a current status on it.15:51
_mup_Bug #663923: Cannot view list archive of private team <escalated> <mailing-lists> <ml-archive-sucks> <regression> <Apache OpenID:New> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by mars> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/663923 >15:51
rick_h_I just got that this morning gary_poster15:53
rick_h_I was trying to view the archive of a list I got onto and log out/back in/etc couldn't get it to play nice15:53
rick_h_heh, the same group actually15:53
gary_posterrick_h_, :-) and :-/15:53
sinzuijcsackett,  I think you QAed your branch that is in the kanban landing column.15:57
jcsackettsinzui: you are correct; i have moved the card.15:57
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=== rvba changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: benji | Critical bugtasks: 292
* deryck goes offline for lunch, back soon16:50
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marsgary_poster, Hi, that bug is still active but on hold for the moment.  I do not have the resources to work on it right now, but stuartm is trying to resolve that.17:38
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lifelessallenap: if you're still around, I would like to know more details on how scriptactivity is flawed18:17
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rick_h_deryck: is the inline editor in use? It looks like it's supposed to be in the merge proposal ui for the description, but not seeing it work out that way18:45
deryckrick_h_, yeah, it is.  There are Zope widgets that spit out the html/css for the js widgets.18:47
deryckrick_h_, let me find the file to point you at....18:47
rick_h_yea, saw them in lazr stuff18:47
deryckrick_h_, yeah.  And the doctest helps understand it too:  lib/lp/app/doc/lazr-js-widgets.txt18:49
rick_h_thanks, will head there next18:49
gary_postermars, ok, cool.  Thanks for update.  Could you mention status on bug, maybe, if you have not already?18:50
dobeyi'll try this over here instead;18:56
dobeyyou guys know what would be awesome?18:57
dobeyhaving private attachments on public bugs :)18:57
rick_h_deryck: thanks, found it18:58
deryckrick_h_, cool!18:58
sinzuidobey, bug 51208519:28
_mup_Bug #512085: Secrecy settings for attachments <lp-bugs> <privacy> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/512085 >19:28
dobeysinzui: ooh, thanks!19:29
flacostebac: i've marked bug #891641 as untestable19:55
_mup_Bug #891641: Use of random.seed(n) in tests needs cleanup <qa-untestable> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/891641 >19:55
flacostelet me know if i was wrong19:56
lifelesssinzui is the master of bugs19:59
bacflacoste: yes, tahnks19:59
sinzuiI am? Do I have triage all 6000 again?20:00
deryckflacoste, abentley has his qa done.  just fyi.20:11
sinzuiMy wife and daughter are now looking for house in regions with unsafe water, earthquakes, flooding, mud slides, alligators, and no Ikea20:21
* sinzui stops work to do emergency presentation about when to live20:21
sinzuiIn case you are wondering, I do have an presentation prepared in case of just such an emergency.20:22
dobeyabout *when* to live?20:25
dobeyoh. so no exploding universe at the end?20:25
dobeydisappointing :)20:25
sinzuiMy universe will explode if I have to live near alligators. They are first on my list of things to make extinct.20:26
dobeysinzui: well that's not a bad thing. they are tasty, and make great shoes20:27
sinzuiexactly. We can make the world safe, and feed the people, and look great.20:29
dobeyi want a pet alligator20:29
dobeybut they are illegal in VA :(20:29
nigelbdobey: ...20:33
dobeynigelb: yes?20:35
nigelbdobey: I'm just o_O about the pet alligator line.20:36
sinzuiThat did not go well. I failed to take into account that my family are geographically impaired. They do not believe that Maryland and Virginia and technically part of the South20:38
sinzuiBTW, the video out on the macbook air just works20:40
dobeywithout Virginia, "The South" doesn't exist20:41
dobeysweet tea, pulled pork, and fried chicken == the south20:42
huwshimiI have a merge proposal that I merged with devel on, but now it's showing the diff as empty: https://code.launchpad.net/~huwshimi/launchpad/style-removal-one/+merge/8209620:43
sinzuiI live in Alexandria. A Northern enclave with a statue to honour the confederate dead20:43
huwshimiIs this a known bug?20:43
dobeynow, Florida on the other hand, is not part of the south20:43
sinzuidobey, EXACTLY20:43
rick_h_heh, I heard more southen accents in VA than I ever did in OK20:43
sinzuiThey do not believe me20:43
rick_h_they must have courses on twang20:43
* rick_h_ has family in VA we visit every year20:44
dobeyOK is not the south20:44
dobeyOK is the plains20:44
sinzuiOklahoma in midwest, fly-over-country20:44
rick_h_well I was 30min from the TX border20:44
rick_h_so I got the worst of both worlds20:44
dobeyTX is also not the south; it's just exas20:45
dobeyerr, just texas20:45
rick_h_hmm, I think if you visit you might keep that to yourself :)20:45
sinzuirick_h_, Yeah, I think suicide is a viable option in that case20:45
dobeyor excess; however you prefer to pronounce it20:45
rick_h_moving to VA sinzui ?20:46
dobeyhe's in va20:46
dobeywell, DC20:46
dobeybut the VA side20:46
rick_h_my family's down charlottesville way20:46
sinzuirick_h_, I can barely pay bills with 3 children. I think I need to move20:46
rick_h_live on both sides of the mountains, always fun driving for visiting20:46
rick_h_sinzui: heh, why I've stopped at 1 :)20:47
dobeysinzui: heh; well, alexandria is probably the wrong place to be; though the schools are good20:47
rick_h_I don't know, I think keeping away from DC is just good judgement20:47
sinzuiI thought my argument to live within 1 hour of an Ikea and an airport would be the point of contention.20:47
dobeybut that's to be expected given the average income in Alexandria20:48
rick_h_what if that stuff spreads out there?20:48
rick_h_shush on ikea20:48
* rick_h_ grumbled fake wood crappy crap20:48
dobeyyou could just build furniture out of legos. same thing20:48
rick_h_legos at least have some sturdiness to them when assembed right20:49
dobeylegos might be sturdier though20:49
sinzuiMy son has already done that20:49
sinzuiI think a bed of nails would have been more comfortable20:49
rick_h_my other hobby is woodworking, no have lots of bad things to say on ikea20:49
benjilego blocks about 10X the normal size for furniture building would appeal to me20:50
benji...made from hardwood and stained20:51
sinzuirick_h_, dobey, benji, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-Kf-R1RKNk20:51
benjinow I just need an army of slaves to build my lego house for me20:54
sinzuiI have just solved the unity dash window ordering problem. I can fix it by plugging, then unpluging an external onito20:58
sinzuirick_h_, You can feel smug to be in the same company are David Mitchell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-Kf-R1RKNk20:59
rick_h_I'll see if I can work on my smugness21:00
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benjisinzui: is that the dash-comes-up-below-the-active-window-but-still-has-keyboard-focus-so-confuses-the-crap-out-of-me bug?21:13
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lifelessbbs, hard disk rails have arrived21:33
flacostehuwshimi: i think that's because your branch was merged, so it doesn't have a diff anymore21:33
huwshimiflacoste: Ah right. Was a bit confusing21:34
bachey sinzui, got a second to talk about https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/48012322:00
_mup_Bug #480123: Milestone names/version should be unique to series <escalated> <linaro> <lp-registry> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/480123 >22:00
sinzuibac: I do not at this time I am looking for  a quite room to have the purple standup22:01
sinzuibac: maybe in 40 minutes?22:01
bacsinzui: ok.  ping me when you're free22:01
sinzuiwallyworld, jcsackett, wgrant, I am having audio troubles.I can barely hear you all22:03
wallyworldsinzui: do you want to speak, not sure if we can hear you22:04
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 292
lifelessallenap: thanks for the feedback22:15
lifelesspoolie_: can you put a featureflag around markdown ?22:25
lifelesspoolie_: (if there isn't one already)22:25
lifelesspoolie_: rvba's performance figures are a little concerning22:26
poolie_i did22:27
poolie_i'd like to talk to you about it briefly after this call22:27
StevenKsinzui, wgrant, wallyworld, jcsackett: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/745424/22:29
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away

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