
nuvolario/ mornings06:01
Kilosgood morning superfly maiatoday and everyone else07:05
maiatodaymorning Kilos07:05
nuvolario/ mornings oom Kilos, maiatoday 07:17
Kilosinetpro, nou het dit lekker gereen07:17
Kiloslo nuvolari  gaan dit goed07:17
maiatodayhi nuvolari07:20
nuvolariKilos: dit gaan oraait dankie oom! Besig :P07:34
Kiloshiya Squirm 07:37
magespawnhowdy all07:56
Kiloshi magespawn 08:00
Kilossee yas later08:14
Squirmnuvolari: ?08:24
andrewlsdmorning ubuntu-ka's08:47
nuvolariSquirm: ¿09:14
Squirmnuvolari: you play mc right?09:15
kbmonkeyhi magespawn 09:34
kbmonkeynuvolari superfly 09:34
magespawnhowdy kbmonkey09:34
kbmonkeyhas oom kilos been around?09:35
nuvolario/ kbmonkey 09:37
nuvolarihe's been around earlier09:37
magespawndo not know first time in awhile for me09:37
nuvolariSquirm: it's been a while, but I did/do09:37
kbmonkeythink there is a irc meet tonight09:40
kbmonkeyconflicts with a business meet i have from 5-809:40
kbmonkeyso wondering if anyone can fill in the chair?09:41
magespawnnot sure if I can make it.09:42
Squirmnuvolari: which server?09:42
kbmonkeyo/ nuvolari 09:59
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nuvolariSquirm: I've never played on a server before10:58
nuvolarisuperfly: do you have java on your mac?12:18
Squirmnuvolari: you should come play on a server12:19
nuvolariSquirm: pfft, I don't even get time to play it offlin :P12:23
highvoltageyou have an emergency, nuvolari?13:16
nuvolarija, kinda :-/ java 7 + ppc mac = headache13:17
superflynuvolari: mac? what mac?13:57
nuvolariProductName:Mac OS X Server14:04
nuvolarinuvolari: ^^14:04
nuvolarisuperfly: ^^14:04
superflynuvolari: I still don't have a mac14:05
superflybut I am pretty sure you can get Java on a Mac14:05
nuvolariooh, my bad :P I read your statement as a question14:15
* inetpro wbbl15:55
CutiePeais this a chat site?16:42
CutiePeai bet no-one is actually from south africa16:42
CutiePeaomg this is pretty pathetic16:43
tumbleweedI thought we blocked chatmosphere?16:43
Kerberoyou guys really should see this one guy's email on our linux mailing list about ubuntu's sudo being unsecure16:55
magespawnhowdy all.17:11
magespawnhowdy  nlsthzn17:14
nlsthznHi magespawn :)17:14
magespawnwhat's up?17:18
nlsthznnot much... my leave started... as well as my flu :(17:22
nlsthznand with you?17:22
magespawnno leave but then again no flu either.17:23
magespawnbeen wrangling with Google sites and apps most of the day.17:24
magespawnvery frustrating.17:24
magespawnwonder what is happening with the meeting tonight?17:29
magespawnnlsthzn is the meeting still happening?17:43
nlsthznmagespawn, was not aware there is a meeting today to be honest17:50
nlsthznthere had been only a few weeks ago17:50
magespawnthought it was the third Monday of every month and kbmonkey was here earlier looking for stand in chair.17:51
nlsthznmight be... time flies17:54
magespawndoes not look like it is going to happen though.  I am off, pass my apologies if you are still here nlsthzn.18:02
Kilos Closing Link: (Connection timed out)18:06
Kilos* Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).18:06
Kiloshiya nlsthzn and all ya other guys18:07
Kilosvodacom still getting worse everyday18:07
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos... still giving grief?18:07
Kilosyeah worse than ever. i foned them today and after lots of please wait etc got to the data section and they said it has now been reported to the correct section and they will call me18:08
Kilosha ha ha18:08
Kilosthey asked me what tower name do i see when i am connected18:09
Kilosall i see is vodacom18:09
nlsthznsilly 18:10
Kilostakes like 35 mins to connect to irc18:10
nlsthznoh wow... that isn't good.18:11
Kilosno used to be about 1 min18:11
nlsthznand irc is little data as far as over head goes :/18:11
Kilosif evolution goes to fetch mail it fails 2 or 3 times then only gets my mail18:12
Kilosyou on leave now?18:12
nlsthznyup... first day is almost past and I have flu since last night :'(18:14
Kiloswas gonna rag you last night then connection died18:15
Kilosyou gonna have to bath again when you get here18:15
nlsthznk... I will do that uncle Kilos 18:16
Kilosthere its so hot and dry you just wait for your sweat to turn to powder and let the wind blow it away18:16
nlsthznoh, here you are permanently wet in summer18:22
nlsthznthe humidity is silly high18:22
Kilosfrom the heat?18:22
Kilosnot like in the desert18:23
Kilosthere they bath once in summer and not so often in winter18:23
nlsthznwe are right on the coast... actually everything is right on the coast18:24
nlsthznsea on one side, desert on the other...18:24
nlsthznin between there is a road and houses :p18:24
superflynaandsê oom Kilos en meneer nlsthzn18:40
Kilosnaand superfly hoe was jou eerste dag?18:40
superflyKilos: 'n bietjie lank, maar rustig18:41
Kilosrustig is goed18:41
superflyen ek het alreeds iets reggemaak18:42
Kilosdis waarvoor jy daar is18:42
Kilosjy maak altyd reg18:42
Kilosnight all. i go crash18:50
Kilossee ya morrow18:50
nlsthznnag Kilos 18:50
nlsthznhi superfly 18:50
superflynlsthzn: how many days till you're in Sunny SA?18:52
nlsthznflying the 29th, landing the 30th :)18:52
=== Squirm2 is now known as Squirm

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