
DaskreechSomeone is asking in #kubuntu if a full KDE upgrade was pushed to 10.0402:29
DaskreechWas anything done for 10.04 recently?02:32
Darkwingdaskreech, check the news on the site... I'm mobile but, nothing is ringing02:35
DaskreechDid already. Nothing there02:36
Darkwingit would be there if we did... who was it in kubuntu?02:37
Riddellhttp://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1276-1/  kdeutils was updated02:37
Daskreechsays that they have 66 packages being updated02:38
DaskreechHmm that would cover a fair number 02:38
DaskreechThanks Riddell02:38
Riddellthat includes kde4libs too02:38
Darkwingher rid02:39
Darkwinghi Riddell02:39
Darkwingtab fail02:39
Darkwingneed to bug quassrldroid02:40
micahgsounds about right02:48
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tsdgeosdo i read correctly from http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-473 that 4.7.3 will eventually end up in 11.10 "regular" repos?09:04
tsdgeosinstead of having to use the ppa?09:04
apacheloggertsdgeos: that is the workflow since last year or so09:13
apacheloggerstable release updates first get into PPA -> testing -> upload to official -proposed archive -> more testing -> if all goes well move to official -updates archive09:14
tsdgeosi've been out of the kubuntu scene for a while09:14
apacheloggertsdgeos: btw, Riddell has the rekonq translations issue on his todo09:15
agateauhey fellow ninjas! I am working on the massif-visualizer package, I set the "Maintainer" field to "Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>", is it correct to set the "XSBC-Original-Maintainer" to myself until the package has been accepted in Debian?09:48
apacheloggeragateau: yes09:56
agateauapachelogger: ok, thanks09:56
debfxRiddell: something is wrong with the qtwebkit merge. libqtwebkit4 grew by +1728 kB10:04
Riddelldebfx: also symbols failure on ARM :(11:58
agateaummm, wanted to propose my massif-visualizer package to Debian, but kgraphviewer is Ubuntu only :/12:31
agateauany chance kgraphviewer can go into Debian?12:31
Riddellyou'd need to ask Debian people but kgraphviewer says "Original-Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>12:40
Riddellwhich suggests it comes from there12:40
Riddellthere might be a reason it hasn't been uploaded12:40
Riddelldebian's channel is #debian-qt-kde on oftc12:44
agateaudamn, yet another irc network12:46
Riddellagateau: are you going to upload massif-visualizer to revu?12:47
agateauRiddell: I was planning to get it in Debian and then ask for it to be synced, what would be the best approach?12:48
Riddellagateau: depends on how much time you want to spend on it, going through debian will be slower12:48
agateauRiddell: I guess it doesn't hurt to upload to revu first, then12:49
Riddellpersonally I'd just e-mail debian and if they want it they can take it12:51
agateauI filed an ITP for the package, so I'd better carry on with this now12:51
RiddellI have a patch for Qt, I wonder how long it'll take to work out how to submit it12:57
Riddellagateau: any idea what this means? "Qt 4: Add a git remote called "gerrit" in your cloned repository, which points to the Qt 4 project on codereview.qt-project.org."13:14
Riddellthere's nothingabout git remote on qt-project's git page13:14
agateauRiddell: git remote is a standard git command13:14
agateauyou run git remote add gerrit the-correct-url-for-this remote13:14
agateauthen you can do things like git pull gerrit13:15
agateauit's as if you were configuring the lp: part of bzr13:15
Riddellah ok13:15
agateauRiddell: just pushed to revu, but it tells me we can't upload to precise, is that normal?13:35
Riddellagateau: probably revu is just out of date13:38
Riddelldid it reject it or just give a warning?13:38
agateauRiddell: it says there is a common error13:38
Riddellyeah it's just out of date13:39
agateauso I can just ignore that?13:39
agateauso next step is to bribe you to accept it?13:40
Riddellah well that's a mixed blessing, if I review it and upload it from revu then I can't review it as part of New queue13:41
agateauwow, too much burocracy! I am switching to Arch! ;)13:42
Riddellweird e-mail du jour, they get weirder each jour I'm sure http://paste.kde.org/149480/13:45
agateauRiddell: I guess she downloaded the iso and don't know what to do with it13:47
RiddellI guess so, usually when I get e-mails with that sort of subject line they are spam13:47
agateauthis is the next generation of spam, filled with faked sensible content13:49
Riddellagateau: do you know what I'm doing wrong here? http://paste.kde.org/149492/13:58
agateauRiddell: any error message?13:59
Riddellssh: Could not resolve hostname gerrit: Name or service not known14:01
agateauRiddell: I find the "git push gerrit:refs/for/master" line suspicious14:03
agateauI would have expected something like "git push gerrit master:master"14:04
Riddellme too, it says "push you changes to remote "gerrit" to the branch refs/for/master, if master is the branch you are targeting. " at http://wiki.qt-project.org/Qt_Contribution_Guidelines14:04
agateauthen it should be "git push gerrit master:refs/for/master"14:05
agateaunote the space (not colon) after "gerrit"14:05
agateaubut the "refs/for/master" part looks weird14:06
agateauyou have to understand the syntax for git push is "git push $remote $localbranch:$remotebranch"14:06
Riddellhmm well I can't even get it to connect to that ssh server14:08
Riddellmaybe I should give up and just file a bug instead14:08
agateauRiddell: where did you get the info about ssh://codereview.qt-project.org:29418/ ?14:16
Riddellagateau: educated guess from http://codereview.qt-project.org/#admin,projects and http://codereview.qt-project.org/#settings,ssh-keys (which lists known_hosts as [codereview.qt-project.org]:29418)14:19
agateauRiddell: makes sense, but your remote is not complete, it should point to a git repository not just an host14:20
Riddellbeen trying  git push gerrit master:refs/for/master/no-format-arguments   and git push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/master/no-format-arguments14:21
Riddellbut now I have an ssh problem14:21
Riddellit doesn't accept my key14:21
Riddellso meh, I'll just file a bug14:22
agateauI mean, the definition of your remote should not be just ssh://codereview.qt-project.org:29418/ it's like saying you push to launchpad.net without specifying a project14:22
agateaubut I am having trouble finding the name of the qt4 project14:23
tsdgeosthere's no qt4 project yet14:23
agateauah, that would be the reason14:23
tsdgeossome people told me there won't be one some others told me it will be there after release14:23
tsdgeosthere's a gerrit list projects command14:23
agateautsdgeos: so qt4 patches should still go to gitorious?14:24
tsdgeosno idea really14:24
agateaumaybe Frederik knows a bit more?14:24
tsdgeosssh -p PORT URL gerrit ls-projects14:24
agateaufregl: hi, any idea ^14:24
tsdgeoswill give you the list of porjects14:24
tsdgeoslast i checked qt4 wasn't there14:25
agateauoh nice14:25
Riddellhmm, so when qt-project's documentation says "Qt 4: Add a git remote called "gerrit" in your cloned repository" what is means is "don't use gerrit at all"14:25
freglagateau: qt4 is not yet there :( people are working on it14:25
agateauRiddell: seems like you are right :/14:26
agateaufregl: hey, while you are there, I am working on this a11y bug on Oneiric...14:26
freglagateau: refs/for/master is just the convention to tell gerrit that this is a patch for the master branch. refs/for/foobar/baz would mean the baz patchset in foobar branch14:27
* fregl hides ;)14:27
agateaufregl: I was thinking of doing something like that qputenv("QT_ACCESSIBILITY", "1"); QApplication app(...); unsetenv("QT_ACCESSIBILITY")14:27
agateaufregl: any chance this will work?14:27
agateaufregl: I guess the question should be: is it enough to have the env var set only while QApplication is constructed14:28
* agateau wonders if he gave fregl enough context to understand his question14:28
freglagateau: can't we just put the plugin somewhere out of the normal plugin path and let unity load it specifically? I hate the whole env var thing and I'm not really sure how the env is passed around14:29
freglI understand the question I think :)14:29
agateaufregl: I like this approach as well14:29
agateaufregl: mmm, but then we need to patch the plugin not to care about the env var14:30
freglagateau: that is the goal anyway - the patch is removing one line14:30
agateaufregl: I am not sure distro people will like me for moving .so to non-standard places14:30
freglah, the patch would be in Qt itself of course...14:31
* Riddell adds grumpy note to qt-project's wiki so others don't end up spending time on a process which doesn't exist14:31
freglsetting QT_ACCESSIBILITY=0 works also if unset is not working14:31
freglRiddell: thanks14:32
agateaufregl: I think unset will work, I was just asking this because unity-2d is made of several binaries but they use an internal shared library, and they all call a method called earlySetup at the begining, so I was looking into a way to do the env var dance in only one place in the code14:33
* fregl checks the qt code14:34
freglagateau: the code only checks once upon startup and loads the plugin and then sets a bool to true and never checks again14:35
freglagateau: so your approach sounds promising. and users could still manually run apps with the env var set14:36
agateaufregl: yes, I saw that, the only question is: is the plugin loaded while qapp is constructed14:36
freglagateau: it is loaded when the a11y frameworks is used the first time - so when an event is fired - eg focus change14:36
freglI think14:36
agateaufregl: ok14:37
freglRiddell: https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTQAINFRA-393 - latest I hear it is going to be after 4.8.0 is released, but I'm not sure if that is what is going to happen14:37
agateauactually I think there is also a single code place which is responsible for starting all apps, so I am just going to patch there14:38
freglagateau: I think worst case you send one bogus a11y event and it should load the plugin then14:38
agateaufregl: ok, good to know14:38
freglagateau: I think you can use QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(0); to make sure it's started14:41
agateaufregl: mmm, the code has an early check for object != 014:43
freglagateau: yes, but you need the bool accessibility_active = true;14:43
agateaufregl: that's the only needed thing?14:44
freglagateau: ah, maybe better "delete QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(qApp)" then, you are right14:44
agateaufregl: ok. I am testing some env. var based code right now, but will look into that if it doesn't work14:45
freglgreat, thanks14:45
Riddellagateau: do you have libdbusmenu-qt merge on your todo?15:42
agateauRiddell: nope15:42
agateauRiddell: I am in a meeting atm15:42
Riddellagateau: to put it another way, as the most recent uploaded that merge should be on your todo list or you should ask for someone else to do it :)16:04
agateauRiddell: not sure what you mean16:33
agateau(meeting done)16:34
Riddellagateau: generaly policy is most recent uploader is responsible for doing the start of cycle merge, if you don't want to do it put a note next to it on merges.ubuntu.com16:35
Riddellyay, valorie is an elite e.v. member!16:36
* agateau has never heard about this site => reads16:37
Riddellagateau: at the start of each cycle we merge our packages with debian to keep the changes at a minimum16:37
Riddellthat site lists the needed merges (and gives some diffs between packages although I've never found them very useful compared to just doing it by hand)16:38
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bambeeevening all18:21
Riddellbonsoir bambee 18:21
Quintasanyofel, You do not happen to have a webserver capable of running Tracks instance, do you?21:35
yofelQuintasan: Tracs in... "trac" from the archive?21:38
Quintasanyofel, nah, as in Ruby on Rails based todo manager21:47
yofelQuintasan: first time I hear of it, so I at least have nothing running right now21:52
yofellooks interesting though21:52
valoriegood thing I have IRC, because I have never time to read email anymore21:55
valorieoff to see my daddy again.....21:55
Quintasanyofel, Do tell if you fancy running one, I'd like to give it a try in an environment where one can rm -rf the install dir and be sure their data is gone :P21:57
yofelaks me again on friday, don't have time before that21:58
QuintasanHowever I do not really fancy digging through documentation on setting up a RoR-able server21:58
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apacheloggerQuintasan: you good sir have better things to do23:25

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