
irctc083Am using Edubuntu 11.1 LTS and used Sabayon for the first time yesterday. In the User Profile Editor with a profile selected I get a Fatal Error when I click Edit, wich asks me to send a file09:34
irctc083g--log.conf to http://bugzilla.gnome.org.  I have seen references to similar problems when using earlier versions of Edubuntu, is there a fix for this and if so what is it ?09:37
irctc083file was /etc/sabayon/sabayon-debug-log.conf in the error message but there does not appear to be a file of this name anyway.09:40
alkisghighvoltage: so we should just reply to your mail saying "I want to serve for another term, and here's my wiki page"?12:10
highvoltagealkisg: yep12:12
alkisgTy, sent12:13
highvoltageand thank you!12:13
* highvoltage enjoys being back in this timezone12:47
highvoltagestgraber: good morning14:36
stgraberhey highvoltage14:37
stgraberI'm writting my e-mail to edubuntu-devel just now :)14:37
highvoltagethe Debian-Edu people emailmed me again about the integration script14:44
highvoltage(to authenticate edubuntu against a debian-edu server)14:44
highvoltageI'm wondering if it would perhaps be a good addition in the installer alongside the AD/LDAP options. I told them that they can join our Edubuntu meeting next week if they'd like to take some action on that.14:45
stgraberisn't there stuff just an openldap?14:51
highvoltageI think so, perhaps that could just be the openldap option then. I believe they use gosa so it should be pretty straight forward.14:52
stgraberright, I think for now it should just work with the LDAP option14:52
stgraberI haven't spent too much time thinking about it (working on the ISO tracker non-stop till next week) but my guess is that the addon will have a few "profiles"14:53
stgraberwith the most complex being AD as it's LDAP + Kerberos14:53
highvoltageI'll still encourage them to join the meeting, they might be able to do some testing for us14:53
highvoltageah yes14:53
stgraberthe others are just LDAP with a specific schema, just changing the value of the schema field should give us support for edirectory/mac directory/openldap/...14:53
JerryNJanyone awake who can help me complete an LTSP deployment on Lucid with a single nic?15:24
JerryNJanyone awake who can help me complete an LTSP deployment on Lucid with a single nic?15:27
highvoltageask away, JerryNJ15:30
JerryNJim having some difficulty15:32
JerryNJlooks like dhcpd is running on the ubuntu box, but it shouldnt15:33
JerryNJso i think that needs to be turned off15:33
JerryNJand i dont know how15:33
JerryNJon my PXE-T0115:35
JerryNJack, those are the errors I get from pixie clients15:36
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