[00:45] micahg: I packaged the all the builds today and put them in my dev ppa. Once I can validate that they build and look good, I propose the merge. [00:46] micahg: thanks for the help today [08:21] chrisccoulson: wow, about:plugins now loads new stuff w/out a Firefox restart, nice [14:58] hi chrisccoulson, I've noticed that https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-firefox-translations-in-launchpad appears on my work items. As there wasn't any discussion at UDS, I assumed you wouldn't have time this cycle. Is this something you're going to be working on, or has it been approved by mistake? [14:59] dpm, it's been approved because it's something i'd like to work on [14:59] whether it will happen or not is another matter :) [15:00] chrisccoulson, ok, cool. As you know, I'm very interested on it as well, so let me know if there is anything I can help with once the decision has been made :) [15:16] micahg: The seamonkey x64 builds completed and they seem to be working fine. Something seems wrong with launchpad builds as it's taking forever. [15:30] micahg: How do I propose the beta branch? Does lp:seamonkey-beta need to exist before I propose it? [15:50] joelesko: should be lp:seamonkey/beta [15:51] Do I select other and use that branch name? [15:54] I get a timeout error when I try to use lp:seamonkey/beta in the Target Branch Other [16:03] joelesko: ah, I thought I pushed it [16:05] weird, ok, well, I guess I have some cleanup to do later, you can just update your lp:~joe-nationnet/seamonkey/seamonkey-beta branch I guess [19:49] hello [21:48] Hi all, sorry to bother you right after FF8 came out, but is there anything about TB8 on oneiric? [22:31] cousin_luigi: yes, sorry, it will be coming later this week, for Firefox 9, we should be much closer to the upstream release time [22:52] micahg: Thanks man. === micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: FF = Firefox | FF8.0 10.04-10.10 http://is.gd/5Fyywu | FF9.0b2 10.04-11.10 http://is.gd/WUM9i5 | FF10.0a2 10.04-12.04 http://is.gd/Byx4fN | Nothing in http://is.gd/dsudW needs testing | FF3.6.24 (10.04-10.10) FF8.0 (11.04-11.10)/Thunderbird 3.1.15 in Stable Releases | Report Mozilla PPA bugs: http://is.gd/hdZc1 [23:29] chrisccoulson: got security/stability firefox update ... got restart button, restart didnt succeed, no firefox process dangling... [23:29] asac_, there's a bug about that ;) [23:29] not sure if you still have hope on this one though :) [23:29] chrisccoulson: really? :-P ... the old "firefox upgrades cause huge troubles" one with 3K comments? [23:30] do you need more info ;) ... or a confirm? [23:30] asac_, i think there might be another open bug :) [23:30] could be. makes sense to have proper discussion in a shadow bug with less noise [23:31] heh