
mainerrormpt: Fixed a problem with the Ubuntu color palettes. Apparently they were not saved correctly which resulted in Inkscape not recognizing them. http://askubuntu.com/questions/80864/why-doesnt-inkscape-recognize-the-ubuntu-color-palettes/81177#8117701:08
mainerrorIn that answer I have a link to the fixed versions.01:08
prokoudine_hi folks07:24
prokoudine_I'm told that the Ubuntu palette file we ship with Inkscape is outdated07:25
prokoudine_I wanted to update it, but you have me at loss07:25
prokoudine_I only see two small-ish .gpl files07:26
prokoudine_What would you advice me to do?07:26
doctormonhey prokoudine_07:28
doctormonprokoudine_: The colour pallet is small, do you have upload rights to package/inkscape trunk? I forget where the pallet is shipped.07:29
prokoudine_sure I have :)07:29
prokoudine_it's in share/palettes07:30
prokoudine_I'm not even sure it makes a lot of sense shipping such a small palette07:30
prokoudine_I mean, 5 colors?07:30
doctormonprokoudine_: You could take a bunch of different os/brand pallets and stick them together if you like.07:37
doctormonAlthough I agree in principle that shipping them in the inkscape package is a bit unhealthy.07:37
doctormonIt'd be nice to have them in a package, but inkscape doesn't scan the file directory for pallets yet.07:37
prokoudine_that doesn't sound like a sensible solution to me07:38
doctormons/the file directory/place where you opened a file/07:38
prokoudine_of course it does scan07:38
doctormonIt does?07:38
prokoudine_for ages :)07:38
doctormonNever mind, problem solved let's go home.07:38
prokoudine_since 2007 or so07:38
prokoudine_just to make sure...07:39
prokoudine_do you absolutely want the old palette gone from the default bundle?07:39
prokoudine_or kepp, but renam somehopw?07:40
doctormonprokoudine_: Ask the committer too.07:40
prokoudine_the who? :)07:40
doctormonIs this in the package or the trunk?07:40
prokoudine_the palette file is in releases since 0.46 or so07:41
prokoudine_timestamp: Sun 2006-06-25 21:11:16 +000007:44
prokoudine_  Add ubuntu palette, closes 1510556.07:44
doctormonprokoudine_: So who first committed the file?07:44
prokoudine_colin marquadt07:45
YoBoY5 colors ? the guidelines let us use also "tints", % of the primary colors, put that in the palette too :)07:46
doctormonHmm I can't find that bug report.07:46
doctormonYoBoY: It's 39 colours.07:46
doctormonprokoudine_: So ask cmarqu, if we can come up with a better solution.07:47
prokoudine_doctormon, because it's from SourceForge07:47
prokoudine_doctormon, we moved the tracker, remember? :007:47
sladenpleia2: now, what was it that you wanted07:47
doctormonYes, yes, I didn't think it was that old, but you're right07:47
sladensorry, I was away for the weekend and seem to have fallen off07:49
dholbachgood morning07:56
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mainerrorprokoudine_: Make sure to use my fixed version of the palette files.10:30
mainerrorsladen: Fixed a problem with the Ubuntu color palettes. Apparently they were not saved correctly which resulted in Inkscape not recognizing them. http://askubuntu.com/questions/80864/why-doesnt-inkscape-recognize-the-ubuntu-color-palettes/81177#8117710:30
mainerrorSent this message to mpt already but I just want to make sure you guys see that. It would be good if you could update archive on design.canonical.com with the fixed version.10:31
sladenmainerror: oooh.  What needs uploading?10:32
sladenmainerror: if I click on  http://ubuntuone.com/6Nu8txdB2qVdk2PL8mphfO  I get "Could not locate object"10:32
mainerrorThe archive with the fixed color palette files here: http://ubuntuone.com/6Nu8txdB2qVdk2PL8mphfO10:32
sladenmainerror: I'm still seeing "Could not locate object".  Is there a permissions setting that needs adjusting?10:33
mainerrorThe original files didn10:33
mainerror*didn't work because of some weird tabulator character or something. I jsut resaved them10:33
mainerrorOh great ...10:34
mainerrorThis should work.10:34
sladenmainerror: could you click on  http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-branding/+filebug?field.title=Broken+Inkscape+Palette+file+on+design.c.com10:37
sladenmainerror: then you'll get the credit10:38
mainerrorAlright. I'm on it.10:38
sladeninclude links to   http://askubuntu.com/questions/80864/why-doesnt-inkscape-recognize-the-ubuntu-color-palettes/81177#81177  http://ubuntuone.com/2Qzs497M4URoYGBr538bcz  and  the current download location that needs replacing10:38
sladenthe bad file seems to be linked from  http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-logo-and-circle-of-friends/10:41
sladenspecifically  http://design.canonical.com/brand/Tools/colour_palettes/gimp_palettes.zip10:42
sladenbkerensa: pleia2:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-us-ca/6087644982/  Did that get filed?10:43
sladenbkerensa: pleia2 (I don't want to accidently lose it.  If not, please could you file a bug at  http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-branding/+filebug?field.title=Publish+Ubuntu+11.10+banner+layouts+as+PDF10:44
sladenor similiar10:44
mainerrorsladen: Done. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-branding/+bug/89304910:45
webbugsLaunchpad bug 893049 in ubuntu-branding "Broken Inkscape Palette file on design.c.com" [Undecided,New]10:45
mainerrorUploaded the archive as an attachment. Seems to be the more permanent solution. :)10:48
sladencertainly sensible as it keeps the fix with the bug report itself10:48
sladenmainerror: to take the Readme file, please could you complete+submit  https://forms.canonical.com/contributor/10:52
sladenmainerror: ta10:55
mainerrorThis feels pretty good. I mean fixing things. :)10:58
sladennuthinking: trying to upload the replacement .zip for  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-branding/+bug/893049  Am I being an idiot?  I can't find the original file in the the media library11:15
webbugsLaunchpad bug 893049 in ubuntu-branding "Broken Inkscape Palette file on design.c.com" [Undecided,In progress]11:15
nuthinkingsladen: checking....11:16
sladennuthinking: my thinking is that although the file exists, the /indexing/ of that file by Wordpress probably broke during that upgrade a few months back that caused similiar issues11:18
nuthinkingwe need to check with steve11:19
nuthinkingsladen: but wait a sec, I think there is another way to upload files11:25
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mainerrorGood god. What a pin to upload that file.11:54
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AlanBellafternoon all15:59
pleia2sladen (and bkerensa), bug created: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-branding/+bug/89320017:13
webbugsLaunchpad bug 893200 in ubuntu-branding "Publish Ubuntu 11.10 banner layouts as PDF" [Undecided,New]17:13
pleia2sorry, I thought bkerensa was creating it17:13
sladenpleia2: where do you want it uploading?17:17
pleia2sladen: hmm, not sure17:17
pleia2it's related to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences/ApprovedTeamGift since it's the same banner, but that doesn't feel quite right as the place to link it17:18
webbugsLaunchpad bug 893212 in ubuntu-branding "Ubuntu animal logos should be downloadable in toolkit." [Undecided,New]17:34
mainerrorsladen: You're my hero! :)18:45
czajkowskiwendar: ello18:49
wendarczajkowski: hiya18:49
czajkowskiwendar: you free some time this to hop on skype for a chat re some stuff that we mentioned in the CC meeting ?18:50
sladenevening wendar18:50
czajkowskisladen: ello my dear :)18:50
wendarczajkowski: yup, the next hour is totally free, then have meetings for a bit, then free again18:50
mainerrorHello wendar.18:51
czajkowskiwendar: perhaps after the meeting, dinner is being cooked for me and I'm starving!18:51
wendarsladen: good morning18:51
czajkowskiwendar: I'm lauraczajkowski on skype add me and I'll sign in a wee bit and add you18:51
wendarmainerror: hi18:52
wendarI'm allisonrandal on skype18:52
wendarwill start it up now18:52
czajkowskigrand job18:52
wendar(and get a refresh on coffee :)18:52
wendarczajkowski: 1-2pm US Pacific is the meeting, which in UK is...18:53
czajkowskium it's 18:53 right now18:53
czajkowskiI really need to add an applet that shows all the times18:53
wendartoo late18:54
czajkowskinope that's fine18:54
wendarokay, cool18:55
czajkowskigreat talk then18:56
czajkowskiwendar: when ever your free later let me know21:31
wendarczajkowski: free now21:39
czajkowskiwendar: ok21:39
wendarI'll go grab my headset...21:40
czajkowskiwendar: sounds good21:43
doctormoncjohnston: ping23:40
doctormonmsg bkerensa hey23:43
doctormonbkerensa: hello23:44
bkerensadoctormon: ping pong :D23:46

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