
dpmhey chrisccoulson, my Firefox has just lost the global menu. Now I don't have any menus at all. Is there any quick way to fix this?12:42
chrisccoulsondpm - restart unity-panel-service :)12:44
dpmchrisccoulson, 'unity-panel-service: unrecognized service'12:45
chrisccoulsondpm - oh, "killall unity-panel-service" will restart it12:48
dpmchrisccoulson, hm, that restarted the panel, but firefox still has the same problem. After restarting FF, there is some progress: I can see global menus, but I cannot see the close, minimize and maximize buttons (and the FF window does not come up when I click on the icon in the launcher)12:50
chrisccoulsondpm, sounds like something else is broken in unity (bamf, maybe?)12:51
chrisccoulsonyou're probably better off just restarting your session12:51
dpmoh, bummer :( - thanks anyway chrisccoulson for your help12:52
cousin_luigiwhat's blocking FF8 on oneiric?13:08
chrisccoulsoncousin_luigi, i'm not sure anymore :(13:10
cousin_luigichrisccoulson: perhaps waiting for 8.01 to realease it?13:21
chrisccoulsoncousin_luigi, i doubt it. 8.0.1 only fixes an issue specific to mac13:26
cousin_luigichrisccoulson: who's in charge about this?13:27
chrisccoulsoncousin_luigi, well, i prepare the updates, micahg publishes them13:28
cousin_luigichrisccoulson: oh13:37
cousin_luigiand is there some problem with 8.0?13:38
chrisccoulsoncousin_luigi, not AFAIK13:40
chrisccoulsonyou're not the only person asking this. people are asking the same questions on forums, askubuntu, and in my inbox as well, but i don't really have an answer13:42
chrisccoulsonyou'll need to ask micahg when he's around13:42
cousin_luigichrisccoulson: ok, thanks13:44
jdstrandcousin_luigi: the updates are actively being worked on. there were some regressions that had to be addressed. aiui, they have and the updates are being tested. I believe they should be out sometime today14:10
jdstrandmicahg: ^ please correct me if I am wrong14:10
micahgyes, should be going out today14:10
micahgcousin_luigi: sorry for the delay14:36
joeleskochrisccoulson: I need some help with bzr. Is there a wiki page or some docs on the process that is used for beta and release branches?15:58
joeleskochrisccoulson: Not sure if that was a question for you or micahg15:59
joeleskomicahg: I think I did something wrong with my branches. I cannot figure out how to get the changes from the beta to the release branch.18:08
micahgjoelesko: bzr merge /path/to/beta /path/to/release18:08
micahgjoelesko: then collapse the changelog before committing18:09
micahgdid they release 2.5?18:09
joeleskoIn the source repo.18:09
micahgsorry for not getting the beta uploaded, I've been swamped, will try to get 2.5 uploaded later this week18:09
joeleskomicahg: np.18:12
joeleskoI know it will not be done, but git is really great at managing branches.18:13
micahgah, yeah, I think bzr can handle that inherently as well, it's just LP isn't quite set up to deal with it properly18:14
joeleskoI hope it will one day. I thought you used the bzr bundle command to track the atomic commits.18:17
* micahg knows not of bzr bundle18:18
joeleskoBundle will not work though with the way I did the branch in SM. Just not used to having seperate directories for each branch. Git can spoil.18:19
joeleskogit can spoil you, fast and easy18:19
joeleskoIf I was reading it correctly, bzr bundle will bring all the commits from a dev branch to the release branch. That way if you want to remove just 1 commit in release, it would be easy18:21
joeleskoI was thinking that's what you were doing.18:21
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joeleskomicahg: sorry I was wrong. bundle looks just like merge. I was getting confused with the way git handles it.18:57
FernandoMiguelgood nite19:27
joeleskomicahg: I updated my dev branch for 2.5 from the beta branch. Do I need to propose for merge?20:14
micahgjoelesko: yes20:39

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