
Guest3278I am a newbee!!01:45
ebelanyone wanna join a techie table quiz http://python.ie/meetup/2011/quite-interesting-jolly-guessing-game-code-monkeys-you/ ?10:00
czajkowskiannoying on the php mailing list there is no mail man link to unsuscribe10:40
ebelIs it mailman? Try looking in the email headers it might have a "List-Unsubscribe" header10:41
czajkowskiI asumed all mailing lists came with mailman info on the bottom of them10:41
czajkowskiinc how to unsusribe10:41
ebelif it's mailman it might follow the common "send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to $LISTNAME-unsubscribe@example.com"10:42
czajkowskimay try that10:42
ebel(I don't know if a php mailing list would fall under data protection laws which requires an opt out)10:42
ebelIn Thunderbird, press Control-U to view the raw email source, incl. the headers10:43
slashtommyczajkowski: flights booked yet?10:43
ebelczajkowski: also, if there's a mailman archive of the mailing list they might have a web based unsubscribe feature10:45
czajkowskiebel: do you need a different type of helmet to have a camera mounted to it13:41
slashtommyno, standard EU approved helmet13:41
ebelczajkowski: no. most come with sticky things to velcro (etc.) the camera on.13:42
slashtommywe use a rubber strap13:43
ebelI'm sure you can buy fancy pants helmets that have fancy cameras in them13:43
ebelbut they are unneeded13:43
slashtommyyou can buy fancy pants helmets without cameras13:43
ebelsome cameras come with a vacuum thingie13:43
slashtommystarting from a mere €50013:43
slashtommyhowever our helmets are the cheapest at €100 - and i have crashed tested this brand13:44
ebelyes, no fancy helmets needed13:45
ebelsome cameras can be attached to a bike. I can attach my camera to the side of my bike for low down shots if I want http://www.flickr.com/photos/rorymccann/5855913231/in/set-7215762700490723213:46
slashtommyebel: tis a cool video....  it ends with us going through a 50 sign :P13:47

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