
jthanwake up. . .03:10
rmg51morning JonathanD10:50
JonathanDhey rmg5110:52
JonathanDWhats up?11:18
rmg51just going through my usual morning routine11:19
waltmanRumor has it it's morning.12:29
JonathanDSo it is.12:52
InHisNamemorn, gents13:29
InHisNametelnet localhost               Trying                                  telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused                   ---->Where to look for how it is shut off ?13:30
jedijftelnet localhost <port#>13:51
InHisNameYea, tried that as in above13:51
jedijfso 23 is closed13:51
jedijfnetstat -plant13:52
jedijfto see what is open and listening/waiting13:52
InHisNameSo where to look to open it.  OK i'll run that13:52
jedijfstart the service doh13:52
InHisNameis it supposed to be in /etc/inti.d/  ?13:54
InHisNameif so under what name ?13:54
jedijfight havbe==e to install it...telnetd13:56
jedijfmight have to install telnetd13:57
InHisNameOk, that might explain a lot.13:57
InHisNameI'll skip that step.  Saves space.   Check my asterisk ti see if it has a telnet running.13:58
InHisNameonly ssh13:59
jedijfyou can telnet to that14:01
jedijfif you just want to telnet to something14:01
InHisName'k I'll try it.14:01
jedijfjust to verify its open and a little banner grab14:02
InHisNameprotocol mismatch14:03
jedijfone is telnet, the other ssh ;)14:04
InHisName- S (tos)   type of service ?14:05
jedijfwhat are you wanting to do? just install and start telnetd if you want to telnet14:06
InHisNameTesting a script,   I might just get by using ssh instead of telnet for the test and development.14:07
jedijfprobably not, just install telnetd14:09
Adommorning everyone.14:37
InHisNamemorning Adom14:37
Adomanyone know how to put a watch "command" (with double quotes) in an alias?14:37
Adomalias myalias="watch "echo 'something' && commandthatoutputssomething && echo 'somethingelse'" <--doesnt work14:39
Adomcuz of the double quotes14:39
InHisNameFor nesting three layers deep, I might have used / or \ as third quote char.14:40
InHisNameI'd have to dive into deep history of my notes to find what I really did.14:41
Adomdont bother. its not that important, just something was wondering. the alias itself isnt important.14:41
ChinnoDogI wish I could configure the swappiness in Windows16:03
InHisNameAre there differences on how text is sent by diff telnet sessions ?16:27
InHisNameI have one that one where a waitfor('text'); command sees the texts and works.16:28
InHisNameAnother site, the waitfor('text'); times out.   Manually checking each site, they BOTH throw their respective texts back to me.   Are they sent differently so that the waitfor is confused and times out in one of the examples?16:30
MutantTurkeydifferent sessions != different text.16:37
InHisNamewhat's on 2nd16:37
MutantTurkeywhats on second.16:37
InHisNamediff sessions ==> diff telnet sites16:38
InHisNametherefore diff text16:38
MutantTurkeywell if there is different texts, whats the question?16:39
InHisNameone is public at  telnet rainmaker.wunderground.com    enter,   BRD, to see Brainard MN.   The other is in my network at
MutantTurkeypffft who uses telnet anyway16:40
MutantTurkeyreal men use netcat.16:40
InHisNameThe public works great with this scraper software.   The private one isn't playing fair.16:41
InHisNameIts for monitoring software to monitor devices status and report conditions.   I am checking device if it is registered with VoIP provider.   Telnet is easy way to get that status, so I thought.16:42
ChinnoDogsup lamalex16:56
InHisNameI found example using the telnet scraper and accessing ssh.  It uses a 2 stage process to get it all.  Trying to make that work and understand it.   May work for my 'funny' telnet session.16:58
InHisNameWhere is the RSA stuff kept when one uses ssh for first time ?   I want to see first time prompt again.  So I need to remove something.17:29
Adomso, my pc is playing music right now, and i dont know where from. i have a bunch of firefox windows/tabs open, but i cant find which page is the culprit, or if banshee or my google music frame is acting weird...19:51
Adomanyway to find out where audio is coming from? like something on the command line?19:51
Adomfound it19:53
Adomwas an autoloaded youtube vid embeded on a page. sneaky.19:53
EvilResistancepleia2, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OPEN UP ANY EMAILS FROM trekcaptainusa.tw@gmail.com!20:18
EvilResistanceit got hacked20:18
pleia2EvilResistance: I noticed20:18
EvilResistancepleia2, i've already dumped /dev/urandom into the passcode field20:18
EvilResistanceso the likelihood it gets hacked again is extraordinarily low20:19
ChinnoDogThat could make it hard to remember your password20:21
EvilResistanceChinnoDog, yes, i know, but i dumped the passcode into a text file first ;P20:22
EvilResistanceso its on this machine20:22
EvilResistancewhich hasnt been turned on in 6 months20:22
EvilResistancepleia2, i enabled 2 step auth20:37
EvilResistanceon google20:37
EvilResistanceplease do me a favor and contact mark@ubuntu regarding this...20:37
EvilResistancehe might've been hit by the email spam20:37
EvilResistancesince he was in one of the emails you sent me20:37
pleia2I think he's clever enough to ignore junk mail :)20:37
pleia2(I knew what it was when I saw it, he should too!)20:38
EvilResistanceyeah well this spam script cleverly disguised the junk20:38
EvilResistancein some of the emails of course20:38
EvilResistancebut in any case20:38
EvilResistancethere's dedicated codes for each application i use20:38
EvilResistanceso i can just go in and be like GO TO HELL and remove an application's access20:38
Sadinhey pleia2 you can add people to the planet right?20:42
Sadini got new hosting so my url and stuff is different could you remove my old blog and add my new feed if its not to much trouble20:42
pleia2Sadin: yeah, what's your rss feed url?20:42
Sadinone sec20:42
Sadinpleia2 http://sadin.dallbee.com/?feed=rss220:46
Sadinsorry for the wait20:46
pleia2ok, it'll update the next time the cron job runs20:48
Adomanyone know of a terminal-based chat program that supports Facebook chat? i know it sounds crazy, but id REALLY like one.21:53
JonathanDfacebook supports XMPP21:54
JonathanDtahts a bad thing?21:55
ChinnoDogbitlbee supports facebook chat21:55
* Adom doesn't know how to use xmpp.21:55
Adombitlbee does?21:55
JonathanDwell yeah, via bitlbee21:55
JonathanDbitlbee does XMPP21:55
JonathanDtherefore, facebook.21:55
Adomwell alrightly21:55
JonathanDAdom: http://wiki.bitlbee.org/HowtoFacebook21:55
ChinnoDogBut there is a caveat that I haven't taken the time to work around. I don't know how to pass their capcha21:55
Adomsweet, another project to absorp my nonexistent time21:55
Adomthanks for link21:57
EvilResistanceif anyone got spammed by my emails, including the mailing lists, can someone do me a favor and fix any blocks or what not?21:58
EvilResistancebecause that was hackers21:58
jedijfpleia2: forward me your viagara coupon22:14
jedijfnm, referring to EvilResistance spam23:52

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