
pleia2jedijf: you guys rock! :)02:13
MutantTurkeyI've been having trouble sleeping02:58
MutantTurkeywe are down to the last few days here.02:59
MutantTurkeyhopefully I'll make it through.02:59
ChinnoDogcount some sheep03:05
waltmanMutantTurkey: I imagine you get that way every year around Thanksgiving :)03:21
Sadinhey everyone03:57
* Resistance hands MutantTurkey a personal defense field03:58
Resistanceit'll protect you for the next 48 hours, unless you keep it fueled with antimatter03:58
Resistancein which case it will last indefinitely if you can generate the antimatter continually03:58
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
jedijfpleia2: i meant the taco truck :P12:31
pleia2jedijf: haha16:58
jedijfpleia2: was it good?17:03
jedijfis it stationary or roaming?17:03
pleia2it goes home every night, but it's always at that corner when it's open17:04
jedijfthat's stationary17:04
pleia2but it's actually quite highly rated17:04
jedijfi saw the zagat plaque17:04
jedijfi hate the new trucks that change locations and make you find them; i mean i know why they do it, but still17:05
pleia2yeah, that would be sad17:05
jthanGuys.. anyone compile their own kernel with dri/dri2 compiled in?19:19
InHisNameneed to add directory /usr/share/perl5/URI/  into @INC   ==>Can't locate Net/Telnet.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.12.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.12 /usr/share/perl/5.12 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at try1.sh line 2.20:54
MutantTurkeyI am thinking about changing my nick for a few days20:55
MutantTurkeyyou know, go anon20:55
teddy-dbearwe'll still know it's you ;-)20:57
teddy-dbeargot to go bye20:58
MutantTurkeyI'm worried they're onto me/21:34
MutantTurkeyI just want to fly free/21:34
MutantTurkeytoo bad evolution/21:34
MutantTurkeygot the best of me/21:34
InHisNameMay the Mutant Bird of Paradise fly over your head, MutantTurkey21:35
InHisNameHey aren't there any perl lover here today ?21:36
MutantTurkeyI mean, at least ruby is funny, perl doesnt even have that.21:48
waltmanperl is WAY funny21:52
InHisNameso have we jumped to funny software or women  as a topic ?22:00

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