
hazmatm_3, in lxc its in /var/log/juju/01:14
hazmatwe need to unify that, i pushed it there because really it should be there for both..01:14
hazmatbad examples becomes precedents  :-(01:14
_mup_Bug #891749: [charm-needed] ThinkUp <new-charm> <juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/891749 >05:56
george_eIt appears we have no SMTP charm?05:56
SpamapSgeorge_e: nothing yet no06:17
SpamapSgeorge_e: should be a fun one to write.. :)06:17
george_eWould it be hard?06:17
SpamapSgeorge_e: yes.. I don't think there are any smtp servers that don't have 100's of options06:17
george_e(...and would Postfix be a good choice?)06:17
SpamapSyeah since is the default in Ubuntu06:18
george_eHmmm... well, it would definitely be a challenge.06:18
SpamapSLuckily debconf helps you in that case06:28
noodles775hazmat, m_3 : I just renamed my charm (adding the hyphens back) and retried... it seems the fix is only switching the first hyphen:08:17
noodles7752011-11-22 08:14:18,542 unit:postgresql/7: hook.output ERROR: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "-"08:17
noodles775LINE 1: grant all privileges on database apache_django-wsgi to apach...08:17
noodles775fwiw, there are a bunch of other errors being reported by the hook, but I've not checked if they're just fall-out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/745665/08:19
* hazmat yawns08:20
hazmatnoodles775, huh.. it looks like the bash replace only hit the first string occurence08:21
noodles775I've removed the hyphens from the charm name, so there's no rush... enjoy your normal morning :-)08:23
_mup_Bug #893480 was filed: subordinate services need status support <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/893480 >08:27
fwereadecrikey, hazmat, I presume you're still up rather than already up?08:28
hazmatfwereade, aborted sleep attempt08:28
fwereadeheh, bad luck :(08:29
noodles775hazmat: you give up to easily if you're jumping back on irc :P08:29
hazmatnoodles775, just rallying for another attempt ;-)08:30
fwereadehazmat, quick opinion: UpstartService has .install, .start, .destroy08:30
hazmatfwereade, +is_running, else sounds reasonable08:31
hazmati can't think of a scenario atm where we'd stop and not destroy08:31
fwereadehazmat, appropriate to do everything via deferToThread(subprocess.[whatever_]call), even when there are more convenient ways to do it in python, so that I can always stick a sudo in there (so we get interactive password for local lxc-futzing)08:31
fwereadehazmat, there's an is_running too, but that one has no issues :)08:33
hazmatfwereade, indeed we need defertothread to maintain the illusion of concurrency in twisted.. the local provider plays this game. and the sudo grab works through the defer to thread08:33
rogfwereade, hazmat: mornin'08:33
fwereadehazmat, I thought it was the subprocess functions?08:33
fwereadeheya rog08:33
rognot often i see any chat at this hour...08:33
fwereadehazmat, well, both, I guess08:33
hazmatie it does subprocess functions in a defer to thread.. see local/agent.py08:33
hazmatrog g'morning08:34
fwereadehazmat, indeed, that's what I'm suggesting, that we always use that approach08:34
hazmatfwereade, sounds good08:34
fwereadehazmat, it just gives me a little twinge to shell out to do an os.remove, needed confirmation that it's not totally insane :p08:34
hazmatfwereade, not insane given the need for sudo in some cases08:35
fwereadehazmat, good-o08:35
hazmatunderstandable twinge.. but of what ? ;-)08:36
thervehazmat, any reason not to use twisted process support?08:40
hazmattherve, because its not needed since the signal problems with subprocess where fixed?08:41
hazmatafaicr the only delta is some additional closing out of parent fds in the fork08:41
hazmatwhich afacir the subprocess module does as well08:42
hazmattherve, short answer.. less twisted, more python08:42
therveok. deferToThread makes me cry a little, that's all :)08:43
hazmattherve, longer answer we started with spawnprocess for most of our subprocess usage, but it turns one line calls into whole pages of code.08:43
thervehum, weird08:43
hazmatwe could abstract our process protocol for this to make it easier, but else we where doing a separate one per interaction08:44
hazmattherve, re crying is it just the use of a separate thread that concerns, or the whole approach of a  pipe writer back into the reactor?08:47
thervehazmat, yeah using a thread, also if stock process support was easier, you wouldn't even think about it.08:48
thervegetProcessOutputAndValue generally works OK, but I don't know the particular problems here.08:49
hazmattherve, oh.. i don't think i knew about that one08:49
* hazmat wonders if it works with a sudo console grab08:49
therveI guess you need a tty for sudo08:50
hazmatah.. its in utils08:50
therveso maybe not :)08:50
fwereadetherve, it's the tty, I had had it just using getProcessOutput and I was happy :)08:52
m_3hazmat: btw, ${VAR/-/_} swaps first instance, ${VAR//-/_} swaps _all_ instances10:00
m_3noodles775: that change is pushed10:09
noodles775Thanks m_310:11
m_3noodles775: are the other hook errors (http://paste.ubuntu.com/745665/) there even when you used a name w/o '-'s?10:15
noodles775m_3: yes, they are - although the database connection works. Let me paste the current log.10:16
noodles775m_3: here's the current log (without the '-' errors): http://paste.ubuntu.com/745749/ , but as above, it seems to be working fine.10:17
m_3I'm guessing those're just psql warnings on stderr... lemme see if I can reproduce10:19
m_3noodles775: btw, are you good with the pg-v9 builtin replication scheme?  or were you using one of the other pre-9 options?10:22
* noodles775 hasn't specified any options. I'm just deploying then relating postgresql:db to my app server.10:22
m_3ok, there's no repl in the current charm.  I was going to add in the builtin repl now that we're on 9... just checking what would be most useful for you atm10:25
noodles775m_3: ah, atm I'm just doing a proof-of-concept charm. But thanks for the thought!10:30
fwereadeanyone who's around... is there any continuing benefit to using pidfiles, if we're using upstart to manage everything anyway?11:57
rogfwereade: not a question i can easily answer, i'm afraid12:02
fwereaderog, not to worry, I needn't touch them really; they won't do any harm :)12:03
Davieyhazmat: Did you notice https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-juju-roadmap isn't yet drafted?14:11
=== wrtp is now known as rog
hazmatDaviey, we're still learning the ropes of blueprints as regards the dev process.. we've got a few other blueprints for the individual items in that set, the only actionable thing related to the roadmap is to just publish the roadmap14:15
Davieyhazmat: oh groovy.. have you seen the How To?14:15
Daviey(the syntax is parsed by http://status.ubuntu.com to track progress through the cycle)14:16
hazmatDaviey, i haven't.. i've seen the status tracker, but not so much a how to on the blueprint process as regards the distro usage14:16
hazmatah.. there's a link there of course14:17
hazmatDaviey, thanks14:17
hazmatfwereade, no benefit to pid files with upstart14:22
hazmatDaviey, wrt to pre install on machines, if we do it client side, its pretty straightforward however the user will need to match numbers against the available machines.. which seems a little suspect vs just plugging in and selecting the juju  orchestra when setting up the machine.. i'm game for it either way14:25
Davieyhazmat: I wonder if 'both' makes sense?14:26
hazmatDaviey, possibly.. standby to juju means powered on, and ready to deploy units to, ie latency on the order of seconds instead of minutes, which would deliver the most benefit, the pre install is bit more helpful without the standby allocation but its useful in either case to cut the allocation time.14:29
hazmati could see a scenario where trying to allocate 10 machines in response to load suddenly hammers the network with the image transfer14:30
hazmatwhich pre-install would avoid14:31
jcastrowe've got some things marked new-charm that need looking into15:09
_mup_Bug #886362: New charm proposal: txstatsd <new-charm> <juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/886362 >15:09
_mup_Bug #886362: New charm proposal: txstatsd <new-charm> <juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/886362 >15:10
_mup_Bug #886365: New charm proposal: graphite <new-charm> <juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/886365 >15:10
jcastroand https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm/+bug/89174915:10
_mup_Bug #891749: [charm-needed] ThinkUp <new-charm> <juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/891749 >15:10
rogapparently william has a power cut15:22
hazmatrog, ah.. good to know, thanks15:28
mplrog: speaking of that, has your internet connectivity problem been solved?15:44
rogmpl: i just got a message from my phone provider saying "your problem has been fixed". we will see - the phone line has been up and down all day.15:45
mplit was fortunate you already knew how use your mobile phone as an alternative. it might have been painfull to figure it all out without connectivity.15:47
mpl*how to use15:47
rogmpl: yeah, mobile hotspot functionality on android is a godsend15:49
hazmatjimbaker, ping16:17
hazmatmarcoceppi, nice blog post16:25
marcoceppihazmat: thanks!16:26
* rog always finds it hard to maintain momentum when suddenly... all tests pass.16:28
rogdo i take out the log messages for tidiness or add more tests and do that later?16:29
jimbakerhazmat, hi16:39
* hazmat wonders why the charm browser isn't showing noodles775 noodle's django charm16:45
hazmatnoodles775, your missing a file in that charm16:47
noodles775hazmat: Originally I just committed what I had and pushed where i could, so I may not have the correct layout.16:47
hazmatnoodles775, there's no metadata.yaml16:47
hazmatat least not pushed, which means juju and the charm browser don't detect it as a charm16:47
hazmatnoodles775, ah16:47
* hazmat checks the repo16:47
noodles775Yeah, it's there: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/charm/oneiric/apache-django-wsgi/trunk/view/head:/oneiric/apache-django-wsgi/metadata.yaml16:48
* noodles775 checks the charm instructions now.16:48
hazmatnoodles775, you've got two extraneous sub-directories there.16:48
noodles775That would do it.16:48
hazmatnoodles775, neither oneiric or apache-django-wsgi should be in the actual branch, their implied by the repo name and location16:49
noodles775k, I'll remove them and re-push.16:49
hazmatnoodles775, awesome, thanks16:51
jrgiffordis it safe to assume that the juju instance (regardless of if it's ec2) is the only thing running, and you won't have multiple things on the same server?16:54
jrgifford(example: having three redmine/phpbb instances on the same juju "guest")16:55
bcsallerjrgifford: the default is one unit per machine, you'd have to do something explicit to get other behavior and the hooks to do that are quite limited right now. In the future there will be more control over that.17:00
bcsallerjrgifford: we talk about that feature in terms of 'placement'17:00
jrgiffordso, right now, i only need to think in terms of "there is *one* thing that can run on that guest/unit."17:01
jrgiffordcorrect bcsaller?17:01
bcsallerjrgifford: yes, though in the future even when that changes it will only be as a result of having lxc everywhere to provide some isolation between units17:02
jrgiffordbcsaller: ok, thanks.17:02
jrgiffordthat makes this super simple.17:03
hazmateven with lxc everywhere, it will appear as though a charm owns the entire machine, except for the case of subordinate/co-located charms which are a little different in usage target17:05
jrgiffordok. guess i don't need to go this super convoluted route i was thinking about going...17:07
jrgifford(it involved compiling a bunch of stuff to make sure it was flexible)17:07
hazmatjimbaker, bcsaller invites out17:07
* hazmat looks for a stop watch program17:08
noodles775hazmat: The branch has been updated, but maybe the directory polls/caches? I don't yet see it, but will check back after dinner.17:09
m_3jrgifford: the unit agent makes sure the hooks for a charm are executed serially too, so there's even less to worry about17:16
bcsallerhazmat: still there?17:16
hazmatbcsaller, indeed, new invite out to you17:17
m_3jrgifford: idempotency is the only real issue you gotta worry about17:17
jrgiffordm_3: gotcha.17:18
jcastroI still need 2 volunteer instructors for next Friday's Charm school17:19
jrgiffordjcastro: tentatively, i'm in.17:20
jrgiffordneed to finish this charm first though.17:20
jrgiffordsince otherwise, i won't have anything to teach on. :)17:21
jcastroI was going to go with an experienced charmer for the first one to teach17:21
jrgiffordok, that makes more sense.17:21
jcastrobasically I want this one to prep you guys up with what you need.17:21
jcastrokind of solidify a core base17:22
jcastrothen grow from there17:22
jcastroSpamapS: m_3: still need 2 volunteer instructors for the first charm school next friday *cough* *cough*17:27
jcastroI'll run the thing, just need people to answer questions17:27
m_3jcastro: I'll be there... just thought you wanted newer charm authors to lead off17:30
jcastrofor this first one let's just concentrate on getting everyone in the right place at the right time17:30
jcastrowe'll do introductions17:30
jcastrotalk about the new charms people are working on17:30
jcastroand then like, they can just Q+A you for a bit17:31
jcastroby next friday these guys should be pretty comfortable, that will just leave us with nagging hard questions.17:31
jcastrojrgifford: and then I'll put you on the hook to run the next one?17:31
m_3jcastro: sounds greate17:32
jcastrook, m_3 alright so it'll be me and you next friday, and anyone else on juju core who happens to be around in IRC and talks will get automatically roped in. :)17:33
m_3jcastro: is that in #ubuntu-classroom or #juju?17:45
m_3jcastro: nevermind, you said #juju in email17:45
jcastroI think we should do it here17:45
jcastroit will bring people into the channel17:46
jcastroand hopefully encourage them to idle17:46
rogi've been sporadically trying to resubmit a merge proposal (to change its target) but keep on getting timeouts from launchpad. is it something i'm doing, or is it launchpad flakiness currently?18:06
james_wrog, I have a vague recollection that there is a timeout bug for that case on occaision18:13
james_wif there's nothing of interest in the one you are trying to resubmit then you could delete and re-propose18:13
rogjames_w: there are a few comments that i don't want to lose18:13
james_wrog, I was thinking of a timeout on registering18:15
james_wrog, do you have an oops id from your timeouts?18:15
rogjames_w: yeah:  OOPS-c942fd1ba80db6e59400b027d15aa31c)18:16
james_wrog, though are you trying to resubmit against a branch that isn't the "development focus"?18:16
rogjames_w: what does that mean?18:16
james_wa development focus branch is anything that has a "short name"18:17
james_wlike lp:juju lp:juju/something18:17
james_wif you are trying to propose against lp:~someone/juju/something-else then it may be the bug I was thinking of18:17
rogjames_w: the branch target was not originally against the development focus18:17
rogjames_w: that's why i'm resubmitting18:17
james_wthen it may be https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/79383018:18
_mup_Bug #793830: Branch:+register-merge time out due to substring matching many tables <critical-analysis> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/793830 >18:18
rogmy mouse pointer is jiggling - anyone else get that?18:19
rogoh well, i'll delete and create again18:19
rogdo deleted merge requests remain around so i can point a URL at one (so the old comments aren't lost)18:20
james_wI don't think so18:20
rogoh well.18:20
james_wif you wait a couple more minutes we should be able to see the OOPS and that may give a clue as to a workaround18:20
rogjames_w: where do OOPSs end up?18:21
rogone mo, need to suspend to stop my mouse wiggling18:22
rogjames_w: how long does it usually take?18:23
rog(that oops was probably an hour ago)18:23
james_woh, ok18:23
james_wseems it has disappeared then18:23
james_wI think it's up to 10 minutes usually18:24
rogjames_w: thanks for your help. i've got to leave now. will try again tomorrow.18:24
rogsee y'all tomorrow18:25
hazmatmcclurmc, greetings.. how goes the xen provider?18:33
hazmater. xcp18:33
mcclurmchi hazmat18:33
mcclurmcit goes18:33
mcclurmcit's currently my spare-spare time project, unfortunately18:33
mcclurmci created a spec though, and i think i made you the approver18:34
mcclurmcis this okay?18:34
hazmatmcclurmc, sounds good, if you have any questions.. this is the place to ask..18:34
mcclurmci've got a few questions, but they're not fully formed18:36
mcclurmci'm going to try to find some time tonight to work on the filestorage implementation, so i might be back here18:37
hazmatmcclurmc, sounds good18:45
jrgiffordjcastro: sounds good.19:08
fwereadehazmat, is there any point at all in specifying pidfiles for upstart services?19:25
hazmatfwereade, none19:26
hazmatfwereade, welcome back.. i think you disconnected on the answer earlier19:26
fwereadehazmat, good-o, we can delete some code :)19:26
hazmatfwereade, lots ;-)19:26
fwereadehazmat, probably did, sorry about that19:26
hazmatfwereade, no worries, rog mentioned you had power issues19:26
fwereadehazmat, yeah, it happens every now and then19:27
jcastroso SpamapS20:19
hazmatso jcastro ;-)20:55
* hazmat wants for some more packaging automation20:56
hazmatwe haz the power20:57
jcastrowhat do you mean?21:01
jcastroactually I was just going to mail the list about charm snippets, we haz the power21:01
jcastrohazmat: what's on your mind?21:02
hazmatjcastro, just ruminating over the power of a simple site that you upload a tarball or a url + tarball of deb and it packages it for you21:02
jcastroI believe james_w is working on exactly that sort of thing21:03
hazmati wantz it21:03
james_wwe are21:04
hazmatjames_w, awesome21:04
hazmatjames_w, url ? ;-)21:04
* m_3 loves it when a plan comes together21:05
hazmathmm. pkgme is for simple CMMI (configure/make/make install) style single source single pkg systems, aka the 95%.. which is indeed awesome21:05
hazmati have  single source multi-package tarball with existing deb dir21:06
hazmatanyone interested ? ;-) http://labs.omniti.com/labs/reconnoiter21:06
hazmatits already packaged.. i was just thinking it would be nice if it could auto ppa for me.. http://labs.omniti.com/labs/reconnoiter/browser/pkg/debian21:07
hazmater.. not upstream but the packaging work is done21:07
james_wit's pretty easy to automate packaging something with a deb dir :-)21:07
hazmatjames_w, true that21:08
james_wdoes that packaged code live in a VCS somewhere public?21:08
hazmatjames_w, indeed its a public svn21:08
james_wah, sorry, looked at the link now21:08
james_wthen you want recipes21:08
hazmater.. git21:08
hazmatgit clone git://github.com/omniti-labs/reconnoiter.git21:08
james_wimport reconnoiter to LP bzr21:09
james_wand import than git repo too21:09
james_wthen combine them with a recipe and set it to build every day21:09
james_wthen you'll have a fresh PPA package every day (if there is new code to package)21:09
hazmatic.. so basically follow on https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes21:10
james_wyeah, with a bit of https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Imports thrown in to get the code in to Launchpad21:10
james_wrecipes are easier than the length of that page would suggest21:11
hazmatjames_w, if that src pkg namespace (ie. upstream) is already owned on lp, i guess i need to email the current owner to give access?21:11
james_wshouldn't do21:12
james_whttps://code.launchpad.net/~thombot/reconnoiter/trunk is an import of the main code so that takes care of that part21:13
hazmathmm.. already a src import21:13
hazmatso just need a recipe that skips nest for mv21:13
james_wnest-part will do that21:14
hazmatjames_w, well its got a failed build i assume because of the nest part21:15
hazmatie. there's already a recipe21:15
james_wdidn't see the recipe21:15
james_wtrying to nest from itself21:16
jcastroI love "accidentally" finding recipes21:16
hazmatjames_w, yeah.. just reading through this bug report against the same sort of usage of nest-part https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-builder/+bug/77156821:17
_mup_Bug #771568: nest-part unable to nest files <udd> <bzr-builder:Confirmed> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771568 >21:17
hazmatseems like it should just do a mv21:17
hazmatjcastro, re charm snippets, what about a gist/pastebin setup?21:18
jcastrowhat, contribute your snippet, then we just have a list of URLs?21:19
hazmatjcastro, with description, search, comments, tags, ratings21:19
jcastrook so how would that work21:20
jcastrolet's say I have a snippet.21:20
jcastroI put it in pastebin21:20
jcastrothen ... ?21:20
marcoceppiI'm in favor of gist's because you can fork gists21:20
hazmatyou'd add a description of what your snippet does publish it to the a snippet repo, other folks could discover it via search, comment on it, and rate it21:20
marcoceppiHow do your other examples work? I don't think I've ever used them21:20
hazmatmarcoceppi, ?21:21
hazmatmarcoceppi, you mean the example formulas?21:21
m_3might need to be a little more involved though... templating, local config storage, etc... was thinking language-specific charmutils deployed on each unit.  but I really like the simplicity of gists/pastes21:21
hazmatthe examples dir is a repo21:21
marcoceppihazmat jcastro put up a few packages as examples, one for bash and one for python21:21
hazmatm_3, in that context, well the question is the purpose to share knowledge or multi-file arbitrary language code21:21
marcoceppiOh, nevermind, I see what those are now21:22
hazmatgist/pastes with comments/ratings can share knowledge and discovery via search21:22
hazmatlibraries share code21:22
m_3hazmat: I'd be leaning more towards sharing code... it's really boilerplate as far as knowledge goes21:23
m_3we should include examples in the list21:24
m_3love the gist/pastebin approach though... I'm not clear on the lines between the different uses21:25
jcastroyeah so the thing is21:25
m_3definitely a problem... charmers start copying scripts from one charm to the next21:26
jcastro"I need to get foo and do bar to it", here you go dude, here's the pastebin. If it's basically like another store but for snippets .... too complicated?21:26
marcoceppiWhat about if snippets get updated?21:26
marcoceppior would these just be "use at your own risk brooooo"21:26
jcastrocan you update gists?21:27
jcastroso the url doesn't change?21:27
marcoceppijcastro: Not really, it creates a fork to it, IIRC21:28
marcoceppijk, you can21:28
marcoceppiEven tracks revision history21:28
m_3hazmat: BTW, reconnoiter is building in my ppa if you just want a one-off package to charm with (https://launchpad.net/~mark-mims/+archive/ppa/+packages)... I'll let you know when it finishes21:29
hazmatm_3, score! ;-)21:30
m_3jcastro: and forks https://gist.github.com/133658521:30
jcastrook so this seems pretty lightweight to me21:31
m_3hazmat: dunno if it'll build, but we'll see21:32
m_3jcastro: quite lightweight, but that can be a good thing... perhaps this is two different requirements21:33
hazmatm_3, i'm hopeful21:33
jcastrom_3: lightweight wins here I think, they're just snippets21:33
james_wif it does build then https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/+recipe/reconnoiter-daily will do it daily21:33
hazmatthe problem with gists is discovery21:33
james_wbzr saves the day21:33
hazmatjames_w, awesome21:33
jcastrohazmat: so, if we're going for some lightweight ones, why not just a wiki page with the common ones?21:34
jcastroalso, sabfl just responded on the list, so it will definately not be me recommending using something from github. :p21:34
m_3james_w: thanks, I'll try that out... I haven't played with recipes yet... just sort of plugged reconnoiter(sp?) into the debuild process that I've been scared to leave cause it works!21:35
hazmatjcastro, good question21:35
m_3jcastro: wiki => manual process == evil ( or really, just out of date)21:35
marcoceppiWiki pages kind of suck at managing code snippets?21:36
jcastronot for the snippets themselves21:36
jcastroI mean as a link to snippets, but mark has a point about the manualness21:36
jcastrooh dude, I got it.21:37
m_3charm-store extension21:37
jcastroand then the index becomes: http://pad.ubuntu.com/ep/search?query=charm-snippet21:37
marcoceppinot a bad idea21:38
hazmatexcept there is no pad search21:38
marcoceppiSeems to maintain formatting OK21:39
jcastromarcoceppi: right expect you'd make another one, one for each snippet21:40
hazmatgoing back to a wiki page... assuming good formatting tools and embedded discussion (disqus).. is it problematic?21:40
jcastroand tag it with #charm-snippet21:40
hazmati guess i shouldn't assume the current wiki site for juju21:40
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, I was just testing the formatting21:40
m_3wiki'd work21:41
jcastrook so wiki is fine21:41
jcastroother than no one who doesn't work for canonical can't write to it yet.21:41
m_3we'll need cli and vim plugins a la pastebinit21:42
jcastroman, bummer about the search on etherpad21:45
jcastrothat is almost what we want.21:45
m_3hazmat: reconnoiter isn't scheduled to build for another 7hrs (amd64) and 11hrs (i386)... I'm guessing they're still playing with perl or something on the buildds22:28
hazmatm_3, no worries, i've been down the buildd road b4 by hand, its a waiting game22:56

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