
=== popey_ is now known as popey
ogasawaraskaet: will we be having a release team meeting this friday? (day after thanksgiving)14:16
skaetogasawara, yes meeting on friday.   Alpha 1 is next week, and there's a bit of coordination needed.17:03
ogasawaraskaet: ack, thanks.17:03
ogasawaraskaet: just fyi, I'll be away but will ask apw to fill in for me.17:04
skaetthanks ogasawara, apw17:10
Riddellskaet: bonjour, what do I need to do to get Kubuntu as an LTS and to get Kubuntu Active onto the manifest?17:55
=== skaet_ is now known as skaet
skaetRiddell, Kubuntu as LTS - get approval from tech board.   Can you give me some more background on Kubuntu Active?17:58
Riddellok I need to find out when the next tech board meeting is and go and ask nicely then17:59
Riddellskaet: Kubuntu Active is the new name for Kubuntu Mobile (it does tablets and whatnot now)18:00
Riddellit'll be in universe and generally advertised as not well supported18:00
skaetRiddell, coolio.  for Kubuntu Active then, basically as long as its a daily image, and there is someone lined up to test it for the milestones, it should be doable.   Which hardware architectures are going to be supported though?18:01
Riddelli386 and arm18:02
Riddellis there a manifest page for precise?  I can't find it18:03
cjwatsonRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedDerivatives has the flavour LTS criteria18:11
skaetRiddell,  I'll have the  ReleaseImageContacts sheet updated by Wednesday.   ScottK wanted it refactored to be a bit clearer from what we used for Oneiric per feedback at UDS.18:26
* skaet has it on the todo list, just working on other priorities.18:26
stgraberlinux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-30-generic | 2.6.24-30.50 | hardy-updates/universe | amd64, i38619:40
stgrabercan someone fix that quickly ^19:40
stgraber(kernel in universe instead of main, breaks netinstall on hardy)19:41
stgraberinfinity, cjwatson, pitti: ^19:45
cjwatsonstgraber: fixed (after the upcoming publisher run)20:02
jdstrandputting the publisher on manual for a large coordinated security update22:53
jdstrandback on auto-- got it done faster than expected22:59

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