
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
kernel^klinkhi there00:28
kernel^klinkhave ? if anyone is home00:28
OsmodivsHello. I am trying to install a .run file, and I need to get out of the GUI, but I cant, I get this error message: root@Djiin:~# service gdm stop         gdm: unrecognized service Am I even using the right command?00:38
Unit193Nope, service lxdm stop00:39
OsmodivsAh, GDM must be Gnome, eh?00:39
OsmodivsI come from Ubuntu, you know00:40
OsmodivsUnit193: Thank you00:40
Unit193Yeah, GDM was default in Ubuntu and Xubuntu, Lubuntu has had LXDM00:41
Unit193(Ubuntu and Xubuntu have already switched to lightdm, Lubuntu may next release)00:41
thornhillstaffhow do I change the name of a desktop shortcut.00:43
Unit193May be able to right click and edit it, else you can just open a terminal and manually edit the file (Easy too)00:43
RahaHow do I configure my wireless connection? it usually pop out in the right-bottom of my screen. But now its gone/00:44
thornhillstaffI opened the file and did a save as. I'm trying to rename the link for Gnumeric to Excel to help the luddites at work get with the program.00:47
thornhillstaffAnyways, saving as Excel.desktop doesn't work either.00:47
Unit193No, there should be a Name=Gnumeric  section, just change that00:48
thornhillstaffyes, that helps a lot!00:48
thornhillstaffThey will be so pleased that they now have Excel on Linux...00:49
RahaHow do I configure my wireless connection? it usually pop out in the right-bottom of my screen. But now its gone/00:51
Unit193Raha: You should have a network applet. Is this a fresh install?>00:55
Unit193thornhillstaff: They are not 100% compatible. You could always try installing in wine :P00:56
RahaYup, it is. But I cannot see any program named network applet01:01
Unit193I upgraded and it didn't go well, that's the icon that sometimes isn't visible. Do you have a space inbetween icons?01:06
Unit193Also, could be that your wireless isn't installed/no driver01:06
RahaI take a look to system profiler and benchmark, and it does have the wireless and driver.01:09
Rahanope, I am not seeing any space between icon01:09
ubot5Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:12
RahaThank you, I am really appreciate it.01:14
RahaI think its diffirent01:15
Rahaaince lubuntu and ubuntu use different GUI01:16
Unit193Okay, well it doesn't quite seem like nm-applet is running, so how about hitting alt+F2 and typing   nm-applet01:17
Rahawow, its work01:19
Rahaso the name of the application is nm-applet01:19
RahaThank You, and Happy Thanks Giving01:20
thornhillstaffis there a lightweight presentation software that's good for lubuntu?01:23
Unit193Wow... The only one I know of is Libre/OpenOffice and that isn't lightweight01:24
thornhillstaffbeamer, but I can't pass that off as Powerpoint...01:24
Unit193LibreOffice is as close as you can get to MSO without having MSO01:25
thornhillstaffyeah, I suppose I'm going to have to break down and install it, but my machine is only 500 MB01:25
thornhillstaffwill it run?01:27
Unit193Well... I've not used it on my Lubuntu install :P01:30
Unit193You can always purge it if it doesn't work out01:31
wxlThe Presentation view of AbiWord, which permits easy display of presentations created in AbiWord on "screen-sized" pages, is another feature not often found in word processors.01:31
wxl^^ from wikipedia01:31
wxlnever used it so don't complain at me if it sucks :D01:34
thornhillstaffhow do I click a link and open it in terminal?01:34
wxlyou mean open a link in chromium from lxterminal? ctrl-click01:37
thornhillstaffthx, but I already copied and pasted01:37
OsmodivsHello. I installed the Cudatoolkit from nVdia's site. Now I want to install another .run file, but everytime I try to turn off the GUI,  the Monitor just shuts off, it recives no signal, and I cant acces any tty to execute the .run fiel, What could be wrong here? I a m using $sudo service lxdm stop02:38
OsmodivsI guess it's NOT Lubuntu's fault, eh?02:48
Unit193Try using Additional Drivers (aka, Jockey)02:50
OsmodivsI am using the 3D modeling suite called "Blender", I need to use the GPU renderer CYCLES, and I need CUDA, the latest drivers no reverse engineiring can provide02:52
Unit193I'll just stick this here (A little different, but same idea) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:57
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=== LinoSP|away is now known as LinoSP
thornhillstaffI can't believe Lubuntu03:56
thornhillstaffHow does it run stuff with such little memory!?03:57
Unit193Would it be ok if I said "magic!"?03:59
Unit193The devs select what's installed by default very well, they try not to add anything that can load it down04:00
thornhillstaffwell I have to say I'm incredibly impressed, I think I don't need to throw out a computer I was going to toss.04:01
thornhillstaff192 MB RAM doesn't go far these days.04:01
theredbaron_Plus it looks alot better then unity.04:01
theredbaron_True, Though I have lubuntu installed on my gammingish pc. 3gb ram, 4gb swap.04:02
Unit193Well, you could always join #lubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat04:02
thornhillstaffI use Ubuntu on the regular laptop and I regularly peak my usage at around 3 to 4GB,04:03
thornhillstaffI have 6 total, excluding swap04:03
thornhillstaffI do quite a lot of multitasking.04:04
theredbaron_:) Nice. Also, yeah, this is more of a offtopic thing. Though I am already there.04:04
thornhillstaffso a question is at what point does my lubuntu usage become so much like my Ubuntu usage that there's barely any difference?04:05
theredbaron_What do you mean? ram?04:05
thornhillstaffDoesn't install g or k programs mean I'm getting the load of those desktops?04:05
thornhillstaff"Doesn't installing..." was the words in my head as I was lazily typing that...04:06
thornhillstaffwere... stupid grammar04:07
theredbaron_Not really. I mean, yes, it takes up the space on your drive, but not your ram.04:07
thornhillstaffwell drive space isn't a problem. I'm mostly concerned about RAM usage.04:08
theredbaron_Inless your run the daemons, ect. Like I have gnome-settings-daemon running, cause it is the eaisest way to get banshee working with bluetooth keys, but I had to force it too start.04:08
thornhillstaffIt seems in practice the RAM usage is pretty great.04:09
theredbaron_I tried to go to it on my lappy before, that had just 1gb ram and just a 15gbdrive, so no swap.  Only prob is puaseaudio sucked. Kept dieing. But things are much better now. Compiz would crash on me all the time, so I knew I had to get some better ram light distro. Thank goodness pualse works better now. Only DE I use now.04:11
theredbaron_Is there any way to have pulseaudio default to ad2p instead of hsp/hfp when I connect my headset?04:51
theredbaron_Not a big deal, I just have to open up volume control to change it, but would be nice.04:52
thornhillstaffhow do I enable mp4 playing in Chrome?05:16
theredbaron_  I believe you just need ito install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg05:19
bioterrorthat's what the url says which I pasted05:19
theredbaron_O, that is an even better answer. :)05:19
wxlanyone here use cmus?07:05
bioterrormoc ;)07:06
bioterrorI found it some what better07:07
wxlhow so?07:07
bioterroreasier to navigate and all the other small things07:07
wxloh well screw it07:08
wxlcan't get cmus to even load anyways07:08
bioterrorwhat does it say?07:08
wxlfreaking nothing07:08
wxljust sits there07:08
wxlSetting up moc (1:2.5.0~alpha4+svn20110823-1) ...07:09
wxl$ moc07:09
wxlThe program 'moc' can be found in the following packages: * libqt4-dev * qt3-dev-tools07:09
wxlintuitive that07:10
bioterrordo you get sound? :)07:12
bioterrorI'm not a huge fan of playlists07:12
wxlnow i just gotta figure out how to not make it look like freaking mc07:12
bioterrorso I usually disable that view with l key07:12
wxlwell that's the only intelligent way to play a directory unfortunately07:13
wxlfrom what i can tell07:13
wxlyep that looks much better07:15
wxloh heh07:16
squeeishhi all, anyone here?10:22
squeeishi'm a newbie to linux. i just installed lubuntu, and i'm having no notification sounds in pidgin and xchat10:23
bioterrorabout ~50 users10:23
bioterrorhow we may help you?10:23
squeeishwell i'm not getting any notification sounds in pidgin and xchat10:24
squeeishhowever i'm getting sound from youtube in chromium10:24
bioterrorand you have sounds enabled in pidgin?10:25
bioterrorthere's a check mark?10:25
squeeishbut there's no sound when i click "preview"10:25
squeeishsame thing for xchat10:25
squeeishin fact, in xchat the files for sounds seem to be missing. i downloaded an xchat sound pack to no avail10:26
bioterrorand you have checked alsamixer and you have all sound levels "okay"?10:26
squeeishi put them in /usr/.xchat2/sounds10:26
squeeishi haven't, where do i find this alsamixer?10:26
bioterroropen terminal10:26
bioterrorand run command: alsamixer10:26
squeeishalsamixer came up10:27
squeeishmaster,headphone and PCM are all maxed out10:28
squeeishmaster-m, line, cd and mic are all zero10:28
bioterrorthose should not matter10:28
bioterrorpcm and master are the things that matters10:28
bioterrorsure you can try to lieft master-m level10:29
bioterrorbut I assume it wont make any difference10:29
squeeishstill no joy.10:30
squeeishtake xchat for example10:30
squeeishunder settings->preferences->sound10:30
squeeishsound playing method: automatic10:30
squeeishsound files directory: /home/<me>/.xchat2/sounds10:30
squeeishthat's correct right?10:31
bioterrorshould be10:42
bioterrordo we have here any xchat users?-)10:42
squeeishhold on, i might have found a solution10:43
squeeishapparently the sound file i've selected doesn't play in audacious10:43
squeeishim guessing that in ubuntu gnome installs a sound pack for us by default, and we don't have that sound pack in lubuntu?10:45
squeeishthanks any bioterror11:00
bioterroryou solved your issue?-)11:00
squeeishsort of i guess11:00
squeeishi just pointed the sounds to the /user/share/sounds folder11:01
squeeishand i still don't understand how i used to have sounds working out of the box in ubuntu heh11:01
bioterrorsame packages11:02
bioterrorshould not make any difference11:03
squeeishbut i didn't need to configure these in ubuntu haha11:03
squeeishwell, learnt something today11:03
=== robotman09 is now known as AlexAv
OsmodivsHello. Why can't I see other tty's in my system? I go to Ctrl-F1,F2,F3 but I can't see anything, no login text or anythimg, I only get a NO SIGNAL message from my monitor and, thats it. Are they turn off or something?15:15
leszekOsmodivs: no they should run. I guess its graphicdriver problem on your system15:17
holsteinOsmodivs: i experience that on a machine with VIA graphics, and i assume its related15:17
OsmodivsAh, Graphics driver, I bet it was when I installed Nvidia's propietary CUDAtoolkit4.0, (Lubuntu's default is 3.0)15:18
OsmodivsBecause that happened after a reboot, after the cudatoolkit installation15:19
Mr_EE1please help with grub guys i have installed windows but now i cant go back to lubuntu16:55
IAmNotThatGuyMr_EE1, do you have a Live CD or USB with you right now?17:03
Mr_EE1yeah a live disc17:03
IAmNotThatGuyare you using it now? I mean are you in the Live VD now?17:04
Mr_EE1 IAmNotThatGuy: yep17:04
IAmNotThatGuyOkaky thats great17:04
IAmNotThatGuyJust open terminal and type "grub-install /dev/sda" without quotes. I believe you have only one hard disk now17:06
IAmNotThatGuyMr_EE1, Kindly pastebin the result you get17:07
IAmNotThatGuy!pastebin | Mr_EE117:07
ubot5Mr_EE1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:07
Mr_EE1 IAmNotThatGuy: it says that bash: grub-install: command not found17:08
IAmNotThatGuyokay try sudo update-grub17:08
Mr_EE1 IAmNotThatGuy:  that one doesnt do17:09
IAmNotThatGuyYou are working in the same machine right?17:09
Mr_EE1the feedback " liveuser is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.17:10
Mr_EE1yeah i am17:10
IAmNotThatGuyOkay I have found a link. Follow 2) in http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin717:10
IAmNotThatGuyUsing Ubuntu 9.10 livecd or higher17:10
IAmNotThatGuyMr_EE1, do you know what is your Ubuntu partition number ?17:11
IAmNotThatGuysda1 or sda3 that kind? and 11.10 is okay17:12
IAmNotThatGuyGreat. then execute the following commands17:12
IAmNotThatGuysudo -i17:13
IAmNotThatGuymount /dev/sda2 /mnt17:13
IAmNotThatGuygrub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda17:13
IAmNotThatGuyThis time, it should work17:13
IAmNotThatGuyI am not using these commands for a while. Should refresh the memory lol17:14
Mr_EE1for this one it says "mount /dev/sda2 /mnt17:14
Mr_EE1for this  "mount /dev/sda2 /mnt"" it says ""mount: only root can do that"17:16
IAmNotThatGuyUmmm! check the partition number by running sudo fdisk -l17:16
IAmNotThatGuyuse sudo as a prefix17:17
IAmNotThatGuyproper link is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2?action=show&redirect=GRUB2#Methods_of_Reinstalling17:17
IAmNotThatGuyI ll brb17:17
Mr_EE1it gives me this "liveuser is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.17:17
IAmNotThatGuyyou executed sudo i ?17:21
Mr_EE1yep but it said the same thing17:24
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
echoprinterMy audio player are having issues. When I pause on Mplayer the audio sounds like a CD skipping..and Aqualung does the same thing but it freezes up the entire OS. :/18:53
echoprinterGreat distro other than that.18:53
freeroutehi everyone, why does the update manager tell me there are still updates when I just ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ?20:55
wxlbecause you asked it to :D20:55
freeroutebut doesn't update manager do exactly the commands which I ran?20:55
wxlyep but it doesn't mean that it didn't check before you ran apt-get20:56
wxljust go to software sources and change the settings so update manager stays quiet or at least doesn't pop up a notice immediately20:57
freerouteah ok, so essentially it will install things which are already installed?20:57
Unit193You also may have a kernel upgrade20:57
freerouteUnit193: Linux lubz-VB 3.0.0-13-generic #22-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 2 13:25:36 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux20:57
Unit193Since it's VirtualBox, try running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and see if you catch anything in there20:59
freeroute0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:01
wxli don't think it's a bug or anything21:01
wxlhappens to me all the time21:01
wxlusually WHILE i'm running apt-get21:01
wxli think update manager listens for apt-get updte21:01
Unit193Personally, I think it's just annoying21:04
freerouteyeah, update manager popped up exactly while I did just that21:04
freerouteideally I would have run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and not see anything in update manager anymore21:05
wxlopen up software sources21:05
wxlyou can tweak update manager's behavior there21:05
wxli just turned it off21:05
wxli ALWAYS apt-get21:06
freerouteah cool, I just let the important security updates stay21:09
freerouteI never know when I'm feeling too lazy to apt-get update && upgrade ;)21:09
bkmsometimes when apt-get says, 8 packages not upgraded, i run aptitude and it installs them21:16
bkmdrives me crazy, but i do not really know the difference between apt-get and aptitude21:17
Unit193bkm: After that, try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:17
wxlaptitude is an ncurses front end for apt-get21:17
bkmafter what?21:17
bkm13:17 < wxl> aptitude is an ncurses front end for apt-get <- why does it install the 8 that apt-get missed? is it because the 8 are from a different distribution (hence, the dist-upgrade flag?)?21:19
bkmthanks for the link - man, how does something get as screwed up as that??21:20
Unit193Makes sense, dist-upgrade can install more programs to upgrade, also does kernel and some others21:21
wxlthis should explain it: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/6921:22
Unit193I use that one all the time, but I also use --purge on autoremove so it's not the best example to follow ;)21:22
wxllet's say you have package x21:22
wxland suddenly the new version of x requires y21:22
wxlwell upgrade doesn't exactly know what to do with that21:22
bkmwxl, Unit193, thanks for the links21:24
Unit193Sure, glad we could help21:24
bkmwhat i really would like to ask is there a non-kpvnc way to easily connect to a microsef vpn?21:25
wxlsorry no help from me on that one21:25
bkmif i install all 169 MB of kde, i know that that i can connect vi kppp, kpvnc, or whatever their gui is called. all other methods seem to fail - not really sure why.21:26
Unit193network-manager-pptp maybe? I have no idea also, I'd jsut say something about OpenVPN and be done :P21:26
* Unit193 uses SSH21:26
wxlyeah openvpn rocks21:26
wxlBUT i rarely use it21:27
bkmwxl, as a client?21:27
wxli even use it on my palm pre :D21:27
bkmi think i tried it once, maybe i should try again, thix21:27
wxlobviously you're already somewhat comfortable with terminal.. no reason to have a gui21:28
bkmwxl, there is a reason to use it if it works when nothing else does21:28
wxlbtw i'd highly recommend cmus if you want a lightweight library-based music player21:28
wxl(rhythmbox sucks)21:28
bkmit would be wonderful to understand what is happening, but it's frustrating knowing i can just add 169 MB of cruft and not have to understand what is happening21:29
wxli dunno it's darn simple21:29
wxljust takes a little to understand and set up21:30
wxlbkm: you're on oneiric?21:32
bkmi haven't played with this for quite a while. perhaps it won't be as screwed up as it was in the past {but i think it might be worse}21:34
wxlin your ~/.ssh put your config and key21:34
wxlmake sure you have line "remote host port"21:34
wxland say assuming you are using pkcs12 "pcks12 yourkey.p12"21:35
wxli also have:21:35
wxldev tun21:35
wxlproto tcp21:35
wxltun-mtu 140021:35
wxlcipher BF-CBC21:35
wxlverb 321:35
wxlnot all of them are necessary21:36
Unit193-!pastebin ;)21:36
wxlsave it as .ovpn21:36
wxlUnit193: yeah i know but i don't wanna bother having to ssh to my phone. being lazy :D21:36
batataHi. I'm installing a minimal system and when I apt-get install LXDE i get  261 newly installed packages (about 302 MB of  disk space). How could I install LXDE only with basic applications?22:10
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
szczurbatata, install lxde-core22:35
szczurit should pull only basic programs needed to run lxde22:35
Unit193!info lubuntu-core22:57
ubot5lubuntu-core (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment - minimal installation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.24 (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)22:57
JackyAlcineWhere's jmarsden?23:54
wxlnot in my pocket23:54
JackyAlcineLol, I'd have to wait until he's online..23:55

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