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SpamapSHmm.. do we need NLS in the wget udeb? that would be another 3k down..00:06
cjwatsonSpamapS: we shouldn't00:09
SpamapScjwatson: right, BB doesn't have any either by the looks of it00:09
SpamapScjwatson: since I have you here, how do you feel about -Os ? I've never used it.. but it did drop nearly 20kB off the code size (and 10kB off the udeb size) for wget00:10
cjwatsonSpamapS: *shrug*00:19
cjwatsonSpamapS: we use it in a few places in d-i I think00:19
SpamapScjwatson: ACK. uploaded a new wget with as many disables and optimizations as I could find in 2 hours.00:19
SpamapScjwatson: from 159K to 130K00:20
cjwatsonbetter than nowt00:20
SpamapScjwatson: note that the rebuild just with precise's toolchain raised it from 152K to 159K00:20
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slangasekbroder: cool :)02:46
An-iSociaLwhatup! ubuntu is booted with xdesktop on my Motorola Xoom!02:56
pittiGood morning05:32
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:32
* SpamapS takes a deep breath and uploads mysql 5.506:53
broderbdrung: fyi, it looks like bug #808767 no longer affects the lintian build; i can build 2.5.4 on precise-i386 without error07:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 808767 in binutils (Ubuntu) "objdump --only-keep-debug cause the resulting binary to be statically linked on i386 arch" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80876707:50
dholbachgood morning08:03
pittihm, today's images grew by 8 MB09:42
sladenpitti: KDE update last night/09:42
pittino, Ubuntu's09:42
* pitti checks09:42
pitti== Added packages ==09:43
pittilibicu48 (8.1 MB)09:43
pittiah, there we go09:43
pittilibicu44 still has a few rdepends09:43
pittialso, it was only 7 MB09:43
pittibut at least the bulk of it will resolve itself with NBS09:44
micahgpitti: can I get you do 2 PPA copies for me10:19
pittimicahg: beer accepted10:19
pittimicahg: sure, which?10:19
micahgpitti: ubuntu-mozilla-security, firefox 8.0+build1-0ubuntu0.11.10.3 to ubuntu/primary oneiric (Security) and firefox - 8.0+build1-0ubuntu0.11.04.3 to natty-security10:20
pittimicahg: done10:24
micahgpitti: thanks :)10:24
hadesssomebody tell diwic to stop creating surveys for software he doesn't maintain10:35
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sladenpitti: has there been a recent upload to xdg-user-dirs?  bug #893526  has just been filed by a user.  We've seen it before as bug #209513 but what concerns me this time around is wanting to rename ~/./ to ~/Public/  (ie move folders between different levels)11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 893526 in xdg-user-dirs (Ubuntu) "Post login shows dialogue to rename homedir to homedir/Public" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89352611:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209513 in xdg-user-dirs (Ubuntu) "After upgrade, "Update standard folders to current language" threatens to rename your home folder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20951311:04
pittithis question also happens if you change your locale11:05
pittisladen: last upload was mid June11:06
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cjwatsonpitti: icu> yep, remaining unuploaded piece in main is libreoffice; see last night's conversation ...11:12
pitticjwatson: right, seems fine; just wanted to make sure it's not something less transietn11:13
pittiand yay typing11:13
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sladenpitti: the user claims not to have12:02
pittislangasek: is that oneiric or precise? might be a lightdm change12:04
pittislangasek, TheMuso: uploaded GTK 3 multiarch-ification, FYI12:11
pittiTheMuso: so you can probably re-enable it in at-spi again, too12:12
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seb128do we need to file rm bugs for sources that got dropped from debian because they are deprecated and non maintained and buggy?15:13
seb128or is somebody looking at those and mirroring the action in Ubuntu every now and then? (looking at pessulus in this case)15:14
pittioccasionally; that's "process-removals"15:16
pittiseb128: so, no need to file them now15:16
pittiin fact, I'll take a run through this15:16
seb128pitti, ok, thanks15:16
pittiRiddell: libkipi was removed from Debian (debian bug 615579), with "taken over by kdegraphics from kde4"; but we still have rdepends15:20
ubottuDebian bug 615579 in ftp.debian.org "RM: libkipi -- ROM; obsolete, taken over by kdegraphics from kde4" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/61557915:20
pittiRiddell: should we follow suit, or keep the sourrce?15:20
Riddellpitti: let me investigate15:24
Riddellupstream aren't entirely consistent there15:24
Riddellpitti: libkipi has indeed been merged into kdegraphics but now kdegraphics is released as separate split tars so we have libkipi again, so please keep it15:28
pittiRiddell: ah, ok; so eventually Debian will do the same, I figure15:28
pittiRiddell: thanks for checking!15:29
pitticjwatson, mterry: I think I fixed the libgail-3-common induced uninstallability now15:30
pittion powerpc/armel buildds need to catch up15:31
mterrypitti, sweet!15:36
pittimterry: just in case you look at precise_probs and want to LART me :)15:37
pittiin hindsight I should have updated seeds and -meta first, then gtk15:37
Andy80hi all15:59
Andy80where can I find informations/tutorials about splitting something in multiple packages? (for example: foo, foo-docs, foo-libs, foo-data ecc....). I've given a look at the official packaging documentation but it looks like this thing is not covered (at least on the doc I was reading it wasn't). Thanks!16:01
SpamapSAndy80: I'm not sure there are specific guides for that.. but usually you will need to be more explicit with each of the .install/.docs files to specify the package name.. and add sections to the control file for each16:31
* SpamapS changes gears16:32
SpamapSso, I uploaded a merge of mysql-5.5 from Debian experimental and since it is new to Ubuntu, its in the NEW queue. Does it have to pass a full NEW review or am I just waiting for an AA to ack it?16:32
pittiSpamapS: as long as it's a sync, we usually just wave it through16:36
pittiSpamapS: so if it's a merge, an AA will at least have to do some cursory checks16:36
SpamapSpitti: ACK.. so is there anyone I can poke for an expedite? I need to get the libmysqlclient transition rolling. :-P16:52
pittiSpamapS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Archive_days says Riddell is the master of the day, but not sure whether that's still current16:52
Riddellpitti: actually I'm just doing my first archive duties for many months16:53
RiddellSpamapS: what needs doing?16:53
pittiRiddell: ah, still know the knobs? :-)16:54
SpamapSRiddell: mysql-5.5 .. merge from Debian experimental is in the NEW queue.16:54
SpamapSRiddell: I would be most overjoyed if you could give it a high priority. Thanks! :)16:54
RiddellSpamapS: then I'll get to it shortly as I do New processing (unless there's a paticular hurry)16:54
SpamapSRiddell: next few hours is fine. It will take 2 hours to build, and then I have to start a rather large transition for the new libmysqlclient16:55
Riddellthat'll be fun :)16:56
pittiSpamapS: ugh, ABI change? happy buildd warming :)16:56
RiddellSpamapS: you'll probably need to poke me again once it's built then to let the New binaries in16:57
pittiRiddell: JFYI, I'm currently running process-removals (man, looong backlog), so if you try to run some tools and you don't get a lock, that'd be me16:57
pittiplease poke me if you need it16:57
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SpamapSRiddell: will do. :)17:02
SpamapSpitti: what was fun was convincing MySQL upstream that there actually was an ABI change.. they didn't believe it until we showed them the crashes *of their own client software*17:02
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pittisuperm1: ah, I can't push to ~mythbuntu/mythtv/mythtv-fixes -- can you please change ttf-droid to fonts-droid and ttf-liberation to fonts-liberation? (presumably some more fonts, too)17:03
pittisuperm1: they recently got renamed17:03
pitticjwatson: argh, sorry -- I removed ttf-farsiweb, saw too late that it is used by d-i; it was renamed to fonts-*17:06
superm1pitti: can you give me a merge request, i'll sort out the permissions problem later and merge it?17:09
superm1(assuming you already made changes locally of course)17:09
pittisuperm1: not yet, I just saw that I can't push the branch17:09
pittibut can do17:09
slangasekpitti: multiarchification - whee, thanks :)17:10
pittisuperm1: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/mythtv/font-rename/+merge/8304717:14
pitticjwatson: I pushed the change to bzr, but as I haven't done a d-i upload yet I rather don't try it now without your guidance17:18
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brycehpitti, have you heard of anyone having troubles building pbuilder images for precise?  I posted my log at #893700.18:10
seb128bryceh, he left for the day but that doesn't seem really pitti specific18:11
seb128that maybe something the stable team can help with?18:11
seb128i.e cjwatson or mterry18:11
brycehseb128, ok18:11
* mterry looks at bug18:12
brycehheya mterry, I poked around to see if anyone got that same error as I but found nothing; wondering if it's some odd perl conflict18:13
brycehor something particular to the pbuilder version I have installed18:13
mterrybryceh, hm maybe cjwatson would know right away, he did the perl transition18:14
broderbryceh: debootstrap was having issues with perl18:14
broderperl-modules in particular18:14
brodercjwatson fixed it with the most recent debootstrap upload to unstable, if you want to grab that18:14
brycehbroder, ah that sounds like a plausible suspect18:14
broder(as i recall, both the old and new versions of perl-modules were still getting published, and debootstrap couldn't handle it)18:15
brycehbroder, ah18:15
brycehhmm, not sure if I can direct pbuilder to pull bits from debian, but sounds like we'll be syncing that in before too long?18:16
broderbryceh: you use your own debootstrap, not the chroots18:16
broderso you can just install it on your host machine18:17
brodererr, not host, but ykwim18:17
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brycehbroder, awesome, it built the precise pbuilder image now, thanks!18:34
brodernp :)18:34
SpamapSCrap.. mysql 5.5 FTBFS on armel18:37
SpamapS/build/buildd/mysql-5.5-5.5.17/sql-common/client_plugin.c:247:5: error: incompatible type for argument 5 of 'add_plugin'18:38
SpamapSGuessing this is a common failure18:38
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SarvattSpamapS: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=6276918:52
SpamapSSarvatt: nice.. thanks!18:53
jonohey all18:57
jonois Precise reasonably stable at the moment?18:57
jonoI am thinking of upgrading18:57
* SpamapS dist-upgraded a week ago but has yet to reboot19:04
brycehjono, I've just upgraded one system and fresh-installed 3 others19:18
brycehjono, aside from a few assorted glitches (that I think you'd be unlikely to see) it went smoothly19:19
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jonothanks bryceh19:25
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ThetawavesWW: Explicitly asked to ignore failures (probably not good)19:51
ThetawavesII: New modules (you've been busy, wipe the poop off your nose)19:51
cjwatsonpitti: fonts-farsiweb> that's fine, thanks - no urgency on an upload, it can go into the next one that's needed for some other reason.  I've committed the corresponding seed change too20:22
cjwatsonbryceh: oh, yeah, I meant to sync debootstrap from unstable today for that but forgot (something to do with being on holiday maybe ;-) ).  Synced now20:23
brycehcjwatson, thanks.  Should the fix be sru'd, for folks that are doing pbuilder of precise on stable series?20:27
brycehcjwatson, if you can point me at the appropriate patch I can do the sru grunt work on it.20:27
cjwatsonbryceh: I commented on the bug.  I don't think it will get through the SRU process before the archive is changed such that it goes away on its own20:28
brycehcjwatson, ah ok20:28
cjwatsonbryceh: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=d-i/debootstrap.git;a=commitdiff;h=0fbf86aa8fbcd06cb62fddddcfd4605fef2ee8b2 if you want, though20:28
cjwatsonI could put it in -backports, that would be quicker20:29
cjwatson(after this sync publishes)20:29
brycehcjwatson, ah that's not a bad idea20:29
brycehcjwatson, I'll wontfix the natty/oneiric tasks unless you think there's any chance that this could recur such as when q-series opens?20:33
cjwatsonat the very least it will recur at each perl transition20:36
brodercjwatson: :-/ i recognize that we can move packages faster through -backports, but i'm not super thrilled about using backports for bugfixes20:41
jtaylorhas someone looked at backport sphinx 1.07?20:43
broderjtaylor: bug #?20:44
jtaylornone yet20:44
broderthen probably not :-P20:44
jtaylorI'm asking first, not that I do duplicate work20:44
Laneyeverything ought to be on bugs20:45
jtaylorwould be quite useful for some python pacakges using dh_sphinxdoc20:45
brodersearching the ubp project, i see bug #256017 and bug #291825, both of which should be killed off at this point anyway20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256017 in Hardy Backports "Please backport python-sphinx 0.4-1 from intrepid to hardy" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25601720:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291825 in Hardy Backports "please backport sphinx 0.4.2-1 from Intrepid to Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29182520:45
broderbut nothing recent20:46
jtaylork thx20:46
broderjtaylor: i'd encourage you to play with requestbackport in ubuntu-dev-tools, either from precise or from ppa:udt-developers/daily20:47
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tumbleweedbroder: oh, I never added existing backport searching to requestbackport20:48
brodertumbleweed: yeah, but i'm slowly ramping up to encouraging people to always using it for opening new bugs anyway20:48
cjwatsonbroder: Well, it's not so much that as that historically I've kept debootstrap up to date in -backports anyway because lots of people want the new scripts symlink20:48
brodercjwatson: i thought we sru'd those...20:49
cjwatsonSomebody started SRUing them without asking me first20:49
cjwatsonI'd already been backporting them for some time before that20:49
Laneyi only see it in updates for lucid20:49
broderheh, ok. i have no problem if there's precedent20:50
cjwatsonSo basically it's a mess20:50
cjwatsonAlternatively somebody could upload the relevant bits of KDE to make perlkde buildable and then the problem will go away for now :-)20:50
cjwatsonIn principle perl transitions should be completeable in about two or three days; less if we had good enough tools to stage them somewhere20:51
LaneyIt does seem more appropriate to cherry-pick that fix for SRU, but I recognise that it may be more work than it's worth. So I'm happy with carrying on keeping debootstrap more-or-less up to date in backports..20:51
RiddellI am in the proccess of merging and uploading large parts of KDE so it should happen soon20:52
cjwatsonit's just smokekde and okular I think, if I can convince you to prioritise :-)20:53
RiddellI'll see what I can do20:53
TheMusopitti: Thanks./21:01
jtaylorcjwatson: you merged svn last, are you considering fixing bug 881862 in oneiric?21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 881862 in subversion (Ubuntu) "svn up Segmentation Fault" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88186221:09
jtaylorit would be shame when the good triaging of the reporter goes to waste21:09
jtaylorthe issue should be fixed in precise with the merge21:10
RainCTpitti: Hey. Any idea why the Traceback of bug #760111 & dupes show "/home/username" (ie. with "username", literally) as the path?21:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760111 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu Precise) "zeitgeist-daemon crashed with OSError in makedirs(): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ubuntu/.local/share/zeitgeist'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76011121:42
seb128RainCT, some users consider their login name to be private info, apport replace it for privacy reasons21:57
RainCTseb128: it's still in the bug titles, though21:57
seb128"bug" ;-)21:57
seb128the intend is to hide it21:57
seb128the title case was not considered I guess21:58
RainCTseb128: Okay, thanks for the info. So it's not XDG_HOME being messed up or something :P21:58
seb128no it's not ;-)21:58
seb128"    def anonymize(self):21:59
seb128        '''Remove user identifying strings from the report.21:59
seb128        This particularly removes the user name, host name, and IPs21:59
seb128        from attributes which contain data read from the environment, and21:59
seb128        removes the ProcCwd attribute completely.21:59
seb128        '''21:59
seb128RainCT, ^ that's what apport is doing basically (that's from report.py in the apport source code)21:59
bdrungbroder: k, synced22:30
szymon_ghm... why does ubuntu have 2 installation-cd: "desktop" and alternate? wouldn't it be easier to keep it on one (since space isn't that big problem- it will be to big for cd anyway...)?23:18
penguin42szymon_g: Don't forget the desktop is also a live cd23:26
RAOFszymon_g: You don't need both the alternate and desktop installers; they're two different ways to arrive at the same installed system.23:27
szymon_gpenguin42, yes, i know. i wonder- why they are seperated: on the start of system /when you choose like "check cd for defects" "check memory" etc etc/ someone could choose: either livecd /and maybe simple install from it/ or "advanced" way- i.e. textual installer, with lvm/raid etc23:29
szymon_gso it would be easier for some people /like me: no need to get 2 images: livecd for checking how unity has been changed + alternate for installing on lvm/raid/23:30
TheMusoszymon_g: That used to be available in the DVD version.23:30
szymon_g"used to be" :?23:30
szymon_gwas dvd ceased?23:30
TheMusoAs of oneiric, I believe the DVD version in that form is no longer available.23:30
RAOFThey're separated because you can't fit both of them on the same CD.23:30
TheMusoThere is still a DVD version, but its a live system only, and much smaller.23:31
szymon_gRAOF, but the next ubuntu wont be on CD either23:31
RAOFIt will be if it fits :)23:31
szymon_gand textual installer + lvm/raid support wont occupy much space23:31
TheMusoYes it will actually, you need all the debs of the system to be installed.23:32
szymon_gRAOF, i heard rumors that it will be approx 750mb o.O23:32
RAOFYes, it will.  it will occupy 700 MB of space. :)23:32
RAOFThere is essentially nothing shared between the livecd and the alternate installer.23:32
szymon_gso- are there any chances to introduce lvm/raid configuration in livecd installer?23:33
RAOFOf course.23:33
RAOFIt's a long-standing feature request.23:33
TheMusoBut not a priority afaik.23:33
RAOFI don't think that anyone's currently working on it, but if you wanted to I don't know of any reason why good patches wouldn't be accepted.23:33
szymon_gRAOF, i'm just asking. my only programs were "hello world" in C. the most beautiful 32 lines of code you could ever see23:34
* Frostbite pats szymon_g23:35
szymon_g:) btw, is anyone working on delta-deb?23:35
szymon_git's huge bandwith saving /my record is 96% of savings/23:35

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