=== JoeGazz84|Vaca is now known as JoeGazz|Around [07:19] cjohnston: topyli m4v - need to ping jpds - as I mentioned before. (for ubot2, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots ) (and cjohnston, I did mention that to you before...) === popey_ is now known as popey [10:04] I see jungli has crawled from under the bridge [10:21] indeed [10:39] I somehow remember he's got a namespace ban but I can't find a reference to my thoughts anywhere [10:39] topyli, jussi, elky? [10:41] ah right. [10:44] anyway, he is/was in -uk [10:46] Myrtti: no namespace-wide ban for him [10:46] yeah I know [12:40] * jussi notes: http://jussi01.com/2011/11/21/ircc-andbaby-stuff/ [12:42] s/election/vote/ === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 [20:48] aloha [20:49] anyone help with a facotid being updated please ? [20:51] czajkowski: sure [20:51] Tm_T: the factoid !lococouncil is out of date [20:51] we need to add the new council memebers to it [20:51] !lococouncil [20:52] It's !lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams and their bot seems not to be in sync [20:52] aaah [20:52] explains [20:52] silly bot [20:53] jpds is the one you'd need to ping (IIRC) [20:53] jpds: ping! [20:54] idle: 1 days 7 hours 17 mins and is currently /away [20:55] thanks folks [20:56] Well, sorry we couldn't help so much [20:56] no worries just the folks not on the council are getting pinged if it's used and the new folks aren't :) [21:19] * genii-around makes a note about !lococouncil [21:20] genii-around: Call it in ubottu (PM) [21:20] I think that's fixed [21:38] Unit193: the factoid ? [21:40] czajkowski: The factoid was changed in ubottu, now ubot4 has to be fixed/changed/updated so it picks up changes. The factoid is still a bit weird (/me digs himself a nice deep hole) [22:00] AIUI, we're waiting for someone to find jpds and loom over him until he fixes ubot4. === JoeGazz|Around is now known as JG84|Food