
=== poolie_ is now known as poolie
pooliehi there mgz07:24
vilahello  there !07:40
pooliehi mgz, jelmer, vila08:03
poolieshall we talk?08:03
* vila mumbles08:04
mgzI'm on.08:04
lifelessjelmer: hi, around /08:23
hrwUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc5 in position 23: ordinal not in range(128)08:30
hrwI got this during merge08:30
hrwhttp://pastebin.com/1VqWu9Ag to be exact08:31
mgzhrw: not a very useful traceback that, sec08:41
hrwmgz: I know.08:42
mgzwhat's merge_changelog.py ? It's not the changelog-merge plugin.08:42
mgzah, in bzr-builddeb08:43
mgzwhat's your line 73 in that?08:43
hrw2.7.9ubuntu1 version from precise08:43
hrwgnome-terminal suxx when it comes to copy/paste ;(08:44
hrw            _logger.warning('%s', stderr)08:45
hrw            # Relay the warning from dpkg-mergechangelogs to the user.  We08:45
mgzokay, I have that on the tag too.08:45
hrwI merged lp:ubuntu/gcc-4.6 into lp:~hrw/ubuntu/precise/gcc-4.6/cross-fixes08:46
mgzhrw: file a bug, looks like the log statement is just slightly borked08:46
hrwok, thx08:46
mgzI think all you lost was the detail output from dpkg-mergechangelogs', base_filename, this_filename, other_filename], stdout=sub08:47
mgz...bad paste08:47
hrwmgz: bzr diff after merge tells me that whole changelog was dropped08:47
mgzI want to say do `bzr remerge debian/changlog` but I'm not certain that will do the right thing with builddeb08:50
hrwmay try08:50
hrwdid not08:51
mgzsame problem, or different one?08:51
mgzokay, that's good.08:51
hrwso bug against bzr-builddeb?08:52
mgzyeah, but I can give you a patch to try now so you can see the output08:52
hrwbtw - how to tell bzr that I solved conflicts in files?08:54
mgz...hm, simplest thing is problably, change the logger line to:08:54
jelmerhrw: "bzr resolved"08:54
jelmerlifeless: hi08:54
hrwjelmer: thx08:54
mgz    _logger.warning('%s', stderr.decode("utf-8","replace"))08:54
mgzjust for now08:54
mgzI'll work out how to make the logging module do something sane later08:55
lifelessjelmer: nvm - see #subunit08:55
mgzhrw: so, if you want try editing merge_changelog.py with that and then remerge08:56
hrwdebian/changelog is not conflicted08:57
hrwdpkg-mergechangelogs: ostrzeżenie: /tmp/tmpKJKi6cdeb_changelog_merge/changelog.this(l0): oczekiwano first heading, a znaleziono koniec pliku08:57
hrwdpkg-mergechangelogs: błąd: ss-970814-1 is not a valid version08:57
hrwAll changes applied successfully.08:57
hrwshit. forgot LC_ALL=C08:57
hrwanyway still 10K -08:57
mgzit's okay, the messages are for your benefit :)08:57
hrwbtw - are there plans for 'bzr diff --stat'?08:58
hrwbzr diff|diffstat is longer to write ;)08:58
pooliethat would be good08:58
mgzokay, so one issue is the logging is borked, the other seems to be that a failure from dpkg isn't resulting in a conflict you could try and resolve via other means08:59
mgzjelmer may know more.09:00
hrwpoolie: and may give 'bzr log --stat' which in git land is one of my favorite09:00
jelmerare we standing up?09:02
mgzI am!09:02
hrwok, /me -> reporting bug09:03
mgz...we did it at 8 I'm afraid jelmer09:03
mgzhrw: thanks, include all your bits, especially the ostrze◈enie parts09:04
mgzjelmer: we need a part 2 to get your update maybe09:06
jelmermgz: oh crap, I didn't realize we had a DST change :-(09:06
mgzwe were ignoring it the last few weeks as poolie wasn't around, which was probably confusing09:07
poolieah oops09:09
pooliei can try to be away next tuesday :)09:09
hrwmgz: bug 89349509:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 893495 in bzr-builddeb (Ubuntu) "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc5 in position 23: ordinal not in range(128)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89349509:10
vilajelmer: the pad is at http://pad.ubuntu.com/bdhvpZX7Hn if you want to update it09:12
vilajelmer: if you don't, just tell me and I'll post it to the ml09:12
hrwmgz: I hope that I did not forgot anything09:13
mgzhrw: thanks, that should do (though you used LANG=C so it hides why the logging failed!)09:15
hrwmgz: no, message is same but now more people may understand it09:17
mgzhrw: attaching the changelog.this might help understand why dpkg is failing, it gets removed but...09:18
hrwmgz: there is no 'changelog.this' or changelog.BASE etc09:18
mgzhrw: yes, that's good, but the reason logging failed was because your locale has non-ascii error messages09:18
mgzhrw: yes, because the merge wrongly reports it succeeded09:18
hrwmgz: ok, will add09:19
hrwadded comment09:19
mgzif you `bzr --no-plugins remerge debian/changelog` what happens?09:20
* mgz hasn't played enough with bzr-builddeb yet to know all its tricks09:20
hrwdebian/changelog is not conflicted09:21
hrwText conflict in debian/changelog09:21
hrw1 conflicts encountered.09:21
hrwmgz: cool!09:21
mgzthat's better, do you now have a .THIS?09:21
mgzjust attaching the raw changelog with conflict markers may be useful.09:22
hrwI have BASE/THIS/OTHER09:24
hrwattached all of them09:25
mgzhopefully you can now manually resolve the conflict and continue working.09:25
hrwthx for help09:26
mgz...and naturally dpkg-mergechangelog works fine on those files for me, so the bug is somewhere else09:29
hrwmgz: I will push my branch to LP so you can try it on your system09:30
jelmervila: updated09:30
vilahehe, you mean updat*ing* :)09:31
hrwmgz: pushed, remember to use r71 not head09:31
jelmervila: no, really done now :)09:32
vilaok :) Thanks !09:32
mgzI guess changelog.this is 0 bytes in /tmp it's not clear how that happened09:36
mgzalso I get *some* output like that, and one of the three copies has to have content or you wouldn't get the complaint about the version number from 199709:37
jelmervila: hpss-branch-store branch submitted :)09:38
mgzthe great thing about unix tool naming conventions is you can accidentally have your hand over the wrong place on the keyboard, and you'll still end up running something09:54
mgzI wanted vi back, and got information about my disk usage instead, thanks unix!09:55
vilajelmer: reviewed, small tweaks, but big +1 overall and many thanks10:40
jelmervila: that was quick :) Thanks10:41
vilajelmer: hehe, the context was paged in, it helped ;)10:42
vilajelmer: and I trust the tests are robust enough :)10:43
jelmersigh, this is the last time I'm buying cheap post-it notes. My real-life kanban board is coming apart10:45
mgzjelmer: I wouldn't blame the post-its10:47
mgzthe number of mps you've submitted would tax any glue10:48
mgzthe board must be about ready to collapse10:48
jelmermgz: I hope not. I'm using one of the load-carrying walls here.. ;-)10:50
jelmermgz: you seem to have a couple of approved branches, btw10:58
mgzjelmer: thinking of commit messages is hard?11:17
mgzI mean, sure, I'll get them landed. :)11:17
LeoNerdI sometimes find the trick with commit messages is managing to get them brief enough11:18
LeoNerdI have a tendancy sometimes to waffle on a bit11:18
mgzjelmer: what's the protocol for unprivating? bug 876511 is interesting and doesn't seem to have any personal info.11:20
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 876511 could not be found11:20
mgzhow little you know, ubot511:20
jelmermgz: :)11:20
jelmerLeoNerd: Hah, I have the opposite11:21
jelmerLeoNerd: which is also problematic11:21
jelmermgz: basically, if it doesn't contain any private info, feel free to unprivatize it11:21
jelmerI think apport creates private bugs by default11:21
mgzsome part of the testament code is getting a bytestring and thinking it's unicode11:22
jelmerthat's bad11:23
mgzI'm not sure which though :)11:23
mgzwhat does tree.list_files return for paths?11:23
mgzrevision-ids would be possible but... seems unlikely11:24
mgzrevprops is the other candidate11:24
mgzlist_files uses os.listdir which is always a bad sign.11:26
jelmervila: I'm not sure I understand your last comment on hpss-branch-store11:28
vilathe one about adding comments ?11:28
jelmervila: yeah, about RemoteBranchStack and cmdline overrides11:29
vilathese stacks are... weird/obscure, the comments intend to clarify why they exist at all11:29
jelmervila: what kind of comment would you like me to add?11:29
vilathe ones I pasted should be enough to raise awareness that there is something going on with these stacks11:30
jelmervila: but do you want me to add comments to hpss-branch-store, or were you just providing context?11:31
vilajust adding comments before the classes11:32
vilaso people don't think they can use them11:32
vilathey are a symptom that something else need to be fixed11:32
jelmervila: actually, I'm not sure I understand why the other stores aren't in there11:33
jelmervila: it seems like the global and location stores would apply for remote branches too11:33
viladoing so means the local user can enforce some policies on the remote server11:34
jelmervila: the policies aren't sent to the remote server, so nothing will be done that the user isn't already allowed to11:34
jelmervila: i.e. I have lines like this in my locations.conf:11:35
jelmerchild_submit_to = merge@code.launchpad.net11:35
vilathe policy depends on the config option11:35
jelmervila: can you give an example of where it would be problematic?11:36
vilafor some options it's ok to give control to the user, for some others, the actual code don't give this control11:36
viladon't turn the tables :)11:36
vilaI'm merely respecting what the code does ;)11:36
vilaanother way to look at it is to think about the *server* locations.conf and bazaar.conf files which lp doesn't define but that other servers can11:37
vilaand think about the (weird and maybe useless) case where a server can be accessed as a smart server *and* as a dumb server11:38
jelmervila: The existing code does look at locations.conf11:38
vilafor the options I mentioned in the comments ?11:38
jelmervila: no, but for other options - like child_submit_to, or remote_ssh_path11:39
vilaright, these stacks aren't used for the other options :)11:39
mgznope, can't repo it, filenames and properties seem fine11:40
jelmervila: I don't see how remote_branch.get_config_stack().get("child_submit_to") can look in locations.conf11:40
vilaargh, then your proposal is bogus and I failed to see that11:41
jelmervila: how do you imagine it will be able to look in locations.conf ?11:42
vilait should use a BranchStack but query the branch for the right store11:42
jelmervila: that's what I was proposing earlier :)11:42
vilayeah and I agreed with that, I missed it when reviewing, lack of tests too11:43
jelmervila: I still don't really see where your comments about branch_only_stacks come in11:43
vilayou're right in to the trap11:43
vilayou used the wrong stack11:43
vilawell, somehow11:43
jelmervila: used the wrong stack where?11:44
vilaRemoteBranch.get_config_stack() should use config.BranchStack(),11:45
vilaand config.BranchStack should ask the branch for the right store11:45
vilaRemoteBranchStack should be used only for stacked_on_location11:45
vilaand I don't know if RemoteBzrdir.get_config_stack() should be defined at all... it's likely to cause the same kind of confusion11:46
vilajelmer: does that make sense ?11:47
jelmervila: yep11:48
vilajelmer: pfew, thanks :)11:49
vilathese are existing grey areas that concern only those two options afaik11:49
vilawhich I why I defined these stacks without using them yet as a reminder that these options are... special11:50
vila.. in the existing code I mean11:51
jelmervila: I think Remote{Branch,Control}Stack is a really confusing name in this case though11:51
vilayeah, in this other proposal I was naming them control_stack_only and remote_branch_only11:52
vilaor rather control_only_stack and branch_only_stack, anyway, 'only' is the important part ;)11:53
vilaeven cmdline_overrides shouldn't apply there... I think :)11:53
vilathe specific aspect that is not clear in the actual config scheme is option policy, stacks helps a bit, but really, what defines an option policy is which stack is used to handle them in the code,11:55
vilasome options are handled with GlobalStack, some are handled with BranchStack for example11:56
jelmervila: updated11:56
jelmervila: I've now just changed BranchStore to call Branch._get_config_store(), and bzrlib.remote doesn't have anything related to stacks anymore11:59
vilareading already11:59
vilaright, bzr config -d lp:xxx now displays bazaar.conf content, I should have thought to check that12:13
jelmerI thought it always did that?12:18
jelmerthat seems right to me12:18
vilataking your previous example, `bzr config  child_submit_to` would be broken if it was12:20
jelmervila: ah, sorry. You mean it only displays bazaar.conf content12:21
vilano, I mean it now displays branch.conf *and* bazaar.conf (nothing relevant in locations.conf so nothing is displayed) instead of only branch.conf12:22
jelmervila: it never displayed just branch.conf12:22
jelmervila: if I only have bzr_remote_path set in bazaar.conf it would previously show that too12:23
vilajelmer: it did with revno 6284 if your proposal12:23
vilawhen doing  ./bzr config -d lp:~jelmer/bzr/switch-colocated12:23
jelmervila: r6284 of my proposal is wrong :)12:23
vilaoh, sorry, I was so unclear12:24
vilawhat I meant is that I could have use that to see 6284 was wrong12:24
vilabecause it wasn't displaying bazaar.conf anymore12:24
vilajelmer: done, some last nits if you feel like taking them into account12:29
vilawell, at least the news entry one :)12:29
* vila lunch12:29
jelmervila: merci et bon appetit :)12:58
* jelmer has a somewhat limited French vocabulary12:58
vilajelmer: you've already got the most important ones :) ... "Je vous aime" can help in many situations too ;-D13:03
jelmerFrench is the main language of one of the other projects I'm involved in (OpenChange), so I do read quite a bit of it.13:08
mulljelmer, hi, thanks for looking at my fastimport patch; I've just proposed a merge.  Feel free to ping me here if you have questions.14:27
jelmermull: thanks. I've just followed up14:48
mullok.  oops, I had completely forgotten that I left an "assert" in there... that's not ideal14:50
mgzhave, that's a nice suprise,16:05
mgz5 second runtime down to 2 second runtime16:05
mgzthat will make a 0.0001% to the build process16:05
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GRiDhm. in general, a bzr import from mercurial (on google code) to launchpad should work? looks like bzr 2.5.0 according to this error log.17:06
jelmerGRiD: it's still in beta, and far behind git/svn imports17:09
GRiDjelmer, ok. well, i used the standard launchpad interface for doing the import. is it worth filing a launchpad bug?17:11
GRiDactually, i see there is one. bug #80690417:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 806904 in Launchpad itself "Mercurial import fails from Google code" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80690417:15
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mulljelmer, now I know why I wrote the code how I did... when you say "bzr fast-export x..y", revisions up to and including x are _already_ chopped off18:45
mullso my code was getting the parent of revision x+118:45
mullfunny that I couldn't remember that 24 hours later, and it took writing the test case to realize18:45
=== mull is now known as Guest87506
Noldorinhi folks21:15
jelmerhi Noldorin21:15
Noldorinhi jelmer21:15
Noldorinhow's it going?21:15
jelmerNoldorin: I'm alright. how are you?21:53
Noldorinjelmer, pretty good. going to have a go at a small patch poolie and i were talking about21:55
pooliehi all22:19
thomi|work_wgz: sorry for the delay: http://pastebin.com/Bi1ZseQL22:46
wgzthomi|work_: thanks, it does look like 0.61 triggered a lot of this pain then, because the 'ours' old and new values are different there23:04
wgzthomi|work_: <http://float.endofinternet.org/temp/pageant.zip> is a non-debug pageant with the fix23:05

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