
robert_ancellRAOF, is there a tool that lists all the X windows in a tree and their properties?  Ideally graphically and dynamic01:36
RAOFI believe you might be looking for “xwininfo -tree -root”?01:37
Sarvattthink i can answer that with a no, regarding dynamically and graphically01:37
robert_ancellthat would be a nice tool01:37
robert_ancellSarvatt, cheers01:38
robert_ancellRAOF, so I want properties, and in this case the RESOURCE_MANAGER property01:39
RAOFxprop (obviously) dumps those properties, but that doesn't get you your tree.01:41
RAOFBut a quick shell iteration over the grep of the output of “xwininfo -tree -root” should build you a tree of properties.01:42
dobeyjasoncwarner_: ping :)02:15
pittiGood morning06:26
highvoltagegood morning06:27
RAOFMorning pitti!06:27
pittihey RAOF, how are you?06:28
RAOFI'm ok.06:28
RAOFSomewhat in a twisty maze of nux.06:28
pittiRAOF: uh, what led you there?06:30
RAOFHelping DX write some tests for unity.06:31
pittiyay, current glib/g-i/etc. landing in unstable06:32
RAOFOh!  When is precise going to be debootstrapable?06:39
pittiRAOF: how do you mean? it has been for a long time06:40
pittiRAOF: we have had daily images since UDS06:40
RAOFHm.  So why is mk-sbuild failing with perl-modules?06:40
pittioh, still? that should only have been temporarily last Wed/Thu when Colin did the perl 5.14 migration06:41
* RAOF tries again.06:43
RAOFStill a winner: "perl : Depends: perl-modules (>= 5.14.2-5) but 5.12.4-6 is to be installed"06:51
micahgwell, it seems the old binary is also present :-/06:54
micahgperl-modules |   5.12.4-6 |       precise | all06:54
micahgperl-modules |   5.14.2-5 |       precise | all06:54
pittio_O that shouldn't even be possible06:56
* micahg wonders if the binary domination is broke, there was some work on that06:56
* micahg pokes LP devs06:59
RAOFHah.  And chrooting into that bootstrap and running “apt-get -f install” *does* fix things, so it seems only debootstrap is confused.07:00
micahgpitti: intended behavior, so debootstrap bug07:02
pittimicahg: because we still have 14 rdepends on libperl5.12, and they require the 5.12 version?07:03
wgrantNo, we don't go that far.07:03
wgrantIt's because there are still arch-specific binaries from the old version.07:03
wgrantBecause a build from one of the archs hasn't finished, or has failed.07:03
pittiah, I just saw the "all" in above paste07:04
wgrantRight, we keep arch-indep publications when there are still arch-specific publications for that source version.07:04
* micahg isn't sure what's still needed07:04
wgrantBecause armel doesn't want to be uninstallable when they're lagging.07:04
pittiok, so it's just debootstrap; thanks  for the heads-up!07:04
pittiso it seems live-builder somehow doesn't have that problem07:04
micahgwgrant: no perl build failures...so is this really supposed to be?07:05
wgrantIt's also possible that there's NBS.07:05
wgrantBut there's some old binary from that source still published.07:06
micahgyeah, it's due to libperl5.12 still being around07:08
glatzormorning pitti rodrigo_07:58
pittihey glatzor07:59
pittimorning rodrigo_07:59
pittihow are you? had a nice weekend?07:59
glatzorpitti, weekend shift :)08:00
glatzorbut nevertheless it was nice. yourself?08:00
pittiwe went to Dresden and baked some cookies and a fortress (instead of the classical christmas house)08:01
glatzorpitti, nice :)08:01
pittiand met some friends and family again08:01
glatzorpitti,  when I returned from work at Saturday I had the feeling just entering a backery: my girl firend baked 9 pieces of stollen08:02
pittiwho's going to eat all that?08:02
glatzorhopefully the family and friends of us :) they are really huge08:03
glatzorbut it is weired to look at those stolen and having to wait 4 weeks before you can actually eat them08:04
pittiwe have one sitting here as well, can't wait for next weekend08:04
glatzorpitti, impressive!08:25
rodrigo_hi glatzor, pitti08:34
glatzormorning rodrigo_08:35
glatzormorning mvo08:42
mvohey glatzor! gooooood morning :)08:44
didrocksgood morning08:44
mvohey didrocks08:44
didrockshey mvo, how are you?08:45
pittihey mvo, guten Morgen08:45
glatzormorning didrocks08:45
mvodidrocks: tired, but at cup of tea will help me here08:45
mvohey pitti! guten morgen08:45
rodrigo_bonjiour didrocks08:45
rodrigo_and mvo08:45
mvohey rodrigo_!08:46
didrocksgood morning glatzor, rodrigo_, guten morgen pitti08:46
pittibonjour didrocks08:46
pittididrocks: you are the approver of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-quickly, is that on purpose? if so, could you please have a look at it today?08:51
didrockspitti: sure, it was still drafting last time I checked, looking08:51
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pittididrocks: cool, thanks08:52
mvoglatzor: I see you already did 0.43+bzr707-1ubuntu1 in ubuntu-precise, I will merge the changes from julian and upload, ok?08:54
glatzormvo, you could update to the latest snapshot08:55
glatzormvo, I made the (internal) simulate call async and added some mainloop iteration to make the daemon respond faster08:55
mvoglatzor: cool, will do08:56
glatzorthe worker/downloader separation should also be doable without threading - which will add download while installing support08:58
mvoglatzor: r712, right?08:58
mvoglatzor: man, you rock *so* hard08:58
mvoglatzor: \o/08:58
glatzormvo, right r71208:59
* mvo prepares the package09:00
mvoglatzor: any word/opinion on reviews for debian ?09:01
mvoglatzor: hm, I get a error that it can't find org.freedesktop.PackageKit-aptd.service, maybe a forgoten bzr add ?09:02
glatzormvo, unluckily it has to be named  org.freedesktop.PackageKit.service so python-aptdaemon.pkcompat conflicts with packagekit09:04
mvoglatzor: aha, so I need to fix the install file only, no problem09:05
mvoglatzor: meh, that is really a bit unfortuante that they can't be co-installed09:05
glatzormvo, wait I haven't yet pushed my local changes09:05
mvoglatzor: aha, ok09:05
mvoglatzor: shall I wait?09:05
glatzormvo, done09:05
glatzormvo, dbus activation seems to require that the service file has got the same name as the to be activated interface09:06
glatzormvo, gnome-packagekit needs an or dependency on aptdaemon :)09:07
mvoglatzor: heh, I'm sure rodrigo_ will be excited to hear that09:07
glatzormvo, python-aptdaemon.pkcompat actually09:07
mvoglatzor: I pushed my own changes now, I do a testbuild and if its good I will upload09:08
mvohey seb12809:08
mvoseb128: aptdaemon/PK goodness from glatzor on the way09:08
seb128hey mvo09:08
pittioh, it's a seb128!09:10
seb128hey pitti09:10
pittiseb128: enjoyed the long weekend?09:10
seb128how are you? had a good w.e?09:10
seb128yes, I did!09:10
pittiseb128: yeah, went to Dresden to visit friends and family again09:10
seb128went to the spas on friday that was nice, and mostly relaxed on satuday and sunday09:11
pittiseb128: https://picasaweb.google.com/107564545827215425270/WeihnachtsbackenMitStVo02#5677358274213291218 was one of the results :)09:11
seb128lol, nice one ;-)09:11
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mvoglatzor: hm, the system hangs for some seconds now e.g. on cache update in dbus-send org.freedesktop.PackageKit.StateHasChanged string cache-update"09:12
mvoglatzor: known issue?09:12
mvoseb128: what is "spass"09:13
seb128mvo, plurial spa, but maybe it's not a plural in english09:13
seb128sauna, jacuzzi, etc09:13
mvoaha, nice!09:14
glatzormvo, oh yeah evil issue09:14
mvoglatzor: if evil and known, that is good enough for me for now09:15
glatzormvo, the script is called by aptdaemon in process so that we cannot receive the signal in the same process09:16
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:20
pittihey chrisccoulson09:21
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?09:21
pittichrisccoulson: quite fine, thanks! how about you?09:21
mvoglatzor: hm, hm, anything we can do about this? (e.g. sending it out of process?)09:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, not too bad thanks. i think i'm finally getting over my ubuflu :)09:22
pittigood to hear -- that was a tough one!09:22
glatzormvo, it is called by /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20packagekit09:23
pittiseb128: WDYT about re-enabling apport soon? as we don't have an unstable GNOME release, we shouldn't currently have loads of crashes which will automagically fix themselves09:26
pittiseb128: I'm working on client-side dupe detection this week, and for testing that on a wider scale enabling apport would be handy09:26
seb128pitti, works for me though I guess what we will collect is mostly duplicates of known issues09:26
seb128but we can still turn it off in a week if we think it's noisy09:26
seb128so go for it ;-)09:26
pittiand those are precisely what I'm interested in :)09:26
pittiseb128: ok, thought so; checking with Daviey and cjwatson for foundations/server first, too09:27
mvoglatzor: that isn't a blocker, I think, I will go ahead and upload so that we can enable the or-dep in gnome-packagekit and get testing09:28
mvoglatzor: plus (most importantly) so that the tools like gnome-control-center are unblocked09:29
glatzormvo, the issue will only appear if you install packagekit. perhaps adding a small timeout to the script could be a solution09:32
glatzormvo, the script is called three times by apt on failure09:32
didrockspitti: I think with the Quickly spec, I gained some new WI and so, I'm above the limit again, I'll drop/postpone some WI as I think in addition to this, other WI will be added as well…11:55
pittididrocks: well, it's not a super-hard limit, but you really should be comfortable with the ones you have11:56
pittididrocks: also keeping your unity RM duties in mind11:56
didrockspitti: indeed, rather than deleting WI, I think I'll make "target for opportunities" list in some blueprints so that I can grab them if needed11:56
didrocksseif: hey, what was the status about libroffice zeitgeist datasource? I think you need to talk to Sweetshark about this (people are giving nice feedback on the gedit and totem ones btw ;))11:57
pittididrocks: btw, does quickly take the couchdb EOL into account?11:59
didrockspitti: indeed, the new quickly-widgets shouldn't dep on it (it's a community volonteer doing it)12:00
didrockswe discussed it at the session, but it's like to port quickly-widgets to gtk3 anyway12:00
pittisomeone please file an apport crash bug12:03
pittibut nothing crashes in Ubuntu right now, right?12:03
pittigetting closer to have client-side dupe detection work12:04
pittibut next episode after lunch, bbl12:04
seifdidrocks, gedit is getting my plugin upstream12:11
didrocksgreat :)12:12
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pittiseb128: fixed the retracer crashes, whopsie12:52
seb128pitti, danke12:52
Sweetsharkour sprint in Budapest ends on Friday, 13th. Not that I care too much, but UDS-O ended also on Friday, 13th ...13:12
pittithat's why we flew out on Saturday :)13:13
Sweetshark... and on the flight back I was seated in row 13 (labeled 14) on _both_ flights.13:13
* Sweetshark feels flying again on Friday would be pushing his luck ....13:13
* rodrigo_ lunch13:17
dobeySweetshark: you'll notice most airplanes don't actually have a row 13 :)13:49
pittisure, they don't have a row number 13, but they have a 13th row (with number 14) :)13:49
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chrisccoulsoni'm glad that i'm not superstitious :)13:54
dobeypitti: well, not necessarily the 13th physical row; some planes skip several numbers between business and coach; so 1-3 are business, and coach starts at 1013:55
SweetsharkI had a crazy continental flight with rows numbered 1-12, 14, 20-. I wonder why they had to keep row 14. For tradition? Or because they feared to run into troubled with people explicitly evading row 14, and then being scared by row 20?13:55
dobeySweetshark: was 20 the exit row?13:56
Sweetsharkdobey: not sure, but i dont think so13:56
dobeySweetshark: 20 was probably exit row, or the row just in front of it (which had immovable seat backs)13:58
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seb128hum, I should upgrade to precise14:20
seb128mterry, hey14:20
seb128mterry, can I abuse from your build fixing time to look at the cairo upload I just did? it builds fine on oneiric but failed to build on precise, the ltmain.sh patch doesn't apply after autoreconf run14:21
seb128it's likely trivial but I don't have a precise box yet to refresh that ltmain hack (I'm not even sure that's needed nowadays in fact with as-needed)14:21
mterryseb128, sure14:22
seb128mterry, thanks14:22
pittiseb128: ah, we can't merge/sync gnome-bluetooth?14:35
seb128pitti, we can merge I guess, but I try to clean outdated version first, will do merges later on14:38
seb128pitti, we can't sync no14:38
seb128pitti, we have an indicator patch14:39
pittiseb128: libindicate is in Debian14:39
seb128pitti, right but I doubt debian wants to transform the systray in an indicator14:39
pittitehre's always ubuntu.series, but I guess trying to sync only really makes sense for actual libraries where we are less likely to diverge again14:40
pittianyway, I was just curious14:41
seb128that patch is making upstream unhappy, they don't like us patching their code and introducing issues and bugs, I would prefer not to push that change in Debian as well14:41
seb128yw ;-)14:41
seb128pitti, if you want to do an update in debian we could sync, libsoup2.4 is on that list ;-)14:41
tjaderHi. When I insert a SD disk or USB drive and try to open it via the unity launcher it tries to open the folder with the archive manager. How can I fix that?14:48
seb128tjader, right click on a directory in nautilus, properties, open with, what is selected in that tab?14:52
tjaderseb128: it does not have that tab, but by right-clicking, open with, another application I was able to fix it14:54
seb128tjader, you're welcome14:56
dobeyseif: i forget; to fix a package in proposed (that's already in proposed but verification-failed), do i need to avoid bumping the 0ubuntu2 or should i bump it?15:00
dobeynot seif15:00
dobeyseb128: ^^15:00
seb128dobey, you can't use the same version twice, you have to bump the number15:01
seb128but include both changelog entries on upload (i.e use -v)15:01
seb128since the previous one didn't go to -updates15:01
mterryseb128, btw, uploaded refreshed ltmain.sh patch in cairo.  works for me in precise15:19
seifdobey, seb12815:33
seiffor some reason gtk in ubunut wont allow me to draw frames with borders15:33
seifwhats up with that15:34
dobeyframes with borders?15:34
dobeyit works fine15:34
dobeyyou mean the theme doesn't draw borders for your frames?15:34
seifdobey, in gtk315:36
dobeyseif: using which theme?15:36
dobeyseif: right, the GNOME 3 theme, and it probably doesn't draw the borders on frames15:39
Sweetsharkpitti: can libreoffice-3.4.4-0ubuntu1 be moved to oneiric now? the one launchpad issue has verification-done and it has 7 days in -proposed.15:42
pittiSweetshark: we just got a single piece of feedback for this large update; I'd rather get some more confirmations from Ubuntu (not just one from Kubunut)16:09
dobeySweetshark: i thought it was 7 days after verification-done :)16:12
dobeypitti: can you accept ubuntuone-client into oneiric-proposed? there was a stupid mistake i feel stupid for not catching earlier :(16:12
pittidobey: will do soon (unless RAOF or Spammaps beat me to it)16:15
dobeypitti: ok, thanks16:16
slangasekhmm, the timezone picker seems to have regressed in precise16:30
slangasektook me about 20 clicks to land on Chicago on the map :P16:31
AlanBellslangasek: you should try it with orca and keyboard /o\16:43
AlanBellor just keyboard, no mouse16:43
slangasekAlanBell: I don't see how that could be any worse16:43
Sweetsharkpitti: well, the Kubuntu issue cant cause regressions in Ubuntu (libreoffice-kde is not installed in default Ubuntu), or do you mean a just a general "doesnt crash on startup"-verification?16:45
AlanBellslangasek: it was hard in oneiric, I will try precise if there are changes in that area, basically it isn't a standard dropdown control and it doesn't really work with keyboard to select the city16:46
pittiSweetshark: yes, a smoketest16:46
slangasekAlanBell: right, precise still doesn't have a dropdown; what has regressed in precise is that repeatedly clicking in a zone now no longer rotates through the set of related cities16:46
slangasekI don't know how I managed to finally get 'Chicago', but it's not deterministic :P16:46
AlanBellooh, maybe it has improved then :)16:47
seb128slangasek, AlanBell: what selector are you talking about? ubiquity? clock applet?16:49
slangasekseb128: clock applet16:49
slangasekwell, s/applet/indicator/, I guess16:49
AlanBellseb128: ubiquity16:49
slangasekah, then we're talking about two separate selectors at the moment, I guess16:50
AlanBellI will give the clock applet a go, that isn't a dropdown widget either but looks like orca might have a better stab at it . . .16:50
slangasek(planned to be merged this cycle, I think?)16:50
seb128slangasek, it was I think, but that was before ev and mterry got busy on other things so dunno if that still stands16:52
seb128slangasek, can't you just type in the text entry for the location?16:53
mterryslangasek, seb128: I believe ubiquity currently uses a small library that ev broke out last cycle.  indicator-datetime needs to use it too16:53
AlanBellthere are about 6 Londons in the world16:53
AlanBellorca can't read the time and date applet selector very well, but it can be operated with the keyboard16:54
pittigood night everyone!16:56
AlanBellodd fake dropdown widgets really don't help matters for screen readers, it bypasses all the accessibilty stuff that is built into the standard widgets16:56
seb128'night pitti16:56
slangasekseb128: "type in the text entry" - how am I supposed to know what it wants me to type?16:58
seb128slangasek, well it says "Location:", just type a name?16:59
seb128like Portland16:59
slangasekseb128: the first time I typed 'Chicago', it popped up a little "error" icon; now it works16:59
seb128weird, maybe the request timeouted or something16:59
slangasekseb128: still, the primary widget presented here is the map, and the 'Location' field gives users no guidance; the map clearly needs to be fixed or dropped17:00
slangasekbug #893197 filed17:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 893197 in gnome-control-center "timezone map no longer allows reliable selection of the correct zone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89319717:00
AlanBellgah, nothing works :( it can see the frames but both orca itself and ubiquity are inaccessible17:01
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AlanBellso much for testing precise :(17:03
seb128slangasek, indicator-datetime didn't change since oneiric so that dialog is the same it was in oneiric17:04
seb128slangasek, but I agree it could be better ;-)17:04
slangasekseb128: it's possible that only US/Central has problems that I'm noticing; the last time I needed that timezone would've been Dallas in January17:05
seb128slangasek, you are travelling? you didn't get prompted to change your location?17:06
slangasek... prompted?17:06
slangasekno, I haven't been prompted17:06
slangasekyes, I'm travelling17:06
seb128bug #802384 should be fixed in precise :-(17:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 802384 in indicator-datetime "not getting prompted to change timezone via geoclue" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80238417:06
kenvandineindeed, it should17:06
seb128slangasek, it should detect that your location is different from your tz and let you select the tz you are in17:07
seb128hey kenvandine17:07
kenvandinehey seb12817:07
slangasekseb128: do you mean active geolocation?17:07
seb128kenvandine, meet slangasek, an unhappy user17:07
seb128slangasek, meet kenvandine, the maintainer of datetime17:07
seb128now you guys can sort it ;-)17:07
slangasekseb128, kenvandine: does that mean bug #893197 should be assigned to indicator-datetime rather than g-c-c?17:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 893197 in gnome-control-center "timezone map no longer allows reliable selection of the correct zone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89319717:08
seb128slangasek, yes17:08
seb128slangasek, g-c-c only loads the datetime .so17:08
slangasekreassigned then17:08
seb128the code is in datetime17:08
slangasekkenvandine: am I misremembering that the datetime widget on the desktop used to allow you to click multiple times in the same location to rotate through the cities within that band?  Was that only in ubiquity?17:09
kenvandinei don't think the datetime one did that17:10
kenvandineit is pretty hard to select chicago though17:10
slangasekabsurdly hard, given that clicking at various points in central time causes zones not under my cursor to be chosen instead17:11
slangaseklong term, is this supposed to be replaced with the tz selector from ubiquity?17:11
slangasekev has dealt with all of these issues in the installer before, and that one works pretty slick17:12
kenvandinei know we've wanted a shared widget17:12
seb128the issue is that the installer one is python code, that one is C, I think the idea was to use the datetime one17:12
seb128but nothing prevent us to "port" the installer code to datetime17:13
slangasekyes, I think that's what's needed here then17:13
seb128ev and mterry were discussing using the same codebase before Oneiric, not sure which one that was though17:13
* slangasek doesn't either17:13
mterryseb128, what's the question?17:14
slangasekmterry: which code was planned to be used for a unified tz map widget17:14
seb128mterry, what was the plan with indicator-datetime and ubiquity maps?17:14
seb128mterry, slangasek says the datetime map widget makes it really hard to pick a location, which is an issue the ubiquity one doesn't have17:15
AlanBellunless you are using orca, in which case both suck :)17:15
slangasekseb128, kenvandine: as for geolocation, I'm on a plane, all bets are off :P17:16
mterryseb128, slangasek: ev made libtimezonemap last cycle.  I believe ubiquity uses it, but indicator-datetime doesn't.  What needs to happen is that indicator-datetime gets ported to use it (simultaneously moving some of its features/fixes to that code into the library)17:16
kenvandineslangasek, ah... then i am sure that wouldn't work :)17:16
slangasekmterry: ok, cool17:16
mterryslangasek, what's the specific issue that's difficult with picking maps in indicator-datetime?17:17
slangasekkenvandine: in general I don't get warm fuzzies about the idea of being prompted to update my TZ based on geolocation17:17
slangasekmterry: please try to click on Chicago :)17:17
* mterry tries17:17
kenvandineslangasek, it doesn't popup and prompt you17:17
kenvandineit just adds a menu item to the indicator17:17
kenvandineto let you switch it17:17
slangasekyeah, that seems fair17:17
slangasekyou have anticipated my curmudgeonly objections, well done ;)17:18
kenvandinemterry, it is insanely hard to select chicago...17:18
rodrigo_slangasek, you want it to change automatically?17:18
mterryStill don't quite understand.  :-/17:18
rodrigo_slangasek, or not changed at all?17:18
mterryI was able to select it in both the map and the locations dialog.  Which one of those are we talking about?17:18
kenvandinemterry, the map17:19
* AlanBell could select it on the map17:19
AlanBellclick just bottom left of the lakes17:19
kenvandineit seems very close to others or something17:19
kenvandinei  felt like i was holding my mouse still and between clicks it was changing17:19
kenvandinebetween chicago and vincennes which are in different timezones17:20
mterrykenvandine, ah!  you're talking about clicking on chicago, not the dropdown17:20
nerochiarojust since I saw you people talking about the indicator datetime map: the location of Barcelona is way off on that map17:20
rodrigo_kenvandine, vincennes in france?17:20
kenvandineno :)17:21
AlanBellit needs to zoom really17:21
rodrigo_ah :)17:21
slangasekrodrigo_: "not change at all" is my preference, I don't trust geolocation17:21
slangaseknot for something like this17:22
rodrigo_slangasek, right, my preference also17:22
slangasekAlanBell: it wouldn't need to zoom if it would just allow cycling through the cities in the band on multiple clicks (i.e., if it were the ubiquity one :)17:22
slangasekmterry: yeah, it seems to be doing the old and broken "find the city that's geographically closest to where you clicked" heuristic17:23
slangasekexcept even then, I'm not sure why it thinks Indiana is closer than Illinois :)17:23
slangasekoh!  In fact, there appears to be a vertical offset for all of the cities17:24
slangasekso something seems to be misaligned17:25
slangasekanyway, bug filed and my timezone has been set... I don't need to monopolize the channel further :)17:26
kenvandinethanks slangasek17:27
* rodrigo_ out for a bit, bbl17:28
* AlanBell goes to look where chicago actually is17:28
AlanBellLondon is positioned over edinburgh right now it seems17:28
AlanBellslangasek: actually below the red dot is the shaft of the pin, which is sticking in the right place in the map717:29
AlanBellthe dot isn't the city position itself17:30
slangasekright; not very intuitive to me17:30
AlanBellnot really, I wouldn't have noticed it myself without trying it with compiz zoom17:30
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nerochiarowow, completely easy to miss for anyone without perfect eyesight17:36
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chrisccoulsonhmmm, really need to figure out scrollbar stuff this week18:24
chrisccoulsonoh, seb128, i looked at the shutdown on resume issue last week btw18:25
chrisccoulsonfor me, it's definitely related to that extra battery, and i tracked down the kernel commit which fixes it :)18:25
chrisccoulsonso i don't know if other people have a separate issue18:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 852406 in linux "Phantom battery appears after resume from suspend" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:26
seb128chrisccoulson, nice, thanks for tracking the kernel commit18:26
didrockshave a good evening everyone18:41
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GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Hi Robert! Do you have a few minutes to complete https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/lightdm/lang-chooser/+merge/78226 ? Martin has approved it after a few code improvements.23:16
robert_ancellGunnarHj, sure23:17
smspillazRAOF: poke23:18
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Great. I'll be available here for possible follow-up questions.23:18
RAOFsmspillaz: Yo!23:18
smspillazRAOF: are there any known caveats with linking to libdrm ?23:18
RAOFNot as far as I'm aware.23:18
smspillazcmake was being a bit weird so I'm just trying to link manually on the command line to see what I can get, but its failing bizzarely23:19
smspillazRAOF: using -ldrm and the implict search path from gcc23:19
RAOFGot a pastebin, or some code?23:19
smspillazit looks like it actually finds libdrm.so but then just refuses to find any symbols in it23:19
smspillazyeah, sure, hang on23:19
robert_ancellGunnarHj, could you make an upstream merge proposal?  It should be good to go upstream now23:19
smspillazRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745454/23:21
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Sure, I can do that. Upstream, is that lp:lightdm?23:21
smspillazRAOF: I'll get the code up somewhere, sec23:22
robert_ancellGunnarHj, yup23:22
robert_ancellGunnarHj, what was the conclusion on /usr/share/language-tools/language-options?  Is that Ubuntu specific23:22
RAOFsmspillaz: Got an extern "C" {} around the include?23:23
smspillazahh that might foil it23:23
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Yes. That call won't be there when we get at 12.04. Martin wants it to be replaced by some AccountsService method.23:23
smspillaz(I don't)23:24
RAOFName mangling!23:24
smspillazRAOF: for the record: lp:~smspillaz/compiz-core/compiz-core.test_vblank_waiter23:24
robert_ancellGunnarHj, is there something we can commit for upstream that is equivalent (and carry the change in a patch for Ubuntu?)23:24
smspillazRAOF: :( you're right23:25
smspillazand to think I spent 5 hours yesterday tearing through the cmake source to find out what was going on23:25
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Actually it *can* be committed upstream - it won't break anything for non-Ubuntu users, since it falls back to 'locale -a' if the script isn't there.23:25
broderi always felt like libraries should do the extern "C" {} bit themselves23:25
RAOFThey generally do.23:25
smspillazthey generally should23:26
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Guess it's up to you if you can accept a temporary solution upstream.23:26
smspillazexcept if you're xf86drm and use non standard include paths and all kinds of other voodoo23:26
robert_ancellGunnarHj, yeah, I'll have a look.  My preference is to only have "standard" things upstream23:26
smspillazRAOF: of course, I could patch it upstream, but I imagine the response would be something like23:26
smspillaz"C++ sucks"23:26
RAOFI'm actually a bit surprised; a fair amount of mesa code is C++.23:27
smspillazI know23:27
smspillazRAOF: well, libdrm != mesa23:27
Sarvattyou lmean like http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm/commit/?id=cfee5218b17a2741e5519ed44091171e01f0dbb2 ?23:27
smspillazthough its distributed under the same namespace23:27
smspillazSarvatt: if only .... :(23:28
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: thanks for sending the email to me. I'll get that to Rick. RAOF, at the end of the day could you send the auto-testing recap to me as well? thanks!23:28
Sarvattits in libdrm 2.4.2723:28
RAOFYeah, I was probably looking at an older checkout.23:29
Sarvatt(in precise)23:29
RAOFjasoncwarner_: Certainly.23:29
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Ok. I wait with the upstream MP then.23:29
jasoncwarner_RAOF: thanks!23:29
robert_ancellGunnarHj, no, just do the MP, I can remove things from it and commit them.  So then you do a merge and have a smaller diff23:29
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Aha, sure. Then I disconnect for a while, because I have Precise on a separate partition.23:30
robert_ancellGunnarHj, ok23:31
smspillazbryceh: if that was directed at me, then, yes, it was for auto-testing23:32
smspillazI'm trying to get the vblank code that vanvugt has done tested outside of an opengl implementation23:32
brycehsmspillaz, ah23:32
smspillazthe hilarious thing is going to be when everyone on DX runs nvidia and can't run this test23:33
* smspillaz slaps himself23:48
smspillazI need to stop using unsigned int for everyhting23:48
RAOFDoing some signed compares? :)23:49
RAOFBah.  Dear cmake: I really didn't change any files outside of test/.  Why are you rebuilding everything?23:50
desrtRAOF: easybuild!23:50
* RAOF wonders if Robert has that on highight :)23:50
* desrt wonders if robert_ancell has 'robert' on highlight23:51
robert_ancelldesrt, I sure don't23:51
RAOFNice work :)23:51
desrtrobert_ancell: easy-build development looks stagnant since last time we talked about it23:51
desrtis that an accurate reflection of reality or am i looking at the wrong project?23:51
robert_ancelldesrt, yes, been busy :(23:51
desrtfair enough23:52
desrtrobert_ancell: i've been selling you to everyone i talk to23:52
robert_ancelldesrt, oh damn.  Now I need to deliver ;)23:52
desrtrobert_ancell: i did a recent talk at FSCONS about how to make a gnome application23:52
desrtit was embarassingly difficult23:52
desrtparticularly setting up po/ and intltool23:52
robert_ancelldesrt, yeah, there's a mountain of crap to climb23:53
desrtsmspillaz: to sign or to unsign is one of the endless debates23:56
desrtthere are two schools of thought on the subject23:56
desrti think they're both wrong23:57
desrtinsofar as i don't think it's possible to come to *any* sane conclusion regarding what is essentially a completely broken system23:58

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