
EvilResistancesomeone might want to watch #ubuntu, there's a potential bitching fest that would cause bad language fights in channel...01:14
EvilResistancei already called the !language flag twice01:14
pangolintonyyarusso got a live one03:33
tonyyarussopangolin: hrm?03:33
pangolinnever mind, just be being silly03:34
pangolinalso with Desura being out of beta we could say the linux is for games now also03:34
tonyyarussopangolin: ?03:36
pangolinhmm let me run to the store and I'll write up a factoid when i get back03:37
pangolin!desura is <reply> Desura is an application which makes it easy to install, patch and play games on all Linux and Windows distributions. http://www.desura.com for more information.03:55
pangolinubottu: ping03:55
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...03:55
pangolinwhy didn't that take?03:56
pangolinubottu: desura is <reply> Desura is an application which makes it easy to install, patch and play games on all Linux and Windows distributions. http://www.desura.com for more information.03:58
ubottuI'll remember that, pangolin03:58
pangolintonyyarusso: is that good enough ?03:58
tonyyarussopangolin: So, does it make it so you can play Windows games, or is it a platform for people to develop games to compete against them?03:59
pangolinit is a steam like client for linux04:00
pangolindoesn't let you play windows games04:00
pangolinleast not that I am aware of04:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu, hangingclowns1 said: ubottu: and zykotick9: is there a way to change the settings with ssh?06:07
* elky lines up a kick06:37
vibhavWhat random advice?10:19
Tm_Thi vibhav10:19
vibhavI use synaptiks on my laptop10:19
ikonia10:17 < vibhav> Reikoku: sudo apt-get install kde-config-touchpad10:19
vibhavhi Tm_T10:19
ikoniathe guy isn't using kde10:19
vibhavsynaptiks will still work on gnome10:20
ikoniayou didn't find out what he was using, you just suggested he bascially pulls in a massive ammount of kde desktop10:20
Tm_T"worksforme" ):10:20
vibhavno nono10:20
ikoniayou've been told about this approach many times now and the team cannot moitor the advice you give people10:21
vibhavSnaptiks is quite powerful10:21
ikoniaat this time you cannot be trusted to help people properly in the channel10:21
vibhavIt will still work for him10:21
ikoniavibhav: so would installing fedora....is that an option ?10:21
vibhavikonia: Do you know his problem?10:21
ikoniayes, his touchpad isn't working how he wants for "tap" click10:21
vibhavHE wanted to disable tapping10:22
vibhavAnd Synaptiks has an option for disabling it10:22
ikoniayes it does10:22
ikoniait also installs half of KDE10:22
ikoniaso to fix his touchpad you are basically saying install KDE into the gnome desktop10:22
vibhavWhich the deafault Mouse Managment softare included in Ubuntu does not have10:22
vibhavI was just asking him if he wanted to compile it , but you kicked me10:23
ikoniaI'm done - I don't believe you think through the help you give people, warn people of what's going to happen and you cause more issues than you help10:23
vibhavInstalling KDE wont mess up his laptop10:24
ikoniaasking him if he wants to compile it ???/ so now you're installing KDE dev libraries too, sorry no10:24
vibhavI knew what I was doing10:24
ikoniaI'm leaving it there. Tm_T if you want to go through this loop again, your call10:24
vibhavIs not this getting lame??10:25
vibhavmy advice was neither wfm nor random10:28
vibhavNeither it was dangerous10:28
vibhav15:58 <vibhav> installed?10:29
vibhav15:59 <Reikoku> Yeah, how do I run it?10:29
Tm_Tvibhav: sorry, but I think we're back to the "I'll monitor and see if you can do things right" mode10:29
Tm_Tand this time, I would also like you to pay attention what I'm trying to tell you10:30
vibhavBut , its working for him ;There is nothing wrong there10:30
Tm_Tvibhav: and if it weren't working?10:30
vibhavThen you had a proper reason10:30
Tm_Twhat would he need to remove to get back to the state before installing that?10:31
vibhavWhich state10:32
vibhavHe is still using gnome10:32
Tm_Tthe state before installing synaptiks, meaning, removing all the packages he wouldn't need which were just installed10:32
Tm_Tvibhav: the problem is, it did work this time, although there would have been other ways that wouldn't have involved installing half of the DE he don't use10:34
Tm_Tthere's just no manpower to watch after you to make sure you don't accidentally ruin someone'10:34
Tm_T's system10:35
vibhavThe point is , my advice did nothing wrong to his system10:35
Tm_Tvibhav: we've had this conversation several times now, so let's just stop now10:36
vibhavMy advice worked , and he said he would donate $5 to any organization of my liking10:37
Tm_Tand from my point of view all that is irrelevant10:37
vibhavI know10:38
vibhavBut it worked10:38
vibhavThis means I helped him10:38
vibhavAnd not gave any random advice10:38
vibhavWhich you told me not to10:38
Tm_Tno, "worksforme" is not proper way to help10:38
vibhavits NOT WFM , why dont you understand10:38
vibhavEvery other touchpad management program loses its settngs on a reboot10:39
Tm_Tvibhav: for example, you didn't ask if he wanted to install half of the DE he isn't using, did you?10:39
vibhavTHATS THE POINT10:39
Tm_Tvibhav: you didn't look any simpler solutions or inform your solution isn't simple, did you?10:39
vibhav16:09 < vibhav> Every other touchpad management program loses its settngs on a  reboot10:40
Tm_Tvibhav: so for both of my questions its no?10:41
vibhavI did search for some other management devices10:41
Tm_Tsearch isn't enough10:41
vibhavand I was going to ask him about KDE10:42
Tm_Ttoo late10:42
vibhavwhich he was going to install10:42
Tm_Ttoo late10:42
vibhavbut ikonia kicked me10:42
Tm_T"I was going to..." doesn't suffice10:43
vibhavWhat if I ask him to join and gice advice on my solution?10:44
vibhavI mean a testmonial?10:44
Tm_TReikoku: hi, how can we help?10:44
vibhavMy soultion worked for you Reikoku right?10:44
ReikokuYeah it sorted one of my issues10:45
Tm_TReikoku: sorry, but if there's no further help you need from us, I have to ask you to part so we can continue with vibhav without distraction, ok? (:10:45
Tm_Tthe problem with you (still) is that you rush to help before you even know or care to find out the whole issue, or what the consequenses could be with your suggestions which you possibly just found with search10:47
Tm_Tthe key here is patience10:48
vibhavHe gave the exact !details of the problem10:48
Tm_Tvibhav: your solution did require some questions before given, like I tried to show you a moment ago10:49
vibhavBut I researched for some time , then gave him advice/solution10:50
vibhavHe asked the question on 15:3810:50
Tm_Tthat's not enough10:50
vibhavAnd I gave an answer on 15:4710:50
vibhavYou cant expect one to research for half an hour10:51
Tm_T...which just means you don't know, so you don't need to help with stuff you don't know10:51
Tm_Tbecause you can very easily cause damage10:51
vibhavdon't know what??10:51
vibhavbut this DID NOT cause any damage10:52
Tm_Tthis time10:52
vibhavbut instead worked for him10:52
vibhavSo you have ABSOLUTELY NO reason to ban/kick me10:52
vibhavKick me when I gave RANDOM advice10:52
vibhavWhich I used to give10:52
vibhavikonia is simply looking for reasons to kick\ban me10:53
Tm_T"I did search for it" doesn't make it any better, even if it happens to work this time if you don't know or don't care to tell what it will do10:53
vibhavdont change the subject10:54
vibhavThe point is , It Worked10:54
vibhavFor him10:54
Tm_Tand my point is, it doesn't matter10:54
Tm_Tbecause you don't know, don't check, or tell the consequences to the one who you are helping10:57
vibhavThis time I knew the consequences10:57
Tm_Tvibhav: but you didn't tell10:57
vibhavikonia banned me before i could tell  him about it10:58
Tm_Tyou should have tell about it _before_ telling to install something10:58
Tm_Thence "I was going to..." is way too late10:59
vibhavBut it worked for him10:59
Tm_Tvibhav: please, stop saying "but it did work this time" as it's irrelevant11:00
vibhavyou dont seem to understand it11:01
Tm_Tthat it did work for him, this time?11:01
vibhavI twould work for 'n' number of people , 'n' times11:01
Tm_Tvibhav: and every time you fail to to check and tell what they actually do install11:02
elkyvibhav, By your logic, cops shouldn't stop drunk drivers from driving while drunk unless they first crash into something.11:03
elkyI don't like that logic.11:03
vibhavelky : Crashing is Damage11:03
Tm_Telky: I was thinking of someone shooting with shotgun wildly saying "I didn't shoot anyone this time"11:03
vibhavWhile it did not do any damage , instead it worked for him11:03
elkysometimes drunk drivers make it home, too11:04
elkythat doesn't make drunk driving ok to do11:04
vibhavIt would work for 'n' number of people , 'n' times11:04
elkythe police stop them for a reason11:04
Tm_Tvibhav: your advices don't hold that quality11:04
Tm_Tnot even mine11:05
vibhavWhat if , The driver only had an unopened bottle of an alcholic beverage?11:05
Tm_Tvibhav: stop11:05
vibhavThis is the same situation11:05
Tm_Tit is not11:05
vibhavand why?11:05
elkyvibhav, these newbies are putting trust in you, you know. they trust that your advice won't also have surprises, such as most of kde, that they didn't want and may not notice until something /else/ happens.11:05
vibhavIt did not have any surprises , though11:06
vibhavReikoku has helped several people here11:06
elkydid he know *beforehand* that it was going to install lots of extra stuff? Did you check that he's on a system that has space for all that?11:06
vibhavikonia banned me before asking that11:07
elkymy eeepc 701, for example, would probably have run out of disk space11:07
vibhav ikonia banned me before asking that11:07
elkyvibhav, you'd already had him install it, why were you going to ask *after*?11:07
elkyyou need to ask that *before*11:07
vibhav64.4 MB does not get downloaded immeadiately11:07
Tm_Tvibhav: it's too late11:07
Tm_Tway too late11:07
elky<vibhav> 15:58 <vibhav> installed?11:07
elky<vibhav> 15:59 <Reikoku> Yeah, how do I run it?11:07
elky^that means it was too late11:08
vibhavthat is exactly 58 - 47 minutes after I was banned11:08
vibhavand apt-get tells you the amount of disk space to be used and download11:08
Tm_Tvibhav: you're rolling your responsibility to the user11:09
elkyand if he had space then, but after downloading a few songs he ran out of space, or he tried to install something more important than synaptiks and he couldn't because there was no space left?11:09
elkythat's what we mean by other issues11:09
vibhavI PMED him about that11:10
Tm_Tvibhav: it was all too late11:10
vibhavThe chat text you posted earlier was all Pmed11:10
elkyyou're supposed to ask *BEFORE* you give the advice.11:10
elkynot after11:10
vibhavBut today it worked for this guy11:10
vibhavso it could be a warning11:11
elkyyou ran out of those long ago11:11
Tm_Tno, you've been warned and explained multiple times before11:11
vibhav<vibhav> BTW it will instal some KDE stuff worth 250 MB too11:11
vibhav<Reikoku> thats fine , I have plenty of disk space11:12
Tm_Tit was too late11:12
vibhavI pmed him about that11:12
vibhavwhen I was downloading the stuff11:12
Tm_Tbefore giving the advice on channel?11:13
vibhavthe time he was downloadind it11:13
Tm_Tvibhav: ok, this ends now, it's been explained to you multiple times within last 15 minutes that's way too late, yet you try squirm out of it instead of even trying to see what's the problem here11:14
Tm_Tvibhav: and I don't believe you have anything valuable to bring to this conversation anymore, nor do I to be honest, so I'll ask you to stop now11:15
vibhav16:45 <Reikoku> The warning was irrelevant as I have qt4 installed11:16
vibhav So the downloads took about 30 seconds11:17
Tm_Toh boy...11:17
* elky huggles Tm_T11:17
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (Tobi97 appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:07
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (Tobi97 appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:07
* genii-around slides Pici a beverage of his choice18:09
PiciThe ban is only a few days old too21:16

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