
AlanBellmorning all07:49
TheOpenSourcererMorning, Alan, Morning Alan and Good Morning everyone (To be said out load in the voice of Lionel Blue).07:52
DJonesMorning all08:22
awilkinsOh what a lovely traffic jam.08:37
popeyel cheapo tablet in my ebuyer spam this morning08:39
popey1080p playback and hdmi out08:39
* AlanBell thinks popey is like this with tablets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTTwcCVajAc08:40
AlanBellyou can't hug them all, but that one does look rather nice with the 2GB ram08:41
popeymore like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4NMoJcFd4&feature=related08:41
AlanBelloh, 2GB of SD, only 256MB ram08:42
AlanBelldon't want to hug that one08:42
DJonesInteresting tablet you've just linked on twitter, very good price, just looking for some reviews08:44
DJonesStorage Options is launching the product in time for Christmas and the new unit has already proved extremely popular with gadget enthusiasts and will be featuring on Channel 5’s the Gadget Show on 21st November 201108:45
DJonesWill have to give that a watch tonight08:45
popeyfor nothing else as a little media player it might be useful08:45
popeyif you kill all background stuff08:45
DJonesBeen debating about a kindle or a tablet for christmas, mostly for book reading, but maybe a bit of browsing & otehr android apps.  Memory looks a bit low at 256Mb ram though08:46
TheOpenSourcererIf it is appropriate I'd suggest you look at the Nook (Barnes & Noble) who should be applauded (IMHO) for their stand against stupid software patents.08:48
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: I'm looking at that one and the one for sale in WH Smiths08:49
TheOpenSourcererThey really are taking on MS et al, rather well.08:49
DJonesHmmh, 256Mb ram, 2Gb builtin memory (+ I think micro sd) for the cheap scroll08:50
popey70 quid is very cheap for a tablet device08:50
TheOpenSourcererYou can also put CM7 on the Nook if you feel hard enough ;-)08:50
popeywow, 20 have sold since I posted that link08:50
awilkinsI just want a half decent family laptop08:51
DJonesEven their top of the range is only £109.9908:51
TheOpenSourcererThey will all be on eBay in the next few days for ~£10008:51
popey4 hour battery ⍨08:51
DJonesIts not bad for a cheaop tablet, although the screen is a bit small for my liking08:52
MartijnVdSpopey: ⍤08:54
MooDoomorning all08:54
MartijnVdSpopey: wow, that unicode block is full of win :)08:54
bigcalmGood morning alive beings :)09:10
lubotu3`another contentless ping... sigh...09:12
=== popey_ is now known as popey
* bigcalm flippers popey09:12
bigcalmHard to say, MartijnVdS09:12
andylockranhey guys09:23
andylockranmorning popey09:23
andylockranquick question regarding OSX/Ubuntu.  I would like to get an OSX Machine and RemoteDesktop into it from Ubuntu clients.  Can anyone recommend the best way to do this?09:23
gingx2x might work on OSX09:24
andylockranI'd like to use the OSX machine as the server09:31
JamesTaitHappy Monday!09:32
* mattt stares at JamesTait09:33
JamesTaitmattt: If I say it enough times, I'll start to believe it.09:33
matttJamesTait: haha, whatever works for you :D09:35
JamesTaitmattt: That remains to be seen. :-P09:38
gordandylockran, any osx applications that support the vnc protocol should work fine09:41
bigcalmAnybody here use Cybersource?09:46
andylockrangord: they just seem a little bit slow.09:55
andylockrangord: would it allow multi-users simultaneously?09:55
gordandylockran, i doubt it very much09:56
Junglihehhe kidding10:03
* TheOpenSourcerer haz Coffee and an Ecclefechan Tart!10:06
* daubers tries to make sure he has all the kit he needs for a brief foray into the outskirts of London10:08
DJonesdaubers: Map, emergency rations, water, safety gear & rescue srvices on speed dial ?10:09
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:11
RJAHILL@andylockran - OSX has a vnc server buit in. go to preferences, sharing, Remote management. click Computer Settings and configure a password10:12
brobostigonmorning MooDoo10:13
daubersDJones: Shotgun, satellite phone to get me the hell out :)10:17
daubersYou know, just the essentials10:17
DJonesdaubers: I was thinking aling the lines of the shotgun :)10:21
DJonesMust admit, I don't like "Citys", too crowded for me10:22
kirrusDJones: don't you mean cities? I know exactly what you mean, though. Left london after a year there, glad to.10:23
* daubers heads off10:24
DJoneskirrus: Yep, good spot10:24
* popey would have suggsted daubers re-read http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/CarSurvivalKit10:24
MartijnVdS"Laminated pictures of rod"?10:26
DJones"Ladies of the night/Daviey/Creme Eggs/Apple Pie"  I don't even want to think how Daviey gets into that category10:28
andylockranRJAHILL: yeah,  I'm using the builtin server - from osx machine it's great (even over wifi) - but from Ubuntu it's death.10:29
MartijnVdSDJones: he made the apple pie10:29
Myrttipopey: if the list lacks "a Finn" it's not complete10:47
MartijnVdSHumans don't have finns ;)10:47
MartijnVdSuhr fins ;)10:47
MooDoohave you lot gone nuts this morning?10:49
MartijnVdSMooDoo: ?10:50
MartijnVdSMooDoo: maybe we were nuts all along!10:50
MyrttiI'm a pecan nut10:50
Myrttipopey is a hazelnut10:50
MyrttiMooDoo: you can be a pecan nut10:50
MooDooMyrtti: with my head then yes lol10:51
Myrttior a ... what's the thing10:51
popeyI'd prefer to be a macadamia tbh10:51
Myrttimmmm macadamia10:51
MartijnVdSnot a pistachio?10:51
Myrttiroasted and salted macadamias ♥10:51
MyrttiMooDoo: walnut!10:51
dogmatic69damn... 1.2Ghz usb stick http://www.helloandroid.com/content/cotton-candy-dual-core-android-powerhouse-usb10:56
MooDoodogmatic69: yeah $200 dollars though10:58
davmor2morning all10:59
dogmatic69MooDoo: not to bad really, that is some micro tech and pretty fast10:59
davmor2czajkowski: prod, prod, proddity, prod10:59
dogmatic69MooDoo: better than most $200 phones you will buy10:59
MyrttiI had forgotten how nice a piece of toast with only cucumer tastes like10:59
MooDoomorning davmor210:59
MooDoodavmor2: she's silent again10:59
davmor2morning MooDoo10:59
davmor2MooDoo: she's working10:59
MooDoodavmor2: i gathered11:00
AlanBellworking hard or hardly working11:00
davmor2MooDoo: I just get my prods in while czajkowski can't reply then by the time she can I'm offline Muhahahaahahah11:00
MooDooooo eviil11:00
MooDoodavmor2: he're the prods from czajkowski then "prod prod prod prod prod x100 to make up for all yours"11:07
davmor2MooDoo: I wouldn't worry it's czajkowski she gets her own back ;)11:08
matttcan anyone recommend a python bot?  similiar to ruby's rbot?11:23
kirrusmattt: phenny?11:27
diploMorning all11:32
diploI've been asked by work to get software for Bug tracking/Call logging/Assett Management together11:32
diploWhat I'd like to do is integrate a lot of these systems, any one got any recommendations11:33
DJonesmattt: Is supybot python?11:33
DJonesmattt: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/gribble/index.php?title=Supybot_Install_Guide11:33
=== dipl0 is now known as diplo
Laneyhi thar11:46
MartijnVdS<() and >()11:46
MartijnVdSI wish I knew about those long a go11:46
MartijnVdS"Process Substitution" in the bash manual, for interested people :)11:47
MartijnVdSooh.. the "Serve this directory + children over HTTP" - python -m SimpleHTTPServer 808011:49
matttDJones: hehe, already installed that ... thanks :P11:56
matttkirrus: went w/ supybot, will check out phenny if it doesn't pan out11:56
DJonesmattt: This may be helpful as well for configuration, http://ubottu.com/guide/ or various things it does, the ubuntu bots are based on supybot12:01
matttDJones: brilliant, thanks!12:17
davmor2gord: I just put in a request for most of December off I'm just awaiting the reply now :D12:24
brobostigonquestion, best way to put a *.img designed for usb boot, would still be dd ?12:25
monsterwizardI'm so interesting ina a lot of things12:26
monsterwizardthere's so little time to do everything12:27
monsterwizardall I want to do is read about science and electronics12:27
monsterwizardthat's al I want tbh12:27
monsterwizardand that's all I do in my spare time12:27
monsterwizardbut I want to do it allll12:27
monsterwizardI want to do more12:27
davmor2brobostigon: Take the over whelming silence to mean yes ;)12:31
brobostigondavmor2: yes, i would agree.12:31
ali1234what others ways are there?12:33
ali1234btw all ubuntu images are hybrid-iso now, which means you can dd them12:34
ali1234no need for image creator or unetbootin12:34
DJonesI'm glad my phone isn't due for renewal until next year, this looks an interesting prediction/possibility http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/43148/samsung-galaxy-s-iii-201212:34
matttDJones: sweet, all good to go w/ SSL using twisted12:34
brobostigoni was thinking about minix not ubuntu,12:34
AlanBellthat is interesting12:34
ali1234minix srsly?12:35
brobostigonali1234: yes, simply for research, into its microkernel properties, and similiarities in design to BeOS and haiku, which are also microkernels.12:36
ali1234http://www.ebuyer.com/272786-synology-rs411-1u-8tb-nas-rack-solution-rs411-8tb vs http://www.ebuyer.com/268341-qnap-ts-412u-8tb-1u-rack-nas-solution-ts-412u-8tb12:40
ali1234vs something else?12:40
ali1234anyone got any advice on these?12:41
MartijnVdS(but that's because I have several and LOVE their software)12:43
ali1234really? they are cheapest too12:43
MartijnVdSbecause it's the '11 model12:46
MartijnVdSand the 412 will be coming out soonish12:46
andylockrandoes anyone use AWS for hosting their DNS ?  route53 ?12:49
MartijnVdSI use gandi.net -- I get my domains there too12:51
Myrttigoogle plus just added everyone I've got in my Google circles into my Google Talk roster12:54
MartijnVdSMyrtti: it does offer an opt-out12:55
MyrttiI read it but didn't quite understand what it meant12:55
andylockrandoes anyone use AWS for hosting their DNS ?  route53 ?13:06
kirrusandylockran: I guess that's a no :)13:08
PendulumMartijnVdS: because privacy should totally be an opt-out thing rather than an opt-in? ;-)13:09
=== georgios is now known as GiorgioShooter
MyrttiPendulum: it was opt-in, but now I can't find opt-out13:15
AlanBellis google talk something different to the chat thing and the hangout thing and the huddle thing?13:17
MyrttiAlanBell: well up to recently the chat widget in gmail and g+ has been accessible via any XMPP client13:18
Myrttiand still is13:19
Myrttinow I've just got a person I accidentally approved to chat :-<13:19
Myrttioh man13:21
AlanBellnever really figured out the chat thing, I can't see how to add people13:21
AlanBelllooks like I can chat to MartijnVdS, Stephane Graber (who I don't really know) and Bilal Akhtar for some reason, thats it13:22
Myrttialright, managed to figure it out13:22
MyrttiI can choose all, some or none of the circles13:22
AlanBelldoes that just mean that the 268 other people in my circles don't use chat or something?13:23
PendulumAlanBell: they either get added automatically from your contacts or if you have gmail open, there's a little down arrow to the right of the Chat heading that you can click and will give you the option (at least in the old setup)13:23
Myrttiand selecting none doesn't remove the people I've had in both g+ and gtalk13:23
PendulumMyrtti: where's the setting?13:23
MyrttiPendulum: right side of the Chat -title, little pulldown arrow, privacy settings13:23
AlanBellaah, right you have to use gmail web client contacts for it to work13:24
PendulumMyrtti: odd, gives me settings, but not privacy settings13:25
MyrttiI've got it right underneath13:27
AlanBellhow did you add the circles to chat?13:27
AlanBellwonder if this is something being selectively rolled out to special people first13:28
MyrttiAlanBell: I just refreshed and I was prompted13:28
AlanBellOK, I will wait for that to happen I guess13:31
czajkowskidavmor2: oi13:32
davmor2MooDoo: ^ see13:33
davmor2lo czajkowski13:33
* czajkowski kicks davmor2 sup13:33
davmor2czajkowski: nothing you prod13:33
czajkowskiI'm not a prod13:34
* czajkowski goes back to work 13:34
MooDooczajkowski: mwah! missed ya!13:47
davmor2MooDoo: don't worry czajkowski will be back latter to annoy me I'm sure :)13:47
MooDoodavmor2: good :)13:48
Myrttiuuueerrrr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dlUi3DnrzA13:49
ali1234yeah that's going to turn out really well when i'm doing some soldering13:53
popeylove the way they fade it out just as he's about to use the keyboard13:54
popeybet that doesnt work13:54
davmor2popey: haha13:54
davmor2popey: worse than that they haven't enable multi-touch yet so it sounds like a stylo-phone13:55
ali1234i just don't think it will fit my workflow http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/random/desk.jpg14:01
popey\o/ altoids14:09
bigcalmpopey: remember that site I keep pestering you with?14:10
bigcalmIt's now live14:10
davmor2bigcalm: WooHoo14:12
bigcalmI will say nothing about the design, but it "works" now14:13
davmor2bigcalm: hahaha14:13
ali1234popey: can i have a beta invite for trublr please?14:16
popeyali1234: sure, I'll sort that out shortly, I need to update my package etc14:18
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
oimoncan anyone recommend a feed reader that syncs with google reader? liferea doesn't , and rssowl is super slow java klunkyness16:38
popey☹  my cpu keeps overheating16:43
popeywell, hits a threshold16:43
popeyNov 21 16:28:02 localhost kernel: [326407.708449] CPU0: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 26617717)16:43
popeyNov 21 16:28:02 localhost kernel: [326407.708930] CPU0: Core temperature/speed normal16:43
popeyI get that quite a bit when it hits 80 degrees c16:43
gorddoes this crazy new google+ talk thing affect all gtalk like things?16:44
gordor just the google+ widget16:44
MooDoogord all16:44
MooDoogord: just had them all appear in pidgin :)16:44
oimonYAY..liferea latest version supports google reader, despite the dev saying it wouldn't happen16:44
gordpopey, how i solved that problem, http://www.ebuyer.com/264011-corsair-hydro-series-h60-high-performance-liquid-cpu-cooler-cwch60 - never see my cpu above 40 now :) mostly < 3016:45
gordplus, nice and quiet16:45
gordoimon, is that latest version in the repos?16:46
oimoni'm on lucid gord so i'm not sure16:46
oimon1.7+ is required16:46
popeygord: what cpu do you use that on?16:46
oimon!info liferea16:46
lubotu3`liferea (source: liferea): feed aggregator for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.4-1ubuntu7 (natty), package size 225 kB, installed size 764 kB16:46
gordpopey, some i7 variant, not sandybridge16:46
gordquad core16:46
oimonbah, still uses natty :(16:46
popeymy old desktop only has c2d16:47
popeybut then my i7 should be fixed tomorrow when engineer comes, so could use it on that16:47
gordit comes with an adapter so it works on a lot of cpu/motherboard combinations16:47
* popey gets two16:47
gordliquid cooling sounds crazy, but now that i use it, going back to loud fans, that sounds crazy16:47
gord:) you might not need this, turns out i did though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO9APx2yKrg16:51
oimondid amazon mp3s go up in price? or were they always 79p?16:54
directhexpopey, this is your cheapo ebuyer pc?16:59
DJonesAny iphone/ipad owners looking for cheap games http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/43156/gameloft-unveils-biggest-ever-sale17:04
popeydirecthex: overheating no17:05
popeydirecthex: the cheapo ebuyer one went phut ☺17:05
popeyengineer coming tomorrow17:06
AlanBellhttp://xkcd.com/980/ the total perspective vortex17:55
AlanBelleverything you do, ever, is entirely economically insignificant17:55
MartijnVdSooh with google maps-y interface17:56
AlanBellit is a spectacular bit of work that17:56
MartijnVdSit has jokes too17:58
MartijnVdS("J.K. Rowling had she become a rapper"17:58
MartijnVdS("50 cent, adjusted for inflation")17:58
jutnuxEvening ladies.18:49
MartijnVdSOh sure, ignore the men.18:50
jutnuxI meant that :(18:51
jutnuxI believe it is Toast Sandwich o' clock in 40 minutes.18:54
MyrttiI thought Ubuntu membership gave access to LWN19:10
czajkowskihmm so did I19:15
AlanBellhaven't bothered registering myself19:16
MyrttiI've done that years ago19:17
AlanBelldoes it not work?19:17
Myrttilogged in to read something gregkh posted in Google+ and no, it doesn't work19:17
penguin42heck, todays Xkcd is massive19:21
awilkinsYeah, too big for my phone.. will have to view it at home.19:22
* penguin42 loves the random things he throws in 'value of a solid gold toilet (626 lbs) by year'19:27
MartijnVdSI want one now19:28
penguin42Martinp23: They say gold is quite soft, probably best not scrub it that hard19:29
penguin42oops, wrong complete19:29
AzelphurSteam, always bringing you the greatest specials. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8117884/photos/SteamSpecials.png xD19:31
MartijnVdSThat's a lot off19:31
Azelphurindeed, should totally buy19:32
MartijnVdS\o/ new music19:36
MartijnVdS(from Norway)19:36
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark_(Marit_Larsen_album)19:41
danfishevening all20:02
danfishMartijnVdS: she's rather good.20:02
danfish"suffers" from the abba syndrome20:02
danfishie english as a second language meaning you can actually understand the lyrics ;)20:03
danfishMartijnVdS: thanks for the python webserver tip thing - I'd forgotten that one. Very useful.20:10
MartijnVdSdanfish: same for me - until I saw it on reddit :)20:10
czajkowskiFYI folks: #rugbyrants exists for those who want to talk about rubgy20:30
Azelphurbut talking in here about random offtopic things is much more fun20:32
* Azelphur runs20:32
czajkowskiwell not everyone follows it, and it worked out really well for the RWC to have a seperate channel20:32
AlanBellis there more rugby happening?20:33
* Azelphur doesn't like rugby20:33
czajkowskiAlanBell: yeah a whole year of it :)20:33
mgdmuhoh :P20:33
* daubers goes and finds some paints....20:36
* czajkowski listens to zuma dance music and get to work on her emails 20:49
* czajkowski just watched Dr. Strangelove 20:51
daubersczajkowski: Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the war room!21:19
czajkowskigreat film21:19
jutnuxAnyone here done some of Project Euler?21:42
AlanBelljutnux: I did a bit of it22:13
jutnuxAlanBell, Umhm, same.22:15
AlanBellone remaining space for the christmas party22:18
jacobwwhere is it?22:20
popeyin between me and AlanBell22:20
jacobwsounds cozy22:21
AlanBellwho could resist?22:21
jacobwoh dear, it clashes with my company do22:22
jacobwthanks for the offer though :)22:22
jacobweating and drinking in the dark sounds fun22:23
gordonjcpAlanBell: that sounds like the complete opposite of anything I would ever want to do22:24
AlanBellI am quite looking forward to it22:26
jacobwc4 documentary about turing22:28
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] The Ubuntu Commons - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/21/the-ubuntu-commons/23:13

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