
lan3yFernandoMiguel, is the bug with ia32-libs?00:07
FernandoMiguelsomething like that00:07
lan3ythink ive just walked in to it, lots of messy 32 and 64 packages :/00:08
FernandoMiguelmulti arch00:08
FernandoMiguelwhat's yours ?00:08
lan3ytrying to satisfy skype00:09
FernandoMiguelyou are screwed00:09
FernandoMigueltry gdebi to install it00:09
lan3yscrewed as in 'don't you dare reboot' ?00:10
FernandoMiguelit will try to pick up the best packages00:10
FernandoMiguelbut if it depends on ia32-libs its' no go00:10
FernandoMiguelbetter purge that package now, so you can still get updates00:10
lan3ybackup and reinstall?00:12
FernandoMiguelthat's all from skype?00:14
lan3yyup all 300mb odd deps00:14
FernandoMiguelErrors were encountered while processing:00:14
FernandoMiguel libsdl1.2debian:i38600:14
FernandoMiguel libsdl-image1.2:i38600:14
FernandoMiguel libsdl-net1.2:i38600:14
FernandoMiguel libsdl-ttf2.0-0:i38600:14
FernandoMiguel libsmpeg0:i38600:14
FernandoMiguelthat's all that broke for you00:14
lan3yi gotta get some sleep, happens at the worse time, shall i not shutdown this machine?00:15
FernandoMiguelit's safe00:15
FernandoMigueldon't worry00:15
FernandoMiguelbut if you are running devel00:15
FernandoMiguelyou should have no probls with surviving that :)00:15
lan3yi have some experience with devel00:16
FernandoMiguelbbl.... rebooting to a kernel that supports vbox :\00:16
lan3yhaha ok, ive made it all failsafe here00:17
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=== Eating is now known as Logan_
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lan3ybleughh things are broken, win95 theme >_<10:15
lan3ysilly multiarch10:26
BluesKajhey folks13:56
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=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
lan3ywhat theme files do i need to bring the ubuntu themes back? im stuck in the gray theme16:24
lan3ytheres only highcontrast in the menu on appearance16:24
zniavrelight-theme ?16:30
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do17:40
=== Chipaca is now known as Chipakeitor
=== Chipakeitor is now known as Chipaca
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do19:05
FernandoMiguelgood nite19:26
soeeany idea when do we see Firefox 8 in ubuntu repos?20:57
Ian_Corne  Installed: 9.0~b2+build1-0ubuntu120:57
Ian_Cornesoee: you're talking about ubuntu 11.10?20:57
Ian_Corne#ubuntu please, and you should add the mozilla stable ppa20:58
soeeIan_Corne, ok thank you20:58
FernandoMiguelProcessing triggers for initramfs-tools ...21:08
FernandoMiguelupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-1-generic21:08
FernandoMiguelW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168f-2.fw for module r816921:08
FernandoMiguelW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168f-1.fw for module r816921:08
FernandoMiguelthat doesn't look good21:08
Ian_Corneonly W:21:09
FernandoMigueldon't you :D me , mister Ian_Corne21:09
Ian_CorneI just :D you, watchagonnado21:10
penguin42hmm PP still has one of the fun bugs I'm suffering with on a few machines; adisappearing mouse pointer23:21
FernandoMiguelmine seems not to suspend :(23:23
penguin42FernandoMiguel: I tried debugging this on my dads Natty box (heck or was it maverick?) and got lost in the X server23:25

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