
=== JG84|Food is now known as JG84|Around-ish
=== JG84|Around-ish is now known as JG84|Around|ish
=== JG84|Around|ish is now known as JG84|Around-ish
=== JG84|Around-ish is now known as JG84|Sleep
=== Fuchs is now known as Fuffs
=== Fuffs is now known as NetFox
=== JG84|Sleep is now known as JG84|Around-ish
Linuxsapienanyone around to hang a cloak on me please?23:50
Linuxsapienive signed the COC since 2006 :)23:51
PiciLinuxsapien: You should 1) identify 2) provide your launchpad URL23:51
PiciLinuxsapien: are you an Ubuntu Member?23:51
Linuxsapienyes I am23:51
LinuxsapienIll ident two ticks please23:51
LjLi don't see Ubuntu membership listed there i'm afraid23:55
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership23:55
Linuxsapienive been beta testing the font23:56
Linuxsapienand in the other places23:57
Myrttibut you're still not a member23:57
Myrttiplease read the wikipage23:58
LinuxsapienI am :)23:58
Linuxsapienthanks for the help none the less Myrtti23:58
Myrttithen why aren't you marked as such in launchpad?23:58
LinuxsapienI am :) reading the wiki23:59
Linuxsapienbye for now23:59
Myrttianyway, good night23:59
Picibye :)23:59

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