
jussiso... 3 who appear to be finns/located in finland... :D Who here is employed by canonical? I know po-pey is...14:25
MrChrisDruifpopey; look at the link in the topic, I think you added it to swiftly after added the topic of TABLET14:32
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-phone to: Welcome to #ubuntu-phone | http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone
popeysorry about that14:33
MrChrisDruifWell, I spotted it soon enough, so not too much harm was done I think =)14:35
Wellarkjussi: a Finn and damn proud of it o/14:53
Wellarkand employed by Canonical14:53
Wellarkwe should get a drink sometime14:53
* MrChrisDruif wants to get employed by Canonical14:54
mika_*cough* o/ to both14:56
mika_maxolase1squad: I noticed you've set up Ubuntu_on_Phone page on wiki15:24
maxolase1squadI took that as an action item at UDS.15:24
mika_that's cool, i just initially missed out on that, sorry!15:25
maxolase1squadI'm definitely looking forward to doing more for the Ubuntu on phone project.15:26
mika_question is should it be UbuntuPhone, ubuntu-phone or Ubuntu_on_phone15:26
mika_I went for UbuntuPhone, since that's more aligned to wiki syntax...15:26
mika_and added link to ubuntu-phone15:27
mika_is it somehow different that you're doing there?15:27
maxolase1squadCould you restate the question?15:28
maxolase1squadIf UbuntuPhone is more in line with the standard wiki naming, then it's probably a better idea to use that.15:33
* MrChrisDruif thinks UbuntuPhone15:34
maxolase1squadI've udpated the blueprint to point to UbuntuPhone15:36
mika_right, ok15:36
mika_i just wanted to see that we can align on the naming and our efforts :)15:37
maxolase1squadI trashed Ubuntu_on_Phone15:39
maxolase1squadTo avoid confusion15:39
jussiWellark: yup! where you based?17:45
jussiheya mika_17:45
jussibtw, I should make it clear that I am not a finn, but I do live here17:46
Wellarkjussi: :D18:24
Wellarkjussi: I'm based in Tampere18:24
jussiWellark: ahh, so south of here then :)18:24
* jussi is oulu based18:24
jussiWellark: who is leading this effort from canonical's side do you know?18:25
mika_i mean hello18:29
Wellarkjussi: effort of getting drunk?18:29
Wellarkerr.. drink18:30
jussiWellark: no... the phone effort :D18:30
Wellarkjussi: mika_ atm18:30
Wellarkhis our Mr. Phone18:31
Wellarkhe is18:31
mika_yeah, for the design bits, it's yours truly18:32
WellarkI can try to get some responcibility on the implementation side (^.^)18:33
Wellarkwould be fun18:33

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