
=== vongrippen___ is now known as vongrippen
uvirtbotNew bug: #893400 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init: Output machine usable public ssh host key (for known_hosts)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89340000:46
=== vongrippen__ is now known as vongrippen
wakejagri have ubuntu server installed on a laptop.  is there a way to remove the waiting for network configuration from the boot scripts?00:52
SpamapSwakejagr: plug in a network cable? ;)00:57
SpamapSwakejagr: you can use network-manager w/o the GUI (edit /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections and use nmcli) .. or try something like connman. Otherwise, I think we'll add a new 'auto-nowait' group in precise that will allow users in your situation to have an interface that is brought up "when possible" by ifupdown.00:59
wakejagrthanks for the info01:01
arrrghhhhey all, i recently added a new user to my server and his internet connection has been flaky01:18
arrrghhhhe had a bunch of failed logins, and now his IP is in hosts.deny01:19
arrrghhhi removed it, restarted ssh.... and "something" added his IP right back into hosts.deny01:19
arrrghhhis this dansguardian?  what is adding him right back, and why?01:19
twbI thought dansguardian was just a shitty proprietary version of squidguard01:20
arrrghhhi guess i don't know then01:21
arrrghhhall i do know, for sure, is that his IP keeps ending up in hosts.deny01:21
arrrghhhand removing it and restarting ssh did nothing.01:21
twbThat sounds like fail2ban / denyhosts01:21
arrrghhhthat sounds right01:21
twbMost things don't write to tcpwrappers01:21
arrrghhhi think i did fail2ban, can't remember01:21
twbWhich in turn will be because someone is brute-force logging in from his IP and causing one of those two to see (via auth.log) an attack01:22
arrrghhhi see the refused connections in auth.log01:22
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arrrghhhah.  well, i guess i shouldn't have asked in here...01:40
twbUh, whatever02:00
twbIf you had hung around, I'd have helped more02:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #893421 in apache2 (main) "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00000000801f0f1d" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89342102:15
Nuc134rB0tHello, I installed Webmin because I thought I could manage it from Terminal then I found out I need a browser and w3m is too complicated, so I'm installing ubuntu-desktop. Is that ok or I'm just missing the whole concept of Server with no GUI?02:53
twbw3m is too complicated?02:53
twbWhat's simpler?  curl?02:54
Nuc134rB0tto manage webmin I think yes.02:54
twbDon't use webmin.02:54
Nuc134rB0tWhat should I?02:54
twbIf you can't administer a system from the command line, you shouldn't be in charge of it02:54
twbIf you really must have a web UI, I believe ebox is the flavour du jour, but IMO they're all terrible02:55
Nuc134rB0tThat is true, but this is just a home server for learining propuses, not my work.02:55
twbMy position still holds02:55
Nuc134rB0tHow do you recommend I learn the use use a server then?02:56
Nuc134rB0t How do you recommend I learn the use of a server then?*02:57
twbBy asking questions here02:57
twbAnd reading the Ubuntu Server Guide02:57
Nuc134rB0tBut you are suggesting me to not be in charge of my own server I installed to learn how it works.02:58
twbNo, I'm saying either learn how it works or don't use it.02:59
twbDeploying webmin will not teach you how a server works.02:59
Nuc134rB0tOh! good then.02:59
twbSuch tools exist specifically so people DON'T have to learn02:59
Nuc134rB0tHaven't seen it that way.03:00
qman__also, this03:00
qman__!webmin | Nuc134rB0t03:00
ubottuNuc134rB0t: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:00
twbqman__: heh, I hesitated to paste the dpkg bot's version03:00
twb<dpkg> Webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix.  Check it out at http://webmin.com/ Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."  Removed from Debian post-Sarge, see http://bugs.debian.org/343897 .  The Debian package from webmin.com is of poor quality.  See <free whc03:01
twbp> for alternatives.03:01
qman__installing things like webmin or desktops will not help you learn to administer a server03:01
qman__webmin is a crutch for those who don't want to learn, and the GUI does nothing to aid, as all the tools are command line anyway03:01
twbHear, hear03:01
twbIn squid, can I say "cache_dir aufs 24GB" instead of "cache_dir aufs 24576" ?03:02
twbobviously the former is more readable03:02
Nuc134rB0tqman__, I did not know about the support, thanks.03:02
Nuc134rB0tI guess I will have to ctrl+x this lol03:04
Nuc134rB0tShould have asked first.03:04
Nuc134rB0ti meant ctrl+c03:05
qman__the server guide is the best place to start03:07
qman__and find yourself a crash course on bash03:07
twbqman__: do you know about M-_ in bash?03:08
qman__I learned it mostly through trial and error, so I can't personally recommend any resources03:08
qman__can't say I do03:08
twbInserts last argument of previous command03:08
twbe.g. ls -ld foo; rm M-_ ==> rm foo03:08
Nuc134rB0tHmm I will think about that, since I know too basic commands for an Ubuntu user since 6.0603:09
twbIt's actually readline, so it works in e.g. python too03:09
swharperquestion: i have a raid6 config using 11.10 - trying to share /dev/md1 via samba - how do i accomplish that04:53
pythonirc101does anyone here maintain their own email server ? I've to deploy an email ssytem for a small company (10 people), currently they use gmail, but do not like the fact that google stores their data05:30
pythonirc101any suggestions on what i should use for a gmail replacement05:30
lifelesshallyn: where is the upstream for lxcguest? I have a tweak to the /var/run workaround, but want to check my lxcguest.conf isn't just foot-gunning me05:47
SpamapSlifeless: I believe the Ubuntu package is the upstream.05:58
koolhead17hi all06:47
twbSpamapS: surely you don't need both of those lxcguest. 's07:11
SpamapStwb: indeed, first is package name, second is upstart job name07:13
twbYeah but doesn't dh_installinit default to assuming them the same?07:15
twbIt's only if you call dh_installinit with --name fred that it's different or so07:15
SpamapSnot that i know of07:15
twbThat's lame, because for the sysvinit part I'm pretty sure you can07:15
SpamapStwb: it may default to the first package in debian/control if its not specified07:18
jamespagemorning all08:10
cwillu_at_workThank you for observing law 421:  no morning that started with piping netcat into bash and back shall be called "good".08:13
lynxmanjamespage: morning!08:58
jamespagemorning lynxman08:58
koolhead17http://xkcd.com/978/ lol09:05
RoyKhttp://xkcd.com/979/ was even better :)09:09
* koolhead17 clicks09:10
lynxmanRoyK: LOL09:10
koolhead17aah RoyK its true. :P09:10
koolhead17hola lynxman09:10
lynxmankoolhead17: ello O/09:11
lynxmanouch o/09:11
RoyKkoolhead17: I usually read xkcd every [mon,wed,fri]09:11
koolhead17lynxman, i been doing that :)09:12
koolhead17RoyK, so do i at times. :P09:12
koolhead17Daviey, hi there09:13
koolhead17there are so many now THB09:13
koolhead17RoyK, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_kernel_names09:14
koolhead17Pink Farting Weasel09:14
RoyKkoolhead17: erm - yes :P09:15
koolhead17hello jamespage09:15
jamespagehi koolhead1709:19
Davieykoolhead17: hey09:26
koolhead17Daviey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/89346609:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893466 in horizon "Quantum should either be fully optional or not optional" [Undecided,New]09:26
Davieykoolhead17: ahha! thanks09:26
koolhead17so u need 2 have glance as well as quantum codes in order to have dashboard working09:27
Davieykoolhead17: Out of interest, what keystone are you using?09:28
koolhead17Daviey, the one from Github. :(09:29
Davieykoolhead17: Would you mind trying a PPA for me?09:29
koolhead17sure. right away09:29
koolhead17i need to know the PPA details i should add though :P09:30
Davieykoolhead17: Need to create it first :)09:30
Davieykoolhead17: will you be around for a few hours?09:30
koolhead17let me start a new VM to test this on oneiric09:30
koolhead17yes sure09:30
koolhead17till another 8 hrs09:30
Davieykoolhead17: \o/09:32
koolhead17BTW http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2011/11/21/technology-datawind-ubislate.html09:40
koolhead17cheapest tablet available :P09:41
caribouQ: Is there a specific procedure to have a package newly included in Debian/Sid also available in Universe ?09:44
cariboucollectl, A very useful data collection tool recently made it to sid and could be handy for us as well09:46
lynxmancaribou: you ask for a sync from debian09:46
cariboulynxman: who do I ask it to ?09:46
lynxmancaribou: requestsync --lp -d debiandistro packagename ubuntudistro09:47
lynxmancaribou: for example "requestsync --lp -d sid puppet precise"09:47
cariboucool, tanks lynxman09:49
lynxmancaribou: np :)09:50
cariboulynxman: maybe I should have checked first, it's already there in precise :)09:56
caribouDaviey: I don't know if you remember me from UDS-P, I told you about some HP expertise center in Grenoble09:57
Davieycaribou: I think so, have a pic to hand?09:57
Davieycaribou: If it's a server related package, please send the bug number returned here; and we'll get it sponsored, thanks.09:59
caribouDaviey: no longer needed as I just said to lynxman it's already synced in precise09:59
caribouDaviey: Regarding the expertise center,I just wanted to let you know that I sent an email to my buddy regarding it10:00
Davieyah great!10:03
koolhead17TeTeT, hello there10:07
TeTeThi koolhead1710:08
koolhead17TeTeT, how have you been? long time. :D10:08
TeTeTkoolhead17: doing ok, how about you?10:09
koolhead17TeTeT, am good. :D10:13
caribouI have a question regarding packaging10:49
lynxmancaribou: shoot :)10:49
caribouI need to add a patch I made to the kexec-tools package for testing purposes10:49
caribouwhat would be the prefered way to do this ?10:49
caribouget the package source, add my patch to debian/patches & rebuild ?10:49
caribou(and to ./patches/00list as well)10:50
lynxmancaribou: yeah, add to changelog to up the version, that's pretty much it (afaict)10:50
caribouok, I'll try this out & come crying if I can't get it working :)10:50
lynxmancaribou: good luck :)10:51
lynxmankoolhead17: don't cry koolhead1711:12
koolhead17lynxman, just had chocolate so am better. :D11:22
lynxmankoolhead17: good good :)11:25
VirHi, what error is behind "Waiting for network configuration..."? I.e. it waits for several minutes at boot with that message. And I have no idea how to fix it. There's one DHCP interface, the rest is static. The DHCP works fine. What could it be?11:34
=== smb` is now known as smb
koolhead17Vir, is the dynamic interface default one <eth0> ?11:54
Virkoolhead17: why do you call it "default" BTW?11:55
koolhead17Vir, because i had similar problem when i was trying to use DHCP via cobbler11:56
Virkoolhead17: I looked into syslog and it shows that DHCP configuration takes about 10s11:57
Virbut on boot it shows "Waiting for network configuration ..." "Waiting up to 60 more seconds [...]"11:57
koolhead17Vir, can`t that be because of your DHCP server connectivity11:57
Virkoolhead17: what do you mean?11:57
koolhead17Vir, leasing time by dhcp server11:58
Virkoolhead17: dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 1786 seconds.11:58
Virthis time syslog shows DHCP config took 5s. Bootup was stuck for 2 minutes at least12:00
VirI don't understand this in any case. What DHCP servers require > 30s to answer?12:01
VirOK, now to my real problem. Kernel 3.0.0 (Oneiric) doesn't boot: http://compeng.uni-frankfurt.de/~kretz/screenshot.png12:08
Virit just hangs there12:08
Vir2.6.38 and 2.6.32 boot (but with 2 minutes waiting for some network configuration that's all good already)12:09
Virexecuting fsck from recovery boot now - but I just did that a few minutes earlier from the 2.6.38 kernel12:11
Virfinally found the problem: I used cgroups on that server before (for LXC) and had a line in /etc/fstab to mount it to /cgroups. Without this line the server can boot again.12:23
VirThis mount will be rather common on server installations - everybody that used LXC will have it.12:23
VirAll of those systems will break when they upgrade.12:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893550 in libcgroup "Oneiric fails to boot after upgrade from Natty if /etc/fstab contains a cgroup mount entry" [Undecided,New]12:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #893550 in libcgroup (universe) "Oneiric fails to boot after upgrade from Natty if /etc/fstab contains a cgroup mount entry" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89355012:46
koolhead17Vir, cool :)13:02
Virtook me ~4h to find this - I hope others won't need this long now13:02
koolhead17Vir, +113:03
koolhead17zul, hey13:35
mmcjiAt work I  have the job of installing several new dns servers.  These servers handle allot of dns traffic.  We already have an aging OpenBSD dns server, and several running on different versions of CentOS.  I have been using Ubuntu server for years at home and am more comfortable with it.  Is the default dns server that can be installed with ubuntu server suitable / secure for the enterprise environment.   Should it be chrooted?  I would rather use ubu13:37
mmcjintu, but I hae to make a case for it vs say OpenBSD.13:37
zulDaviey: the keystone SRU test can be found at ppa:zulcss/openstack-updates13:50
zulmorning btw13:50
koolhead17morning zul, is that pkg called python-crypto for keystone? You packaged recently13:51
Davieyjamespage: is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-cloud-image-testing full drafted?13:52
Davieyzul: great!13:52
zulkoolhead17: no python passlib13:52
Davieyjamespage: does https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-complex-deployment-testing need expanding?13:53
Davieyzul: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-openstack , some of the testing work items - should they be in the complex testing spec?13:54
zulDaviey: pehaps...yes13:54
Davieyzul: "Package weekly snapshots of" .. that probably needs to be split by week number, as it cannot be tracked currently.13:55
koolhead17zul, is python-passlib in some PPA >13:57
zulsame pps13:57
zulppa even13:57
Davieyzul: didn't that make it in as an SRU?13:59
zulDaviey: no it will when we upload keystone13:59
Davieyzul: is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-arm-deployment deprecated with the next steps blueprint?14:00
Davieyzul: probably wouldn't hurt for it to bake in th NEW queue first, as it'll require AA approval and SRU.14:00
zulpasslib has already made it in for precise at least14:01
Davieymight not need AA review then, i guess14:06
koolhead17zul, sorry to ask but python-passlib solves the deps for pycrypto?14:10
zulkoolhead17: it should...but what pycrypto stuff are you talking about?14:10
koolhead17zul, pycrypto is a package on which dashboard/quantum depands14:11
zulkoolhead17: sure we arent talking about dashboard/quantum we are talking about keystone14:12
koolhead17zul, oops. am doing both at the moment :P14:12
zulDaviey: spec updated14:13
koolhead17zul, am trying to get dashboard working on oneiric from source and there is new pkg/deps called pycrypto. I got the pkg from easy install14:14
zulkoolhead17: ah k14:14
koolhead17zul, am trying to get dash working by the time i get new keystone PPA :D14:15
Davieyzul: rocking14:15
mmcjiwhat version of bind9 is installed on ubuntu server 11.10?14:36
andolmmcji: 9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu4.114:37
mmcjiandol: thanks, how do I find the version you just gave me?  What command do I use?  Do you know if this version is susceptible to the recent 0-day bind vulnerability?14:39
rahmenHi! I'm not sure if this is more of a firewall problem. I've got a ubuntu server inside my network. I have an internal ip that works fine. On my firewall I try to redirect an external ip to the internal ip with NAT. When I ping I get 100% package loss. Do I have to enable the external ip somehow on the server? I was hoping it would answer as if it was an internal action14:42
jdstrandmmcji: bind9 is up to date as of last week: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1264-1/14:42
andolmcpanda: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9 or apt-cache policy bind9 or zless /usr/share/doc/bind9/changelog.Debian.gz14:42
mmcjiI just updated my dns server.14:45
mmcjiandol: thanks14:46
mmcjijdstrand: thanks14:46
JerryNJI need some assistance configuring LTSP if anyone can help. I know dhcpd is running atm and I need that turned off15:21
JerryNJbtw - im running Lucid with a single NIC15:21
SpamapSJerryNJ: man update-rc.d may be of help15:40
JerryNJrun that?15:41
JerryNJthat didnt do much exept explain the command15:42
azertyiihello there15:45
azertyiion hp server i can 't find /dev/sda15:46
azertyiiis that normal ?15:46
deej1976azertyii: cat /proc/partitions | pastebinit15:46
azertyiihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/746029/ deej197615:47
koolhead17grrrrrr http://pypi.python.org/ is taking break it seems15:48
koolhead17is it for others too?15:48
deej1976azertyii: Looks like cciss/c0d0 is your first disk15:49
azertyiiwhat ?15:49
azertyiihow it change the name ?15:49
azertyiiand also physically i just only have 2 physical disk, i can't understand why it gives 12 disk ?15:50
deej1976p1-11 are the paritions on the disks15:50
deej1976azertyii: It's got a raid controller15:52
deej1976azertyii: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit15:53
koolhead17why python-mysqldb not dependant on mysql-client ?16:04
hk720is there anybody know how to add /dev/parport016:05
azertyiiok understand deej197616:11
azertyiithanks a lot16:16
SpamapSkoolhead17: because python-mysqldb depends on libmysqlclient, mysql-client is the command line16:33
SpamapSkoolhead17: Depends: python2.7, python (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2), python (<< 2.8), libc6 (>= 2.4), libmysqlclient16 (>= 5.1.50-1)16:33
zulSpamapS: hey just to fyi php is going to ftbfs because of mysql is multiarch now16:35
smbhallyn, So about bug 607039. Just want to make sure I am doing the right things. I think you saw the problem on Oneiric, too. While it seems to work for me on that release. Just the time it takes to complete a cat after mounting is oddly high (doing a direct mount)16:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607039 in autofs5 "NFS4 automount using replicated servers doesn't work" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60703916:40
smbI used two VMs to test and have the nfs mount use a private net.16:41
hallynsmb, i've seen teh slow cat, i think on precise16:42
hallyndid i say in the bug that oneiric failed?  i can't recall offhand16:42
hallynbut at any rate, i think it's purely a nfs-client (userspace?) bug16:43
hallynuh, the outright failure that is16:43
hallynslow cat, might be somethign else16:43
smbhallyn, Hm, right I think I saw it there, too. But maybe less reliably. Yes, I think that is it16:43
hallyndo we have anyone specializing in nfs?16:43
smbNot that I know off my head16:43
hallynthen i guess it's us :)16:44
smbLikely :O)16:44
smbI was not sure whether it may or may not be related to the nfs4 kernel parts as well16:44
hallynanyway i don't mind looking more into it, but all i know right now is in the bug report.16:44
smbOk, just wanted to make sure I understand what exactly failed for you on oneiric16:45
hallynif you want to set up a time to look at it together we can try that16:45
hallynlemme re-read real quick16:45
smbBecause I seemed to be successful16:45
hallynah, i see, maybe i didn't try oneiric!16:46
smbOne confusing thing for me is that I thought with nfsv4 you would use / as the mount dir (which you set up with fsid=root in exports)16:47
hallynno idea16:47
hallynoh, right, 'mount -t nfs4' fails for me with -ENODEV on my oneiric laptop.16:47
hallynso id idn't try the whoel autofs setup as there was no point at that point16:48
smbAh ok16:48
hallynbound to fail :)16:48
smbYes, that I saw as well16:48
hallynso if you'd like to assign that to me i don't mind digging deeper.  But it wouldn't be right now.16:48
smbI think that was the same on precise16:48
hallynhm?  no it worked for me on precise16:48
smbhallyn, Ok, I think I will spend a bit more time on it and try to catch you tomorrow. Though it could be I am not around long enough... But I will put things into the report16:50
SpamapSzul: thanks for the heads up.. I expect a lot of FTBFS's ... I'll push it into my test PPA and hopefully have a fix on deck before the transition starts16:53
hallynsmb, thanks!16:55
SpamapSzul: note that 5.1 is multiarch now too. :)16:56
zulSpamapS: lovely16:56
smbhallyn, Grrr, it seems to be really unreliable. Right now direct mounts (not matter whether -t nfs or -t nfs4) work without any cat timeout. Looking at /proc/mounts there is no difference in option between -t nfs and nfs4. And I did not change anything...17:00
smb(oneiric that is)17:00
SpamapStwo weeks in a row I forgot that the meeting is now at 8:00am for me17:01
smbIt brings a new meaning to daylight saving... :)17:01
roaksoaxDaviey: so I fixed the cobbler lintian issues but lintian still complains17:56
roaksoaxDaviey: but I think its safe to ignore17:56
p1ruj3so when i install a printer and it does the search for a network printer it ends up adding the local machines ip to hosts.deny on my samba server... when i remove that entry and restart denyhosts service i still cant connect from local machine but if i reboot i can17:59
SpamapSroaksoax: curious what its complaints are? Seems like lintian just gets more and more annoying. ;)17:59
roaksoaxSpamapS: just about a license not having its paragraph18:00
SpamapSroaksoax: I have a fix for those18:00
SpamapSroaksoax: I think I wrote cobbler's copyright file.. and I used to write them wrong. ;)18:00
SpamapSroaksoax: branch?18:00
roaksoaxSpamapS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/746171/18:00
SpamapSroaksoax: yeah, you have to add a License: GPL-2 without a Files: attached to it18:01
roaksoaxSpamapS: lintian http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/746172/18:01
SpamapSroaksoax: or rather, License: GPL-2+18:02
SpamapSroaksoax: I had to do the same thing for mysql-5.518:02
roaksoaxSpamapS: right, but it is not complaining about others that are written the same18:02
roaksoaxSpamapS: it complains about paragraph13, and other above it have the same format18:02
roaksoaxand lintian does not complain about it18:02
roaksoaxthat's why I rearranged all the GPL-2+ one after the other cause the lintian complain is about one of them18:03
=== koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|away
roaksoaxah I think where the issue is now18:04
SpamapSroaksoax: you either have to have a paragraph after *every* mention of License: GPL-2+ , or a standalone License: GPL-2+ with no files attached to it that has the paragraph18:04
SpamapSroaksoax: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/precise/mysql-5.5/merge-from-ddebian/revision/4018:06
SpamapSroaksoax: see the change on copyright.. same exact issue18:06
roaksoaxlet me try it18:06
roaksoaxSpamapS: yep, now';s fixed18:08
roaksoaxSpamapS: thanks for the tip18:08
SpamapSroaksoax: any time I can give someone tips on how to fix a bug I created.. I'm fine with that. :)18:13
hallynstgraber, despite my assigning bug 893550 to you and asking for feedback, I think I'll go ahead and just make /etc/init/cgroup-lite.conf do a 'stop; exit 0' if it sees an (uncommented) cgroup entry in /etc/fstab18:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893550 in libcgroup "Oneiric fails to boot after upgrade from Natty if /etc/fstab contains a cgroup mount entry" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89355018:16
tarvidfreeradius and freeradius-dialupadmin do not play well together18:34
tarvidthe schema for freeradius defines a table radusergroup18:34
tarviddialupadmin looks for a table usergroup18:34
tarviddo I start patching dialupadmin?18:35
Nuc134rB0tHello I'm following the https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns-configuration.html at the moment I'm creating the db.192 as told, copying db.127  "sudo cp /etc/bind/db.127 /etc/bind/db.192" now, at the bottom of my db.127 there is a 1.0.0 IN PTR localhost. but in the example in the guide, you can see there is a 10 IN PTR ns.example.com. so what do I replace the 10 or 1.0.0 to? My local IP? My external IP?18:37
stgraberhallyn: sounds good18:41
tarvidNuc134rB0t, You could use a PTR record for every interface on your local lan18:46
tarvidreverse on the local lan is not a necessity but if can speed up operations that want to reverse things like arp18:47
mterryHey, server folk!  keystone is involved in a few component-mismatches: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt    Ideally two things would happen: (A) you guys start filing MIRs for the components you need in main (B) except for python-sqlite which will not enter main.  I can't seem to find anywhere in the code where you import it.  Is that a necessary depends at all?18:48
Nuc134rB0ttarvid, oh ok, so that means I will still broadcast my website if this is missed configured18:48
zulmterry: hi...keystone has a MIR that is process18:50
SpamapSzul: can you spare a panda board for me to do some test rebuilds of mysql 5.5 ?18:51
hallynstgraber, oh ffs, i guess libcgroup isn't in server set, i can't upload it18:51
SpamapSzul: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/85702840/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armel.mysql-5.5_5.5.17-4ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz  .. I'm guessing there will be more of these failures18:52
SpamapS(0 needs to be NULL, I think)18:52
hallynstgraber, would you have time to upload this?  (it's pretty trivial)  http://people.canonical.com/~serge/cgroup.debdiff18:52
tarvidNuc134rB0t, yes if it has a public ip address reachable from the Internet18:52
zulSpamapS:  you know there are porter machines right?18:52
zulSpamapS: yeah18:53
SpamapSthis is my first armel rodeo18:53
hallynjinkeys nautilus is really upset with me18:53
tarvidBut the forward file must work18:53
mterryzul, can you add its depends as tasks in that MIR?   Also, do you know the deal with python-sqlite in keystone?18:53
zulmterry:  it uses a database for a backend18:53
zulill check though18:54
Nuc134rB0ttarvid, it does so far, but I'm following the whole guide to see if it is possible to change the IP for a decent domain name.18:54
mterryI couldn't grep for the import anywhere18:54
zulmterry: grrr18:54
tarvidNuc134rB0t, your IP is issued by your ISP and your domain name must be registered, are you dynamically assigned (DHCP)?18:55
Nuc134rB0ttarvid, yes I am.18:56
micahghallyn: it's in universe still18:58
tarvidYou can't run DNS on a dynamic address so relax and find a workaround, http://dyn.com has worked for me18:58
hallynmicahg, oh, i didn't realize server set was restricted to things in main.  drat.  thanks.18:59
micahghallyn: AFAIK, it's auto-generated from the seed19:00
tarvidIt looks like they want money now so you may have to look around19:00
hallynzoneedit has worked for me for years19:01
tarvidMy free account still works19:01
hallynmicahg, thx19:01
Nuc134rB0ttarvid, oh!... I'll have to look for a service a can pay with local coin because I don't have easy access to dollars19:01
Nuc134rB0ttarvid, by the way, thanks.19:02
tarvidYou are welcome. There are many dyndns providers. They accept updates from your interface when DHCP changes19:04
hallyndoes anyone here have an amd box on which they could try kvm of 64-bit linux on top of oneiric?19:04
tarvidrunning 11.10 on 11.10 with virtualbox19:05
PedroGomesHi, I'm trying to do an unattended install ubuntu with PXE but it stops saying that the hardware needs non-free firmaware. Any advice in how to avoid this ?19:06
SpamapSPedroGomes: there's a pre-seed option you can fill in that will answer that question19:08
genii-aroundLike a post-install directive that installs whatever non-free package to /target19:09
PedroGomeserr, the problem is that it says that the file must be loaded from somewhere else19:10
PedroGomesbut the pre-seed option would do the trick19:11
PedroGomesI guess I have no means of avoiding the pxe templates  :P19:12
=== PedroGomes__ is now known as PedroGomes
RoAkSoAxDaviey: adam_g should we drop the import of Hardy by orchestra-import-isos?19:35
SpamapScan we even install hardy?19:37
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: I think as long as its supported our releases should support installing it.19:38
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: ok ;)19:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #893735 in openssh (main) "native support for X.509 v3 certificates in openssh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89373519:55
DavieyRoAkSoAx: yeah, agree with SpamapS20:07
DavieyRoAkSoAx: Is there something we can do to allow the admin to add future releases themselves?20:11
DavieyIt would kinda suck to SRU a "enable new release".20:11
koolhead17zul: are you looking for someone to test the newly built keystone PPA20:13
sorenDaviey: We do it all the time for debootstrap.20:14
Davieysoren: Yes, but this has added complexity.20:15
DavieyIf debootstrap SRU fails, we hinder a developer, right?20:16
DavieyIf orchestra SRU fails... :)20:16
RoAkSoAxDaviey: cobbler-ubuntu-import20:16
DavieyRoAkSoAx: you think it will be ok to do that?20:17
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yeah smoser adding cobbler-ubuntu-import to cobbler last cycle20:17
Davieysoren: Well if the TB supports doing that, we'll do it :)20:17
sorenDaviey: If there's complexity involved, I wonder how you'd anticipate said complexity (to avoid the SRU).20:17
RoAkSoAxDaviey: and you can import a new release by simply: cobbler-ubuntu-import precise-i38620:17
adam_gor by adding it to RELEASES in /etc/orchestra/import_isos20:21
adam_gbut new releases also need to be added to cobbler, otherwise the end up as unknown distro "breeds"20:22
raubvogelCan anyone explain me the deal with How is it used? Must I have the hostname for a machine using dhcp associated with that IP always?20:43
RoAkSoAxraubvogel: is an IP address reserved to identify the network card20:44
RoAkSoAxraubvogel: or localhost20:44
raubvogelRoAkSoAx: I thought that was
RoAkSoAxraubvogel: its for the localhost20:46
=== iceflatline is now known as Guest26953
RoAkSoAxraubvogel: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch05.en.html#_the_hostname_resolution20:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #436947 in euca2ools "If volume creation fails, euca-create-volume shows "None"" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43694721:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #440744 in eucalyptus "External command failure not handled correctly in some cases" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44074421:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #444747 in euca2ools "help message for euca-bundle-vol shows "ec2cert_path"" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44474721:12
raubvogelRoAkSoAx: I do not remember seeing that in, say, centos. I would have expected to have the machine's IP with the FQDN but I see the reasoning behind that. It almost works as the Solaris hostname.interface21:18
RoAkSoAxraubvogel: debian specific21:20
semiosisi'm following the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Images to run an Oneiric cloud image KVM guest on my local Oneiric workstation, but I am getting access denied with the ubuntu/passw0rd credentials from those instructions.  please help21:20
RoAkSoAxsemiosis: ubuntu/ubuntu?21:20
semiosisubuntu/password also denied21:21
semiosisis there a more recommended way of running a VM on my workstation than this?21:21
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ^^21:22
semiosisinstructions seem straightforward enough, but then the cloudimage denies me21:22
semiosisthanks RoAkSoAx21:22
RoAkSoAxsemiosis: he would be able to help you ;)21:22
semiosissmoser is a legend :)21:23
=== iceflatline is now known as Guest32425
DavieyDoes someone want to rebase, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/2011.3-0ubuntu6.1 for SRU?21:47
Daviey(it was superseeded by a security upload)21:48
DavieyHmm, although, it might need merging with https://launchpad.net/~zulcss/+archive/openstack-updates/+sourcepub/2080480/+listing-archive-extra21:49
Davieyprobably best wait for zul.21:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #893786 in cloud-init (main) "mount option can`t set permissions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89378621:55
UrsinhaDaviey: hellooooooooooo21:57
Ursinhawhen should I expect you to be free? It's pretty late for you, isn't it?21:57
Davieyhey Ursinha21:57
koolhead17Ursinha: hellos21:58
DavieyYeah, what time are you likely going to be online tomorrow?  UTC?21:59
Ursinhahello koolhead1722:00
UrsinhaDaviey: let me do the maths22:00
UrsinhaDaviey: 15utc22:00
DavieyUrsinha: ok, thanks22:03
=== koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|zzZZ
keesSpamapS: okay, I've got a funny one for you. in oneiric, my desktop was hitting the "waiting for networks" thing. I had two left over "auto" entries that weren't present on the system any more (from a USB dongle). eth5 and eth5.3 (vlan on eth5). for some reason, /var/run/ifup.eth5 exists, but not ifup.eth5.3 :P23:25
lenioskees, oh, i have the "waiting for network", is it because of the auto on unused interfaces?23:37
leniosi'll need to test tomorrow23:38
leniosi had no problem with 11.04 though23:39
keeslenios_: right, it means that something from /etc/network/interfaces that is marked "auto" has not come up yet.23:51
twbOr "allow-auto", for which auto is only shorthand23:53

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