
doctormonakgraner: OpenShot is what I use too.02:10
alouriegood morning06:23
doctormonHey alourie07:17
bkerensahi alourie!07:24
alouriedoctormon, bkerensa hello :-)07:27
doctormonbkerensa: Got your email, I'll need references07:27
dholbachgood morning07:56
jonohey dholbach08:03
jussimr doctormon, Im willing to be a model for you if you like! :)08:03
jussigood morning jono.08:03
jonohowdy jussi :-)08:05
jonohows things?08:05
jussijono: crazy atm, but Im fine :)08:05
jonojussi, hang in there :-)08:06
alouriehey dholbach jono08:12
jonohey alourie08:13
bkerensahi jono08:13
dholbachhey jono, alourie, bkerensa, Gwaihir, jussi, dpm08:14
jonohey dholbach08:14
Gwaihirhey dholbach08:14
dpmhi all08:15
* alourie hugs such a warm channel and all the people in it :-)08:15
bkerensahi dholbach08:15
dholbachthat was quite a good start for our first UCADay08:16
dholbachAhmed Shams' idea was just brilliant08:17
bkerensadholbach: Yeah ashams idea was good for community08:17
jonohey bkerensa08:17
dholbachand he's super active all over the place: always been in the Egyptian LoCo, now I saw on the LoCo Directory that there's a Palestinian team - guess who set it up? :)08:18
alourieI wonder how would appreciation graph look like...interlinking between all the people who said thank you...08:22
alouriethat would be interesting :-)08:22
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
duanedesignmorning all12:25
* jussi notes: http://jussi01.com/2011/11/21/ircc-andbaby-stuff/12:40
cprofitthey jussi12:42
cprofittthanks for all the things you have done for us...12:42
cprofittas a parent myself, it is likely a wise choice... its good to reduce the possible sources of stress12:43
cprofittI did the same with a bunch of things in my local life -- as I perpare for the stage of life where I cart my kids around to their activities12:43
cprofittI like the style of your site -- nice and subtle, but elegant12:44
nigelbHey everyone13:42
nigelbejat: Finally back home :)13:45
nigelbI wish I could hang out more. Before the year is up, I intend to come back for an actual social visit and *see* KL :)13:45
jussiheya nigelb. isnt it late there? should you not be in bed?13:46
nigelbjussi: I got back to India.13:52
nigelbAlso, its only 10:00 pm in KL. We went to bed at 4 am last night :P13:53
ejathi nigelb .. c00l .. just buz me back14:54
ejatwhen u want to come back here again ..14:54
ejatim also plan to go to india oneday14:54
nigelbI can actually get on a plane anytime.14:54
nigelbI just realized that :P14:54
cjohnstondpm: where you unable to figure out who the person is with that work item assigned that i showed you last week?15:13
dpmcjohnston, I did figure it out, just got sidetracked. Just fixed it now, thanks for the reminder15:16
cjohnstonmy inbox will thank you15:17
jussicjohnston: have you got a hold of jpds yet?15:22
cjohnstonno.. i pinged him15:23
cjohnstonthanks for telling me again15:23
cjohnstonnot sure why i cant ever remember that15:23
jussino probs. if in doubt, check the bots page on the wiki :)15:24
cjohnstonseems like the last time i looked at it, the only instructions were for the logbot15:30
jcastrohey dpm15:59
jcastrodo you have the creative brief for developer.ubuntu.com handy?15:59
jcastrothe one they made you write before work started?15:59
dpmjcastro, I have the link, but I ended up not completing it. The original idea of the next iteration of d.u.c as discussed at uds-o changed quite a bit from the original plan, so we did a new plan having already talked to the design team and starting off with creating a schedule with the main milestones16:02
jcastroyeah mostly I just need to steal the format16:02
jcastrolike they say "background" in one section, I don't get what that means, etc.16:03
jcastromostly I need it as an example more than if it is what you actually did or not16:03
dpmjcastro, unfortunately I cannot help on this one, as I ended up not doing it. johnoxton or ellen should be able to help with that I think.16:05
* jcastro nods16:05
jcastroI think mine is mostly done16:05
scott-workgood morning everyone :)16:05
cprofittmorning scott-work16:06
dpmjcastro, yeah, I'd just double-check it with ellen, as she'll be able to tell you exactly what they're expecting16:06
scott-workhi cprofitt , how are you doing today, sir?16:07
cprofittI am doing fairly well today16:07
cprofittand you sir?16:08
scott-worka little sick but slogging through it today at work (but longing about doing ubuntu studio work)16:11
* scott-work keeps getting distracted because he has a plan, a BIG plan, and really wants to get everything done16:12
cprofittI can understand that16:13
dholbachhey jono16:45
jonohey dholbach16:47
cprofitthey jono16:49
jonohey cprofitt16:49
dpmok everyone, calling it a day for today, see you all tomorrow!16:59
cjohnstonmornin jono .. any chance you have time today for a chat?17:00
jonocjohnston, sure, lets get something in the cal17:08
jonocjohnston, what time works for you?17:08
cjohnstonanytime in the next 4.5 hours today works for me17:08
jonocjohnston, 1.30pm your time work?17:10
cjohnstonsure.. 1 hour 2 minutes from now17:10
cjohnston1 hour 20 minutes17:10
jonocjohnston, yuo17:15
cjohnstonsounds good to me17:15
jonothanks cjohnston!17:15
cjohnstonthank you17:16
dholbachjono, 10m?17:20
jcastro<----- lunching17:21
jonodholbach, yup17:23
jonodholbach, firing up the hangout17:31
jonocjohnston, want to chat now?18:02
dholbachalright my friends - see you all tomorrow18:07
cprofittlater dholbach18:08
dholbachbye :)18:08
jussicprofitt: thanks for your kind words this morning18:20
cprofittjussi: you are welcome18:21
cjohnstonjono: im good now18:21
jonocjohnston, msg me your number18:21
jonoor we can do skype?18:21
cjohnstonskype works18:21
cprofittbeing a father is a magical thing... but it takes up a lot of free time :-)18:21
jonocjohnston, what is your skype ID?18:22
cjohnstoncprofitt: #ubuntu-website please?18:24
jcastrojono: ~30 minutes?18:32
jonojcastro, yup18:32
jonowant to start early?18:32
jcastrogive me 5 to get the spreadsheet ready?18:33
jcastrojono: ok all set, G+ that baby18:35
jcastrobefore my Def Leppard kicks in18:35
jcastrolove is like a bom18:35
jonojcastro, two mins18:35
* jcastro nods18:36
jcastroI'll start the hangout, just pop in whenevs.18:36
jonojcastro, sorry about that18:45
jonogot stuck in a meeting18:45
czajkowskiwhat a day18:49
cprofittczajkowski: preparing to go home?18:54
czajkowskinope at home18:55
czajkowskiwaiting on dinner to cook while I read my own mail and stuff I didnt get a chance to read today so I can prepare for tomorrow18:55
cprofittnice... I was going to say 7pm is a bit late to stay at work...18:55
cprofittthough I have had some of those days18:55
czajkowskiI don't think I've ever been as miserable in a job as I am right now18:55
cprofittczajkowski: I feel you there18:56
czajkowskipossibly when I worked for Oasis. where we were inspected before we went on the shop floor for hair and make up18:56
cprofittgah... that does not sound nice18:56
czajkowskicprofitt: pretty standard my sister used to work for Beneton same thing, then she was manager for another clothing line before she went onto law, she had to check peoples grooming and clothing to make sure they were wearing the up to date line18:57
bkerensaIt could be worse :P I have to pull together a event for 25 Debian/Ubuntu Developers by Dec 1st (Venue, Catering, Etc)19:01
pleia2not sure how that's worse than lousy work conditions19:02
cprofittmy job is not terrible...19:02
cprofittbut this is a quote from my boss19:02
cprofittI need something I can rely on. If an open source based system breaks, who's going to fix it?19:02
* cprofitt facepalms19:02
cprofittI have good hours and get to see my family... with three children that is important to me19:03
cprofittbkerensa: that is, ah... coming up fast19:03
cprofittpleia2: I agree.19:03
bkerensacprofitt: Yeah and I have to go see a surgeon today and likely be in surgery before my trip to California for the holidays =/19:04
cprofittczajkowski: I hope things improve for you... it's frustrating working in a job you dislike19:04
cprofittbkerensa: sorry to hear that...19:04
cprofittI may need surgery too, but nothing major19:04
cprofittjust elbows that have issues.19:04
bkerensacprofitt: Exploratory surgery =/19:05
bkerensacprofitt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arteriovenous_malformation19:08
cprofittmuch more than my elbows19:10
cprofittbest of luck with that bkerensa19:10
bkerensaFingers crossed ;) hoping for a good patch from upstream19:10
cprofittI will keep you in my thoughts and prayers19:11
jcastrohey cjohnston19:36
jcastrodo I talk to you about resetting my line on status.ubuntu.com?19:36
cjohnstonyou don't get it resedt19:36
cjohnstonreset either19:37
cjohnstonjcastro: on Friday we are resetting everything19:37
jcastrooh ok19:37
cjohnstonwe have decided to give up to feature freeze (actually the day after) and then start it all from scratch19:37
cprofittwow... just found out that Matt Zimmerman is a graduate of RIT19:39
jcastrodaker: around?20:01
doctormonjussi: Send me an email with some pics or link to facebook etc.20:05
jussidoctormon: are you on g+?20:05
jussidoctormon: I friended you good sir!20:07
cprofittdoctormon: I plan on sending you some too...20:09
doctormonjussi: That's great, I'm pretty slow responding to g+ friend notifiers since I get so many.20:58
macoyou respond to those?21:09
macoi just stare at them going "who are all you people?!"21:09
doctormonmaco: Who are all which people?21:10
doctormonjussi: You need more photos, 1 group photo and 1 low res profile picture found.21:11
macodoctormon: the 20 people a day adding me on g+21:11
doctormonmaco: Oh I don't respond to them, I just delay my eyes passing over them.21:11
jonoPendulum, ping?21:20
alouriedoctormon: you can respond to me, can you? :-)21:25
doctormonalourie: I might have missed you, hang on.21:26
doctormonalourie: You're in my circles.21:53
jcastro<-- EOD22:29
Pendulumjono: hiya22:52
jonoPendulum, hey22:52
jonodoes the a11y team have it's plans all set for the 12.04 cycle?22:52
Pendulumjono: yes22:54
jonoPendulum, is this documented anywhere - is it mainly the blueprint?22:54
Pendulumshould all be on blueprints at the moment22:56
Pendulum(there are 3 that are general Ubuntu a11y and one that's Kubuntu)22:56
jonoPendulum, can I ask a small favor?23:18
jonocould you email me a summary of the work you are going to do in the 12.04 cycle with links to the BPs?23:19
jonoI would like to blog about it and raise some awareness23:19
Pendulumjono: We're about to have dinner, but I'll send you an e-mail later tonight, if that's okay?23:20
jonoPendulum, perfect, thanks!23:20

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