
three18tihey, can anyone help me with orchestra?00:15
qman__!anyone | three18ti00:28
ubottuthree18ti: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:28
three18tiqman__, I'll try my specific question again, but it seems that no one knows the answer to my question...00:30
three18tiHello, how do I reset the Orchestra login?  I reset the cobbler login, but this does not seem to affect the orchestra web login.  Thanks.00:30
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:32
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:33
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.00:33
qman__while I don't know anything about orchestra myself, if you're having trouble getting help, fishing with an 'anyone' question isn't going to do any better00:34
qman__do you know if it's running on apache?00:34
qman__or something else, or what type of login it is?00:34
qman__keep in mind also that this is pretty new software and a lot of us have not tried it00:35
qman__anyway, login credentials are going to generally be stored in one of three ways: standard PAM authentication (/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, or other PAM methods), a user and password in a database such as mysql, or HTTP basic authentication in an htpasswd file00:38
koolhead17hi all01:00
twbAnd only the former is any good01:03
three18tiqman__, I do believe that the orchestra package uses Apache to serve the web stuff, however, I am not sure what authentication module it uses...  I reset the cobbler password as it seems that "orchestra" is just the rebranding of cobbler (then you can add Juju etc...).01:04
twbqman__: it's worth noting that apache's ability to talk pam is pretty crappy01:04
twbMostly because of the way libpam makes synchronous challenge-response calls at the wrong place in a web UI interaction :-/01:05
jcastroroaksoax: awesome, so I guess it came as a surprise to me the default orchestra install blows away machines without a prompt01:12
jcastroI was testing it with my laptop and next thing I know it was formatting my drive and reinstalling ubuntu-server on it01:13
twbjcastro: today you learn the value of off-site backups01:13
jcastroroaksoax: how do I set it to just default to a normal install instead of a preconfigured preseed?01:13
jcastrotwb: right, that's not the point.01:13
three18tiwell, I know cobbler stores credentials in digists; as I understand it "orchestra" is just a meta package that pulls in things like cobbler and sets everything up with post install scripts...  Standard cobbler docs don't apply since Ubuntu seems to mangle the cobbler install (i.e.: the cobbler docs say to use example.com/cobbler/web for the web interface, whereas ubuntu uses example.com/cobbler_web)01:13
three18tijcastro, am I understanding you correctly, did you blow away your laptop hdd?01:14
three18tijcastro, what credentials did you use to log into "orchestra"?01:15
jcastroyeah, so I guess by default choosing one of the menu options has a ubuntu-server preseed file01:15
jcastrowhich is an automated install01:15
jcastrowhich is fine, I just need to know how to turn it off01:15
hansinI read about "orchestra" the other day. Take what I am going to say here with a grain of salt as I an not fully versed, but it seems like much might be in python. Wouldn't it be nice to have a very lightweight python web server handle this stuff, something you could fire up via SSH on whatever port (kind of like the cherokee web server admin interface) you wanted? Then kill it when done?...02:05
hansin...Might be off here, just a thought.02:05
CarlFKhansin: what's orchestra? url?02:57
boxybrownhey guys, I installed the ubuntu-desktop package on an ubuntu-server install, and now X11 forwarding over SSH has stopped working03:03
boxybrownsshd_config has X11Forwarding set to true, I'm not sure what adding the GUI packages did03:03
CarlFKlifeless: thanks.03:08
hansinSorry if my comment is missing the point of Orchestra. I just know for some things a simple webserver is cool. But I might not have all the info here. Anyway, cool stuff happening in the server space.05:15
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tjaaltonkklimonda: could you repeat what was needed for sssd? and file a bug :)08:35
lynxmanmorning o/09:10
koolhead17morning lynxman sirr!! :)09:12
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lynxmankoolhead17: ello :)09:14
koolhead17Daviey, ping!! :)09:14
koolhead17lynxman, BTW weekend was awesome!!09:16
lynxmankoolhead17: :D09:16
Davieykoolhead17: hey09:24
kklimondatjaalton: mostly a new version :)10:32
eagles0513875_hey guys has anyone worked with postfix policed before? is that just an install and forget addition for postfix or does it require some configuration10:53
* koolhead17 points eagles0513875_ https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ server guide10:54
ikoniait requires configuration10:55
koolhead17hey Daviey10:55
ikoniaeagles0513875_: it's not the toughest configuration, reasonably straight frward, but it does need it, it's not install and forget10:56
eagles0513875_ok ikonia  thanks :D10:56
ikoniaeagles0513875_: you're not using postfix with mysql or anything like that are you ? just a straight postfix install10:56
eagles0513875_ya stright postfix install working with dovecot10:57
ikoniano problem then, it's a pretty straight forward config10:57
eagles0513875_but i want to setup some sort of spam filtering and noticed that10:57
ikoniait's not a bad tool10:57
ikoniaI'm sure you'll see a benifit with it10:57
eagles0513875_in the process though of migrating to a linode vps from home server since I'm going to be heading back to the states10:58
eagles0513875_ikonia: looking at the guides I'm guessing it would be better to setup postfix first prior to setting up dovecot correct seeing as dovecot needs to modify some of the post fix config files11:00
ikoniacertainly setting up postfix first is the best idea, as without it there i no mail store for dovecot to access, and therefore dovecot is pointless11:00
eagles0513875_ikonia: another question I'm guessing its best to follow the server guides for the release that I'm on instead of something like http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=ubuntu+dovecot&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCcQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FDovecot&ei=6i_KTt_gMs2F-wb4rtQo&usg=AFQjCNE0KlTjn_OdEebV-D0tSUkQULa1kw11:03
ikoniaeagles0513875_: it's up to you11:03
Davieyzul: when you are around, can you give me a shout please? :)12:06
zulDaviey: barely around12:06
Davieyzul: ah!  Did you see quantum has hit debian experimental?12:07
zulDaviey: yeah just before i was going to bed last night...i just need to fix one thing on mine then i was goin to upload12:08
Davieyzul: Does it make sense for us to base ours on Debian?12:14
zulDaviey: not really because our packaging follows the same package scheme, like python-quantum, quantum-client, quantum-server etc etc etc12:22
Davieyzul: what gain do we get?12:27
zulease of maintaining it12:28
Davieywait, is it easier?12:29
zuli think so if we need to update it we can just do bzr bd -S12:31
Davieyzul: if we use UDD branches, we should still be able to do that?12:32
DavieyI'm wondering if a common base with Debian makes sense for this package.12:32
zulDaviey: i dont think it will be updated often enough myself though...im happy with what we have now12:33
Davieyzul: we don't have anything, "now" :)12:33
Davieyzul: Right, but we can certainly contrib back to Debian and still enrich if required.12:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #893077 in eucalyptus (universe) "package eucalyptus-java-common 2.0 bzr1241-0ubuntu4.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89307712:38
dsirijushow come i get that there's no nginx (11.04) when running 'apt-get install nginx'?13:16
lynxmandsirijus: apt-cache search nginx shows nginx as available on my install13:37
dsirijuslynxman: hm, i0ve managed to install from the nginx ppa13:37
dsirijuslynxman: but now there's no php5-fpm13:37
lynxmandsirijus: that should do :)13:37
dsirijusjust a sec, i'll pastie my sources list13:37
dsirijus(it's custom image for rackspace, maybe they've messed with it)13:38
lynxmandsirijus: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx13:38
dsirijuslynxman: anything fishy in here http://pastie.org/2897800 ?13:39
lynxmandsirijus: you have the universe repositories commented, nginx is available there13:40
lynxmandsirijus: uncomment lines 12 to 15 and run apt-get update13:40
lynxmandsirijus: also 46-4913:41
zulgood morning13:41
dsirijuslynxman: and what will happen now with my nginx existing install?13:41
lynxmandsirijus: well if you haven't put it in prod I'd recommend removing the ppa and using universe, it's known to be well maintained13:42
lynxmandsirijus: but that's just my opinion, I'm sure the ppa is maintained as well, although there's no warranties on that13:42
dsirijuslynxman: and how do i exactly do that?13:42
dsirijusi just apt-get installed nginx and started it13:43
lynxmandsirijus: remove the ppa config file on /etc/apt/sources.list.d13:43
lynxmandsirijus: run apt-get remove nginx13:43
lynxmandsirijus: then you can apt-get update and apt-get install nginx13:43
dsirijuscan i purge it somehow?13:44
dsirijusjust add --purge after remove?13:44
lynxmandsirijus: just use purge instead of remove then :)13:44
dsirijushell, this works wonderfully :)13:45
lynxmandsirijus: :D13:45
dsirijusso friggin' rockin13:52
dsirijusi'll have zero to optimized wordpress in half an hour, and not using apache13:53
dsirijuslynxman: hey, what's the recommended dir for web sites?14:00
lynxmandsirijus: the default one is /var/www14:02
dsirijusno it ain't, i don't even have it14:02
lynxmandsirijus: hmm damn nginx *goes investigate*14:02
dsirijusso, what, it depends on the server using?14:03
dsirijus-/usr/share/nginx/www is probably default for nginx14:03
lynxmandsirijus: looks like yeah, but I'd change it if I were you, I'd rather use /var/www for websites than /usr/share/14:03
lynxmanzul: moaning :)14:11
roaksoaxjcastro: did you add any systems?14:54
jcastrowhat do you mean?14:55
jcastroin cobbler?14:55
roaksoaxjcastro: yeah14:57
roaksoaxjcastro: or you just instaled orchestra, rebooted the machine and it automatically pxe booteD?14:57
roaksoaxjcastro: uhmmm cause by default it should not automatically select a profile but rather boot locally14:58
jcastrooh, I selected the profile in the menu14:58
jcastroI just wasn't expecting the preseed to be automated14:58
jcastroroaksoax: if I want to add a bunch of deskopy things, I can just plop the normal ISOs in the right iso directory and make profiles right?15:01
roaksoaxjcastro: no, you need to add ubuntu-desktop as package15:02
roaksoaxjcastro: you wont be able to import the desktop ISO and pxe boot from there15:02
jcastrooh ok so just modify one of the preseeds?15:02
roaksoaxjcastro: and yes the profiles have a No questions asked preseed15:02
jcastroorchestra.preseed -> orchestra-desktop.preseed and modify or something15:02
roaksoaxjcastro: yeah just go ahead and modify the preseed for the profile you want to use or add a system15:03
roaksoaxjcastro: yeah you could do that and change the reference to the preseed you wanna use15:03
* jcastro nods15:03
jcastroyeah I already made the server ones un-automated.  :)15:03
roaksoaxjcastro: lol ok ;)15:04
thafreakI thought I saw something on the mailing list a while back about removing xinetd from main?15:13
thafreakI can't seem to find the discussion though...is there a better way to search mailing list archives, or does anyone know about xinetd's future?15:13
WeissWaschbaerhey.. Can i put a cron script to mount->rsync/mysqldump->umount ?15:24
thafreakprobably want to make sure it mounted though...15:25
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: mount && mysqldump && rync && umount15:34
jMCgMaybe even put the whole thing in a make file.15:34
WeissWaschbaerRoyK: http://paste2.org/p/178878315:35
WeissWaschbaeri did this script15:35
RoyKor do it smarter with some if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR!!!!!! WHEEWHEEWHEEE!!!" >&2; fi15:35
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: line 14 could just check the exitcode of mount ($?)15:36
RoyKif that's non-zero, something's wrong15:36
jMCgWeissWaschbaer: http://teddziuba.com/2011/02/stupid-unix-tricks-workflow-control-with-gnu-make.html15:37
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: also, check umount's exitcode before line 2815:37
jMCgWhy not use make?15:38
RoyKbecause it's ugly? :)15:38
jMCgI have an inner urge to call you an idiot, but something tells me to choose my words more wisely.15:39
WeissWaschbaerjMCg: have to learn it first, long term soltion15:39
jMCgNow, would you mind elaborating how a simple Makefile in which every operation's return code actually *is* checked, the state is recorded and can be picked up from there - how is that uglier than http://paste2.org/p/1788783 <<< This.15:40
WeissWaschbaerRoyK: the script does run like this, i just need to make cron execute it..15:41
WeissWaschbaerfor some reason cron is not15:41
thafreakMake has to be explicitly installed...bash, python, etc are already on most systems15:42
jMCgah, right. Linux distros...15:42
thafreakwell, you could write posix compliant shell script then, and most systems (not just linux) default shell will work the same15:43
RoyKjMCg: this is an ubuntu channel, so, yes...15:45
mgwDoes anyone know why iptables-persistent in oneiric has no status command?15:57
mgwnm, it looks like the 'status' in previous versions was useless anyway — it just returned15:58
roaksoaxlynxman: any update son bug #87498116:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 874981 in mcollective "Please merge/sync mcollective from debian wheezy" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87498116:37
lynxmanroaksoax: it's done and waiting for Davieys rubberstamp16:37
roaksoaxlynxman: there's one last Daviey comment16:45
lynxmanroaksoax: which was solved and ironed :)16:45
lynxmanroaksoax: he thought the comments were ours and not the debian package ones16:45
roaksoaxlynxman: oh ok16:48
roaksoaxDaviey: mcollective ready to be merged?16:48
lynxmanroaksoax: :)16:48
lynxmanroaksoax: thought he was dealing with it personally that's why I didn't bother to update on the ticket, apologies16:49
roaksoaxlynxman: no worries ;)16:49
smoserutlemming, i launched a build of oneiric-server-cloudimg-20111121 (cloud-image) which will have the new oneiric kernel in it.16:51
smoser(ie, candidate for refresh)16:51
utlemmingsmoser: yes, I saw that -- I saw that you'd kicked a few minutes ago when I went looking to see if we had a build with the new kernel in16:52
Davieyroaksoax: Yeah, sorry - Friday EoD i tried to hand it over to someone else. :)16:54
lynxmanDaviey: 14 hours a day not enough for you sir? jeez ;)16:54
Davieyroaksoax: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/11/18/%23ubuntu-server.html#t00:4516:55
Davieylynxman: 14?  and the rest!16:55
lynxmanDaviey: like we say in Spain "you work more hours than a clock"16:55
Davieylynxman: the time shown is local time, so yes EoD was 00:45. :)16:55
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah I remember but thoguht u were looking for a second opinion rather than an uploader16:57
Davieyroaksoax: "Would one of you mind reviewing and uploading bug" :)16:58
roaksoaxDaviey: lol ok17:00
lynxmanDaviey: that'd also hint for a second opinion? ;)17:02
Davieylynxman: little bit..17:02
lynxmanDaviey: also for drinks, but I see drinks everywhere17:02
roaksoaxDaviey: you might help me17:04
roaksoaxDaviey: quilt has patches-applied, but no record on .pc17:05
roaksoaxDaviey: so when trying to unapply, then it does not aunapply and consequently, it failts to apply17:05
roaksoaxso how can I recover from this situation17:05
Davieyroaksoax: on an intensive call right now.17:06
roaksoaxDaviey: ok, let me know when you done please17:06
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dknusing KVM, can i point a disk to an LVM? the /dev/mapper/disc can be mounted on the host system, but i can't see the partition table if i fdisk /dev/mapper/disc17:09
dknin other words, instead of using an image file, can i instead add storage to a VM ?Guest using a LVM on the host system? i was thinking i mount the LVM on the host system, load it up with files, then unmount, add /dev/mapper/disc to the device list for the Guest and boot up and mount it, but i have nothing to mount in the VM guest, it just see's vdb with no partitions to mount17:12
SpamapSdkn: yes, any block device will do. :)17:13
dknhmmm i guess i'm missing the part where the Guest recognize's the LVM?17:15
RoyKdkn: if lvm was setup on that device, it should be autodetected during boot17:16
dknmmmm no, i setup the LVM on the host machine, the guest VM has no idea that the storage is and LVM17:17
hallynbc you're just giving it a blockdev, yes17:18
WeissWaschbaermy cron is not running my shelscript (it works when I manually run it)17:18
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: does it email you and tell you something's wrong?17:19
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: it should...17:19
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: that is, if root owns the cron job, that email will go to root17:19
WeissWaschbaerRoyK: I didnt set any email17:19
RoyKthen it'll email root17:19
WeissWaschbaerhow do I check that?17:19
RoyKsu to root17:20
RoyKtype mail17:20
RoyKor install mutt - a bit better ui17:20
dknso i should instead mount the host's VG to get the LVM to show up as an LVM?17:20
WeissWaschbaerRoyK: not installed17:20
RoyKdkn: your guest should never see the host's lvm config17:20
WeissWaschbaermutt is n-curses?17:20
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: then install it - apt-get install mutt17:20
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: don't remember - but it's light and works well17:21
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WeissWaschbaerRoyK: it is a server, no Xorg17:21
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: mutt isn't an X app17:22
dknoh dear... nvm, just mount the /dev/sda device....17:23
dkni was just trying to make it to complicated...17:23
dknthks Spam & Roy17:24
WeissWaschbaerNo mail for root17:25
RoyKWeissWaschbaer: apt-get install postfix17:25
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roaksoaxlynxman: so it looks good... though shouldn't the mcollective-client.config we filtering for configure and reconfigures only?18:17
roaksoaxlynxman: cause otherwise it would be run at all times18:18
roaksoax(debconf question)18:18
lynxmanroaksoax: hm, your call chief18:18
lynxmanroaksoax: that'd put some delta from debian though :/18:18
roaksoaxlynxman: so hold on... in the debdiff you attaching there's changes such as the addition of mcollective-client.config18:20
roaksoaxis that done in the ubuntu1 and is a delta18:20
roaksoaxor is that done in the debian package?18:20
roaksoaxlynxman: err let me rephrase the sentence18:20
roaksoaxlynxman: that's done as ubuntu delta18:20
lynxmanroaksoax: that's debian18:20
lynxmanroaksoax: we're narrowing the delta with this release, only delta now is the addition of mcollective-middleware18:21
roaksoaxlynxman: right, but the latest release form debian does not contain that change in their source18:21
lynxmanroaksoax: of course not, because that's on their first release, which was after ours :)18:21
roaksoaxlynxman: right, but where's the *new* debian verison that contains those changes I see as additions in the ubuntu delta18:22
Davieyroaksoax: Still want me?18:22
roaksoaxDaviey: nope, figured it out :)18:23
roaksoaxthanks though18:23
roaksoaxlynxman: changes in description in debian/control seem as ubuntu delta18:23
lynxmanroaksoax: they're not additions, for sure18:23
roaksoaxlynxman: right, but that's why I'm saying I'm confused out of your debdiff as it shows ubuntu delta which you mention are in debian18:24
roaksoaxwhich are not18:24
roaksoaxthat's why :)18:24
roaksoax(maybe you went through this conversation with Daviey already)18:24
lynxmanroaksoax: because that's the delta from our _latest_ package to the debian one18:24
lynxmanroaksoax: yes I did :)18:24
lynxmanroaksoax: so that debdiff is narrowing the delta from debian, but the debdiff is based on our current one18:25
lynxmanroaksoax: because there was no delta before, since there was no package on their side18:25
roaksoaxlynxman: right, but for example this things:18:25
roaksoax-Description: Marionette Collective clustering framework - server18:25
roaksoax+Description: build server orchestration or parallel job execution systems18:25
* lynxman has dejavu about all this...18:26
roaksoaxlynxman: that appear as ubuntu delta, changes made for ubuntu18:26
lynxmanroaksoax: that's the change from Ubuntu to debian18:26
roaksoaxlynxman: right, that's why I;m saying, you are adding those changes18:26
lynxmanroaksoax: based on the Ubuntu one, ys18:26
roaksoaxlynxman: now, --- mcollective-1.2.1+dfsg/debian/mcollective-client.config     1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -080018:27
roaksoax+++ mcollective-1.2.1+dfsg/debian/mcollective-client.config     2011-06-27 10:22:02.000000000 -070018:27
roaksoaxlynxman: mcollective-client.config does *not* exist in ubuntu18:27
roaksoaxand is a delta that we are carrying18:27
lynxmanroaksoax: that comes from debian, yes18:27
lynxmanroaksoax: we're trying to unify the packages18:28
lynxmanroaksoax: I'm in contact with hggh (the debian maintainer)18:28
Davieyroaksoax: that was the same thing i thought :)18:28
roaksoaxlynxman: right, so given that case, wouldn;t it be better to wait for a released version in debian to then just sync the packages?18:28
lynxmanroaksoax: no18:29
lynxmanroaksoax: because... we have mcollective-middleware, which we're adding18:29
Davieywell, the merge is done - we should try and close the gap sooner rather than later18:29
lynxmanroaksoax: and was in our package18:29
lynxmanroaksoax: and will be in the debian package as soon as hggh catches it18:29
lynxmanroaksoax: so when he gets the changes back the delta will be nil18:30
roaksoaxlynxman: right18:30
lynxmanroaksoax: then we can sync :)18:30
roaksoaxlynxman: i understand, but these changes come from a debian package not yet even uploaded18:30
roaksoaxlynxman: so technically, they are ubuntu detal18:31
lynxmanroaksoax: call them dorothy if you want :D18:31
lynxmanroaksoax: hehe18:31
roaksoaxlynxman: hehe ok, dorothy, from my personal point of view, should be documented as delta, and then when debian releases, and we sync (or merge if there's any delta left) that's noted in the changelog18:31
roaksoaxlynxman: and for ease of understanding18:32
roaksoaxlynxman: so you wont have to answer questions like these here after18:32
roaksoaxlynxman: cause others might also get confused18:32
lynxmanroaksoax: noted18:33
roaksoaxlynxman: so debian/control needs to be fixed, there's a few typos18:35
roaksoaxlynxman: its minor though18:37
lynxmanroaksoax: :)18:37
roaksoaxlynxman: other than that looks good man18:40
roaksoaxlynxman: so thanks for having this done18:41
lynxmanroaksoax: thanks for reviewing this, it was a nightmare to merge18:41
roaksoaxlynxman: yeah I can see that :)18:41
lynxmanroaksoax: ;)18:41
roaksoaxlynxman: but, as a recommendation, it would be better if the fdebian maintainer sets a git repo for you and him to work on so collaboration gets improved18:41
roaksoaxlynxman: that's what we did with the debian maintainer of the ha stuff18:42
lynxmanroaksoax: that'll happen soonish I hope18:42
roaksoaxcool ;)18:42
lynxmanroaksoax: great recommendation!18:42
Davieyadam_g: For cobbler-enlist, we are looking to do discovery in this order,  1) static hostname , 2) avahi discovery , 3) manual input.  Do you think this logic should be part of the tool, or a standalone app?19:31
zuli think it should be apart of the tool19:32
adam_gDaviey: cobbler-enlist should take '-s http://$server/cobbler_api' as one required argument. it shouldn't matter if it gets that from d-i, avahi, wherever.19:32
Davieyadam_g: Yes, but where does the $server come from?19:33
Davieywithin the cobbler-enlist tool, or elsewhere?19:34
adam_gDaviey: 1) static hostname, 2) avahi discovery, 3) manual input  , i'd prefer that takes place elsewhere19:34
Davieyadam_g: still shove it in the same package?19:34
Davieycobbler-discover ?19:34
adam_gand we can keep the enlist tool generic and indifferent to what discovery method is being used19:35
adam_gDaviey: correct me if wrong but this could all be scripted in packaging around the tool, no?19:36
Davieyadam_g: Yes, but avahi is actually easier for us to handle in c19:37
Davieywe have prior art.19:37
adam_goh. im still a  noob. i thought there were easy shell utilities around avahi19:38
Davieyadam_g: There are, but IIRC - it linked against too much for us to create a udeb.19:38
adam_gwe want it to be somewhat automatic though, right? ie, try avahi or fall back to user input?19:38
Davieyadam_g:  I can kick off that part, if it helps.19:38
Davieyadam_g: we are blocked on smoser, bug 893189 :)19:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893189 in cobbler "avahi advertisement support disabled" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89318919:39
adam_gDaviey: can you think of anything we have out there that currently uses C libraries to interface with avahi?19:43
Davieyadam_g: Yeah19:44
Davieyadam_g: do you want to kick it off?19:44
DavieyI was going to if not.19:44
adam_gDaviey: yeah, i can take a look.19:44
adam_gi suppose we'd need to first reenable that cobbler code?  was that disabled by us or upstream?19:45
b0gatyrI have a server log entry that looks like this: ns1.somedomain.com , how can I make a new file with only IP and ns1.somedomain.com?19:45
b0gatyrin other words I would like to move the trailing #23444:19:46
DW-10297Howdy, I'm probably foolish in thinking this but didn't I read a long time ago that Ubuntu 11 has a really nice virtualization/private cloud thing built into it?19:46
b0gatyror anything in between # and :19:46
Davieyadam_g: upstream, simply re-enabling it isn't enough.19:47
DW-10297or is that a different version of ubuntu/distro?19:47
DavieyI tried that, needs another event19:47
Davieygit blame helped19:47
roaksoaxDaviey: the discovery needs to be done in C?19:56
bhmHello chaps, I have a server with root enabled (as the only means of accessing the server) and am trying to get myself created as a user on the server, but the classic "adduser bhm admin" responds "the group admin does not exist".19:57
bhmAny good advice?19:57
roaksoaxDaviey: cause koan was able to "discover" a cobbler server already so I was thinking maybe we could extend koan to do some of the stuff we need19:58
roaksoaxadam_g: btw.. did you test latest orchestra in precise?19:59
adam_groaksoax: it wasn't built yet by the time i logged off for the night on friday, but i was running the same version locally for a day or two20:00
roaksoaxadam_g: ok cool20:00
Davieyroaksoax: It's really easy to do avahi discovery in pythong :)... The problem is, at the moment, we do not have python avaliable in the instaler.20:03
Davieyroaksoax: BTW, cobbler preseed retrieval failed for me when i tried it on saturday, it complained it didn't have an ssl cert20:04
Daviey"not found" style error in the logs20:04
DavieyWe may have dropped the generation, or i did something silly, either way :)20:04
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah that's fixed in precise already20:04
roaksoaxDaviey: how did you drop that?20:05
roaksoaxDaviey: that's generated by orchestra-logging-server20:05
Davieyroaksoax: how did i do what now?20:05
DavieyAh, i might not have had orchestra-logging-server installed20:05
roaksoaxDaviey: it is the same approach the thing is that if the file was not found it failed, so I just did a try/except and return something approprite to not fail if not found20:05
dkni'm playing with FOG and i need to change the password in one of the config files... but the password is hash'd it's a ~digit hex, how can i change the password with a new hash instead of typing it out in plain text in the config file?20:06
Davieyroaksoax: I'd quite like a review of, https://launchpad.net/~davewalker/+archive/cobbler-testing/+packages20:07
Davieyroaksoax: i split out the theme into a different package, and made it detected at run time.20:07
Davieyroaksoax: it's not quite polished yet, but input appreciated20:08
roaksoaxDaviey: cool, will look at it20:08
adam_gtrivial bug #892409 is also pending review. :)20:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 892409 in cobbler "cobbler-ubuntu-import fails to import if ISO_DIR is missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89240920:08
roaksoaxDaviey: and yeah, if we enable cobbler avahi publication then we could technically use koan like "koan --server=DISCOVER"20:08
roaksoaxDaviey: byut the feature seems buggy so I guess that's why its been deprecated maybe?20:09
Davieyroaksoax: i did dig out the commit which disabled it, and it was something along the line sof making startup more efficeient or something20:11
Davieyseemed unrelated.20:11
roaksoaxDaviey: weird then, I guess we'd have to check with upstream for that20:12
Davieyroaksoax: it was disabled in 2009, not removed, just commented oit20:16
roaksoaxDaviey: maybe its been implemented differently?? i can't remember if I managed to get koan to automatically discover a server or not20:17
Davieyroaksoax: ah, scrub that20:17
Davieyroaksoax: "Consolidating services to use just one port,"20:17
Davieyand avahi opened another port, i guess.20:18
Davieyroaksoax: https://github.com/rubenk/cobbler/commit/f24ffa0d4d997d6c536ca7d89d6bfbc1b9dce07f20:19
roaksoaxDaviey: looks good the webui stuff, are you planning to upstream this?20:30
Davieyroaksoax: planning to upstream the cobbler patch, but not the theme20:31
roaksoaxDaviey: of course lol20:32
Davieybug 893308, is on our hit list.. Anyone that wants to grab that, fee free.20:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893308 in wget "wget-udeb possibly larger than it needs to be" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89330820:32
adam_gDaviey: we shouldn't need to have support for broadcasting avahi within cobbler. looking at squid-deb-proxy, couldn't we just advertise via an entry at /etc/avahi/services ?20:41
Davieyadam_g: Hmm, maybe.. you think that is cleaner than fixing the support cobbler used to have?20:46
SpamapScobbler had some avahi stuff, but it went away?20:48
DavieySpamapS: yah20:49
DavieySpamapS: bug 89318920:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893189 in cobbler "avahi advertisement support disabled" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89318920:49
SpamapSThere's a movement to rip out unmaintained stuff going on right now in cobbler's dev list20:50
DavieySpamapS: does bug 893308 interest you? :)20:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893308 in wget "wget-udeb possibly larger than it needs to be" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89330820:50
SpamapSDaviey: heh, it does sound like a challenge.. but I wonder.. something 151kB, needs to be smaller?20:51
* RoyK wonders what some people are smoking20:54
DavieySpamapS: on cd, no - netboot, yeah20:55
kpettitcan anybody recommend a good replacement for putty that can do tabs and go full screen in windows?  I'm forced to Citrix into a windows machine to get to my linux ones and need something better than putty/cygwin.21:33
=== alaing is now known as funkymonk
kpettitah nevermind, I found a good one.  mRemoteNG21:41
DulcinWhen I generated opendkim keys the public key included 'r=postmaster;' but it does not seem to get validated here http://dkimcore.org/c/keycheck and I think that's why it doesn't show up when I dig for my txt records either21:45
Dulcinanyone familiar with this?21:46
ersiDulcin: How long ago did you setup the TXT record?21:49
ersiMight take an hour before it pops up AFAIK21:49
DulcinAbout 40 hours ago21:50
ersiHuh, shoulda popped up by then21:51
DulcinThat's why I'm wondering why it hasn't yet. I added it to the DNS admin panel of my domain hosting company, but when I use the validator it's complaining about the r=postmaster21:52
Dulcinmaybe I'm wrong though ersi:21:52
Dulcinshould 'dig txt knoep.nl @ns1.hostnet.nl' retrieve the record21:53
Dulcinor are DKIM records only retrieveable through the selector?21:53
Dulcinthat would make sense actually21:53
ersiI'd name the txtrecord "@" though21:53
Dulcinshouldn't it be selector._domainkey.domain ?21:54
ersiOr oh, sorry hehe21:54
ersiI'm just used to a certain DNS panel21:54
patdk-wkdepends on what you want, the dkim key, or the policy21:56
DulcinI'm just trying to get DKIM to work21:56
Dulcinfirst time I'm doing it21:56
patdk-wkwhat is you dkim email header look like?21:57
DulcinYou mean if I test it? or how I set it up?21:57
Dulcinbecause I haven't set it up then I think21:57
patdk-wkwhat domain?21:58
Dulcinwhat I did was set up postfix, and created the dns record21:58
Dulcinand set up opendkim21:58
patdk-wkwhat selector?21:58
patdk-wkthat is a domain21:58
Dulcinyeah i used it as selector as well21:59
patdk-wkok, I see that, but I see no policy21:59
Dulcinbut you do see my record? http://paste.ubuntu.com/745420/22:00
Dulcinisn't that the policy? or am I confusing something22:00
patdk-wkthe policy is kind of like spf22:00
patdk-wkselector is just keys you use22:01
DulcinI see22:01
Dulcinso there's my mistake22:01
DulcinI have an spf record set, so I need to set up an additional record for DKIM then22:01
patdk-wknormally people just do _domainkey.example.com TXT "o=~"22:02
patdk-wkand _policy._domainkey.example.com TXT "o=~"22:02
patdk-wkthe _policy one is for dkim22:02
Dulcinand without _policy. ?22:03
Dulcin_domainkey.example.com TXT "o=~"22:03
patdk-wkthat would be domainkey policy22:03
Dulcinno I see22:04
patdk-wkhmm, wonder what the _ssp is, have to look at that22:04
Dulcinso one more question you might know:22:04
DulcinI tried to set up senderID as well22:05
patdk-wkgood luck :)22:05
DulcinI've emailed microsoft to add me, and they did22:05
Dulcinbut when I check my hotmail, I end up in spam and senderid=temperror22:05
Dulcineven though it has been over a week since they've added me22:05
patdk-wkdid you setup your senderid spf record correctly?22:05
patdk-wkI dunno what you mean by, they added you22:06
patdk-wkthere is nothing to add22:06
Dulcinfrom what I understood, the senderid framework belongs to microsoft and is kept manually?22:06
patdk-wksenderid is nothing more than an adjustment on how spf works22:07
Dulcinyeah I did that one22:07
Dulcinand then I did this one: https://support.msn.com/eform.aspx?productKey=senderid&page=support_senderid_options_form_byemail&ct=eformts&wa=wsignin1.0&st=1&wfxredirect=122:07
patdk-wkdid you add the dns records?22:07
Dulcinyeah I have 1 spf record22:07
patdk-wkya, an spf record, but no senderid record22:08
patdk-wkspf2.0/pra == senderid record22:08
patdk-wkyours says v=spf1 == spf record22:08
Dulcinso I'm wondering though, if there's nothing to add, why did microsoft e-mail me back "We have successfully added your domain to the Sender ID program. This may take up to 2 business days to be fully replicated in our systems. If you have any questions regarding this please let me know."22:08
Dulcin(and more after that)22:09
patdk-wkhow evil22:10
patdk-wkthat wizard says  Idon't need an spf2.0 record22:10
patdk-wkbut I had to have one, or everything went to spam folder :)22:10
SpamapSDaviey: wget-udeb already has ssl support btw22:10
patdk-wkdulcin, I can't remember how senderid records work exactly22:11
patdk-wkbut based on mine, it's the same as the spf record, except for the first part is change from v=spf1 to spf2.0/pra22:11
Dulcinso I should duplicate my spf record for this?22:11
patdk-wkah yep, that is what the wizard gives me now22:12
patdk-wkthat is what I do22:12
patdk-wkif I remember correctly22:12
patdk-wkif a spf2.0 record is found, the spf1 is ignored22:12
patdk-wkbut if spf2.0 is missing, it uses spf122:12
DulcinAh cool22:12
patdk-wkbut spf1 was only meant to over source ip, but microsoft expended it with senderid to match envelop and from addresses, causing issues22:12
Dulcinso I just found out for some reason my DNS panel does not allow me to add the txt records for some reason it doesn't like the name  _policy._domainkey - so my next question - which is what I'm fearing a bit22:13
Dulcinif I want to do DNS on my server, i have to set the nameservers on my domain hosting company to my server and set up BIND9 somehow?22:13
patdk-wk_domainkey NS ....22:14
DulcinI tried bind9 once, got scared and used the admin panel22:14
patdk-wkI dropped bind around bind822:14
Dulcinto replace it with?22:15
DavieySpamapS: yeah, we need to look to make it smaller, before it is actually used.22:15
SpamapSDaviey: heh, when recompiled on precise, the udeb grows22:40
SpamapS-rw-rw-r-- 1 clint clint 152K May 17  2011 orig.wget-udeb_1.12-3.1ubuntu1_amd64.udeb22:40
SpamapS-rw-rw-r-- 1 clint clint 159K Nov 21 14:40 wget-udeb_1.13.4-1ubuntu1_amd64.udeb22:40
SpamapStrying with -Os22:41
DavieySpamapS: that is probably because you aren't using package mangler locally.22:42
Davieyah, not sure it would do much on a udeb22:42
SpamapSdoes the default sbuild use pkgbinarymangler ?22:43
SpamapSWell either way, I don't think it does much to binaries22:44
Davieybut it wouldn't be that for a udeb.22:44
SpamapSit hasn't been rebuilt since 11.0422:44
SpamapSso gcc 4.6 could just be making bigger code22:44
SpamapS-Os is supposed to value code size over all22:45
SpamapStrying that22:45
SpamapSI don't see any config options to tweak..22:45
SpamapSDaviey: where are we going to use wget that we couldn't use a library?22:46
SpamapS-rw-rw-r-- 1 clint clint 142K Nov 21 14:46 wget-udeb_1.13.4-1ubuntu2_amd64.udeb22:47
SpamapScompiled with -Os22:47
hallynDaviey, so i'm looking at MIR for freeimage (needed for spice).  Noone seems to maintain it.  Do I have to say "we'd rather not maintain but will if we have to"?  :-)22:47
hallynor is there some other way to phrase that?22:47
hallyn(common in MIRs)22:47
SpamapShallyn: is it an optional dependency?22:47
hallynhm, i don't think so, but will check22:48
DavieySpamapS: sorry, what do you mean?22:48
hallynon the bright side zaroo bugs :)22:48
Davieyhallyn: is it /really/ required?22:48
Davieygah, SpamapS is ahead of me22:48
SpamapSDaviey: just wondering if there's a library call that can be used instead of a big giant 300+k binary like wget.22:48
DavieySpamapS: well i think it would involve re-inventing the wheel TBH, and higher technical obverhead22:49
hallynDaviey, SpamapS: well I think it is22:49
hallynbut it's a 2nd or 3d level depend22:49
DavieySpamapS: Currently the busybox built-in wget is used, so it's a cheap replacement22:49
DavieySSL validation by hand, sounds less fun22:50
SpamapSDaviey: ahhh so its already being done that way but it is lacking.22:50
SpamapSDaviey: ok, so a whopping 10kB drop for -Os ..22:50
Davieyyeah, busybox wget doesn't spport ssl apparently22:50
DavieySpamapS: anything interesting in --$options ?22:51
Davieyor adding --without-* or somethig?22:51
Daviey(configure options)22:51
SpamapSDaviey: thats what I'm looking at now.. how those affect the code.22:52
hallynI dunno, we'd need our own custom cegui-mk2 package to not build-depend on freeimage, though I don't see where enable-freimage is given during configure22:52
SpamapSDaviey: --disable-threads might help22:52
DavieySpamapS: ooo22:53
hallynlemme try building under precise with and without it i guess.  maybe i'll open a bug to drop that.22:53
Davieyhallyn: If we can avoid it, i think it would be best.  It's not the sort of package we'd normally opt to support, as you spotted.22:53
Davieyseems to be well maintained to date, as you saw.22:54
hallynright, well, that's why the others i was willing to MIR (like svgalib), they look well maintained in debian22:54
hallynthis one, not22:54
hallynbut again, to not MIR it, we'll have to get cegui-mk2 package changed22:54
Davieyhallyn: incidently, we are ahead of Debian for freeimage22:55
Davieyso /someone/ cares about it22:55
hallyni'm not so sure22:55
hallyndepends which 'it' you mean22:55
hallyncegui-mk2, yes.  spice calls out to that22:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #893365 in ec2-api-tools (multiverse) "Upgrade to EC2 API version 2011-11-01" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89336522:56
hallyngotta run, bbl22:56
Davieyhallyn: no comment why we jumped ahead of debian on the bug.22:56
Davieyhallyn: o/22:56
hallynDaviey, i know!22:57
hallyni was considering submitting it back to debian,22:57
hallynbut wanted to find the ppl involved in that bug first22:57
hallyn(but couldn't)22:57
hallynanyway, bbl22:57
Davieyhallyn: catch you later22:57
SpamapSno threads just disables linking to libpthread .. there aren't any ifdefs23:04
jacobwi'm considering moving from asterisknow (centos based) to running asterisk on a virtualised ubuntu server for ease of management23:17
jacobwis there anything i should know about running asterisk on ubuntu?23:17
jacobwinformation about asterisk can be unreliable, so i'm poking a channel where people may have tried what i'm planning to do23:23
Davieyjacobw: Using freepbx?23:28
* Daviey goes awol23:31
jacobwDaviey: sorry, yes, using freepbx.23:43
jacobwdang, missed the reply.23:44
patrickmwis there a way to add a new OS Version in Orchestra (precise)?23:58
patrickmwOr is that a code change?23:58

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