
jonohey czajkowski07:09
bkerensaGood Evening07:14
* nigelb hugs jussi07:39
nigelbjussi: Have fun with the baby stuff :)07:39
bkerensajussi: Yeah were going to miss you much :D07:39
alouriegood morning07:56
* alourie feels depressed and demotivated07:57
jussialourie: whats up?07:58
alouriejussi: ah, one part of my life is not working out as I want it to07:59
alourieit kills all the motivation to engage in stuff08:00
dholbachgood morning08:03
alouriehi dholbach08:04
dholbachhi alourie08:04
* alourie wants to be an oligarch but one who's not hunted by own country's government08:14
jonomorning folks08:16
jonoI am going to head to bed08:16
jonohave a wonderful day :-)08:16
doctormonalourie: hello08:42
alouriedoctormon: hi09:16
doctormonalourie: Do you feel unmotivated?09:17
alouriedoctormon: yes09:17
alouriethat's the result of the depression :-)09:17
doctormonalourie: What do you want to do?09:17
alouriedoctormon: well, everything?09:17
doctormonalourie: First rule of depression and procrastination - never beat yourself up for not achieving the impossible.09:18
doctormonIf your goals are impossible, then it's better to understand and find new goals, maybe smaller parts or letting go things that aren't so important.09:19
jussidoctormon: hi!09:19
dholbachor break up your big goals into small actually achievable steps09:19
doctormondholbach: Do you know the second rule involving small steps?09:20
bkerensawow.... I think this new mouse I got is like the Ferrari of such devices.... It has 6 buttons and idk wow09:20
dholbachdoctormon, no, what's the second rule?09:20
dholbachhey bkerensa09:21
dholbachbkerensa, thanks for volunteering09:21
bkerensahi dholbach!09:21
bkerensadholbach: Yeah not sure if I'm the right fit but I'm willing to help where and when I can09:21
doctormondholbach: Celebrate every step as an achievement worthy of a dance. Physical activity also helps. Each step isn't small, it isn't insignificant, it's magnificent and worthy of feeling good about achieving.09:22
dholbachbkerensa, sure... if you find out you don't like it, that's totally fine :)09:22
dholbachthat sounds like a good rule to me09:22
* dholbach will do some dancing today09:22
dholbach... and take out the dog for a walk in a bit09:22
alouriedholbach, doctormon: you both are absolutely right, but it's still hard09:22
* doctormon does a little dance09:23
alourieespecially in light of the things I want but that slip through my fingers09:23
alouriethat's what depressing09:23
bkerensaTIL: They make mouses that have "Speed Toggles" and "Forward Back buttons"09:23
doctormonalourie: Ah, accepting our own capabilities is important.09:23
doctormonalourie: It shouldn't depress you that you are moral and finite.09:24
alourieoh, I am capable for lots of things :-)09:25
highvoltagedholbach: hey there09:29
dholbachhiya highvoltage09:29
dholbachhow are you doing?09:29
dholbachhighvoltage, and thanks for the flowers09:29
doctormonalourie: But not at the same time ;-)09:32
alouriedoctormon: of course, that would be impossible09:33
doctormonalourie: So file that under rule one.09:33
highvoltagedholbach: good thanks (and pleasure!)09:34
highvoltagedholbach: we need to schedule Edubuntu Council re-elections, and somehow I've forgotten how that works09:34
highvoltagedholbach: does the CC handle the nominations, or should the current EC initiate that?09:34
doctormonI think I might want to do a time management class for the community, Hillary Rettig does them at MIT and they are awesome.09:35
bkerensadoctormon: +1 I would be interested in attending that (schedule permitting)09:36
dholbachhighvoltage, if you could handle the nominations process, that'd be great09:36
highvoltagedholbach: ok, will do09:36
dholbachhighvoltage, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/Restaffing should have a lot of info that might be helpful09:36
dholbachhighvoltage, if there's anything missing, let me know :)09:36
highvoltagedoctormon: wow, I was just stressing about all the stuff I need to do for the last hour or so and wondering whether I should sign up for time management classes somewhere :)09:37
nigelbHey highvoltage!09:37
bkerensadholbach: Your going to ping all the volunteers what time and channel we will meet for the talks on thursday right? Just wanna add it to my calendar09:37
highvoltagedoctormon: I think if I could just learn to relax and do one thing at a time, then I'd actually have enough time for everything, but I end up spreading myself too thin, try to do everything, and then get almost nothing done :(09:37
highvoltagehey nigelb09:37
dholbachbkerensa, for now I was just thinking we add stuff to the google doc (shared it with you all) and we do stuff by mail - but we can also chat (on #ubuntu-news maybe?)09:38
dholbachbkerensa, I'll reply to the mail I just sent to the 3 of you09:38
bkerensadholbach: ^ sounds good.... I like open collaboration via gdocs on stuff :) it makes it easy to get stuff done and have lots of people working on something09:39
dholbachbkerensa, I just hope that copy/paste into wordpress will work (with all the links and stuff)09:39
bkerensadholbach: Yeah it should work just fine the only problems I have ran into is copy/pasting from LibreOffice to WP (LibreOffice passes some weird markup)09:39
dholbachahh ok09:40
dholbachthat's great then :)09:40
doctormonhighvoltage: Sounds like rule three and four problems. But you understand them.09:40
highvoltagedoctormon: where do I see those rules?09:43
doctormonhighvoltage: They're in my head, but Hillary Rettig has some books where she goes into a lot of detail.09:44
doctormonhighvoltage: http://hillaryrettig.com/09:45
doctormonRule three: Your state of being is highly dependent on your context, thus your environment for working must be just for working and comfortable for you to work.09:46
doctormonRule four: Everyone must learn to say no, it's hard and we feel bad for letting people down, but it must be done.09:47
highvoltageyeah, 3 is a very big problem for me, number 4 isn't at all09:47
highvoltagebut I'll read that blog and stop spamming the channel about my problems :)09:48
doctormonhighvoltage: It's interesting how many people do suffer from these demons.09:49
bkerensaGoodnight Folks!09:50
doctormonI've got a second laptop now (10.10, older Acer) and I'musing that for facebook, miro and games. It's in the living room.09:50
alouriegood night bkerensa09:54
dakerjcastro, yo10:13
dholbachdaker, I think where jcastro lives it's currently 05:24 :)10:24
dakerdholbach, ah ok thanks10:25
czajkowskidaker: if you leave a message he's really good at getting back to people or drop him an email10:36
dakerczajkowski, ok10:37
czajkowskidaker: unless anyone in here can help you?10:41
dakerczajkowski, no jcastro poked me first10:43
jussiczajkowski: daker o/10:45
czajkowskidaker: ahh gotcha10:45
czajkowskijussi: aloha10:45
jussicoffee is a good thing :)10:46
jussiczajkowski: hows things? enjoying the new job?10:46
czajkowskiah so so10:49
czajkowski3 articles about ubuntu in m y feed and not allowed to write about one of them10:49
czajkowskiwhich kinda sucks10:49
czajkowskiinstead I'm writing about http://www.ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1264410:50
jussiczajkowski: interesting thing all the same11:03
czajkowskiyes it is, but I've an hr to research and article and write it11:03
czajkowskiwhere as ask me to write on the rhythmbox article and I can do that easier11:03
duanedesignmorning all12:04
mainerrorHey there.12:45
mainerrorGot a question for you guys.12:45
cprofittmainerror: posted an answer (though humorous)12:51
mainerrorI'd really love to know how or why he became a meme though. :P12:52
cprofittnot sure myself... I believe it started at UDS though12:52
mainerrorI guess popey knows but doesn't tell. :D13:11
pabs3what time is the meeting? Jono's blog post didn't list UTC so its hard to tell13:13
mainerror4 P.M. UK Time which is GMT.13:18
czajkowski4pm UTC13:24
highvoltagepabs3: how is it hard? he listed it in multiple timezones :)13:33
pabs3I dunno about you but I wasn't able to map what he listed to official timezone names. for example, pacific/eastern are the same thing to me (UTC+10)13:36
czajkowskipabs3: or using http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/13:43
=== scott-work is now known as scott-sick-at-wo
=== scott-sick-at-wo is now known as scott-sick-work
cjohnstoncongrats cprofitt15:52
popeynice one15:53
dholbachjcastro, dpm: our team meeting is in 2m?15:58
dholbachif so, it'll clash with the SRU team meeting and server team meeting15:58
dpmoh, bummer15:58
dholbachand in 32m there'll be a desktop team meeting as well15:58
dholbach4 meetings at the same time is not bad :)15:59
jcastrowhy do we have meetings there anyway?15:59
jcastroteam channel baby!15:59
jcastroit's where the people who would care most about what we are working on hang out?15:59
jcastrocprofitt: nice work dude!15:59
* dholbach summons Mr Bacon16:01
dholbachjono, hey - ubuntu-meeting is taken16:02
jonodholbach, what is there?16:02
dholbachSRU team meeting and server team meeting16:02
dholbachand in 30m desktop team16:02
dholbachjcastro recommended to do it here, which might be the easiest16:03
jonoI think it makes sense16:03
jonoit's a shame it won't be logged16:03
jonowell, I mean that we have a meeting bot16:04
jonolet's just do it here16:04
dholbachjcastro, is a bot16:04
dholbachwe just need to repurpose him from askubuntu to meetings ;-)16:04
mainerrorMaybe a stupid question but why don't you guys just setup a meeting bot for this channel?16:04
snap-lThat would explain why jcastro is a machine. ;)16:04
jonomainerror, I think we should do that16:04
jcastrohaving it here makes sense16:04
cjohnstonshould be able to get AlanBell 's help to get a bot in here16:05
jcastroit's where everyone who would care about the meeting hangs out16:05
* mainerror nods16:05
jonodpm, you here too?16:05
dpmjono, yep!16:06
jonook let's do it here from now on16:06
jonoso let's kick off with some roundtables16:06
jonodholbach, want to get us started16:06
dholbach• Pre-UDS: published accomplishment trophy ideas, interviewed people for Harvest ideas.16:06
dholbach• helped with the creation of Ubuntu IRC Community survey16:06
dholbach• set up ubuntudev google+ page16:06
dholbach• did job interview with mhall :)16:06
dholbach• CC: set up 'team catch-up' schedule for meetings, participated in CC meeting, LoCo Council election, bits and pieces here and there.16:06
dholbach• Dev Advisory Board: drafted reachout mails, started work on team organisation, had a quick call with Christophe about it.16:06
dholbach• Recognising Dev contributions: improved docs WRT thanking/recommending your peers, blogged about and on UCADay16:06
dholbach• Patch Pilot: piloted myself, created patch pilot schedule for Nov/Dec.16:06
dholbach• admin: filed expenses, booked Budapest flights, UDS Survey16:06
dholbach• blueprints: milestoned work items for precise, mailed work item assignees, dealt with a couple low-hanging fruit work-items16:07
dholbach• Asked for ubuntu-motu-mentors@lists.u.c to be merged into ubuntu-motu@lists.u.c16:07
dholbach• Weekly dev updates: conversations with News team, figure out submission process, got 2 dev updates out the door, set up initial team and organisation.16:07
dholbach• Catch-up Call.16:07
dholbachand I have one agenda item16:07
AlanBellmeetingology: hello16:08
meetingologyAlanBell: Error: "hello" is not a valid command.16:08
jonocool, thanks, Daniel16:08
jonoany questions for dholbach?16:09
* dholbach curtseys16:09
jonocool, no questions16:10
jonojcastro, shoot16:10
AlanBellwant to start the bot?16:10
jcastrostart the bot16:11
jonothanks AlanBell16:11
AlanBell#startmeeting Ubuntu Community Team16:11
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Nov 22 16:11:21 2011 UTC.  The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.16:11
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): OpenWeek, UDS prep, WI's, Blueprints for UDS || dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5" | Ubuntu Community Team Meeting | Current topic:
AlanBell#chair jcastro jono16:11
meetingologyCurrent chairs: AlanBell jcastro jono16:11
jcastrook do I need to do anything?16:11
dpmshall we let dholbach tell about his actions again, for the benefit of the logs?16:11
AlanBell#topic dholbach update16:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): OpenWeek, UDS prep, WI's, Blueprints for UDS || dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5" | Ubuntu Community Team Meeting | Current topic: dholbach update
dholbach • Pre-UDS: published accomplishment trophy ideas, interviewed people for Harvest ideas.16:12
dholbach • helped with the creation of Ubuntu IRC Community survey16:12
dholbach • set up ubuntudev google+ page16:12
dholbach • did job interview with mhall :)16:12
dholbach • CC: set up 'team catch-up' schedule for meetings, participated in CC meeting, LoCo Council election, bits and pieces here and there.16:12
dholbach • Dev Advisory Board: drafted reachout mails, started work on team organisation, had a quick call with Christophe about it.16:12
dholbach • Recognising Dev contributions: improved docs WRT thanking/recommending your peers, blogged about and on UCADay16:12
dholbach • Patch Pilot: piloted myself, created patch pilot schedule for Nov/Dec.16:12
dholbach • admin: filed expenses, booked Budapest flights, UDS Survey16:12
dholbach • blueprints: milestoned work items for precise, mailed work item assignees, dealt with a couple low-hanging fruit work-items16:12
dholbach • Asked for ubuntu-motu-mentors@lists.u.c to be merged into ubuntu-motu@lists.u.c16:12
dholbach • Weekly dev updates: conversations with News team, figure out submission process, got 2 dev updates out the door, set up initial team and organisation.16:12
dholbach • Catch-up Call.16:12
dholbachand I have one agenda item16:12
jcastroare you posting your agenda item?16:13
jcastroor is it my turn?16:13
jonojcastro, shoot16:14
jcastro- Clean up blueprints, all done. Work can begin on WI syncage, that to be done this week.16:14
AlanBell#topic jcastro update16:14
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): OpenWeek, UDS prep, WI's, Blueprints for UDS || dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5" | Ubuntu Community Team Meeting | Current topic: jcastro update
jcastrothe line adjusts on Friday btw.16:14
jcastroso get your mountain in order16:14
jcastro- Gave Nick access to cloud.ubuntu.com so we can start doc clean up16:14
dholbachah, nice16:14
jcastro- Membership recommendation for Andrea16:14
jcastro- Attended Cloud Camp Silicon Valley16:14
jcastrocloud camp was fun16:14
jcastrobut I am not sure how valuable they are16:14
jcastroin the future we'll probably concentrate more on charm schools at larger events16:15
jcastroyes, it's called charm school16:15
jcastro- Charm growth has started, working on 5 incoming people16:15
jcastrothinkupapp charm is nearly done16:15
jcastrothis will be nice16:15
jcastroso everyone will be able to just snag their social data and have a copy on their own servers16:15
jcastroI suspect that might be popular. :)16:15
jcastro- james_w found a problem with my workflow today, his work was being ignored, fixing this today with a vengeance.16:15
jcastrobasically we were ignoring the new-charm tag and only paying attention to the entire pile16:16
jcastrowhich in hindsight is stupid16:16
jcastro- Setting up a Charm School at SCaLE with Ilan and Clint. We've submitted a talk, want to do a lightning talk on devops day, and the charm school makes for a busy weekend.16:16
jcastro- Working on the creative brief for the design web team for cloud.ubuntu.com. (Kill me)16:16
jcastro- More details in my Trello boards for each area: (this is synced with my work items): http://goo.gl/n4or5 http://goo.gl/WXsY7 http://goo.gl/2y1IQ if you care about that.16:16
jcastroI have no agenda items16:16
dholbachautomatically synced?16:16
dholbachwhich Nick? :)16:17
jcastroI sync manually with Nick16:17
jcastronick is unscriptable, he has no API16:17
dholbachI'm not quite sure I understand16:17
dholbachyou said "Gave Nick access to cloud.ubuntu.com so we can start doc clean up"16:18
jcastrooh right16:18
jcastroso at the sessions16:18
dholbachI was assuming that Nick was a person :)16:18
jcastrowe sliced up chunks of the docs on cloud.ubuntu.com16:18
jcastroand each person is responsible for one section16:18
jcastroand it hasn't been touched in a while so he was keen to go in there and fix a bunch of stuff16:18
dholbachah cool16:18
dholbachso that's Nick Barcet?16:18
dholbachok, got it16:19
dpmI do have a "name" question too16:19
dpmwhich Andrea on Membership recommendation for Andrea?16:19
jcastrounity 2d, Qt, various things16:19
jcastroyou know, the italian DX team16:20
dholbachthe DX branch of the mafia16:20
jonook cool16:20
jonoany questions for jcastro?16:20
jonothe man, with the plan...dpm!16:20
* AlanBell reminds jono that he can do #topic dpm update16:21
dpmok, here I go16:21
jono#topic dpm notes16:21
dpm#topic dpm update16:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): OpenWeek, UDS prep, WI's, Blueprints for UDS || dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5" | Ubuntu Community Team Meeting | Current topic: dpm notes
dpm• Took 2 days off last week16:21
jonoAlanBell, :-)16:21
dpm• Chat with dholbach on how to better mesage /the _app_ developer and _platform_ developer communities, and how to better explain platform development on d.u.c16:21
* dholbach hugs dpm16:21
jonoget a room16:22
dpm• Created the G+ and Facebook Ubuntu App Developer pages (subscribe/like them! :)16:22
dpm    * http://goo.gl/STx1G16:22
dpm    * http://www.facebook.com/ubuntuappdev16:23
dpm• Worked on a list of app developer events to have Ubuntu presence on with jpugh16:23
dpm(not public atm, as it contains sponsorship info -ie Canonical sponsoring events-)16:24
dpm• Conversations with Simplified Chinese translators to clarify how uploads are done for the Complete Simplified Chinese Desktop goal16:24
dpm• Scheduled regular translation calls with translations leaders16:24
dpm• Finished off blueprint setup16:25
dpmAnd I think that was me for this week's relevant stuff16:25
jonothanks, dpm16:26
jonoany questions for dpm?16:26
dholbachdpm, we should have a chat again about app vs. platform developer communities16:26
dholbachbut no, no questions :)16:26
jcastronone here16:27
jcastronext victim!16:27
cprofittmay I ask?16:27
jonoof course!16:27
jonothis is a community meeting too :-)16:27
cprofittwhen you say event sponsoring -- do you mean like UDS or do you mean other technical events?16:27
dpmdholbach, yeah, we still have to see what message we put exactly on d.u.c16:27
dpmcprofitt, good question16:27
dpmI mean Canonical being a gold/platinun/blahblah sponsor for a particular conference16:28
* cprofitt nods16:28
dpmwhich generally means contributing with some money to a conference16:28
cprofittgood to hear I have been looking for that for a long time. I will keep my eyes open for when the information becomes public16:28
dpmwe don't want this info to be public while we're still considering which events to sponsor16:29
cprofittis there a process to solicit community input on events? or what type of events?16:29
jonoany more questions for dpm?16:29
jonothere is one :-)16:29
dpmcprofitt, the list we've been working on is specific to app-developer-related conferences16:30
* cprofitt nods16:30
dpmcprofitt, there is no formal process to solicit community input, but if you know of any conference on that topic, feel free to tell me :)16:30
dpmand I'll add it to the list16:31
cprofittdpm - after the meeting lets talk about the app-developer stuff... I have an idea that may be of interest16:31
dpmcprofitt, excelent :)16:31
dpmexcellent, that is16:32
jonook, I will go next16:32
jono#topic jono roundtable16:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): OpenWeek, UDS prep, WI's, Blueprints for UDS || dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5" | Ubuntu Community Team Meeting | Current topic: jono roundtable
jono * Not as much for me as I have taken a bunch of days off work since UDS to work on the book.16:32
jono * Reviewed my call schedule, adding a few regular calls after discussions at UDS.16:32
jonoI need to trim this down though16:32
jonoI worry I am going to grow a phone out the side of my head16:33
jono * Went to a few events: Cloud Expo and Community Managers meeting a PayPal.16:33
jono * Created G+ pages across our range of brands.16:33
jonoUbuntu, Canonical, Ubuntu Advantage, Launchpad etc...16:33
jono * Working with the team to finalize the 12.04 plan - everything is now in place - see http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/22/canonical-community-team-12-04-plans/ for more details16:34
jono * Gathered and released UDS proceedings - see http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2011/11/17/12-04-ubuntu-developer-summit-proceedings/ for details16:34
doctormonUbuntu Advantage?16:35
dholbachdoctormon, http://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/ubuntu-advantage16:35
jonodoctormon, yeah, it is an enterprise service16:35
jonothanks dholbach16:35
jono * Finalized the role for Michael Hall and got the position filled. He starts in 2012. Woo mhall119!16:35
jono * Bunch of job interviews for the QA position.16:36
doctormonAh good, Ubuntu Enterprise. (I always thought the advantage to Ubuntu was always it's community ;-))16:36
alourieit is16:36
jonodoctormon, well, it is, but an Enterprise doesn't care about community, they care about support16:36
jonoyou know how some corpspeak is needed in that world :-)16:37
snap-lThey want a name for the throat to choke16:37
alourieand someone to blame16:37
jono * Reviewing UDS notes and following up people on actions.16:37
jono * Starting putting together and releasing a series of blog entries to summarize work and focus after UDS.16:38
jono * Working with ISD to get the Canonical blog service improved to encourage more staff to blog publicly.16:38
jonoand finally...16:38
jono * Catching up with email.16:38
jonoany questions for me?16:38
mainerrorjono:  On the Ubuntu Advantage site, why do they have fancy orange Ubuntu brand logo on white background mugs and we don't?16:38
alouriejono: are you sure you took time off? ;-)16:38
jonomainerror, those mugs are in the Canonical office16:39
jonoalourie, heh16:39
jonoany questions for me?16:39
mainerrorjono: What book are you writing?16:40
snap-lJono: Average velocity of unladen swallows? :)16:40
jonomainerror, The Art of Community second edition16:40
jonoit is available in print and under a Creative Commons license too :-)16:41
alourieand it's an awesome book16:41
jonoany more questions?16:41
jonothanks alourie!16:41
* alourie is in the middle of it right now16:41
jonook, dholbach you have an agenda item?16:41
dholbachyes, I think we still need to pick dates for UDW, UGJ, UADW and UOW16:41
dholbachfor UDW I'd suggest the week of 2nd Feb (close to Feature Freeze and with some time for myself to pester people at the Rally)16:42
jonook, let me load the cal16:42
dholbachfor UGJ I'd suggest the weekend after 1st March (after Beta 1 release)16:43
jonolets go one at a time16:43
jonook for UDW16:43
jonoWB 13th Feb?16:43
dholbachI'm not sure I understand?16:44
jonolet us review each event one at a time16:44
jonoso the second week of Feb is week begging 13th Feb16:44
dholbachI just didn't understand "WB 13th Feb?"16:44
jonoWB = Week Beginning16:44
dholbachah sorry16:44
dholbachno, I meant the week in which the 2nd of February falls16:44
dholbachso two weeks before Feature Freeze16:45
jonothe 2nd Feb is a Sun16:45
dholbachso still before we start the bug fixing phase, but not in the crazy week of FF itself16:45
jonooh no16:45
jonoI see16:45
jonodholbach, ok, I will add them to the Community Team cal16:46
jonocan you add them to the Fridge Cal?16:46
jonoUDW - 30th Jan - 3rd Feb16:46
dholbachI have to check again, but yeah16:46
jonoUGJ - 2 - 4 Mar16:47
jonodpm, when do you want to do UADW?16:47
dpmI'm thinking whether it'd be best doing it after Beta 2 or in between betas16:48
jonodpm, I think closer to release makes sense16:48
jonofew app devs if any will use an Ubuntu Beta16:48
dpmthen the next milestone is RC16:49
alourieis it necessary do it before the release?16:49
dholbachalourie, there's too much going on immediately after the release (usually UOW and UDS, etc.) - which I think is the reason why we always had it shortly before the release16:50
dpmalourie, we've got UDS preparation and UOW after the release16:50
jonodpm, let's do it the week before release16:50
dpmjono, ok, 9-13 Apr, then16:51
dpmoh, wrong date, sorry16:51
dpm16-20th April16:52
jonodpm, cool16:53
jonocan you add that to the fridge cal?16:53
jcastrois it possible to subscribe to just a tag in launchpad?16:54
jonojcastro, not sure16:54
dholbachjcastro, I'm not sure, but bdmurray will know :)16:54
jonoany more agenda items?16:54
jonowe have 6m left16:54
dholbachUOW the week after the release?16:54
jonodholbach, yup16:54
dpmjcastro, I think it is now16:54
dpmthere was a longstanding bug about it, and I seem to remember it was fixed some months ago16:55
jonook, if no other agenda items, let's wrap it16:55
jonothanks everyone!16:55
dholbachok, so that's Apr 30 - May 416:55
dholbachI'll add it16:55
dpmjcastro, bug 15112916:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 151129 in launchpad "Can't subscribe to a tag" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15112916:55
jcastrook so the events are on the calendar?16:56
jonodpm, give me a few mins, and then will call you16:56
dpmjono, cool16:56
alouriewow, this is refreshing to have you guys meeting in RT16:56
jonojcastro, yuo16:56
alourieit's much better this way16:56
jcastroakgraner: ^^16:56
jcastrook, the dates were all we needed16:56
jonoalourie,  :-)16:56
jcastroakgraner: holla at me this afternoon and we'll sort the weeks16:57
alouriejono: well, it's more transparent and allows other people to participate, so it's good :-)16:57
* alourie needs to keep quiet though16:57
jonoalourie, :-)16:58
jonoeveryone is welcome to take part16:59
alouriejono: sure, but this way makes it easier16:59
akgranerjcastro, will do16:59
jonodpm, lets do skype17:00
jonomy webcam is on the blink17:00
* alourie has to take care a child17:01
alouriethank you guys, you rock!17:01
dpmjono, my skype is not working. I cannot send sound. Mumble, or G+ without image?17:01
jonodpm, ok one sec17:02
dholbachjono, #endmeeting17:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): OpenWeek, UDS prep, WI's, Blueprints for UDS || dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5"
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Nov 22 17:05:05 2011 UTC.17:05
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-community-team/2011/ubuntu-community-team.2011-11-22-16.11.moin.txt17:05
jonodpm, invite sent17:06
dholbachjcastro, http://micknelson.wordpress.com/2011/11/22/a-generic-juju-charm-for-django-apps/ looks interesting17:10
jcastroalready talking about it17:10
jcastrothis should make it easy to deploy lots of djangoish things17:10
dholbachnoodles rocks17:10
cjohnstonthat means that jcastro can develop and deploy summit17:18
jcastroor I can kill myself17:18
akgranerjcastro - reading the scrollback now17:22
dholbachalright my friends - it's time to call it a day over here17:24
dholbachsee you all tomorrow17:24
cprofittcya dholbach17:25
jcastro<--- lunching17:38
dpmok, calling it a day here. See you all tomorrow!18:20
jcastrojono: the dates to all the weeks are wrong18:23
jcastrothey're 3 days now, and in the middle of the week18:23
jonoyeah, I remember you saying it was three days but I just added them to show which week it was18:24
jonocan you go and update them?18:24
jcastroin the calendar?18:24
jcastrook fixed18:29
bkerensajono: When we get a final date for the Debian/Ubuntu Local Jam up here any chance you might plug it?18:31
jonobkerensa, sure18:31
cprofittjono: not sure if this is needed, but I marked this pending approval18:40
cprofittdoes it need to be 'approved'?18:40
jonocprofitt, not really, just keep the BP up to date18:44
jonoand then subscribers will see progress18:44
jcastrojono: a reshare of my juju charm school announcement by the ubuntu G+ account would be swell18:46
jonolink me up18:46
jcastrowhut, you are not following juju!18:46
jcastrofor shame!18:46
cprofittjcastro: man... you are making another thing I have to put on my tolearn list... :-)18:52
jcastroman dude18:52
jcastrojono: 15,280 followers of ubuntu!18:52
jonojcastro, done18:52
jonojcastro, :-)18:52
jcastroI have like 500 more people following me on G+ than twitter18:52
* cprofitt nods to jono about earlier question18:53
cprofitthadoop I expect to be followed18:53
cprofittbunch of IT magazines are telling people that is the next 'big payday' for IT folks18:54
cprofittwatch the herd move :-)18:54
snap-ljcastro: New leader of Cloud City: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9058804/jorge_calrissian.jpg18:56
cprofittsnap-l: that is just... wrong!18:56
jcastromy middle name is orLANDO18:57
cprofittjorge wears and aubergine cape18:57
snap-lToo good18:57
alourieI've been thinking18:59
alouriehow come there's a Juju school18:59
alouriea dev genormous portal18:59
alourieand nothing like that for QA? :~/18:59
alourieQA school forever!19:00
jcastroMake one!19:00
alouriesure thing19:00
alouriethat's an idea I had the other day19:00
cprofittalourie: sounds like a good one... its about time the 'roadies' got some face time and exposure19:02
cprofittbeing a sys admin I know what it is like to sit in the dark corners of the 'system' making sure it all works19:02
alouriebeing an integrator I know that too :-)19:03
cprofittlet me know what I can do to help as you move toward building that19:03
alourieand it's a very important issue with Ubuntu19:03
alouriecprofitt: gladly19:03
cprofittits critical19:03
alourieI agree19:03
cprofittI am working on the visible part of that with bdmurray right now19:03
cprofitthaving people understand that process... I think many do not19:04
cprofittit is more 'bug' related at this point19:04
alourieah, the graph was yours?19:04
cprofittbut getting people to understand19:04
cprofittthe graph?19:04
* alourie read it on someones blog19:04
cprofittYou mean the flow chart?19:04
cprofittThe one I posted was actually from Fedora, but I am working on a end-user high level overview for Ubuntu19:05
alourieso it was you!19:05
alouriephew, I though my memory does tricks on me19:05
cprofittand the second draft got sent to bdmurray last night19:05
alourieoh great19:05
cprofittI would like to do some similar stuff on the ISO testing, etc19:05
alourieand the general team structure19:06
cprofittto really show people the 'whole' process at a high non-technical level19:06
alourieI find it strange that I just discovered that pgraner is the QA team leader19:06
alourieI shouldv'e known19:06
alouriethanks akgraner for that19:06
akgraneralourie, oops  - I don't talk about *that* other graner very often...19:07
cprofittI found out when he moved in to that position, but I think that was because I hang with a few QA type folks19:07
cprofittakgraner: :-)19:08
alourieakgraner: but you did the *interview*19:08
akgraneralourie, oh yeah see how easy it is to forget about that one19:08
alourieoh yea19:09
alourieI find it strange that I had to find out about it that way19:10
alourieI think Ubuntu QA should be revitalized19:10
alourieget a facelift and PR :-)19:10
cprofittIt certainly needs some facetime19:10
alourieand attention19:11
cprofittalourie: how is your son doing?19:13
alouriecprofitt: oh, thanks19:13
alouriehe's now almost recovered19:13
alourieno fever, just moods :-)19:13
cprofittgood to hear... I always worry when mine are ill.19:13
alourieyea, but he's very cute even then19:14
cprofittit was much worse when they could not communicate with my wife and I19:14
alourieyes! he was crying all the time, and we couldn't help him...didn't know how :-(19:14
cprofittis he your first?19:14
cprofittI have three... I can tell you it gets easier19:15
alourieoh man19:15
cprofittakgraner: will tell you after it gets easier it gets tougher19:15
cprofittmine have not hit their teen years yet19:15
alourieI'm sure she would19:15
alouriemine is 6 months 3 weeks19:15
cprofittApril 30th if I recall19:16
alourieyes! how do you remember that???19:16
cprofittthat post and your post about the weird RedHat interview are two that I recall19:16
cprofittnot sure why the date did.19:16
alourieha :-)19:16
alourieyea, Red Hat19:16
alouriethose guys are actually Qumranet company (the ones who did KVM)19:17
cprofittthe RedHat one did because I am a Windows Sys Admin that would love to get into a Linux environment19:17
cprofittthe only thought I had is it might have been like the job Microsoft offered me back in 199919:17
alourienah, I'm trying not to get MS work. It's hard though19:17
cprofittthey wanted me on a team that converted people... as a former Novell Sys Admin they wanted me to 'help' ease the pain Novell Admins were experiencing19:18
cprofittyeah... I want to get out of the MS space too.19:18
cprofittI actually turn down side jobs now that involve Windows unless it is to convert them away from it19:18
alourieyes! for some reason, my Linux exp falls into "nice to have" category19:18
* cprofitt nods19:19
cprofittI use it a lot at work... but it doesn't seem to register with recruiters19:19
alouriehear this:19:19
alouriemy last position as integrator was integrating Linux systems with Solaris systems.19:19
alourieone computer in the system is Windows - it handles the installation (!)19:20
alourieso my work environment? Windows.19:20
cprofittI run OSSEC, Cacti, and Greenbone on Ubuntu at work... I use my Linux knowledge to help with the VMWare environment and running several 'applicances' (all running Linux under the black box)19:20
cprofittI hear ya19:20
cprofittI am in a smaller town as well... so not very much going on in the Linux space... jobs are almost all Windows based.19:21
cprofittI can not complain too much... my current job allows me to run Ubuntu as my main OS and it allows me time to run a LUG, the Loco team and contribute to Ubuntu19:21
alourieand the pay?19:22
cprofittnot at work, but work hours are stable and normal unlike many tech jobs19:22
cprofitt70K a year, plus good health insurance and a fixed benefit retirement plan19:22
cprofittI pay for 10% of the health insurance19:22
alouriewell, that's not too shabby19:24
alouriewith kids, hours become the top priority19:25
cprofittyeah... its not great, but not bad.19:25
cprofittwith the three kids I decided that the hours were a priority over getting a great paying interesting job19:25
cprofittmind you... I would jump ship in a heartbeat if I found a good paying interesting job... Windows bores me to tears.19:26
cprofittother than open source one of my passions in information security, but the only jobs I have seen are in Virginia19:27
cprofittgreat pay... outstanding in some cases, but the jobs require too much travel19:28
alourieis it far from you?19:28
alourieI'd go with 25% travel, more than that could be insane19:29
cprofittVirginia would require relocation. I am in New York State (Rochester) so about 387 miles away19:29
alouriewow, that's far19:29
cprofittYeah... no way to do it without relocation19:29
cprofittthen add that 50% of it woudl involve travel19:30
cprofittand much of the travel would be away from home for 1wk at a time19:30
cprofittits a young man's job IMHO19:30
cprofittthough I would love the work19:30
alouriethis requires a single person...19:30
cprofittThe Microsoft job was worse19:31
cprofittit was 90% travel19:31
cprofittone of the guys actually told me to not bother getting an apartment there... just get a PO box19:31
cprofittthat was crazy19:31
cprofittlucky for me I turned it down... 6 months later we found out about my first daughter19:32
cprofittI would have had to quit19:32
alourieoh dear19:32
alourieall this makes me wishing to start my own business19:33
cprofittI would be too nervous to do that...19:34
cprofittfear of failure... without kids I would take the risk19:36
cprofittbut with kids... that is too great a fear19:36
cprofittmy grandfather and father both ran their own businesses19:36
cprofittbut I got to see the 'lean' times... and it tore them apart19:36
alourieyou've got to admire them though19:37
alouriebtw, starting a business doesn't mean leaving day job19:38
cprofittI do admire them19:42
cprofittI do have a business on the side...19:42
cprofittmade some good money some years19:42
cprofittI think the best was $12K extra19:43
alourienot that bad19:43
cprofittyeah... most years its 2-3K extra19:43
alouriedoes it take a lot of time?19:43
cprofittbut with the kids I do not put a lot of time in on it19:43
* alourie thinks him and cprofitt should stop typing and move to telepathy19:44
cprofittthe 2-3K is about 4 extra hours a month19:44
alouriethat's good though19:44
cprofittI charge $70/hour for the outside work19:44
alouriewhat kind of work do you do?19:46
cprofittmoslty sys admin type stuff... recovering data from servers, migrating data between old machine and new machine, but the best year I did a custom piece of software19:47
cprofittYeah... I used to do .net programming C#/ASP.net19:47
alourienever touched that stuff19:48
cprofittthe custom app was a customer relations / job tracking application19:48
cprofittnow I am slowly trying to learn Python19:48
alouriewhy slowly?19:48
cprofittthe majority of the customer relations app was the database backend and understanding their workflow19:48
cprofittslowly -- I learned .net when I had no kids...19:49
cprofittpython I am trying to learn with 3 kids19:49
alouriewow, half a year ago I wouldn't understand what you're talking about19:49
alourienow I do19:50
alourieget youself a project at work that /must/ be done in python - it will help :-)19:50
cprofittbefore I had kids I had no concept of how much time kids take away from the free time pool either19:51
cprofittI am working with the loco directory right now19:51
cprofittso Python and Django I beleive19:51
cprofittyeah... it feels good to do it19:52
alourieI started writing a web game just to learn python. And Django19:52
cprofittwhen I first got involved it was my goal, but I found a realtively weak loco community and dedicated time to strengthening that19:52
alouriegot to some point ok, now I don't have time for it19:52
alouriecprofitt: sorry to leave the conversation, but I must go. It's already quite late here19:54
alourieI suggest to catch up next time about that QA school thingie19:54
cprofitthave a good one alourie19:58
cprofitttalk with you later19:58
pleia2cjohnston: any idea why the juju charm school isn't going to be in -classroom?20:09
pleia2they'd get a bigger audience that way20:09
pleia2or jcastro ^^20:10
cjohnstonpleia2: no idea? jcastro ?20:10
jcastroI wanted in #juju so people can idle there20:11
cjohnstonits not ubuntu-juju?20:17
cprofittgotta run folks... see you after dinner.20:25
jcastrotest test20:42
greg-gpass pass20:53
akgranerjcastro do you have a few now?20:54
jcastroakgraner: ok so I added the dates to the trello20:55
akgraneryep saw that20:55
akgranerjcastro,  so the game plan is 30 minute sessions for UOW right?21:00
akgranerand fewer hours?21:01
jcastroit's in the spec iirc21:01
akgranerok - I missed that session and did subscribe to the BP  :-/21:01
akgranerbut I'll find it and look21:01
akgranerjust needing pointed in the right direction21:02
akgranerdang I can't type21:02
akgranerjcastro, thanks!21:03
jcastroI could have sworn, you were there.21:03
akgranerpleia2, told me about it21:05
akgranermade a note to circle back around with you but sadly it didn't happen :-/21:07
akgranerbut we're good now21:07
akgraneror rather I'm good :-)  you're like jcastro so you're awesome regardless....21:10
jcastrojono: so like you could blog about guitars and people would still leave comments about unity.21:19
jonojcastro, srsly21:19
jcastroI tell that to craig all the time21:20
snap-ljono: Word association time:21:20
jcastro"If you are using mint then you don't need to talk to me NOW DO YOU."21:20
jcastrojust kidding, craig is still with us.21:20
snap-lPuppies (You're killing Linux with Ubuntu)21:21
snap-lHorseradish (You're killing Linux with Ubuntu)21:21
jonoit's funny how people think that using Mint is an objection to Ubuntu...it is Free Software, so that is awesome21:21
jonoif people move to a Mac or Windows, that is when I get bent out of shape21:21
jcastrohey, we got rick_h back from arch, anything is possible21:21
snap-lAll I have to say is if you want to move back to Mac, be my guest21:22
snap-lYou're a real sadist if you use Macports21:22
jcastroI unfriend people who move to macs.21:22
snap-lit's like the ultimate punishment21:22
jcastroJill was like "ask Andrew and ken for their new addresses so we can send them xmas cards."21:22
jcastroI was like "they're off the list."21:22
jcastrothough that new macbook air looks sooooooo nice.21:23
jcastrobut asus has like an exact clone of it now, heh21:23
snap-lDude, it's a computer and a bread knife21:23
snap-lWhat's not to love?21:23
jcastroI am eyeballing the new Asus Transformer21:23
jcastrothe Prime21:24
jcastroyeah they really call it that21:24
snap-lI thought there was some ubu-trouble with the Transformer21:24
jcastronot sure21:28
jcastroIt would be a tablet for me, I have a notebook already21:28
jcastrothough I might donate a PC and use my laptop for my new "desktop PC" and get an X12021:28
jcastrosnap-l: I really miss that form factor21:28
snap-ljcastro: I shouldn't say that it works like a charm now, should I? :)21:29
jcastrosnap-l: You truly belong with us here in the clouds21:29
jcastroI'm lando calrissian, I'm the administrator of this facility21:30
snap-lSend down a ladder21:30
snap-lReady to step up21:30
snap-lI'll even shave my head ala Lobot21:30
jonoman, I love slayer21:42
jonothey never stop being awesome21:42
jonotime for a coffee, brb21:42
jcastrothey never stop being the same song over and over and over and over21:46
snap-ljcastro: whathehellwhydoyousaythatslayerdoesmorethanjustthesamesongover and over and OOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRR21:48
jcastroI could play angel of death over and over21:48
jcastrothat's like one of the best riffs of all time21:48
jonoI love them21:51
jonoyou are right though, it all sounds like slayer21:51
snap-lIf I want stuff that I can't play without practicing, I'll listen to Meshuggah21:51
snap-lIf I want a nice pair of metal loafers, I'll listen to Slayer.21:51
jcastrocjohnston: hey21:52
jcastrocjohnston: how do tags work on etherpad21:52
jcastroif I mark something #blah21:53
jcastrohow do I get an index of #blah pages?21:53
jcastrosnap-l: don't laugh at me but .... I am on a big def leppard kick.21:53
jcastrothere, I said it.21:53
technovikingjcastro: Gunter glieben glauchen globen21:55
snap-ljcastro: Nothing wrong with that.21:55
snap-ljcastro: http://outloud.fm/openmetalcast21:56
jcastroyeah let's rock this21:56
cjohnstonuggh.. LC has taken over the summit page :-(22:14
cjohnstonjcastro: thats one of the things.. creating the ability to run multiple DIFFERENT summits22:14
cjohnstonjcastro: http://pad.ubuntu.com/ep/search?query=topic22:15
jcastroit's not returning anything though22:15
cjohnstonetherpad isnt my baby22:15
cjohnstonAlanBell / Daviey ^22:15
jcastro<<<---- EOD22:21
cjohnstonanyone know if its possible to remove google chat from the gmail page?22:22
pleia2if you click on the chat bubble icon at the bottom it goes away22:26
cjohnstonhmm.. i dont see a chat bubble icon22:27
pleia2should be black and at the bottom of the screen22:27
pleia2assuming you're using new gmail layout22:28
cjohnstoni am22:28
AlanBelljcastro: cjohnston yeah, that is sadly broken and was always in that version of etherpad :(22:28
jcastrook, so maybe etherpad-lite works22:28
pleia2hm, maybe only black in my theme22:29
AlanBelldunno if etherpad lite has hashtag searching, I will go check22:29
jonojcastro, why isn't http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/13164681435/our-first-charm-school on cloud.ubuntu.com ?22:29
jcastrojono: it is22:29
jcastrojono: mark did it on cloud, I did it on planet22:30
jonoahhh ok22:30
jcastrobecause I can't figure out how to unspam planet with cloud.u.c22:30
jonobut hand on, cloud.ubuntu.com is posted to planet22:30
jcastroyeah, his announcement is different and did it a while after mine22:30
jonojcastro, as I mentioned the other day, you should create a planet category feed for planet, and then all c.u.c goes to planet22:30
jcastroI know22:30
jcastrobut the thing is all custom22:31
jonowhat is custom?22:31
cjohnstonpleia2: if i found what i think i found, i had to switch to dark for a minute22:31
jcastroand I can't get ahold of daker22:31
jcastrothe feed for cloud.u.c22:31
jonojcastro, if dakar has gone AWOL, ask someone internally to fix it22:31
jcastrocloud.u.c only posts the "featured"  tag22:31
jcastroI know22:31
jcastroI am trying22:31
jcastrobut I had to file RTs, etc.22:31
cjohnstoni believe its the middle of the night where daker is22:32
jcastroit's in progress but the thing is kind of a mess with the tags, etc.22:32
jonowhat do you mean a mess with tags?22:32
jcastroyou need to post it with "featured" to go on cloud.u.c22:32
jcastroand planet for it to go on planet.22:32
jcastrobut there's no way to say "post this person's blog posts on cloud, unless they are on planet, then don't."22:33
jonono, this is how we set it up:22:33
jono * everyone has a `cloud` category and `planet` category feed for their blog22:34
jonoall your cloud posts are in the `cloud` category which goes to c.u.c and is then syndicated to planet22:34
jonoall other posts are just in the `planet` category22:34
jcastrobut it doesn't do that22:34
jcastrothat's what I am trying to change22:34
jonojcastro, that is how Ahmed set it up22:34
jonoit should work like that22:34
jcastroif you post and tag it "cloud" it doesn't go onto cloud.ubuntu.com22:35
jonook, can I leave this with you to resolve?22:35
jcastroyes, I am in the process of doing it22:35
cjohnstonpleia2: ty22:35
jonowell obviously the feeds would need updating to point to a cloud feed22:35
jcastrowe're basically getting rid of the "featured" tag22:35
jonoI suspect some of the feeds were not updated22:35
jcastrowhichd doesn't make sense22:35
jonothanks jcastro22:35
jcastrono, they're all updated22:35
jcastroI did all that22:35
jcastroall I need to do is fix the custom php thing, which I need IS to do22:35
jcastrobecause it's doing some custom thing I wasn't aware of and had to figure out22:36
jonowhat needs to be fixed?22:36
jonothis should be as simple as just pointing a set of cloud category feeds to c.u.c22:36
jonoare you saying there is another step?22:36
jcastroit isn't22:36
jcastroit's not normall wordpress22:36
jcastrothe front page is like a custom php page22:36
jono*sigh*, I was pretty explicit with Ahmed about how this should have worked22:36
jcastrothat says "put things in the featured tag on the front page"22:37
jonooh I see22:37
jcastroI am changing that to just be "cloud"22:37
jcastrowhich is what it's supposed to be22:37
jcastroit's like some custom theme thing22:37
jonoplease don't block on dakar, ask ISD to help if needed22:37
jonoI hear we have someone on the inside for a few weeks ;-)22:37
jcastrowell, we couldn't figure out which file it was in until today22:38
cjohnstonjcastro: is this an easy fix or somethign complicated?22:38
jcastroit's an easy fix22:39
jcastroguys, I'm not an idiot22:39
cjohnstoni was going to offer assistance.. but if it was comlpicated i dont have time right now22:39
jcastroit's all custom themes, with multiple version dumped into wp and I don't have any access to the filesystem and editing is locked down in the thing22:39
jonojcastro, no one is suggesting you are an idiot22:40
jcastroanyway, it's all in the spec22:45
jcastroit doesn't work how people think it works22:45
jcastrowhen I am done cleaning out the tags I will post "you should use these tags" to the proper lists.22:45

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