
dpmhi danilos. Off the top of your head, do you know if LP will import a branch in which the po/template.pot file is a symlink? (I'm trying to help someone to use LP for translations. They use a Gambas project, which has a very peculiar way of dealing with translations)12:52
TLEdpm: hey14:08
dpmhi TLE14:09
TLEI was wondering about that post UDS blog post, if you are not going to have time, that is off course allright, but then I might as well post the centent I made about the session I attended14:10
dpmTLE, yeah, sorry for being a blocker, I was away a couple of days last week. Please go ahead to post your update and I'll try to follow up with a wrap up of the other sessions14:17
TLEdpm: no problem at all, it's just that this sort of thing needs to be fairly new to be of interest14:18
dpmTLE, you're absolutely right. However, we've got the feature definition freeze coming up, which might make it more relevant: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule - that's when the burn-down charts are reset to mark the start of the cycle (although work has already started before that)14:20
TLEdpm: ahh yes ok, well I just make the short update I had, and then we'll do something more in depth later14:21
dpmTLE, that sounds like a good plan. Thanks for keep nagging me about this, I appreciate it :) (and I don't mean it ironically :)14:22
dpmanyway, lunch time!14:22
TLEyou are quite welcome *G* ;)14:22
TLEse ya14:22
TLEkelemengabor, dpm: I understand correctly that all ubuntu-docs translations now is supposed to take place in the upstream project right?14:24
TLEkelemengabor: great14:25
TLEUpdate on G+;)14:32
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dpmok, calling it a day, see you all tomorrow!16:59

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