
ianm_I have a project with auto-pot-file-finding setup.  if I commit with the pot file gone (from root directory) and now in locate/templates and with many more strings for translation, will everything work OK?04:08
ianm_(I downloaded a package of all .mo files from launchpad into locale/ and that included the .pot, and then I overwrote it with a newly generated one, and did not do 'bzr mv'.)04:09
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=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
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sagacilooks like it's down08:34
wgrantsagaci: It's back now. http://blog.launchpad.net/notifications/fast-down-time08:36
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dpmhi launchpad folks. Could someone tell me if a translation template (e.g. po/mytemplate.pot) will be imported by automatic imports if the .pot file is a symlink?13:35
dpmhey, anyone there who could help me with the question? "will a translation template (e.g. po/mytemplate.pot) be imported by automatic imports if the .pot file is a symlink?" thanks!14:53
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Gwaihirany launchpad dev out there? I have a "simple" question: is Launchpad sending notifications about team expiration? More than one person reported that they have never received a notification email... this is happening also for Ubuntu Membership renewals...15:33
nigelbIs this very recent?15:35
nigelbI was complaining about too much email about expiration like 2 to 3 weeks ago :)15:35
Gwaihirnigelb, kind of... they told me yesterday, but the expiration was like one month ago15:36
nigelbThere was a bug a while back. I don't know if that's this.15:36
Gwaihiralso, other people never received a notification around the beginning of november15:36
nigelbLet me quickly check, which week I had the email.15:37
Gwaihirthx nigelb15:37
nigelbHrm, I had expiration emails in the first week of Nov.15:37
nigelbNov 7th was the last I had the email.15:38
Gwaihirthe person who didn't get the notification was set to expire on the 10th November15:42
Gwaihirthe other one was around the 9 of October...15:42
nigelbHrm, I don't know who's help contact for today.15:42
CoreyThis may be better asked elsewhere, but: I'm digging into repackaging lighttpd for a one line patch that's been outstanding since 2005.  Rather than re-inventing the wheel, is there a straightforward way to grab the preexisting dsc files so I can tweak accordingly?  Not too interested in redoing it all just because I know best. ;-)15:51
tumbleweedCorey: yes, it is better asked elsewhere, e.g. #ubuntu-packaging. But you want pull-lp-source in ubuntu-dev-tools15:55
Coreytumbleweed: Thanks!15:58
mgariepyhello, I have an account on launchpad and i cant find a way to change my password... on my detail page it doesn't show anything about password change15:58
nigelbmgariepy: login.launchpad.net should get you to such a page.15:58
nigelblaunchpad doesn't store your credentials.15:59
nigelblogin.launchpad.net is the Single-Sign On which is under the same domain, but isn't actually part of launchpad.15:59
mgariepywould it be possible to add a link in detail page of my account ?16:00
mgariepyor any account..16:00
nigelbLike I said, its not really launchpad which does this.16:02
nigelbSo, it doesn't belong in launchpad.16:02
mgariepyok thanks for you time16:02
xaprbI want to add a new status to my bug tracker, so I can close bugs as CantReproduce. I can't find this in Launchpad or through Google. Can someone point me to the right place?16:04
xaprbs/to my bug tracker/to my project's bug tracker/16:04
Chipacahi all. I'd like to create a sub-team, but can't seem to find what to click :)16:38
CoreyI've added (successfully!) a package to my PPA, but now when I try to add the PPA, I'm getting Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~kb1jwq/+archive/ppa.  The notes say that generating the key after the first package upload can take several hours, but how do I verify that that's the actual issue, and not "I screwed something up?"16:41
tumbleweedthat's almost certainly the issue16:42
Coreytumbleweed: How will I know when the key has been generated?  Is there a flag that gets set in Launchpad somewhere?16:44
tumbleweedCorey: under "Technical details about this PPA" you'll se a "Signing key" listed16:45
CoreyThat's blank.16:46
CoreyThat'd do it. :-)16:46
CoreyAh, now the key is generated, but hasn't made its way to the keyserver yet.  So many moving parts!16:48
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
thopiekarCould you please remove "maliit-plugins - 0.80.8~stable~r1526~pkg10~oneiric1" fully from ppa:maliit-team/ppa, so a package with the version 0.80.8~releasepkg1526+10~oneiric1  can be uploaded? thanks17:10
tumbleweedthopiekar: it doesn't work like that17:17
thopiekarI know removing packages will leave something on the PPA and a lower version won't be uploadable like before.. tumbleweed, how can it be done?17:18
tumbleweedthopiekar: why the change in version format?, looks like the same revision17:18
thopiekarsure but changes on the source won't be uploaded by the recipe now.. while s is higher than r17:19
tumbleweedthopiekar: then why di dyou change the recipe?17:20
tumbleweedthopiekar: even if you could make the ppa accept a lower version, which you can't, nobody would upgrade any more, because apt won't upgrade to a lower version (that's why the PPA won't let you upload a lower version)17:22
thopiekarwell our coding team decided to call the packages an other way.. I were thinking about stable, but the software isn't really stable still the latest release..17:22
tumbleweedhow about unstable, then, u comes after s :)17:22
thopiekarthats why I wish this package would be remove again..17:23
thopiekartumbleweed: unstable is placed in a daily ppa17:23
tumbleweedand 0.80.8 > 0.80.8~unstble123+45~whatever17:23
thopiekarthere are the nightly builds17:23
thopiekaris a + or - higher than ~?17:24
thopiekaror better: what is higher than ~?17:24
tumbleweed~ is special17:25
thopiekarwould be higher than 0.80.8~?17:26
tumbleweed$ dpkg --compare-versions '' '>>' '0.80.8~' && echo Yes || echo No17:27
thopiekarbtw. whats up with the builders?17:28
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CoreyWho do I bribe and what does it cost to boost the priority on an i386 build for my personal PPA? :-)18:15
cjohnstonIs it possible to have an alias for a team as it is for a project?18:32
cjohnstonty lifeless18:34
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad to: Mailing lists service is degraded: investigation under way | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
dobeyyou guys know what would be awesome?18:49
dobeyprivate attachments on public bugs18:49
EvilResistancebut if they're public bugs the attachments should be public as well18:50
EvilResistancehence the name "PUBLIC bugs"18:50
dobeynot necessarily18:51
EvilResistancewell then i ask you18:51
EvilResistancewhat would be the usefulness of this feature?18:51
EvilResistancebecause the public sometimes submits bug fixes18:51
EvilResistancefor projects they may not even be a member of18:51
EvilResistance(case in point: me and a few projects)18:52
dobeyfor users to attach logs, that only the project owners can see, but which regular people cannot18:52
dobeyi didn't say all attachments should be private18:52
EvilResistancetherefore you are invalidating the entire concept of public bugs18:52
EvilResistancewhen a bug is posted publicly18:52
EvilResistancethe intent is so that the public can assit with it18:53
EvilResistanceperhaps even fix it18:53
EvilResistanceby posting logs detailing an issue...18:53
EvilResistancebut hiding that from the public18:53
EvilResistanceyou therefore prevent the public collaboration which Ubuntu and other projects are so familiar with18:53
dobeywell if you want to post your own potentially private data in public view, then go ahead.18:53
dobeyalso, who are you, since your /whois provides no useful information at all18:54
EvilResistancei'm a member of the ubuntu community ;P18:55
EvilResistanceyou can ascertain that by the end part of the host name18:55
EvilResistancewhere resistance is my nickname18:55
EvilResistanceand ubuntu is the project18:55
EvilResistanceif you'd like, feel free to scan my launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~trekcaptainusa-tw18:55
cjohnstonwhats the difference between having a public bug with private attachements vs a private bug with private attachments?18:56
cjohnstoneither way you are as you say 'preventing the public collaboration'18:57
dobeycjohnston: because people who aren't subscribed to private bugs cannot see anything about the bug at all18:57
dobeyand the only reason it's private, is because someone has an attachment of logs or something, with possibly private data18:58
cjohnstondobey: im trying to support your opinion :-P18:58
* EvilResistance can interpret cjohnston's original question as working in favor of EvilResistance's opinion18:58
EvilResistancecjohnston:  your question was worded like an expert attorney :P18:58
dobeycjohnston: your comments are worded against it, rather :)18:58
EvilResistancedepending on the answer of course18:58
cjohnstonEvilResistance: yes. i do agree.. so basically.. why not18:58
cjohnstonif i can see the bug, and the description, and i say, oh wait.. i have that problem too...18:59
cjohnstonbut i just cant see the OPs logs18:59
EvilResistancebut consider18:59
EvilResistancesomeone not having this problem18:59
EvilResistancebut is willing to attempt to fix it18:59
EvilResistanceor rather18:59
dobeyprobably doesn't care to fix it18:59
EvilResistancesomeone having this problem19:00
EvilResistancebut is willing to fix it19:00
dobeybecause you can't fix soemthing you can't see yourself, unless it's a very obvious thing19:00
dobeywhich it usually is not19:00
EvilResistancewithout the logs we cant fix it19:00
EvilResistancethat's the issue19:00
cjohnstonbut that is no different than someone not having this problem and not being able to see the bug anyway19:00
EvilResistancebut the issue is ***why*** people provide logs of issues19:00
cjohnstonEvilResistance: not necesarally19:00
EvilResistancethey provide it so people can ***find*** whats wrong and fix it19:00
cjohnstonmany times, yes.. not all times relevant tho19:01
EvilResistanceconsider the Ubuntu packages.  Not every package is actively checked19:01
dobeyEvilResistance: please stop arguing just for the sake of disagreeing19:01
EvilResistancedobey:  i dont see a launchpad staff nick on you, nor do i see you in the ops list, nor do i see freenode staff cloaks on you19:01
EvilResistanceso you're not in an opinion to stop me from voicing my opinions19:01
EvilResistanceyou're not in a position, even19:01
lifelessdobey: I think it would be very easy for folk to copy and paste from a private attachment into the bug body thus disclosing private info19:02
lifelessdobey: so it would be a pretty effective foot-gun situation to setup19:02
dobeylifeless: it's already easy to do that; but if only the reporter, and the bug team (?) can see the attachment, then that doesn't really seem like an issue does it?19:04
maxbWhilst occasionally there's a genuine need to communicate debug info privately, most times logs should be fine to make available publically, such that any community member can assist19:04
lifelessEvilResistance: hi; dobey's question was a pretty good one - we support private bugs already, precisely so that private content can be analysed without public disclosure of personally identifying information.19:05
EvilResistancelifeless:  his question isnt about private bugs19:05
EvilResistanceits about allowing attachments to be private on public bugs19:05
dobeymaxb: but that's not true for certain projects19:05
lifelessEvilResistance: there was no need to esclate your response so much19:05
EvilResistancelifeless:  which therefore defeats the purpose of public bugs19:05
EvilResistancelifeless:  sorry, kind of part of my nature... its gotten me in some trouble with freenode staff in the past19:06
lifelessEvilResistance: actually, his question is about allowing currently private bugs to be public by keeping just some attachments private19:06
EvilResistancelifeless:  i interpret the initial statement differently.19:06
EvilResistance<dobey> you guys know what would be awesome?19:06
EvilResistance<dobey> private attachments on public bugs19:06
lifelessEvilResistance: he wants to *increase* publicness, not *decrease* it.19:06
EvilResistance^  that is the opposite of what you just stated.19:06
EvilResistancesave for that last line19:06
lifelessEvilResistance: with the greatest respect, its not.19:06
tumbleweedEvilResistance: we currently have lots of private bugs, this would let us have less of them19:07
lifelessEvilResistance: his question asks about a situation that doesn't exist today, it makes no declaration of intent or path-to-that-situation19:07
lifelessEvilResistance: assigning motivation, and speculating about cause and effect requires asking questions, not stating conclusions19:08
lifelessmaxb: indeed, and I don't think dobey will disagree with that.19:08
lifelessmaxb: however, the UK DPA and similar legislation elsewhere in the world is pretty clear about the obligation to protect personal (and personally identifying) information.19:09
lifelessdobey: I believe it has been considered in the past and concluded to be an unacceptably high risk; tech wise we could quite easily do it.19:10
lifelessdobey: I think we would want some rather rigorous user testing around such a feature, because the consequences can be pretty bad19:11
dobeylifeless: i wonder if perhaps with some of the refactoring that has been happening, or will happen, in LP, if it's less of a risk now?19:11
dobeylifeless: agreed19:11
maxbIt feels like the sort of thing that would be a UI nightmare to ensure first-time reporters used it right19:12
lifelessdobey: I don't think we'd have an issue in making it happen in LP; the issue is in whether users make mistakes using it :)19:12
lifelessmaxb: yes, exactly.19:12
dobeylifeless: hence suggestion of only reporter and bug driver/security team/whatever for the project, being able to see private bits19:12
dobeylifeless: in which case, it wouldn't really be any more of a risk than the current situation, would it?19:12
maxbAlso would probably want to be opt-in on a project basis so that people only use it where there is a sufficient population of active bug triagers19:12
lifelessdobey: sure it would - how many first time bug reporters would understand it such that when someone asks 'can you attach your dmidecode info' they don't copy and paste it into the bug directly?19:13
dobeylifeless: well, assuming they aren't "file and forget" type of users, i don't know. but we should probably also work on those cases more specifically, such that we don't have people saying "can you run this command and paste it here?" in bugs, but instead such commands do the legwork for the users19:15
dobeybut it's a tough balancing act that, because the same situation exists if the bug isn't already private, anyway :-/19:16
lifelessdobey: yes, I can see that. However this is why apport defaults to private bugs, no ? Open-after-processing-and-human-review.19:21
maxbWhat's the use-case being aimed at here? attachments in an initial apport-filing, or ones created by a user?19:21
dobeymaxb: well, in this specific instance, from the user19:22
dobeylifeless: does it for all bugs, or only some?19:22
maxbAnd what's the content? Something the user understands is private, or something they need to be told might leak info?19:22
lifelessdobey: crash reports I believe19:23
maxbIn apport's case, it's about protecting core-dumps, mainly, IIUC?19:23
lifelessanyhow, since this is now cosntructive discussion, I'm going to leave you folk to it :)19:23
dobeylifeless: right; but ubuntu-bug foo doesn't i guess?19:24
dobeylifeless: actualy, on +filebug, i don't see any way to make it private by default, other than to say "this is a security problem"19:25
dobeylifeless: so i'd have to file, then mark it private, then upload attachments19:25
dobeyanyway; just suggesting it would be an awesome feature, because (LP: #PRIVATE) in debian/changelog is no fun :)19:26
maxbIt does seem to make a lot of sense, *if* the restricted material can actually be constrained to the attachments19:28
dobeymaxb: it makes sense to me anyway, and i think it's not really any worse than the current situation; assuming people are never going to make silly mistakes, is a silly mistake. :)19:33
maxbooi, what project / particular restricted material were you thinking of?19:34
dobeymaxb: ubuntone stuff. ubuntuone-client logs have filenames/paths in them19:35
dobeyso basically we just let the user decide whether or not that is private to them right now, and just have the bug be private19:36
dobeyalso, the new "just 404 on private bugs" behavior is really annoying with irc bots :(19:36
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
thopiekarCould you please abort https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+archive/plasma-dev/+recipebuild/123034 and https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+archive/plasma-dev/+recipebuild/123033 ?20:28
dupondjesomebody alive in here atm ? :)22:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 887349 in papyon (Ubuntu Lucid) "Can't login in Windows live acount using empathy" [High,Triaged]22:41
dupondjeseems to be a bug in Launchpad I guess22:41
dupondjeit doesn't show 'Show all comments' at the bottom22:41
lifelessdupondje: we load them all always now22:43
wgrantlifeless: No, something's borked here.22:43
wgrantLook at the bug.22:43
wgrantThere are at least two large gaps in the comments.22:43
dupondjethey are not all displayed for sure22:43
lifelessah 41-6522:44
wgrantIn fact, all the comments are there.22:44
wgrantThey're just loaded in the wrong place.22:44
wgrant41-65 are loaded between 14 and 1522:44
lifelessyay regression22:44
dupondjeand there are more comments also22:45
dupondje#105 etc exists also :)22:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 887349 in papyon (Ubuntu Lucid) "Can't login in Windows live acount using empathy" [High,Triaged]22:45
lifelessoff by one error22:45
lifelesstwo bugs22:45
dupondjebtw, if you refresh, you get 'Click here to view all 105 comments'22:46
dupondjebut it gets removed with some ajax load22:46
lifelessso comment 0 is the initial description22:48
lifelessI think there is a fencepost error hiding the last bug, and something else affecting the comment orders22:48
lifelessthe comment numbers are assigned once on receipt, but comments are sorted by date (IIRC), so it could be wacky dates - but the dates on that block of comments look sane22:49
dupondjeseems to be a cool one ;)22:53
lifelessdupondje: would you do us a favour and file a bug for this?22:55
dupondjeofc :)22:56
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad here I guess?22:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 893375 in Launchpad itself "Comment order wrong and not all comments shown" [Undecided,New]23:02
StevenKBut it's wrong.23:02
StevenKAll comments are shown, they're just mis-ordered23:02
dupondjeWhere do you see comment 105 ? :)23:03

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