
bschaeferthumper: ping01:03
thumperbschaefer: pong01:39
bschaeferthumper: so I am pretty sure if found out exactly where fix this dash problem01:43
thumperbschaefer: awesome01:43
thumperbschaefer: do tell :)01:43
bschaeferabout to log out and test really quick (1 line of code change)01:43
bschaeferthumer: under DashController under window set up window_->SetPathToKeyFocusArea()01:43
bschaeferthumper: ^01:44
bschaeferlet me log out to confirm01:44
bschaeferthumper: yup worked. I would have figured it out yesterday but for some reason I thought BaseWindow was below the View class01:46
bschaeferthumper: also the only reason clicking was working on start up also was because it SetKeyFocusArea on mouse_over_area, otherwise it wouldn't work with01:47
thumperbschaefer: so this is purely a nux fix?01:47
bschaeferthumper: nope, unity01:47
bschaefernux gets left alone01:48
bschaeferlet me get a branch up so you can see01:48
bschaeferthumper: well the fix I had in nux was bad and would get called all the time and you only need it to be called once01:50
bschaeferthumper: I thought it was in nux at first because it showed the same problems as the quick list bug01:51
bschaeferthumper: apologies on taking so long to fix this, trying to reduce my work load else where...but at lease it's fixed :)01:54
bschaefer(hopefully :) )01:55
thumperthat's cool01:55
thumperis the branch up?01:55
bschaeferyup getting the link now01:55
bschaeferthumper: now just to figure out how to test this...01:58
thumperyeah :)01:59
bschaeferI was thinking when this function isn't called and you use super the end_of_key signal is emited01:59
bschaeferon start up, so possibly setting up a listener for that and fake a key stroke02:00
thumperdo you get the same behaviour on the stand alone dash?02:00
thumperor is that all different?02:00
bschaeferhmm, I haven't tried it on the stand alone dash02:00
thumpermy guess is that it is likely to be different02:01
thumperas it is created and focused differently02:01
thumperso testing this is a challenge02:01
bschaeferhmm yeah, also there was a function that could not find the area02:01
bschaeferin nux, that I believe is public02:02
bschaefer(going to look for it)02:02
bschaeferhmm it's not public though02:03
thumperis it protected?02:03
bschaeferyeah, it is over ridden a few times and is public in Area02:04
bschaeferso it returns a NULL if it can't find the area02:04
thumperif it is public in Area, then you can call it02:04
bschaefer(was looking and typing since it is virtual there are multiple ones)02:05
bschaeferso we should be able to set up the dash then call this and check if it returns NULL after window_->SetPathToKeyFocusArea() is called02:07
bschaeferthe standalone_dash is pretty different...02:12
thumperyeah... thought it might be02:14
bschaeferwell I will start playing around with it02:17
bschaeferalso I have a couple files in nux that I initialized some variable. Theres also some in unity from that log file you gave me02:18
bschaeferthumper: just realized that wont work anyway since we dont have the event which FindKeyFocusArea takes as an argument02:45
Andy80finally the proper Unity configuration for me :) - fixed Launcher + 36 pixel icons ;)03:01
thumperbschaefer: can we fake it?03:15
thumperbschaefer: sorry, was on the phone03:16
bschaeferthumper: sorry I ran to the store, umm we should be able too03:32
bschaeferthumper: Ill make a function that does that, but I am slightly worried still because the Dash Controller isne't getting called which is where SetPathToKeyFocusArea() gets called03:33
bschaeferthumper: I could possibly re write it using the DashController instead of just the DashView03:36
Andy80good night to everyone03:37
bschaeferthumper: ugg, it actually just needs the event type, key sym and key state which are very easy to fake03:51
bschaeferthumper: ie. it doesn't actually need the full event03:51
thumperbschaefer: cool04:06
bschaeferthumper: actually some bad news it looks like the function I was looking at is in WindowCompositor but it is private in that class04:07
thumperwhich method04:08
bschaefersame name04:09
bschaeferbut it's different then View and Area04:09
bschaeferie. it is not overriding it04:09
thumperbschaefer: can you give me some file and line numbers?04:11
bschaeferyeah. It is in nux/Nux/WindowCompositor.cpp around line 80704:12
bschaeferthumper: that function is what returns NULL if it can't find the focus_area,04:13
* thumper pokes04:13
bschaeferI wonder if we could write most of this function in unity...04:14
bschaefernevermind, _view_window_list is private and doesn't get returned anywhere04:15
thumperbschaefer: lets go back, what did you change?04:17
bschaeferok, in unity under DashController::SetupWindow()04:19
bschaeferwas added in that function04:19
bschaeferthumper: ^04:20
* thumper pokes some more04:22
bschaeferSetPathToKeyFocusArea() is in nux/Nux/Area.cpp line 95004:22
thumperbschaefer: it seems that SetPathToKeyFocusArea() is called internally from the window compositor in nux04:24
thumperbschaefer: from SetKeyFocusArea04:25
bschaeferthumper: yup04:25
thumperbschaefer: shouldn't we then be calling that instead of SetPathToKeyFocusArea?04:25
thumperwhich seems weird04:26
thumperas that is called from ShowDash04:26
bschaeferthumper: hmm, well it doesn't get to the SetPathToKeyFocusArea when called in unity04:26
thumperI feel it is probably due to line 237 in dashcontroller.cpp04:26
thumperview_->default_focus() is probably wrong04:27
bschaeferthumper: i removed that line and tried it04:27
thumperwhere is that set I wonder04:27
thumperhmm... it doesn't get there normally?04:28
thumperI can see why the author thought it should04:28
bschaeferthumper:  yeah, the only reason clicking on the dash works right away04:29
bschaeferthumper: is because it SetKeyFocusArea for mouse_over_area in WindowCompositor04:29
bschaeferthumper: so it kinda works by accident because calling that invokes the SetPathToKeyFocusArea()04:30
bschaeferthumper: which is why this bug seemed so inconsistent and weird...04:31
thumperbschaefer: but do you agree that  nux::GetWindowCompositor().SetKeyFocusArea(view_->default_focus()); should work?04:31
bschaeferyeah I thought it should..04:31
thumperdid you try stepping through the debugger?04:31
bschaeferthumper: no, haven't used one in a long time04:31
thumperbschaefer: ah... gdb is a wonderful thing04:32
thumperbschaefer: especially since you have to use a vt04:32
thumperbschaefer: since you are breaking into the window manager :)04:32
bschaeferthumper: vt? not ringing a bell for some reason04:32
bschaeferthumper: haven't been using that04:33
thumperbefore you do that04:33
thumperyou have to go ctrl-alt-F7 to get back :)04:33
bschaeferthumper: yup, I call that tty04:33
bschaeferthumper: well for some reason my VM hates that mode so I cant use it haha04:33
thumperwhich mode?04:34
bschaeferthumper: 1-604:34
thumperoh, you are using a vm?04:34
bschaeferthumper: yup, I am currently looking for a laptop right now but have to wait a little04:34
* thumper nods04:34
bschaeferthumper: but got 3d working with out to much fuss04:35
bschaeferthumper: but I was taught that debuggers were evil for learning04:36
bschaeferthumper: so I have stuck with print statements and reading code haha04:36
thumperI'd agree with that, in general04:36
thumperbut they are great for debugging04:36
bschaeferthumper: haha, hence the name :)04:36
bschaeferthumper: yeah a lot of time I use print statements like a debugger would be doing anyway, like mem address and values04:37
bschaeferthumper: but I will dl gdb and start learning that as it looks like the tool you use?04:38
bschaeferthumper: guess it's built in, and I am guessing this is the logger nux uses04:39
thumperwhat do you mean?04:39
bschaeferwell all the calls to LOGGER04:39
thumpergdb is the gnu debugger, so part of build-essential I think04:39
thumperyeah, I wrote that04:39
bschaeferi am guessing gets sent to the gdb04:40
bschaefercool! Yeah I see those and didn't really know where that was getting sent to, so just used a printf instead :)04:40
bschaeferthumper: i am also still getting use to how large everything is, code wise...there is so much code04:41
thumperbschaefer: it gets sent to std::cout or std::cerr, I can't remember04:41
thumperno, the logging is independent to gdb04:42
* thumper goes afk for person at door04:42
bschaeferthumper: hmm, a little bit of a digress. I am wondering if FindKeyFocusArea in Area would still return NULL if it cant find the area...04:43
thumperbschaefer: so... let me see if I can get this straight04:55
bschaeferthumper: well it's protected in the nux::View class04:56
thumperbschaefer: when unity starts for the first time, the text input doesn't have focus if you push the super key to get the dash?04:56
thumperbschaefer: is that the underlying issue?04:56
bschaeferthumper: yes04:56
thumperwhat I'd do is to start compiz with gdb and add a breakpoint04:56
thumpersince you can't really do that...04:56
thumperhang on, what is your VM running on?04:57
thumperyou may be able to start gdb in the host04:57
thumperand connect over tcp to the VM04:57
thumperto debug04:57
thumperis it your machine?04:58
thumperhave you heard of mingw?04:58
bschaefernope, but can dl it04:58
thumperthat can give you gdb on windows04:58
thumpersee if you can do a little research04:58
thumperon gdb over tcp04:58
thumperto see if you can get it working04:58
thumperit'll make some things much easier04:58
thumperI'll see if I can get unity running under gdb again04:59
thumperand debug the process04:59
thumperand stop at that location04:59
thumperand step through04:59
thumpersee what's happening04:59
bschaeferthumper: alright thanks. I will be getting flash drive soon to run ubuntu off until i get a laptop04:59
thumpernow it is dinner time04:59
bschaeferthumper: alright enjoy!04:59
azradhi i'm a noob ubuntu 11.10; i was messing around with compiz and messed up my desktop; i removed compiz and unity; and now i'd like unity back; but i can't seem to figure out how to do that05:30
azradi tried adding it from the ubuntu software center but well it didn't seem to change my desktop;05:31
azradnow i think i'm using gnome05:32
thumperazrad: if you start ccsm, add the unity plugin05:34
thumpersmspillaz: can you help azrad?05:34
azradso install compiz?05:35
thumperis it not installed?05:36
thumperif you have unity installed, you'd have compiz installed05:36
azradno i said i removed them both05:36
thumperso go and install ubuntu-desktop05:37
azradok i'm doing that05:38
bschaeferthumper: got mingw set up with ssh and running unity --advance-debug and it looks like it's working05:38
bschaeferthumper: so Ill look into get the break point set up for that process if you haven't already05:38
thumperbschaefer: I haven't05:39
bschaeferthumper: alright, gives me time to learn gdb :)05:39
* thumper walks away again05:40
bschaeferthumper: Go eat! (surprised you were back haha)05:40
azradthumper: ah that did the trick; thankyou very much05:44
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TheCowboyWhere can I find the docs for libindicator for python?09:07
TheCowboydoesn't work09:07
TheCowboyFound the link on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators#Libraries09:08
mhr3_TheCowboy, here http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-11.04/python/AppIndicator-0.1.html09:13
jo-erlendis there any keyboard shortcut to move a window between monitors?09:17
glatzorping ronoc11:24
ronocglatzor, yep11:25
glatzorhello ronoc you are working on the indicator session service?11:28
glatzorI am the author of aptdaemon, AFAIK we haven't met yet.11:29
ronocglatzor, no I dont think we have, how's it going ! I am not working onthe session service I'm afraid this cycle,11:29
glatzorronoc, aptdaemon nowadays provides the PackageKit dbus API. So it could make sense porting indicator session service to PackageKit11:30
ronocglatzor, so the session service should talk straight to package kit instead of the apt dbus interface ?11:30
glatzorronoc, right. aptdaemon now supports PackageKit UpdatesChanged signal.11:30
glatzorronoc, currently you perform an UpgradeSystem simulation after each transaction AFAIK.11:31
ronocglatzor, i could not get any consistent behaviour out of the apt dbus api for O11:31
ronocglatzor, yes that's right11:31
glatzorronoc, just feel free to ask if you need anything by aptdaemon. I am quite open to new use cases11:32
glatzorronoc, in the future aptdaemon will emit the UpdatesChanged signal when it is a good idea to ask query updates.11:33
glatzorto query for updates11:33
glatzorronoc, So I have to leave now. sorry. But I will poke you in the next days again :)11:36
ronocglatzor, grand, anytime11:36
ronocglatzor, ok we should talk at some point about the whole interaction, I was having difficulties last cycle to say the least with that api design / stability11:39
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Andy80too silence... time for a breaking question :)14:58
MrChrisDruifBreak it14:58
Andy80Saviq: what do you think about starting some tests of Unity-2D and Qt5? Is it too early? (the question is for everyone of course)14:58
Andy80Qt5 (a very preview release) can already be built, and it runs on N9/N950. We could build it on Ubuntu, package it and make it available trough a PPA. Then we could try to buuild the actual Unity-2D against it and start taking notes about the necessary changes required.15:01
angelo-chi all22:19
angelo-ccan anyone help me with bug 77384122:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 773841 in unity-place-files (Ubuntu) "\\192.168.1.x opens http:\\192.168.1.x in firefox as opposed to smb://192.168.1.x in nautilus" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77384122:19
andyrockangelo-c, help to fix?22:19
angelo-cI'm in trouble with launch_default_for_uri because it doesn't work with22:19
angelo-cnot mounted volumes.22:19
angelo-cI talked about this strangeness with gtk developer on gtk+ dev irc22:20
angelo-cchannel, and they explained me that the function is not intended to open22:20
angelo-cnot mounted volumes.22:20
angelo-cThey only way I found to open an uri like ssh:// or smb:// is to open22:20
angelo-cwith nautilus using GLib.Process.spawn_async.22:20
andyrockso launch_default_for_uri22:20
andyrockdoesn't work for not mounted volumes right?22:20
andyrockand you don't know on which volume the uri is...22:21
angelo-cyou can test yourself using gnome-mount, it uses the same launch_default_for_uri function22:21
andyrockso you cannot mount the volume by yourself22:21
angelo-cgnem-open sorry22:22
angelo-cgnome-open sorry again22:22
angelo-cthe bug involves unity-len-files that is not a gui application, so I cannot use i gtkmount diaolog to mount the volume22:22
andyrockbut you can use a gmount...22:23
tedgTheMuso, Sorry, I missed your ping yesterday.22:23
tedgTheMuso, Yes, I think it should be a new property.22:23
tedgTheMuso, Make sure to put it in the defaults list.  I don't know that there should be a default value as much as to set the type.22:24
andyrockyeah.... http://developer.gnome.org/gio/2.31/GMount.html22:24
andyrockangelo-c, ^^^22:24
angelo-csorry, I was not clear22:25
andyrocknautilus and unity launchbar use this to mount a volume...22:25
angelo-cI cannot use gmount because it involves using a gtk mount operation that I cannot use because the daemon is a non gui app22:25
TheMusotedg: Sorry, the defaults list and type?22:27
TheMusotedg: Not sure what you mean by those.22:27
andyrockangelo-c, gvolume and gmount doesn't open any dialog box...22:27
andyrockangelo-c, you are Italian?22:27
TheMusoOk, I thought adding a property would be the way to go.22:28
angelo-cI have to open dialog boxes, mounting an ssh volume should ask for a username and password, if you enter nautilius ssh:// it opens a dialog22:28
angelo-cyes, I'm italian, is so recognizable?22:29
andyrockangelo-c, I'm italian too ;)22:29
angelo-cgreat, can we speak in Italian?22:30
TheMusotedg: nvm I think I understand, I'll try to catch you later if I have more questions.22:33
tedgTheMuso, cool22:33
TheMusoOk thanks.22:35
TheCowboyAnyone have any thoughts on how to implement an indicator/widget for adjusting the screen brightness?23:11
TheMusoTheCowboy: You would need to leverage UPower at the backend to adjust brightness, if thats possible. I think UPower is responsible for reading any light sensors and adjusting the brightness based on the readings, but I am not sure if there any APIs to allow other apps to change brightness, as its usually something a user would do with their monitor controls/brightness keys on their device.23:25
alamedia_hi everybody, I put ubuntu 11.10 on as rock but no sounds, could u help me?23:32
TheCowboyTheMuso,  thanks, will take a look at that (one reason for wanting this is that for older Thinkpads there's a basically unfixable bug which doubles the step in the controls)23:50
TheMusoTheCowboy: Ah ok.23:58
TheMusoTheCowboy: In terms of older thinkpads, how old?23:58
hyperairi don't think it's only for older thinkpads23:59
hyperairmy thinkpad is less than a year old, but i think it doubles the step23:59
TheMusoah ok.23:59
hyperairthe xbacklight controls were added recently in the 3.1 kernel.23:59

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