
BillyZDoes anyone know how to bring up the classic desktop in Ubuntu 11:10?01:45
CaseyHello. I would like to ask how to unmount a partition when the partition I would like to unmount isn't mounted04:22
inferencewhy would you need to unmount it then casey04:47
inferencekids these days04:48
dutchman79hi all14:07
dutchman79I need help updating/installing my adobe flash player, please14:08
BillDRhi dutchman, what problem are you having?14:09
dutchman79I can't get the terminal window to go to the area where I downloaded the file. So I can extract it to the mozilla folder14:10
BillDRDoes this help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:17
dutchman79checking it now14:17
dutchman79no go. I still getting nothing14:21
dutchman79each time I copy the code for the file location, I get this, "bash: cd: /home/user/Downloads: No such file or directory"!!!14:24
BillDRtry dragging the folder to the terminal window and it will write the exact path on the terminal window14:26
dutchman79i'll give it a try now14:27
geirhaIs your username really "user" ?14:28
dutchman79It now says permission denied. AAAARRRRRRGGGGGG!!!! :-(14:29
compiledkernelgeirha: that would be rather awkward, no?14:29
dutchman79who? me14:29
BillDRtype sudo before the command14:30
geirhaNo, sudo cd won't work14:30
geirhacd ~/Downloads14:30
BillDRoh, yes of course...14:31
dutchman79I tried sudo & then the command. Typed in my password & now I get an error saying, " command not found"14:32
BillDRsory, sudo for cd is no good. try what geirha said14:36
geirhadutchman79: It would help to see what instructions you are following.14:36
dutchman79I'm following the ones from here, "http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/installing-flash"14:38
dutchman79under the heading, "Installing the flash plugin manually"14:39
geirhadutchman79: Ok, in your terminal, if you run the following:   ls ~14:40
geirhado you see Downloads in the list? if not maybe there's one with your language's translation of Downloads?14:40
dutchman79got it14:41
geirhaWhen the instructions say  cd /home/user/Downloads, it expects you to replace "user" with your username.14:43
geirhaAnd as I hinted to earlier, if you install Ubuntu in your own language, Downloads may not be named Downloads, but the equivalent word in your language.14:44
geirhaSo you may have to change both.14:44
geirhaThe next two commands in those instructions should work as is though.14:44
dutchman79I'll try it with my username14:45
geirhaInstead of /home/user you can use ~ though. ~ is magical and means "My homedir". Hence  cd ~/Downloads14:47
stlsaintgeirha: sup14:48
stlsaintmagical huh? lol14:48
geirhastlsaint: Hi :)14:48
geirhaWhat, you have a better explanation? :P14:48
dutchman79I got the file extraction working. Now having trouble doing the cp command14:52
geirhaWhat's the error message?14:53
dutchman79cannot create regular file & no such file or directory14:55
geirhaHm. So you don't have /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ ? weird.14:57
geirhaMake sure you didn't make a typo, and keep in mind that pathnames are case sensitive. /Usr is not the same as /usr14:58
dutchman79I do, but when I type in the location it says those errors. I can try again14:58
stlsaintmeh, screw it. make the folder yourself ;)15:00
* stlsaint doesn't know the overall issue being discussed though so......15:01
geirhaHe's doing http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/installing-flash#w_installing-the-flash-plugin-manually15:01
dutchman79I got it working!!!! Yeah :) All I did was when to the folder, selected a file already in there, right clicked on it, selected properties & copied the file location15:03
BillDRwell done15:06
dutchman79TY all for your help. I very much appreciate it15:06
BillDRI was about to propose an alternative to flash if it didn't work but better like this...15:09
=== compiledkernel is now known as Guest12062
philipballewHey can someone tell me why my ip is saying im in germeny20:38
pleia2we can't see your IP (you have a cloak) and what is saying you're in germany?20:38
pleia2geolocation by IP is not a perfect science20:39
inferenceall science is perfect science20:39
inferenceotherwise its not science20:39
pleia2inference: not helpful20:39
philipballewyeah, pleia2 Hulu also says i am outside america20:40
pleia2philipballew: bummer :( not going through a proxy or anything?20:40
philipballewNot that i am aware of. I have a proxy set up in Auburn, but nothing in germeny. seems odd.20:41
pleia2could just be the address you're coming in on is misclassified with hulu20:41
pleia2strange that it would be to a whole different continent though, only time I ever had this trouble was with tunnels (my ipv6 address showed up as asian for a while)20:42
philipballewpossibly, also the school here might be doing something weird. but i had someone try on their mac and it said san diego20:42
raubvogelSorry for that20:43
Unit193Either try going to http://whatismyip.com and telling us (or PM me/say in ot), or join with another client without identifing to NickServ (Double check could help)20:44
Unit193raubvogel: Least you didn't say your nickserv pass :)20:45
raubvogelUnit193: lol20:45
=== iceflatline is now known as Guest26953
philipballewWell, I have class now. so igtg20:48
=== iceflatline is now known as Guest32425
asterismohi people23:32
asterismoi need to fix plymouth resolution23:32
asterismomaybe i can add some xrandr line into some boot script?23:33
asterismoanyone knows how?23:34
Unit193!crosspost | asterismo23:45
ubot2asterismo: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.23:45

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