
=== dude is now known as Guest1604
pleia2new theme is installed with fix for #80975417:59
pleia2you can test it by logging in and clicking on your name on the top right, and going to "Preferences" and selecting "ubuntuwomen" as preferred theme18:00
akgranerpleia2,  thanks!18:24
pleia2also: http://blog.ubuntu-women.org/2011/11/career-days-from-developer-to-ceo-wrap-up/18:25
pleia2we should start thinking of our next Career Days :) http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/CareerDays18:26
pleia2and I don't have an interview for FCM again :\18:27
pleia2so suggestions for interviewees welcome18:27
akgraneroh crap - I didn't get you Gema's email did I - grrrrr18:28
akgranerone second let me do that right now!18:28
pleia2ok, thanks :)18:28
akgranerpleia2, sent18:32

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